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03x14 - The Happy List

Posted: 02/01/10 22:55
by bunniefuu
Lou: Previously on "Heartland":

Will you marry me?

Yes. Yes, I will marry you.

Daisy has strangles.


I'm really sorry, but she's gotta stay here.

Yeah. Okay.

Scott told me to make an offering.

I'm not really into that spiritual stuff though.

Here. Take your time.

I got a gold cheque burning a hole in my pocket.

To match that hole in your head?

What'd I say?

Who's gonna take a bronc rider seriously as boyfriend material?



That's awesome!

(Stunned laugh)

Bareback broncs, that's what I'm into now.

I'm totally going for all 'round cowboy.

Oh my God, I can't watch.

Ty: Oh man, he's crazy.

Amy: Yeah. He's totally insane.

Caleb: You see that guy? Ty: Yeah.

Caleb: Josh Cooley, he's the one I gotta beat.

Okay. Yeah, he's the best.

I don't know how he does it. He never sleeps.

He just parties with the ladies all night long.

Actually, the last time, he brought his girlfriend along, idiot didn't win anything.

Amy: Oh, that's nice.

Ty: Oh! That's gotta hurt.

Caleb: Just watching this makes me miss the circuit.

Ty: Where'd you go last time?

Caleb: The four corners: Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico.

I love being on the road. There's nothing like it.

Especially if you have a death wish.

Hey, there's a rodeo coming up in Great Falls, Montana.

If I get in, you should come with me.

Ty: Yeah?

Yeah. Well, we'd have a blast.

Ashley: I gotta go.

Amy: Ashley, come on, stay. I rented a movie.

These testosterone boys are done watching their rodeo's greatest hits.

I can't. My mom has a doctor's appointment really early in the morning.


Oh yeah, sure thing.

Let's hit the road.

Soraya: Um, yeah. I should go too. You mind giving me a ride?

Yeah. No problem.

Next trip - you, me and Montana, huh?

All right, man. All right.

See you, guys.

Caleb: By Amy.

Amy: See you.

Call me when you get home?

See you.

(Engine revs)

What was that about?

Rodeo videos? Ashley?

When are you ever gonna learn?

Nah. It's all just an act that she hates what I do.

Underneath, she's digs it.

It would be fun hanging out on the rodeo circuit.

No bull riding! Promise me.

Well, maybe not right away.

Amy: No! Not ever.

Ty, come on, you're not actually thinking of going with Caleb?

You two would drive each other crazy.

It'd be fun.

I haven't done much travelling, been anywhere else in the world.

It's pretty scary when Caleb's gotten around more than I have.

I'd love to do some travelling.

We should go somewhere together.

Yeah, that'd be fun.

I'm gonna put this away.

Hey, was it just my imagination or were the people at that party a bit condescending?



You know, poking fun at my dude ranch, at the jam enterprise.

No, sweetheart, you were a breath of fresh air in an otherwise very stuffy corporate crowd.

A breath of country bumpkin air, more like it.

And I was totally cornered by that woman...

What... what was her name again?

Poppy Madison.

Lou: Yes, yes. Poppy.

How could I forget?

I suppose you know that Poppy is still friends with your ex-wife?

I uh...

Yeah, they used to be close.

Oh, I think they still are, because Poppy made it her job to tell me all about your first wedding.


Yup. She gave me the full lowdown.

How huge it was, how expensive...

Apparently, it was "the wedding of the year."

She may as well have just said, hey, good luck topping your husband-to-be's first wedding extravaganza.

And then she actually acted like she expected an invitation.

Well, maybe we should just elope.

Good idea.

Lou: Over my dead body.

Look, you think your first wedding was great?

You just wait until you see ours.

(Truck rumbles along)

♪ And then at the break of day

♪ you sank into your dream. ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Ty: Jack, you're my wingman.

You gotta come see it!

It's dirt cheap.

The guy just wants to get rid of it.

Well, maybe 'cause it doesn't run.

Ty: It's a classic; It's a Norton!

I can find parts for it.

I can fix it up.

Come on, I know you don't know a lot about motorcycles-

Excuse me, I had motorcycles from the time I could- you wanna know somethin' about motorcycles, you ask me.

So you get it! It's a Norton!

Well, I had a Triumph, but a Norton's not bad.

We can take a look at it later.

Or now. Someone's gonna snap it up.

I can't do now.

Val's said she's got some news.

She's coming over.

Amy: I can't believe you still have Kramer.

You and Jake barely talk any more and he still lets you ride his horse?

Jake's like a little puppy, he'll do anything for me.

Yeah, well, it isn't healthy.

You know, you should put the poor guy out of his own misery.

Let him move on with his life.

Nobody's stopping him from moving on.

Uh, have you told him about Badger?

What's to know? We just text.

Yeah. And talk on the phone for hours.

Well, you do!

Ty: Hey, Val. Val: Ty.

See ya.

Well, I've got good news.

I just saw my doctor and he gave me a clean bill of health.

That's not good news...

That's great news. Great news.


Oh, Jack.

And you know what?

Right there and then, on the spot, I made a decision.

From now on I'm gonna start doing the things that I know, without a doubt, make me happy.

Things I have given up or put on the side because of all the crazy stuff that got in the way.

Because you know that old expression "Life is too short"?

By God, ain't it the truth?

Apparently so.


So, I've made me a happy list.

A happy list?

And I know exactly what I'm gonna do first.

So you wanna get back into show jumping?

I do.

I just bought a beautiful jumping horse, and this time I'm the one who's gonna ride it.

Amy: That's great.

Val: (Laughing)
I saw that look on your face.

But let me tell you, I used to be pretty darn good.

I set it aside when I had my kids, but... well, I just feel like it's time to get back into that arena.

So I'm gonna need a coach.

A coach?

Mm-hm. That's where you come in.

But what about your Briar Ridge Rainers?

They're the best.


No way am I gonna make a fool of myself in front of those guys.

No. They'd lose any respect they have for me.

I've even arranged for us to use a private arena, by the way.

So... what do you say, coach?

Ashley: A nightmare.

I love her, but she's gonna be a total nightmare.

Soraya: Ashley...

Ashley: I'm serious. You shoulda just said no.

Well, I couldn't. She was so enthusiastic.

She's got this "happy list."


I know all about the "happy list."

Happy list?

It's just things she wants to do that make her happy.

Oh my God, the next thing you know she'll enter into the Jurassic classic.

Soraya: Jurassic classic?

Ashley: It's a horse jumping show for dinosaurs like my mother.

I'm not making this up.



Uh, everything back to normal at your place?

Yeah. No more quarantine.

Okay. Well then I'd like to pick up Daisy.

I have a rodeo in a couple of weeks and I need to practice.

Amy: That's no problem.

I actually had her out on barrels the other day and she was awesome.

Wow. Really?


Next thing I know, you'll be competing against me.

Ashley: (Meows and hisses)


I was trying, okay?

She makes it difficult.

Todd: My wife's making me get rid of it.

Wants to reclaim the garage for an office.

I can't just give her away.

The bike, I mean.

Well, I'm not trying to steal it from you, man.

Then give me a fair offer.

You should be paying us to take it away.

Do you know what this bike will be worth when it's fixed up?

But it's not fixed up.

Eight hundred bucks.


No. No way.

Eight fifty.

("Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf plays on radio)

Jack and Ty: (Singing along)
♪ Like a true nature's child ♪

Come on, Ty.

♪ We were born, born to be wild ♪
♪ we can climb so high ♪
♪ I'm never gonna die ♪

You know this part. You know this part.

♪ Born to be wild ♪


♪ Born to be wild ♪

Grab that old ladder.

That'll be a good ramp.

Ty: All right.

That's the ticket.

All right...

Hey, careful. Easy.

You were right, this is a real honey.

All you do is find a few parts for it, and she's gonna rock.


Stumpy used to be a big Norton fan.


He had a whole string of them, until he lost half his leg.

I think he still got a whole garage full of parts.

Ninety percent of them junk, just like everything else on that spread of his, but you never know what we might find.



What is that?

Why would you spend money on a motorcycle?

It wasn't that much money, and I got savings.

Yeah. For school, right?

I'll let you figure this out on your own.

I'm steering clear of it.

Ty: Look, Jack and I are gonna work on it together.

I miss my old bike, Amy.

Amy: Okay.

Ty: There's nothing like tearing down the highway on a motorcycle.

It's total freedom.

You can go anywhere, anytime.

Why, is this about all the travelling you've missed out on?


Maybe I wanna go on a little road trip.

Oh, a road trip?

Like with Caleb to Great Falls?

Yeah, it's possible.

That's just, that's a super idea, Ty.

Especially since we just got out from under a quarantine, and we have to rebuild the business- hey. Hey, forget the road trip then, all right?

I'm just fixing up an old bike.

It's no big deal.

Okay, okay, but-

I don't get why I have to explain or defend this to you?

I guess you don't.

No, I don't.

Oh my God, look at this.

A wedding planning guide.

Things to do twelve months before the wedding: Start looking for a wedding consultant, book your venue, make a wedding organizer out of - wait for it -

a three ring binder.

Wow, that took a lot of creative thought.

You laugh, but weddings have to be thought out months in advance, in minute detail.

Okay. Your wedding is in June, that's like ages away.

You could have a baby in that time.

Not that you are, but could.

What is that for?

Peter has a tiny break in his schedule and we're meeting a romantic picnic between Hudson and Calgary.

That's always nice - a picnic on the highway.

Not on the highway.

A cute little town with a park.

Oh, look at this.

I would love to do something like this.

Apparently, Peter's first wedding was right out of one of these magazines.

It was written up in the social pages of the Calgary newspapers.

Yeah, and look what happened to that - the big "d" for divorce.

Why don't you guys just elope?

Why does everyone keep saying that?

I wonder where they held it?

I wonder if she wore white?


Okay, you obviously have a morbidly gruesome fascination with his first wedding.

No, I don't.

If you want me to, I can search for the newspaper archives on the web and try and find the articles.


I would never stoop that low.

So, where did you first get married?

You want a cup of coffee or something or...?

You must be freezing. Are you?


So much for our picnic, huh?

Hey, we can still have a picnic.

It's cozier inside.

Look at you.

Seriously, where'd you get married?


No, silly. I mean where?

In a church? In a park?

Ballroom. Hotel ballroom.

What did the bride wear?

A dress...

What kind of dress?

I don't know, Lou, it was white and it was long.

Look, honey, you gotta let this go, okay?

Yes, I was married once before.

There's nothing I can do about it, but you have to stop obsessing about it.

I am not obsessing. I'm not- yes you are.

I'm just curious.

It's not a wedding competition, okay?

What competition? There is no competition.

Okay. Okay.

From now on, I'm not gonna obsess over anything but our own plans.


Why don't we talk about our honeymoon?

You know, we never did get to Paris.

That's true.

But you know what I've been thinking about lately?

What? A cruise...

Through the Greek islands maybe.


You had you first honeymoon in Paris, didn't you?

Amy: That's looking good, Val.

Now, just make sure you don't lean too far forward.

I don't feel like I'm leaning forward at all.

Well, it's just 'cause you're nervous.

All right, just try and keep your back a little straighter.


Come on.

You wanna be a little bit more flexible.

(Laughs) As in, old age inflexibility has taken hold?

Well, it's more about being one with your horse, being fluid.

Val: Amy, I am moving with my horse.

It's all coming back. It's like riding a bicycle.

So? What's your big news that I had to rush over to hear?

I just got the email.

What email?

That rodeo in Great Falls?

Yeah. I qualified.

I leave at the end of the week.

You're not serious.

Of course, I'm serious.

I stand to make a lot of money.

Oh, what's the problem, baby?

The problem is, I don't want you to go.

Caleb: Can you believe her telling me not to enter?

Where does that come from?

Where does Amy get off telling me I shouldn't have bought this motorcycle?

Heck, she even gave me a box to keep my buckles in.

Like it was her decision to make, not mine.

Do I tell her what she can and can't buy? No.

You know what?

I can damn well go to that rodeo if I want to.

And I can damn well come with you if I want to.


On this baby right here, man!

Are you sure she runs?

No. But she will.

(Bike clatters)

Not yet, but she will.

I can't believe, Ty.

You know, I think he's actually planning on going to Montana with Caleb, on that stupid bike.

I mean, what is he thinking?

My mom says it's the full moon.

People go mental.

(Phone rings)


Hey! You!

You gonna answer it?


This is like the third time he's called me today.

He's always phoning me.

He never has anything to say.

He always just talks about nothing.

And he sends me songs...

Amy: That's kind of sweet.

No, it's not.

They're always about broken-hearted cowboys.


So what is this between you and Ty?

If it's about the motorcycle, you shouldn't worry.


I'm serious.

Have you took a close look at the thing?

They're never gonna make it run in like a million years.

With any luck.

So, how're the plans coming?


Just "fine"?

Let's put it this way.

"My" wedding plans are fine.

It's the "us" wedding plans that have hit a bit of a snag.

But it's nothing I can't handle.

Ty: You got it?

Amy: Yeah. Thank you.

Ty: See you.

Are you guys fighting?


Why did you go along with it?

You know how dangerous motorcycles are.

They don't call donorcycles for nothing.

And you're encouraging him. Why?

He's been through a lot lately and-

Oh, I know, Grandpa, but...

Look, Amy...

He needs to deal with whatever he's dealing with, and if that means he wants to rebuild an old motorcycle, well, it could be a lot worse.

And besides, this is a project that we can work on together.

He's not foolhardy, Amy.

Yeah. Okay.

(Door slams)

(Birds chirp)

Agh! I don't have time to give you a lesson today, Mallory.

Val's gonna be here any minute.

So? I'll practice till she shows up.

(Sighs) Okay.

Ashley was right, I should've just said no.

Jake: Hey.


This is Chelsea.


I tried to call you on your phone, but you didn't pick up.

I lost it.

Hey, are you still jumping with Kramer?


'Cause if you don't mind, I'd lik to borrow him back in the next couple of days.

Chelsea really wants to learn to jump and I figure Kramer's the perfect horse for her to start on.

Especially now that you've shown him the ropes.

Yeah. I mean...

I don't see why not.

He's your horse.


I'll call you when I'm comin' to get him.

Bye, Mallory. So nice to meet you.

Oh my God, he has a girlfriend?!

I thought you were over him?

I am.

What? Where you goin'?

I thought you were going to jump?

I don't feel like it.

Amy: Okay, that looks good, but why don't you drop your stirrups?

You're still a little tense, and that way you can relax into the saddle a bit more.

No stirrups?

Amy: Just give it a try.

Val: No. I tried it.

I don't like it. It's weird.

Okay. All right.

Um, why don't we try something different?

Put one hand on the reins and one hand behind your back.

Amy, I'm not training to be a trick rider, you know.

Okay. Let's try something else then.
Val: Hey, Jack.[/i]

Look, just let me do it my way, okay?

Jack: Just thought I'd drop in, see how you guys are doin'.

Val: Back in the saddle.

Looking good!

Val: Yeah? Watch this!

Val: Come on, boy! Amy: No, Val!

Val: Come on! Come on!

Val, stop it!


(Fence clatters)
Val: Oh!

(Pained groans)
Jack: Val!


You all right?

(Pained groans)

I'm fine. No broken bones.

Haven't had that happen in a while.

God, maybe I should pass on this idea, move down the happy list.

Try to learn to paint with water colours.

Let's go again.

Well, you gotta hand it to her for trying.

Okay. So...

Purple orchids, white roses, and hydrangeas...

Or should we go into the pinks and yellows?

I don't know.

Because purple might be too heavy a colour for June.

What do you think?

(Clears throat)

Honestly have no idea, sweetheart.

I just... Tell me where we're going, what I should be wearing, and what time to show up.

It'll be fine.

This is our wedding, okay?

Not "my" wedding, and I want you to be a part of it, so...

Lucky Peter.

I know, right?


Lou: I know. I know.

Can you just picture that at the dude ranch?

You've got one tent for the reception, one for the hors d'oeuvres and champagne, and one for the ceremony.

I've called three companies but they're totally stonewalling me, saying they just have standard tents, no pinnacles.

But the pinnacles are what makes it.

Yeah, the pinnacles. Of course, I mean...

Absolutely. I mean, what do you...

Lou: Ha ha.

Talk about bridezilla.

I am not a bridezilla, okay?

God, can I not enjoy this time?

It's special for me.

You know, I've never been married before, I've never been engaged, and it's new and exciting - for me anyways.

Peter: Meaning it's not to me.

(Clears throat)

Okay. See you.

No contest, right? You're hilarious.

I only meant that I want our wedding to be the one that you remember the most.

Well, sweetheart, that won't be hard because my first one was a complete blur.

Well, no wonder, you know.

"She" obviously took over and you showed up like an invited guest.

I want our wedding to be...

I want it to be our day, from start to finish.

And I want it to run like a well-oiled machine.

Well-oiled machine.

Sounds just incredibly romantic.

It will be.

Jack: She's looking good.

Ty: Yeah.

Can't wait to get this baby on the open road.

Always wanted to ride my Triumph from Hudson to San Diego, take all the old highways and back roads.

Never got around to it. Maybe someday.

Amy: Hey.

Ty: Hey.

Let me get that wrench we need.

Look, I don't want this to be a thing between us, all right.

No, me neither.

There's just something I need to get off my chest.

Okay. Tell me.

(Truck approaches)

Totally forgot about Daisy getting picked up today.

Kit: Oh my God! It's a Norton, isn't it?


Kit: So cool! When did you get it?

Just a few days ago.

No way.



Hey, my brother had a Norton.

He probably has some parts.



You should come over and check it out.


Uh, Kit, I'm gonna grab your horse.

Kit: Oh yeah. Yeah. Great. Thanks.

It's gonna be so fantastic when you fix it all up.


Hey, so... Caleb tells me that you're going down to Great Falls with him.

I entered too.



It's gonna be so much fun.

They party so hard down there.

Hey, there's my girl.

She looks great.

Thanks for everything you done for her.

Amy: Oh, no problem.

Kit: I probably wouldn't be competing on her again, if it weren't for you.

So hey, let me know when you wanna come over.

We'll hang out.

I'll make sure my brother's there.



Such a great bike.

Hey. You wanna talk?

What's there to talk about?

It's obviously a "great bike."

(Phone rings)

Ugh, it's my mother.

She just learned to text and now she won't stop.

It was on her list.

What list?

Forget it.

Anyway, she wants to know if you want to come over for dinner on Saturday.

This Saturday?

Sorry, can't.

Why not?

I'll be in Montana.

Oh, the rodeo.

You're going?

Look, Ash, I know you worry, but...

Nothing's gonna happen to me. I'll be fine.

I'm not worried about you getting hurt.

Heck, I use to do show jumping for years.

People can get maimed or k*lled doing that.

Well, then what is it? What do you hate about it?

It's the stupid "lifestyle."

I mean, "Josh brought his girlfriend along."

Oh, what an idiot."

Oh, come on!

No! If you think I'm just gonna wait around like some buckle bunny for you to finish partying...

I didn't even ask you to come.


You asked Ty. Even better.

Then I'm confused. What is it?

Well, you know what? If you don't know, I can't help you.

Okay, you know what, Ash?

You're being unfair.

You know this is what I do.

You know it's how I make a living.

I'm going.

Well, then... we're done.


So I'm heading out later today.

You still gonna come to Montana?

Uh... I can't get her working the way I want her to yet.

I can't come for the whole rodeo.


Yeah. Well, Jack would k*ll me.

Caleb: Jack?

Someone else might beat him to it, but...

See I gotta be back in a few of days and the only way I can do that is if I get this baby runnin'.

Why don't you take your truck?



Yeah, I guess I could.

It ain't transportation we're talking about here, buddy.

It's women.

There's always gonna be another time, and another circuit, right?

Sorry, man.

Another time.

Don't think I didn't get hassled too, huh?



What're you doing back?

Hey, I gotta show you this cake topper, it's so...

Hey, actually...

Can it just hold on a second?

Um... I need to talk to you for a minute.


Okay, what's up?

I'm kind of having some flashbacks here.


Yeah, to my first wedding.

Um, it's not a good feeling, you know, sorta the whole past and present kind of colliding.

What're you talking about?

Um... Well, here's the thing.

I'm going out of town for a couple of days to meet some clients, right?

And uh...

And I think in the end it's probably a good thing because um...


Because I think I need some time to think this whole wedding thing through.

Wedding thing?

Yeah. And, you know, you can do the same.

You know, take this time just to sorta think things through and just let me know what you really want.

Well, it's not just about what I want.

What do you want?

Well, I don't know what I want.

I mean, that's kinda the whole problem, you know?

So that's why we should just take these next couple of days and just think things through.

I don't know what I'm supposed to be thinking about.

I mean, everything. You know, you and I.

The wedding. Marriage.

You know, what it all means.

If we even need to do it at all, you know?

Just think about it.



See you soon.


I've ruined everything!

What's wrong?

Peter's having second thoughts about the wedding and it's all my fault.

Slow down. Lou...

No. I'm an idiot.


I should never have gone down that road, but I just couldn't help myself.

What road?

I just couldn't stop thinking about his first one.

First what?

Wedding! Wedding! Wedding!


Because when he's watching me come down that aisle, is he gonna be looking at me or is he gonna be remembering her?


He's gonna be seeing you.

You gotta get over this whole first wife thing, okay?

Peter's been divorced for years.

You're the one he wants to marry.

You think?

Are you nuts?


Definitely morbidly obsessive.

That's what Mallory calls it.

I'm losing it.


It's okay, I think I'm losing it, too.

I'm turning into this whole control freak girlfriend and I just really hate the idea of this motorcycle.

And I know... I know it's ridiculous, but it worries me.

It's not ridiculous, okay?

You know Ty's been through a lot, but you, you haven't come out of this whole crash thing unscathed either, you know.

And that motorcycle makes him vulnerable in two ways: It's dangerous and it can take him on the road away from you.

Am I right?

You might be.

How can I be so smart about your problems and totally suck at my own?

Amy: Okay. Now drop your stirrups.

Good job.

And ride right back to the back wall.

Yeah. Now put your arms out and close your eyes.

Good. Okay.

Now put one hand on the reins and one hand behind your back.

I think you're ready to try a jump.

Val: I don't know... I'm kind of I'm scared.

You'll be fine.

Good... Now turn sharp.


Come on. Come on.

Come on.

That was beautiful! Keep going.

Good for you!

Val: Oh man, oh man.

Oh Jack, you know that list of mine?


You are so on it.

(Car rumbles up)

So, you're really going?


Is Ty going with you?

No. He bailed on me.


So aren't you gonna ask me?

Ask you what?

If I can go with you.

Why? You hate the rodeo.

Someone needs to protect you from all those buckle bunnies, and...

I know I should probably be a little more supportive of what you do, you know?

So... can I come?

Caleb: You can't come.

Ashley: Why not?!

You just, you can't be there.

Right. Girlfriends aren't allowed.

It would interfere with the "lifestyle."

It has nothing to do with that.


No, really. It's just that...

Just what?

It's just I know this sounds stupid, but it's bad luck.


Look, the last time I brought a girl, I lost like every event.

So I'll see you when I get back.

Maybe I won't be here.

I hope you will be.


Ashley, come on.

Ashley, come on. Be reasonable.


I am gonna hurt tomorrow.

But I gotta tell you, that was a total thrill.

You see? The minute you relaxed, you were totally into it.

Thank you for being so patient with me.

I mean, I knew exactly what you meant about being more fluid.

I was tensing before, I admit it.

I guess I was a bit scared.

You got over it, right?

And tomorrow you'll be even better.

It makes me realize something.

You just... You just can't be afraid.

I mean, you can't always avoid taking risks or getting hurt.

You just gotta throw yourself into life or it goes by and you never get another chance to grab it again.

(Car rumbles to a stop)

Val: What's Ashley doing here?

What's up?!

Ashley: Caleb!

I'm just so furious with him.

I told him not to go to that stupid rodeo and he went anyways.

And then, when I offered to go with him, he got all crazy and superstitious.


Why does he have to be such a jerk?

Val: I have a question.

What do you really want to do?

What do you mean?

I mean, what's making you more unhappy?

The fact that he's gone off to the rodeo or the fact that he didn't want you to go with him?

That he didn't want me to go with him.

What're you waiting for then?

Prove his silly superstition wrong.

You think?

Val: You go with your cowboy.

Ashley: Oh my God.

I'm really gonna do this.


Amy: Good luck.

See you.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Okay. Thank you.

Mallory: Jake just called. He's coming to get Kramer.

I hope he doesn't bring that girl.

I think we should start our own happy list.

(Car rumbles)



I came to get Kramer.

Yeah, uh... He's ready to go.

Did you find your phone?

Yeah, I did.

We haven't talked in awhile.

What've you been doing?

Uh, nothing much. Working...

Learning to jump...

You seeing anyone?

Seeing anyone? Um... sort of.

Yeah. He's in the city.


I mean we text, but we don't see each other... much.

Are you?

You seeing anyone?

Sort of...


It's kind of weird...

Isn't that like a bun or something?

I don't know. I guess so.

Okay. Well...

You can go get Kramer. He's just over there.

Right. It's a good thing he's not in the paddock, he might jump the fence and escape.

Remember that?


So, how was your trip?

Hey! Uh... good. Good.

It was good.

Where were you this time?

Uh, Fort Mac.

The oil sands.

Now there's a place that's...

Chock full of pros and cons...

That I'd like to discuss with you sometime.

(Both chuckle)

So, what should we do?

Well, I've been thinking a lot about it - even though I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be thinking about - and I've come to a conclusion.

We should elope.



No wedding. None of that.

Just me and you on a beautiful trip to the Greek islands, Timbuktu...

I don't care, as long as I'm with you.


Well, I've been thinking too.

Oh, great.

Yeah. And uh...

I don't wanna elope.

You know, the thing is, I been thinking about it and...

I mean, I think we should just...

Okay. Yeah. I guess I saw that coming.


Lou, I'm just looking forward to a wedding.

What? Really?


You know, friends and family and...



Yeah, and tents, with or without pinnacles.


The bike looks great.

Ty: Okay, this is crazy.

I know, it is.

Let's talk this through.


I know why you're mad at me.

You do?

Great Falls.

You didn't want me going down and partying with Caleb, and when you found out Kit was coming, that really got you going.


This has nothing to do with Kit, okay?

Maybe a little, but...

It's mostly to do with the crash.

That's done, Amy. I'm over it.

Maybe you are; Maybe I'm not.

Ty, you just survived a plane crash.

I'm still trying to deal with that whole thing and now you're moving on to motorcycles?

It just scares me.

I'm afraid of losing you.


Come here.

You're not gonna lose me, okay?

Ever. Okay?

Want to go for a ride?

No. - Enh?


Come on.

Does it work?

Runs perfectly.

Says you.

Look what I got you here.

Your very own...


(Engine revs)

("Born To Be Wild" plays)


Amy: Whooo!

♪ Get your motor runnin' ♪

Amy: This is awesome! Ty: Awesooooooome!

♪ Head out on the highway ♪

Amy: Whoooo!

TV: Next up here at The Big Sky Road Rodeo is bareback!

Okay. Hey, everyone, Caleb is up next. The broncs are on.

Ty: Come on.

Val: Ashley just texted me.

She's in the stands somewhere.

Soraya: Oh, maybe we'll see her!

Says she's having a great time.

Announcer: And next up... Caleb Odell, (cheering) All the way from Okotoks, Alberta, Canada.

He's riding Whiplash.

Go, Caleb!

Announcer: Caleb Odell out of the chute!

Go, Caleb! Woo!

Announcer: His horse is real live one!

This bronc is giving young Caleb Odell a real run for his money, folks!


But he's holding on!

Only a few more seconds!


Announcer: Caleb Odell makes it to eight seconds on Whiplash!

This young cowboy is quite a rider!

(Hard clang)

(Shocked gasps)

All: Oh!

He, uh, got taken into the fence a little hard there, but he looks all right!

Okay, get him off.

Announcer: And he might be wound a little tight there, but our boys are gonna cut him loose.

Val: Why can't they get him off?!

Come on!

Announcer: Caleb Odell, ladies and gentlemen.

(Hard clang)

Looks like Caleb Odell got taken hard into the fence again there, folks.

Val: What's taking so long? Come on!

Man at rodeo: We need some help here!




Men: Let's go! Come on!

Man: Give him some air, guys!

Announcer: Our boys on the field there, they know what they're doin'.

They'll take good care of him.
