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02x37 - Bananas

Posted: 04/23/23 17:21
by bunniefuu
- Ok, so here are your words.

You use binoculars

To see something up close

That is really far away.

When you observe something,

It means you watch it

Very carefully.

If you're flustered,

You feel nervous

About something and you show it.

When you admit something

To someone,

You're saying you did it,

Even if it's something

You're not proud of.

When you discover something,

You find or see it

For the first time.

So, we have...

Watch out for them

In today's show.

- Oh.

- Oh, annie.

- Huh?

- I was hoping I would

Find you here.

- Hi, uncle sigmund.

I've been reading this new book

That you like so much.

- That's great, but I am

Leaving town for a few days,

And I need you to feed

My turtle.

- Where are you going?

- Oh, I'm just taking

A little bus trip

To see

The monongahela waterfalls.

- Since when are you

Interested in waterfalls?

- Are you kidding?

I love waterfalls.

I love the way the water falls.

- Uncle sigmund,

Why are you staring at

That picture of natalie mcnally?

- I wasn't staring.

- You were so too staring.

Tell the truth. Admit it.

- I'll admit no such thing.

- I have been watching you

Very closely,

And you have been staring

At her eyes...

- I wasn't staring

At her sparkling green eyes.

- And her warm smile...

- Warm.

- And you have been reading

And rereading her new book

"Observing gorillas: how I

Looked at a lot of gorillas

Really closely...

And I mean closely."

You must have read it times.

- .

- [Gasps]

- All right. I admit it.

I was staring at her.

I'm in love with her.

I've been in love with her

Ever since the class trip

To the zoo in the second grade,

But I've never had the courage

To admit it to her.

- Why not?

- I don't know. I don't know.

Whenever I'm near her,

I feel nervous and excited,

And I can hardly speak.

- You get flustered.

- Yes, flustered,

So flustered I can barely speak,

So I'm leaving town until she

Goes back to the jungle.

- Uncle sigmund,

I hate to admit it,

But this sounds like a job

For the electric company.

Mm-hmm. Lisa! Hi.

Would you come over here?

Heh. Look at you in that pink.

Whoo! Hi.

- Hi, annie.

- Hi.

- Hi, sigmund.

- Hi.

- This is gonna sound

A little strange,

But we need the help

Of the electric company.

- Really? Why?

- Because I'm in love

With natalie mcnally,

But I get so flustered

When I'm around her,

I can't even tell her.

- Is this some kind of prank?

- No. Cross my heart.

He's in love with her.

- All right. Hey, you guys!

- Oh

Oh, come on, yeah

Feel the power,

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo,

And plug it in

It's electric,

Electric company

Get connected,

Electric company

It's electric,

Electric company

Get connected,

Electric company

- Yo, the power we perfected

Is electrically connected

So use it as directed

And expect to be respected

- Turn it on,

And you will see

That you belong

In the company

Feel the power,

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo,

And plug it in

Feel the power,

Feel the power

Feel the power, yo,

And plug it in

Electric company

Electric company, yeah

Electric company

Electric company

- I can see why

You like her so much.

I've been reading her book.

She's really special.

- I know.

- He's been in love with her

Since grade school,

But he's too afraid to tell her.

- Oh, it's too bad hector

Is off on a camping trip.

He'd be able to give you

Some romantic advice.

- Sigmund, why don't you

Just go right up to her

And tell her how you feel?

- I tried that yesterday.

- What happened?

- Well...


Oh, natalie.

- Sigmund.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Natalie, all these years,

I have been meaning to tell you,

I feel--

- Yes?

- I feel--haangansabah--

- Yes?

- I feel...

A little chilly.

I'm going to go home now

To get a sweater.

- Bye, siggy.

- You got flustered.

- Tell me about it.

- Maybe you should talk

About some other stuff

Before, you know, you get into

Talking about your feelings.

- What would I talk about?

- Her new book.

- The book. That's good.

- Yeah. That's great.

- Ok. I'll try.

- Oh, that's the spirit,

Uncle sigmund.

Now, where can we find

Natalie mcnally?

- She's a gorilla expert, so I

Think I know just who to ask.

Come on.

- I'll catch up

With you guys later.

I'm gonna finish the book.

- [Humming]

- There's paul.

- Hi. Have you seen

Natalie mcnally?

- Mm-hmm. Mm.

- The lady with the binoculars?

- Is she studying you, paul?

- Mm-hmm.

- This is fascinating.

The gorillas I have observed

In africa spend their afternoons

Picking bugs out if their fur

And eating bananas,

But from what I have observed

Through my binoculars,

This gorilla seems to spend

His afternoon

Doing a daily crossword puzzle,

Drinking iced tea,

And now he's communicating

With humans.

- Oh, uncle sigmund,

This is chance.

- What should I say?

- What sort of things

Did you find out about her

When you read her book?

- What did I find out?

- Mm-hmm.

- Well, I discovered that she

Spent months in the jungle

Observing how gorillas eat,

Sleep, and communicate.

She ate a lot of bananas, and

She is tired of eating bananas.

- Ok, so just tell her

That you read her book

And you discovered that

She's tired of eating bananas.

- So, I read your book,

And I discovered you are tired

Of eating bananas.

So, I read your book,

And I discovered that you

Are tired of eating bananas.

- Siggy.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- So, I read your banana,

And I discovered that you're

Tired of eating books.

- Huh?

- Ohh.

- Mm!

- Excuse me.

- Siggy?

- Uncle sigmund!

- Wait.

- Ugh, what?

- Ugh, what?

- Don't give up.

- It goes...


It goes, "ou"

Ok, it goes, "ou"

Announce it with your mouth

Makes the world go round


It goes...

It goes, "ou, ou, ou"


It goes, "ou"

It goes, "ou, ou, ou"


It goes, "ou, ou, ou"


It goes, "ou"


- Ready, set...

- O-u?

- It's "ou,"as in "go around."

- Go around? I'll try.

Bad idea.

Now we're stuck in mud.

- Watch out.

- Watch out for what?

- That cloud.

- I can't see.

- Uh-oh. Big mouth.

- Big mouth? Guh!

That is a big mouth.

- Stop talking

And just go around.

- Ok. Aah.

- I'm proud of you.

- Thank you, bob.

- [Beatboxing]

- I am mouth.

- Now you're scaring me.

- So, what's happened so far?

- Uncle sigmund,

You look flustered.

- Who? Why?

What makes you say that?

- Well, you seem confused,

Upset, and nervous.

- I'm flustered because I'm

In love with natalie mcnally,

But I'm too shy to tell her.

- Lisa, we need you help.

- Hey, you guys!

- There's natalie,

But what is she doing?

- She's hiding so that

She can observe paul.

She's watching him and

Noticing all of the different

Things that he does.

- She's using binoculars

To watch paul.

- That way, she can be far away

But still see him

Like he's up close.

- Now's your chance.

Go talk to her.

- I, er, um ,uh--

- Wow, he really is flustered.

Look how upset

And nervous he is.

- It's hopeless.

- No, it's not.

I was able to observe

The problem,

And I know how to help.

- You do?

- You do?

- Yep.

- Yay!

- Yay!

- Mm mm. Mm mm mm.

- This incredible gorilla

Plays basketball like a pro.

Is there anything he cannot do?

- Mm mm! Mmm!

- So, explain this plan

To me again.

- All right.

You're gonna go over there.

You're gonna be yourself,

And if you start to feel

A little flustered,

You just look at lisa.

She'll throw a word ball.

You'll know exactly what to say.

- Right. Right.

- Yes.

- How could this go wrong?

- It can't. Uh, she's that way.

- Oh.

- There you go.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Hello.

I didn't think you'd come back.

- Oh, uh, uh, uh...

Uh, uh, uh...

"What are you up to?"

- I am observing

This remarkable gorilla.

- Oh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh...

"May I observe him with you?"

- Sure. Want to share

My binoculars?

Observe the ape

From this hidden location

Observe the ape

Enjoy an ice cream cone

Observe the ape,

And what's your observation?

- "I observe

The ape is alone"

- Oh, how true

Observe the ape

At his piano lesson

Observe the ape,

His technique, and control

What does he play?

- I think,

But I'm just guessin'

That he plays the sad,

Sad song within his soul

- Oh, how deep

- He plays the sad,

Sad song within his soul

- I didn't tell him to say that.

- Those are his words?

- He plays a love song

To a girl who's caught his eye

A girl he cannot ask out

On a date

- Why not? Why not?

- Because he tries to speak,

But, sadly, I'm too shy

- Wait. What?

- I cannot find

The words to tell you--

Wait, wait did I say i?

- You did say I

- I did say I

- I'm not sure why

- Here we go.

- "I--shashneechahashah"

- What?

- Sigmund?

- I'd like to fix your hat.

It's not on straight.

- He choked.

- Mm. Mm.

- Observe the ape

- The ape, I was forgetting

- He's over here,

Don't look at me that way

- Mm? Mm. Mm-mm.

- He may not speak,

But you know what I'm betting

- What?

- He'll tell me

How he feels someday

- I'm sure he'd like to.

- He'll tell me how he feels

- Tell you how he feels

- Someday

- Someday

- It's been so nice spending

Time with you, sigmund.

It reminds me

Of our second-grade trip

When you were so nice to me,

And I first started to feel--

Goodness, look at the time.

I have to get ready to autograph

Copies of my book.

- Ok.

- I have an extra ticket.

- Maybe you could sell it.

- Ohh!

- I mean, uh, "thank you.

I'd love to come."

I got so flustered,

I forgot to read my lines.

- What do you mean,

Read your lines?

You mean, all the things

You've been saying

All this time, they were

Somebody else's words?

- Uh, uh, uh...

A little help here?

- Uh, not really. No.

- Just admit it.

- I'm sorry.

You don't like me, do you?

- How can you feel--

It's all spelled out

On the cover of my book.

[Wheels squeaking]

- Mm!

- Yeah. That didn't go

As well as I'd hoped.

- Yeah, not so much.

- Mm mm.


- This is how I feel

When I am really sleepy

But I have to get up, anyway.

It starts with "gr,"

And then we have an "o."

Normally, the "o"makes

The "ah"sound,

But when "o"is next to "u,"

It usually makes the "ou"sound,

So we've got...

Yeah. That's how I feel,

Just grouchy.

- Period.

Exclamation point.

Question mark.


- This is a spamboni

Punctuation switcheroni remote.

It has the power

To change the meaning

Of any sentence I choose.


Let's try an exclamation point.

Ha ha ha!

What else can I try? Uh...

Oops. A question mark.

There is no question

That I am a great genius.

I will do what

Any great genius would do.

I will answer the question...

The answer is yes, period.

No. Wait.

Yes, exclamation point.


[Organ plays "charge"]

- Ball .

- Timeout!


- Play ball!

- [Exhales]

- Strike . You're out!

- Win! Yes! Whoo! Ah.

- Punctuation mark

Punctuation mark

Punctuation mark


When you see

A punctuation mark

Yeah, you have to know

What to do

A period, comma,

Question mark

And an exclamation point,


So, when you see

A punctuation mark

You have to know what to do

A period shows that

A sentence is over.

A question mark shows

You're asking a question.

An exclamation point

Expresses excitement. Hey!

A comma means you slow down,

Pause, take a breath.

When I want to go to spain,

I hop onto my plane.

When you see

A punctuation mark

You have to know

What to do

A period, comma,

Question mark

And an exclamation point,


They're in every sentence

That you read or write

Take a look, it's true

So, when you see

A punctuation mark

- Thank you so much for coming.

- She loves me not.

She loves me not.

She loves me not.

- He's been doing this

For an hour.

- She loves me not.

- He's gonna run out of daisies.

- She loves me not.

- You guys are

The electric company.

Can't you do something?

- What?

Do you want me to go

Get more daisies?

- It's no use. She loves me not.

- Sigmund, I think you're wrong.

I think she does

Have feelings for you.

- What did she say?

"It's all spelled out

On the cover of my book"?

- I'll tell you who she

Has feelings for--gorillas.

Look at this.

"I heart melvin and ursula

And blah, blah, blah."

I'd give anything

To be a gorilla.

- Look again. See how she

Named her gorilla friends?

"Melvin, ursula, desmond, sally,

Ivan, nancy, and gertrude."

Maybe there's

A scrambled message.

See anything, annie?

- Oh, it's too many words.

- Ok. Well, what if we just used

The first letters

Of these names?

- "I love mudsing"?

- Oh, I see something.

"Sigmund.""I love sigmund."

Oh, she does love you,

Uncle sigmund,

And of course she does.

You are the most lovable uncle

In the whole wide world.

Now you get over there,

And you tell her how you feel.

- All right. I'm going.


Pardon me. Excuse me.

Pardon me. Excuse me.

- Hey!

- Natalie, I'm sorry

About the word balls.

I admit, that wasn't

The best idea,

But I get so flustered

Around you.

- Why, sigmund?

- Oh, natalie, I have to admit

I have feelings for you.

Did I just say that out loud?

- Yeah, you did.

- Anyway, that's all

I wanted to say.

Have a safe trip back to africa.

- Wait.

I'm thinking about not going

Back to africa.

- What?

- Well, this is my home,

And it would be hard

To find a gorilla

More interesting than paul.

- Mm. Mm-hmm.

- Plus, if you look carefully

At the cover of my book--

- I did.

- So, you know?


Now I'm flustered.

So, anyway, that's another

Very good reason for me to stay.

- Mm.

- What is?

Oh, you mean--

Oh, well, yes,

And I would like

For you to stay,

I mean, if you would

Like to stay.

- I'd like that very much.

- Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm!

Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm.

- Yay! Too much.

- Too much.

Commas help you read a list.

Commas show you

When to take a pause

In the middle of a sentence.

When a comma comes

Before quotation marks,

It tells you someone

Is about to talk.

Get your super value pack

Of commas today.

- [Crying]

- There, there, snookums.

- That's a loud baby.

- Oh, captain cluck,

Baby doesn't know

About commas and quotes.

- Strange thing for a baby

To be upset about,

But have no fear.

Professor helen von chicken

Is here.

- [Bawk bawk]

- She said,

"Quotation marks tell you

That somebody

Is saying something,

And the comma tells you

That they finished talking.

- The comma goes

Inside the quote, baby. See?

- Yeah. That makes sense.

- Smart baby.

- Hmm.

- Oh, well...

- Hmm.

- Hmph!

- Mom, can I have a comma

For my birthday?

- [Beatboxing]

- Ah

- Ah ah ahh

- [Beatboxing]

- Shock, sh-shock,

Lynnie, lynnie, lynnie

- You are totally not

Going to believe this.

So, my mom came home,

Right, and...

Billy is my little brother.

So, billy, what do you have

To say for yourself?


I'm in so much trouble.

- Mm-hmm.

- Saw these little lines,

They were floating in the air

And I turned

And asked my mama

"Mama, why are they there?"

Then she noticed

The quotation marks

Up floating by my head

- [Beatboxing]

Ok, well, thank you, mama,

But now I have to go

She said,

"Wait a minute, son,

There's something else

You have to know"

So I stopped and turned around

And said, "what is it, mama?"

So, if you

Have quotation marks

Floating near your head

Remember, you can use them

To show what someone said

But also please remember

The words of my sweet mama

- Wait. That was you

The whole time?

- Yeah, shock. That was me.

How about that, huh? This guy.

- I'm special agent jack bowser.

I love peanut butter,

But not being stuck in it.

It's about to explode,

And I can't crack the code

To get out.

Help me read this.

Huh? Oh.


- Feels pretty good to help

People, doesn't it, annie?

- Whatever. I don't even know

What you're talking about.


- Hmm. Hmm?

Hmm? Hmm.

Mm. Hmm? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- And action.

- [Beatboxing]

- Uh. We're here.

Electric company,

Kick it one time.

- The time is now,

The day is here

The rhythm

That's you're feeling

The music in your ear

The charge is electric,

And all you got to do

Is plug it in, plug it in

Just imagine a world

Where everything around you

Every sight and sound

Will astound you, surround you

Before you know it,

Even you have the power

To bring a word to life,

That's right

- That's right

- That's what we do,

We're the electric company

Inviting all of you

To all the possibilities

Learning to write,

And learning to read

We have a good time

While we plant the seeds

And once you get it,

You have to share it

Discovering your power,

You own it, you wear it proud

And you shout it out loud

Electric company is in town

- In town!

- Oh

- Oh, taking over.

- Yeah. Yeah.

- And forever.

- Are we on? Are you now?

How about now? You're on?

- Gah, what?

- Eh, what?

- Don't give up. I can help.

- Ha ha ha!

- I've loved her every since

The class trip to the zoo

In the second grade,

But I've never had the courage

To admit it to her.

- Why not?

- I don't know. I don't know.

Ha ha ha!

- Ha ha ha!

- I didn't tell him to say that.

- Those are his words?

- Mm-hmm.

- Snap.