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04x06 - Win, Place or Show

Posted: 11/09/10 19:10
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

(Hooves thunder)

Jack: I see why you're on such a hot streak.

Tim: Hey, meet my jockey, Janice Wayne.

Why would it shock you that a woman could ride like that?

The track seems like such a boy's club.

Well, you gain access pretty quick when you start kickin' all the boys' butts.


You've got two choices: Leave or I make you leave.

(Violent punch)

Mallory: Stop it you two!


Oh, Caleb.

You couldn't possibly do anything to damage my relationship with my daughter, except maybe give her a ring that probably came out of a cr*cker Jack box.

Has it turned green yet?


(Wood cracks loudly, Mallory screams)

Does this hurt? Agh! Yes!

The dude ranch is important to me.

More important than your marriage?

That is so unfair.

I've got a meeting in Calgary.

We'll talk later, all right?

(Truck door slams shut)

Dexter's looking great.

(Hooves thunder)

Tim: (Whistles and claps)

Ty: I guess that new exercise rider's working out for ya?

Oh yeah.

Ty and Tim: (Chuckle)

As long as she doesn't quit on me like the last one.

Okay, Tim.

You show me one other jockey at this track that shows up at 5:00 AM.

He still doesn't get why I won't work as an exercise rider.

Please, I get it. Trust me, I get it.

Ty: See you guys later.

Okay. See ya.

(Hooves clop)

Jack: Need a hand there, Lou?

No thanks, grampa. I got this guy.

And Peter, well, he's just like you; he's always gotta tack up his own horse.

Well, I see that.


Hey, uh, listen, I just got off the phone and I...

You have a meeting.

I do.

Um, you know, three, four hours, tops.

Make that more of an all day kind of thing?

Yes, but tomorrow I'm all yours.

Okay, okay.

Love you. Love you.

Don't you dare say anything, grampa.


All I was gonna say is it's a beautiful day for a trail ride and would you like some company?

'Cause that poor guy doesn't know what he's missing.

(Truck rumbles)

Ashley: It's your turn to pay the phone bill.


Hey, look at this.

A pre-approved credit card.

Yeah, with a $5000 dollar limit.

We must be on some kind of list.

Yeah, the free money list.

You're a valued customer.

Don't be ridiculous.

They just want us to spend more money than we have and neither of us has any, so...

I'm gonna be late for work.

Don't forget to pay the phone bill.


(Seat belt unbuckles, car door opens)

(Letter crinkles)


Ty: You look awesome out there.

Dan: I know that horse.

That's Lightning Dexter.

My wife Lisa still goes on and on and on about how you practically stole him from her.



Ex-wife. I always forget the ex part.

Dan Hartfield, Brookland stables.

Janice Wayne.

Yeah, I know who you are.

And I was a little surprised to see that you're not on the entry list for the handicap.

Well, we're giving Dexter a rest.

We got a big series of races coming up, so there you go.


So that means you're still available.


Afraid not, no. Exclusive to me, so...

(Laughs) Oh, am I? Good to know.

Hey, I'm paying you to ride that horse, not yack with the boys!

He's paying you?

First I've heard of it.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sink into your dreams ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

(Rope whips and clanks)

Mallory: Jake, that was awesome!

Jake: Yeah, but I gotta get better than awesome.

Mallory: All right, well let's work on that.

(Car engine rumbles)

(Tires spin and squeal, engine revs loudly)

Look at that!

Hello, global warming!

What loser would drive such a gas guzzler?

(Car engines rumbles, backfires loudly)

Badger? What?!

Badger, where'd you get this?!

Just bought it.

Sweet ride, eh?

(Exhales excitedly)

What do you think?

Still has the new car smell.

(Milk froths loudly)

Soraya: Okay, just remember your key words.

Ashley: Purge, position, pour.

Soraya: Right, it's all about the milk.

You don't want it too foamy; you want it smooth, rich and creamy.

Oh my God, is that the time?

Lou is gonna k*ll me. Um, I need this to go.

Ashley: You know, now that you're working at the dude ranch and I'm kind of in charge here, maybe you should make me manager and give me a raise?

How about we wait and see if you can convince our customers to pay the big bucks for a cup of coffee first?

Well, that's not fair!

What if Hudson's not cappuccino ready?

What if it's more of a double-double kind of town?

(Door opens)

Amy: So, dad, you gonna make it official and actually start paying me, huh?

Hmm, you know, I guess you're gettin' pretty good.

Amy: Pretty good?

Well, for a rookie. But you're so busy.

You've got all these things going on... the clinics... I don't know.

Yeah, but it's just a couple hours in the morning.

I can fit it in.

Yeah, look, I just...

I just don't want to commit to something and then have you suddenly change your mind and say that I'm...

You know, "I'm a professional jockey, I'm not an exercise rider."

What are you talking about?


Amy: Janice?

Talking to Dan Hartfield.

What, are we in like high school here?

You're jealous your girlfriend's talking to another guy?

No, my jockey is talking to the competition.

Dad, it's a small track in a small town; people are gonna talk.

Yeah, no, you're right.

Oh, they're probably just talking about...

World peace.

(Rope whips, clatters)

Jack: How's the ropin' going, Jake?

Uh, not so good.

Mallory took off on me with Badger, in his car.

Jack: Badger has a car?


Jack: What, now he's taking Mallory off on a joy...

Badger has a car?!

Maybe they tried to get back, but his car's pretty old.

Maybe it broke down.

Nice try, Jake, and I might believe you too...

If I was born yesterday.

(Tires squeal, loud clanking crash)

Mallory: (Gasps)


Did they teach you to park in driver's ed?

Uh, I must have been absent that day.

(Door shuts)

Hey, Mallory, Badger, check it out.

Brand new espresso machine, and a brand new specialty coffee menu.

Mallory: And brand new prices.
(Change clinks on counter)


Did I mention that the first one's on the house?

So you're just giving them away?

If you buy something to eat.

Soraya's not here, so I make the rules.

Anyone want a fresh-baked cookie?

Uh, yeah, and a double espresso, please.

And I'll have a Grande skim milk, decaf, soya, banana moccachino, please.

Yeah, don't push it.

Two regular lattes coming right up.



You two on a date?
(Milk froths)

Uh, kind of. No.

I guess so.

(Milk froths)

Lou: Our guests expect an environmentally-friendly experience, okay?

So no matter what Lisa says, we are not replacing the towels every day.

It's re-fold and re-fluff.

Okay, got you. So, when should I start?

Lou: (Annoyed)
Is it so hard to rearrange the chairs?

It's all about the feng shui.

Gotcha, but really, Lou...

Next, the outhouses.

Okay, okay, enough with the feng shui and the folding, Lou.

You gave me a job, when can I start doing it?


I don't know, Soraya. Look, I mean, Peter wants to go back asap, obviously, not that I'm complaining. I'm not.

I mean, I'm married to the most greatest, most understanding, most patient guy in the world...

Tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow.


Okay, okay.

(Clip board slaps)
Thank you.

Oh, just wait-
No, I'm good, thanks.


(Door opens)

Tim: Hey, missy.

Oh, hey there, stranger.

What's up?

Missed you this morning.

You've been spending too much time with that new exercise rider.

Well, I think she might be a keeper.

So, does that mean you're not still mad at me for bailing out on you?

Tim: I'm not mad at you.

I should thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with my daughter.

Janice: Good.

Tim: So, I saw you talking to Dan Hartfield this morning.

What did he do, offer you a job?

Uh, yeah, matter of fact he did.

I knew it, I knew it.

That guy is a such an ass.

And I took the job, Tim.

I'll be riding one of his horses in the handicap.

You're gonna be riding one of Dan Hartfield's horses?


Trick Tornado.

You might want to check out his stats.

You should put a couple of bucks on him.

I don't get you.

I mean, I thought that we passed on that race.

What if I entered Dexter?

But you didn't, Tim, and I need to make a living.

I mean, just relax.

I'm just riding the guy's horse!

That's exactly how it started for you and me.


Janice, I just thought we had something special.

Okay, I get it, you're a jockey.

I know you gotta do what you gotta do, but I just thought...

I'd hoped things might've changed.

They did, Tim.

Have you forgotten that I moved out here to be with you?

For how long? Until you get a better offer?

That's not fair. You're crossing the line, Tim.

No, I disagree.

I think you're the one who stepped over the line when you went behind my back and signed with Dan Hartfield.

(Upset exhale)

(Car engine rumbles loudly, music blares on the radio)

(Car rumbles to a stop)

(Blaring music shuts off)

Jack: Get out of the car.

Mallory: Okay, Jack, before you go all tough love on me, I can explain.

No, you can't.

I pay you to work, not to take road trips on my dime.

Yeah, your dime's about what I make around here.

You're lucky I didn't hear that.

You let me down.

Both of you.

And Mallory, worse than letting me down, you let your parents down because I'm pretty sure you didn't bother to ask permission before climbing into a car with a teenage boy at the wheel!

You're not gonna tell them though, right, Jack?

I'm not gonna lie for you, that is for damn sure.

What I am gonna do is I'm gonna make a new rule.

While you work for me, you do not go outside this fence line until quittin' time. Is that understood?

That starts right now.

Tim: So um...

Everyone, there's something that I thought I'd run by all of you because you're gonna weigh in on it anyway.

Amy, how do you feel about riding for me?

Doesn't she already ride for you?

Yeah, she does and she's doing a good job, but this is different.

This is about the upcoming race, the handicap.

I entered Dexter.

What does that have to do with me?

Well, the thing is, Janice is riding for Dan Hartfield.

Lisa's ex, Dan Hartfield?

Yup, not my favourite guy either, Jack.

So, here's the deal: I need a jockey.

I'm friends with the steward, I know he's seen you ride, I know he's seen you do the gate test and I don't think there's gonna be a problem.

Lou: You want Amy to be your jockey? That's amazing!

I don't know.

Pretty big step up from exercise girl.

Aw, come on, you know Amy can handle it.

Lou: And get to wear one of those cute little jockey outfits.

Like I said, everyone was gonna have an opinion.


So, would you think about it, honey?

Dad, I don't need to think about it.

This is amazing! Thank you so much!

Tim: Okay, that's what I wanted to hear.

Tim and Amy: (Laugh happily)

Amy: No, honestly. Tim: Okay, don't worry, Jack.

Jack, don't worry.

Tim: Okay, we don't wanna burn him out before race day, so just give him an easy breeze, okay?

Amy: That's the plan.

Tim: Oh damn, there's Janice and that creep Hartfield.

Okay, don't let them get to you.

Okay, don't worry about it.

(Tense exhale)
You know what?

Let's just show 'em what we got.

Just... just break out of the gate fast and blow him a fast quarter, okay?


But, you know, it's just like yesterday.

It's just...

Just take it easy, you know.

Okay, I got it, dad.

Just like the day before. Don't get worked up.

Dan: (Chuckles)

(Hooves thump on metal starting gate ramp)

(Horses snuffle and snort)

(Gate clank open)

Amy: Hey! No! No! Hey!

(Hooves thunder)

Whoa, what the hell are you doin'?

(Hooves thunder)

I guess that's what happens when you hire your kids.

Cabin one ordered two executive continentals, but the guy in cabin three wants something called the cowboy continental.

The newest addition to our menu...

Buffalo jerky.

(Jerky clinks on plate)

Oh, give me a break, Lou!

I have made a couple of breakfasts in my life!

This is not just any breakfast, Soraya.

This is our signature meal.

(Cell phone rings)

Hi, honey.

Really? Again?

No, don't be silly. I'll...

I'll see you when I see you.

Okay, bye.
(Phone beeps off)

Damn, damn, damn!

What happened to, "I'm married to the most greatest guy in the world"?

Nothing, except that was one of the longest conversations we've had since he got here and we have a lot to talk about.

Well, why don't you guys go away, you know, to some nice hotel, just you and Peter.

And his cell phone?

Okay, um, camping.

No clients, no meetings, no connectivity.

Sounds great, but I have a dude ranch to run.

No, you don't, Lou. You hired me to run it and right now I've got a grand total of three guests and three cabins and I think I can handle it.

Oh my God, this is like eating leather!

Cowboy continental - history.

I will cross it off the menu.

I think I dislocated my jaw.

Ty: Badger, where'd you learn to park?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah.

Come on, man, your car's blocking my truck.


All right, I'm on it.

Hurry up.

Lose your keys?

Badger: Uh, there never were any keys.

So where'd you get a car with no keys?

Badger: Uh, a friend.

Yeah, I, uh, bought it from a friend.

Ty: This friend got a name?

Badger: Yeah. Johnny.

Ty: Johnny. Johnny, Johnny.

(Glove compartment thumps open)

(Paper crinkles)

Johnny a nickname for Bonita DiSalvio?

It's a stolen car, dude.

Your friend Johnny left the owner's registration in the glove compartment.

Look, man, I just bought it from the guy.

I didn't know it was stolen.

Come on, man.

You're doing good here, don't screw this up.

I swear I didn't know, okay?

Whatever you do, don't tell Clint about this.

Forget Clint.

It's Jack I'd be worried about.

Listen, how about I do you a favour?

Yeah, that'd be great.

I won't tell anybody if you ditch this car.

Ditch my car?

It's not your car, it's Bonita DiSalvio's car.

But I paid good money for this car.

Ditch the car.

The cops'll find it, they'll run the plates, Bonita gets her car back, nobody goes to prison, all right?

Everybody's happy.

Yeah, everybody except me.

Okay, sounds good.

Good boy.

(Winch clanks and whirs)

Come on.

Janice: Hey. Amy: Hey.

Looks like you had some trouble out there today.


I don't really know what I did wrong.

That used to happen to me when I was starting out.

The horse outbreaks the rider, you fall back, pull on his mouth, throw him off balance.

I guess that's what happened.

So what do I do about it?

Well, you know how to ride, the horse knows how to run, but I think I might be able to help you out.

Girl jockeys... not enough of us out there; we gotta stick together, right?

Come on.

Ty: This is a good spot.

The police station's right around the corner.

(Car rumbles loudly, tires squeal)

(Engine suddenly revs)

(Tires squeal, bang over curb)


I feel bad for that poor car.

Yeah, don't worry. It's going to a better place.

Come on, Badger.

(Door opens)

Nice park job.
(Truck starts up)

Badger: Thanks.

Amy: (Pants heavily)

(Feet clank on metal steps)

Let's go! Come on!

(Pants heavily)

(Feet clank on metal steps)

Amy: (Gasping for breath)

Janice: All right.

So, what do you think of jockey boot camp so far?

You do this every day?


What's your regular workout schedule like?

(Panting chuckle)
I guess I don't really have one.

Well, that was your problem right there.

Ah, time's up. Let's go! Come on!

Let's go.

(Running footsteps)

(Truck rumbles and stops)

(Door shuts)

Damn kid.

(Max pants)

Hey... hey, boy!

Hey, good boy. Hey, buddy.

(Max pants happily)

Ooh! Nice.

Lou: Hey, can you give me a hand with this?

It weighs a ton!



Hmm... a backpack and a cooler, weird kind of tilley endurables vibe here.

I've got the feeling that me and this beer are not destined to be together.

Well, you can take it with you.

And where are my beer and me going?


(Max whines)

(Thunder booms, lightning cracks loudly)

(Rain teems down)

Lou: (Gasps)

Peter: Yeah, good boy.

Lou: Oh my God.



Peter: (Shivers loudly)

Lou: Quick, quick, quick! Turn on the heat!

Peter: Woo!

Lou: (Gasps)

Peter: You sure you want to bail on the great outdoors, Lou?

I mean, you know what they say about the weather, right?

Wait five minutes and it'll change.

Very funny.


Oh look, honey, yup, it's...

I think it's clearing up.

Why does nothing ever work out!

It's just a little rain. Take it easy.

You think this is about the weather?

This is about going somewhere, just me and you, so that we can...

Talk about stuff!

We are going to. Look.


No reception at all.

I can't even use this thing, so...


You know what?

I was gonna wait for the right moment to do this, but maybe... maybe this is the right moment.

What's right about it?

Just hold on.


What are you doing?

Just keep still.

Oh my God!

Yeah, it's just something I picked up at a garage sale, remind you of how much I love you.

(Gasps happily)

Oh my God!

Hey, listen, the rain's letting up a little.

Maybe we can get that tent back up in no time and...

(Max shakes loudly, Peter and Lou shriek)

Peter: (Laughs)


Lou: (Laughs)

Peter: You know what? I'm sick of nature.

Let's get a room.

Lou: Hey.

I know the perfect place.

(Rain teems down)

Amy: You know, I thought show jumping was exciting, but going top speed full out on Dexter, it's just... Once he reaches his stride, his speed, the power, it's amazing!

(Grimaces in pain)
Ah, yeah!

Ty: Yeah, there's a knot there.

Ow. You all right?


You know, I think Janice is trying to k*ll me.

Really, I mean...

It's one thing to exercise a few horses in the morning, but she's hard core.

Ty: Yeah, well, they all are.

I've seen the way jockeys work out.

Great. Thanks for warning me.

You wouldn't have listened if I did warn you.

Ty and Amy: (Chuckle)



It's okay. It does feel good.

Ty: That's good.

How does this feel?

Amy: (Giggles)

Okay, that tickles.

Ow, Ty!

Ty, it hurts to laugh!

Ty: Oh, it hurts to laugh.

Does this hurt right there?

Amy: (Laughing) Yes!

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

Lou: (Chuckles)

Come on, forget the luggage. Let's go!

Peter: Come on, buddy.

Come on. Let's go.

Lou: Ah, damn it. It's one of these keys.

Peter: (Max pants loudly)
Come on, buddy.

Lou: Oh, here we go.
(Door squeaks open)

Peter: Ah!

Lou: All right.

Oh my God! (Woman screams)

Male guest: What the hell?! Lou: I'm so sorry!

Female guest: Get your dog off me!

Male guest: Get out of here!

Peter: I know he really stinks when he's wet.

He's- he's friendly. Sorry!

Lou: Sorry! I'm so sorry about that!

Oh, and as for the cabin, there'll be no charge.

Female guest: There better not be!

Male guest: I can't believe this! (Door shuts)

(Max pants)

Lou: (Sighs) Okay.

Soraya: Morning, Lou. What happened to camping?

Uh, what happened to cabin number two being empty?

Soraya: Well, I used my contacts, made a deal with the hotels in the area to pick up their overflow.


The guests in cabin two are overflow?

That plate has too much fruit on it.

Cabin two. I figured I'd, you know, add something extra.

They had a bit of a rough night.

Something to do with a wet dog?

(Garage door rumbles up)

Mallory: What's it doing here?!

I, I don't know.

Maybe it's like the cat.

You know, the cat that kept coming back?

Okay, but how the hell did it...?

Jack: Well, I towed it from town.

And believe me, that wasn't something on my to-do list.

So here's my question: What the hell was your car doing in town after I grounded the both of you?

Well, Jack, look. When I got it, I didn't know that it was...

Didn't know what?


Well, damn right nothing.

So, from now on, this car does not leave the property and neither do you, ever, or your summer is over.

What about Saturday? Amy's race?

Well, you'll be mucking out the barn, both of ya.

So find a radio if you want to listen to it.

Janice: Now remember, on race day, it's all about preparation.

Gotta make sure that you give Dexter a proper warm-up without a lead pony.

Amy: (Breathing hard)
You told me.

Janice: It's twelve furlongs, so you can't give him his head until you come around the last turn.

Amy: I know.

Janice: Oh yeah? Well, if you know so much, then you know to watch out for the girl riding for Dan Hartfield.

If she gets a chance, she's gonna box you into that rail and you're never gonna get out.

Okay, I got it.

Amy and Janice: (Breathing hard)

So what's the deal with you and my dad?

What deal?

I don't know.

You two just seemed kind of cold all of a sudden.


I guess things have been better.

Your dad's a great guy, Amy, but I didn't come up here to end my career.

If you want to make a living as a jockey, you gotta ride for different stables; go where the winning horses are, you know?

Yeah, I get that.

Okay, so one more thing to get: When you're out there, there's a lot of distractions, so you want to keep focused on your goal.

Okay, so you mean to win?

Your first race?

Jeez, you sound exactly like your dad.

You're not gonna win, honey.

You'll be lucky if you finish in the money.

But listen, your goal is the same as mine, the same as every other jockey out there: Get your horse across the finish line in one piece.


Okay. Good.

Janice: All right, break's over. Let's go!

Come on!

Ty: Jack towed it all the way from town?

So what's the big deal?

All you gotta do is take it back.

Badger: No, Jack said he'd fire me if I went anywhere.

Ty: Well, if he finds out it's stolen, he's gonna do a lot worse, now isn't he?

He's being really unreasonable.

He's not even letting us go watch Amy ride Dexter.

So there's your time frame: The race.

When Jack's at the track, you'll have more than enough time to dump the car and get back before he does, okay?

All right.

Lou: Mmm.

How much do I owe you for the latte?

Ashley: First one's on the house.

Well, thank you.

And don't forget to tell Amy I'll be rootin' for her.

Oh, what, you're not coming to the race?

I have to work this weekend. I need the hours.

Oh my God! I love your tennis bracelet!

Thank you. Peter got it for me.

Nothing says "I love you" like diamonds.

Ashley: (Laughing)
Well, that's not totally true.

Caleb got me this when we got married and even though it turns my finger green, I know he loves me.

Right, sweetie?



I'm still here, aren't I?


Amy: Ah.

Tim: Hey, I'm telling you, you have improved 100 percent.


I do think I'm starting to get it.

You must be getting tired.

A little. I'm all right though.

Well, we just gotta make sure that we give him a good warm-up before the race.

Yes, I know, without a lead pony.

Janice told me.

What? Jan...

You've been talking to Janice about the race?

Well, yeah, we've been training together.

She's actually been a big help.

Janice has been a big help.


You know, you're racing against her, right?

She's the most competitive person in the world; that's what makes her a good jockey.

Well, until she walked out on me.

Dad, she just took another job.

I know, okay?

I'm gonna get the last laugh anyway.

I saw her training with Hartfield's horse.

She's got no feel for it.

It's got cheap speed, can't close, so there's nothing getting between you and the finish line.


Amy: You know, it would be hard enough if it was just my first race, but dad seems to have forgotten that I've never done this before.

Ty: Come on, Amy, help me out here.

Amy: Sorry. Ty: Thank you.

You know, he actually expects me to win, so I'm pretty much guaranteed to disappoint him.

Just focus on the race, Amy.

Don't worry about what your dad wants.

You think I'm gonna lose.

No, I think you're gonna win.

(Sighs heavily)
Great. More pressure.


Amy, you're doing something that you've never done before.

You've got your whole family behind you; I'll be with you every step of the way.

To be a winner, you don't have to be the first across the finish line.

Come on.

Give me hand. There we go.

Thank you.

(Bugle plays the call to post)

Announcer: This is the moment that the racing season comes down to: The 15th running of the Hudson handicap and it's time for the call to post.

Horses are making their way to the starting gates.

Graham's Grace is certainly one of the earlier (unclear) horse riding into the gate.

Lots of money and history are on the line in this storied contest. (Car sputters and dies)

Victory due is having a few of his usual gate issues, but we'll wait for him.

And coming in next is the number four horse, Trick Tornado, ridden by Janice Wayne, known to be a fast closer.

Number two is Boxie Fortune, the only filly now in place ready to race with the big boys.

And next, in the gate, Amy Fleming on number three, Lightning Dexter.

Crowd: (Cheering and clapping)

Hey, how's it going?

It's good.



Race you to the other end?


Announcer: The track is fast and six of the fastest horses in the west are ready to take the big challenge and show us what they've got.

(Bell chimes, gates open)

And the gates open up! They're off!

She's got a good start.

Announcer: Boxie Fortune is in the centre of the track showing early speed with Lightning Dexter right behind him!

And we have Trick Tornado in third place now
and it looks like Trick Tornado is starting to make a move!

Trick Tornado is making a move on the inside and jockeying with Boxie Fortune for first!

And Trick Tornado with a huge move to come into first place!

Boxie Fortune is making a run for it!

Tim: Oh, she's got a chance.

Announcer: With Trick Tornado...

Jack: Yeah, she's coming on now!

Announcer: Down the back stretch they go!

Trick Tornado at a steady pace to the lead!

Boxie Fortune following in second, followed by Lightning Dexter!

With victory due followed by silent stealth...

(Announcer's voice fades out, hooves thunder and echo)

Crowd: (Cheering and clapping)

Announcer: Boxie Fortune has Lightning Dexter breathing down his neck!

Victor due is currently in fourth place and silent stealth is dropping back.

And now as they fly down the home stretch Trick Tornado is starting to pull away with Boxie Fortune in second and oh! Here comes Lightning Dexter!

Trick Tornado takes first place with Boxie Fortune second, squeaking by Lightning Dexter third!

Crowd: (Cheers wildly)

Her first race and she's in the money!

Mallory: Yes! Oh my God!

Badger: Ow!

Mallory: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot.

Announcer: And Graham's Grace.

What a race!

That's great, isn't it? It's great, yeah.


Announcer: That was certainly a memorable one.

It was Trick Tornado to win...

Amy: Dad!

Announcer: Boxie Fortune to place and Lightning Dexter to show!

Crowd: (Laughs) Whoa! All right!

Yeah, congratulations!

Thank you!

I still can't believe it!

You know what? I asked him to go and it was like he had a whole other gear!

He just took off!

You looked like a total pro out there!

You were great!

Yeah, well, tell my dad that.

He didn't seem too happy.

Well, he should be happy. It was your first race.

What did he expect?

He expected me to win.

But you did so good!

Ye y you did.

Hey, Ty...

What's wrong?

Feel his leg.

Racegoer: Well done.
(Glasses clink)

(Happy overlapping voices)

Hey, Tim.

Your daughter rocked out there today.

Tell her I said so.

Well, congratulations to you too.

Dan: Hey, what about me?

I'm the guy whose name is on the trophy!


Come here, you.

Good work, good work. Fantastic.

Tim: You gotta be kidding me.

Oh yeah, there's...

There's heat and there's swelling.

Well, it's probably tendonitis.

He's gonna need an ultrasound.

Oh that's great.

Dad, it's not a career ender, but tendons are tricky.

He's gonna have to be brought back slowly.

How slowly? What are you talking about?

With Scott, I've seen some horses take six weeks, others six months.

It really depends on the horse.

Yeah, thanks, doc, that really narrows it down for me.


(Frustrated sigh)

This is a disaster.

Wow, this machine might actually pay for itself.

Ashley: Yeah, I knew it might take a while for it to catch on, but when I started to give away those freebies...


A limited one-time-only free trial offer.

And don't you think we should have discussed it first?

I made a managerial decision and it think it worked out pretty well.


How about that promotion?

(Shrieks happily)

Caleb: (Laughs)

Hey, babe, what's up?

I'm the new manager!


Does the job come with a raise?

Yup, but it doesn't kick in until we pay off the coffee machine.

Still, we ought to celebrate.

Ashley: Hey, my ring! What are you doing?!

Like I said, we are celebrating.

A new band?



They're nice rings, Caleb, but I kind of like my cr*cker Jack box ring.

Yeah, but... It was kind of a joke.

I don't want anybody thinking our marriage is a joke.

It's real, just like this ring.


This is real?!

It must have cost a fortune! How did you...

Don't ask.

Oh no, not that credit card!

You let me worry about it.

Oh, Caleb, you're crazy!

Yes I am.

Ashley: (Shouts excitedly)

Ashley and Caleb: (Laughing)

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

Jack: That's Badger's car!

I told them that I'd fire them if they left the property!

Ty: And I told them they had a limited window of opportunity.

I'm guessing there's a story here.

Yeah, it's a short one.

This car?

It's stolen.

Badger says he didn't know, but he should have suspected it.

Oh, that makes him an idiot.

But not exactly a hard-core criminal.

(Stall lock clanks, door squeaks open)

Hey boy.

Tim: Amy?

Amy: What are you doing here, dad?

Well, I tried to call you, but I guess you weren't picking up.


I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you, about the way you handled yourself out there.

That's nice, dad.

And I know I overreacted when the horse came up lame.

You know, maybe if I hadn't have been such a beginner and we didn't have to do so many practice runs, then his tendons wouldn't have been affected.

No. No, it's not your fault.

I entered Dexter.

Janice told me he needed a rest.

I guess when she bailed on me, I just...

I just stopped thinking straight.

So right about the time you hired me to ride for you?

Listen, Dexter's gonna race again and I want you on him.


Janice is a way better jockey than I'll ever be.

Well, Janice and I are not exactly...

I tried to call her. She's not picking up, so...

You tried to call me too, but when I didn't answer you just showed up.

Look where we are now.

(Light knocking)

(Door opens)

Oh, Tim.


You gonna invite me in or...?


I'm actually just on my way out.

I've got a job up at Northlands in Edmonton.

I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days.

Tim: Northlands.

They got a lot of nice horses up there.


Tim: Well, that's, that's great.

Oh, now it's great?

You went all insane before about Dan Hartfield.

Well, Dan Hartfield, please.


Every time I see that smug smile I just want to smack it off his face.

See? That's what I'm talking about.

Well, I just dropped by to tell you that I don't blame you for anything.

Whoa, blaming me?

What are you saying?

Your horse turned up lame because mine won?

No, I'm saying you won because my horse was lame.



This is how you make up with a girl?

I don't know. I'm...

Look, I'm better at the breaking up part than I am at the making up part, all right? Obviously.

So, come on, you gonna let me in or...?


When I get back from Edmonton.


Hey there, Jake.

Haven't seen you around much lately.

Yeah, I've been busy kind of studying.

Well, don't bother asking Mallory to drive the quad for you.

She's not going anywhere on anything with wheels.

Well, that's what I've been studying for.

I got my learner's permit.

Well, did you now?

How's the driving going?

I don't know. Haven't done any yet.

I can't find anyone to take me.

Badger: Looks pretty good.

Make it bit deeper we should be all right.

Oh great, there's Jack. Look busy.

Mallory: Look busy? What are you talking about?

I am busy!

That's not Jack.

Jake got his learners.

Yeah, so what? Any idiot can drive.

Tell me about it.

Lou: I guess we better start thinking about heading back.

Peter: You know...

I'm not an idiot, Lou.

I know that you hate Dubai.

You do?

(Chuckles) Yeah.

I thought I was doing a pretty good job of hiding it.

Well, not from me.

Did you think I like it any better than you do?

I don't.

But I don't have a choice; I'm have to go back.

So, what? This was a bribe to get me back on that plane or what?

No, that was...

So that you'll think of me while you're here and I'm there.

You're going without me?

And you're okay with that?

Yeah, I don't want to be the guy who keeps taking you away from your home.

But my home is wherever you are.

Even Dubai?

As long as that's where you are.

I mean it.

You know, I've been wondering about something.

Yeah? Like what?

Amy: Well...

Remember when you said it didn't matter how I did in the race, I'd still be a winner?

Did you really believe that?

No way.

I knew you were gonna win.

I even bet on you.

Really? Yeah. Win, place or show.


Well, how'd you do?

Ah, well, the odds weren't great, but even still I almost doubled my money.

No way! Yeah.

How much did you make?

Three hundred and fifty-six cents...

On a two dollar bet.

You only bet two dollars on me?

(Laughing) Well, I only had two dollars.


Ty: (Water sprays)

Amy and Ty: (Laugh and goof around)

(Water sprays)

Ty: Oh!

Amy: (Laughs)

Ty: Oh!

Amy: (Water splashes, shrieks)

Amy and Ty: (Laugh)