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04x04 - Graduation

Posted: 10/19/10 17:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on "heartland":

Lisa has offered to buy the dude ranch, And I accepted.

You can't possibly think that waitressing at Maggie's Even counts as a job.

You should get yourself back to school.

You have to admit, we're really good together.

Yes! Yes we are!


I'm so sorry.

It doesn't change anything, I still love you.

It doesn't change anything?

(pained grunt)

And that's for going after my girlfriend.

We're okay. All right.

(horses thunder across field)

(horse whinnies)

(spartan grunts)

Ty: What is it?

Amy: Spartan.

I don't know, he just hasn't been himself today.

He seems distracted or something.

Well, he's not the only one.

You've been a million miles away all afternoon.

What's on your mind?


(paper rustles)

Ty: Colorado state university?

(reading) "dear Amy Fleming.

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted "To the equine science program on a full scholarship."

Amy, this is incredible.


I didn't even know you applied to American universities.

Well, Lou made me.

I... I didn't think I'd get in, Let alone a full scholarship.

Amy, this is a good thing.

I know it is.

I know, I just...

I never really thought about going away To university.

I haven't thought much past graduation.

You know that's in two days, right?

Thanks for reminding me.

Look, the important thing is you have options.

Most people would k*ll for a scholarship like this.

(sighs deeply)

(approaching footsteps)

(knock at the door)

Come in.

Jack: We need you in the living room.

Is something up?

Jack: Family meeting.

Well, you're probably all wondering what I'm doing here, So I'll get right to the point.

Jack and I have been talking for a while About the possibility Of my bringing another one of my kids Out here to the ranch to work for the summer.

Jack: But I don't want to make any decisions

Unless everyone here's in agreement.

Well, if this is something you want, grandpa, Then I'm totally for it.

Me too.

It's fine with me.

Besides, the last one turned out pretty good.

Jack: I guess that settles it then.

So, I managed to score an invite To Soraya's party tomorrow night.

And Jamie and Rachel are both dying to come, but...

I can only invite one guest.

So? Who're you gonna take?

Well, I've given it a lot of thought, And I pick you.


Unless, you have plans with Chelsea.

Chelsea? Um...

We kinda broke up.

I know, I heard.

I mean, I'm sorry to hear that.

Badger: Mallory...


♪ and at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

Um... I was just.

We were just...

You, uh, gonna introduce me to Roy Rogers over there?

This is Jake. He's... A friend.

He's just giving me a hand today.

Badger: Yeah, well, it looks like

I'm gonna be your new ranch hand.

So, uh, Roy can mosey on home now.

And how 'bout I mosey on over there And introduce you to my fist.

Clint: There you are.

Well, it's official.

Jack: Welcome to your new home for the summer.

Badger: All right!

Jack: We'll see if you're still smiling tomorrow morning.

You're about to find out what hard work really means.

Yes, sir, Mr. Bartlett.

Come on.

Let's get your stuff out of the car.

Later Roy.

So, that's badger.

Jack, how could you?

What'd I do?

Tim, are you joking?

It's a fair price.

Well, do you think that's a fair price?

I mean, I kind of thought We would arrive at a price together.

I don't want there to be any bad blood here.

There won't be, okay? I promise.

Let me just talk to my business partner here.

I'm just starting to feel like maybe This isn't such a good idea after all.


Dad?! What're you doing?

Well, she thinks for a second she's gonna steal this place 'cause she's Jack's girlfriend, She's got another thing coming.

Dad, we can't ask for this kind of money.

Lou! She's not an idiot.

I got her exactly where I want her, okay?

It's all part of the negotiation.

You just let me work the deal.

Are you serious?

Trust me.

(exasperated sigh)

(poster flitters)

What're you doing with my motorcycle poster?

There's no room.

Are you sure you wanna stay in the barn?

Well, Jack offered me the guest room in the house, But, come on, It's not like I wanna be staying down the hall From the old man.

I think it'll be cool to stay out here.

(hum of chatter, girl laughing)

Oh, Amy! Over here.



Well, I should get going.

Congratulations again On the whole valedictorian thing.


And, uh, don't worry about your speech.

If the audience gets bored, Just do what I always do on the ring of fire.

Tell a joke?

Whip out a chainsaw.

Shock and awe. Gets 'em every time.

See you later.

Soraya: Bye.

(door opens and closes)

What was that?

Oh... I don't know.

He's just been hanging out a lot here lately, And we have these really great conversations.

But I don't think it's anything.

So anyways, what was this big news You wanted to tell me about?

Colorado state university.

Oh my God!

This is like the best equine science program In north America.

I am so proud of you, I'm gonna cry.

Don't, because I'm not sure if I'm going yet.

But this is a full ride scholarship.

I know, And I know I'm supposed to be excited, But...

It's just so not part of the plan.

You know, I...

Not that I really had a plan, But I just...

You're class valedictorian.

Gimme some wisdom.

Come on, tell me what I should do.

Well, this is your decision, Amy.

No one can make it for you.

It's my decision, huh?

That's all I got.

It's my decision.

Lou: If you turn down that scholarship, You're going to regret it for the rest of your life.

Jack: Oh, Lou, isn't that a bit dramatic?

Lou: No, I don't think so, grandpa.

Going to university was the best decision I ever made.

Yeah, but I'm not you.

And I have not ruled this out completely, okay?

I just... I wanna think about it.

But what is there to think about?

I mean, life is handing you an incredible opportunity.

Grab on to it.

It's not that simple, Lou.

It is that simple.

But if you wanna sabotage your whole life, Then go right ahead.

Excuse me.

I've got work to do.

I'm gonna...

Tim: So...

Lisa, have you had a chance to go over those numbers For the dude ranch?

Lisa: Um...

Don't think that's appropriate conversation For the dinner table.

Okay. But just so you know, There's a lot of other interested parties.

Since when?

Since I put an ad in the Hudson times.

You did what?

Wait a minute...

I want you to have it, it's just...

I can't give it away.


Lou and I have made an agreement!

Jack: See, I knew this was a bad idea.

Excuse me, I'm gonna catch a little air.

It's just business.

(door opens and closes)

You know I'm blaming you.

Oh, what else is new?

You guys do the dishes.



Tim: Guess I should be moseying.

Hey. Nice to meet you, beaver.

Uh, badger.

(door opens and closes)


What's going on with you and Roy?

His name is Jake, And you don't get to ask me that question.

Why're you mad at me?

That's another question you're not allowed to ask me.


What am I allowed to ask you?


From now on, I'll ask the questions.

Three months ago you stopped calling me.


Look, it wasn't on purpose, okay?

I bet you have a really good reason, don't you?

Yeah, I do.

Does it involve time travel Or being sucked into a worm hole And ending up in some distant universe Where the only form of communication

Is two tin cans and a string?

That's awesome, but... No.

Then there's no reason Why you couldn't have told me this good reason Three months ago.

Now it's too late.

Because of Jake?


Because of you! Because I kissed you, And now I wish more than anything That I could take it back.

Val: Soraya.

I hear you made valedictorian.


Your mother must be very proud, huh?

Thank you, Mrs. Stanton, she is.

Um, you okay to close up?

It's what I live for.

Okay, bye.

Ashley: Good night.

Wow, valedictorian.

That's pretty impressive.

Yeah, it's great.

It can't be easy for you, Watching all your friends moving on with their lives And you're stuck here, Emptying the fryer grease, huh?

I've had a long day.

Can we not do this, mom?


I don't know, I just can't help but wonder Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Five years?

I don't even know what I'm gonna be doing In five days.

And that's not a problem for you?

(sighs) no.

You know, Ashley, If you're happy living in a trailer And working at Maggie's, Then just keep doing what you've been doing.

But if you want more, You better think about what needs to change.

I don't want anything to change.

Caleb and I are happy.

So I guess your plan is to become a trailer trash Baby machine.

Might need a bigger trailer.

Well, I was wondering how long it would take you to run away.

This has gotta be a new record for you.

It's been, what? Less than a day?

What was your plan anyways?

You figured you'd show up And Mallory would be happy to see you?

You don't know the first thing about girls, Do you?

You know what, can we skip the man to man chat?

I kind of have a bus to catch.

I know how well running away's worked for you in the past, You know, some guys in your situation might stick around, Man up, and fight for the girl.

It's your life though, man.

Do what you want.

If by some chance you do decide to stay, Put my motorcycle poster back up on the damn wall.

(rooster crows)

(hooves clop)

Scott said he'd come by this evening And to take a look at spartan if you want.

Uh, tell him not to bother.

He seems like his old self this morning.

I think I was just overthinking things yesterday.


Well, I'm gonna go meet Scott at the clinic.

So I will you later tonight for Soraya's party.

(sighs) that's tonight.

I totally forgot.

Ty and Amy: (half laugh)

See ya. See ya.

(takes a deep breath)

Okay, I'm here.

What do we do first?

Well, first things first, You should probably get some boots on.

I'm sure Ty's got some in his loft you can wear.


No, it's cool.

Besides, how do I know that guy doesn't have Foot fungus or something?

It's totally contagious, you know?

(sighs) suit yourself.


Right here.

Smells fantastic.

Amy: Yeah, well, you'll get used to it.

Pretty soon you and manure will become one.

It will be like your signature scent.


Come on, this way.

Your next job is to fill the water trough every morning, And make sure it stays filled, okay?

Especially on hot days When the horses are drinking a lot.

Badger! Paying attention?

Yeah, yeah. Fill the water trough.

So hard. Okay.

Well, I gotta run into town. I'm late for the diner, But I'll be back in a couple hours, So don't get into trouble.

Yes, ma'am.

Mallory: Hands off the feed, badger.

I have a system.

Just trying to help.

I don't need your help.

Look, Can we talk about last night?

Can't talk. Rockin' out.

(music blasts through headphone)

Ashley: Caleb, where do you see yourself in five years?

Caleb: Seriously?

Yeah, seriously.

I mean, married people are supposed to talk About stuff like that.


I imagine in five years, with any luck, I'll probably be inducted into the pro-rodeo hall of fame.

For sure we'll buy a house, And, uh, maybe a little herd of cattle.

And where do I fit into all of that?

Well, I'd imagine in the next five years, You probably wanna get started on babies.


Yeah. At least like, three or four.

Why not make it eight?

We could have our own reality show.

Yeah, the way I see it, A kid should have lots of brothers and sisters To play with.

So what does that make me, a baby machine?

No, it makes you my wife and a great mother.

'Kay, I gotta go, babe. I'll see you tonight.

(door thuds shut)

Lou: I'm starting to think you don't really wanna sell.

Tim: Oh, I wanna sell.

Lou: Well, it's okay if you don't.

Tim: I just want you get the best price possible, that's all, So you have a nest egg.

Lou: A nest egg? Tim: Yeah, a nest egg.

Tim: In case things don't work out with your oil guy.



Where is this coming from?

Lou, you're here, he's there.

Come on, you don't have to be Anne landers To figure out the rest.

Dad, you know what?

Honestly? Peter and I are great, okay?

We're better than great.

We're spectacular.

And right now the best thing for my marriage Is gonna be selling this dude ranch.

So, I need you to stop worrying about nest eggs And just offer Lisa The price we came up with together.

Is that clear?


Soraya: "so I say to this year's graduating class, We must embrace the future because the future is ours!"

What do you think?

It's good.

I knew it, the speech sucks And I'm gonna put the entire graduating class Into a coma. No you're not.

You're gonna be great. Everyone loves you.

Okay, where do you want this punch bowl?

Uh... Just over there's good.


Hey, uh, I've gotta talk to you about something, But can you promise not to like Make a big deal out of it. Okay.

Um, I invited Chase to the party tonight.

You did?

As my date, and he said yes.

Did he.

Look, I know you guys don't really get along, And I get it.

He can be a total... Jerk.

Yeah. But there's a lot more to Chase powers Than the guy on the ring of fire poster.

You know, he's got this...

Whole other side to him, And he's vulnerable and sweet and...

Did you know he's studying sociology part time At the university of Calgary?

No, I didn't.


And let's face it, he's super hot.

Badger: (grunts)

Jack: And when you're done out here, You can start on the pens.

Badger: You know, I've been cleaning up sh... Manure

Since six this morning.

Don't you think there's something else I should,

Or could be doing?

90 percent of your job is shovelling manure.

The other thirty percent is hauling it, so...

Do the math.


(chuckles, amused)

You know, I figure...

I've been cleaning up after you and your friends all day, I think you owe me a ride.

Hold steady!

(horse whinnies)

Badger: (screams and grunts)

Jake and Mallory: (gasp and laugh)



Jake: Wow! Nice dismount!

Good thing that manure broke your fall.

Mallory and Jake: (laugh)

(breathing heavily)

Both: (laugh)

Okay. So, all we need is Lou's signature on here And the dude ranch is officially Lisa's...

For a very reasonable price, I might add.

Lisa: I'm just glad it all worked out.

I... I can't.

Tim: Yeah, right here...

No, dad, I don't think I wanna sell.

Excuse me?

Here we go.

You just said this is what you wanted.

I know. But now, I'm not so sure anymore.

You're kidding me, right?


Well, you picked a hell of time to change your mind.

Look, maybe we can still run the place together.

I know I live in Dubai, but...

Maybe that's why they invented the Internet.

Look, I can't, okay?

I have my money invested elsewhere.

I can't think about the dude ranch anymore. You what?!

You- we haven't even signed the paperwork And you're already moving on?

Did you think I'm a mind reader.

All right, let's everyone just calm down.

Lisa: Lou, honestly, I just thought I was doing you a favour, But if you're still interested in...

No. You know what?

I can't afford to run this place on my own.


And since I no longer wanna inconvenience My business partner who's already moved on...

Congratulations, Lisa, You bought yourself a dude ranch.

(music plays, low hum of chatter)

What's that?

It's a pamphlet from a university-college On the West coast.


Before you get all bent out of shape, Can I just tell you one thing about it?

You could finish all your High School courses there, Then transfer directly into the university program Without wasting an entire year.

I'm not- Ashley, I just want you to give it some thought.

No pressure.

I want you to know your options.

That's all. Like I'd be able to afford that anyway.


Obviously, I'd pay for everything.

And, you know, if you're worried about Caleb, If he really loves you?

Well, he's gonna support your decision, isn't he?

You're such a smart girl, Ashley, And you're still so young.

Do not waste this time.

(country music plays in diner)

I wanna punch that guy so bad.

When I said fight for her, I didn't mean it literally.

What would you do if some Roy Rogers wannabe Was making a move on your girl?

She's not your girl.

What, you've never been in a fight over a woman?


Badger: Pfft! Liar.

Amy: Ready to go?

Ty: Hey, you look beautiful.

Thank you.

Agh! Get a room.

This is my room.

See ya later, badger.

Don't forget to water the horses Before you go to bed.

Yup. All over it.

Go. Have fun.

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Jake: Yeah, so I'm thinking of getting my drivers permit.

Oh yeah? That's pretty awesome.

Jake: I'll probably get my dad's old truck when I'm sixteen.

Hey, Lou.


I was just stopping by To drop something off for Ty.

You all right?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

I sold the dude ranch to Lisa...

And it's a good thing.

It's a really, really good thing.


It's just that I worked so hard To make the it a success, and...

And now it's gone.

But that's okay...

Because I live in Dubai now.

I am a desert girl, And I love it.

I love camels And I love sand, and I...

Love dung beetles.

And who needs mountains When I have an indoor ski hill Right downtown? It's...

(tearing up)
it's super, super awesome.

Why are these windows so damn smudgy!

Okay, Lou.


(exhales heavily)

You're not a desert girl.

You're an Alberta girl.

Always will be.


Never stop kicking butt, okay?

Thank you.

You always know what I need to hear.


So, uh... Dung beetles, huh?


(pop music plays, din of chatter)

♪ and it's you that I miss ♪
♪ been waiting for this... ♪

Come on, Amy, it's a party, not a funeral.

I know, I just don't understand Why everybody's celebrating.

High School's over, everything's gonna change.

Yeah, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Feels like it.

Amy, you've got a great future ahead of you, Whether you take that scholarship or not.

And what if I do take the scholarship?

I'm gonna be living in a totally different city.

Then we'll deal with that when it happens.


But we're not gonna think about that tonight.

We're gonna have a good time.

All right?

All right.

Come on.

Come on!

♪ what you waiting for? ♪
♪ come to me some more ♪
♪ it's your chance, so take it ♪
♪ and it feels so right that we're here tonight ♪

What's this?

Open it up.

A fortune cookie?

I, uh, figured since you're graduating tomorrow, You might wanna see what's in your future.


"tonight you will receive the perfect kiss."

Okay, well, this is kind of cheesy, And this is probably your handwriting.

I make my own fortune.


(song continues)

I gotta go tell her.

Amy, don't, okay?

She's gotta know the truth about Chase.

Um, soraya?


Can I talk to you?

Why don't I go get us some drinks.



Hey, uh...

There's just something that I need to tell you.

Okay, um, I actually had to talk to you too.

You first.

Okay, um...

I just wanted to say thanks, And you're my best friend And I would not have gotten through High School Without you.

And um...

After your mom died, Just seeing the way you kept going And got things accomplished, it really inspired me.

I mean, tonight could not have been more perfect Because you're here And tomorrow we're graduating together.

Anyways, I'm getting all sappy, So what was it you wanted to tell me?

You know, it's not important.

Come here.

(drunkenly) you know what I wanna be when I grow up?

A surgeon.

Or maybe a marine biologist.

No, wait.


Hon, you're a little drunk.

Maybe it's time to go home.

I'm smart, Caleb.

I could be a sturgeon.

You wanna be a fish?

Ashley, what the hell are you doing?

My future's in the garbage and I have to find it.

Caleb: Okay, that's enough.

Ashley: No! What are you doing?! My future's in the garbage!

Caleb: Don't ask.

Ashley: Caleb!

I think it's officially a party!

(everyone whoops and cheers)

Jack: Badger? You in here?

Where is that kid?

(horse nickers, heavy thump)

Oh boy...

(spartan breathes heavily and grunts)


(spartan grunts deeply)

Get up.

(music plays loudly, buzz of excited chatter)


What are you doing here?

I was bored, I hitched a ride.

What do you say, Do you wanna hit the dance floor?

You've got two choices: Leave or I make you leave.

You know, I was never good at multiple choice.

I pick "c," none of the above.

You're a smartass.

Yeah, and you're just an ass.

Jake, don't!


(fighting grunts, partygoers yelp)

Mallory: Stop it, you two!

(struggling grunts)

Mallory: Enough!

Oh my God.

Chase: Come on, you guys, break it up.

Ty: Get off of him!

Relax, buddy. Relax!

You don't listen, do you?

Mallory: You're pathetic, both of you!

Ty, we gotta go home.

There's something wrong with spartan.

Come on, let's go.

Badger: Get off me!

Chase: On your feet, pal.

You're all right.

(spartan grunts)

You're all right.

Spartan colicked. It's bad.

I wanna operate, but I can't get him up.

Jack: We tried everything short of a cattle prod.

Amy: No, we've gotta get him up!

You gotta operate on him!

Amy, you gotta know, colic surgery, It isn't cheap.

Lou, please...?

I think we're insured.

Just let me worry about that, okay?

Okay, then, well, let's get him up.

We don't have much time.

Amy: It's okay, buddy.

Come on, boy.

Ty: What happened? He was fine this morning.

It's hard to say for sure, But he is dehydrated.

There's no water in his trough.

Ty: Spartan's on dry feed.

If he didn't get enough water, That would explain the colic.

Can I have everyone out, please?

I want to be alone.

It's okay, buddy.

You're all right, okay?

(spartan breathes heavily)

It's okay, spartan.

I'm here now, buddy. Okay?

Come on, you gotta come back to me.


(spartan grunts heavily)


(wind gusts, Gate creaks)

(Gate clunks, wind gusts stronger)

(lights squeak as they swing)

It's okay, boy.

Gotta get up now, okay?


You gotta get up for me.

Okay? You can do it.

Come on, boy.

You can do it.

Come on. Good boy.

Come on, keep going.

Good boy. Come on.

Good boy. Yes you are.

Her so long?

Maybe we're too late.

(hooves clop)

(sigh of relief)
I knew you'd do it.

Jack: Let's get him in the trailer.

You all right?


Come on, we'll follow in my truck.

(door squeaks)

Scott: We'll take it from here.

Amy: No, I'm coming with you.

Um, it's okay.

We'll take real good care of him, I promise.


(spartan breathes heavily, hooves clop)

What happened?

Spartan colicked.

I don't even know what that means.

Colic is serious. Horses can die from it.

(mordant chuckle)
I've been here one day And I've already managed to k*ll one of the horses.

Is this just some big joke to you?

Oh yeah, it's hilarious.

Do you wanna hear a joke?

Stop me if you've already heard The one about the kid who tracks down his parents And how they have this new house, With two bedrooms.

You know, one for them and...

One for the new baby.

Oh, don't worry, it's gets better.

You see his parents, they, uh...

They act like they're really happy to see him, But he gets the hint.

You know, he doesn't hang around long.

Badger... Looks like he won't be staying here much longer either 'cause he didn't fill the damn trough, so...

Yeah, Maybe this is all a joke.

Did you hear anything?

I just talked to Lou.

She's checking to see if your insurance Covers spartan's surgery.

Okay, that's good.

I can't believe badger didn't water the horses.

Ty, it's not just his fault.

Hey, there were signs.

I think it started yesterday.

Yeah, but not having water for a day Probably made it worse.

Yeah, well, I shoulda been on it.

I screwed up. I just...

I've been so busy worrying about grad And about this scholarship, That I didn't see what was happening Right in front of me.

(footsteps thud, Amy sighs)

Good news.

Everything went really well.

Can I see him?



Hey, boy.


It's okay.

We'll keep him here for the next few days, Make sure there's no infection.

But I think he's gonna be fine.

Can I stay here with him?

As long as you want.


So? How's spartan doing?

Is he gonna be okay?

Yeah, Scott thinks so.

And Phil over at Western financial Says they're gonna cover the cost of the surgery, So that's a huge relief.



Lou, about yesterday...

You know, dad, it's okay.

We both agreed to sell the dude ranch And I got cold feet, that's all.

I didn't wanna run it by myself.

It was a pretty good partnership while it lasted.

It was a great partnership, and I'd do it again.

(spartan grunts)

Ty: Hey.


We should get going.

You're gonna be late.

It's too late anyway, we'd never make it.

I don't understand, Amy.

Everyone's gonna be there.

All the people that love you Are gonna wanna see you graduate.

No, not everyone, Ty.

You know there was a moment, last night, When I was trying to get spartan to stand up, I thought maybe my mom was there.

It was just for a second.

Then I remembered that she's gone, And she's not gonna be here to see me graduate Or help me pack for university.

Ty, spartan's all I have left of her And I almost lost him last night 'cause I wasn't paying attention.

I'm not going anywhere.

Did Amy come with you?

Jack: No. She was still at the clinic when we left.

Well, she better hurry up, Or she's gonna miss her own graduation.

Woman: Ladies and gentlemen.

It is my pleasure to welcome you To Hudson high's graduation.

We better get some seats.

Woman: We are so proud of this years' graduates And we thank you all for being here today To celebrate...

(approaching footsteps)

Badger and I will stay with spartan.

We'll call you if anything happens.

You put them up to this?

I told you I'm not going.

Badger: Look, Amy...

I know I messed up with spartan, But don't miss your own graduation because of me.

It's your call.

(applause and cheers)

Woman: Chris Evans.

Amy Fleming.


Woman: Amy Fleming.

(confused murmuring)

(distant rumble of an engine)

(cheering and applause from crowd)


Don't forget this.

(cheering and applause)

Amy Fleming?

Yes, that's me.

(cheering and applause)

Woman: And now this year's valedictorian, Soraya Duvall.


I've been thinking a lot about the future.

Everything seems so uncertain, like anything could happen.

But maybe graduation is about accepting uncertainty;

Accepting that we don't have all the answers And we're gonna screw up sometimes.

That doesn't mean we should be afraid to keep going, And to take big, bold steps -

Even if that means we fall down now and then.

Today, we take the first step together.

So, even if we fall, At least we'll be there to help each other up.


I guess that's it.

Congratulations, guys, we did it!

(cheering, whistling, and applause)

Soraya: (giggles)

(cheering and applause)


There's a million tiny gnomes with sledgehammers in my head.

Caleb: Drink this.

You know, you missed Amy and Soraya's graduation.

(sighs) I couldn't face them.

It's humiliating being a dropout.

Yeah, well...

Got you something.

What are those for?

It's everything you need to get your GED online.

I borrowed it from Ty.

You're smart, Ashley, and I know that.


Whatever you wanna be when you grow up, I wanna be part of it.

And I want you to stop thinking Your future's in the garbage.

You're right.

And just to clarify, I didn't actually think my future was in the garbage.

Thank you.

You're welcome.



Jack: Well, that was quite the entrance.

Tim: You cut it a little close, don't you think?

congratulations, honey.

Thanks, dad.

Tim: I'm so proud of you.

Thank you.

Guys, I just, um...

There's something I wanna say to all of you.


I'm not giving up on school, okay?

But I think I need to take a year off.

A year just to expand my clinics And see what I can really do.

Lou, I...

I know you mean well,

But I'm not gonna take that scholarship.

I know.

You disappointed?

I am way too proud of you to be disappointed.

Come here...

I didn't mean what I said.

I wouldn't take it back.

As far as first kisses go, Mine was pretty good.

Jake: Are you ready to go?

Uh, yeah.

Um, you're gonna stay with spartan Until Amy gets back?


I'm not going anywhere.

Listen, before I forget, (clears throat)
keys to the dude ranch.

These are yours. Lou, listen.

I wanna propose That you and I run the dude ranch together, Equal partners, If you're interested.

I'll just buy Tim's half, and you keep the other half.

But, Lisa, I'm not gonna live here anymore.

It won't be easy, but we'll make it work.

It won't be impossible; That's why they invented the Internet.

I don't know what to say.

I think you should say yes.


(elated laughter)

Amy: Okay, see you. Girl: Bye, Amy.

I'm proud of you.

Thanks. I'm proud of me too.

How does it feel to be a graduate?

It feels like...

Anything can happen.

♪ your blood, your fire, your kiss good night ♪

You ready?


♪ ...Come 'cross the sand ♪
♪ wanna feel that way ♪

(engine roars loudly)