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03x10 - Eye of the Wolf

Posted: 01/05/10 21:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland:"

Yeah, I gotta see a woman about a horse.

In Golden B.C.?

Isn't that like 300 kilometres from here?

Not as the crow flies.

You haven't lost your assistant yet.

Yeah, but Amy...

I know, it's our last day.

No, whatever! I...

It just would've been nice to spend some time together.

Okay, you know what? I don't care!

Yeah, do what you want.


Well, it looks like you're gonna be a good father one day.

That's definitely part of the plan.

What plan?

Life plan.

What do you think?

Ty: Amy would love this!

That's why I'm giving to you.

See you, Jane.

(Plane buzzes overhead)

Where are they? Are they all right?

That's the thing, we don't know.

We'll let you know the minute we get any news.

(Door slams shut)

Everyone's gonna love this.

I never thought I'd get it done in time for the party.

Isn't that a cool shot?

Jack: That's pretty good...

Lou: Hey, um, can I borrow you for a second?

Oh, Lou, I'm bonding with Jack over beer here.

Okay. You know that whole life plan thing?

The career, the girl, the fun, the babies, the marriage?

Oh yeah, sure.

You got the order wrong though.

It's not about the order.

Maybe I'm being sensitive here - tell me if I am, okay? Tell me - but you didn't mention me anywhere in your plan, because we're not just playing around...

(Phone rings) Can you...?





Oh no.

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

Grandpa! they don't know where they are. They lost radio contact!

It's okay. It's okay.

Happens all the time with these small planes.

Maybe they ran into some weather and set down somewhere.

Maybe they never even left?

You think so?

Plane's late, that's all.

We don't know anything else, so we're not jumping to conclusions.


What's going on? What happened?

♪ Sing this song with me ♪
♪ sing this song with me ♪

(Birds chirp)

(Plane cracking)

(Engines, metal crack)


(Ominous music plays)

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Jennifer: We have airport confirmation that they took off from Golden B.C. at 3:45 pm, but failed to arrive at the Hudson airport as scheduled.

Maybe they ran into some weather.

Well, there were reports of some severe wind conditions in the Rockies, just south of Golden.

Might've caused them to change course.

Or land somewhere else?

We checked on that.

If they were in trouble, Scott coulda come down in a field or some other flat area.

That's true.

And an experienced pilot certainly would've been able to do that.

Unfortunately, we don't have any reports of sightings of aircraft landing.

Usually we do get calls.

And they have that box, right?

The, the locater...

The transponder.

They'd be getting a signal from that.

Well, that's the thing, Mr. Bartlett.

The box would have sent off a signal immediately if there had been an unscheduled emergency landing, and that hasn't happened.

So, that means they didn't...

Go down, right?

Jennifer: No, it just means that we don't have locater data.

And without that, or any sightings, it's just too big an area to cover.

Mm... meaning?

At this time, it...

We don't have a reasonable area for a ground search.

Amy: No.

No, you gotta search.

And we will, as soon as we have a better idea of where to begin.

In the meantime, the local SAR-Teams have been notified, and they'll be sending out an aerial search first thing in the morning.

(Screen door opens and closes)

(Tense breath)

Please pick up, Ty.


Ty: (Voice mail) Hey, this is my phone...

(Phone beeps off)

The last thing we did was fight.

I made him feel bad for spending the day away from me, and...

His last day...

(Exhales sadly)

Grandpa, what if...

Oh honey, don't. Don't go down that road.

Ty: Scott!


Come on, wake up, man!


(Hard whack)

(Grunts in pain, breathing hard)


(Groans in pain)

(Tight breaths, whimpers in pain)

(Strained grunts)


(Leaves rustle)


(Plane door clunks open)


(Relieved laugh)

Thank God...

Come on, man, wake up.

Scott: (Groans groggily)

(Scott groans, Ty pants)

Ty: (Grunts)

Careful. Let's get you outta here.

(Cries out in pain)


I can't move... Oh, that's not good.

(Pants and moans, pained)

You got a belt?




Stem the blood flow.

Right here.


(Preparatory breaths)


Here we go.

Scott: That's good. That's good.

Ty: All right.

(Moans in pain)

Yeah, yeah, I know it's a big area, but we gotta start somewhere, don't we?

How soon can you get our guys up there?

Okay, so, this is where the storm was.

I checked it out on the Internet.

So the plane probably landed somewhere around here and this is where we should start looking.

Uh, we should probably drive out there right now.

Amy, you heard what the officer said.

It would be like looking for a flea on a football field.

We've gotta do something, Grandpa!

Well, what we can do is we can stay calm.

We're probably gonna get a call any minute sayin' they're just fine.

(Phone rings)

What'd I say?

(Phone rings)


It's your dad.


We're fine.

All right, we'll see ya.

He's, uh... He's on his way over.

Mallory, I should drive you home.

It's gettin' late.

No. I want to be here in case we hear something.

I phoned my parents, they understand.

(Phone chimes)


Badger. Oh my God.

It's Ty and Scott - they can't find 'em.

They don't know where to start.

(Celery crunches)



What're you doing?

People have to eat, right?


Scott had only had his license for a few months.

What if he had to...?

I mean maybe he wasn't experienced enough to...

Hey, listen.

Search and Rescue have volunteer crews all over the area, okay?

If they're out there, they're gonna find them.

Amy: Don't say "if."

There is no "if."
They'll find them.

(Sighs heavily)

Hey, Harley.

You're a good boy.


Tim: Amy...



Oh, I'm so sorry.

It's gonna be okay.

Ty: How is it?

Scott: Good. It's good.

Ty: Look, I don't know how, but we're gonna have to get that piece of metal outta your leg.

No. Forget it. I can put up with the pain.

I'm serious, man.

No, it won't be long.

They'll find us when it gets light.

Yeah, you're right.

They'll find us.

(Wolves howl nearby)

Amy: So, um, a plane went down?

Someone saw it?

Jennifer: A farmer, just south of Golden, at about 4:05 yesterday afternoon.

We've got someone on it.

We've also narrowed down the area where they lost radio contact with the Cessna.

So, a ground team went out first thing this morning and an air search is in the works as well.

Tim: How many planes and choppers do you have out there?

I'd have to check that...

Are you coordinating with the SAR-Teams?

I mean, how long can two guys last out there like that?

The temperature went down last night - way down.

Tim, why don't you just-

Jack! I'm serious.

We don't want this to go from a search and rescue mission to a recovery mission.


Sir, we're doing everything in our power to make sure that that doesn't happen.

Well, that's great.

(Radio) - Officer Patterson, do you copy?

Excuse me.

Officer: (Over radio) We've located a plane.

(Hushed conversation)

Wanna take a look at that?

Officer: (Over radio) We'll keep you posted, over.

They've identified the downed plane.

It's not Mr. Cardinal's.

I'll keep you posted.

And I do understand what you're all going through.

Thank you.

Peter: Thanks.

Okay. So, good. They're going full throttle, and, listen, I want you to know it's not just the RCMP out there either, okay?

I've got Bedford's choppers ready to take off as well.

Thanks, Peter.

Peter: Yeah?

Okay, great.

All right, they've narrowed down the area, I got the coordinates.

Let's go take a look at that map.

Amy: Okay. So it's part of this huge provincial park.

Right. Which means the Parks department will have all their guys out there, too.

Okay, so, they've got guys and you've got helicopters, but we need to go out there and look for them ourselves.

Okay, how can we expect someone else to do something we should be doing?

Well, you know, even though they've narrowed down the area quite a bit, it's still way too big to search on horseback or on foot.

No! This is Ty we're talking about, okay?

And Scott.

They are out there somewhere and we're not doing anything about it?

Look, I know how you feel.

No! No you don't! You-

Amy, just listen to me.

These search and rescue guys, they're local, okay?

They know this area like the back of their hand.

This is what they do.

It's what they're trained to do.

They're gonna find Ty and Scott.

Ah... we got water, a tarp...

My painting survived.

I got a parachute flare!

You see a first aid kit?


It's pretty much a write off though.

So is the parachute flare...

But your vet kit looks good.

Pfft! Great.

I can inoculate a few bears.

You see a radio?

Ty: Yeah.

Not so good.

Hey! Got a flashlight...

Bingo! Flares.



One flare.

The most important thing to do is find that transponder.

Where's that?

Scott: It's near the tail area.

It's small, it's yellow.

There should be a red flashing light on the top of it.

Yeah, I got it!


The light's not flashing. What does that mean?


Means it's not working.

Maybe it never did.

No one knows where we are.

(Transponder thunks heavily)

And you're telling me after 24 hours you have no information?


Well, what's the deal?

What the hell are you people doing up there?

Yeah, I understand.

Yeah, no, I know, I know, you'll call us, right?

That's great.

No, you know, keep up the good work!

(Incredulous chuckle) Dad, you're not gonna help things by yelling at them.

We need answers, Amy!

We deserve answers.


Can't believe Jane's painting made it through.

Yeah. I think it's a sign.

If wild horses can survive in the wilderness, we can too, right?


But we gotta do something.

You got to get to higher ground.

I'm not leaving you, man.

I don't mean that.

We just need to get some bearings on where we are.

Take the flare.

If anyone's looking for us, they'll have started by now.

Don't get lost...

(Stream rushes, water splashes)

(Bag rustles)

(Panting and grunting)

(Bag rustles)

(Rocks clatter down hill)

(Dirt cascades down the hill)


(Pebbles crumble and clatter)



(Birds twitter and chirp)

(Dramatic music crescendos)


(Yelling loudly)



("Hello" echoes through the range)

Ty: (Pants heavily)

Well, I'm not gonna lie...

We're in the middle of nowhere.

But the good news is we're still here and we're pretty lucky.

Yeah. Real lucky.

I screwed up.

I'm sorry.

Forget it, man.

The down draft took me by surprise.

I should have gone to a different altitude.

Hey, you managed to keep us alive, didn't you?

We're gonna make it, Scott.

You're gonna be fine.

No. No, there's no point in you coming back, Lisa.

Don't you dare get on a flight.

I'll call you as soon as I hear... anything.


Okay, bye.

(Phone beeps off)

Amy: (Sniffles)

(Shaky breaths)

(Horse whinnies below)

Hey, boy.

You're okay.
(Calming exhales)

It's gonna be all right, huh?

He's gonna come home.

He's gotta come home.

(Inhales deeply)

(Grunts and snuffles)

You smell him, don't ya?

(Harley grunts)

(Half laughs)

(Tarp rustles)

(Murmurs and shivers)

Scott, you okay?

(Dazed moan)

Ty: You're gonna be fine, man.

I'll get you outta here.

(Tarp rustles, wolf howls)

(Branches snap)

(Wolf howls nearby, Ty pants, worried)

And where did you get this plan?

From Harley.

Harley? When?

Last night.

Look, we take the trailers to the closest possible road where they lost radio contact and then we'll ride the horses into the mountains from there.

I'll take Harley 'cause he can smell Ty.

Grandpa, he can!

Please, just believe me, okay?

I know it sounds crazy, but he'll probably lead us right to them.

Amy, look.

Even if we went to the area they've narrowed it down to, that country's almost impassable.

There's gorges, rivers, cliffs that a mountain goat couldn't climb.

We've got to at least try. Huh?


Dad, you said that you were sick of sitting around, waiting for someone else to do something.

This is our chance. Peter, come on.

We have a map. We know what area it is.


Yeah, I'm in.

Okay. It's better than waiting.

I'm coming too.


But someone has to stay here, be by the phones, take care of the place.

I will.

You can't stay here alone.


Is there anything that we can do to help?
(Trucks rumble along)

(Helicopter rotors beat)

Ty: Ungh! Damn stupid thing...

It's ruined.

It scared me half to death last night, blowing off in the middle of night.

(Rotors beat nearby)

You hear that?


Ty: It's a chopper!

Scott: The flare! Use the flare!

(Objects clatter)

(Rotors beat overhead)

(Snaps the top off the flare)



Scott: Hey!

Ty: Hey! We're down here!

(Rotors beat loudly)

Ty and Scott: (Screaming) Hey! We're down here! Hey! Down here!

(Rotors beat loudly and fade into the distance)

Scott: (Groans)

Ty: Scott!

Scott, it's gonna be okay, man.

No, it's not.

My leg... It's infected.

This damn thing has got to come out.

(Pained moan)

What do you want me to do?

Remember the horse - the wild horse - how I got the arrow out of his neck?


That's what you have to do.

Okay, man.

Use the local first.

Jeez, Scott...

(Anesthetic squirts)

Ty: Three, two, one.

(Groans in pain)


(Tight, shaky breaths)

I can't do this.

Stay focused. You can do this.

(Apprehensive grunt)


(Exhales forcefully)

Ty: Okay, you ready?

Scott: 'Kay. Go.

(Cries out in pain)

I got it!

Scott: Good.

Get the gauze.

Is it bleeding out?

Ty: I don't think so.

Oh good. No arteries.

Now the fun part...

You gotta flush it out with the antiseptic.

(Antiseptic sloshes)

Scott: All right. Does it look clean?


Scott: Okay.

Okay. Then sew 'er up.

Make it pretty.

Ty: (Half laughs)

(Groans in pain)

Ty: Hold on, hold on...


There's no more gauze.

Better left to the air.

Ty: Okay.

(Exhales forcefully and pants)

Scott: You aren't delivering a baby here.


Have a seat.

Ty: I just need some air.

I'm good.

How're you doing?

Scott: Hunky dory.

No pain.

Always a good thing.

sh**t me full of that... Horse medicine, now, would ya?



(Tight inhale)

Woo! Nicely done.

I must be a good teacher, eh?


Good job.

(Horse grunts)

Peter: All right, this is it.

As close as we can get to where the airport lost radio contact.

So we'll split up into two groups.

Jack, you and Tim can take this quadrant here, Amy, Lou and myself, we'll do this one.

Figure we'll go 'til dusk and meet back here.

Aye, aye, sir.

You got a problem?

Yeah, guess maybe I do.

I mean I just musta missed the moment when you were put in charge.

Dad, don't...

I don't think this is about who's in charge.

Jack: This isn't about you guys either, so cut the bull.


(Birds twitter and chirp)

(Wolves howl close by)

(Frantic panting)

It was good to do this.

We had to do this.


You okay?


Jack: What was that about back there?

Tim: That PW... I mean he's got manpower, and helicopters...

He's got it all.

He's great.

So what's the problem?

Oh, come on, Jack.

You gotta be feeling the same way I do.

We're useless.

We're helpless out here.

Come on, I hate that.

What're we even doing?

Look, we're doin' something, and we're gonna find 'em.

Ty didn't go through all the crap in his life just so he could get lost.

You love him.

Aw, I just...

Ah, hell, he's, you know... He's part of the family.

Like a son.


(Horse grunts)

(Grunts of effort)

Hey, Ty, it doesn't have to be a perfect boy scout fire.

But it needs to be seen, right?

We need them to see it.

(Match flares)

(Fire crackles)

(Moans softly)


Have some water, man.

Tim: Amy? Hey.

Amy: Hey.


Look, honey, I'm sorry about the way I've...

I've been, uh...

You know.


Dad, um...


Can you try to be a little more cooperative with Peter?

He knows what he's doing.

Yeah. Oh yeah.

I will.



(Horse grunts)

Lou: How can you have a life plan, huh, when anything can happen...

At any minute?

There's something I've never told you...

About me and Scott.


When we were teenagers...

We had this huge crush thing goin' on.

(Half laughs)

And then, uh, we both went away to school, and I moved to New York...

And we just sorta lost touch.

And then Mom died...

And I came back and the feeling was still there and we almost got engaged.


And then he dumped me.

He dumped you?

Yeah. He did.


I don't know.

Maybe he saw something I didn't see...

Anyway, I know it was for the best - and I love you, I do - but the thought that anything might've happened to him is devastating.

Hey. You listen to me.

Now we are gonna do everything we possibly can to find him, okay?

You understand?



(Crickets chirp, fire crackles)


(Exhales forcefully)

Any more of those horse dr*gs?

Sorry, man. All gone.

I wish I could have some for myself.

How're you doin'?

(Wolf howls nearby)

Sounds close.

A little too close.
(Wolf howls)

My grandfather was an Elder.


He tried to pass his beliefs on to me...

But I was an idiot.

I never listened.

"The wolf," he said, "the wolf's the survivor, the teacher."

All I know is that guy scares the crap out of me, so...

Never listened to anyone when I was a kid.

(Groans in pain)

(Scott grunts)



Scott, you okay?

You wanna know something?

I'm pretty stupid.

What're you talking about?

Lou. Letting her go.

Dumbest thing I ever did.

If we get out, I'm gonna go back-

No, there are no "ifs," man.

We're gonna make it outta here, okay?

Big mistake... I see them.


You and Amy...

(Tight breaths)
You stay true, all right?


Yeah, man.

I can't wait to give this to her.




(Shaky breath)

Scott! Come on, wake up, man.

(Cries and mutters)

Don't leave me, man. Don't...

(Panicked, shaky breathing)

(Wolf howls nearby)

(Frightened, shaky breaths)


(Ferocious growling)

Pilot: Stand by just circling back now.

Pilot: PW, do you copy?

Yeah, I got you. Go ahead.

Pilot: Alpha Bravo Charlie reporting smoke just 2 kilometres northeast of your position.

Peter: Okay, Roger that. Thank you very much.

One of my guys up there says he spotted smoke!

Pretty darn close to here, too!

(Elated breaths)

(Horse snuffles)

(Pail clunks)

Okay, I gotta ask you a question.


Are you in love with Ashley?


So? Why don't you tell her?

What are you waiting for?

Don't do what Amy did.

She wasted a whole year...

A whole year when she could've been with Ty.

Come here.

Peter: Think we should turn around.

We're not gonna make it back before dark.

No, Peter, come on. Just a little bit further.

We can't stop now.

(Stream gurgles)

(Harley whinnies)

What's up?

Hey, boy.

Guys, I think he knows something.


Hey, look, there's another one!

(Water splashes)

Amy: Wait. Stop.

Do you smell that?

Peter: Smoke.

Amy: Come on, Harley.
(Clicks tongue)

(Saddles clank, horses grunt)

(Ominous music plays)

Wait, wait.

Stay here. You keep her here.



(Small gasp)

(Door clunks open)




Hey, Scott?


Hey. Hey, pal, how're you doing?

Okay, you hang in there.

We're gonna get you out, okay?


(Teary breaths)

We're here.


(Teary laughter)

(Helicopter rotors beat loudly)

(Harley whinnies)


(Coffee pot and cup clatter)

Tim: Ho...

Oh God, you look like hell, but it's damn good to see you!

Damn good.

Where's Scott?

Peter: He's been choppered in to the hospital.

He's gonna be fine though.

Hey, thanks...


(Half laughs)

Ty: (Pained grunts)

(Half laughs)


Mallory: Oh my God, Ty!



So this whole thing has kinda got me thinking.

You know, about life and all.

Be careful, you don't wanna hurt your brain.


But there's something I gotta tell you, Ash.

I really care about you, and not just as friends.

I mean, I know I get it...
(Half laughs)

You can do way better than me and all.

It's just the way I see it, life's too short.

What was it that you wanted to tell me?

Seems like forever ago Jack and I were enjoying one of these cold ones here.

Yeah, um...

I guess I have confession to make.

Oh. I've been hearing a lot of those lately.

Before all this... happened, I thought that I was pregnant...

And I was devastated.

I, um...
(Clears throat)

Yeah, it was definitely not part of my life plan.


And then I held Marnie's baby and he smiled at me.

And I don't know, I realized how amazing it would be to be a mom, to have a baby...

And then I took one of those stupid tests, and it was negative.


Um... I was devastated all over again.

(Lou and Peter chuckle)

Lou, sweetheart, you know...

I just, I realized...

I would've loved it, you know... being pregnant.

But it's okay.

Because I don't even know if I fit in to your life plan or how that would work, so...

Listen, you know that plan of mine?

The career, the girl, the fun, the kids, the marriage, that's...

You are a part of it.

I mean, totally, absolutely.

(Exhales, relieved)

But I just...

I wanna just be able to talk about the whole kids part of it, you know?

In the right order.


♪ Sing this song with me ♪

So did you like the painting?

I love the painting.

You like his halter?

I sure do.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Ty, um...

I'm sorry.

For what?


You know, we had that little fight right before you left and...

I don't know, if anything had ever...


Harley, he knew you were out there.

He never gave up hope.

Well, neither did you.

Yeah, I could feel you out there.

You know, there was a moment where I actually thought...

I thought I was gonna die.

And then there was this wolf.

He came right up to this huge fire I made and he looked at me.

But not just at me, like, through me, you know?

I thought he was gonna attack, but he just stayed there and watched us all night.

Grandpa says the wolf is a survivor...

Kinda like you.

And the teacher.

That's what Scott said.

♪ Sing this song with me ♪

So, then what did you learn?

♪ Sing this song with me ♪
♪ sing this song with me ♪