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02x32 - Wicked Itch

Posted: 04/23/23 17:17
by bunniefuu
- Okay, so here are

your five words.


If someone is wicked,

they are not good at all.

They're actually really mean

and bad, like a wicked witch.


Courageous means

really, really brave.


A script is a play or movie

written down on paper.


When something is predictable,

it means it isn't surprising.

You could have guessed

it would happen.


When you collaborate,

you work together.

All right, so we have

wicked, courageous,

script, predictable,

and collaborate.

Watch out for these

words in today's show.

(dramatic music)


(loud thudding)

(loud crash)

- And now your itsy-bitsy,

teeny little planet

belongs to me!


- Not so fast, Dalthar.

- Oh, well, if it

isn't Garcador, the

courageous warrior.

- They call me courageous

because I'm brave enough

to stand up to you,

and I will not let you pick on

this little planet any longer!

- That's what you think.

(high-pitched buzz)


- What, what did you do?!

- It's my new

invention, the itch ray.

And while you're

busy scratching,

I'll give you a space noogie!

- What?



- Cut!

- What? No good?

- The scene was great.

Up until the end.

Manny, you didn't say

the line in the script.

The script says, "And while

you're busy scratching,

"I'll take over the planet."

- Yeah, yeah, and the

whole noogie thing?


- It's called acting, PJ.

And if I say my

character would noogie,

then noogie he would.

- Well, I'm the director,

and I say noogie he wouldn't.

- Ha!

- Can we try it once

how it's written in the script?

- You know what, if you

can't respect my true genius,

I don't think this

is going to work out.

- Manny--

- I can't work

under these conditions.

I quit!

- Now what are we gonna do?

- Hey, you guys!



Come on, yeah

Feel the power,

feel the power

Feel the power,

yo, and plug it in

It's Electric,

Electric Company

Get connected,

Electric Company

It's electric,

Electric Company

Get connected,

Electric Company

Yo, the power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Just turn it on,

and you will see

That you belong

in the company

Feel the power

Ooh, feel the power

Yo, and plug it in

Plug it in, everybody

Yo, and plug it in

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

(upbeat rock music)

- Manny is just so

good at acting wicked.

Those mean eyes,

that evil laugh.

Oh, he is the perfect bad guy.

- That's true, that's true,

but he's so difficult.

Is he always like that?

- Oh, yeah.

- Yup.

- Really?

I knew this guy back

at home, same way.

He didn't know how

to collaborate.

He couldn't work with

any other people.

- Yep, that's Manny.

- We'll just have to find

somebody else to do the part.

But not me 'cause I'm

loving working these aliens.


- What about you, cuz?

Yeah, show me wicked, all right?

Be as mean as you

could possibly be.

- I have a hard time

pretending to be wicked.

I'm just a nice guy.

- Here.

Pick up that fork and tell

it you're gonna destroy it.

And then laugh in a wicked way.

Right? Okay.

- All right, I'll try.

I'm gonna destroy you, fork.

Ha ha!

Ha ha.

See? Not so wicked.

- Are you kidding me?

Look at that fork!

It is terrified!

- Come on--

- No, no, no.

We can make it work.

- But who's gonna

work the camera?

- Oh.

- Mm-hm, mm-hm.

- I don't know, guys.

- [Jessica] It's

just a little baggy.

- Look, man, I think

it looks good on you.

- So, Keith, I made some

changes to the script,

and you just have one

line in the next scene.

- You're gonna throw a

word ball, aren't you?

(PJ laughs)

I love those things,

man, love 'em!


- Perhaps a little more

itch will change your mind.

- Okay, let's sh**t this!

- Okay.

- [Lisa] All right,

everybody, back to one.

- All right, man, here we go.

- [Lisa] And let's settle.

And action!


- Come on, guys, get in here.

I promise you'll be safe.

Come on, come on, come on.

There you go.

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.

Okay, all right.

Are we good? Okay.


There you go.

And lock it.

Dalthar, you will never get them

'cause I will never give you

the code to this fortress!

- Perhaps a little more

itch will change your mind.

- And cut!

(Paul growls)

Okay, Keith, that's close,

but we're gonna have to get you

to get a little more wicked.

- Mm-hm.

- All right.

We're gonna just keep

trying it till we get it.

Roll camera.

- Mm-hm.

- Take two.

- Perhaps a little more

itch will change your mind.

- Okay, meaner!

- Perhaps a little more

itch will change your mind.

- More wicked!

- Perhaps a little more

itch will change your mind.

- Try it differently.

- Perhaps a little more itch

will change your mind.

- The way you didn't do it.

Like different.

- Take .

- Grr!

- Okay, wait, you're a tiger!


- You're a mean tiger.

- Rah!


- Ah!


- Go!

- Take .

- Perhaps a little more

itch will change your mind.

- No smile. Don't smile.

Please don't smile.

- Okay, okay.

This is the one.

It's gonna be it.

- Take .

- Perhaps a little more

wicked will make you itch.


That was it!

- Cut.

(Paul grunts)


It's getting better.

(Paul grunts)

- I don't think this is for me.

I could play the good guy,

but I really just don't

have wicked in me.

Lisa, I really think

you're better off

putting up with Manny.

- I think you're right, Keith.

You can go back to

working the camera.

Thanks, Paul.

- [Paul] Mm-hm.

- I'll go look for Manny.

- What?!

No, no, no!

Mr. Manny Can't

Collaborate Spamboni.

- He is the best Dalthar

in the neighborhood.

- True, but do you

think he's available?

- [Lisa] Mm.

- Perhaps a little more

itch will change your mind.

I'm in.

- It'll be fine.

I hope.

(upbeat music)

- Hey, yo, short i.

- Me?

- Come on, raise your fist up.


Come on, raise your fist up


Come on, raise your fist up


Come on, raise your fist


It's time for y'all to

put your fists in the sky

And we're gonna list all

the different reasons why

Short I still, the

letter that will

Bring you a smile and

help you get your fill

'Cause without that

eh, we never could win

We simply have a W N

And that wouldn't get us

to the finish, my friend

Ha, to the finish, my friend

Come and raise your fist up


Come on, raise your fists

Raise your fists

Come on, raise your fist up


Come on, raise you fist

Raise your fist real fast

- Lipstick.


Eh, eh, eh, eh!


(loud clunk)

(loud crash)



Eh, eh, eh.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.


(loud clunk)

(loud crash)



(mimics horn wailing)


(loud clunk)

(loud crash)



Eh, eh, eh!


(loud bubbling)



(loud clunk)

(loud crash)

- Are you afraid of it?

If not, you should be.

It is everywhere.

It is in your baseball mitt.

It is in your first aid kit.

(siren wailing)

It is in your banana split.


It is even in your babysitter.

Oh, oh, yeah.

You can try to change it, like

you can make the it into at,

so you get babysatter.

But I don't know what that is

and I don't think I want to.



Face it.

You can't quit it.

So that's it.

Get it?

I got it, and I

can't get rid of it.

Everybody knows about

words with the eh sound

Like fish and like ship

Let's kick it up a bit

Combine these words

with other words, yes

Let me tell you a story now

There once was a catfish

That lived in a fishbowl

with some other fish

A goldfish and a starfish

by the name of Larry

And crazy Larry, he

would always hang out

By this shipwreck in

the colorful rocks

That were at the bottom

of the fishbowl, yes

And inside of the shipwreck

was a treasure chest

And every time the

starfish opened it

It would reveal a whole

bunch of friendship

A magical power that held

all the fish together

Together forever, yeah

Short I

- [Girl] So what's

happened so far?

- [Boy] I am the wicked Dalthar.

I am mean, nasty, up to no good.

Well, I am the

courageous Garcador.

Not just brave, not

just super brave,

so super-duper brave

that I am courageous.

Well, I am wicked, so I'm

giving you a space noogie.

- [Girl] Cut, that's

not in the script.

- I quit.

- Oh, no!

Hey, you guys!

Keith, you have to play

the wicked character.

- [Boy] But I'm

not right for it.

I'm more of a good guy.

- [Girl] You'll be great.

Try to be wicked.

- I am the wicked Dalthar.

(crickets chirping)

- [Girl] I think we need Manny.

- [Boy] What we need is

someone who will collaborate.

Manny is always trying

to boss people around.

I'm in charge.

When we collaborate, we work

together and share ideas.

Collaborate, collaborate

If we collaborate, the

movie will be great

But I'm ready to help

if it's not too late

- Okay, welcome

back, Manny Spamboni.

sh**ting the rehearsal.

Everyone ready?

On your mark.

All right, and action.





- Make it stop!

- I have in my hand the only

cream that can stop the itch.

Give me the code,

and it's yours.

- Please!

Please, I need it!

- Aw, not so courageous

anymore, are you?


- That's what you think!



- Cut!



- Cut?

Manny, you can't say cut.

You're not the director.

- Well, I had to do something.

I mean, the ending

is so predictable.

You know exactly

what's going to happen.

The courageous Garcador is

gonna defeat the wicked invader,

and then everyone ends

up happily ever after.

Pardon me while I yawn.


- Manny, you know, I really--

- I'm not done.



- Everybody take five.

- Thank you.

- Hey, PJ, do you think

the ending is predictable?

- It's predictable, but like

in a good way, in a good way,

'cause everyone wants to

see Garcador defeat Dalthar.

- Do they, PJ?

Do they really?

- You know, I don't

think it's a bad ending,

but I don't want it

to be predictable.

Maybe we can come up

with something better,

something unexpected.

- Yeah, that would be great

if Spamboni here

can collaborate.

- What do you say, Manny?

Do you wanna work

together with us on this?

- I invented collaborating.

- Good.

- Okay, Manny.

How do you see the story?

- Okay, everyone

knows that Dalthar

is the smartest person around,

so I think it's baloney

that he gets outsmarted.

- Dude, are you kidding me?

Garcador is the hero, all right?

Dalthar is the villain.

Garcador has to defeat him,

no ifs, ands, or buts, or--

- Predictable.

- Wait.

What if something happens

to change Dalthar?

- So that I, I mean, he doesn't

end up wicked in the end?

- Huh?

- Yeah.

You'd show his sweet

sensitive side.

- So then the film is about

the growth of Dalthar.

- Now what is it that makes

Dalthar stop being wicked?

- [Paul] Hmm.











Stick, pick up the stick


We're doing stock










Pink, pink, pink, pink

Ink, ink, ink, link,

link, link, link

Music, music

Music, music


- Music, man.




Eh, eh

(upbeat music)

- [Woman] Ink.

- Okay, so what's the game?

- Ooh, I don't know.

What is the game?

- Uh, ink.

The game is ink.

- Nice.

- Ooh, I love me some ink.

- Okay, so drink.

(loud slurp)

- Blink.

- Pink.

Pinky, pinky finger.

- Oh, yeah.

- Pinky finger!

- Like that one.

- That is cool.

You are up.

- I know, I'm thinking.

- Thinking!

- Ah, thinking!

- Thinking!

(all laugh)



- Ink.



Wink, wink








Sink, sink




(alarm wails)

- Captain, he's sinking!

- [Man] Sinking.

- Th.

- Ink.

- [Both] Think.

- Luh.

- Ink.

- [Both] Link.

- St.

- Ink

- [Both] Stink.

- Dr.

- Ink.

- [Both] Drink.

- Puh.

- Ink.

- [Both] Pink.


- Wow.

- I love pink.

- Ooh, we're tickled pink.

(both laugh)

- Yo, Lisa.

Check it, I read the

script and I love it.

- Aw, thanks, PJ.

Well, it really helped to

collaborate with you guys.

- Yeah, no doubt.

Um, does Manny like it?

- Oh.

- Oh.

- [Both] He loves it.

- Am I truly this wicked?

- [Paul] Nuh-uh.


- Am I truly this wicked?

- [Paul] Nuh-uh.

- Am I truly this wicked?

(Paul sobbing)

(Manny sighs)

Let's make magic.


Give me the code, and

the cream is yours.

- Fine, man!

The code is --

- Wait!

Let me get a pen!

- Okay.

Hurry up, man.

I'm gonna scratch my skin off.


- Oh, this isn't a pen.


- The cream!

Gimme it, gimme it!

- Oh, me first!

- No! Gimme!


(gentle music)

(loud splat)

- Our only hope of

being itch-free.

- Gone.

Gone forever!

- Oh, we are hopeless, Garcador.

We are hopeless!

No wonder no one wants

to hang out with me!

Lonely are the wicked, Garcador!

Lonely are the wicked!

Will you get my back

If you get mine, mine, mine

Will you get my back

If you get mine, mine, mine

To the left, to the left

To the right, to the right,

to the right, to the right

To the left, to the left

To the right, to the right,

to the right, to the right

I never knew what it

was like to be itchy

Every single nerve in

my body's all twitchy

Ooh, and it's getting worse

And I've been spreading this

curse through the universe

Why am I like this,

am I truly wicked

No, we're just happy, but

you got to learn the key, key

I don't want to be

alone, I wanna be better

Let's go protect

this galaxy together



Hey, now all the aliens sing

Off the doormat

Being courageous

He's not spying

He's contagious

And off the doormat

Being courageous

And he's not spying

He's contagious

And off the doormat

And it feels great

And he's not spying


And off the doormat

And it feels great

And he's not spying

- And cut!

All right, you guys!

It was awesome!

- Give me some!

There we go, good game, man.

- And that's a wrap.


- What's up, everybody?

It's time for

short vowel sounds.

Let's go.

Short U

A up

Come on, everybody,

get up and dance

Short A

A clap

Get up, you know you

gotta dance and clap

Short I

And kick

Kick up your heels, you

know you love how it feels

When you dance and clap

like that, oh, yeah

Short E

A step

Step to the left,

then kick to the right

Jump up and down,

then clap three times


Short O

A stop

Now kick up your heels

and dance and shout

And you don't have to stop

'cause we're singing about

We're singing about,

we're singing about

Short vowel sounds

- Can anybody stop the

blob who likes to blab?!

- How ya doing, some

weather we're having, huh?

Reminds me--

- A cop used his cap

to try to quiet the blob.

- Nice cap, cop.

I prefer top hats personally--

- [Newscaster] A boxer tried

to do the job with a jab.

- You know, I think I

met your cousin once--

- But the blob kept

blabbing until finally,

the blob took a nop!

- A nop?

Funny word, never heard--

- I meant a nap!

- Oh.


- [Announcer] Today on

The Big Face Face Off,

it's Jessica versus Manny.

- In this duel, I

will use the ah sound.

- And I will use the aw sound.

Go ahead, take the first sh*t.

- I will catch you in my trap!

- [Girl] Ah, yeah!

- I can climb out through

this hole in the top.

- [Girl] Oh!

- Oh, well, then I

hope you like bats.


- Ugh, I don't!

But I do like

flocks of seagulls.

- [Girl] Oh!

(girl laughs)

- Nice, but I prefer a jet pack.

- Well, what do you know,

my pet lobster

loves jet packs too.

- [Girl] Oh!

(loud thud)


(loud crash)

- Rats!

- [Girl] Ah.


- I'd like a pet, please.

- Uh, oh, how about a clam?

- A clam?


I really want something

without a shell, though.

- Okay.

Uh, ooh!

How about a gnat.

It buzzes.

- It's too small.

I want something I

can run around with.

- Right, uh, oh, I've

got just the thing!

Huh? There.

How about a hamburger?

- A hamburger?

What am I gonna do with

a hamburger for a pet?

It doesn't even move.

- Go fetch.

(mimics knocking)



(mimics knocking)

Knock on that door

Knock on that magic door

Knock on that door

Knock on that magic door

Knock on that flat door

Knock on that flat door

You have a knack

for knocking

A knack for knocking

A knack for knocking

on that flat door

You have a knack

for knocking

A knack for knocking

A knack for knocking

on that flat door

Knock on that door

Knock, knack,

knack, knack, knack

Knack, knock,

knack, knack, knock

- I'm special agent Jack Bowser.

Not only am I stuck

in this cheesy place,

it's about to explode,

and I can't cr*ck

the code to get out.

Help me read this.

They both think

that cheese stinks.

No cheese for them.

They both think

that cheese stinks.

No cheese for them.


And off the doormat

And it feels great

And he's not spying

(dramatic music)


- Run free!

Run free, little friends!


- Oh.

Oh, no, no.

Listen, because he's

no wicked anymore.

See, he's one of us.


Directed by Lisa Heffenbacher.

- Aw, thanks, guys.

Are you all happy?

- Yeah, it was amazing.

- Oh, it was amazing.

- Lisa, it was great.

- Hold it, hold it, hold it!

- [Paul] Hm?

- Starring PJ Watson

and Manny Spamboni?

I thought it was starring

Manny Spamboni and PJ Watson?

- What difference

does it make, man?

- My name should come first.

Clearly, I was the

star of the film.

It is all about my

heartbreaking change

from being wicked to being good.

Lisa, you will be

hearing from my agent,

who just happens

to be my mother.

- Well, that was

kind of predictable.

- Yeah, but I mean, come on,

you can't expect him to

collaborate forever, can you?


- Mm-hm.

- It was good while it lasted.

- [PJ] Monkey, popcorn.

(Paul grunts)

Yo, play the movie, dude.

- [Keith] All right.


- [PJ] Encore!

- What if I told you you

can make your own video?

Go online to

and you can take clips from

the show, make your own video,

music video, or even a video

about me, Manny Spamboni.

Now go, so I can watch it.


The time is now,

the day is here

The rhythm that you're

feeling, the music in your ear

The charge is electric,

and all you got to do is

Plug it in, plug it in

It's what we do at

The Electric Company

Inviting all of you to

all the possibilities

Learning to write

and learning to read

We have a good time

while we plant the seeds

And once you get it,

you have to share it

Discovering your power,

you own it, you wear it

Proud and you

shout it out loud

Electric company is in town


- [PJ] I read the new script.

I love it.

And I loved the...


- [Director] Okay, reset.

- Lonely goes to wicked.

- You have a line

with the hopeless.

- No.

No, I said that already.

- Oh, I not paying attention.

My bad.

- Perhaps a little more

itch will change your mind.

- Excuse me?



- [PJ] Yeah.