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03x06 - Growing Pains

Posted: 11/10/09 03:04
by bunniefuu
Lou: Previously on "Heartland":

Amy: Kit's foal died.



They're trying to get the mare to bond with an orphan foal.

Ty: Well, his name's Merlin.

Hopefully he'll be a bit of a magician.

Lou: For your information, Peter's company is doing everything it can
to minimize its carbon footprint.

Ashley: You know it's weird, but I'm really gonna miss this place.

No, you're not.

(Car rumbles away)

Amy: Yeah, but are you sure?

Ty: He told me himself last night.

Amy: Okay, well, I'll believe that when I see it.

Caleb: See what?

Amy: Uh, um...

Ty was just showing me the barn swallows.

He says they nested in the barn.

Well, imagine that. Barn swallows.

Building a nest. In a barn.

I guess you heard I'm moving back to my trailer.

Oh, you are?

Um... wow.

We're really gonna miss you.

Yeah, definitely.

Caleb: Don't ever play poker.

You two are the world's worst liars.

But hey, I can take it. I got big shoulders.

(Bag thumps)



Lou: Hey, Soraya.

Soraya: Hey, Lou. Um, how's Amy?

I haven't seen her in ages.

Lou: She's super busy right now.

Soraya: Okay, well tell her to drop by. I miss her.

Lou: Okay, I will.


Peter: Hey there.

You got a surprise for me?

Yes, I do.

Peter: Hey, it's a...

A newspaper article.

Not just any newspaper article.

It's about Big Sky Industries and Richard Chenowith is here, in Hudson.


The CEO/entrepreneur.

The Richard Branson of the oil world?


Listen, they're developing these new eco-friendly pipelines-

Okay, Lou...

No cracks, no leakage...

Lou, can you stop for a second?

Listen, I know that Chenowith is in town, okay?

But he's in talks with Pembridge Oil.

It's my number one competitor.

So? That doesn't mean you can't have a meet and greet.

I'd never be able to match what Pembridge is offering for distribution rights.

But it's not about money for him because he's loaded already.

It's about how he connects with people.

And how could he not connect with a fabulous guy like you?

Okay, um...

Yeah, you're right. You know what?

I'll give him a call and see if I can set up a meeting, but I guarantee you he will be booked.

He'll be at the dude ranch for dinner tomorrow night, and I've arranged for him to spend the weekend as our guest.

Oh, okay, um...

I kind of figured you'd say yes.

You know, typically a surprise from a girlfriend would be like, you know, flames tickets, or cuff links or something like that.

Mallory: Charlotte!
(Roosters clucking)

Charlotte, reveal yourself!

Ty: Mallory!

Lou's not paying you to play with your chickens!

(Chickens clucking)

Mallory: There you are!

Amy: Okay, come forward again.
(Horse snuffles)

(Car rumbling)

Mallory: Bad girl!

She's escaping at night out of her coop somehow.

Why can't you be like your sisters Anne and Emily and just stay put?

But you are a pretty girl. Yes, you are.

(Car door shuts)

Amy: Mallory, would you get your butt over here?!

You're not the only one with a gift, Amy.

You may be a horse whisperer, but I'm a hen whisperer.

Amy: (Chuckling)

(Door clanks open)

Hey, Scott.


Amy: Hey, Merlin.

What is he doing here?

Kit's mare rejected him.

Oh, that's so sad.

How's Kit?

Scott: Ah, she's okay.

She knows this happens.

But Merlin, I was hoping he'd be able to stay here.

Oh, Scott, I don't know. Lou would k*ll me.

We're already got so much to do.


Do you remember us?

Do you remember us?

Hey, Merlin.

Aw, it's adorable.

It's like it's saying "mom" and "dad" in horse.

Amy: (Chuckling)

(Dramatic music)

(Cougar growling)

(Dramatic music)

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dreams, ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Val: Thank you.

Remember, pedicures this afternoon.

Oh, I brought you a lunch.

So you don't have to eat the crap they serve in here.

See you later.

Okay, I don't think I've ever seen your mom so happy.

Ashley: She really loves having me home.

And you?

Ashley: Well, the hot showers are great, and central air is definitely bonus.

Soraya: I feel a "but" coming on.

Ashley: But she's driving me crazy!

Soraya: Shocking.

Ashley: I know, but this time it's different.

I mean, before we were fighting all the time, and now she's acting like I'm her new BFF.

Fighting was way simpler.

Oh, by the way,

I love the crap we serve here.

Scott: This should be enough milk replacement to get you started.

And, oh, uh, I wanted to tell you, Ken over at the Hudson racetrack needs a part-time stable hand.

Five mornings a week. Job's yours if you want it.

Amy: Absolutely not.

You are officially on pat leave.

Paternity leave.



What's new?

Um, oh, I got my pilot's license.

Really? Wow.

Yeah, I joined the Remote Area Volunteer Vet Group.

That's very impressive.

(Horse snorts)

What is that?

Scott: An orphaned foal.

Ty: We're just look after him until Scott finds a new home for him.

Lou: These two are up to their eyeballs already.

Did you tell them how much work this involves?

Lou, I've looked after foals before.

Yeah, but not an orphaned foal.

I mean, these things drink up to 25 percent of their body weight every day.

Meaning you two are gonna have to be feeding it every two or three hours until it's weaned.

And you know this how?

I did a 4H project in sixth grade.

And I would have won the red ribbon if it wasn't for Mary Jane Sutka's stupid project on her pet turkey.

She's right, you know. This is gonna be a lot of work.

Well, we'll split the night-time feedings, take shifts.

Yeah, and, and Caleb's gone.

So I can just sleep on the cot in your loft.

Not on your life, or yours.

And I will be doing spot-checks.

(Horse snorts hungrily)

(Horse snorts hungrily)

Amy: (Chuckling)

Ty: He wouldn't go back to sleep.

You are such a pushover.

(Horse snorts)

Amy: (Sighing)



(Water flowing)

(Truck rumbling)

(Truck door shuts)

Warren Wainwright, Hudson county #27 wildlife control.

Jack: I know who you are, Warren.

What's the problem?

Cougar report.

k*lled one of Stumpy's colts yesterday.

Sorry to hear that.

You might want to bring your animals inside over the next few nights.

Will do.

(Cows mooing)

Amy: You know, it's amazing really.

I feel great.

Ty: Yeah, who needs eight hours of sleep?

Amy: Yeah, who needs three hours of sleep?

Jack: Oh, give it a few days.

Looking after an orphan foal is like looking after a newborn, minus the diaper changing, of course.

I think we can handle it, Grandpa.

Jack: Well, fine.

While you're at it, make sure you bring the rest of the horses in tonight.

Cougar's been spotted in the area.

k*lled one of Stumpy's colts.

Ty: Is Merlin...

Jack: Oh, he's fine.

I just checked on him.

Amy: You know, you're definitely a worry wart in this parenting relationship.

Lou: Ah, ah, ah, that is not for you.

It's for Richard Chenowith.


"Eco-friendly" oil man.

I'm having a cookout at the dude ranch for him tonight, and I was hoping to show him some authentic Alberta hospitality.

I'd like to show him the toe of my Alberta boot.

I don't suppose you'd like to meet him?

Jack: No, I don't suppose I would.

Whatever. Can you pass that please?

Thank you. Oh, hey, Soraya is feeling ignored.

I know. Okay.

I gotta get in town the next couple days.

Mallory: I found this at the bookstore.

It's for you two.

It'll help you with Merlin.

"The New Parents'

"guide to Raising a Healthy, Happy Child".

Dr. Abraham Kirk.

Mallory: Yeah, it was my mom and dad's Bible.

And, I mean, look how great I turned out.

Lou: (Snorting)

Hi, you're still with Merlin?

Every time I leave him on his own he starts crying.

Amy: Right, right, he's crying.

Well it sounds like crying.

You know, you really shouldn't spoil him.

If you're out here anyway you might as well start training him.

Go get a soft halter from the barn and leading him around in the round pen.

A halter already? He's just a baby.

Well, it's best to start when they're young!

Besides, orphaned foals can end up with a whole bunch of behavioral problems if you don't.

Merlin doesn't have "behavioral problems".

(Horse snorts sharply)


Amy: Yeah, of course he doesn't.

(Truck rumbling)

Peter: Mr. Chenowith.

It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. Heard a lot about you.

Peter Morris.

Heard a lot about you too.

Lou: Thank you so much for coming.

You must be Lou Fleming.

That's right.

Did you know that she lied to my secretary so I would take her call?

Said she was from Pembridge Oil, had to discuss some urgent bit of business with me.


I'm so sorry about that.

Don't be.

I love a feisty girl who gets what she wants.

Right, Peter?

Yeah, you bet.

You're feisty.

Ty: Easy!

(Horse snorts nervously)


Keep your head straight.

(Horse snorting)

(Horse snorting)


(Horse snorting)

That a boy.

You did your best, Merlin. I'm proud of you.

Mallory: Dr. Kirk wouldn't like that.

It says right here:

"Naughty behaviour should never be rewarded."

Mallory, go whisper to your hens or something.

Richard: For years the oil business was, it was all about getting rich for me.

And I was. Am.

Rich, that is.

Well, your name's been on the Forbes 100 list since...

Since I was a teenager.

Well, as corny as it sounds, all the money in the world is not gonna fill that hole in your soul.

And that's why I started investing in R&D for eco-friendly technologies.

I mean, I believe that's everybody's responsibility.

That's the way of the future.


Well, you either move forward or you get left behind.

I agree completely, Mr. Chenowith.

Please, call me Richard.


That's why I'm always on the look out for alternate sources of energy.

Peter: Yeah, I'm actually in talks with some investors from Dubai about a little pet project of mine I'm trying to get going.

It's algae farms to generate bio-diesel fuel.

Have you got material on it?

I'd be happy to sign a non-disclosure.

Well, yeah, absolutely.

I could get something to you by tomorrow.



Well, here's to a fantastic meal, and a wonderful hostess.

Hear, hear.

And to future plans.

(Glasses clicking)

Can I interest anyone in some dessert?

I'd love some.

Peter: Sure. I'll rustle up some more wood for this fire here.

(Chopping sounds)

(Gasping) Richard. You startled me.

Just admiring the view.

Lou: It is beautiful here, isn't it?

Richard: Stunning.

So we going on that trail ride tomorrow?

We are. Rain or shine.

I look forward to it.

(Horse snorting)

Come on.

(Stall door opening)

(Door creaking shut)

Ah, look at him.

He's amazing.

Look at you.

Fatherhood suits you.

(Horse whinnies loudly)

Amy: Ty...

(Horse whines)

He's fine. He's fine.

Come on. Come on.

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

(Horse whinnies loudly)

(Stall door opening)

(Alarm bleeping loudly)

(Dull thump)


(Sighing heavily)

(Chickens clucking)

(Dramatic music)

Probably was that cougar.

Mallory: Poor Charlotte.

(Metal rattling)
I think...

I found her escape route right here.

Mallory: This is all my fault.

I should have seen where she was getting out.

I'll tell you what.

You give me a hand and we'll fill in the hole and make sure it can't ever happen again.

Mallory: Thank you, Jack.

Ty: I think we should keep Merlin in the barn today.

Ty, he'll be fine out in the round pen as long as we're here.

Mallory: No offense, Ty, but you look like death warmed over.


Funny, that's what you looked like when you went through your Goth period, only you did that on purpose.

Do you have to be so harsh?

I just lost a loved one.

Mallory, I'm sorry. I just...

I'm tired.

Amy and I have been up all night with Merlin.

Apparently I was a lot like Merlin when I was a baby.

Sleeping most of the day, up most of the night, and I was always hungry.

So what's changed?

Lou: Well, I need you both to know there's been a cougar spotted in the area.

We think it k*lled one of our chickens this morning.

So, if you're not comfortable going riding today, I totally understand.

Richard: Oh, come on, Lou.

I tangled with a mountain lion in Texas, and let's just say the lion come out the loser.

Yeah, I'm okay if he's okay.

All right, then...

Let's head out.

Peter: Well, you certainly know your way around a horse.

Richard: Well, I grew up on a ranch.

I got swept up in this oil biz thing barely out of my teens.

But I'm living on a ranch again, playing the cowboy.

Peter: (Chuckles)

And running one of the most successful businesses in North America.

Richard: I'll tell you my secret, Peter.

I'm real good at supervising people who are younger and smarter than me.

That's where you come in.


How about we stop here for lunch?


Sounds good.

Peter: I'll take your horse there, Richard.


Uh, I trust you slept well?

Well, actually, no. I tossed and turned all night.

It's all your fault.

It's the mattress, wasn't it?


Naw, it's not the mattress.

I'm sorry. I'm not sure what you're getting at.


Sure is beautiful out here.

It's going pretty good, don't you think?

Lou: Yeah...

But I think Richard is...

Listen, Lou, you don't need to sell him to me, okay?

He's a good guy.

I think we can do some great things together.

And it's all because of you and you're amazing.



Your birds won't be getting out after bedtime any more.

Thanks, Jack.

Ty: I'm not going to bully him into it.

Amy: Do you ever see me bully a horse?

I know what I'm doing, Ty.

Jack: They sound just like Marion and Tim when Lou was first born.

And look what happened to them.

The big D.


Amy: I'm just being practical, okay!

Ty: You're being unreasonable.

He's a baby.

You don't need to show him who's boss.

Amy: Yes, you do!

Or he's gonna be a spoiled brat!

A spoiled brat?

Mallory: Um, according to Dr. Kirk, children like having boundaries.

Amy and Ty: Just shut up, Mallory!

Amy: God!

All right, Ty, just hold him still!

Ty: I'm holding him still!

Amy: You're not!

Richard: I like you, Peter.

Better than them windbags at Pembridge Oil.

Peter: Well, I'm glad to hear it, because I'll tell ya, I not gonna be able to match what they're offering you for your Canadian distribution rights.

(Cougar growling lowly)

Richard: I'm pretty good at trusting my instincts.

Peter: (Chuckling) Yeah.

(Cougar growls fiercely)
(Horse whinnies wildly)

Lou: Oh, careful!

(Cougar growls fiercely)
(Horse whinnies)

(Cougar growls fiercely)
(Horse whinnies)

Richard: (Grunts)

(Cougar growls menacingly)

Go on! Get!

(Cougar growls fiercely)

Peter: Go on! Ha! Ha!

Lou: Go on!


(Cougar growls fiercely)

Lou: Are you okay?

Mr. Chenowith, are you okay?


Just a few bruises is all.

Lou: I gotta call Grandpa and let him know.

sh**t! I didn't bring my phone. Did you?

Peter: Yeah, I'll go check in the car.

Lou: Okay.

(Coughing and grimacing)


Okay, that hurts.

You probably cracked a rib.

We're gonna have to get you to a doctor.


I'm gonna get you some ice for this, okay?

Oh, that's not necessary. I got a better idea.


Why don't you just kiss it better?

Okay, that's not very funny, Mr. Chenowith.

Well, who's trying to be funny?

I am dead serious, Lou. I find you very attractive.

You know what?

The feeling is not reciprocated.

Well, there you go with those little white lies again.

Now, come on, Lou, I know your type.

Peter: Hey! What's going on?!

Oh, come on, Peter.

You gotta know the moment your back was turned she was all over me.

(Disgusted gasp)

Richard: (Grunting)

(Violent punch)

Lou: Peter!

(Grunt and punch)


Peter, calm down!

(Violent punch)

Caleb: Hey, guys!

Ty: You can't expect him to drink out of that, Amy.

Well, he's gotta learn sometime.

It'll be way easier to feed him and less labor intensive.

Caleb: Well, aren't you just the cutest little thing.

(Horse nips violently)

Ty: Whoa, whoa, Caleb!

You can't put out your hand out like that.

You're a stranger to him.

He's just acting off instinct.

Which is exactly why we have to train him.

He has to get used to people, dogs, kids.

Come on, little guy, you can drink.

Just drink this.
(Horse whinnies wildly)

(Water splashes)

You little brat!

Ty: Don't call him names, Amy!

Don't tell me what to do!


I'm just gonna go get some stuff I left in the barn.

Amy: Good idea.

Ty: That's okay. Good boy.

Oh, yeah, great.

Now you're rewarding him for bad behavior?

Well, you can't expect him to suddenly drink out of a pail!

He's got to learn.

He will!

Amy: Okay, all right, fine.

You are way too lenient.

Ty: And you're a dictator!

Lou: Oh, great, thanks, mature.
(Water splashes)


(Car starts up)

(Roars away)

I am so sorry.


What do you have to be sorry about?

I set this whole thing up and I didn't think it through.

No, no...

No, I should have...

I should have found out more about this guy, set up a formal meeting.


And you guys were getting along so well.

Lou, look at me.

That guy is a total ass.

I know.

Okay? And it is not your fault, all right?

You have nothing to be sorry for.


(Horse slurping hungrily)

(Horses panicking)

(Horses whinnying skittishly)

(Horses whinnying)

Hey, boy.

(Horse snorting nervously)


(Cougar growling lowly)
(Horse whinnying shrilly)

(Cougar growling)



Ty, there's a cougar!

(Running footsteps)

(Door banging)

(Cougar growls and hisses)

Amy, get in the stall.

Get in the stall, shut the door!

Close the door!

(Cougar growls and hisses)

(Door shuts)

Ty: Huh!
(Cougar growls fiercely)



(Yelling menacingly)

(Cougar growls lowly)

The horses are good.

They're scared, but good.

Lou: Thank God.

You sure you guys are okay?

Ty: Fine. Everything's fine.

Jack: Okay, well, I'll walk you girls back to the house then.

Amy: Uh, Grandpa...

I'll be right in.

Lou: Come on, Grandpa.

Amy: Hey.

Ty: You should get some sleep, okay?

I'll finish the feedings tonight.

Amy: It's okay. I'll come back at 5:00.

It's easier if I do it. I'm already in the barn.

I'll make sure the doors are shut.


You think I screwed up.

I didn't say that.

No, but you were thinking it.

You- you're right.

You know, I left the barn doors open.

It's my fault.

I'm sorry. I'm an idiot.

No, Amy, stop!

Don't just walk away, okay?

Look, I know you didn't mean to.

You're exhausted. I'm exhausted.

Just get some sleep, all right?

I'll finish the stuff up for tonight.


I'll see you in the morning.


(Door rumbles and slams shut)

(Rooster crows)

(Knock at the door)



Young man: Samantha Louise Fleming?


You've just been served.


(Dialing phone)

Peter, you're not going to believe this.

Richard Chenowith is claiming he got serious injuries from the cougar attack.

Yeah, and he's saying we knew there was a cougar in the area and we didn't warn him and he is suing me for negligence.

You sure are cute, but you're a trouble maker, you know that?

Hey, boy.

How are you, Merlin?

(Horse snorts)

Stalls still need to be mucked out.

Mallory: I'll do it.

What are you doing?

Jack told me what happened last night.

So, I'm giving you guys a much-needed break.

You can go riding, take a nap, whatever.

Well, what about Merlin?

Well, I got an "A" in the babysitting course, so he'll be perfectly safe with me.

I don't think so.

You do what you want, okay, but I'm gonna take Spartan out for a ride.

Thank you.


Dr. Kirk says, new parents, they need time for themselves so their relationships don't suffer.

And in case you haven't noticed, your relationship is suffering.

Ty: Here a list of Scott's numbers. Okay?

And don't forget to feed him.

And don't feed him too much or he'll get diarrhea, okay?

And if you don't give him enough he's gonna go hungry. So keep an eye on him.

Enough. Go!

Ty: Okay.

Amy: Coming for a ride?

Ty: Yeah.

Amy: Yeah, well, you might need a horse.

Ty: Right.

Certifiable, totally.


(Birds chirping)

Ty: I think I'm gonna call Mallory here.

Amy: Ty. Ty, stop!

Stop worrying about Merlin.

Ty: Okay, okay. I'm not worried.

I'm not.

Amy: Okay.

You know, my mom, she told me once that whenever she got out with my dad, even just for like a night, she was so excited, right? Some time away.

But then when she was out on their date all she could think about was-

Ty: Was you and Lou.

Amy: Yeah, exactly.

And then a couple hours would go by and she couldn't wait to get home to see us.

Ty: I guess my story's a bit different.


When I was little, I promised myself that if I ever had a kid I would be everything my parents weren't.

All any kid of mine would ever get from me is love.

I get it.

You get what?

Well, you and your... baby.


My baby? What-?

Because?? Merlin.

That's why you treat him the way you do.

Oh, come on.

No, I'm serious.

You want to give him nothing but love and...

You know, Ty, you can love something, someone, and still give them boundaries.

My mom, she loved me like crazy, but if ever I threw a tantrum or something like that, I got five minutes in the no-no chair.

Sorry, the what? The no-no chair?

(Embarrassed sputtering)

Both: (Laughing)

How cute would you look sitting in the no-no chair?


So sad.

Ty: (Laughing) So sad.

Both: (Laughing)

(Cougar growling lowly)

We should head back.

Amy: Okay.

Hey, Ty...

I think that's cougar scat.

(Cougar growling lowly)

Ty: Amy!

(Cougar growling fiercely)
(Horses whinnying)

(g*nsh*t booms)

Amy: I can't watch this.

Ty: It'll be fine, Amy. It's okay.

I just tranked him.

She'll be right as rain in a couple of hours.

Amy: Where are you taking her?

A wildlife preserve just north of here.

They'll keep her caged till she wakes up, then let her loose.

Jack: And you guys should go home.

Mallory was coping... sort of.


What do you mean sort of?

Okay, okay, we'll go.

Warren, thank you for your help.

It's what the job called for, Jack.

Nothing more, nothing less.

It's what we do.

(Truck door slams shut)

(Truck rumbling away)

(Squawking sound)

(Squawking sound)

Jesus Murphy.

(Cooing sounds)

It's all lies!

Of course it is.

And you know what the worst of it is?

Is that even if he loses, imagine the legal fees we're gonna have to pay just to defend ourselves!

Richard could ruin us!

I'm not gonna let that happen.


Lou, I'm not.


Listen to me.


We will figure something out.

(Breathes deeply)



(Door opening)

Hi, sweetheart.

So, I've got Rosalita making your favourite for dinner tonight - homemade mac and cheese.

And you'll never guess what I found in the upstairs bar.

The old fondue set!

So I thought we'll have a really decadent chocolate fondue for dessert.

What do you think of that?

Mac and cheese and chocolate fondue.

Sounds amazing.


Um, but I can't.

Oh... why?

Why? Do you have plans?


Oh, well...


Look, Mom, you have to understand.

Just because I'm back home again, doesn't mean that I can hang out with you every night.

I mean, have a life too, you know?

Or at least I used to.

Of course.

Of course you do.


And obviously I don't or I wouldn't be digging out old fondue sets, right?

I'm really sorry, Ashley.

I'll back off. I...

No, I didn't say back off...

No, honey, I get it.

And I promise.

You want some space.


You got it.

(Annoyed sigh)

You okay?

Yeah, thank you.

Ty, go check on Merlin. I know you're dying to.

(Door opening)

(Relieved sigh)

Mallory: Merlin is such a brat. He bit me! He kicked me!

You guys need to call in super nanny!

Ty: Mallory...

What's wrong?

The cougar, he almost att*cked Amy.

A Hudson Wildlife Control guy tranked it before it got to us.

Oh my God, Amy, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just...

I'm worried about the cougar.

He'll be fine. They're taking him to a reserve, okay?

Jack: Well, I know one little fella who'll be mighty glad to hear that.

Mallory: Oh my gosh!

Ty: No way.

Amy: The cougar was a mom?

Oh, Grampa, no wonder she att*cked us!

Yes, hello! Hello!

Mallory: Oh my gosh.

First Merlin, now this.

It's like you guys got twins.

Amy: (Laughing)
(Cub growls cutely)

Hi. How are you?

Ashley: You saw Amy yesterday?

Soraya: How nice for you. I haven't seen her in a week.

Typical story.

Girl gets boy, girl dumps friends.

Well, from what I saw, I wouldn't be surprised if girl dumps boy.

Soraya: What are you talking about?

They were fighting like cats and dogs yesterday.

I guess they're both pretty burned out looking after this orphaned foal.

So maybe you two should cut her some slack, huh?

Jack: I called Scott.

Says he can get the kitten up to its mama, but not for a day or two.

So for now, he's our responsibility.

(Cub whimpers)


Come here little fella.

(Cub purring)
(Telephone ringing)

(Beeping phone on)


Uh, yup.

Lou, it's Richard Chenowith.

No. Tell him I'm not here.

Actually, she's not here.

Thanks. Bye-bye.

(Beeping phone off)

Lou, what's wrong?

What was that all about?

Ty: I don't know.

Hey, you're holding him too tight there. Careful.

Just give me the damn bottle.

(Cub whimpering)

Jack: Now I know I'm not your mama, but I'll have to do tonight.

Ty: (Chuckling)

Oh, man, where's the camera when I need it?

Now, uh, you and Amy have been under a lot of strain lately, together 24/7.

We'll get through it.

You know, uh, you know, when Lyndy was touring with her band, oh, I missed her like crazy.

But whenever she walked through that door, I loved her even more.

What are you trying to say, Jack?

Scott mentioned that job over at the racetrack.

It's still yours if you want it.

That's all I'm trying to say.

(Cub slurping)


He seemed so harmless, right?

Just like this charming good ol' boy.

Why didn't you tell Peter?

Because everything was going so well and I didn't want to ruin everything.

But in the end I guess I did anyway.

No, you didn't.

I just...

I wish I'd been more professional right from the start, and not been so friendly...

Are you hearing yourself right now?

This is not your fault. That guy's creep.

I know, I know. I just...

(Groaning) Like I feel like he's taken away my confidence or something.

I feel like Austin Powers when he had his mojo stolen.

Except you have much better teeth.

(Small laugh)

(Amused sigh)

Okay, say I was friendly with a client and he turned around and assaulted me.

Would you blame me?

No, of course not.

I would never let anyone get away with that.

You're right. I know.

I can't let him get away with this.

(Keys clinking)

Amy: Aw.

Where's the camera when you need one?

Enough with the cameras.

Where's she going?

Uh, out with Peter.


We're overrun with orphans and she's going out.

Well, Ty and I can help look after the kitten tonight.

Yeah, we're gonna be up feeding Merlin anyways so...

No, no, I'll do my part.

Caleb: Ah, we're gonna help, too.


Hey, Soraya!

Soraya: Hey!

I'm sorry. I've been so busy.

Hey, Caleb!

Caleb: Aw.

Girls: (Laughing)

Ashley: Hey, cutie!

(Car rumbling to stop)

(Cell phone beeping)

You sure this is the place?

Yes. I called Pembridge and they confirmed this is where he's staying.

(Nervous sigh)

Yeah? Who were you this time?

An interested client.

(Small laugh)

(Cell phone beeping)

You're crazy.


I think you should reconsider this.

Yeah, you've said that three times.


I will call you.

I will leave my cell phone open in my bag.

You'll be right out front.

You'll hear everything.

I have to do this.

I can't let this creep win.


But if anything goes sideways...

I mean, I am in there like a shot.

Hey. I wouldn't want it any other way.

(Quick kiss)

(Cell phone ringing)

Got it.

Lou: Okay. (Car door shutting)

(Knocking on door)

(Door opening)

Well, well.

Couldn't stay away, could you?

Hello, Richard.

Well, come on in.

(Door shutting)

(Pouring liquid) I'm guessing you've here because of the lawsuit.

Well, I was surprised.

I mean...

You know I told you about that cougar.

And you know you didn't get those injuries from the fall.

Well, maybe, but it's your word against mine, isn't it?

And I've got more money and better lawyers.

So this is how you get back at women who spurn your advances? You sue them?

Well, you hurt my feelings, Lou.

I don't like get my feelings hurt.

But there's still a way we can make this case go away.



Well, the very fact that you're here means I was right about you.

You are attracted to me, aren't you?

Stay with me.

So if I...

If I stay the night with you, you'll drop this phony lawsuit?

That's right.

You see, in my neck of the woods, Miss Fleming, you are what we call a "tease".

(Small laugh)

Well, in my neck of the woods, Mr. Chenowith, you are what we call a lecherous old fart.

Thank you for being so to the point.

'Cause this, as well as some conversations I've had with some women you've worked with ought to do the trick.

Weird really how remarkably similar our stories are.

You little...

Lou: Get your hands off me!

Richard and Lou: (Grunting and struggling)

(Violent knee to groin)

Richard: (Grunting in pain)

Peter: You okay?

Lou: Yeah, I'm fine. We're good here.

We're expecting a letter from your lawyer tomorrow dropping your bogus lawsuit.




(Door slamming shut)

Lou: I cannot believe I just did that.

Peter: Oh my...

You're "feisty" all right.

(Cub slurping)


Amy: You guys, you didn't wake us up last night for our shift.

And you're complaining because...?

Are you kidding?

I never knew eight hours of straight sleep could feel so damned good. Thank you.

Yeah, thanks, guys.

Oh, no, it was fun, you know.

At least we got to see you, sort of.


(Cell phone ringing)

Ugh, it's my mother.

(Beeping phone on)
Hi, Mom.

No, I'm fine.

I'm at Amy's house.

I slept here all night.

Hey, um, I'm starving. Maybe we could warm up some of that mac and cheese?

Well, have Rosalita make some more!

Others: (Chuckling)

I'll see you later.


Thank you again, Soraya. That was awesome.

Jack: Scott's found a home for Merlin.

Says he'll pick him up tomorrow when he comes for the kitten.

Caleb: Oh.

That's a relief, huh, guys?

Lou: Well, I'm glad he came to his senses.

Thank you.

Richard Chenowith has dropped the lawsuit!

Hey! Great news!

I'm so happy.

Well, he had to, right?

I mean, you had him on tape with all those women.

Yeah, except I didn't.

You didn't.

I never talked to anyone, and apparently I need to invest in a better recorder, because there was nothing but static.

(Amazed gasp)
You're nuts!

Well, what can I say?

I'm a heck of a feisty woman.

Yes, yes you are.

I guess that's why I love you.

Wh- what did you just say?

I think you heard me.

I want to hear it again.

I love you, Lou Fleming.


(Horses snuffling)

Oh, I thought I should get him used to the company of other horses.

Now look at him.

A few hours later it's like I don't even exist.

God, typical teenager.

Both: (Laughing)

Hey, look on the bright side. It just gives you and I a chance to get reacquainted.


Hey, I called Scott.

I told him I'd take the job at the racetrack.

It's just a few hours first thing in the morning five days a week.

You know, there is plenty of work to do here.


I need more money for school, Amy.

And hey, you know, maybe it'll be good for us not working together 24/7.

What do you think?

Well, I think you need to do what feels right.

Scott: Sorry I couldn't do this sooner.

Thanks for looking after him, Jack.

I'm just glad as hell to see it go.

We'll finally get some sleep.

(Cub purrs)

Bye, Tuffy.


Shut up.

Scott: You get to ride shot g*n... Tuffy.

Oh, I hope you don't mind, but I brought you a few more orphans.

Absolutely not!

Ty and Amy: Absolutely not.

(Chicks chirping)

Mallory: Oh my gosh!

A box of baby charlottes! Thank you!

Okay, you two, uh, it's time.

(Horse snorts)

Ty and Amy: (Chuckling)

Ty: It's all right, Merlin. Come on.

(Horse snuffles)

Come on, Merlin.

Mallory: Dr. Kirk says it's healthy to know when to let your baby leave the nest.

He does.

(Chicks chirping)

♪ So when you need it more than you did before ♪
♪ don't hold on ♪
♪ when you're not waiting for it ♪
♪ good things come along ♪