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03x18 - In the Cards

Posted: 03/30/10 04:46
by bunniefuu
Lou: Previously on "Heartland":

Maybe we should just elope.

Good idea.

Over my dead body.

Look, you think your first wedding was great?

You just wait until you see ours.

Chase: Nice looking little friend you got there.

Miracle girl?

We'll see about that.

Announcer: The winner is... Amy Fleming!

I'm in love with you.

How is that a problem?

Eventually you're gonna break my heart.

I'm just gonna save us both the trouble and break my own heart.

Jack: I did propose to Lisa.

Lou: You guys just take one of the most important moments of my life and hijack it from me?!

We didn't wanna steal your thunder...

So no, we're not getting married.


(Hooves thud, horse grunts)

(Mailbox squeaks)

Jack, pick a card. Any card.


Oh, come on! It's awesome.

Jack: I said, no.

Why? Are you scared?

No. I don't care to know the future.

The here and now's enough to deal with; I can barely stand to read the newspaper these days.

Ty! Pick a card.

Concentrate on what you want the card to tell you.

It's a ship.

Mallory: The ship. Very interesting.

It's all about travelling.

You're supposed to take action of some sort.

Do something that you've put off.

Jack: Like all the chores I've been bugging you to do.

Mallory: It could also have a negative aspect...

Lou, pick a card.

(Exhales) Um... hmm.

Mallory: Good one. Clover.

It means potential happiness.


But since you picked it with your left hand - which is weird since you're right-handed - the happiness is clouded by a big fat misunderstanding.

Great. Okay.

I have to go and meet Peter.

I think I've actually found our dream home, and Peter's meeting me there to look at it.

Hey, uh, can I take your fancy new truck?

Uh... no. I'm not quite ready to share it.

Keys are on the table.

Thank you.

Pick one.

(Exasperated sigh)

This one.

Mallory: The road card.

That means there's a journey ahead of you.

How mysterious.

But it could also mean a fork in the road, where you...

Might have to make some big decision?

How'd you know?

Just a wild guess.

Amy: Hey, Ty, check this out.

Maybe Mallory's cards do work.

It's an invitation to the "Ring of Fire" tour.

No way.

It says I eligible since I won the last competition.

You're not thinking about doing that again, are you?

I don't know. Uh...

I mean, the last one was a pretty intense three days, a little over-the-top competitive, but...

Yeah. Like you don't have a competitive bone in your body.

Ty... what?

When is it?

Amy: It's over the winter school break.

Look at these cities it's touring.

Hey, you got the ship card, right?

And I got the road card.

They're both about travelling.

Maybe this means that you and I should get in that big truck of mine, go on the tour together.

Yeah, that could be cool.

Are you kidding?! This would be amazing!


(Truck rumbles)

What do you think?

Construction'll be finished in May, but the plans are still wide open.

We could design a fabulous kitchen, maybe an indoor gym...

What do you think?

I think I got something to tell ya.

You know all the groundwork I've been laying in Dubai the last few months, right?


You're not gonna believe this, it's finally paid off.

My company has an offer to merge with an oil company there. I mean, a big one.

In Dubai.

No! - Yeah, it's like the chance in a lifetime, right?

That's amazing! Oh my God!

I'm so proud of you!

So, now what?

So now, uh, I gotta take the next step, and I wanna move forward with it right away, and I want you to come with me.

To Dubai? Are you kidding?

As my wife.

As your wife?

But we're not getting married until...

Like it's months away.

Well, I just think we have to move that up a little bit.

Uh, to when?

Mm, I don't know... Now?

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

(Footsteps clomp)

(Purse slams onto table, keys jingle)

Everything has been set up for a June wedding.

I know.

It's all planned.

Why do you have to do this now?

And why do you have to be there in person?

You have a staff of people who work for you!

Okay, yes I do, but-

Like you have to "merge" in person!

Like they can't do it without you?!

No they can't.

I have to be there "in person" or else you get the raw end of the deal.

You know what?

Don't tell me about the raw end of the deal!

Okay?! 'Cause I know about the raw end of the deal!

Jack: What is going on?

Look, I'm sorry, okay.

I know this isn't perfect.

Not perfect?

This merger is time sensitive, okay?

If it's gonna happen at all, it has to go through now before they start changing their minds.

And believe me, they change their minds a lot over there.

Lou: You know what then?

You go ahead and you go back to Dubai and you deal with your merger, 'cause I am not changing my mind.

I am not going with you and I am not moving up the wedding!

Mallory: This is all because Lou picked the clover card with her left hand.

I don't know why she did that?
(Door slams shut)

(Knock on the door)

Peter: Okay. You were right.

I shouldn't have even suggested it.

We'll keep the June wedding date.


I mean, not even you could turn it around that fast.

I was crazy to think so.

I'll go back over there and get the deal done, on my own.

How long will you be gone?

Just a couple of months.

That long?

And, um...

After you get the deal done, you'll just be going back and forth like you have been, right?

Well... no.

After we get married, it'd be...

It'd be easier if we just...

You know, if we moved there.

Lou: Get out!


Come on, honey, I thought you understood!

Of course we have to move to Dubai.

Lou: Don't talk to me!


Well, you just can't let him walk on you like that, Lou, you can't!

Lou: Dad, this is my problem, okay?

Not yours!
(Door opens)

Oh, look who it is! It's the general!

(Door closes)

Peter: Hey, Lou, um...

Can we talk somewhere for a second?

Where do you get off?

Peter: You know, with all due respect, Tim, honestly, it's got nothing to do with you.

So if you don't mind...

Really, it doesn't? Well, that's my daughter.

And you seem to have a very short memory because I told you I'd punch your lights out if you didn't treat her right!

Lou: Dad! Stop!

Peter: Um... can we just go somewhere,
talk for a second please, sweetheart?

Can we do that? We're all adults here.

You and I have to talk!

Stop it!

How old are you? Eight?

You know what? Just leave me alone!

All of you!

Peter: Honey...

Make it right!

My mother's driving me nuts.

She wants me to send applications to every Ivy League school in existence, and I don't have the grades for that!

Besides, I don't even wanna go to college.

I don't know what I want to do.

Me neither.

Caleb: Ash?

Do you think we could maybe talk a minute.


Caleb, we have nothing to talk about.

I thought I made it clear. We don't have a future.

Yeah, but we would if you just stopped being so stubborn.

It's just I miss you, and I can't stop thinking about you.

Last time we were together you told me...

Told me that thing...

That I loved you?



I did, but I'll get over it.

And besides, I'm going away to college, so...

Going to college?

I gotta get back to work.

(Knock at the door, door opens)


(With a sigh) Hey.

I brought you something to eat.

You missed dinner.

I'm not hungry.

What's wrong? You okay?

I don't know.

I don't know what to say to Peter, right now.

I mean...

I have a right to be mad at him.

It was so unfair of him to just hit me with this.

You know? I've lived in New York; I know what it's like to be away from home.

But the thought of being so far away from home...

I don't know if I can do it or not.

You'll be fine. You will.

You know what?

This is gonna be an amazing adventure.

And look at Peter - he flies back and forth from Dubai like he's on a bus.

Plus, I hear the shopping is pretty amazing over there.

You know who would know what to do?


I never thought I'd be getting married without her here.

I miss her.

I need her advice.

I know what Mom would say.

She would ask you if you really love him.

Of course I do.

I'm furious with him right now, but I still love him.

Then maybe the wedding being in June isn't what's important.

Maybe you should marry Peter now and be with him in Dubai, instead of being here in beautiful Hudson all by yourself without him.

(Sniffles) But it was gonna be so special.

I can't have tents with pinnacles in the winter.

Both: (Laugh)

(Truck rumbles)

What do you want?

What do I want?

Amy Fleming.

She around?

What are you doing here?

Garrett told me to look you up.


Well, one of my show horses is suddenly nothing but trouble.

I want you to have a look at him.

See if you can work some of your...

"Miracle Girl" magic.

It's what you do, isn't it?

Forget it. If you treated that horse like the one you did in the ring, then it's no wonder it has issues.

Too busy to deal with it, sorry.

I didn't come all this way to be turned down.

All right, you heard her.

She's got no time for you.

Thank you.

Can we just pretend we never had that conversation?


Honestly, I can't stand it when you're mad at me, Lou.

I'm mad at you for the way that you told me.

That should've been a decision that we made together.

And you just... And you sprung it on me.

I totally understand that. But...

I'd just gotten the call that it was all a go.

You know? And I was excited about it.

I was just... I was...

Trying to think of ways to make it happen.

(Half laughs)
Okay, I was an idiot.


You know...

I put a lot of work into this place, planning it, building it up.

And I'm proud of how it turned out.

(Inhales, reflective)

I wonder what it'll be like when I'm not here to run it.


Look, honey, you don't have to...

No, I've thought about it and I can pull it together.

I'm determined to make it work.


Are an amazing woman.

I know.


(Clears throat)


We have an announcement to make.

Peter and I have made a decision...

(Clears throat) Together.

We're going to be getting married sooner rather than later, and we will be moving to Dubai right after it.

When's the wedding?

It's two weeks Saturday.

Two weeks?

Dad, please.

Well, I'd like to make a toast then.

To you Lou, to you Peter.

We all wish you the very best.

Lou: Thank you.

Peter: Thank you very much.

(Glasses clink)

Amy: Congratulations. Ty: Congrats, guys.

Lou: So, we'll get married in the living room with just a few guests.

So much less fuss, so much more personal.

So not you.

Everything is going to be fine, okay?

Marnie's still good to cater.

And Peter's family is coming from Saskatchewan.

And every time I feel like I'm gonna be sick to my stomach, I just look at this picture of my dress and I know everything will be fine.

Amy: No, I'm sorry.

I don't have time to talk to you right now.

Okay. Bye.

Can you believe the nerve of this Chase Powers guy?

He comes over and asks for my help with a horse that he probably ruined.

Now he keeps calling me.

What is your problem?

The number one horse whisperer in the country is asking for your help?

If you fix his horse, do you have any idea what that's gonna do for your reputation?

No, I don't care. I don't like him.

And besides...

I'm the number one horse whisperer in the country now.

Someone's getting an ego.
(Phone rings)

Hello? Yeah, speaking.




What do you mean?

That's not possible.

You're sorry?

Well, um, I'm a lot more sorry than you are.

And I'll tell what, I will never buy another wedding dress from you again, ever! Goodbye.

(Phone beeps off)

Our dresses...

They won't be ready.

The empty trunk.

It's the "something will go missing" card.

Would you just put those damn things away?!

Caleb: Hey.

Plannin' on taking a trip or something?

Uh... Amy is.

She wants me to go on the "Ring of Fire" tour with her.


That'd be all right I guess. I mean...

Be a lot of standing around doin' nothing though - for you.

Actually, before all this came up, I was thinking of doing a little road trip myself.

You know, before vet school starts and I get tied up for the next four years of my life.

Yeah. - I gotta do it, man. It's kind of now or never.

You told Amy yet?


You know, the timing's not really the greatest.

So, I'm just gonna wait till things get back to, you know, normal.

Caleb: Okay.


I'm thinking about asking Ashley to come with me on the circuit.

Hold on. What about the whole bad luck superstition voodoo stuff that you...?

Yeah, I know, I know.

But... thing is, it's really just girlfriends that bring bad luck.

So what are you saying?

I'm thinking about asking Ashley to be more than just a girlfriend.

You're nuts, man!

Yes. Yes, I am.

(Truck rumbles)

Amy: Chase, no.

I told you that I wasn't gonna take him on.

Chase: I thought I'd give you one last chance.

I want you to meet Zephyr.



He just...

He looks exactly like my mom's old horse, Pegasus.

He just passed away.

Well, he's acting like he knows you.

Maybe it's meant to be, then.

Ty: Hey!

How many times you gotta be kicked off the property?

No, Ty, it's okay.

No, it's not okay. She told you to leave!

No. Ty. I'm...

Actually, I'm gonna help him with his horse.

Easy, boy.

(Zephyr nickers)


You see? Can't get a bridle on him.

(Zephyr whinnies)

He gets all high-headed.

(Sighs) All right...

Okay, you... (Zephyr whinnies)

(Amy clicks her tongue calling to Zephyr)


(Zephyr grunts, Amy clicks her tongue)

It's like watching paint dry.

(Zephyr grunts)

Amy: You've been in the competitive world too long.

Horse problems sometimes take more than three hours.


(Amy clicks her tongue)

(Zephyr grunts and nickers)

Good boy.

Good boy.

Good boy.

That's incredible.

Well, if the horse senses you're impatient at all, it won't work.

(Whispers) Good boy. He's gotta trust you.

And this guy, he's totally stressed out.

Probably from all the travelling.

Yeah, that could be.

You're the real deal, aren't you?

Garrett was right.

So I heard you got invited to go on the "Ring of Fire" tour.

You should think about going.

I don't know.

It's a fantastic experience.

Garrett's not on it this time, but this legendary dude from Oklahoma is, and uh...

He's amazing to watch.

We'd learn a lot from him.


I'm sorry, you just don't seem like the type of guy who learns a lot from other people.

I mean, in the ring, you're just so...

Charismatic and handsome, yeah.


Well, people expect a show, so that's what I give 'em.

It's a persona I put on, just like the clothes.

You can't tell me you go jumping over stacks of barrels bareback every day of the year either.

You've got a little showmanship going there too, miracle girl.


I know it's none of my business, but what's with the ring?

You engaged to that guy or something?

Oh. Um, no, it's a promise ring.

"Promise" ring. Promise to, uh... to what?

To be there. To...
My mother made the list for me to be honest with you, so...

Okay, well, I don't know what to tell you because they're not all gonna fit in this room.

So we'll get a bigger room.

What? Overflow in the kitchen?

In the bathroom?

Peter: We'll rent a hall or something.

Lou: No. Look, that is so impersonal.

Look, I want to have a connection with the place.

Like when it was at the dude ranch, that meant something to me.

Okay. Hey, you know what we should do?

What? - We'll rent a nice suite at a hotel in Calgary.

Like you did for your first wedding?


An idea.

The Golf and Country Club?

Uh, no.

It is old and moldy. No.

Lisa: All right.

Uh, another suggestion.

Polo club?

Well, eloping's looking better and better, isn't it?

Come here.

I gotta meet a guy at a job site.

I'll call you, okay?



So much for my dream wedding.

Um, we're getting married in a week and I don't know where, uh, who's coming, and best part, I don't have a wedding dress.

What happened to your dress?

The bridal store in New York let me down.

Oh, Lou.

Yeah, not surprised really.

Lou, let's...

Let's just go have a look at the polo club.

Okay. I'll go get my coat.

Oh, that poor kid.

And you know what?

I would help more, you know I would, but you remember the last wedding fiasco.

I don't want her to resent me.

Yes, I do. I remember it well.

Lou: You know, Grandpa, I gotta say, I thought Lisa would've helped me out a bit more.

Well, here I am in the middle of a crisis and she's acting as if she's totally disinterested in the whole thing.

Jack: Well, she's not.

And you should talk to her.

She's just afraid to. Oh, you know.

Afraid to what?

Where are we?

Your grandma and I, we tied the knot right here.

And uh... Well, I thought it was...

Well, maybe it was an option.

It's perfect!

It's charming.

It has a history.

It's perfect!

This is the place, Grandpa! This is it!

I can feel it!

For the first time, I can actually feel it!

Thank you!

Looking good.

Amy: You know, I really think you need to take the heat off of him.

Stop competing for awhile and just let him be a horse.

Okay, I hear you.

Amy: I'm gonna put him on a regimen of anti-stress herbs, and that should help out as well.

Great. Sounds great.

So hey, uh, speaking of travelling, I gotta head outta town for a week or two and I was wondering if maybe you could, um...

Yeah, I can keep him here if you like?

That way I can work with him some more.

Chase: Okay.

That'd be great.


So I guess I'll see you when I get back.

And uh...

Thought any more about joining the "Ring of Fire" tour?


I'm still thinking about it.

(Motorcycle engine rumbles)

Chase: All right.

(Engine rumbles loudly)

Well, I'll see you later.


They were the only ones I could find.

Everything else had to be specially made.

But you know what? If you don't like them, I'll just take them back.

They're... they're good.


(Dress rustles)

I look like a big meringue.

Mallory and Amy: (Laugh)

All: (Titter and laugh)


(Laughter turns into soft weeping)

Hey, Tim?


Listen, I just wanted to say thanks a lot for the party.

It's great.


Rush job.


Look at this. Right?

This is working just the way we thought.

Yeah, it's lovely. Good.

Hey, you know, Lisa, I have to ask you something.

Um... did you and Grandpa decide not to get married because of me?

Oh no. No, no. Of course not.

We, uh... I mean, no, not completely.

Because I would understand if you resented me a bit.

Lou, what?

I don't know, I just...

I could've used a little more input from you over these past few days.


Excuse me, guys. I'm sorry.

Can I borrow my bride-to-be here?

Sure, sure.

Hey, Ty, are you gonna talk to me?

About what?


I'm gonna go get drinks for people.


You invite that new friend of yours.

Who? Chase? No.

Why would I?

I don't know, you guys seem pretty close.


Jack: You giving him a hard time, that got anything to do with the California racing schedule?

Your best before date running out is it?

I'm a little behind schedule, but the wedding plans changed, so... I'll get there.

Well, I suppose you could've missed your own daughter's wedding.

You missed most everything else.

No, I don't think I'd miss Lou's wedding, Jack.

I mean, I gotta give her away, after all.

You'll be giving her away?!

Is that right?

Who raised her from the time she was 15-years-old?

Hm? That would be me.

I'll be the one giving her away.

Well, you'll have to get past me first, old man.

Lou: You know, I can't believe you two.

I'll walk myself down the aisle.

Honey. Were...


Look, what you did?


Why do you make everything feel like a root canal?


Have you heard from Ashley?

I can't get her on her cell.

Um... I think she was headed over to Caleb's to pick him up.

I'm sure they'll be here soon.

Yeah. I just wish she'd keep me in the loop.

(Knock at the door)

(Handle clicks, door creaks open)



So? What's the occasion?

I was hoping I could talk you into something.

Caleb, I know you want me to go on the rodeo circuit with you.

But... hello?

I'm not your girlfriend any more, remember?

Maybe I don't want you to go as my girlfriend.

What would want me to go as?


I was hoping maybe that's what we could talk about.

Are you sure you're okay?

I am just a nervous bride on the eve of her wedding.


You know I love you, right?

I do.

Save that for tomorrow.

Both: (Laugh)

I'll see you in church.




Uh, honey...

I know I haven't exactly been in the best frame of mind through this whole thing.

But can you blame me? What father would be?

It's just I'm gonna miss you so much.

No, don't say it, Dad.


I've got something for you.

I gave this to your mom just before we got married, and you may wanna wear it, you may not...

Amy: Ty!

Look, I don't wanna go to this wedding tomorrow and pretend to be all happy if you and I don't talk this through.

Okay? I just hate it when you're mad at me.

I'm not mad at you.

Yes, you are.

You're mad at me for taking on Chase's horse.


It's just he had a real problem with Zephyr and he asked me if I could help and I wanted to see what I can do.

We have to stick together in this business.

"In this business"?

What, so now that you have the big honkin' flamin' truck in the driveway, you're definitely one of them...

In this business?

No. - Next thing you're gonna tell me you're going on the "Ring of Fire" tour with that guy.

Did he talk you into it?

Chase didn't talk me into anything, okay?

I haven't even decided whether I'm going to or not, and...


I didn't think it was gonna be just me; I thought it was gonna be you and I.

I can't...

I can't...

You can't what?

I need to do my own thing.

Maybe some travelling, or...

Some travelling.


Look, I love you.

But I need to do this, and I need to do it alone.


Just don't tell me what to do, or what not to do.

I'm not telling you what to do.

Yes you are! When have I told you what to do?

And even if I did, you wouldn't listen to me!

You're right. You're right.

I guess this doesn't mean much any more.

So, what's going on with you and Amy?

Not that it's any of my business.

Ty: I need a few weeks off.

Is that okay?


Well, I guess. Is there a reason?

Does there have to be?

If you're leaving for weeks, there damn well better be.

I need to go somewhere on my own.

So that's why you guys are giving each other the cold shoulder?

Yeah, well, Amy's not taking it too good.

She wants me to go on the "Ring of Fire" tour with her, but she's gonna have plenty of company without me.

What "Ring of Fire" tour?

Look, I haven't decided yet. Okay?

Well, you can't go on your own.

Someone's gotta go with you.

Ty said he would but then he ditched me.

Did he now?

(Sighs) No...

I don't know.

I think we just broke up.

I can't deal with this on top of everything else.

Okay? I just need to get away for a little while.

Please, just come with me?

I'm not going anywhere.

Grampa?! Fine!

I guess I'm not going either then.


What's wrong now?

Lou: What's wrong?

I'll tell you what's wrong.

I just got off the phone with Peter and his family is stuck at the Saskatoon airport.

There's a major blizzard and they can't get out.

And, Grandpa, please tell me you remembered that limo?

Oh my God, is that the right time?!

I've gotta get ready.

This is completely surreal.

I feel like I'm having an out of body experience.

It's okay, Lou. Just breathe all right.

(Exhales forcefully)



Can I have a second with the bride?

Of course.

Whatcha got there?

(Sighs) Open the top box.


Is this...?

Oh my God.

My dress!

My dress!

Lisa, how did you do this?

I have a friend who knows a friend in New York who knows the designer, and when she heard your sad story, she pulled out all the stops and got your dress done.

And the girls' too.

I don't know how to thank you.

Honey, I don't want you to think that I didn't wanna help more.

It's all I can do to keep from jumping in there and standing on your toes and taking over.

But you remember how that went last time.


Though I'm sure you must be missing your mom...

I would never try to fill her shoes, but if you need anything ever, or you just wanna talk, I'm here.

God! I haven't worn a tie for as long as I can remember.

I can't breathe in the thing.

Did you get those lapel flowery thingies?

Jack: Aw geez!

(Gasps, awestruck)
Look at the two of you.


Lisa: Here comes our bride.

Um, Dad?


I would be honoured if you would both walk me down the aisle.

And I would be honoured to do that.

Okay. Is the limo here?

Jack: Where is that damn limo?

Lisa: You and I should get going.


Here you go. Thanks.

(Birds chirp)

Val: Hi, it's Mom.

Where are you? I'm worried sick!

What do you mean you're fine?

Ashley, is that Caleb's voice?

Where are you?!

Ashley, don't you-


Hi, how are ya?

Tim: I understand.

Does not surprise me at all.

Thank you.

Forgot to book the limo.

Grandpa! Did you forget to do it?

No, I didn't! And calm down.

There is a solution to this.

There's always a solution.

(Truck rumbles)

Tim: Careful now, watch your step.

Jack: We'll be right there.

(Breathes heavily)

I can't breathe, Grampa.

I can't breathe.

Just calm down and take in some air.




Are you all right?


I don't think I can do this.

(Guests chatter)


Hey, listen. Thanks a lot for standing in for my brother.

Ty: Oh, no problem, man. No problem.

Peter: Thanks.


Honey, what's wrong?

I don't know.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss home.

Home is not going anywhere and either am I.

But is this the right thing to do?

Because if I do this, then it changes everything.


And I don't wanna lose what I have here.

You have to ask yourself one question.

Do you love him?

'Cause if you do, you're not losing anything; You're only gaining.

(Low hum of chatter throughout church)

(Church door shuts)

Reverend: All rise.

I love you.

I love you, too.

You're my girl.

Reverend: Family and friends, i'd like to welcome you on behalf of Peter and Lou, a very special couple.

Do you stand here now and give yourselves to each other in marriage?

Peter and Lou: We do.

Who gives this woman to be married to this man?

I do.

We do.

Yeah. We do.

Reverend: You may now repeat your vows.

I, Samantha Louise Fleming...

Peter: I Peter Walter Morris, do take you...

To be my husband...

My constant friend...

My partner...

My faithful partner...

And my one true love.

And I will always be open...

Lou: And honest with you...

Peter: And I will cherish you
for as long as we both shall live.

Lou: For as long as we both shall live.

Samantha Louise, Reverend: Do you take this man to be your lawful, wedded husband?

I do.

Reverend: Peter Walter, do you take this woman to be your lawful, wedded wife?

I do.

Reverend: The rings, please.

Peter: With this ring I thee wed.

With this ring I thee wed.

I proclaim you husband and wife.

You may kiss.

(Guests applaud)

Reverend: I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morris.

Lou: Grampa... it's fantastic.

The best for you, honey.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Hop in.


Jack: Now, stay warm.


(Bells jingle)
Guests: Bye! Woo hoo!

♪ Baby don't worry ♪

Peter: Okay, take care of yourself.

♪ We're not in a hurry ♪
♪ we got nothing but time ♪

Bye. Go on.

♪ While away ♪
♪ while away ♪
♪ while away one more day ♪

I can't believe you're still going.

You know, you could go anytime - the spring, whenever.

I'll be too busy with Scott in the spring.

This is the right time, I can feel it.

Just don't say goodbye, okay?

I've had too many goodbyes from you.

♪ There's somethin' about a summer's day ♪
♪ that just takes my blues away ♪
♪ baby, take a walk with me ♪
♪ once around the willow tree ♪
♪ and listen to what I say ♪

♪ I got my problems ♪
♪ and you got your fear ♪
♪ maybe we'll solve them ♪
♪ in a couple of years ♪
♪ while away one more day ♪



I am so sorry!

I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry.

I don't ever want to stand in your way, okay?

That's not what I wanna do.

You should go.

It has nothing to do with wanting to leave you.

I just want to be on my own.

I'll be back.

You should go on that tour.

I'm going to.

My dad's going with me.

That's great. You should go.


Ty, don't worry about anything, okay?

Can I have it back?

The ring?

Can I?

♪ Wipe away that tear ♪
♪ I know where we can hide ♪

I love you.

I love you too.

♪ While away ♪


♪ While away one more day ♪
♪ oh... ♪

Ty: See ya.

♪ While away one more day ♪

(Truck rumbles off)