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03x12 - The Reckoning

Posted: 01/18/10 20:55
by bunniefuu
Ty: Previously on "Heartland":

I'm sorry.

Foal's gone.


Amy: Maybe if we take that blanket and rub it all over the new little guy, then he'll smell enough like her foal, and she'll accept him.

I wanted you to know what my intentions are with Lou.

Amy: It's pretty obvious that he loves you.

I love him too, but...

I'm tired of missing him all the time, you know?

I don't see what Mom got out of coming here.

I mean all we do is golf, and go for walks.

Ty: Scott!

Come on, wake up, man!

Do you ever have dreams about uh,
what happened?

Every single night.

(Horse's hooves thud)

(Horse snorting)

(Reins jingle)



Kit: Hey!

I-I didn't expect to see you!

Yeah, I uh...

Well, Scott's still off work right, so uh, got the morning shifts back at the track.

Good! Uh, how is... How is Scott?

Oh, he's good.

Um, still needs a cane to get around, but the doctor said he's gonna make a full recovery, so.

That's great.


And you? How're you doing?



Ty: Yeah. Kit: Good.


Hey, I was gonna-
I was gonna call, Yeah, no worries.

How's Daisy?

Uh, not so great.


She hasn't been the same since she lost her foal.


Hey, I was just gonna run the barrels.

Do you wanna see what she's got?


(Hooves thudding)

Kit: Come on!

(Horse whinnies)

(Horse whinnies)

She's giving up!

Kit: No, Daisy!

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

Kit: Oof! Oh!

Kit: Oh... Ty: Kit!

Hey, you all right?

Unh! Yeah.

As good as you can be with a mouthful of dirt.

(Horse whinnies)

(Horse pants)

(Horse nickers)


(Snorts and squeals)

I know you!

(Thwack of golf club)

I've gotta work on that slice.


Victor: Tansi, my girl!

I had a feeling I'd run into you.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

(Wrench clacks)

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

Lou: Hey!

Hey, Lou.

What are you doing?

Fixing the fence.

Okay, well I thought you were gonna replace the fence, Dad!

It's a barbed wire fence.

You know, I thought you were gonna replace it with wood.

A fence is a fence.

No, it certainly is not, dad!

It's gotta go with the theme of the dude ranch!

More nature, more woodsy.



Wood's more expensive to maintain, and you can't even see the cabins from here.

I don't care.

And I'm standing on my land.

Well, I'm looking at my dude ranch.

That's our dude ranch.

I don't care.

Whatever. It's gotta go.

Jack: So where'd you go riding so early this morning?

The Ridge. Up near Willow Springs.

The cemetery?

Amy: Yeah.

Yeah, I went to visit Mom's grave.

Someone had already been there, too.

They left wildflowers, her favourites.

Marigolds, asters.

I haven't been up there in quite a while.

I can't believe it's been two years.

Uh, have you seen my 100 foot tape?

It's uh, missing from my tool belt.


Amy: Right here.

Guess who I ran into?





What's he doin' around here?

Uh, he said he was going up to Priddis to do one of his clinics.

I've have to go help your dad.

Have fun!

You sure you're all right?

Yeah, it's nothing. It's just a sand burn.

Let me have a look.

I'm okay.

All right.

Wish I could say the same for Daisy, though.

She used to have such a great attitude, but now she's like a different horse.

Sometimes horses get depressed.

It's more like she's mad at the world.

You know?

She doesn't come to me when I call her, she is mean to the other mares.

She even tried to steal another mare's foal.

That's harsh.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Is there nothing physically wrong with her?

No, she's perfectly sound.

Well, maybe you should see Amy.


No offence, but that's not gonna happen.

Look, I know there's a lot of flakes out there, but Amy's the real thing.

Right. Yeah. That's why she was so good at getting Daisy to bond with that orphan foal.

Come on, Kit.

Just give it a try, okay?

So, ever since Land & Country Magazine featured the dude ranch on their website, the phone just hasn't stopped ringing.

That's great.

I know, right?

And they rave about its "natural beauty".

Yeah, I bet. Hey-

So what does dad do?

He goes and he patches up the fence with more barbed wire!

Peter: Listen-
Lou: Barbed wire?

Natural beauty?

Like, what was he thinking? It's not a penitentiary.

Lou! Stop.

Just for one second, please?


I wanna ask you something.


How's your French?

(Zipper whines)

What's up with all the suitcases?

Peter is taking me to Paris!


Uh, how long are you going for?

Three days.

And you're taking your whole wardrobe?

No, I am buying an entirely new wardrobe!

Dior, Chanel, Jean-Paul Gaultier.

Like you can afford that stuff.

As a matter of fact, I can.

Or at least, Peter can, anyway.

So it's like you shop, and he pays?


It's like a special treat.

Okay? You know, his way of saying I love you.

Anyway, since when do I have to explain these things to you?

Since when were you a kept woman?

Okay, okay!

Kept woman.

(Zipper whines)

(Tim grunts with effort)

Oh, nice of you to show up.

At the crack of noon.

What happened to the fence?

Martha Stewart didn't like it.

She wants me to build a whole new wooden one.

You want it to last?

You gotta get the posts deeper than that.

Well, I'm not finished yet, Jack.

You remember... Victor Whitetail?


The guy who used to help Marion with Pegasus.

What about him?


Heard he was in the area doin' a horse clinic.

Yeah, I'm not surprised.

He had a real way with horses.

You ever see him again?

You know, after... He worked with Pegasus?

No. Lost touch.

Why the hell would that matter now?


Did you even bother to measure between the post holes or... were you just planning on winging it?

Ty: C'mon. Kit: Okay.

I wasn't going to say anything, but it's like the biggest, fattest elephant in the room.

What is?

The plane crash.

Uh I mean, I...

I still can't even believe it!

I mean, how many people walk away from something like that?

Like, look at you!

It's amazing you got out without a scrape.

It must have been terrifying.

Well, I-it wasn't exactly a walk in the park.

I can't even imagine.

Hey, is it true what they say about your life flashing before your eyes?

I-I don't know. I don't think so.

Hey, come on, Ty.


When we were going down, it was like, well, it all happened pretty fast.

I didn't really have much time to think about anything.

And then...

After, it was really quiet.

And... for some reason, I woke up and I thought I was on a beach.

And I look over, and I see Scott, and I cannot figure out what he's doing.

You mean like why he wasn't wearing a bathing suit?


Ty: Yeah. Sort of, I guess.

Amy: Hey.


Uh... Daisy, right?

Ty: Yeah.

She's been having a bit of trouble with the barrels so...

Yeah, after uh, he picked me up out of the dirt, Ty here convinced me that you could help.

He did, did he?

Yeah, at this point I'm pretty much willing to give anything a try.

And Amy, you're going to have to keep track of the hours you work with the clients' horses.

Ty just dumped another one off on me without asking.

Kit's horse. Hence the attitude.

Well, just um, make sure you fill out a client application form.

And don't forget to get a deposit.

And Grandpa, you have to take the cheques to the bank daily, okay?

Well, I'm kinda busy teaching your dad how to build a fence.

Lou: Look, I know this came right out of the blue, but it's not every day that your boyfriend invites you to the most romantic city in the world, so.

You know what, Lou?

You uh, you go.

And we'll figure out a way to take care of things here.

Amy: Hey, Ty?

Dinner's ready.

Hold on a second!

Is everything okay?


Come on, Amy.

What's going on?



Just that I wish you had given me some warning about Daisy.

I-I know Kit's your friend, and everything--


I'll take the horse back.

No, I didn't say that!

I get it! Kit's horse. You don't wanna work with her.

Ty: I understand. Amy: No, that's not- that's not it, okay?

I just have a lot of horses, a lot of clients, I just don't have enough time!

I've got a schedule I'm supposed to follow.


It's the schedule, it's bad timing.

That's fine.

No, no, it's okay. I'll do it.

You know, people think that Paris is expensive--

Not that Lou cares.

But really, if you do your research, there's tons of great bargains.

Mallory: Not that Lou needs them.

Lou: Mallory.

(Knocking on door)
Amy: I'll get it.

This is our time together, and Peter just wanted to make it special.

Nothing says special like someone else's credit card.

Lou: I'm warning you...

Victor: Tansi, everyone.

Tim: Victor!

Jack and I were just talking about you today.

Great to see you again.

Good to see you too, Tim.

Come on in, have a seat.

Victor: The ranch looks great, Jack.


I see you got a new truck!


Saw you on the Internet, Amy.

Quite something you did with that horse.


I'm glad to see you're sharing your gift.

Jack tells me that you're teaching a clinic somewhere around here?

Yeah, I thought I'd come by early, pay my respects to Marion.

Amy: That was you...

Who left the wildflowers.

I always felt bad about missing the funeral.

But like I told Amy, I was in Arizona at the time.

So you already knew each other?

Oh, yes.

Since, since last year, Victor helped me when I was had a problem with Spartan.

Thought she was having problems with Spartan.


So, what are you doing for work now?

Uh... well, tomorrow I'm starting to work with a barrel racing horse.

You could help me.

Where are you, where are you staying?

Oh, I'm sure he's already got a hotel, booked.

Victor: Actually, I was gonna sleep in my trailer.

Oh! Victor, didn't Amy tell you?

Uh, we've opened a dude ranch!

And I've got guest cabins!

Well, if you have a cabin free, I-I'd be happy to rent one from you.


Oh, you don't have to rent it!

I shouldn'tve brought Daisy here without asking you first.

It's okay.

From now on, I'll give you a heads up.

I know you have a busy schedule.

It's not just the schedule, Ty.

It's just this time of year.

Your mom?


It's been two years.

And I know how I feel about it, but... I don't know how I'm supposed to act.

I don't think there's a particular way you're supposed to act.

And I guess it doesn't really help me piling more work on you.

No, actually, the work kinda helps.

This job, working with horses, makes me feel close to her.


I like that.

(Truck rumbles)

(Truck doors slam)

I hope it isn't culturally insensitive of me to have a teepee here?

In Cree, we call it migawap.

A good reminder to your guests that our people were, and still are, a big part of this land.

Well, that's kinda what I was hoping when I designed this place.

You created all this?


Not the hammer and nails part, but it was my idea.

Victor: My grandmother always said that the women were like the sacred fire in the center of the migawap, well, because they brought warmth and comfort to their families.

I like that.

You have your mother's spirit.

Looks like you're the fire in the middle of your family now.

I like that too.

Thanks for the lift.

Amy: (Clicking tongue)

Come on!

Victor: The horse has an intelligent eye.

But you can see her heart just isn't into it.

Amy: Come on!

(Daisy snorts)

Ty: Well, she used to be a prize winning barrel racing horse.

But a few months ago she uh...

She lost her foal.

And ever since then, my friend Kit's been having a hard time with her.

If your friend is so concerned, why isn't she here working with Amy?

It's uh... complicated.

Amy: Come on!

Oh, I see.

Kit is your friend, but not Amy's.

That is complicated.

(Daisy pants)

Tim: (Straining)

I couldn't help but notice you weren't your same jovial self at dinner last night, Jack.

Well, one too many freeloaders at the table for my taste.

Why didn't anybody tell me that Amy took Spartan to Victor last year?

It's not my job to give you a play by play of your daughter's life.

So, I guess it's not your job to tell me how Victor knew what Marion's favourite flowers were, either?

That's right.

You gonna talk all day, or you gonna dig the damn hole?

Dig the hole.

So the next step is to put up the barrels and run the pattern at an easy pace.

But I don't know if Daisy's ready for that yet.


Uh, unless you think she is?

She looks like a strong horse, I bet she's up to anything.

Ready to run the barrels?

Well, if you think her heart's in it.

Yeah, you're probably right.

Maybe it's too soon.

So, what should I do?

Come for a walk.

A walk?

Of course.

Amy: Don't get me wrong Victor, but I've got a lot of work to do.

Victor: You're a busy girl.

We may be walking out in this field, but your mind is still with the horses.

Amy: I can't help it.

That's just the way I am.

So that uh, horse on the Internet, the one you saved?

Yeah? How did you know what to do then?

I don't know.

I guess I just reached out to him.

Oh, so uh...


You used your heart.

You trusted yourself.


Yeah, I guess.

So, um, how come when you're with Daisy, you're second guessing yourself?

Uh... asking questions.

I don't know.

Well, I think you do.

I can't believe we're going to Paris tomorrow!

Yeah! I wish it was for more than just a couple days.

You've obviously never seen me shop.

I can do a lot of damage in three days.

Yeah, I bet you can!

I booked us a hotel room!


I know! It's the Hotel Vaillancourt!

Peter: No, no, no, Lou-
Lou: Listen, listen- listen, it's right out of the movies.

It has a view of the Eiffel Tower.

Sweetheart, I already booked us a room!

Lou: Oh! Peter: Yeah.

And it's at the same hotel the conference is being held at, so.

The conference? Honey, don't worry about the hotel.

You're gonna love it.

Okay? It's a five-star, it's got all the bells and whistles, and it's right in the heart of the business district.

The business district?


Yes. But we'll have all our evenings free together.

And during the day you'll be so busy shopping, you won't even realize I'm not around.


(Barrel scrapes along)

Amy: Thanks, Ty.

Just a little bit more, I think.

Tim: While barrel racing wasn't my specialty, but I know a thing or two about rodeo horses.

Amy: I think I've got it under control.

Thanks, Dad.

Last year? With Spartan?

What made you wanna take him to Victor?

I'm surprised you remember him.

You were only about five when your mom was asking him for help with Pegasus.

Well, I didn't really remember him.

Actually I just saw something in one of Mom's journals, and I don't know, it made me think he could help.

I'm... a little busy though. If...

Yeah. Me too.

(Daisy snorts)

Dad, what's going on?

I don't know, Lou. Why don't you tell me.

To my courageous warrior woman.

Love, Victor.

What do you know about this?

So how close were they, exactly?

How often did your mother go and see him?

I was 14 or 15, Dad!

I don't remember.

Tim: Once? Was it twice?

Was it every weekend? What do you remember?

I honestly don't remember, okay?

Look, Mom and Victor spent a lot of time together working on Pegasus.

And then, he was out of the picture.

T-I think there was a lot more to it than that, Lou.


I mean, ever since Victor's shown up, Jack's been acting strange, so has Amy, there's something you're not telling me!

Dad! You're reading way too much into this, okay?

Mom and Victor were friends and that was it.

Just let it go.

Victor: That's it, my girl!

You've got it!

Amy: You were right, she is more relaxed without the bit.

Victor: Well done, Amy!

You're listening to that four-legged
with your whole heart!


Good girl!

Yes, you are!

Good girl!

Well, uh, I mean she knows the pattern.

And as long as I don't force her...

And when she's ready, you let her fly.

She'll do it because she wants to, not because she has to.

Thanks, Victor.

What are you thanking me for?

You're the one in the saddle.


Victor: Get out there and do it again!

Amy: Okay.

Victor: Let her rip, potato chip!

It's good to see Pegasus looking so good.

Yeah, he really seems to remember you.

You did some great work with Daisy today.

(Gate squeals)

Amy: Thanks.

(Gate clicks shut)

But now you have to bring her rider into the healing process.

Kit and I, we don't really think the same way about horses.

The only thing we seem to have in common is Ty.

Amy, if you wanna do this kind of work, you have to put your personal feelings aside.

You know, your mom...

She always used to put the horse first.

I know.

I miss her.

So do I.

Sometimes I walk out of the barn and I just expect her to be there.

It's like I forget, or something.

I don't know, maybe 'cause I was in the hospital when they had her funeral, but...

It just feels like something's... unfinished.

Maybe you should do something about that.

What do you think?

Too countrified?

Well, I thought you were going there to shop.

Yeah I am, but I've gotta wear something on the plane.

(Amy sighs)

Not that Peter is gonna notice.

He'll probably have his laptop open the whole time.

I thought this was supposed to be a romantic getaway for you two?

Oh no, it's a business trip.

Hey Lou, uh...

So I was talking to Victor...

About mom.


I was thinking maybe we should do some kind of ceremony, with the whole family?

Like what?

I don't know, maybe go on a ride, to one of her favourite places, or something.

That's a great idea, we'll do it when I get back?


Yeah, the thing is, Victor won't be here then.


I thought you said this was for the family.

It is, um...

It's just...

(Sighs deeply)

Mom and Victor were a lot more than just friends.


Grampa, it's been two years.

I mean, last year felt too soon, but this year feels like the right time.

I'm not sure there ever will be a right time.

But one thing I do know for sure, I don't need Victor Whitetail tellin' me how to remember my daughter.

Well, actually the ride was my idea.

The timing's bad, Amy.

Lou's going away, there's work to be done.

Grandpa, this isn't about Lou, or work.

This is about your issue with Victor.


Yeah well, that's one way of putting it.

Grampa, I know all about it.

About Mom and Victor.

It doesn't have to be a big secret.

Well, maybe.

But I'm pretty sure this isn't something I wanna be talkin' about with my granddaughter.


(Truck rumbles up)

My day just keeps getting better.

Mine too.

(Truck door slams)

So I started working her on a lunge line, just to take the pressure off.

Pressure? What do you mean?

Well, I don't know. Um...

The bit you're using's kinda severe, so I thought maybe you could try something a bit softer.

You wanna change up my horse's tack?

Well, I just think a correctional bit probably isn't the best way to go.

I've Al-I've always uh, used it!

Yesterday, I got around the barrels with just a halter, no bit at all.


I-I'm just saying give it a try.

You know, I-I don't know, maybe just ride her a little more fluid, and a little softer.

Oh! Wow!

So this isn't just about the bit, you wanna teach me how to ride?!

D-do you have any idea how many buckles I've won on this horse?

Kit, that's not what this is about.

You know what? I knew this wasn't gonna work.

You don't like me, you made that pretty obvious.

You know what? You're one of those girls, you just can't stand the fact that I'm still friends with your boyfriend!

You know what? I'm done.

Okay? I'll be back to pick up my horse.

(Horse snorting)

Ty: Hey Kit, where you going?

(Kit sighs)

Hey, wait up.

Look! I gave it a try, okay?

But that "miracle girl" video has gone to her head.

I'm surprised that she can even fit a cowboy hat on it!

Ty: Hey, Kit! Hold on a second!

She is definitely getting somewhere with your horse!

You know what? I don't need a horse healer trying to teach me how to ride!

She's trying to help!

Look, I appreciate what you tried to do, but Amy and me, is not gonna happen.

(Truck starts up)

(Trucks rumbles away)

(Tractor rumbles)

I saw Amy and Victor workin' with that barrel racing horse yesterday.


Amy seems to get along with the guy.

Yeah well, I guess she's learning a lot from him.

Yeah, I guess so.

I'll-I'll be happy to see the last of him.

Yep, me too.

You know, he's got Amy planning some memorial service for Marion.

Well, what the hell business is that of his?


There's something you're not telling me.

I'll see you back at the dude ranch.

(Truck starts)

Tim: Jack, come on!

(Truck rumbles away)


(Truck door slams)


Bonjour, ma belle!

Lou: Hey.

(Peter laughs)

Where's your luggage, baby?

You're traveling aweully light!


No, um...

I'm not coming.


I know, I should've called first, but I wanted to talk to you about it.

It's the conference thing, isn't it?

You know, I should've told you about that right off the bat.

No, it's not that.

The credit card was just me trying to make up for it.

You're obviously not that kind of girl.

Well, I could be that kind of girl.


I mean, it's not that. Listen um...

When... when my mom died two years ago, Amy couldn't be a part of the funeral.

So she wants to have this memorial service.

And babe, I need to be there.

It's-it's really important for my family.

I'm sorry.

Yeah. No, it's okay.

I mean, I-I totally get that.

I... (Laughs) I just wish you would'a told me!

I know, but it was just at the last minute.

I like to be a part of it.

Um... But whatever, um, I...

Unfortunately do really have to be at this conference.

I can't miss it, so...

You're gonna miss your flight.

Yeah. Okay.

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

(Truck door slams)




Victor: Tansi, Tim.

I was just smudging out the migawap.

Care to join me?


What do you want?

What are you doing here, Victor?

Your daughter has a gift.

You think I don't know that?

It's why I'm here.

To see how Amy's doing, and uh, to pay my respects to Marion.


What the hell did you have going on with Marion?

Now, hold on Tim.

It's not what you think.

No, I think it is, Victor.

I think while I was wracked up, you were making a move on my wife!

It was a long time ago, Tim.

And that's not how it happened.

Spare me the details.

Do yourself a favour.

You've seen Amy, you brought your flowers for Marion.

First thing tomorrow, I want you the hell out of here!


Take care of yourself.

Hope to see you again sometime.

What's he doing?

Let me handle this.


You going somewhere?

I think it's time for me to move on.

What about the ceremony?

You don't need me.

You'll know what to do, just listen to your heart, like you do when you're working with a four-legged.

It's not that easy for me.

The thing that made your mom's gift real was the way that she shared it with others.

You still have to learn to put aside your differences and focus on one thing.

The horse.

You know, even before I met your mom, I saw her at this colt starting competition.

Yeah, I remember those.

She used to take me when I was little.

They give you three days to gentle an unbroke horse.


It really separates the men from the boys, and the girls.

Your mom was one of the first women to do it.

You could do it too.

I don't think I'm ready for that.

It opened up a lot of doors for her.

It could for you too.


Did you know that Victor guy was leaving?

What? Why?

I don't know all the details.

In fact, I don't know any of the details, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't his idea, though.


I'm pretty sure I know whose idea it was.

(Saw whirs)

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

(Saw whirs)

(Door slams)


I canceled my trip to Paris for this memorial, because it means a lot to me.

And it means a lot to Amy.

And if Amy wants Victor to come, then he's coming.

But Dad, if you don't like the guest list, you don't need to be there.


You mind telling me what that was all about?

I had words with Victor.


Yeah, and it's your fault.

It's my fault?

You could've told me what was going on between the two of 'em. You could've given me a clue!

Yeah, yeah, I could've!

Yeah, but you didn't, Jack!

He was moving in on my wife!

A wife you already deserted!

But maybe you don't remember.

While you were off popping pills, and drinking yourself into oblivion, Victor was helping Marion heal your horse!

So that gives him the right to just go and-

I am not finished!

When I got sick of waiting for you to be a father to those girls, and a husband to my daughter, I kicked your sorry butt out.

I hoped it might be a wake up call for you to clean up your act and come back home.

But you never did!

So the way I figure it, whatever happened between Marion and Victor is none of your damn business!

(Truck rumbles up)


Something I want you to know.

The fact is, Marion and I were just good friends.

I guess I hoped it might become something else, but she told me she couldn't open her heart to another.

Said it still belonged to you.

And it always would.



Maybe you should stick around, be a part of the memorial.

It's uh...

Well, it'd be important to my daughters.

I'd be honoured.

(Reins jingle)

(Daisy snorts)

(Truck rumbles up)

Ty: Hey.

That's my horse, I wanna pick her up.

What are they doing?

Kit, you gotta see this.

Victor: That's it, girl!

Come on.

Victor: Come on, Amy!

Kit: Okay, so there's no bit in her mouth.

Victor: Okay, now relax.

That's it, my girl!

No pressure!

Let her find her own way!

Amy: Just like this?

Victor: Yea yes, that's it!

Now let her fly!

(Hooves thunder)


Yeah, all right.

I get it.

(Gate squeaks)

Look, I know we don't work the same way, different... philosophies, or whatever.

Um, but any idiot can see that you can help me with Daisy.




Come on, Daisy.

(Daisy snorts)

(Horse snorts)

Amy: So I was thinking we could ride along Three Point Creek up to Bucking Horse Hill.

I know the place, it sounds real nice.

Amy, I...

I know I fought you on this, but I'm glad you won.


Everybody ready?

(SUV rumbles up)


Peter, what are you doing here?

I uh...

I was waiting for my connecting flight in Montreal, and I realized that...

Paris just isn't where I wanna be right now.


Got an extra horse?

(Horses snort)

(Birds chirp)

(Horses snort)

(Horses nicker)

Victor: We burn sweetgrass...

To create a sacred place.

(Horse whinnies)

This is an eagle feather.

The only creature that is said to have touched the face of the creator.

(Slow rhythmic drum beat)

(Drum beats getting louder)

Amy: Hey! Ty: Hey.

You okay?


You know, Ty, I'm not one of those girls, okay?

I don't want to stop you from being friends with anyone.

Are you talking about Kit?

I just wish that...

I know the way you can talk to her, about things that-that you keep all bottled up inside, things that you don't tell me, and I don't know what's wrong with me, No, it's not you, Amy.

Kit just asks a lot of questions.

And if I don't give her answers, she just keeps bugging me.

It has nothing to do with you.

So you're saying it's my fault then?

That I don't... bug you enough?


And is this your way of making up for it?


(Hooves thunder)

Come on, Kit!

Give 'er!

Bring her home!

Tim: Well, I hate to admit it, but this does look a damn sight better than that barbed wire.

Jack: Hate to admit it, but I agree with you.


You agree with me?


Why don't you tell me then, what the deal is with you and Victor?

What are you going on about now?

Oh, just tell me, Jack. Come on.

Marion was my daughter.

She'd already had her heart broken by one man.

Maybe I was being over-protective, but you were just being a father.


Ten years later, and you finally understand.

Peter: You still mad at me?

Lou: No!

I'm not.

But work is always gonna come first with you, isn't it?


Even Paris, it...

It wasn't about us, it was...

I was an afterthought.

That's absolutely untrue.

Lou, I asked you to come to Paris with me because...

(Laughs nervously)

You know, what the hell.

It's not the top of the Eiffel Tower, but...

It's perfect, actually.

(Laughs nervously)

It's the first place where you tried to hide me from your family.

It's the first place we made hot... chocolate in front of the fireplace.

It's perfect.


Lou Fleming, will you marry me?

(Astonished laugh)

Are you kidding?

Oh! Look at that ring!




I'd like an answer, Lou.

I mean, my leg's gonna go to sleep here, it's...



Yes, I will marry you!

It fits.


♪ Think eternally ♪
♪ the one we can't undo ♪
♪ and it's all for love ♪
♪ and it's all for love ♪
♪ even though sometimes ♪
♪ I don't know who I am ♪
♪ I am you ♪
♪ everything is you ♪
♪ and the things you say ♪
♪ you want me to be ♪
♪ I am your love ♪
♪ I am new ♪