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04x00 - A Heartland Christmas

Posted: 04/06/14 09:32
by bunniefuu
(An eagle cries in the distance)

(Birds caw)

(Horses nicker and snuffle)

(Horses whinny)

(Horse snorts)

(Horses neigh and grunt)

(Deep rumbling)

(Avalanche rumbles down the mountainside)

(Horses whinny)

(Bird cries)

(Ground rumbles, trees snap and crash)

(Horses nicker)

(Deep rumbling and crashing)

(Horses whinny)

(Avalanche rumbles)

(Sleigh bells jingle)

(Amy and Ty laugh, horses grunt and snort)

(Sleigh bells jingle)

Amy and Ty: (Playfully argue over directions)

Amy: We're gonna end up in a ditch.

Ty: I've got it. Here we go.

Amy and Ty: (Laugh)

Lou: Remind me to check my email for RSVP's to the Christmas Eve open house.

Oh, and did you tell Caleb I need him to get all of the outside lights out of the shed.

He already did, and he put them up.

Lou: Without me?

Great. Cowboy decorating.

Can't wait to see that!

So who's coming to this open house thing?

Some of Amy's clients and a whole bunch of potential new customers.

There's gonna be sleigh rides, hot apple cider in the barn.

Ice skating.

You are so transparent.

Excuse me? Oh, come on.

Christmas is less than a week away, Ah!

So? trying to escape reality.

End of story.

That is not it at all, okay?

I made the open house plans before the whole Peter situation.

Mallory, can you... Be careful?!

You're carrying precious cargo. Whatever!

(Horse nickers, sleigh bells jingle)

When do your parents get back from Halifax again?

The day before Christmas Eve, right after my dad's last concert.

But hopefully they can get a flight in earlier.

Yeah, hopefully.


So, that's the thanks I get for being your indentured servant.

Cry me a river, Mallory.

You've been a pampered house guest all week.

(Huffs) Ah!

(Boxes clatter)

Amy: So?


Amy: So, what did you get me for Christmas?

Like I'd tell you.

Come on. Just give me a hint.

No way. What'd you get me?

(Struggling grunt)

Maybe I didn't get you anything.

Well, maybe I didn't get you anything either.

You are so...

I can't tell you.

It's a secret.

Please, Ty, I just dragged a tree with you.

(Playful laughter)

Do you think you coulda got something a little smaller?

Something that would maybe fit through the front door?

What're you talking about? She's perfect.

Jack: Still...

You took your sweet time getting it.

Phone's been ringing.

Well, Scott's forwarded his vet calls to me.

He's away on holidays.

Yeah, well, I let 'em go to message.

All right, well I better check it out.


I could use your help here.

Come on, grandpa.

You can do it!

You see this one?

It was my great grandmother's.

And every year they go on the tree in the exact same order, in the exact same place.

Same place? Same order?

It's a Bartlett tradition.

Mallory: Sounds fun.

Jack: Come on, Amy, lift your end.

Don't let it drag.

Looks a little small, don't you think?

It's gotta touch the ceiling.

As long as it's gonna touch the ceiling.

I personally guarantee it'll touch the ceiling.

If we can get it through the door.

I can't get it through the door!


No, you have to pull it in the other way.

Let me try.

Caleb: Okay. Ashley: Oh! Ungh!

Caleb: Ashley!

Ashley: (Laughs)

You all right?

(With a laugh)

Okay. Other way.

Lou: Okay, a little to the left...

Yeah... Mmm... No, no.

Back into the corner, back into the corner, I think.

There you go.

Um... Can you spin it around?

I wouldn't mind seeing what the other side is like.

Maybe it's... Maybe it's fuller?

On the other side? No?


Peter! Hey!

Just one sec.

Hey, how are things?

Lou... Well, how's your dad?

Really? When are you coming home?

Jack: Lou? Lou: I miss you.


Awww! It's so nice!

Our first tree together.

Our first Christmas.


Do you know what you're getting me?

Something special to remember this Christmas would be nice.

Ash, I really don't want anything.

We both know we don't have a lot of money.

I mean, heck, we don't have any money.

Well, I've got a way to buy a few little things.


You're not using your mom's credit card.

It's just not happening.

Why not? She won't even notice.

And she's in Florida.

Yeah, well, that's not the point.

It's just not right.


Let's make a pact.

Since neither of us can afford to get each other something, let's do without gifts this year.

I guess.


You're all I want for Christmas.

Both: Whoa! Whoa!

Answering machine: To delete this message press...

Young man: I'm calling from Pike river.

There's this mountain pass that got cut off by a snow slide and some horses got trapped by it.

You would not believe Lou and this tree.

Young man: They're starving to death.

Someone's gotta get them outta there before it's too late.

They're north of Pike river, in Claw Valley, just below the falls.

I thought someone like a vet should know.

I hope you get this message.

I'm gonna call Scott.


You can't go anywhere right now.

Look, me and you were gonna build grandma Lindy's gingerbread house...

I already baked the pieces and Ty promised to clear the pond for the skating rink.

Which reminds me. Grandpa...

I will decorate the barn and the cabins at the dude ranch.

I... I know, I know.

Lou: Thank you.

Do you really think I can pull off an open house all on my own?

Well, you thought it up all on your own.

We all agreed we were gonna do a traditional family Christmas this year.

Okay, and we still can.

I'll help you build the gingerbread house when I get back.

Mallory, you can't just throw them on, okay?

That's not where that one goes.


Amy: Lou, I don't know how you can be thinking about decorations and open houses when there's horses out there starving to death.

I need you to help me here.


Jack: Look, Pike River is way off the beaten track and you might have trouble with the roads.

Okay, there's no room for discussion here.

I just talked to Scott and he needs me to check it out, so I'm going.

Jack: I checked the avalanche reports.

There's no warnings right now, so conditions are stable in that area.

Good. Thanks.

Make sure that you come back in daylight.

Don't go driving those icy back roads in the dark.

Jack, I'll try.

You will do more than try.

And watch out for deer.

Amy: Grandpa.

Don't worry, okay?

We'll be fine.

See ya.

See ya, Lou.

We'll be back, okay? I promise.

See ya.

(Truck engine rumbles)

(Engine rumbles)

(Snowmobiles rattle)

Well, that's Claw valley over there.

This is as far as we can go in the truck.

All right. Let's do it.

Ty: All right.

(Snowmobiles buzz loudly)

(Engines rev loudly as they climb the hill)

Amy: Think this is the place?

Let's check it out.

Amy: (Struggling grunts)


(Horses nicker and whinny)

Oh my God.

(Horses nicker)

(Horse grunts, agitated)

(Dull rumbling in the distance, horses whinny)

(Snow slide crashes)

Ty: Go, Amy!

(Avalanche thunders through the valley)

Ty: You okay?

Amy: Fine. I'm fine.

Ty: Amy! It's not safe!

Amy: (Pants)

Ty: Amy, stop!

Amy: (Struggling grunts)

(Horses nicker and whinny)

Ty: Amy, would you just...

(Horses snuffle)

(Horse grunts)

(Horse grunts)

Amy: (Soothingly) Hey...


Good girl.



Hey, you're okay.

You're okay.

(Horse snuffles)

Amy: Good girl.

(Horse nickers)

This mare's pregnant.

Ty, these aren't wild horses.

These are just quarter horses.

Well, what're they doing here?

Who knows?

Good girl.

Hey, girl.

They all have frostbite.

Where're you going?

To get hay and blankets.

(Horse grunts softly)

Okay, that's good, Mallory.

Just slice the nuts a little bit finer, 'kay?

(Door opens)

Did you get them?

Jack: Yes, I got them.

Have you heard anything from Amy and Ty yet?

Amy called when they were on the road and she said they would call back when they got into cell range.

You know, I still can't believe you let them go.

I needed all hands on deck, and now I'm totally stressing and I think I'm breaking out!

Peter called. It's not looking good for a happy Christmas homecoming.

Hence the mood.

You should just get on a plane and go to Estevan.

Cancel the stupid open house.

I can't. How unprofessional would that be?

Lou, why do you set yourself up like this?

Do you have to be "on" all the time?

You need a dimmer switch, just like the ones you sent me into town for; just like the ones I went to seven different hardware stores to find...

Grandpa, Hudson doesn't have seven different hardware stores.

Jack: Packed with crazy Christmas shoppers.

Okay! They're important!

They make the lights look pretty.

Jack: Hmph. Dimmers switches...

You gotta love the Christmas spirit just oozing out of everyone's pores.

Amy and Ty: (Grunting)

(Horses whinny nearby)


One, two...


(Hay bale thunks down the hill)

(Horses grunt and snuffle, hay rustles)

Well, maybe there's another way outta her.

Let me take a look around.



(Footsteps crunch through the snow)

(Mare snuffles)

So, it's not good.

Nothing but dead ends... waterfall, cliff.

There's gotta be some way out.

(Horse whinnies)

Amy: Come on...

Come on.

Ty: Come on, boy.

Come on! There you go.

Amy: (Grunts)

Ty: Come on!

(Horse nickers loudly)
Amy: Come on.

(Horse whinnies, Ty grunts)

Ty: Whoa, Amy!

Hey. You all right?

You all right?


Whoa. Easy, boy.

Amy, this isn't gonna work.

The snow's too deep; they're gonna break their legs.

It's all right, buddy.

We'll find a way to get you outta here, okay.

Amy, look, they're trapped.

This is an impossible situation.

We gotta try.

Okay, well...

They have enough food for tonight.

We'll come back tomorrow and we'll figure it out from there.


We should get going.


Good boy.

(Snorts softly)

(Truck engine rumbles)

(Engine turns off)

(Doors clunk shut)

Are you hungry?


Ty: Here, let me get that for you.

(Bar chatter dies down and then resumes)

What can I get for you?

Some menus please.


Thank you.

All right, you call him.

I'm not calling. It was your idea.

You call. Wuss.

(Phone beeps twice)

Great. There's no reception.

There's a pay phone over there.

(Amy smacks the phone)

Joanna: It's not working.


Do you have a phone I could use?

Long distance?


Then pay me ahead.
10 dollars.

Here you go.

Ten dollars?!

Listen, I tried to get a hold of Amy.

Does anybody know where is she?

(Phone rings) Don't ask.

Jack: Could be Lisa.

(Phone rings)



Where are you?

Grandpa, would you just listen?

I told Ty to head back early!

We found the horses, okay?

We probably could've got them out too, but...

There was another avalanche.

Another avalanche?!

What? Where are they?

Pike river.

Amy, you tell Ty that he can go back tomorrow if he has to, but I want you home and I want you home now!

No, we're not coming home tonight.

Okay? It's too late.

We'll just stay here and tomorrow we'll go back and feed the horses and try and figure out a plan.

They're in really bad shape, grandpa.


Maybe we can get some of the towns people to help us out.

Great. Horsey people!

Where do you plan on staying for the night?

What, staying? Together?

No, give me the phone, Jack.

Just let me handle this.

Like you've done such a good job so far.

Give me the phone. Put Ty on the phone.

For you.

Yes, sir.



Well, your dad's in a good mood.

Amy: Uh... excuse me?

Is there any place in town we can stay?


Uh, there was hotel that we passed on the way in.

It's closed for the season.

You sure there's not somewhere?

We just really don't wanna spend the night in our truck.

Sam, where've you been all day?

I could've used your help here.

Sam: What about the house?

They could stay there.

They can't stay in their truck.

Ty: Sorry, I didn't get your name.

Joanna: Joanna Hawke.

Amy: I'm Amy Fleming.

Ty: I'm Ty Borden.

That'll get you a fire started. There's more wood outside.

I'd like the rent in advance.

Make it $50 a night.




And about those horses out in Claw valley?

Just stay away from there; that'd be my advice.

It's dangerous.

(Wolf howls, horses grunt, agitated)

(Wolf howls)

Tim: The snow conditions out that way are terrible.

Jack: No, they aren't.

I checked the reports.

Tim: Oh, on what? Your old ham radio?

Why don't you try the Internet, Jack.

They got new snow up there the day before yesterday.

It's gorgeous.

Best tree ever.


It's perfect... Just the way it is.

Of course it is.
(Phone rings)


Hi, dad! Where are you guys?

Can't you catch a flight home earlier?

Jack: For crying out loud, will you give it a rest?!

No! No, because I still don't get it.

Why would you even let them go?

They got snow out there day before yesterday.

Fresh snow. On top of packed snow.

Deadly combination.

Those two could get buried in another avalanche.

Jack: The weather's gonna be fine tomorrow.

I'll drive out there and get 'em packing.

Good idea.

Great, I'm going.

No you're not.

The hell I'm not.

Jack: I'm not gonna be cooped up in a truck with you for three hours.

Look, I don't care who goes, but I am disowning all of you if you are not back asap.

There's, um, a massive snowstorm in Halifax, so...

My mom and dad won't be home for like days.

So much for the supply of wood that Joanna said was outside.

I just chopped up an entire tree.

Come look at this.

That kid, Sam, is Joanna's son.

They must have lived here. This grade four...

Probably what, five years ago?

You cold?

Ty: (Laughs)

I'll make you some tea. It'll warm you up.

(Faucets squeak)

Or not.

Ah, forget it.

I got a better idea.

(Faucet rattles, brown water spurts and hisses)

Ty: Oh!

Ty: (Grunts) Yeah! Amy: Oh gross!

(Fire crackles, Ty exhales, relaxed)

Ty: Oh, thank you.

Amy: You're welcome.

All right.


Amy: Mm-hmm.

(Metallic clunk)

Amy: What was that?

Ty: It's the damper! Urgh!

Amy: (Laughs)

Ty: Oh man!

Oh God! Ugh!

(Ty and Amy cough)

(Coughing and choking)

Ty: Whoa!

It's like your dad rigged the place.

Caleb: What're you looking at?

Ashley: Nothing.

Ashley: Is it me or is it really cold in here?

Yeah, now that you mention it.

I'll check the heater.

(Hatch squeaks)

It's uh... It's stone cold.

(Knock at the door)

(Knob clicks, door creaks open)


Mallory, you okay?

Are you okay?

I don't mean to be such a baby, I've just never been alone on Christmas before.

Well, you're not exactly alone.

You're a pretty important part of this family, don't you think?

You're not alone, Mallory.

Is there anything we can do to help?

There's nothing anyone can do.


There is one thing.

If I had some of my own Christmas stuff, it'd make me feel a little better.


No problem.


(Rooster crows)

(Front door shuts)


What are you doing here?

I'm going with you.

Oh no you are not.

I told you last night.

Just get a move on. Okay?

I've got the truck warming up for your old bones.

Well, we're not taking your truck.

Well, we're not taking that heap of yours.

(Slaps thermos)

(Horses nicker and snuffle)

Amy: Ty.

(Horses whinny)


Yeah, looks like.

There's nine left.

And your friend over there, she's definitely pregnant.

She can't foal here.

Not with wolves and coyotes and...

Should tell her that.

(Grunts of effort, snow crunches)

Hey, Ty, we could...

We could start digging and like make a trench.

A trench?

Yeah. It doesn't have to be huge, just wide enough to get the horses through.

That would take us forever.

We could get help.

Man: Hey!

What're you doing here?!

Just get the hell outta here!

Those horses are gonna die.

We're just trying to get them out.

Well don't!

Just get outta here! This is private property!

Are you deaf?

I said... now!


(Horses whinny)

Lou! What?

You promised to drive me to my house to pick up my stuff.

I will. I will. Okay?

Just let me get a couple more things done on my "to do" list.

I've been asking you all morning!

Ashley: Hello! Sorry to just drop in.


Heater's busted in the trailer.

Ashley: So is it okay if we stay here 'til the guy comes to fix it?

Uh, well, I kind of-
He said he's gonna do it today.


Ooh, are you making fruitcake?


Caleb, I need a favour.

Can you drive me to my house to pick up my stuff?

I've been asking Lou and she says she will but she never does.

Sure. No worries.

What kind of stuff?

Sam: Hey!

I saw you down with the horses.

I got a call about them.

That was me.

I was out there right after the slide and... I knew they needed help and no one would listen to me.

Then I remembered this vet guy from Hudson.

Scott cardinal?

Yeah, I work for him.

So... What about the horses?

Can you help them?

We'd like to.

Ty: Except for some old guy just aimed his r*fle at us, told us to get off the property, so...


That'd be my grandfather.

Your grandfather?

He owns the land.

So, can't you just talk to him, tell him what we're trying to do?

Just make him understand.

I can't.


My mom and me... We don't talk to him.

Haven't for years.

No one talks to Will Vernon.


(Pick up truck rumbles by)

Jack: I don't know why you didn't turn off back there.

Tim: Because there's a better road just west of here.

And I'm telling ya, I'm looking at the map...

Is there any more coffee?

No. I only made enough for me and you had the best of that.

Well why don't you start by holding the map the right way around. Okay?

It is the right way!

'Cause that's gonna help.

Jack: Watch-watch watch-watch watch!

Tim: Ah geez!

Tim and Jack: (Shouting)

(Truck crashes through the snow bank)

Tim and Jack: (Stunned murmurs)
Ah... gee... what the...?

(Truck engine revs, tires spin)

What the hell was he doing driving down the middle of the road?!

(Tires spin)

Tim: Hey!


Will Vernon?!

It's been years. Jack Bartlett.

Tim: Okay? Jack: No! No!

Tim: Yes or no? Jack: Crank it on up, Tim.

Do you want me to do this?

Tim: Okay, you know what? Just put the thing on there.

All right, you're good to go.

Tim: Okay, I know what I'm doing.

Will: Go! Jack: Easy on that bumper.

Jack: There you go. Stay on it.

Good, Will. Good, Will.

Shoulda done it myself.

Tim: Yeah, well lucky we had my truck.

Guy's lucky we're helping him at all.

Just keep your shirt on.

He's an old friend of mine.

We used to rodeo together.

Yeah, who drives down the middle of the road on a curve.

You're good to go, Will.

Hey, it's good to see you. What, live around here?

(Gearshift clunks)

(Half laughs)

Nice friend.

Shut up.

He took my tow hook.

You're welcome!

(Door bangs shut, a Christmas song plays)

♪ Frosty, Frosty make us smile ♪

What the...?

♪ It's only winter for a while ♪

Mallory, Ashley and Caleb: (Laughing and chattering)



What is that?

Mallory: A mini beer mug.

My dad got it at this Octoberfest thing he was singing at.

But this is my mom's favourite.

You just squeeze it like this...

Ashley and Caleb: (Laughing)

So gross!

Caleb: That's awesome!

Mallory: Thanks, Lou. I feel so much better now that my stuff is here.

Uh, Lou, is it okay if we stay here tonight?

Yeah, the, uh, heater guy had to send for a part.

Can't get it 'til tomorrow.

I guess that's a yes.

That's great.

Ashley: (Laughs)

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

(Bar door opens)

Hi there.

I'm Jack Bartlett.

Hi, Tim Fleming.


Nice to meet you, Joanna.

Maybe you can help us. We're...

Yeah, were I'm looking for my daughter, Amy Fleming.

And she's got a friend, Ty.

Do you know where we can find them?

(Door opens)

Amy: Dad?

What the heck is going on here?

What were you thinking?

Excuse me? What're you doing here?

We're bringing you home.

No, grandpa.

The horses are still trapped.

Then he can stay and deal with it.

Jack, hold on a second. We're doing this together.

Amy's helping me out there.

Can we at least show you what we're dealing with?

Ty: So what we thought we'd do is we'd dig a trench right through it.

Right through it?

A trench?

Tim: Well, you got a month or two of free time?

Doesn't really matter.

We don't need to talk about it 'cause it's not doable.

Trench, huh?

Tim: Crazy.

(Snow crunches)

Jack: It might be the only way to get these guys outta here.

Jack, you'd need a whole crew, and I'm talking about a big crew.

Then we need to get the town on our side.

The only problem is, the guy who owns this land basically pointed a r*fle at us.

Jack: Pointed a r*fle?

Who pointed a r*fle at you?

Sam's grandfather.

Who's Sam?

Sam Hawke.

His mom owns the bar and grill in town.

Guy have a name?

I'd like to have a word with him.

Uh, Will... Vernon.

Will Vernon.

(Wind whistles, truck engine rumbles)

(Heavy footsteps thud through house)

(Door creaks open)

Hold it.

If you come looking for money for that tow, you can forget it.

I ain't got no money for you.

The tow was free, Will.

Can you put that thing down?

Okay, what do you want?

Well, you gotta admit it's...

It's a small world, huh?

I remember that rodeo. I was there.

You beat me by a point.


It was a pretty wild time on that circuit.

You remember that pick-up band we started?

Graham Tuttle and I couldn't strum a guitar worth a damn but you played a pretty mean fiddle.

What do you want?

Well, I gotta admit, Will, I'm not too happy with you pointing that r*fle of yours at my granddaughter and her friend.

That's your granddaughter?

That's Amy.

She's just trying to help those horses.

Well, she's trespassing.

Well, just give 'er a break.


I figure you owe me; we coulda left you stuck out there in that ditch.

They're my horses; I'll do with my horses what I please.

Your horses?

That's right.

So just get back in your pickup truck and go back where you come from.

And don't go rattling on about any old days.

Old days are dead and gone!

Jack: Yeah, well, I could care less whose horses they are.

They're in trouble and I'm gonna do something about it!

(Door bangs shut)

What do you mean you've got a job to do out there?


So what, I'm on my own with this open house?

Just simmer down.

Okay, well then, what about Christmas?

Are we still gonna have a family Christmas together or...?

Of course we'll have our family Christmas.

Well, I hope so.


Yeah, okay.


(Phone beeps off)

(Fire crackles)

They're not coming back.

Not today.

Maybe not even tomorrow.

Well, that's it.

I'll just cancel my open house.

I'll just send out a mass email and that'll be that.

I have no choice.

It's just as well, Lou.

You know, you're right, Mallory.

It probably is just as well because look at this place.

That is the ugliest Christmas tree I have ever seen, bar none!

The tree is ugly because of my decorations?

Oh, is that it?

I'm sorry, Lou, I ruined your perfect tree.

I'm sorry your ordered little world was rocked!

How do you think I feel being stuck in this house with you and everyone else being gone?!

Thank God for Caleb and Ashley.

At least they have a sense of humour.

You're just the most horrible non-Christmas person I've ever known!

Okay, that is not true!

I love Christmas!

No you don't.

All Christmas means to you is being a control freak and having everything perfect!

Oh, I'm sorry, Lou.

I didn't know that great aunt Ruby's hummingbird, made with real authentic parrot feathers, is supposed to go next to grandma Lindy's silver freakin' star!

I don't have to listen to this!

(Stomps away)

Frosty decoration: ♪ It's the time of love and joy ♪
♪ with gifts for every... ♪

Lou: Ugh!

♪ Children playing in the snow ♪
♪ with Santa laughing ho, ho, ho, ho ♪
♪ Frosty, Frosty make us smile... ♪

Lou: (Grunts of effort)

(Air hisses, music cuts in and out)

You k*lled Frosty?!

(Final bits of air hiss out)

(Low hum of chatter, kitchen door creaks open)

Joanna, can we talk?

I talked to Will Vernon.

That's your dad, right?

He says those horses that are trapped out there are his.

How would I know?

Small place -
I bet you have some idea.

He's a guide.

Not so much anymore I guess, but I know he took a bunch of hunters out there in the fall.

Those horses have probably been out there ever since.

He obviously decided to let them fend for themselves and save on the cost of feed.


I want you to know that I knew your dad.

A lot of years ago, we...

We rodeoed together.

We were pretty good friends.

Let me tell you about the Will Vernon that I remember.

He was a great guy.

A generous guy.

He had biggest, craziest sense of humour of anyone I ever met.

I'm sorry, I got customers.

Man: Hey, Joanna.

Thanks for the use of the phone.

I remember the guy you remember.

I do.

But he died five years ago.

You could knock.

What are you doing?

Mallory: I'm moving back to my own house.

I will not live under the same roof as a Frosty m*rder*r.

Okay, Mallory, you know what?

Whether you or I like it or not, you are in my care until your parents get back.

You gonna k*ll him too?

You're staying. End of story.

Fine. Then just don't talk to me.

Lou: Fine!

I never thought I'd live to see the day where I didn't have to listen to you blather on!

(Door slams shut)

(Hard thunk)

Okay. Talk later.
Uh, Lou?

We couldn't get our heater fixed.

Guy couldn't get the part, it being Christmas and all.

Thanks for letting us stay the night.

(Fire crackles)


(Fire crackles)

(Blankets rustle)

(Grunts of effort, panting)

Hey, Sam.


You wanna help?


Amy: You can help me take these bales down.

Tim: Ugh... God.


Thank you.

Hey, guys. What do we got for ya, huh?

(Hay rustles)

Can you grab the other bale?

Um... sure.

(Shovels whack into snow)

Will: What's going on here?

I told you to get outta here!

Will, what do you think you're doing?

I'm just gonna sh**t these horses and put 'em out of their misery.

Jack: No you are not.

Will: Get outta my way!

(r*fle blasts, horses whinny)

Sam: Grampa, no!

(Horses whinny, dull rumbling sound)


(Rumbling grows in intensity)

Ty: Guys, watch out!

(Horses whinny)

Tim: Get off to the side!

(Avalanche rumbles)

Amy: Sam!

Ty: Sam!

Grab on tight!

Sam: Aahhhh!


(Wind gusts strongly, avalanche rumbles)

Will: Sam!


All: Sam! Sam! Hold on! Wait! Sam!


Will: Sam!

Jack: Sam!

Amy: Here! Here!

Will: Sam! Ty: Sam!

Amy: Sam!

Ty: Come on, guys, get him out!

Hold on, hold on.

Easy, easy.

(Gasps for air)

Thank God.

Get a blanket!

Sam: (Breathing hard, shivering from the cold)

Let me see.

You all right? Grampa.



(Horses whinny)

Jack: You're okay, son.

You're all right.

How dare you involve Sam?

You shouldn't have been out there in the first place.

There's been two slides in two days!

What're you thinking?

The horses, they needed to be...

The horses, they needed to be...

The horses, they needed to be...

The horses, they needed to be...

The horses, they needed to be...

The... the horses?!

You put my son at risk for some senseless mission?

It's not senseless.

Look, Joanna.

It was probably your father's g*nsh*t that triggered the damn avalanche.

g*n shot?!

He was bent on sh**ting those horses.

I told you not to go out there and you're never going out there again, do you hear me?

I already lost your father to that damn valley; I am not gonna lose you too.

(Sam stomps away)

(Door opens and closes)

(River water babbles)

What did your mom mean about losing your dad?

I was nine.

It was Christmas Eve.

My dad and three of his buddies went out snowmobiling together... out along the river bed out to Claw valley... and there was an avalanche.

They were all k*lled.

My dad and me, we were supposed to go get a Christmas tree out of the bush...

He said he'd be right back.

I'm so sorry.

I never would've asked for your help if I had've known.

I wanna help.

I'm gonna help.

I'm glad you came.

Even if there's nothing we can do.

(Vehicle rumbles)

(Door bangs shut)

(Door squeaks open)

(Knocks rapidly on the door)

Answer the door!

You hear me?!
(Kicks door)

How dare you have a g*n anywhere near my son.

Haven't you hurt him enough?

Say something!

I don't want you to go anywhere near him again ever!

Do you hear what I'm saying to you?

(Receding footsteps)

(Door slams shut)

(Sound of shovelling snow, horses whinny)

All: (Grunting and panting)

Come on...

What're we doing?

This is crazy!

We're not crazy.


We're gonna do this.

Really? Well, we're gonna need some help because otherwise, we're gonna be here 'til the spring.

(Horses whinny, Amy pants heavily)

We should go home.

This is crazy.

We should just forget about it.

Come on, Amy, this doesn't sound like you.

Amy: It's two days 'til Christmas.

Lou is at home alone and...

It just isn't fair.

I think we need to try.

Tim's right.

We gotta get some help.

(Low hum of chatter)

Okay, we've got something to say.

I hope you'll hear us out.

As you know, there's some horses stuck up there in Claw valley.

And they're in really rough shape.

So, we have a plan.

We're gonna dig a trench right through the slide and we're gonna get them out.

(patron's chatter)

A trench? (Scoffs)
You're kdding, right?

We're not kidding.

We need help.

We need people to dig.

I understand there's a lot of bad memories up there, but maybe this is a way to do something positive.

Jesus h. Murphy, you people are beyond stupid.

Hey, you got a problem?

Yeah, I have a problem.

Do you know how dangerous it is up there?

You start disturbing snow and you're asking for trouble.

Four men died in Claw valley, five years ago.



We don't want any more tragedies.

I understand what you're concern is and I know it's dangerous, but there was 12 horses there and now there's nine.

One was k*lled by wolves just the other night.

Yeah. Well...

Those are Will Vernon's horses.


What does it matter whose horses they are?

There's a pregnant mare out there
and she'll probably gonna lose her foal if we don't do something.

All we're asking for is... Is your help.

(Bar patrons murmur)


(Door opens and shuts)

You have a change of heart, you know where we'll be.

(Bar door opens)

(Door closes)

(Door opens as Sam exits)

(Phone chimes)

Ashley: Yes!

Lou: He's worse...

Peter's dad.

So we're speaking?


Just get on a plane and go.

I can't, Mallory. You know I can't.

Well, Caleb and I can stay here with Mallory.


Are you sure?


Why should all of us be miserable?

Hey! It's Christmas.


(Wind gusts outside)

Hi. Anybody around?

(Breath catches)


What can I get for you?

Oh... some coffees for the troops.

Maybe muffins.

Look, I can understand you being mad at us for maybe using your place as a bit of a soap box, but don't turn away our business, come on.

How many coffees?

Four... And a hot chocolate.

(Bar door opens and closes)

It's pretty quiet in here.

Well, you guys have a way of clearing people out.

It's just we don't know when to quit.

It's a family problem.

One of many.

What colour are your eyes?

You've got beautiful eyes.

They're sort of green, or...

Sort of blue?

How many coffees was it?

Uh, two more.

And a hot chocolate.

So, you haven't talked to your father for five years since the accident?

Uh... Sam told us.

I got you beat.

My father-in-law, Jack... my ex-father-in-law... we didn't talk for ten years.

Took us a long time to work things out.

Sounds like one big happy family.


I wouldn't go that far.

We try.

Yeah, well, I tried too.

With my dad, I did.

In the beginning, I did.

But he closed the door on me and he never opened it again.

And I never blamed him.

What could he have done?

The men, my husband?

They were gone, so...

Why would I blame him?

Blame him for what?


(Box rattles)

You can just pay me later.

Group: (Grunts of effort)

Took you long enough.

Aw, you try walking up the side of an avalanche with four hot coffees, muffins, and a hot chocolate. Here you go, buddy.

Sam: Thanks.

Dad, look how much we've done.

Yeah, I hate to say, your trench looks like a gopher hole in the back forty, honey.

Jack: Ah, Tim!

Aw, come on! You know it does, Jack.

(Unintelligible shouting and chatter nearby)

(Machinery rumbles, horse whinnies)


They got shovels.

Townspeople: (Chattering)

We need to build ramps; the horses'll never make it up without it.

Can we get some wood cut in town?


Okay. Some plywood. Maybe cut to six feet.

Two by fours for cleats.

Okay, sure. Sounds good.


(Grunts of effort)

Ty: Amy!
(Horse whinnies weakly)

(Slow, forced exhales)

He's barely breathing.

It's okay. Shhh...

It's okay.

It's okay. Shhh...

(Horse exhales)

Tim: Hey, Jack.

Sam: Are you happy now?!

Maybe they'll all die!

Is that what you want?

(Fire crackles)

(Knock at the door)

Oh. Hey, Sam.

Uh, it's for you.

That is the cutest little tree I've ever seen.

Thank you! Where should we put it?

Uh, how about there?


I'm sorry I ran off.

It's okay.

I was embarrassed...

In front of all those people.

They all hate my grandfather.

For what? Why?

I miss this place.

Since my dad died, my mom, she hates Christmas.

We don't even have a tree.

We used to.

It always stood right there.


I understand what you're going through.

I do.

You may not think so, but...

(Door opens)

Some time I'll tell you my story, okay?

Man: Hi. Tim: Hey!

(Christmas carols come from the chapel)

Excuse me.


Come on, I know you're not closed.

It's cold out here. I'm hungry.


What do you need?

Well, actually, I just wanted to talk to you.

You said that you were hungry.

Here, let me help you.

No it's fine. Let me help you.

I'll take it. I got- Ohhh!
(Dishes crash)

Agh. I'm sor..

I'm sorry. Be careful...

No. It's fine.

No... (Stammers)

Be careful, there's glass.

I'm fine! I've got it.

Well, you're cut.

I'm an idiot.

No, you're just...

You're just bleeding.

No, I got it, it's fine.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

(Teary laughter)

I wish that choir would just quit it.

It's Christmas Eve tomorrow and I just wanna go to sleep and wake up to find that it's all over.

Yeah, that's understandable.

I mean, poor Sam, he's the one who suffers.

No family, no Christmas.

Well, you can change that.

I told you, I tried. I did.

Do you think I like this situation?

It's a mess.

It's a total mess.


I mean, you've got your whole life ahead and... you just...

Have to decide o o move forward.

That's easy to say.

Remember that ten years I told you about?

Well, that was ten years that I did not spend with my daughters; that I was not a part of their life.

That was ten years that I will never get back.

So I can tell you that there is a big price to pay for isolating yourself.

So I'd really like you to come out.

We could use all the help we can get.

I can't.

I can't. I haven't been out there since...

Maybe it'll help.

I should go.

No, it's fine. Leave it.

Really, it's fine.


Just come.

(Bar door shuts)

(Saw buzzes)

Jack: We've hauled out rocks now we got a tree trunk...

People are getting tired. Now we got a problem here.

Well, cheer up, buddy.

I think your problem's solved.

(Tractor whirs)

(Engine rumbles)

Townspeople: (Cheering)

Jack: Well, look who's here.

(Lively chatter)

Hey, mom.


You okay?


I'm fine.

Look, I'm sorry.

I know you said not to, but...

I knew you were here all along.

Who else was the hot chocolate for?

(Horses whinny)

Hi. Hey there.

Um... I know it's Christmas Eve, but is there any chance that you guys are still open?

Yeah. That's great.

'Cause I'd like to buy charm... The star.

It's the one from your newspaper ad.

And how much is that?

It's that much, huh?

Okay, well here's the deal, do you guys do buy and sell?

Yeah? That's great.

Thank you very much. I'm gonna be right over.

Thank you. Bye.

(Low hum of chatter, machinery whirring)

(Saw trills loudly)

You got it? Yeah.

(Tools whir, horses whinny, townsfolk chatter)

This is amazing.

Yeah. It is.

You're crazy.
(Laughs and exhales)

You know, speaking of crazy...

Lou's at home and it's Christmas Eve...

And we're not even there.

(Saw whirs, low hum of chatter)

(Footsteps crunch over snow)

(Front door opens)

Won't you let an old friend in, Will?

(Door shuts, floorboards creak)

I saw you up there today.

Good for you.

Well, it's my land.

Why wouldn't I be up there?

Huh? You know, I should have thrown all you idiots off of there!

I mean, who do you think you are coming in there, making a mess of everything with your machines and...

For cryin' out... You know what?

I am wasting my time here.

Will: Did I ask you over here?


And make sure you pull that outside door shut when you leave.

What the hell is wrong with you, huh?!

Wasting your life away, holed up like a hermit!

What happened?!

I remember you!

You were the guy that always got people together.

It wasn't a party 'til Will Vernon showed up.

That's right.

The party never started till ol' Will showed up.

And look where that got me?

In the end, you know "what goes around comes around," you've heard that?

Well, it sure came and bit me pretty good in the end, didn't it?

I know all about your son-in-law.

The accident -
I know all about it.

You don't know anything.

You don't know me!

You come in here... You don't know me!

We rodeoed together, we partied together, we was half in the bag. That's another life.

'Nother life. It's over.

You're right.

I don't know you.


Ah, for Christ's sake! Goddammit Christmas!

(Radio clatters)

It was me that took 'em up there.

It was me that asked them to go up there!

It was Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve, for God's sakes.

All these young guys...

They're all supposed to be helping their wives out, you know, getting the trees in, putting them up in the house... all the usual Christmas crap... and I promised them a good time.

Let's go grab ourselves a couple cases of beer, let's get the machines and let's head up there to the valley, there's new snow.

It was beautiful, so fine it was like pearl dust.

And they all came along.

They all came along because I asked 'em to.

(Loud bang)

Well, we was having a very good time, it was good, I gotta tell ya.

We was drinking and laughing and joking one minute and then the next...

Jack, it was like...


It was like a tidal wave.

I was so lucky there was a tree right there.

I grabbed and I managed to just like stay above the snow, eh?

And then by the time it started to clear I looked back...

And all them guys was gone.

They're just gone...

And I heard there was another slide coming.

I was terrified.

And you know what I did?

I ran. I just run for my life.

What else could you do?

No, no, no, no, no. You know what that feels like?

All these young guys, they had their whole lives laid out in front of them, everything to live for, and they're all gone.

They're just completely disappeared.

And the only one left alive at the end of the day is me... the old man. I'm alive.

Well... (Sniffs)

No, maybe not. Maybe...

Maybe I'm dead too.

Yeah. Yes I am, I'm dead.

I wish I was.


Might as well be.

The way you've cut yourself off here.

I didn't cut myself off.

They all left me.

My wife left me.

My daughter doesn't even talk to me no more.

She won't even let me see my own grandson.


Jack: That's bs!

You couldn't get past your own guilt to be there for her.

Look, Will,

I gonna say this and you can throw me out again...

You have to take the first step to make this right.

Too late in the game.

It's too late, Jack.

You take it from me.

It's never too late.

Merry Christmas, Will.

(Doors close, Will exhales, reflective)

(Slaps table)

Excuse me.

Could I have everybody's attention, just for one second, up here.

I'm the one responsible for these horses here.

And I just wanted to thank you for helping them.

It's a wonderful thing you've done here.

That's about it. Thank you.

All of you.

(Breathes shakily)

Chad: Well, then pick up a damn shovel, old man!

(Group laughs)

All right. I'm on it.

(Buzz of chatter, tools whir)

(Shovels crunch in the snow)

(Grunts and breaths of exertion)

Sam: Hi, Tim. Tim: Hey.

Well, it was my turn to get you a coffee.


(Tractor rumbles, ice pellets clatter)

Hey, hey, watch out.

Townspeople: (Excited whoops and cheers)

(Cheering and applause)

Here they come! Here they come!

(Cheering and applause)

(Cheering and applause)

(Chatter and music plays within the bar)

Will: Hey, Jack.

I just wanna thank you, all of you, for what you did out there.

Especially for sticking to it the way you did.

Thank you.

Young lady, I promise I will look out for those horses from here on.


Right, give the horses back to the guy who abandoned them in the first place.

Great idea.

He'll look after 'em this time.

He needs 'em.

(Country music plays, dishes clank)

(Bar buzzes with chatter)

Will: Jo?

Can I talk to you... the both of youse?

I got something I wanna say.


It's just wrong...

How I've let things get this way.

I've been a...

I've just been an old fool.

And I want to fix it.

Is there any way that you'd be willing to give me... Give me a chance to do so?

How about you, Sam?

Is it all right with you?

♪ We can find a place ♪
♪ where the light is still strong ♪
♪ everybody's needin' for a feelin' ♪
♪ let's find something to believe in ♪

Caleb: (Laughs)

Ashley: Mmm!

So I managed to book a flight out first thing in the morning.

Are you guys sure you're okay with this?

Absolutely. Totally.

I'd kind of hoped that grandpa and the rest of them would make it home by now, but... I guess not.

Christmas is officially cancelled.

I guess it is.

My parents just phoned and they can't get out.

Ashley: Oh, Mallory. I'm so sorry.

So, since Christmas is cancelled, I'll be in my room.

Early flight.


My Christmas isn't cancelled, is yours?

Not at all.

I know we said we wouldn't get each other anything, but... Ash...

Look, I found a way to get you something I know that you'll love.

'Kay, I actually did the same.

Really? You're kidding me.

No, not at all.


Merry Christmas.

Thanks, babe.

Oh my God.


It's exactly what I wanted.

Ash, this is amazing. It's...

It's just that...

But I sold my bracelet to buy you the belt.


I sold my "all around cowboy" buckle to buy you that star.

Oh my God!

This is an O. Henry moment!

"O" who?

He wrote this story called "The Gift of the Magi."

And it's basically about this woman who sells her hair to buy her husband...

Come here.

(Power whirs shutting down)

Mallory: Ah!

Lou: Hey, what's going on?!

Mallory: Come on!

(Horses nicker)

Sam and Amy: (Laughs)

Amy: Aww... Sam: Wow!


(Horse and foal nicker)

Foal's yours if you want it.

(Foal nickers)

Caleb: Well, looks like the power's out everywhere.

It's pitch black out there.

Hey, did we turn the water off in the trailer?

No. I thought the heater guy would get it.

What if he didn't?

The pipes might burst.

We gotta go.

No, you guys promised you'd stay and watch Mallory.

We'll be back in the morning before you leave.

Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow, all right?


Well, I think there's some candle holders in the china cabinet.

Any particular style or colour?

Don't push it.

(Fire crackles and snaps)

Mallory, look...

I'm sorry I was so...

Christmas spirit challenged?

I didn't mean to be.

I just...

I really wanted this Christmas to be perfect, like it used to be.

You have to admit, this Christmas kinda sucks.


Kinda does.

Well, at least you get to see Peter tomorrow.

No, I...

I'm not going to Estevan tomorrow.

Yes you are.

No, I'm not.

I wanna spend Christmas with you.

Peter will understand.

Well you must be happy about one thing.

Oh really? What's that?

You can't see the horrible deed I did to your tree.


It actually does kinda look better in the dark.


I miss my mom and dad.

I miss Peter.

Sam: So, you have to go?

Ty: See ya later. Amy: Yeah.

I wanna make it home for Christmas.

Thanks, you know, for everything.

I'm really psyched about the foal. Yeah.

Grandpa says it's my Christmas present.

I'll miss you.

I'll come back and visit.

If you ever get sick of him, there's always me.

See ya.

Well, it's good to bump into you.

Yeah, literally.

Drive on the right side of the road from now on, you crazy old fool.

I'll try.


Hey, take care of your family.

I will.


Let's get this show on the road.

Where's Tim?


Stay in touch.

Well, I have to; I'll miss your coffee.

I gotta come back.

Well, you would be more than welcome.


You mean that?


(Bar door opens and closes)

Townspeople: Bye! See you later! Thank you!

(Truck horn honks)

(Trucks rumble)

(Tires crunch over snow)

Lou: Okay, so, just load it up.

Just like that. Mm-hm.

(Candies clank onto dish, crunching)

Mmm! It's pretty good!

Yeah. Me and my parents never really got around to making the actual gingerbread house.

So we made it a family tradition that every Christmas morning we would make our gingerbread house sandwiches.

Good idea.

Amy: Merry Christmas! Ty: Anybody home?

You're back! Finally!

Guy, you're back!

Uh... Lou? What are you wearing?

How are you guys doing?

Lou: It's a Wells family tradition.

They're awesome.

Ah... looks great.

Did you guys get the horses out okay?

We did! And one of them foaled.

Jack: We're home.

Merry Christmas!

Jack: Merry Christmas!

Lou: Dad, hi. Tim: Hi ya, honey.

This place is freezing.

Tim: Yeah, it's chilly.

And where are the lights?

Well, the power went off and...


Never mind.

What happened to your tree?

It's a Mallory tree!

And it's perfect.


(Approaching footsteps)


Do you wanna do the honours, grandpa?

Yes, I would love to!

(Front door opens)
Amy: Grandpa!

Jack: Look at this! Ty: Oh! Turkey!


Peter! What...

What are you doing here? I can't believe this!

What about your dad? How is he?

He's okay. He's getting better.

My brother showed up to take over, so...

I'm so happy you're here.


I couldn't miss our first Christmas together.

Charlie: Merry Christmas!

Look who I found at the airport?


Mallory: Oh my God! You're here!

Jess: (Laughs)

Finally! You have no idea.

Charlie: Merry Christmas, sweetheart.

Jack: Well hello, folks!

Peter: Hey!

Jack: Hi Jess!

Jack: Charlie. Charlie: Jack.

Good to see ya. Welcome, folks.

Come on in!

♪ ...Composing hallelujah ♪

(Hum of chatter and laughter)

♪ Hallelujah ♪

Amy: Here, you wanna try it?

Jack: Pull it apart.
(cr*cker snaps)


Amy: Hey, everyone? You know what?

You here's to the horses of Claw valley. Huh?

Well, here's to Amy and Ty and their crazy dedication in rescuing 'em.

Lou: Here here.

Here's to friends and family.

Lou: And here's to all of us being together.

(Glasses clink gently)

Now... let's eat!


Carve up that turkey, grandpa.

Amy: Me first. Jack: You first.

♪ Our love is not a victory march ♪
♪ it's a cold ♪
♪ and it's a broken hallelujah ♪
♪ hallelujah ♪

Ty: (Sniffs and exhales, cold)

Amy: I am so full.

Ty: Yeah, me too.

You didn't, did you?

I didn't what?

Get me a Christmas present.

Actually, no.

You know me, I left it to the last second.

And... I was gonna go into town, but then we got the call and...

I'm really sorry, Amy.

Don't be. I feel bad.

I mean you probably got me something and I don't-
Ty, I didn't.

I... I know I...

I meant to, but I didn't get into town either.

(Half laughs)



But, you know, we got eight gifts.


And a foal.

Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

Ty and Amy: (Laugh)


I've got everything I need right here.

Me too.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ hallelujah ♪
♪ hallelujah ♪
♪ hallelu-u-u-u-jah ♪
♪ ha-a-a-a-a-l... ♪
♪ ...lelujah ♪
♪ hallelu-u-u-u-u-jah ♪

(Laughter and chatter from inside the house)

♪ Hallelujah ♪