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03x03 - Man's Best Friend

Posted: 10/20/09 11:56
by bunniefuu
Lou: Previously on "Heartland:"

Amy: Hey! Ty: Hey, how's it goin'?

I could use, uh, 15 more minutes.

Ty: You don't got it.

So, who's next?

(Water splashing)


He still hasn't called.


Who do you think? Peter!

Have you tried calling him?


I don't wanna seem desperate!

Ty: You lied to her! You took her mom's money, and now you won't even fix her hot water heater.

Just keep it up, man.

You're never gonna get your trailer back.

We were married a lot of years, we spent our honeymoon right here.

And then uh, then after her funeral, I, I spread her ashes in the river.

That sounds like quite a love affair.

(Country music playing)

I love this song.

Jack: Your gramma could sing, that's for sure.

(Birds chirping)

(Car rumbles)

Jack: It's fine, Lou.

I don't have to be perfect.

Just hold still.

I'll be sittin' still on a hard bench for the next two or more hours.

I barely know these people, why don't they just elope or something?

Lisa: Hello!

(Screen door slams)

Ohhh... whoa!

Don't you look nice!

And don't you look handsome!

I love your outfit, Lisa.

Nothing like it.

You ready?

Got the car all washed, warmed up.


Warmed up?

It's not the middle of winter! (Chuckling)

No, I just mean...

Going to a wedding, take my car?

Jack: What? My truck can't go to a wedding?

For your information, I just washed and polished it.

I also vacuumed it, specially, so you wouldn't get any dirt on that beautiful new suit of yours.

Okay, then. Your truck it is.

(Keys rasp and jangle)

(Horn honks)

Jack: See ya'! Lisa: Bye!

Mallory: Amy!

Amy, have you seen Kramer?


Jake's new cow pony. He escaped.

Mallory: For like the 15th time!

He jumped over the paddock fence and took off.

You need to help us find him!

Well, I'm kinda busy with Duke right now!

Amy! This is important!

Well, so is this! This poor horse is grieving.


Amy: Yes! His stable-mate died a month or so ago, and he hasn't gotten over it.

So I'm tryin' to set him up with Pegasus, see if he'll be friends.

Mallory: There's Caleb. He'll help us.


Caleb! Hey! Caleb, wait up!

Good. I know.

I got a treat for 'ya.

You want this?

(Duke nickers)

Lou: So, you get in Friday.

You sure?

(Computer beeps)

You too.

Okay. Bye.

Oh! Wow.

Paying bills, and carrying on a romantic phone call, all at the same time?

That's multi-tasking at its finest!

I'm so excited, Peter's coming in this weekend, and we have the whole dude ranch to ourselves, so I figured we'd go for a trail ride, grill up some barbeque, um...

You really have to watch this whole social director control freak thing. Okay?

Just have dinner and let it go from there!

Yeah, and since when are you the romance guru?

Oh, since I learned from your mistakes.

Ha ha.

Amy: I'm serious, though.

You don't have to plan every minute.

Lou: Okay.

I'm excited to see him, obviously, but...

It's been like, a month.

And I don't know...

What if it's awkward?

It won't be.

It'll be great!


(Truck rumbles)

(Engine coughs and splutters)

(Grinding noises)

(Loud grinding noise)


(Furious hiss)

Uh, we need to figure out the schedule.

Figure out which horses you wanna take on; Which you don't.

Get your priorities straight.

(Sighs) Okay.

Right now, my priority is the end of School Formal.


Yeah. I haven't had a whole lot of time to shop for a dress.

So, can I look through your closet?

(Clicks tongue)

Are you uh, taking Ty?

(Sighs) Yes!

Yeah, I'm actually really excited.


Ty: Hey.

(Giggling) Hey! Uh, where were you?

I was looking for you earlier.

I was just in town to get some stuff.

Some stuff in town? Did you get a suit?

A suit?

For the dance.

Oh! No, but I mean, I got loads of time to do that, so.

You only have a week.

It's this Saturday?


Oh, I thought it was next Saturday.

Um... okay, yeah, I'll do it.

"Where were you?

Did you get a suit? Where've you been?"

Now who's the control freak?

(Steam hisses)

Aw jeez.

Probably the water pump, (Sighs)

Or the... thermostat or somethin'.

All right.

I'll call my mechanic.

(Button beeps)

(Phone beeps)

No signal.

Oh! And look at the time!

(Takes a deep breath)

We're gonna miss the ceremony!

I swear this truck knew!

Jack: Knew what?

Knew you didn't wanna go to this wedding, so it just up and died!

So now my truck's capable of ESP?

Oh, so you're saying you didn't wanna go to the wedding!

Not even denying it!

That's not what I said!

Oh. Oh!

Oh, no...

Oh, no!!

Oh, Jack!

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

(Horse pants and snorts)

There he is!


(Horses panting and grunting)

I got him!

(Horse breathes heavier)

Jake: Aw!

Caleb: I'll get him!

(Racing hoof beats)

(Lasso whooshes)

(Grunt of effort)

Caleb: Hey! Hey, Ash!


How's the car running?


And the roof? Is it still leaking?

Yep! (Sighs)

Caleb: I could come over Saturday night and fix it.

Mm... not doable.

It's the Formal on Saturday night.

Big date!

I wonder who she's going with?

(Car rumbles)

Poor sucker.

(Truck rumbles up)

(Truck door opens and slams)

What happened?

Did you miss the wedding?

(Pained grunt)
Yes, we certainly did!

Well, we could still make the reception!

Like this?

By the time I get home and change, it'll be over.

It was a luncheon!

(Tow truck clanks andququeaks) Jack: Oh, be... jeez!

Be careful there!

You got a mark right there!

If you can see through all the rust!

Jack: Thanks.

Lisa: (Deep sigh)
Well, that's pretty.

Oh, thanks. It's Lou's.

I'm, uh... borrowing it for the Formal.

Needs a little shortening.

I told you!

Forget it!

(Scuffs and slaps money over)

Man: Thanks, Jack.

(Door bangs)

Jack: Ty! Could you take a look at this?

The guy at the garage gave it a clean bill of health just the other day, and now, it's overheating. I think.

Just sh**t it, Jack!

Put it out of its misery!

My sentiments exactly!


Jack: Lise...

I'm sorry!

(Slams door)

(Sighs) I have to find a date for the Formal.

Why? I thought you said you didn't want to go!

I don't! But I told Caleb that I have a date!

Why would you do that?

Because he wanted to come over on Saturday night, and I wanted to be busy.

Or at least make him think I was.

That's so cute.

You do care!

Hey, can you ask your mom to advance me a few weeks salary so that I can buy a dress?

You have a closet full of dresses.

Yeah, but I've worn them all!

Okay, I do have closets full of dresses, but they're at my mom's house.

And I don't want to go there!

Aren't you forgetting you need more than a dress?

It's called a date!

(Door opens)

Like that's gonna be a problem!



I'm Ashley, and I'll be your server today, is there... anything I can get you?

(Sets down water glass)

Anything at all?


(Bang) Aw!

Amy: Oh!

(Hiss of pain)

Um, can you be honest with me?

Are you looking forward to this dance?

Because we don't have to go if you don't want to.


No, I mean it!

(Struggling) It's your end of school dance, Amy.

Of course you should go.

Well, yeah, of course I should go, but you're not answering my question.

(Impatient sigh)
What was your question?

(Truck ignition grinding)

Do you wanna go?

(Engine turns over)
Yes! I rock!

(Backfires and dies)
Oh, no!



So, do you?

Yeah. Yes.

Of course I do.


Aw, grandpa, no one keeps a truck that long.

Jack: Oh yeah you do, if it still runs.

(Truck starts)


(Truck creaks)


Good as new.

Oh, good for you, man.

Take her for a spin, charge up the battery.

It's not the battery, Jack.

It's everything else under the hood.

Your truck is dying a slow and horrible death.

Oh, the hell it is!

(Truck rumbles)


Ask her!

I know you're real busy Amy, but can you possibly find time in your schedule to work with Kramer?

Maybe, help him understand that it isn't such a good idea to jump fences and run away all the time?

Mallory: You have to, Amy.

Jake's parents are threatening to sell Kramer, if he doesn't stop escaping.



Kramer, you're a good lookin' boy, aren'tcha?


You see how his ears are wide at the base and the top?

Well, it means that he's got loads of energy, and will seize the moment, given the chance.

Yeah. To escape!


Amy: Hey, Duke!


Huh! You like him, don't you?

(Both horses snort)

Good boy!

Here you go!


You know, that is the first horse that Duke has paid any attention to since he's been here.

He might be just the thing to coax Duke out of his little mood.

You think?


How about I agree to take on your fence jumper--

But I... I can't afford to pay you much.

Oh! You know what?

Forget it. He's helping me out with Duke anyway, so, no pay is necessary.

(Hawk screeches)

(Heavy sigh)

(Steam hisses)

(Ticking sound)

(Wind blows)

Grandpa, I know you love your truck.

But you have to admit, it's been letting you down lately.

And costing you a fortune!

We're just saying, maybe it's time.

To trade it in!

While you can still drive it to the dealership.

Look, before you guys make the big mistake of thinking this is you decision to make and not mine, how about some dessert?

Ty: Jack, you gotta face facts.

Why don't you come into town with me tomorrow, and just look at some new trucks.

Amy: Yeah! Look, right?

There's no harm in looking.

Yeah. No one's saying you have to buy anything.

(Dishes clatter)

So, that was a baby step in the right direction.


I'll believe it when I see it.

So... Hudson High Formal?


Amy's really excited.

She's really looking forward to it.

I know. Uh...


The thing is, um... the dance, I'm not so sure that I...

Aw, forget it.
(Nervous laugh)


No, it... it's nothing. It's stupid.


No, what's wrong?

Well, there's a few things. But...

Like what?

Like, I can't dance!

You've come to the right girl.

(Relieved sigh)

All right!

I got ya.

This little honey, very popular with the ranchers.

It's practical, and it's solid.

Jack: (Laughing) Oh, it's the worst colour I ever saw!

Lisa: Jack, it comes in other colours.

Jeez! Is...

Is this the price, or the serial number?

That's the base price, yes.

Base price?

I should get a whole fleet of trucks for that price!

Okay, Jack.

Listen, my dad ran this lot for a lot of years, and I know you and him go way back, so...

I think I got a truck that I know you're gonna love.

And it's a great deal!

So, it's a demo, and the new models are comin' in, so I can let you have it for a really great price.

(Ripping sound)

There you go.

Ha! That's your "really great" price?

Ah, but we can talk!

I'll think about it.


Lisa: What is the matter?

Rule number one, you can't make a deal first time around, you gotta keep these sales guys nervous about their commission!

This has nothing to do with keeping the salesman nervous.

You simply don't wanna buy a new truck.

Even though this one does nothing but frustrate you!

What is it about this truck that you can't bear to part with?

(Takes a deep breath)

He ate all his food this morning.

That's a first.

He found a new best friend!

I found out why.

I called the owners, and it turns out that his old best friend was a black and white paint just like Kramer!

Oh, that's so weird.

Well, it makes sense, right?

(Door creaks)

Hey! Where are you going?

I'll be back soon.

Is there something going on with Ty?

How would I know?

Well, because you usually know everything.

What I do know is Ashley's going to the Formal, and her date is really cute, and really rich.

He goes to some private school.

Frat boy.

Frat boy.

I know if you had any guts you would have asked her first.

And she would've said yes.

I admit, it boggles the mind, but she would have.

How do you know that, huh?

A woman knows.

Ty: Now, look at this one.

You got leather seats, air conditioning, GPS.

Juke box player.

Like I'd ever use that.

Well, I'll use it, Jack.

Like I'd ever let you drive it!

So, Grandpa...

So, grandpa what?

So, if you're already possessive about who gets to drive it, you may actually be considering it, right?


Well, I think you're making the right decision.

There is no decision!

Come on, Grandpa!

I man, it's about time we sprung for a new truck.

What .... what if Amy and I were driving the other one and it stalled out in the middle of nowhere?

Yes! In the middle of the night with coyotes howling...

Lou: Yeah, and grizzly bears circling around.

I'm going to bed.


Well, I think progress is being made here.

You wanna watch a movie?

I'm... pretty wiped.

Amy: C'mon!

I gotta get some sleep.

But I'll see you in the morning.


Night, Lou.

Lou: Night.

(Blows out breath)

(Keys rasp)
And where are you going?

Uh, dude ranch.

Gotta lock up.

Lou: Okay, you gotta loosen up.

(Slow song playing)

Okay. 1, 2, 3...

1, 2. Okay. Look up!

Slide your feet.

Take little steps, that way, you're less likely... Ow!

Step on my toe!

Ow. - Sorry!

Okay. No, it's okay.

Look, um. This... I'm sorry.

This isn't gonna work.

Uh, it's a bit more complicated...

It's really not complicated, it's not.

It's just 1, 2, 3, what?

It's a school dance.

I'm what... how many years older than anyone else there.

Me and high school, it's just...

It's not a good fit.

What if I embarrass the hell out of Amy?

I don't wanna ruin it for her!

I wanted this to be a good night.

I want... (Sighs)


In case you haven't noticed, my sister adores you.

You're not gonna ruin it for her, okay?

You guys have something so... great.

So simple, I...

I wish I could have what you guys have.

I'm jealous!


Don't worry.

Come on! Let's try it again.

Come on!

Okay, okay, okay.

1, 2, 3, 1...

You know what?
(Half laughs)

I'm sorry, I can't do this.

Yes, you can!

Thanks, but...

It's not gonna work.

Lou: Ty!

(Door shuts)

Mike, I've never had a car loan in my life.

I'm a little nervous about the whole idea.

We'll have a coffee, and talk about it.

I'm glad you came to see me.


You've got nothing to worry about.


I know you're a "cash on the line" kind of guy, but most people do get a loan when they buy a vehicle.

You need a truck, right?


And you have a decent down payment?

Oh, yeah.

And you can't deny, you got some pretty good years outta your old one.


So, if you think it's time for a change, I'm sure we can work something out that you'll be comfortable with.

Dwayne: You've made the right decision, Jack.

You got a sweet deal with the $1000 you got for your old truck on trade in.

Yeah, sweet deal, sure, it's worth a hell of a lot more than that!


Well, he's just gonna turn around and sell it for three times as much!

No way!

We're not makin' a cent on that thing, it's goin' to truck heaven.

(Truck rumbles and squeaks)

New beginnings.

(Truck rumbles)

Ty: It's pretty cool, Jack!


This is awesome!

Oh Lou, it evens smells like new car.

(Sniffs deeply)

Grandpa! This is great!

Good for you.

He drove a very hard bargain.

You would've been impressed.

Didn't 'ya?

(Truck door slams)

(Imitating Jack)

(Ty laughs)


(Wind blowing)

(Door slams)

Hey! So, Grandpa's had that truck for what, four days, and he finally let me drive it.

I had to pry the keys out of his hands!

Oh! Ty, it is so cool!

That stereo, awesome!

I was, thinkin' maybe you could ask him to borrow it for the dance?

Um... look, Amy.

I'm not so sure it's such a good idea that-


Ty, it'll be great! You just ask him, right?

What's the worst that can happen?

He'll say no?

Ddo you think maybe you could help me you could help me take the horses out?


I can't. I got some stuff to do.

Like what?

I uhhh...

Gotta pick up my suit!

Oh. Okay.

Can't wait to see you in it.

I'll see you.


(Grunts of effort)

Amy changed the damn seat settings, I can't get it back to where I want it.

(Stifles a laugh)

Here, Jack. Don't touch it.

Here, let me do it.

I got it!

Here, don't just...



Well, that's not it.

(Grunts) I might as well take a nap!


How's that?

Well, I need more leg room.

God. Could these seats be any harder?


This is... Can't rest my...

Knocked my hat clean off!

(Slams door) You'll get used to it, Jack.

It's good to try new things.

Well, you're one to talk.

Your truck's older than mine was!

That's different!

Well, how is it different?

Ty: Mine's a classic.

And mine wasn't?

(Truck door opens)

(Truck door slams and ignition turns over)

Mine still runs.

(Truck rumbles away)




That trailer?

It's in my best interest to fix it, since it is still, after all, my trailer.

If the roof keeps leaking, it's gonna rot the floor.

Well, it's too late.

I already bought carpeting to cover the holes that were already there. Oh!!

Remind me to send you the bill.


But I'm fixing it tomorrow night.

It's even better if you're out.

Mm, that's not gonna work.

I mean, what if I wanna bring a friend back?

You know...

After the dance.

If you're trying to make me jealous Ashley, it's not gonna work.

I could care less if you're jealous.


I'm not jealous!

Bottom line.

I want my trailer back, with or without a leaky roof.

The sooner you're out, the better.

Well, I'm not going anywhere.
(Horses snort and chew)

Why are they separated?

Well, Duke's actually starting to socialize with other horses now, so I'm encouraging it.

What about Kramer's crazy habit?

Amy: You know, he's actually been totally fine since he's been here.

Maybe it was just a phase he was going through.

(Whinnys loudly)

(Thunderi hoof beats)



Jake: There.

That's what he does.

That was.

He's a natural born jumper!

That was amazing!

How's that beautiful new truck of yours?

(Takes a breath)

Know what I think we should do?

I think we should take I on a road trip.

I hear there's a brand new restaurant up near Lake Louise it's getting rave reviews.

What do you think about that?

What's wrong?

No, nothing's wrong.


The truck. I hate the truck.

I hate the way it feels, I hate that a computer controls every damn thing in it, I hate that I can't feel any bumps in the road--

No bumps is supposed to be a good thing.

It's supposed to be a truck, not a... damn hearse!

A hearse?

They can keep their "smooth" ride.

It's not like you didn't test drive it.

Oh, you can't tell anything on a test drive!

The sales guy's sittin' right there next to me, yappin' the whole time, it all happened too fast.

It didn't happen that fast!

Not to mention all the pressure I got from...

From who?

From me? You got pressure from me?

Yes, I got pressure from you and I got pressure from everybody else!

(Sighs) I guess we were pressuring you, but Jack, you know what?

The old truck was done.

You had to do something!

I mean...

Take this truck out on the road, drive it, and give it a chance!

You know, that's a damn good idea.


Where are you going?

Fishing cabin.

I need some fresh air.

It's sad. That's what it is.

It's their first real fight.

Well, Jack's stubborn.

If he doesn't want to do something, he's gonna make everyone else's life miserable. (Scoffs)

Well, most men don't like change.

You know, I don't know why we put up with you!

We'd be better off without them.

(Dog growls)

Lou: Max! Buddy, hi!

Ty: Hey, Peter.


Peter: Hey!

Mm! (Smooch) Mm!


Yup. She'd be better off without them... (Laughs)

(Truck rumbles)

(Gravel crunches)

(Truck door slams)

(Latch clicks)

I'm kind of surprised Grandpa isn't back yet.

I guess he just needed to get away.

So, your new suit? Can I see it?

Not now!
(laughs nervously)

Why not?

Why? I gotta go out!

You're always going out!

Talk about Grandpa not wanting to do something And making life miserable!

What's that supposed to mean?

The dance.

You don't wanna go to the dance.

Amy, I...

You've been avoiding talking about it all week, And on top of that, you've been bailing on me!

I've just had some stuff to do, that's...

What stuff?!

You know, stuff. I, I...

You just... You make me really mad sometimes. I...

Amy, look

(feed shovel thumps)

(oats clatter)

(phone rings)

(button beeps)

Hi Lisa.

(takes a deep breath)
No, he's still not back yet.


Yeah, yeah.

Come on over. I'm...

I'm feeling a bit ditched myself.

(sighs nervously)
Do you want some wine?


Hey. So, here's the plan.

I was thinking we could BBQ some steaks, and then go for a moonlight canoe ride?


If you don't wanna... go for a canoe ride, we could um... just chill out on the dock, Or... hey! I've got Scrabble!

Do you play Scrabble?

I got a few...

Sure, Scrabble's fine...

I think I have it.

(knocking on door) (Max growls)

Oh. Just one second.

Hey, Lou.

Hey... so I changed my mind.

I think we need to do this.

(Max whines)


Hey! Uh...

Sorry, this is a bad time, right?

I'll go.

No, no.

It's um... It's a good time.

Good time for what?

Uh, my dance lesson.

Dance lesson?!!



I should never have been the one to suggest that Jack get a new truck.

I certainly shouldn't have dragged him to the dealership!

Well, (sighs)

I should've never pushed Ty so hard about the dance I mean, it pretty much turned him off the whole thing!

You know, I could've waited until that old truck broke down, and he was stranded by himself, and he would've come to the conclusion on his own.

But why does he have to be disappearing all the time?

All mysterious...

And why did he have to take off?

We could've just discussed it! I mean...

Guys make me so crazy!

They're just so...

Amy and Lisa: Stubborn!

Yes! They are!

I know.

You're still gonna go to the dance, aren't you?

Oh, I don't know.


Hold on.

This is gonna decide it.

I hope.

A little something for you.

(Lid thuds)

(Tissue rustles)


You've gotta be kidding me!



This is beautiful!

I got it in Paris on sale, and I just... I saw it on you, and I should've waited for your birthday, but I think you might wanna wear it to the dance.

Um, yeah!

This is...
(Both giggling)

This is pretty much the best dress I've ever and will ever have. Thank you!


Wow! You're amazing!

I'm glad someone thinks so!

(Lyndy Bartlett album playing) ♪ in the morning ♪
♪ when I awake, dear ♪
♪ I feel a cold fear ♪
♪ I'm such a fool ♪
♪ when I'm sleepin'♪
♪ I'm only dreamin' ♪
♪ that I'm dreamin' only ♪
♪ of precious you ♪

1, 2, 3...

Chin up!


Please don't tell Amy about this, okay?

(Lou laughs)
I promise.

Now. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, break, 2, 3, (laughing)
I got it!

Good! Much better!

Now, relax!

And don't let me lead! You're letting me lead!

Well, that's easier said than done, isn't it?!

(Peter and Ty laugh)

Lou: Just relax. Sorry partner, I'm gonna have to cut in here, you know how it is.

(Lou and Ty laugh)

Go ahead!



(Flirty giggle)


Ty: All right, all right, all right.

Enough of this. Let me... Let me cut back in.

All right, it's fine.

Oh, no! C'mon, now!

(Ty laughs)

(All laughing)

(Max howling)

(Birds chirp, creek babbles)

(Chords strumming)

♪ In the morning ♪
♪ when I awake, dear ♪
♪ I feel a cold fear ♪
♪ I'm such a fool ♪
♪ when I'm sleepin' ♪
♪ I'm only dreamin' ♪
♪ that I'm dreamin' only ♪
♪ of precious you ♪

Jack: Lyndy?

Thought you'd never wake up!

♪... the nighttime♪
♪ the dark the right time ♪
♪ becomes the light time ♪
♪ those rivers flow ♪
♪ those rivers flow ♪

(Plays a final chord)

What do you think?

Sounds pretty darn good.

You always say that.

And I always mean it.

It's for the new album.

I know it's corny, but people love corny.

(Both laugh)

Maybe it'll go gold.


Got somethin' to show 'ya! C'mon.

(Chimes tinkle)

(Eerie low whoosh)


If you could see your face right now!

Lyndy... Now what's goin' on?

I drove our old clunker into town this morning, and picked up this one.

You never even heard me leave, did you?

Happy anniversary.


That's not for another... month or so.

Yeah, I know.

But the last album's doing pretty good.

I had a royalty cheque burning a big fat hole in my pocket.

You're giving me a truck?

A brand new truck?

We don't need a new truck.

Lyndy: Look, I know you have a hard time with change, Jackson.

You always do, but...

Change isn't a bad thing.

I hope you have this baby for a very long time.

You're crazy, Lyndy.

You are one crazy lady!

You're damn lucky I am!

You need someone to keep you young!

(Chimes tinkle)

(Wind roars)

(Birds chirp)

(Latch scrapes, door creaks)

(Birds chirp, creek babbles)

(Horn honks)

(SUV rumbles up)

Lisa: Hi.

Is it okay that I'm here?

It's more than okay that you're here.



(Kramer pants)

(Kramer grunts)

Well, you absolutely have a jumper here, Jake.

You think?

Yes! I mean, he doesn't jump fences to escape, he does it 'cause he loves jumping.

Any excuse, you know, to...

See the horses in the next field, whatever.

He's gonna do what he loves most.

So, what do I do?

Well, let him jump.

I don't think Jake's parents would go for that.

(Laughs) No, I don't mean like, over fences like this, bring him over here, and I'll take him round the course any time.

It'll get rid of all his energy, and I don't think he'll be jumping fences any more.



You still wanna learn how to jump?

'Cause this would be the perfect horse for you.

You guys can learn together.

You're kidding! Are you kidding?

Can I, would you mind?

No, go for it.

Good job, Mallory.

Just a nice trot, very good, just stay relaxed.

Stay steady, yes! Good job!

Jake: Yeah! Go Mallory!

I did it!

Atta boy!
(Bucket clatters)

A clean bucket, that's more like it!


Hey, good mornin'.

Good mornin'.

He ate everything.


You know, I think he's almost ready to go home.

Aren'tcha, Duke?

(Takes a breath)
I uh... I don't know.

I was kinda hopin'
I'd see you last night after you were done all your "stuff"...

(Half laughs)
I went to bed early.


I have to get rested up for the dance!

I'm pumped. And...

I'm sorry if it seemed like I wasn't...

You know... Looking forward to it, but I am.


It's gonna be fun, okay?


Good morning someone slept in.

You uh... got a comb there, cowboy?

Where were you last night?

2 A.M., man!

I didn't get back to sleep until the sun came up!

You know what?

I can't do this any more.

I need my trailer back.

You went to bed early? Um...

Amy, I can...

No, no!

You know what, Ty? It's probably better if you just don't come to the dance.

Forget it!

Okay. You want my advice?

You shouldn't be fighting with Ty, and you should go to this dance!

Why should I?

Lou, he lied to me!

You know, he said that he went to bed early, but he didn't. He was out late.

So, where was he?

Amy, he...

This is my End of School Formal, wha...

(Sighs) I'm gonna go to it, whether he does or not.




Peter, you have to stop.

Stop what?

I'm trying to get this sauce right, and you're... distracting me.



Amy's upset, and I should have told her about the dance lessons, but Ty made me promise not to, (clears throat)

Uh, hey!

You're going!


That's great!

Look at you! You look so adorable!

Here, just... Hold still.

No. Lou, Lou, uh, Lou, I got it.

Don't worry!

It's fine!

Just let her do it, Ty. She's gonna do it anyway.

Come on!


You look great.

Thank you.

So do you.

So, you're going.

Uh, yeah.

Of course.


(Laughs) Okay.

Oh! Wait!

I need a picture of you two.


Lou: Pose, oh here.
(Phone beeps)

Ready, and...

Aw... cute!

Let me get one more.

Wait, Amy! Just...

All right, well, have fun!

(Truck rumbles)

(Tow truck creaks)

(Gravel crunches)

(Truck rumbles up)

Jack: Okay!

(Truck door slams)

Down! Yeah, that's... Yep! That's good!

That's good!


Well, I rescued it from the scrap yard.

It'll be good for parts one day.
(Whir and thump)

Jack: Hey! Easy! Gentle!

Lisa: (Imitating Jack) "Gentle!"

So, I took the new truck back.

But I found another one on the lot that... well, I like a whole lot better.

This one.

This one's a real beaut.

A real honey, and it purrs like a kitten.


Just like a kitten.

(Truck rumbles up)

(Engine revs, then idles)

(Truck door slams)



My trailer now!

(Engine revving)

(Wood crashing)


(Engine revving)

Hey! Hey!

(Engine revving)

What the hell are you doing are you crazy?

Are you?

I'm taking back what's mine!

What's yours?

(Truck door slams)

Why aren't you at the dance?

What does it matter?

Look what you've done! You're wrecking your trailer!

Oh, oh, so now that it's wrecked, it's suddenly become my trailer?

Oh! You are such an idiot!

And you're a spoiled little brat!

Well, at least I'm not an idiot!

I want my trailer back!

Well, I happen to be living here!

Well, why don't you get your butt home where you belong!

Don't you tell me where my butt belongs!

Well, it's about time somebody did!

Yeah, well you're the last person I need to tell me anything!

(Loud creaking)

(Crash and clatter)

(Chimes tinkling)

(Both laughing)


(Car rumbling)

Sorry I'm late.

I was like...

Looking for a house!
(Half laughs)

Ashley: (Laughs) A house?

He was looking for a house!
(Both laughing)

(Clears throat)
Are you uh... ready to go?

You go.

I'll prop this up, and fix the leak, like I said I would.

Ash... You can stay if you want.

It's fine.

(Car door opens and closes)

(Engine revs)

(Car rumbles away)

(Truck creaks and splutters)



(Ste hisses)

(Ignition grinding)

(Steam hisses)

Look at them, aren't they adorable?

Lisa: Let me see!

Oh, look at them.

Where'd she get that dress?

Oh, and I can tell you now.

I gave Ty dance lessons.

Dance lessons?

Peter: Yeah, dance lessons.

Well, must be love.

You know what? I propose a toast!


Jack: To, uh...

To new beginnings.


To new beginnings.


(Cell phone beeping)
Great. No signal.

You know what? It's almost like you willed this to happen.

Ty: Now, why would I do that? Amy: Oh, I don't know, Ty.

Maybe 'cause you didn't wanna go!

Okay, you're right.

I didn't want to go.

I know. You don't have to tell me!

But not because I didn't wanna be with you, Amy!

Because I do.

You're the only one I wanna be with.

(Slow song playing)



Come on.

Hold on.

Ty, Ty!

Ty, what're you doing?

Ty: Look.

I'm sorry, okay?

And I'm not much good at this, so don't laugh.

But if we were where we're supposed to be, then...

I'd be asking you to dance right now.


Do you wanna dance?

You can dance?


Okay, you can dance.

I got something for you.

It took me a few trips into town to get what I wanted, hope you like it.


Open it!



A promise ring?

Is it okay?

Yes, it's okay!


Like it?


(Both laughing)

Amy: Thank you. Ty: You're welcome.

(Car rumbles)

Bunny: Do you kids need any help?


We're good.

(Car rumbles away)

(Both laughing)

♪ Don't stop chasing your dreams ♪
♪ but please be kind ♪
♪ to your baby ♪
♪ water will flow ♪
♪ water will flow ♪
♪ I will love you ♪
♪ the best that I can ♪
♪ the best that I can ♪
♪ the best that I can. ♪