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04x05 - Where the Truth Lies

Posted: 10/26/10 06:11
by bunniefuu
Lou: Previously on "Heartland":

Peter! Yeah!

Hold on... Uh... no. No, she's out. Again.

Jack and I have been talking for a while about the possibility of... My bringing another one of my kids out here to the ranch to work for the summer.

You know what?

I can't afford to run this place on my own. Right.

Congratulations, Lisa, you bought yourself a dude ranch.

I managed to score an invite to Soraya's party tomorrow night.

Who're you gonna take?

I pick you.


Unless you have plans with Chelsea?

We kind of broke up.

Badger: Mallory...

Mallory: Badger?

It looks like I'm gonna be your new ranch hand.

Ho, ho, ho...

Don't even think about it.

Dude, this yours?

Yeah, and it's worth more than your life.

So keep your grubby hands off it.

I'm just looking.

Yeah, well, the show's over.


I need you to tack up a couple of horses for me and Amy.

Can you handle that?

Wouldn't it be more fun to take your girl for a rip on this bad boy?

Or have you gone all cowboy out here?

If you wanna spend time with a horse crazy girl, you'll learn to love your trail rides.

Trust me.

Now get to work.


(Lever clunks, metallic squeaking)

Aw, who's this guy?

Scott: His name's Avery.

He was part of an abandoned herd.

Look at how beat up he is.

They probably had to fight each other for every blade of grass.

Scott: Yeah, well, I'm trying to find him a home, but he's terrified of other horses; blows up whenever he even gets close to one.

So where are you taking him?


You knew as soon as I saw that face I'd wanna work with him.

Well, I thought you might be interested this case.


Come on, Avery. You're comin' with me, bud.

Oh, yes you are.


"Welcome mat is tacky. Lisa."



"Rethink colour."

Oh please.

"Too 19's."
Guess you'd know.

(Vehicle rumbles up the drive)




Oh my God, I missed you.


Then what're you still doing here?

(Horses whinny and snuffle)

Ty: So what's with that horse Scott dropped off?

Amy: It's actually a pretty sad story.

His owners just up and left him in the middle of winter.

What the hell?

Yeah, I know, I can't believe...

No, look.

Amy: Awww! (Titters)

A little donkey.

This place is pretty off the beaten path.

Yeah, it's Sarah craven's place.

She's kinda the town hermit.

Come on, go back to your house.

(Clicks tongue)

Amy and Ty: (Chuckle)

(High-pitched whinny nearby)

Ty: Here you go, buddy.

Amy: (Laughs) I better tell her he's loose.

(Horse whinnies)

Ty: Hey.

Check this out.

(Horse snorts)

Poor guy.

Look at these sores.

He must be in a lot of pain.

Sarah: Hey! (g*n cocks)

Get away from my horse.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

What're you doing on my land?

This horse is in pretty rough shape.

How long has he had these?

Who the hell are you?

I'm Amy Fleming.

This is... Ty.

Ty: Those ulcers can be treated.

I work with a vet and we'd be happy to...

I've been taking care of falcon here for over 20 years and doing a pretty damn good job of it.

Now get off my property.



(Gate creaks closed)

Peter: I don't get it.

You're supposed to be back weeks ago.

Lou: I know, but...

Peter: You don't call me to...

Lou: I did call. I called several times!

In the middle of the night, Lou.

I feel like I'm married to my voice mail here.

What's going on?

It's the dude ranch, okay?

It's in shambles.

Looks fine to me.

Yeah, it does now...

But I spent the last few weeks getting it back on its feet.

You should've seen it.

How would you feel if you came home and you found your business was in trouble.

I would've called you, Lou, and told you what was happening.

You know, involved you with my decisions, that's what I would've done.

Oh, yeah, like you did with Dubai.

I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry, I didn't...

I thought it was only gonna be a few of days, okay?

But it got complicated.

And Lisa bought out my dad, so she's my partner now.

Lisa. Yeah.

So that's great!

She's the perfect person to run this place.

Yes, exactly!

So, great, can we go home now?

Yes... soon.

I just... Lisa has some big ideas I'm not too keen on and I want...

You know, it's just gonna take some time.

How much time? I don't know.

A few weeks. A month.

A month? Maybe.

Lisa and I, we have to get on the same page.

Yeah, so do we.

Ah, looks like Roy Rogers found himself a sidekick.

Hey, Mallory.


Since when does Jake hang out with Jamie?

Sounds like he's a real playa.

Jake: We're goin' on a trail ride.

You wanna come?

We know you're probably too busy, but...

Actually, it sounds fun. So, yeah.


Jamie: How about your hired hand?

Maybe he wants to come along too.

Uh... no.

Unless you guys want to take turns scraping him off the trail.


Amy: You know, I know that woman doesn't want anything to do with us, but someone needs to look at her horse.

Ty: Well, maybe we could go out there for another ride tomorrow.

Yeah. That'd be a good idea.

Hey, Avery?

How are ya? You want a treat?

Good boy, Avery.

Hey. You guys need me to do anything?

Didn't Mallory just take off with her friends?

It's too bad you don't know how to ride.

Badger: Yeah, like I want to go on some lame trail ride.

I don't play cowboy for anyone.


I'll go get Harley.

Amy: Good boy.

So, what's wrong with this guy?

Well, he's pretty picked on by his old herd, so now he's afraid of horses.

First step is to get him to share his feed trough.

Hey, Harley.

(Harley snuffles)


Amy: (Sighs) Avery, come on...


(Vehicle rumbles)

Amy: Hey...

Hey, is that Peter?

Yeah. Oh my God.

Who the hell's Peter?

(Gate clanks)

(Gate shuts)

(Door opens)

Wait, wait.

You and me are happy, okay?

Big smiles, united front.

Got it?

Grampa? Look who's here.

Well I'll be.

The whole family's home now.

Hey, yeah. Great to be back, Jack.

Things are well with you?

Yeah, absolutely.

Can't complain, you know.

Couldn't be happier.

Lou and Peter: (Feigned laughter)


Lou: Hey, uh, why don't I take that to my room.


So, uh...

Lot of changes around here, huh?

Lou and Lisa partners now?

That should work out well.

Oh yeah. Yeah.

Two, uh...

You know, two driven, and strong-minded women who are used to running the show...

That's a... That's a match made in heaven.

(Timer dings)

(Water sloshes, bucket clunks)

Back from your little ride already?

Jamie: Yeah.

So, I heard about your screw up with spartan.

How the hell did you hear about that?

Who the hell are you?

Jamie. Mallory's friend.

The one she talks to all the time about this guy named Badger.

The colic thing, the running away thing, the whole brooding artist thing, the kiss thing...

Ah... Okay, I get it.

So you think you know everything about me.

I know you can't ride.

But if you want to impress Mallory, you better learn.

Like... now.

Badger: Whoa... whoa, whoa, whoa!

Okay... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Stop slouching.

This isn't about looking cool.


Just sit up straight.

Can I ask you something?


Why're you doing this? What's in it for you?

I've got my reasons.

Okay, look. You seem nice, but you're Mallory’s best friend and...

Get over yourself.

I'm not into you.

I want Mallory to be able to spend more time with you.

Oh. So you're doing this for her?

Yeah... well, sort of.

I kinda want Jake to myself.

Really? Jake?


(Wheelbarrow rattles)

Ty: Wow,

Badger on a horse.

Badger: You, this way.

(Wheelbarrow clunks)

Peter: Well, it sure is nice to have a family dinner again.

Lou: I try and cook for him, but Peter usually ends up getting stuck eating out with his business colleagues in Dubai.

You must get sick of eating at all those fancy restaurants, night after night. Right?

Yeah. Yeah, I guess I do have to eat out a little more than I'd like to.

But you know what I do do is, ah,

I always make sure I call Lou if I'm not gonna be home when I'm supposed to.

A little common courtesy thing.
Right, babe?

(Awkward chuckle)

Hey, Lou, Ty and I were out riding today and we came across the cutest little donkey.

And turns out that it belongs to Sarah craven.

Crazy craven?

Mallory, come on.

What? That's what everyone calls her.

She's gone completely stark raving mad being out there all by herself.

Nothin' but gossip.

Don't believe everything you hear.

Why don't you go get the cake.


(Veranda floorboard creaks)

(Shifting sounds)


(Exhales heavily)

Amy: So he's been getting worse then?

Sarah: I'm here aren't I?

(Falcon nickers)

So he's been laying down a lot?

He gets tired; He's 22-years-old.

He's gonna have to have all that dead skin stripped off his hocks.

Okay. How long's it gonna take?

It has to be done by our vet, so, hopefully, tomorrow morning.

Your horse is gonna have to stay here over night.

Uh, no.

I've never spent a night away from falcon.

Well, he's in no shape to walk home now.

I said I'm not leaving him here.

That's okay. We've got an extra room, and you're welcome to stay.

Hey, falcon.

(Lock clunks, Sarah gasps)

(Gasps) Sarah?

Uh... good morning.

I couldn't sleep in the house.

The damn bed was too soft.

Oh. Uh, would you like to join us for breakfast?

Uh, no, um...

I have.

Just might be nice to have some company.

You people talk too much.

You sure do remind me of Marion.

You knew my mom?

She came out to see falcon a few times.

When you said your name was Fleming, I thought...

Mm, maybe she can help.

She was a real nice lady.

I'm sorry to hear she passed.

(Gate closes)

Lisa: No, I was just thinking about some minor changes.

You know, like indoor plumbing and kitchenettes, maybe, in the cabins, and, uh...

Maybe a place for a whirlpool.

You mean like a spa?

Yes, exactly!

Like a whole new building that we would build?

Well, I have an architect doing up some drawings.

Lisa, these are not minor changes.

Lou, I know this is your baby, and I get that.

And I know it's hard to let go of the reigns...

Let go? I'm not letting go of anything.

But you're going back to Dubai and I'm gonna be here overseeing the day-to-day, so I think I should be able to have a part in it's future.

Right? You mean like completely rethink my entire vision for the dude ranch?

But see, now, it's kinda our vision, isn't it?


Ty: He's got zero energy.

He's been lying down so much he's given himself these terrible ulcers.

They're pretty bad.


He's been drinking lots of water and he's always cold.

He reminds me of that horse we saw at the Shaley Ranch a few weeks ago.

Yeah, you're right.

I'll take some blood and run some tests at the clinic.

What kind of tests?

And what did that other horse have?

Cushings disease. It's pretty serious, especially at falcon's age.

But let me run the tests before we jump to any conclusions.

I'll have results tomorrow.


If I were you, I'd keep him here over night.

Sarah, the spare room's all yours...

Or the barn.

Whatever you choose.

(Buzz of chatter, dishes clank, music plays)

Oh! Hey, Peter, you're back.

Hey, yeah.

Yeah, just for a short visit anyway.

Um, Lou told me you made valedictorian.

Congratulations. Yeah, thank you. Do you want some coffee?

Yeah, sure.

So, uh...

Got any big plans for the fall?

Uh, business at the u of c.

But I'm hoping to get my MBA eventually.

Good plan.

You know, I got my start in that program as well.

Oh, wow.

Um, I'm actually looking to get some experience in like a more corporate environment.

Are you looking for any summer interns?

You know, there's not a lot going on at the Calgary office right now.

We've kind of moved everything overseas.

Totally understand. I just thought, you know, I'd throw it out there.

Sure. Well, listen, let me talk to a few people, ask around.

If anybody's looking, I'll let you know.

Oh, that'd be great. Thanks.


Good boy, Avery.

You're all right.

Ty: Think maybe should we try him with Harley again?

Let's wait. He needs to trust us before we can even think about bringing in another horse.

(Avery nickers)

Good boy.



Looks like this little guy wants to visit.

(Avery and lucky nicker and snuffle)

Come on, lucky, let's go.

Amy: Hey, Sarah?

Do you think maybe you could give us a hand with something.

What do you need?

Your donkey.

(Gate rattles)

Who's this?

Look at this cute little guy, huh?

He's skittish, huh?

Yeah, but he's actually a lot better with lucky than he is with most horses.

Hm? If I can get him used to a donkey, then I can graduate him to a horse.

(Avery snuffles)

Amy: Hey, what's this, guys?

What's that? Oh, good boy.

Amy: Look at that! Ty: Yeah, there we go!

Good boy!

You really have your mother's ways.


There you go.

(Phone keys beeping)

So that thing's like an umbilical cord to the office.

Hey, I'm not working though, Jack.

I'm just trying to book a couple of tickets for Lou and I to go back to Dubai next week.

Lou's okay with that?

I don't know. She's been gone long enough, so I'm putting my foot down.

You be careful.

You put your foot down with Lou, and she's likely to stomp on your toes.

Jack and Peter: (Chuckle)


(Keys beep)

Level with me here.

What is going on with you two?

I don't know. I mean...

I get that the dude ranch is Lou's thing, you know, but she's been gone almost a month now.

And Lisa was supposed to be the answer, but, you know, apparently they can't agree on anything, so...

I've heard that.

So here's an idea.

Why don't you put your fancy corporate managerial skills to work at home here, and come up with some kind of practical solution.


Oh, okay, I get it.

So, if I intervene with Lou, then you won't have to with Lisa, is that...?

Well, I'm not the puttin' my foot down type.

Not with those women anyway.

So I'm counting on you to make it right.

You're not goin' and gettin' sick on me, boy.

Don't even think about it.

(Chokes back tears)

Hey, Sarah?

(Falcon nickers)

I'm sorry, are you okay?

Yeah... I'm fine.

He's not even my damn horse, you know.

He's not?


Belongs to somebody that I haven't seen in a long time.

(Falcon nickers)

Uh, what do you want?

Amy: Well, I was thinking, since it's a nice warm night, could I leave lucky outside with Avery.

Yeah, you might as well.

We're all stranded here anyway.

I know it's... hard waiting for results.

I just want to go home.

I have some chickens that need to be fed first thing in the morning.

I can look after falcon if you need to go and look after your chickens.

I won't leave him.


How 'bout I send Mallory in the morning.

Yeah, fine.

(Barn door shuts)
(Crickets chirp loudly, owl hoots)


Yeah, okay.

All right. Thanks, Scott.

(Phone beeps off)

Is it cushings disease?


So what happens now?

Well, there's medication, but...

It's really expensive and it might not even work.

Is there anything else we can do?

Not really, Scott thinks it's best if we just put him down.



I didn't hear you get up.

Yeah, I, uh, wanted to get a start on these files.

What's going on here, Lou?

Um, I'm trying to come up with a filing system.

I'm talking about the files.

What's going on with you and me?


I don't know what you want me to say.

I'm trying here, okay, Peter?

I really am, but I have a business to run.

And I can't just drop everything and move back to Dubai.

Okay. So, just so I'm clear on what it is exactly that you're saying is, what's keeping you here is the dude ranch, right?


Okay, well, I think I may have a solution for you then.

You do?


Lo, I have a business manager here to care of my interests when I'm away.

Right? I mean we could do the same for you.

Okay, but I can't afford to pay a business manager.

That's why you hire someone who's young and eager for the experience.

Someone like Soraya.


(Scoffs) Wow.


Apparently my dude ranch is so small time and insignificant that, heck, even a teenager can run it.

You're impossible, you know that?

Honestly. I'm not gonna leave my business in the hands of one of my sister's friends, Peter.

The dude ranch is important to me.

More important than your marriage?

That is so unfair.

Okay, I've got a meeting in Calgary.

We'll talk later, all right?

(Sarah clears her throat)

What're you doing here?

I sleep here.

Hey. Hey.

Sarah, um, we have some news.

Ty: It's a pretty severe glandular condition, so that's why your horse is lying down all the time.

Sarah: So what do we do?

There are treatments, but only for the symptoms and not for the disease.

And at falcon's age, um...

Well, it's...

I think what Ty's trying to say is that falcon may not get any better.

You're wrong.

You're not even a real vet.

He's just trying to help.

It's okay.

Maybe it's better if you hear this from Scott.


I've heard enough.

What are these treatments?

It's medication.

It doesn't always work, and it's very expensive.

Well, I don't have any money.

So there has to be another way.

Your mother would've known what to do.

(Water sprays)

(Handles clatter)

I can't believe I have to go to crazy craven's creepy cabin to feed her stupid chickens.

Want some company?

No, you've only had one lesson, so I doubt you'll be able to keep up.

I'm a quick study.

Plus, Jamie's a real good teacher.

I bet she is.

(Door clunks open, broom swishes, chimes jingle)

(Clears throat)

Oh yeah, um, your porch just need sweeping.

Oh, great. Um...

Hey, listen, about the barn earlier...

No one's supposed to know about me and Peter; that we're... fighting.

Hey, I'm no gossip.


You know, it's not like we fight like that all the time.

It's just been... Complicated.

You got it right.

Being out there on your own, doing whatever you want, no interruptions.


Totally on your own.

Like a hermit, right?

No, that's not what I meant. I...

"Crazy craven" - that's what you meant.

That's what they call me in town.

No, I...

I didn't mean that.

Believe it or not, I know...

What it's like to be lonely in a marriage.

You're married?


Do you mind if I ask what happened?

Oh, Ethan and me, we, uh...

We didn't have any family - it was just the two of us... and we wanted to live off the grid, you know, get back to the land.

Six months in, Ethan decided he couldn't stand the isolation.

So the fool decided he wanted to travel the world instead.

You guys wanted different things.


And we started to fight.

But I wanted to make it work.

I just thought, you know, if we could just give it one more month...

Eventually, he threatened to leave.

I thought it was a bunch of hot... hot air, 'til he walked out the door one night and he didn't come back.

Not even for that damn horse, falcon.

Sarah. I'm... I'm so sorry.

Oh hey... I'm not.

It made me stronger.

I mean, 20 years later, I'm... living the life I always imagined: Just me, the land, the animals...

That's all I need.

(Birds chirp, chickens cluck)

Badger: Pretty good, huh?

Not bad for a beginner.

Badger: Yeah, I got some pretty mad skills.

In a few more lessons, I'll be galloping.

You're gonna be taking more lessons?

Badger: Yeah.

(Chickens cluck)


I hate chickens.

Stop being such a city boy.

Get in here.

You sure none of these guys have, ah...

Salmonella or...

Avian swine flu, or...



Face your fear!

Oh, get up, you big baby.

You're the biggest chicken in the coop.

Mallory: Don't you dare!

(Chickens cluck)

Badger: I... I can't believe you did that!


Mallory: Come on, let's go.

Badger! Look!


You didn't tie off your horse!

Come on.

Badger: He couldn't have gotten far.


Badger: Memphis!


(Phone rings)

(Exhales, phone beeps on)


Hey, Lou, listen...

I didn't come all the way from Dubai just to fight with you, okay?

I'm not enjoying this any more than you are.

It's just...

Look, you knew that when we got married, we were gonna move away, right?

I know, I...

I thought it was going to be easier, but it's not.

So, what're you saying?

You think you made a mistake?



Uh, look, I gotta work late at the office, so I'm just gonna stay in the city tonight, all right?

(Phone beeps off)

Come on, Peter...


(Phone beeps off)

(Sighs deeply)

Badger: (Exhales, relieved)
Ah, there he is.

Mallory: (Sighs)

(Memphis nickers)

Mallory: Come here, boy.


(Memphis nickers)

Mallory: You still have a lot to learn about horses.

Why is this my fault?

You're the one who att*cked me with a chicken.

(Wood creak and snaps)

Badger and Mallory: (Scream)

(Debris clatters)

(Groaning and grunting)

(Grunting in pain)

Are you okay?



Your arm.

I'm fine.

Oh my God, we have to get out of here.


(Wooden slats snap, Mallory shrieks)


I don't think we're climbing out.


What do we do?

Help! Anyone!

Help! Somebody! Help!

Mallory and Badger: Please help us! Please, anyone!

Anyone, please! (Screams for help)

Anyone! Please help!

Come here, Avery.

See? Who's this?

Who's that?

Hey, you're not scared of him.


Who's that, huh?

Good boy.

Jake: Hey, Amy. Mallory around?

Uh, no, she just rode up to Sarah craven's place with Badger.

Okay, thanks.

That's weird. Since when does Badger ride?

Looks like it's going to be just the two of us this afternoon.

Uh, craven's place isn't far from here.

Maybe we can catch up.

(Clicks tongue)

There you go, Avery.

You're a good boy.

It's not so scary, huh?

Your arm - is it okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Okay, stop saying you're fine, I know you're not.

Just let me look at it.

Does this hurt?


'Kay, does-
Ahhh! Yes!


(Exhales shakily)

We need to immobilize your arm.

You sound like you know what you're doing.

Lou made me take a first aid course when I first started working at heartland.

This might throw a wrench in your riding lessons with Jamie.


You know...

You and her...

Are you kidding?

The only reason I'm taking lessons is so I can go riding with you.


(Exhales heavily)

What is that?



Mallory and Badger: (Frightened gasps and shrieks)

Oh my God...

Oh my God!

Lou: Oh, and, uh, one of these.

Okay, five dollars.

All right. See ya.


Lou. Hey.

I'm glad I ran into you.

Me too.

Um, I think we got off on the wrong foot the other day.

Yeah, you know what? What don't...

Why don't we just put that behind us and move forward?


'Cause want the same thing here.

We want the dude ranch to succeed, right?

At least that we can agree on.

Okay, good.

I want to show you these plans, so that you know where I'm coming from.

Lisa, I need you to understand that these plans run counter to everything I have learned in the past two years.

Okay, but just look them before you reject them.




Okay. Wow. Don't panic.

You guys want some coffee?

Yes, I would love some. Thank you.

I'm good.

Ooh, are you guys renovating?

Uh, no, we're...

Well, hopefully updating the dude ranch a little bit.

Sauna, whirlpool, little spa...

Okay, um... well...

I mean, I know it's none of my business, but tons of German tourists come through the diner every summer and they all want the same thing:

Um, rustic, western...

I mean, a totally authentic cowboy experience.

If I were you, I'd leave the dude ranch just as it is.

Let me get you some more sugar.

Well, I'm sure you're loving hearing that.

I couldn't have said it better myself.


Badger: This is seriously messed up.

We are gonna die down here, just like he did.

We're not gonna die.

Nobody knows we're here. They think we're at Sarah's.

(Stammering, searching for words)

Look, somebody will find us.

No, they won't1 we are in the middle of nowhere.

This is the last place they'll look. Mallory! Mallory.

They'll send a search party, okay?

They'll send someone.




I don't wanna die down here.

I'm not gonna let that happen, okay?

We'll be okay.

There's got to be something in my mom's journals about cushings disease.

Jack: You guys know where Badger is?

I can never seem to find him.

Uh, yeah, I think he went with Mallory up to Sarah craven's, but that was hours ago.

Well, he better get back soon.

That kid's gotta learn how to pull his weight around here.

How's it going with that falcon horse?

Not so good.

Scott says the most humane thing to do is put him down.


Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

It's just at falcon's age, Scott thinks that he won't get much better.

Well, what do you think?

I think there's still hope.

I want to try and help falcon, but not if it means he's gonna suffer.

Well, your mom always knew when a horse's time had come, but until that moment she never gave up.

I know Scott's a pretty good vet, but sometimes you gotta go with your instincts.

So what's your gut tell you?

(Hooves thunder)

Jamie: There's the other horse.

Jake: That's weird.

Jamie: I wonder where they are?

Jake: Come on.
(Clicks tongue)



If we don't get out of here...

Mallory, don't say that.

Mallory: Okay. No, seriously.

If we don't get out of here...

I need to tell you that I...

(Clattering sounds overhead)

Badger and Mallory: (Cough)

Jake: Mallory, are you okay?

Mallory: Jake?

Badger: I told you someone would come.

Mallory: We're okay.

(Avery and lucky nicker)

What is it now?

My mom wrote in her journal about this herb chasteberry.

I knew there was something you could do.

Sarah, we can't make any promises.

I know.

Ty: If the herb is gonna work, we should see improvement in the next couple of weeks.

If not...

I know you don't wanna hear this, but...

Yeah, I understand.

Sarah, we're gonna have to keep falcon here, so we can keep a close eye on him.

We'll take really good care of him.

I promise, okay?

You're just gonna have to trust us.

You can come by anytime and visit.

Mallory: Hey, Amy!

Badger needs help!

Ty: Now, can you move your arm up?

(Breathes shakily)
Move it up from here.

Agh! No.

Amy: So, you actually saw bones down there?

Like human bones?

Ty: What?

Mallory: Yeah, it was disgusting.

Okay, well, we need to get you to a hospital.

No, man. Wait. Here. Check this out.

Oh my God...

Oh my God!

Ethan used to wear his wedding ring on a necklace when he did farm work.

All those years I thought he left me...

♪ We build bridges ♪

I'm so stupid.

This is not your fault.

The last thing we did was fight.

I was so angry...

And too stubborn...

I should have tried harder to make things work.

♪ Sometimes miss being... ♪

It's okay, it's okay.

♪ Oh, when the tide... ♪

(Shovel clatters, Badger grunts, annoyed)

♪ How sweet it is ♪

You're lucky you didn't break it.

Yeah, well, I still gotta wear this stupid sling.

Could've been a lot worse.


So, uh...

What did you want to tell me, back in the well?

Oh... ah...

I was just gonna ask you if you still wanted riding lessons, because I'm a much better teacher than Jamie.

Oh yeah?


I can even show you how to ride a horse with one arm.


Got your message.

You know, I was thinking it wasn't that long ago you asked me to marry you, right here.

I hired Soraya.

Peter: Good.

I want to make this work, Peter.

I don't wanna be away from you anymore.

Neither do I.

I, um...

I'm gonna need a few days to train Soraya.


Will you stay with me?


Of course I will.

You know, I...

I just missed you so much.

Honestly, I didn't know it was possible to miss a person that much.

And I was scared.

I thought I might be losing you.


No, I'm right here.

I'm right here.

♪ Oh, when the tide pulls the sand awry ♪
♪ oh, when the tide pulls the sand awry ♪

Sarah: Hey. Ty: Hey there.

Amy: Hey.

Sarah: Oh yeah...

Falcon's looking better every day.

He's got more energy.

And it might be too early to tell, but I think those herbs are working.

How's lucky doing?

(Nickering and snuffling)

Amy: Really good.

Thanks so much for letting her stay here.

Her and Avery have really bonded.

You know, Sarah, it would be a shame to separate them.

Are you suggesting that I take this damn horse home?


Ah, no way.

No, it's too much trouble.

Yeah, but look at them.

He's not even afraid of falcon.

(Luck and Avery nicker and whinny)

What do you say, lucky?

(Whinnying and braying)

I think he says yes.

Sarah and Amy: (Laugh)