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01x13 - w*r of the Words

Posted: 04/22/23 17:19
by bunniefuu
We interrupt our regularly

scheduled programming

for a special

Electric Company SHOUT-OUT

from Prankster Planet!

Today's honorary Electric

Company Members are:

Julia, NevanM, and KyeKye

the Butterfly Bandit.



Thank you!

And now back to...

But wait, we still need you!

Words on Earth

are being reversed!

The stop signs are

turning into pots signs!

It's chaos!

It's madness!

It's my Reverse-a-balls...

no one can stop me!


We will stop you!

Can The Electric Company

stop Francine

and her Reverse-a-balls?

Prankster Planet

Prankster Planet

And now back to our regularly

scheduled programming.

Hey...Hey Jess,

am I too late?

No, actually

you're a day early,

you do the presentation


Oh man, really?

Guess I lost track of time.

You seem tired.

I am so exhausted, I just

finished this huge project

for my history class.

I don't know, I just

haven't had much sleep.

Well, you should go

home and get some rest.

I will, you're right.

But can I just run my

presentation by you one time?

Sure, what's it about?

It's all about stamina.



Ok, when you're healthy,

you can stay active

and strong for a

long period of time.

Oh, so it's like you

need stamina to play

your hardest all

through a game?


Check it out, ok?

All right, like

putting gas in a car,

we put food in our bodies.

The car needs gas to go

and we need food to go,

that is nourishment, ok?

Hello Hector.

So I hear that you're

going to give a presentation

to Jessica's

Health Class?

Yeah, it's not that big

of a deal, Francine.

I was available, I don't

know why they didn't ask me.

Well, do you have a

sister in the class?


But I'm an

incredible speaker.

Ok, I'm sorry Francine, but

we have a little work to do

and Hector has

to practice.

Ok, fine, I will give

you some pointers.

Ok, ah...what is stamina?

Well, doing something

for a long period of time

like exercise

requires stamina.


That is correct,


Now, can you please

just let me practice?

Just trying to help.

Ok, now, um...

where was I?

Hector, your little picture

seems to be flickering,

is that a sign

of fatigue?

Yeah, I'm really

tired, ok?

So when you become fatigued,

your powers weaken, too?

I did not know that.


So if someone were to keep you

from getting rest, you would

become even more fatigued,

your powers would weaken

and your presentation

would be ruined!

What a fabulous opportunity.


This could get ugly.

Hey, you guys!

Feel the power

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo

And plug it in!

It's electric

(Electric Company)

Get connected

(Electric Company)

It's electric

(Electric Company)

Get connected

(Electric Company)

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed

and expect to be respected

Just turn it on

and you will see

That you belong

in the Company!

Feel the power

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo

And plug it in!

Plug it in, everybody!

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company...

Electric Company!

I don't know,

I'll figure it out, I mean,

I'm just super exhausted,

I'm flickering like crazy.

Check it out.

Oh yeah!

That is bad.

You are tired.

Have you eating?

I've been so busy

that I forgot to eat.

No wonder.

Hey Shock, can we get

something healthy for Hector?

Protein shake?

Oh, perfect, great.

Yeah, good idea, they're filled

with vitamins and stuff.

They're really nutritious.

You get some nourishment

and some sleep,

you'll be good as new.

You're right.

Ah, Hector.

You look fatigued.

I know, Manny.

You should get some rest,

my friend, or you won't have

the stamina for your little

presentation tomorrow, will you?

And that would

be a shame.

Good bye, Hector...

Pleasant dreams.

Oh no.

Why is he everywhere?

I don't know.

I planted a homing device

on Hector, and it will send

a signal to my Manny track so

we'll always know where he is.

This could

actually work!

It will.

If we keep Hector from resting,

his presentation will be ruined.

When the Pranksters work

together, everyone wins!

Everyone wins!

Except some people!


Why was he at the diner?

Francine's outside

with Annie and Manny,

something is going on.

Oh, yeah, they're

going to help Francine,

and keep Hector from

getting his rest.

Right, and I have a feeling

that if I go home,

they're just going

to be waiting for me.

Who said you're going home?

Thanks guys.

We are the Merry

Prankster Band!

We are the

Merry Prankster Band!

We are leading the league

in causing Hector's fatigue

We are the Merry

Prankster Band!

(tuba blaring)

We are the

Merry Prankster Band!

We are the Merry

Prankster Band!

When we walk

we walk proudly

When we play

we play loudly

We are the Merry

Prankster Band!

And you'll know

that you've lost it

If you're feeling exhausted

We are the Merry

Prankster Band!

What is going on?

They know my every move.

They kept me up

so late last night.

Man, it's like they put a

homing device in your hoodie.

Yeah, right.

There's a homing

device in your hoodie.


Good guess, Keith!

Are they serious?

Jess, we better get

to school though.

Oh yeah...You have

off today, right?

Yeah, parent/teacher


Ok good, can you please

take care of my brother?


Thank you.

Hang in there.


I am going to

destroy this thing.

Oh no...we're going

to use this thing.

I got a pocketful of H's

That I'm not afraid to use

I keep a couple extras

in the laces of my shoes

So when I run into a cat

I can have a little chat

If a bat is in my path

I can make him take a bath

Got a pocketful of H's

That I'm not afraid to use

I got a pocketful of H's

That I'm not afraid to use

(breathing heavy)

And if I see my buddy Gus

I can always make him gush

One summer up at camp

I made him be the champ

Got a pocketful of H's

That I'm not afraid to use

I got a pocketful of H's

That I'm not afraid to use

I love using my H's!


Ching! Ching! Ching!





Whoa...that is a really

good look on you.


I don't know if you know

this, but I'm gorgeous.

Hey, look at what I found

want to share it with you

Transformer H

Can't wait to show you

all the things it can do

When it comes behind

the letter C, S and T

It changes up the sound

Stick around

You'll see what I mean

C all by itself

makes a hard sound

Transformer H comes around

With a new sound

It turns Cat into Chat

Case into Chase

Cow into Chow

I think you got it now

S (oh yes)

You don't have to guess

When it's all alone

makes a sound like a snake

But add the H and it's

a whole different thing

Sake turns to Shake

Same turns to Shame

And last but not least

is the T

By itself I tend to think

It is hard as can be

But when you add the H

you will see

Tick becomes Thick

and Tree become Three

Transformer H


Transformer H


is right in here.


We are the Merry

Prankster Band

We are the

Merry Prankster Band

Stop! Stop!

You must stop!

Have you no mercy?

Think of poor Hector,

he's exhausted.

No one can sleep

with all this racket!

Please, stop singing...

And please, for the love

of humanity, don't march!

We are the Merry

Prankster Band

We are the

Merry Prankster Band

When we walk

We walk proudly

When we play

We play loudly

'Cause we are the Merry

Prankster Band!

Oh, Brock, that is

a lot of Shockley.

I mean, Shock, that is a lot

of broccoli...I'm tired.

You need some nourishment.

Thank you, Shock, and broccoli

is totally nutritious.

We are the Merry

Prankster Band



We are the Merry

Prankster Band

Oh no, please,

poor Hector.

All this noise is making it

impossible for him to rest!

We are the Merry

Prankster Band

We are the

Merry Prankster Band

When we walk

We walk proudly

When we play

We play loudly

Take a nap, Hector.

Thank you, Shock.

And sleep well.

I'm going to try.

Come on!

Is that all you have?

Where's your stamina?

Oh, we've got stamina.

Full of stamina,

stamina to burn!

Right, everyone?

Ah...actually Francine,

I'm really tired.

Um, try carrying a drum.

You think the

piccolo's easy?


I have lip fatigue.

We're fine...full of stamina,

we could keep this up all day.

Oh, what's up guys?

What's up, Francine?

What's with the parade?

Wait a minute, why are you...why

aren't you inside not sleeping?

Because I was at the diner

getting some rest

and some nourishment.

Beep, Beep, Beep!


Man, would you just look

at the time, you know what,

I should go ahead and get to the

school and give my presentation.

See ya later.

Oh, this is far from over! is time

to initiate Plan B.

Yeah, Plan B!

What's Plan B?

I don't know yet.

But I do know there are three

of us and only one of him,

and we are going to destroy

that presentation.

Yeah, let's do it!

Let's do it!


That's the sound of

"tr"sitting in a word


That's the sound of

"tr"sitting in a word


Trust me, dog

you're in for a treat

When you try this sound

that's traveling the street

All along your block

it's time to get tricky

Triple your speed and now

you're running quickly

But if you run too fast

you might just trip


The "tr"sound

can be so tragic


That's the sound of

"tr"sitting in a word


(beat boxing)

(beat boxing)

Choo! Choo!

Today, we are looking

for the letter...T!

"T"is an odd letter, because

like in my name a "th"is

combined and makes "th"so

sometimes if you have a regular

"t"it's "t,"but sometimes when

you put an "h"behind it,

it sounds different.

Oh wait look, there's

a New York City taxi.

Right here they're growing

many strawberries.

What am I standing on?

Now let's move on.

Oh look, here's a tiny umbrella,

it's not just tiny, but it's

little -- tiny and little both

have the letter "T"in it.

Let's look in my backpack.

Here's one...

great-great grandfather.

It is...

Can you hear me?

I have bottles!


I triple dog dare you to

remember all the words

by the end of the day.

I call this

presentation "Stamina."

What makes

super heroes super?

All right, two things,

nutritious food

and plenty of rest.

That's Word Balls.

That was exhausting.

Hector may be rested,

but no one has the stamina

to resist the power of

our Word Ball alpenhorn.


On the count of three,

the real fun begins.


blow Manny, blow!

(horn blaring)

Uh-oh, Prankster time.

Um, why are

you stopping?

I have lip fatigue.

Then, give me

that alpenhorn!

(horn blaring)

We need more

Word Balls.

I can't...I'm just

too exhausted!

Well, then I guess

it's up to me.

And when you're well nourished

and get plenty of rest,

your body can defend itself

against attack.

A balanced diet is important

in nutrition, all right,

the most nutritious foods

are fruits and vegetables.

And from them we get the

vitamins and minerals we need

to stay healthy and to

keep up our stamina.

Getting the rest you need...

and nutritious food...

gives us...

stamina, ok?

So you's

all about stamina.

And you never know when

stamina will come in handy.



How's this for a presentation?

I, Francine Carruthers, am the

most amazing Prankster ever,

end of presentation.

On Prankster Planet,

no one can stop me!

Will you even dare to try,

Electric Company?

Prankster Planet

Prankster Planet

The Reverse-a-ball's reversing

all the words on Earth

So it's Jessica and Marcus

to the rescue

Francine has eight machines

You must stop them all

To save the world

from the Reverse-a-balls

Prankster Planet

Prankster Planet

Hello, loyal fans!

ALL: Francine!

Francine! Francine!

You're too kind.

Let's take a look

at three examples

of my Reverse-a-balls on Earth.

Reverse-a-ball One...

We are the Merry

Prankster Band...

Right there! See it?


Reverse-a-ball Two...


Reverse-a-ball Three...

That's my favorite.

Let's check on the progress

of our little heroes,

Jessica and Marcus, as they try

to stop my Reverse-a-balls.


Oh yeah, oh yeah.

You should probably

be careful.

Careful? I can do this with

my eyes closed...see.

Very impressive.

Well, it's not looking good

for The Electric Company...

so why don't I make it worse?

Hey, it's Survey Time!

The survey question is:

What should I trap

The Electric Company in?

Time to vote!

You can vote for a mailbox,

a block of ice, or a doghouse.

I'm going to show the results of

the survey using a bar graph!

I love a bar graph!

It's time to...


Vote! Vote! Vote!

And now the part where

we have the results

of the survey...time!

What did you vote for?

This bar shows that of you

voted for a mailbox;

this bar shows that seven of you

voted for a block of ice;

and this bar shows that

voted for a doghouse.

Mailbox has the tallest bar,

so that one wins!

The results of the survey

show that you want to trap

Jessica and Marcus

in a mailbox...time!

You've got mail!

Wow, what are

the chances?

I have a postcard I've

been meaning to send.


It won't open!

What if we

try to...ow!

(mailbox laughing)

Marcus, keep making

it laugh.

Why was the

math book sad?

It had too

many problems.


Why was six

afraid of seven?

Because seven



What's a duck's

favorite snack?




Express Mail!



But seriously,

this is not funny!

Right to the lever.

Time for my Prankster Planet

Prankster Rules

emergency button!

Good luck stopping

the Reverse-a-balls now!


Hey, you guys!

Go to and

stop the Reverse-a-balls.

The Electric Company and

the people of Earth need you!

We interrupt our regularly

scheduled programming

for a special

Electric Company Shout-out

from Prankster Planet!

Today's honorary Electric

Company Members are:

Owen, NoelleFaith,

and Jonas.



Thank you!

You can be an honorary member

of the Electric Company, too!

Go online and stop

Francine's Reverse-a-balls!


What's your name?


Manny, blow.


I'm Francine Carruthers

and I like to win,

so if you don't go play games

and win points for me,

I'll still be a winner...

who's losing.

So go to and win

points for Francine Carruthers.

That's me.