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03x48 - The Incredible Return-a-Ball

Posted: 04/23/23 17:30
by bunniefuu
incredible, it's so amazing that

it's hard to believe it's true.

Return -- when something

returns, it goes back

to where it came from.

Prove -- if you prove

something, you show that

it's true, or that it isn't.

Notice -- when you

notice something,

it means you see

something specific.

Improved -- when you've

improved something,

you made it better.

We have incredible, return,

prove, notice, and improved.

Watch out for them

in today's show.

The Incredible Return-A-Ball!

Hey kids, do you

like to play catch?


Are you tired of always having

to find someone to play with?

Not really.


Now you can play

catch by yourself!

I just throw the ball and

it returns to my hand.

Returns to my hands, returns to

my hands, returns to my hands.


Whoa, indeed.

My name is Chad and I'm a boy.

I think the Incredible

Return-A-Ball is awesome!

I don't even need the rest

of my team to play ball.

I'm a boy.

I love it, I love it,

I love it, I love it!

I love it even better

than candy, and ponies,

and candy ponies.


I like the Return-A-Ball

so much, I've wrangled up ,

and I even got one for my horse.

My children love the

Incredible Return-A-Ball,

and because I love my children,

I also love the Incredible


And the Incredible Return-A-Ball

is an incredible deal...only $ !

Pick yours up today.


The Incredible


I love it!

Just $ , pick yours up today

at the Return-A-Ball stand

at the corner of the park.

Product of the

Carruthers Corporation.

Ah, Gilda.

Soon everyone in the

neighborhood will have

my face in their hands.

That's how it

should be, Francine.

Enjoy! And tell

your friends!

Well...if it isn't

little Marty Barnes. isn't.

It's Marcus Barnes.

And I'm here to buy

a Return-A-Ball.

Wait, what am I doing, Marcus?

Don't buy something

from a Prankster!

Don't by silly, Marcus.

It's an incredible toy;

everybody is buying one.

Marcus, don't do it!


I have to try it.

Throw ball,

it will return to you.

Au revoir.

It didn't work.


We're closed!

What was I thinking?

Hey, you guys!

Feel the power

feel the power

feel the power, yo

and plug it in!

The power we perfected

is electrically connected

so use it as directed

and expect to be respected

just turn it on

and you will see

that you belong

in the Company!

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company...

Electric Company!

I love it!

I spent my entire allowance

on this hunk of junk.

I can't believe

I fell for it.

I'm sorry, guys, it wasn't

very Electric Company of me.

Come on, don't b*at

yourself up over it.

Everybody gets fooled

by commercials sometimes.

It even happened

to me once.

The invisible ring,

it's here!


What'd you do?

I kept it.

I think Marcus should

get his money back.

I'm calling Francine.

Good day.

Francine's cell phone,

this is Gilda.

Gilda, give me


I'm sorry, Francine

is unavailable.


Please hold.


You know what!

You sold me

a hunk of junk!

The Return-A-Ball works,

you saw the commercial.

You faked it!

Oh yeah? Prove it!

We'll prove it all right,

and after we're done,

there'll be no doubt

that you faked it!

Ha! do you

think she did it?

Here, check it out.

When she throws the ball,

it leaves the screen

before it comes

back to her.

She could be throwing

it against the wall.

Or someone could be

catching it and then

throwing it back at her.

Oh, I just thought

it was a magic ball.


Let's take a closer

look at this, okay?

Do you guys notice anything

that we might have missed?

Hector, zoom in

on Francine's pin.

Do you notice that?

Yeah, I see it.

It's like someone's


Who is it?

It's Gilda Flip! She's throwing

the ball right back to Francine.

And that proves it.

That's how she faked

the commercial.

Guys, let's go get Francine and

let her know that she's busted!

Hey, I'm coming

with y'all.

Hold it down,

I'm leaving.

Francine is busted!

I can't wait to see

the look on her face!

I think it's going

to look like this...

I think it's going to

look like this...eee!

How long can

you hold it?

I can't hold this

much longer.

Ah man, Nuggets,

you win...again.

This week on "Questions

We Won't Answer,"

Molly wonders where

does candy corn grow?

And when will sugar

become a food group?

Meanwhile, Will wanders

around asking,

where does the tooth fairy live?

Where does the principal go

when she's not at school?

And little Lacy Baker

keeps asking her mother,

when will we get some answers

to these questions?

Tune in tonight when

none of these questions

will be answered.

Danny Rebus presents Super Spy!

And That Other Guy.

What's up?

Strange question.

Bed! Where are you?

Falling into a canyon!

That's a weird way to

spend a Saturday morning.

Ohh! Saturday --

catch Danny in canyon!

Oh, how could I forget?

When would you like

me to get there?

When do you think? Now!


It's a good thing

I live in a houseboat.

Great rescue, Other Guy.

I woke up this morning

to a terrible fright

my favorite hat

was nowhere in sight

and I need some help

to solve this mystery

you see

my name is Joel

and this here is Benj

he's not only my brother

but he's my best friend

and together with these words

we'll solve this mystery

so help us figure out...

Questions that will help us

solve this see

who was the person that

committed the crime?

What made them do it?

They must be out of their mind

where did it happen?

Right behind my back

when? I don't know

but I really miss my hat

why did they do it?

Because they're thieves!

How could anyone

do this to me?

So, those are the tools

to solve the crime

And that's what you need

to solve a see

it's getting kind of close

to the end of the song

so come on, everybody

use those tools and sing along

Hey Joel,

is this your hat?


Where's my prize?

Thank you.

What's happened so far?

Look at this ball!

I throw it and it returns to me!

Love it!

Very good!

Come buy one.

I will!

You tricked me!

Hey, you guys!

We have to prove that Francine

is faking those commercials.

To prove it, we have to

show that it is true,

or in this case, fake.

We have to find out how

Francine made the commercial.

If we could show she was

throwing the ball against

a wall, it would prove

that she was faking it.

Or if we could show that she was

throwing the ball to someone

just off-screen, that would

prove that she was faking it.

But how?

Let's see if we notice

anything in the commercial.

If we notice something, it means

we see something specific.

I notice that

the ball is round;

I notice it won't

touch the ground.

I notice that it

leaves the screen.

Wait, I can't believe

what I have seen!

Do you notice something

about Francine's pin?

I notice a reflection of

Gilda catching the ball.


There they are!

Francine, I suggest

we run for it.

Good call, Gilda!

Nice try.

I'd like to return

my Return-A-Ball.

You can't return

a Return-A-Ball.


If this Return-A-Ball

actually returned,

then he wouldn't

have to return it.

Francine, we can prove how

you faked your commercial.

We noticed the reflection

in your pin, see?

Right there.


What do you want

me to do about it?

I think you should give

Marcus his money back.

And stop selling

these things.

Or we're going

to tell everyone.

What do you mean by everyone?

Your mom.


Thank you.

Haven't you learned,


You'll never win.

You tell them, Marcus.

I'm sorry, Francine.

Maybe we should

make a better toy.

Or a better commercial.

The Incredible


Now, new and improved!

The Incredible Return-A-Ball

just got even more incredible.

It's new, it's improved,

it's new and improved!

Boys like me are going

out of our minds.

New and improved?

I love this one more than

candy ponies

sliding down magical rainbows.

Even my mustache loves this toy.


My horse is so happy

he ate all his hay.

Hey kids, were you disappointed

by the Incredible Return-A-Ball?


Sorry about that.

It's okay, we understand.


We've improved the ball so now

it's better than before,

but don't take my word for it...

see for yourself.

Notice, there is no one

there to catch it,

yet it totally

returns to my hand.



Now, new and improved!

I love it!

Just $ , pick yours up today

at the Return-A-Ball stand

at the corner of the park.

Product of the Carruthers


all rights reserved.

This one really works.

You bought it again?

Yeah, I don't know

what I was thinking.

Well, yes, I do.

I was thinking...

I love it!

I gotta have that ball!

Don't do it, Marcus.

But it's improved!

Yes, but it's Francine,

it's a trick.

But it looks so real!

I'm kind of hungry...

Shh, that's not

important right now!

I gotta have that ball!

So, I bought it.

All right, yeah, okay.

Don't worry, we're on it.

Guys, I just got calls

from kids who bought the...

Incredible Return-A-Ball,

now new and improved!

Yes, exactly.

You know what?

Enough is enough!

This isn't about me anymore;

this is about kids everywhere

who've been lied to and

sold this hunk of junk!

Okay, so what are

we going to do?

We're going to prove

that Francine lied.

And how are we going to do it?

Wait, no, seriously guys,

how are we going to do it?

We're going to figure

it out right now.

I saw the commercial.

So let's just take a closer look

and see if we notice anything.

So did she throw it

against a wall?

No, no wall.

And she's definitely not

throwing it to anyone.


Wait a second.

Do you guys notice

Francine's earring?

Oh, yeah!

If she was standing up,

the earring would hang down.

You know what, guys?

I think I've got it.

So if the earring

was hanging down...

Oh! Nuggets,

he's got it!

Woo-hoo, he's got it!

That's good, because

I don't get it.

Yeah! Neither do I!

I haven't been

this confused since

the great hamster ball mystery!

The great hamster

ball mystery?

What hamster ballmystery?

This hamster ball


This week on "Questions

We Won't Answer,"

Molly wonders, why do wool

sweaters itch so much?

Why are blueberries

not blue in the middle?

Why am I asking

so many questions?

Meanwhile, Will asks,

how do glowsticks glow?

How do trees know

when it's fall?

Why am I asking

so many questions?

Tune in tonight when none

of these questions

will be answered.

Be good, I'll be back soon.

Not so fast, my furry

and feathered friends,

I have some questions

for you.

Please sit!

Exhibit A -- my empty hamster

ball, the way I left it.

And here is exhibit B...

Which leaves me with

a question -- why?

Petunia? Why are there rocks

in my hamster ball?

Don't look at me, Nuggets,

I guess somebody put them there.

Somebody, indeed.

But why?

Tom, any ideas?

Well, maybe, uh, no.

Please have a look

at exhibit C...

Why did I find this feather

near my hamster ball?

I did it, okay!

I was using your hamster ball!

It happened this morning when

I was playing space pet...

Ooh, look, space rocks.

Hey, where's my ball?

And that's what happened.

Well, I have one more question.


How what?

How do you play space pet?

Sounds like a lot of fun.

I'll show you,


When you have a son like

my Manny, there is one word

that comes up all the time.


People are always asking me,

Mrs. Spamboni, how did you

raise such a nice boy

with such good manners?

Bring it, chicken pot pie!

That's King Manny to you.

Pardon me while I yawn.

Manny, you know, I really...

I'm not done!

Or, how did Manny get such

a sweet, gentle laugh?


Or, how did Manny learn to

play so well with others?

Me help you?

That's hilarious!

It will be my pleasure to crush

you in a game of ping-pong.

Nice job, genius.

You call it cheating,

I call it winning.

Yeah, that was classic Spamboni!

Of course, even a perfect angel

like my Manny makes mistakes.

Like how Manny froze

that boy Keith.

I'm open! I'm open!


Or, how Manny switched

Hector's sneakers

so Manny could b*at him

at basketball.

But no matter how many boys

Manny freezes or how much

trouble he causes with those

sneakers, Manny always behaves

when I say to him,

ever so gently...

Manny! Behave yourself!

Ooh, you won't believe how

fast he gets back in line.

And I forgive my perfect

little angel, because really...

How can I stay mad at that face?

If your little brother

is like my little brother,

then his favorite word is why.

Anything that happens,

he always has to ask, why?

Why do I have to go to bed?

Because it's past your bedtime.

Why do I have a bedtime?

Because you need sleep.

Why do I need sleep?

Because all humans need sleep.

Why do I have to be human?

Because I said so!

And that's the only thing that

stops him from asking why.

So, if you have a little

brother who always asks why?

Take a little advice from me --

skip right to saying,

because I said so!

Works every time!

Hey, Tom.

Hey, guys!

Just on my way to buy

the new and improved




Don't do it!

Save yourself!

It's fake!

The commercial makes it

look real, but it's not!

It's not!

And The Electric Company

is about to prove it!

Yeah, what he said!

I mean, if you guys don't think

I should buy it, just say so.

The...not so...Incredible


Hey kids, were you fooled by

Francine's new and improved

Incredible Return-A-Ball?


They totally were.

Yeah, me too.

And I'm about to show you

exactly how she faked us out.

Oh no.

Now, Francine's commercial

does look pretty incredible.

Yet, it totally

returns to my hand.


It really looks like the ball

returns back to her hand, but if

you look closely, you notice

something very strange.

You see that earring?

If she was standing up, then the

earring would be hanging down.

But the earring's

not hanging down.

So she's got to be lying down.

How do I know?

We tried it.

I lie down and throw

the ball up and down.

I film it.

See, she's on her back.

But if I turn it, it looks

like she's standing up,

except for the earring.





Francine lied and we proved it.

So, how do you feel?

Totally betrayed!

Go find Francine and tell her

you don't want any part of her

not so...Incredible


Should be free because

it doesn't even work.

Wow, they're good, and

by good, I mean very bad.

They look

incredibly unhappy.

There she is!

Yo, Francine!

Take back, take back

take back this Return-A-Ball

and this and this

and this one

we want to return-them-all!

Oh dear, oh dear,

the jig is up!

Gilda, give me a break!

You don't need to return them.

Hello! They are fake!

Can you prove it

can you prove it

can you pro-oo-oo-oo-ve it?

No you can't, you can't

you can't, you can't!

Get out of here,

go on, move it!

This piece of evidence

show there's no doubt

that ball is a fake!

There's no need to shout

but my trusty cellphone cam

proves Return-A-Ball is a scam


We've got the evidence!

The evidence...

And you've got no defense

there's no defense!

All right, already!

I don't need this drama!

So don't take

the curtain call

you shouldn't take

a curtain call

just take this


take back this


All right! You can return

your Return-A-Ba-a-a-alls!

Thank you very much!

What now, Gilda?



I love it.

There they are!

Francine, I suggest

we run for it.

Good call, Gilda.

Ahh, Gilda...

I have so much to teach you.

You may notice that Gilda looks

a little bit like Francine.

Just a little bit.

That's because we have

a new addition to our show

and we want to

get to know her.

Go Gilda

go, go, Gilda

Just little ol' itty-bitty

Gilda, that's just me!

Go, Gilda!

Just me...

What's your favorite thing about

your character, about Gilda?

My favorite thing is that

she like takes after Francine

and everything

that she does.

Say it isn't so.

It isn't so.

My signature thing is my

flip phone because you know,

Gilda Flip.

That's probably

my favorite gadget.

What about costumes?

Everything I wear,

I love everything I wear.

What do you have most in

common with Gilda Flip?

She's smart.

That's what you have

most in common with her?

I don't mean to

brag but like...

Gilda Flip,

you are going to make

a great Prankster

one day.

Playing Gilda is very easy

actually, because the script

is so good and so funny.

I had an idea...

Gilda, I told you,

I come up with the ideas.


If you could switch powers

with anyone on the show,

who would it be and why?

I don't know, I like

Annie Scrambler's power.

She like stomps, and like

everything, changes...scrambles.

That is such

a sweet power!

I mean, not as good as

Francine's, of course.


Want to learn how to

be a proper Prankster?

The first step is to go

online to

and earn points for Francine

or for me

or for any of your

favorite Pranksters.

And well, I suppose you

could play for one of

The Electric Company

members, too.

Notice there is no one there

to throw catch it.


Notice there is no one

there to catch it.

Wait, you said...throw.

I'll make you eat

your lunch like this.