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03x07 - The Starting Gate

Posted: 11/17/09 10:50
by bunniefuu
Lou: Previously on "Heartland":

I wanted to tell you, Ken, over at the Hudson racetrack needs a part-time stablehand.

Job's yours, if you want it.

Mrs. Bell's jam could be the first in a whole line of Heartland Country products.

Tourists go crazy for this stuff.

My mom married this new guy and he was...

Let's just say that he made my real dad look like a saint.

(Thundering hoof beats)

(Horse grunts)

(Horse breathing hard)

Liam: Hey!

You're new, right? What's your name?

Uh, Ty. Ty Borden.

Ty. The new guy.

I think you deserve a real Hudson Track welcome, right?

So, um, new guy, on behalf of all these... reprobates, I'd like to welcome you.

(Electric buzzing)


Nice reflexes!

Sorry, man. It's just...

It's part of the initiation.

No hard feelings?

Yeah. Sure.


See y'around!

Lou: Stella Jablonski?

Hey, I went to school with this person!

How can Stella Jablonski be the featured entrepreneur of the month?

Mallory: Do you have any of Mrs. Bell's jam?

Lou: "This 20 something dynamo...


" the CEO of Green Bundle, "the latest niche-market darling to start small and local "and turn big and successful." a lower grade point average than me, and cheated off of my tests!

Aha! There it is.

Is that a Lexus she's driving?

Well, maybe you should've cheated off her tests.

Jealousy is a terrible thing, Lou.

Amy: What's his name?

Lisa: Lightning Dexter.

Got great bloodlines and a lot of early wins, but then all of a sudden, he just started refusing at the gate.

Amy: Hmm... that's weird.

Lisa: I sent him to gate-school, he was perfectly fine.

I hope we get lucky today.

Amy: He's a nice lookin' horse.

Liam: Easy, easy.

(Lightning grunts, agitated)

Stablehands: Look out! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Lisa: Oh!

Ty: Liam, you okay?

Hey, you all right?

Fine. I'm fine.

Steward: Sorry, Lisa. Can't pass him.

I know.

Ty, thank you, you can take him in.

No problem.

I give up. We've tried everything.

Unless you'd like to take him on.

Lisa, I'm so overbooked right now, I...


I've spent so much time and money on this horse.

Maybe if you just took... I really wish I could.

But Lou's got this schedule going, and she'd k*ll me.

All right.

I'm gonna have to sell him as a well-bred pleasure horse.

Makes me crazy to do it!

I'm sorry, I am.

No, it's okay, honey. don't worry about it.

I'll see you in a little bit.

(Car rumbles down driveway)

There you go. Thanks.


Lou: Hi there!

Hi. Sorry.

I'm, I'm lookin' for the Bartlett family.

I'm Lou Fleming, I'm Jack Bartlett's granddaughter.

(Laughs nervously)

Does Ty Borden still work here?

(Truck rumbles up)

Oh, great. A new horse has been dropped off.

Hey, we're back.

Amy: I know, I know.

New arrival. I'm on it.

Lou: Uh, yeah, it's not that.


Ty, you got a visitor.

It's your mom!

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

(Birds chirping)

Lou: So how long has it been since he's even heard from her?

(Sighs heavily)

Well, I don't know, we've never really talked about it, but...

It's got to have been a while... like years.

How could a mother possibly let years go by without a word to her child?


You should've seen her sitting there waiting for him.

She was so nervous, she was shaking.

(Heavy sigh)
I kinda felt sorry for her.

Oh hey, uh, this new horse, kabuki, arrived.

Can't be saddled.


Lily: Look at this place!

It looks like a picture in a calendar!

Ty: How did you find me?

Lily: Your dad.

He phoned me, totally out of the blue.

Heh. Typical Brad.

He said he spent some time with you out here.

Ty: (Laughs derisively)

Oh yeah, he spent some time all right!

Blew in with a truckload of sick horses, and then drove off with a couple thousand dollars of my friends' money.

Oh, they must be thrilled to see me on their doorstep.

First, your no good father rips them off, and now your neglectful mother shows up.

Why are you here?

To see you, and to let you know that I spent the last few months in Toronto with my friend, susie.

You remember Susie?

Anyway, I got some help.

Real, professional help, and it was amazing.

It was good for me, it was really good.

I left him, Ty.

I left your step-father.

Don't call him that.

Wade was no kind of father to me.


I get it.

Anyway, I'm going to Vancouver in a week.

I got a new job.

I'm ready now, I can handle it.

And Hudson, was on my way West, so, I thought...

I wanted to spend a few days, maybe hang out a bit.

I don't know, I, uh...

I work three jobs, so, I'm kinda busy.

Uh, but I...

I mean, I guess I could find some...

Some spare time.




I can't stop looking at you.

Boy, you turned out real good.

(Tenses up)

Jack: So, I've got you all fixed up here.

Why don't you give this fancy new bridle of yours some attention?

Don't you wanna know what they're saying to each other?

Jack: No. No, I don't, and neither do you.

Fine, act like you don't care.

Jack: Seems to me that you've been...

On a bit of a spending frenzy these days.

IPods... And fancy new tack.

Must be mighty draining on that bank account of yours.

I don't have a bank account.

I don't see the point!

I mean, I get the cash, and then I spend the cash.

You ever heard of a rainy day?

I could see why you'd like to have something set aside for your sunset years, Jack, but I've got eons of earning power ahead of me.


They're coming.

See? You do care.

Lily: My God, you are a genuine cowgirl!


Does he bite?

Not unless provoked.

Do you mind if I say hi to the other horses?

Go for it.

What's going on?

What do you mean?

Why is she here?

To visit.

Did you know she was coming?

Well, (Scoffs)
I don't know, Ty, sometimes you don't tell me things.

No, I didn't.

She just left her husband, Wade.

Wade. The guy... The guy you almost...?

Well, uh...

She could've done that before you ended up...


She was messed up at the time, okay?

Ty, that's no excuse.

What am I supposed to do? Tell her to get lost?


(Horse snorts)

I can't.

Lou: We could be a great team, Mrs. Bell.

You've got the product, I've got the marketing skills.

I mean, look, we already serve your famous strawberry jam at the dude ranch, and everyone loves it.

Grandpa, he goes through any jar he can get a hold of.

He does like my jam, doesn't he?

It'd be the perfect idea to extend the Heartland brand.

I mean, we start small and local, well, I'm flattered, dear, but...

Hey, are you gonna enter this Women's Union Jam-bor-ee?

Heavens, no!

Why not? I mean, uh... Winning this blue ribbon would be a great marketing tool.

Why not try?

Because it's not my idea of fun.

Do you mind if I enter, then?

With my recipe?

Ah...I suppose, if you've got your heart set on it.

Thanks, Mrs. Bell!

But be careful, dear.

That jam-bor-ee is a nasty bit of business.

Okay, I think I can handle a bunch of jam-making grannies.


Lily: This all is so good!

And thank you all for inviting me.

We're a pretty hospitable bunch here.

Unless we're... given a reason not to be.

Lou: C'mon, everyone, help yourselves.

So, Lily, what are your plans?

She's startin' a job in Vancouver next week.

It's no big deal.
(Laughs uncomfortably)

It's just an office job.

But there's holidays and benefits.

Well, here's to holidays and benefits.

No, no.

Thank you.

I just wanna say somethin'.

There's been many a time when I've wondered where my boy was, and how he was doin'.

But I never let myself hope he'd be in a place like this, with such fine people.

Amy: So, how long until you... go back to Vancouver?

Lily: I'm hopin' to stay a few days.


Jack: Well, I'm sure there's room in one of the cabins.

Isn't there, Lou?

Lou: Yeah. Yeah, there is.

Um, the couple from Montana just left this morning.

Oh! That's amazing.

Lou: No problem.

(Water splashing)

So, Amy, Ty tells me you're quite the busy gal.

A horse whisperer, no less!

Well, Ty working with animals, that's no surprise.

He was always crazy about 'em.

The two of us used to go to the zoo every weekend.

I suppose I'm telling you stuff Ty's told you a thousand times.

Actually, Ty's hardly mentioned anything about you at all.

I guess it was me that liked goin' the zoo so much.

(Door creaks open)

Ready to go?

(Truck rumbles)


This is so beautiful here.

Ty: You're in this one.

Lily: Thank you.

Oh my God!

This is like something out of a magazine!

I'm gonna be afraid to touch anything, I might mess it up.

Okay, well, um... I start work pretty early, so I probably won't see you until uh...

I'm sorry.

I gotta stop doing that.

(Cell phone rings)

(Phone beeps)

Susie. I'll call her back.

Okay, um...

I'll see you tomorrow.


Are you embarrassed by me?

I'm not embarrassed.

Not even if I drag out some old baby pictures of you, and show 'em to all your friends?

Do you even have any old baby pictures of me?

Good night.

(Cell phone ringing)

(Sighs heavily)

(Phone beeps)

Amy: Hey, isn't that Lightning? Lisa's horse?

Yeah, it was.

I just bought us a winning ticket, and you gotta help me cash it.

You're looking at the underdog of the year.

Lisa told me she was selling him as a pleasure horse.

Yeah, well, she didn't believe in this guy.

But I do!

And I believe in you.

And I know if anybody can fix him, you can.

Dad, I can't.

I can't!


Because! Lisa already asked me to help her fix him, and I... said no!

I can't turn around and help you!


Wait a sec, honey.


Look, I don't have to tell you that things have been a little tight for me lately, and one less horse in Lisa's stable's not gonna make any difference for her.

It can make a world of difference for me.

For all of us.

You can do this.

Dad, I can't.

Lisa's gonna understand.

She's happy to see this guy off her hands.

Dad! Do you know how many horses Lou has lined up for me?

And they come first.

I understand that.

If you could just... just find some time.

Come on, honey, this is gonna be a lot of fun.

Okay, I guess.

Jack: Amy?

Uh, call for you.

A client.

Amy: Thank you.

Who's this?

My new racehorse.

Where do you get off buying a racehorse?

Too good a deal to pass up, Jack.

Anybody can see, this guy's special.

Jack: Well, if he was so special, the owner wouldn't have sold him cheap.

So they're either a crook or an idiot.

Well, I wouldn't call Lisa a crook, or an idiot.

Well, Lily, you know, if you don't mind, I'm gonna put you to work while you're out here.

Suits me, as long as I can keep testing.

All right!

So, uh...

Darn, I thought I had more of these.

I'm gonna have to go to town and grab some.

But I'm supposed to keep skimming this.


I'll go! You skim.

Really? Could you?

Yeah! Absolutely.

No.. put it away. I'll get it.

Thank you.

Take the truck.


Now, you sold Tim a racehorse?

I didn't sell him a racehorse, I sold him a bit of a headache.

Well, headache or not, he thinks he's got the next winner of the Kentucky derby.

For that to happen, he would have to get the horse into the gate, and Lightning absolutely refuses to do that.

Maybe, but seems he's got Amy on board to fix that particular problem.

Amy's working with Lightning?!

That's the plan.


I asked her to work with him.

She said she couldn't, she didn't have time.


You know what? That's fine.

I just... that's fine.

(Sighs heavily)

That'll be $15.83.

So, Lou's really entering the jam contest.

Yeah, she is in full competitive mode.

This girl from her old high school is the entrepreneur of the month in this magazine, and Lou can't cope, so she talked Mrs. Bell into helping.

Soraya: Oh my God, poor Mrs. Bell.

(Machine beeps)

Oh, um... I'm sorry, your credit card's been declined...

Really? I...

You know what?

Just pay it next time you're in.

I'm so sorry, it must've expired.

Thank you.

I'll grab that.

Thank you.


Tim: Okay, be careful now. He might kick or rear.

Amy: Okay, okay.

You're a good boy.

Or he may do the unexpected.

Amy: Well, um...

At least you know he's not afraid of confined spaces, it's a start.

That's a great start!

Okay, we gotta keep the ball rolling.

We gotta get him to the track and put him in a real gate.

Dad, you said my client horses came first.

I gotta go work with Kabuki.

Yeah. Oh no, yeah.

You gotta... you gotta do that.

Just... Don't take too long!

It's good...

But it's not great.

Something's missing.

I'm gonna call Mrs. Bell.

Maybe it needs more sugar.

No, it's not...

It's... there's...

Sometimes she can't hear the phone; She can't hear very well.

(Sighs) You know, i'm just gonna go pick her up, bring her back.

You wanna come?

No, I'm gonna stay.

Ty said he'd be home around now.

Yeah, yeah, he should be back from the track...

Yup, any time now.

The track... the racetrack?

Yeah. In Hudson.

I'll see you later.

(Truck door slams loudly)

Jack: (Yelling) You weren't straight up with Lisa!

I wasn't straight up with Lisa?

I was just doin' business, Jack.

People buy and sell horses every day.

As soon as you start dragging Amy into your little schemes, it turns into my business!

I didn't drag Amy into anything!

She's got enough on her plate!

Well, let's let her be the judge of that.

Lou: Hey there, buddy.

Remember me?

Hey, Mrs. Bell!

Oh, hello, Lou.

So, you're Lou Fleming?


Well, I'm glad we ran into each other.

I'm Pearl Arsenault and this is...

Uh, Florence Rook.

Head of the Hudson Women's Union.

Oh! So you're in charge of this year's jam-bor-ee!


And we were just saying to Sally here, that, uh...

Well, I sincerely hope that you're not thinking of entering her recipe.

Oh! Well, yes.

I am. Definitely.

Florence: It's strictly against regulation for anyone to enter using a recipe that is not their own.

It wouldn't be a good idea to go down that road.


Well, uh...

What if Mrs. Bell and I entered as partners?

Would that be against the "Union" regulations?

Would it?

Florence: Well, well no, I suppose not.

Not... technically.

Well, then, we'll see you Saturday.

Won't we, Mrs. Bell?

I'm afraid you've made a mortal enemy, dear.

You don't mess with Pearl Arsenault.

She wins every year.

Maybe not every year.

Are you in?


Hey. What's up?

Where were you?


(Sighs heavily)

Lou told me you were at the track.

Well, I was, I mean, that's where I...

You've got a great life for yourself here, Ty.

Don't throw it all away.

What're you talking about?

Don't you get it?

This is exactly what happened.

He would spend every waking hour at the track.

Gambling all the money we ever made - it wasn't much!


Wade. And every time...

You cannot compare me to him!

The only reason i'm at the track is to earn money. - I don't care!

I don't want you anywhere near the place!

No! You don't get to do that!

You don't get to tell me what you want, or don't want me to do.

You gave up that right years ago!

(Door slams loudly)

Mallory: She was like, so totally embarrassed.

I felt so bad for her.

Then it's probably best you keep this story to yourself...

For a change.

I never wanna end up in that situation, Jack.

You were right, I need to some gold for my golden years!

Well, I think I can help you on that score.

This doesn't taste the same.

It's different somehow.

You're right.

It's good.

But it isn't great.

Tim: Okay, Amy, just take it easy.

You ready?

Relax, Dad.

Tim: I'm relaxed.

(Clears throat)

(Cell phone vibrates, Lightning whinnies)

Tim: Easy, easy. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Easy, easy, easy.

Sorry. Stupid cell.

(Phone beeps)


No! Lisa, wait!
Amy, hey!


Lisa, please!

I'm, I'm so sorry.


That your father would do something like this does not surprise me.

But I would expect that you and I... could be straight with each other.

Ty: I shouldn't have yelled at her.

I guess she's just worried.


Since when?

Since yesterday?

Ty, you're working three jobs to pay for vet school, and she shows up and thinks she can just order you around?

I know, I tried to explain that to her, but she didn't wanna listen.

(Laughs scornfully)
I'd be happy to tell her.

She's my mom, how do you expect me to feel about this?

I know she's your mom, Ty.

But all I see is a woman who really hurt you.

Look, Amy, you don't know what she's been through, and you don't know her, so...

You're right, I don't know her, and maybe you don't either.



Someone's in a mood.

I'm not in a mood! I'm just...

(Sighs heavily)

I'm just mad... at everything, and at myself.

I'm sorry.


What's up?

Lisa hates me.

I screwed up really bad.

(Fishing line whirrs, lands with a plop)

Lily: You got a minute?

I blew it, with Ty.

I actually thought I had a right to tell him how to live his life.

Smart, huh?

When I haven't even been a part of it.

Okay, Lily.

I've, uh, I've gotten to know you a little bit...

Over the last few days, and...

Well, I'm just gonna ask ya.

Why so many years?

It went by um... In kind of a haze.

I know that sounds like a complete cop out.

Well, because it is.

I want you to level with me.

Why didn't you ever look him up?

He's your son!

Because I was afraid.

Wade's got this...

This real... jealous streak, and... I knew that if he thought I was seeing Ty, he would wanna hurt him.

Maybe worse.

So I stayed away.

Sometimes I think being taken from me was the best thing that could've ever happened to Ty.

My daughter died a couple years ago, and I can't imagine for the life of me that Amy or Lou are better off without their mother.

Do you think it's too late?

To be Ty's... mom again?

Do you?

Then I guess it isn't.

But you have to tell him what you did.

You owe him that.

Lou: I don't get it.

I mean my batch just tastes...


It's probably best we start from scratch.

Mm! But I followed your recipe exactly!

Lou, dear, there's a little something I left out of the recipe.

A secret ingredient.

You're kidding!

I don't like to write it in the list of ingredients.

People will think I'm an old lush.

(Both laughing)

Good boy!

That's better! That's better!

Kabuki's come a long way!

Yeah, he has.


I talked to Lisa.

She's really mad at me. I...

She's a little put out, all right, but I'm blaming your father for that.

He should never have put you in this position to begin with.

Well, it's not all his fault.

I mean, I should've just said no.

I knew I didn't have time for...

For anything.

I'm totally useless with Ty and his mom.

Well, you have spread yourself mighty thin.

If I could just fix one thing, I would feel a lot better.

Well, if you can tell me what kind of flowers say: "Sorry but my ex-son-in-law is a jackass,"

I would be real grateful.

Mike: Mallory, right?

Pleased to meet you.

Jack called.

He gave me a rough idea of what you're looking for.

I think you'll be very happy with this student package.

It gives you a lot of...

What have you got in the way of RRSPs?

If that's what you're after, uh...

This'll be interesting to you.

I think we need to talk about your goals.

Retiring at 30?

Okay. Let's get you started.

(Knocking lightly)

Amy: Hi! Uh, is Lisa here?

Oh, no, sorry. She's not around.

Can you just tell her that Amy wants to talk to her?

Liam: Yeah. Amy: Thank you.

Um, you rode Lightning, right?

Yeah, ever since he came to Fairfield.

Great horse, until he started acting up.

What do you think made him start?

I don't know.

You know what racehorses are like.

They're moody, temperamental.

Could be any number of things.

Yeah.'s weird, he has this thing with phones.

Um, I put mine on vibrate, and he still freaked out.

He never did that with you, did he?

Well, for one thing, I'd never have my phone on me when I'm riding.

I'll, uh, tell Lisa you stopped by.

Amy: Okay. Liam: Okay.

(Door slams loudly)

(Truck engine rumbles)

(Cell phone rings)

Don't call, I told you.

I don't wanna hear it. I want you to stop now!

Ty: Hey.


Who were you talking to?

Susie. In Toronto.

Look, uh...

Me first.

I was completely out of line.

God, who am I to tell anybody to do anything.

I know why you said what you did.

No, Ty.

I'm so...

So sorry.

It's okay, I...

No, it's not okay.

You know, when your dad left, I... felt things spinning out of control, and then I met Wade, and I thought he was gonna help us put our lives back together.

But what that man did to you...

And to you.

When they took you away, things didn't get better, they got worse, and I just couldn't bring you back into that.

But I was your mother and I should've protected you.


There's so many things I wanna tell you.

Mom,'s okay, we have time.

(Astonished laugh)

What's the matter?

You called me "mom."

Ty: Hey.


How are things goin' with your mom?

Uh, better, I think.

It's still a little weird, but...

It's better.


I went to see Lisa, today, about Lightning?

She wasn't there, though, just her jockey.

Mm. Liam?

I told him how the horse freaked out when my phone started vibrating, best he could come up with was, "well, I never wear my phone when I'm riding."

Guy's a jerk.

Big practical joker, too.

He did that whole, uh, handshake trick on me, with the buzzer thing.

Liam had a buzzer?

Yeah, except it was more like an electrical shock!

Ty, I've heard about this.

Jockeys zapping horses with buzzers just to get them out of the starting gate faster.

This is illegal!

Do you think Lisa knows about this?


Lisa, are you in there?

I don't think he'd leave it laying around.

Yeah, well, he showed it to you, didn't he?

What the hell are you doing here?

What were you two doing in my trailer?

We were just looking for a buzzer.

Amy: Yeah. I...

I think the reason that Lightning is refusing is 'cause someone was shocking him to get him out of the gate faster!

Are you accusing me?!

Amy: Lightning was fine when we brought him to Heartland; He went in the gate no problem.

And you said that was the same at gate school.

But at the track, my cell phone started vibrating, and he went nuts!

Yeah, 'cause horses are sensitive to all kinds of vibration.

Like the kind you get from a buzzer?

He shocked Ty the other day.

That's right. Yeah, as a joke.

I wouldn't do anything to harm any of our horses.

Lisa: Is that it?

Is that the proof?

Amy, honestly,

I don't know what to say at this point.

Jack: Amy, I just got off the phone with Lisa!

Tim: What were you thinking, Amy?

Jack: Going through her trailer?!

Lisa's jockey was buzzing Lightning at the starting gate!

You don't have any evidence of that!

Yes, I do!

Lightning is the evidence!

His behaviour is the evidence!

You know those early races that he won?

Liam probably buzzed him just to get him moving.

But then, it backfired.

The horse expects the shock and reacts, even when it doesn't happen!

The only time he refused was when Liam rode him to the starting gate and...

And when you rode him.

Yeah, but that's 'cause my cell phone buzzed!

Only a horse that was already super sensitive would react like that!

Jack: Okay!

Just let me think about this.

Dad, I should've never helped you with Lightning after I told Lisa I couldn't.

Well, you could've said "no."

I can't, not to you.

Yeah, you can. Just try it.

"No, Dad!"

Dad, it's not that easy!

So... How's Lightning doing?


Just askin'.


I'm almost finished working with him.


Well, we should get him back to the track.

Amy: Steady... Easy, boy.

Good boy!

Lily: You know, the first time I rode a horse was on a school trip.

Ha! He was a beautiful animal, not very well trained.

I took the reins in my hands, he galloped away with me.

Do you wanna help me with something?

Do you have a cell phone?

Thank you.

(Dialling beeps)

All right.

Two seconds.

Amy: Come're you!

Far away!

Okay, text me.

What should I write?


(Button beeps)

(Cell phone vibrates, Lightning snorts)

Good boy! There 'ya go!

What're you doing?

Well, every time it buzzes, I give him a treat.

It's positive reinforcement.

So he actually looks forward to a little buzz.

Well, I know how that feels.

I'm just kidding.

Little addiction humour.

(Button beeps)


I talked to Amy.

I don't know this Liam from Adam, but I do know about life on the track.

I've seen plenty happen when folks think nobody's watching.

Now, Amy knows horses, and I do believe they tell her things that the rest of us can't hear.

And what this horse is telling her is that your jockey buzzed it.

I don't think you should get involved in this, Jack.

I really don't!

Believe me, I...


Just promise me that you'll check him out.


Hi, Mike! Me again.

I'm thinking about starting an investment portfolio, and I need some advice.

Yeah. I've been tracking a mining stock for the last 24 hours.

It's down 17 cents!

Just one second, there's a call on the other line.

(Phone beeps)

Heartland Equestrian Connection.

How can I help you?

Um, Lily?

She's right beside me.

But I'm on the other line. Can she call you back?




Who was that?

Some guy wanted to talk to you.

Are you okay?

I feel a little off.

Can you tell Lou that I won't make it to the jam-bor-ee?


Hi Mike, sorry about that.

As I was saying, the markets are a bit unstable.

Yeah, sure. I can come in and talk.

(Computer beeps)

Hey, the mining stock just went up 22 cents!

Thanks a lot, Mike! You're awesome!

Okay, see you soon.

(Crowd murmuring)

Lou: Take one.

Mrs. Bell's famous strawberry jam.

Heartland Preserves: We're new this year.

Florence: I'm sorry, but pamphlets advertising your product are strictly against regulations.

Oh, did... did you mean these regulations?


'Cause I could've sworn I saw right here, under section 13, paragraph nine, that "first time participants are permitted" to distribute introductory information."


Red and white gingham, and a pretty ribbon.

How quaint.

Mm. I'm so glad you think so.


Uh, attention, everybody!

Uh, attention!

I would like to introduce our judges...

And our special guest judge, Martin MacInnes!


Martin: Hello. Pearl: So glad to see you.

Pearl: Oh!

Judge: How wonderful to see you!

We don't have a shot, do we?

Not a snowball's chance in hell.

Pearl: Judge, for you.


Judge: Thank you.

Lou: Is she handing out swag bags?!

That is against regulations!

I think.

Damn, she's good.

Lisa: Liam.


Can I speak to you, please?


I will not require your services any longer.

(Gasps) What?

Lisa: I found these in your locker at Fairfield.


You gotta understand something.

It was only for his very first races - we needed an edge - and then I stopped.

I swear, I had no idea that he'd react that way, Ms. Stillman.

I reported you to the steward's office.

You won't be welcome at Hudson any time soon, or any other racetrack, I certainly hope.

You know what? You're all the same.

Everybody knows what goes on here, and as long as you're winning, you turn a blind eye.

But as soon as you need a scapegoat...

Jack: I think you'd better start packin'.


Ty: Mom? You okay?

Lou called, she said you weren't feeling so well.

I thought you said you had a few more days.


I'm heading out now.

Thanks for telling me.


Lily: Ty, it's not what it looks like!

Ty: Then what does it look like?

Please, Ty.

Come on, tell me what it looks like!

How about running away? How's that?

Running away, abandoning, disappearing.


You knew I was always going back to Vancouver.


You know, you're exactly the same as you used to be.

You haven't changed one bit.


I am turning my life around.


That new job you got lined up?

Does that even exist?


You didn't come all the way out here just to see me, did you?


Not at first.

Why are you here?

I had nowhere else to go.

It's Wade. He's found me.

There she is.


Lisa, I wanna apologize.


It's my turn to say I'm sorry.

Found that in Liam's locker.

You were right.

He admitted it.

You're not a pleasure horse after all, are you buddy?

My loss.

Come here.

Florence: And the winner of the first place blue ribbon goes to...

Pearl Arsenault.

(Cheering and applause)

Florence: Congratulations, Pearl!

Well, that was a close one...

(Chuckles awkwardly)

Sort of.

But I really loved your jam.

You know, I've never tasted anything like it.

It was the secret ingredient.

Uh, I'm Martin.

I manage the Hudson Supermarket.

I'm not sure if you know, but I have a section in my store dedicated to local products.

Yeah, I do, actually.

Well, I'd love to carry a few jars of your Heartland Preserve on our shelves.

Thank you.

So you see, Lou, there is no sense getting caught up in petty competition squabbles!

Hey, Pearl!

Guess whose jam is hitting a supermarket shelf near you?!

That's right. Heartland.

Ready to do this?

Whoa, whoa, easy. Easy.

Amy: Okay. It's okay, boy. It's okay.

Tim: All right.

You ready, hon?


(Gates clang open)

Come on!

(Hoof beats thundering)

That horse has run!

♪ Take over my life ♪
♪ take over my love ♪
♪ I've been walking round in circles ♪
♪ like a child that never grows up... ♪

I left them a note on the table.

They'll find it.

You don't have to leave, Mom.

If he finds out I'm seeing you, God knows what he'll do!

I'm not a kid any more, Mom.

I can take care of myself.

And maybe if you stayed- you don't have to protect me.

Let me protect you for once.


If you gotta go, then you're gonna need this.

Ty, no.

You worked too hard for this.

I want you to have this.

If you get settled and you don't need it, you can always send it back, okay?

I promise you I will send it back.

♪ Crossing my fingers ♪
♪ and crossing the lines ♪
♪ do you want to pursue the truth... ♪

Stay in the truck, Mom!

♪ I never belonged to you ♪

What're you doing here, Wade?


Family reunion.

♪ There's nothing I wouldn't do ♪
♪ to turn back the hands of time... ♪