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04x07 - Jackpot

Posted: 11/15/10 22:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland":

Announcer: The time for Amy Fleming and Caleb Odell... 8.2 seconds!

I don't need a horse healer trying to teach me how to ride.

She's trying to help.

But Amy and me is not gonna happen.

Amy: Isn't that Lightning Dex? Lisa's horse?

Yeah, it was.

I just bought us a winning ticket.

Announcer: Here comes Lightning Dexter making a move on the outside.

Ty: Probably tendonitis.

Ah, that's great.

Dad, it's not a career ender.

Oh, I think Roy Rogers found himself a sidekick.

Jamie: Hey, Mallory.


It must've cost a fortune. How did...

You let me worry about it.

(Horse grunts)

(Hooves thud)

(Horse grunts)

See what I'm saying?

Yeah. Yeah, his stride's definitely off.

Yeah, and it's screwing up my timing.

The jackpot's this weekend, so I gotta be roping good by then.

It could be your saddle.

(Sighs) I...

I just can't afford a big major expense right now.

No, you don't necessarily have to...

Kit: Yeah.

Save your money, Caleb.

Get one of those gel pads for under your saddle.

Unless you've got some magic potion?

No. Saddle pad's pretty much what I was thinking.

All right, well, looks like problem solved.

I gotta run.

I got lots of stuff to do today.

See you, guys.

Thank you.

Ooh! Busy schedule.

Guess you're lucky she could fit you in.

(Half laughs)

Are you two girls ever gonna get over yourselves?

Don't count on it happening anytime soon.


Dan: Hey, Tim.

Tim: Hey.

Dan: I hear you're head honcho at the team roping jackpot this year.


Yeah, Jack and I got talked into it again.

Hope you're planning on kicking in a few bucks.

Dan: (With a laugh) A few bucks?

I'm practically sponsoring the whole damn thing.

I don't even like roping.

You still hanging on to this horse?

You haven't canned him yet?

Dexter? The comeback kid?

I heard he blew a tendon.


Ah, he's ready to race.

Yeah, right.

I guess I dodged a b*llet when Lisa sold him to you instead of me.

I mean, God, vet bills, therapy...

That must be costing you a bundle.

Ah, it comes with the territory, huh.

The territory? Yeah.

What do you got, three horses?

I tell you what, compared to my outfit, that's small potatoes.

Ashley: So, I hear you're a real escape artist.

What're you talking about?

I just got off the phone with Caleb.

He said you totally ditched him.

Come on. I had things to do.

You always do whenever Kit shows up.

Yeah, well, she's not my favourite person.

Well, personally speaking, I'm glad she's friends with Caleb.

I mean, she could talk to him about rodeo 'til he's blue in the face and I don't even have to pretend like I care.

It's the secret to a successful marriage.

That and big jewels.

The problem is, ever since he bought me this rock, my tips have gone way down.

Why? People figure you don't need the money?

Which is so not true.

I mean, we need it now more than ever.

(Cash register dings)

Okay, buddy.

So, two grams of bute, morning and night?

Yeah. And keep on with the ice.

And what about the ultrasound?

Scott says nothing showed up.

Nothing on the x-rays either.

Great, clean bill of health.

Not exactly.

He wants to schedule an MRI, see if there's anything going on in the hoof.

What is that gonna set me back?

Well, it's not cheap.

But it's the only way to see if there's any soft tissue damage.

Okay, well...

Nothing but the best for my equine friend.

(Truck rumbles)

Maybe we should just forget about the mail; it'll probably just be bills.


Maybe we could just ignore it and it'll just go away.


Ashley: Oh my God!

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

Tim: I don't know, Amy.

Do you think he looks depressed?

(Laughs) No.

But you do, dad.

Oh, come on, honey, I should be.

I mean, I've got a horse that loves to run, now all he wants to do around in his stall, eat hay and take leisurely strolls around the track.

That sounds like heaven for a horse.

Yeah, well it's not for me.

My former money maker's turned into a money pit, and my jockey is up in Edmonton riding a horse that can actually run.

Dad, you can see that he's getting better, right?

These things take time.

Yeah, except time is money, and I'm running out of both.

You know, the first person that makes me a real serious offer can have this damn horse.

(Hooves thud)

Jake: Can you practice today?

Jamie: Absolutely!

Oh, hey, Mallory.

Hi, guys.

I just filled out my entry form.

Youth division.

The jackpot. Who're you roping with?

Hello? (Half laughs)
Who do you think?

Well, I gotta go post these up with Badger, so...

You and Badger?


Is he, like, officially your boyfriend now?

Sort of...

Kind of...

Yes. Definitely.

I've gotta go.

Excuse me.

What is this?

Why didn't you tell me?

Let me see it. Mom!

You know it's bad luck to take it off.

I'll have to remember that if I ever get married again!

Ashley and Val: (Half laugh)

Oh, honey, that is really nice.

I'm trying not to get too attached it.

I might have to sell it.

And the beemer too.

Can't afford trailer park lifestyle any longer?

Well, our landlord subdivided the ranch and put the lots up for sale.

Mmm. How much is he asking?

Our lot is two and a half acres, so the down payment shouldn't be totally outrageous.

If you sell everything you own?

Yeah. I guess.


I know you're not telling me this because you want my help.

Tried that once before, didn't we?

But that husband of yours...

He has to do things his own way, mom.


Which is why I wanted to talk to you.



Ashley: Hey, honey!

Caleb: Hey, babe.

Just stand back.

(Hard whack, wood clatters)

Uh... I was thinking.

I mean, look at this place.

It breaks my heart to just walk away from it.

Yeah, me too.

And that's just it.

I could probably get a good price on my ring and my car. What? You need your car, and your ring? Just don't even go there.


So how about I ask my mom?

No. I already told you, we don't need her help.

I've got a plan.

What, by...

Chopping up the sign thinking that'll make the problem go away?

No. But...

At least I'm buying us some time.

Less people will know the place is for sale.

Buy time for what?

I enter twice as many rodeo events, expect to win everything.

We cut our living expenses to the bone...

A couple of months, we'll have a decent down payment.


Yeah. Sure.

Besides, it's free firewood.

Every little bit counts.

(Hard whack, wood clatters)

You need more money...

So, you're gonna work less?

Yeah, I gotta cut back on my hours so I can free up some time.

And rodeo your way to a down payment?

I know, that's a nice piece of property, but you might be giving up a sure thing for an iffy thing here.

Yeah, I just...

I can't afford to think negative right now.

Gotta stay focused.

Starting with the jackpot this weekend.

25 buck entry fee, winner takes half the pot.

Well, the competition's mostly local, so you got a shot. Who's your partner?

I don't know.

Well, most of my regular guys are partnered up already.

Thought about a girl?

Worked out pretty good last time.

You know, that might not be a bad idea.

Is Amy around?

Uh, no. You just missed here.

She's... something about someone's colt.

Busy schedule, huh?

Yeah. Don't know how she manages.

All right.

Entry fee's $25, not $19.

Square up when I win.

(Truck door shuts)

Lisa: Here we go, help yourself.

Careful! It's hot.

Mallory: Thank you.

So, how's Dexter doing?

Amy: Uh, he's coming along slowly.

But dad's not exactly the most patient guy in the world.

Oh. No kidding.

Tendon injuries are kind of tricky.

They can take a while to heal.

Amy: Yeah. But I still can't believe he's thinking of selling him.

Oh? He is?

Yeah, I bet now you're glad you unloaded that horse.

I didn't "unload" him.

As I recall, someone talked me into selling him for next to nothing.

Well, Mallory, I haven't seen Jake around lately.

I kind of miss those driving lessons.

Kid was getting good.

He's busy... Roping with Jamie.

The rodeo club girl.


Yeah, there's lots of mixed teams this year.

Good to know.

Jack: Even Caleb's thinking about roping with a girl again.

Yeah, Amy, you should get your rope out of retirement.

Yeah, I mean if he needs a partner.

Come on, you guys did great last time.

If he's looking for a girl, who else is he gonna ask?

(Dishes clank)

(Door thuds shut, birds chirp and sing)

(Hooves thud nearby)

Kit: Hey, Caleb, I got something for shorty.

Gel pad.

Thanks, but, um...

Well, it turns out there's no real rush anymore.

What about the jackpot?

Called everyone I know.

Just came up empty this time.

You ask Amy? Or...She too busy?

You saw the way she blew me off the other day.

Hey, you used to so some roping, didn't you?

I can't believe you're asking me that!

Come on, three time Alberta High School Rodeo All-Star?

So, uh...

What do you care if Jake's roping with Jamie?

I don't.

Yeah, but you gotta wonder what a hot girl like her's doing with a guy like him, right?


You think she's hot?

Well, yeah.

Like I said, what do you care?

You got a boyfriend, right?

What are you talking about?


Okay, I just said that because...

Nevermind. I have stuff...

I, I've gotta go do.

(Screen door squeaks and shuts)

One question.


Why the hell didn't he ask me?

Uh, who? Ask you what?

Tim! It's true.

He is selling my horse.

What horse?

(Annoyed sigh)
Lightning Dexter.

The one that he practically stole from me.

(Sighing) Oh jeez. Here we go again.

No, but, Jack, I mean it.

After all I've been through with that horse, I should be first in line.

I'm sure he was probably gonna ask you sooner or later. But sooner or later, what if he sells it to someone else?

Well then, make him an offer.

But then he knows I'm interested, and I know he'll inflate the price.

So I think we just have to wait until he makes the first move.


I think he might need a little push.

And you want me to do the pushing so you can buy a lame horse?

Let it go, Lise.

I'm not gonna let it go!

I wanna see his face when I'm standing in the winner's circle with a horse that he practically had to give away!

I will talk to Tim.

But you won't let him know that I'm interested.

Jack: So I hear you're thinking about selling Dexter.

(Metallic clang, Tim grunts)

Yeah, I'm thinking about it.

I don't know who'd be crazy enough to buy a race horse who can't race anymore, no matter what the price.

Well, the way I remember it, when you first bought that horse it looked like his racing days were over.

Hell, even Lisa regrets selling him.

What are you saying, Jack?

Lisa wants to buy him back?

No, I did not say that.

But... (Sighs)

Who knows what she might do if the opportunity presented itself?

(Broom swishes)

You know that thing I said?

That whole boyfriend thing?

That's just something I kinda blurted out.

I do that.

Look, I figured you were just saying it to get back at your old boyfriend.


No way. He was never even my boyfriend.

Sure. Whatever.

Whatever? What do you mean, whatever?

Whatever. Like I don't believe you.


Then what about this?

If I was really into Jake, would I have done that?

I... guess not.

Caleb: Amy!

Hey, guys!


Caleb: Look, I know you're busy these days, but I was hoping I could maybe just squeeze a little bit of time out of your schedule?

Mm, told ya.

Yeah, 'cause I need someone to pick up the slack for me around here.

Gotta take a couple of days off to practice.

Practice what?

Team roping with Kit.

What else?


Yeah, of course.

Cool. Well, thanks a lot, man.

I really, really appreciate it.

Is he serious?

Team roping with Kit!

We did so well at the Hudson rodeo last year.

He won all around cowboy 'cause of me and now he's roping with Kit, a second rate barrel racer?!

Come on, Amy.

(Sighs heavily)

But I wish both of them the best of luck.

I hope they do well.

Caleb: Yah-yah! Kit: Hey, hey-hey-hey!

Caleb: Got him!

Okay, Kit, he's yours.

(Steer moos)

Kit: Oh man!


Dammit! Let's go again.

And maybe, you know what?

This time you can catch the steer before he's halfway down the arena.

Well, why don't we just try switching it up?

When I teamed up with Amy, she was the header and I was the heeler.

What are we doing here?

Are we roping or talking about Amy Fleming?

(Hay bales rustle)

Mallory: What're you doing? Are you nuts?

I'm just trying to help you.

Mallory: Okay, well don't! What if someone sees?

It's not like we're official.


We're not?

I mean, it's not like we never went on a date?

Or, you know, almost died in that well?

Or got busted for that stolen car?

That car was stolen?

And it's not like I kissed you or anything.

I know; That's why I wanna take it slow.

Take what slow?

What is the it?

I don't know yet.

That's why I just wanna go slow.



(Hay rustles)

(Truck door shuts)

Jack: Well, you wanted me to look at something.

What am I looking at?


Beautiful, huh?

I drive by here pretty much every day.

So you know it's being subdivided into estate lots?

Yeah. Yeah, damn shame.

Yeah, (Sighs)

That's exactly what I'm thinking, Jack.

And do you know what else I'm thinking?

I'm thinking someone oughta buy the whole thing.

Just to keep it the way it is?

Ashley asked me to help her buy the lot that dreadful trailer is on.

Caleb got wind of it.

Long story short, she asked me to back off.

So where do I come in?

You're my best friend; you're supposed to tell me that I'm doing the right thing here.

By helping your daughter when she doesn't want your help?

Jack, it's not about the money.

It's not about the land.

Caleb is trying to shut me out of my daughter's life and it's k*lling me.

Who are you trying to convince here, Val?

You? Or me?

(Half laughs)

You know me too well.

(Wind chimes tinkle)

Rough day at the office?

Whole lot better now.

This guy came into Maggie's today... a Wyatt something.

He says he knows you.


I didn't know he's back in town?

Did he give you a number? He's a great roper.

Except you already have a partner.

Oh yeah. Kit.

You know, I even bought her a stupid pink rope.

What's the matter? Wrong shade of pink?

Very funny.

If I wanna win, I've gotta team up with someone that doesn't get all moody and make stupid mistakes.

You mean like Wyatt?

Hey, Caleb.

Remember when you dumped Kit?

What? You gonna take a swing at me again?

'Cause the statute of limitations on that one ran out a long time- no. No, man. (Sighs)

I just wondered how you pulled it off.

Because, you know, you and Kit are still friends.

Okay. I thought it was a good idea to team up with her and now I've got a better option.

But I don't wanna wreck our relationship, so, I...

Was sort of thinking maybe you could, you know.

You want me do it for you?

Yeah. I mean, since you're so damn good at it.

Forget it, man. You do it yourself.

Yeah. You're right.

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking.

You know, with any luck, it'll go straight to message.

You don't call her.

You do it face to face; In person.

You owe her that.

It's not a voice mail situation then.


You know, you really know your stuff.

Thanks, man.


What was that about?

You don't wanna know.

Tim: Hey, Dan?

Dan. I, uh...

Well, I thought you might wanna know, given your interest in my horse.

What horse? What're you talking about?



The comeback kid.


Well, the thing is...

Um, he's on the mend, but I've been thinking about what you said, you know, and you're right.

This business might be a little rich for my blood, so I'm thinking of selling him.

To who?

A k*ll buyer?

Tim, now listen to me.

I mean, for the money you get, you might as well just...

Put a b*llet through his head yourself.

(Laughs) Well, actually, your ex-wife is interested.



That's typical.

What kind of money are we talking about here, Tim?

Well, that's... That's confidential.

But... you know Lisa, she can be pretty generous.

Dan: (Laughs)

Generous? Yeah, yeah... And fickle.

I can't tell you the number of times she's just backed out of a deal, including our marriage.

Well, that's good to know.


So, what do you think?

Do you want to buy him?

Well, Tim, (Clears throat)

I'd be doing you and that horse a, a big favour.

But I've gotta warn you, I didn't get rich by just throwing money away.

Oh, obviously.

(Low hum of chatter)
Hey, Kit. Hey.

I, uh, heard about you and Caleb.

Oh yeah? I'm just gonna have coffee with him.

So you're not mad at him?

Mad about what?

I don't know, I just figured...

You know Caleb, he's...

Boy, you're a terrible liar.

I'm sure he wants to tell you himself.

Yeah, he's dumping me, isn't he?

For you! No, not for me.

Kit, look, I shouldn't have said anything.

Caleb: Hey, Kit.


What's wrong with you guys?

(Gate clunks)

Tim: Hey, your buddy Dan Hartfield's been sniffing around.

Jack: He's not a buddy of mine.

Well, he's real interested in Dexter.

I'm not getting involved.

What if you were? I'm not.

But if you were?

Then I'd say that Lisa'd be more than a little disappointed if you sold that horse to Dan.

That's just it, Jack.

Because you know me, I'd rather not sell Dexter at all.

But Dan's made me a substantial offer and I might just have to go for it.

Well, that makes perfect sense.

No matter what the cost of friendship, family.

Obviously, I wanna sell the horse to Lisa, if she made a fair offer.

I do not like the guy.

Treats me like I'm a small time hustler.

(Under his breath)
Small potatoes.

What was that?

Small potatoes.

What do you mean?

That's what he called my place!

That's exactly what he called my place!

Small pota-
600 acres!

That sound like small potatoes to you?

It'd be a shame if I had to sell to that guy.

Ty: You told Kit?

Well, I thought she already knew!

And by the time I realized she didn't, it was too late.

Ty: (Sighs)

You know, you're way better with horses than you are with people.

I can't believe I thought Caleb was gonna ask me!

Kit: Hey, consider yourself lucky.

I mean, at least he didn't lead you on.


I was actually practicing with the guy.

You know what the worst part is?

Now that shorty's going good again, Caleb's gonna be really hard to beat.

You still gonna enter?

Yeah, damn right.

It's not just about the money either.

I wanna see Odell choke.

Who're you gonna partner up with?

Wow, Ty's right.

You're way better with horses.

Kit: Come on! Get him!

Amy: Come on! Kit: Oh man!

(Gate clatters, steers moo)

Kit: Oh, come on!

Amy: Okay, now!

Kit: Keep the rope tight.

Amy: It is.

Kit: I said, keep the rope tight.

(Steer moos)

What the hell are you doing?

I got my job done.

(Sardonic chuckle)

I don't think you know what your job is because if you did, I could do mine!

I'm not the one who dropped my dallies.

Yeah, 'cause you don't listen to anybody, okay?

I told you to keep the rope tight...

I did keep the rope tight!

You're the one who doesn't know what you're doing.

Oh, I don't know what I'm doing.

I don't know what I'm doing?

I never saw you once at any high school rodeo; I never saw you once on the circuit; and now you're the big rodeo expert?

Yeah, yeah, this was a huge mistake!

You're damn right it was.

You know, you don't know how to work with anyone!

I can't believe I thought this was a good idea in the first place!

You didn't. I did.

Oh, so now you're arguing about who said what?

You know what? This definitely not gonna work.

(Horse clops away)


You're not working Saturday?

It's my day off.

Is there a problem?

Well, I just thought you would come with me to the jackpot.

You never asked me.

Well, I was gonna ask you.

And Jack wanted me to help out and I kind of already volunteered you too.

But, uh, I thought we were taking it slow, right?

So slow that I made other plans.

Okay. Whatever.


I can change those plans, if you want me to.

Well, don't do me any favours.

But okay.

Mm, what a beautiful evening.


What's the matter?


Come on, I know that face.

It's like you got a burr in your boot.


Okay, if you really wanna know.


Is it Tim?

Did you talk to him?

He's trying to use me as a go-between to start a bidding w*r between you and Dan.


Dan is bidding Dexter?

(Derisive laugh)

He didn't have one nice thing to say about that horse when I owned him!

He told me I was wasting my money so many times I started to believe him.


Well, I shouldn't have even said anything.

But you did.

Yeah, I did.

Pffft! Boy, the two of them.

Amy: I tried. Okay, I did.

But you don't know what Kit's like when she's not pretending to be all perky and smiley!

And I'm not saying she's a bad roper, 'cause she's actually pretty good.

This is between you two.

Ty, she's just so bossy.

Every time something went wrong, she blamed me.

I never thought it was a good idea in the first place.

Well then, why didn't you say something?

Because you wouldn't have listened to me.

That's exactly what Kit said!

She said that I don't listen; that I think I know everything.


Oh, so you're agreeing with her are you?

All I'm trying to say is, that Kit is very competitive.

She takes this stuff as seriously as you do.

You guys would make an awesome team if you can get over yourselves.

So you are agreeing with her then?


(Low hum of chatter)

Well, Dexter, how much are you gonna cost me today?


Hi. Hi.

I would actually like to buy Dexter back, Tim.

And I will match whatever that man is offering you.

Oh, Lisa, come on, you don't wanna do that.

You don't wanna throw your money away on a lame horse.

The best thing for both of us is just let Dan buy him.

Let him have the headache.

Sure, okay. You're right. Good.

I will not match him; I'm gonna better him! Got it?

Lisa: Hi! Dan: Lisa.

Good to see ya! You too!

Gotta run.


It's getting good.

(Music plays, low hum of chatter)

Hey. Hey.

Real estate, huh?

You and Caleb thinking of moving?

Never thought I'd say this, but I kind of love that crummy trailer.

But if it gets sold, who knows what'll happen?

Don't look now, but your favourite person's coming in.

Hey, Kit. Over here.

Man: I'll see ya. Kit: See ya.

Hey, Kit?

It's complicated.


Hey, can we grab a couple of coffees?

Ashley: Yeah. Sure. Coming right up.


Okay, I'm here.

What did you wanna to talk about?

All right.

I've been thinking a lot about what happened, all right, and I think we should try again.

I mean, you're a good roper, Kit, and if we can just find a way to work together, then we might just have a shot at this.

(Overlapping shouting and chatter)

(Steers moo, gate clanks)

Jack: Let's go. Here we go, come on.


(Mic feedback squeals)


Okay, guys, it's time to get started.

We're gonna start off with the youth category.

Jack: Go, go!

(Cows moo, Jack grunts urging on cows)

Well, just as soon as Mr. Jack Bartlett gets the damn steers where they're supposed be.

(Audience laughs)

Tim Fleming.

Never met a microphone he didn't like.

Next thing you know he's gonna be singing karaoke.


Here to cheer me on?

Not exactly.

You entered?

Kit: Yeah.

With me.

Caleb: You two.


Who'd have thought?

So, no hard feelings then?

No. None at all.

Good. It worked out nice for all of us.


But you will change your tune when we whoop your ass.

Yes, I will. But, uh...

I wouldn't count on that.

Good luck though to both of ya.

Why am I glad we're on the same team?

Yeah, for once.

As long as you don't mess it up.

You stubborn, you stink!


Hey, Mallory?

You seen Jake around?

So, Badger's gone all cowboy, eh?

Come on!
(Steer moos)

(Badger grunts, Jamie laughs)

Not really.

He doesn't know much about cows.

Neither do you.

That's a steer.

Badger: (Grunting)

He is kinda cute, though.

I gotta go find Jake, get ready.

Dan: Hey, you know, for the money I spent, I, I expected a little more than this.

Well, I expected a little more money.


Dan: Yeah, well, pleasantries aside, have you thought about my offer yet?

Yeah, I thought about it.

But there's a problem.


Well, that's the story of my life.

You know, I knew she was up to something.

What is it this time?

Well, she's prepared to do better.

Well, how much better?

A lot better.

Way better.

For that lame old canner?

Dan, what can I say? You know women.

When they fall in love with a horse...

(Steers moo, Mallory and Badger grunt)

Tim: Okay, this is the final pair in the youth category, we got Jake Anderson and Jamie Lewis.

(Audience cheers)

(Gates clunk, steer moos)

(Audience whoops)

(Steer moos)

Tim: And...

(Audience whoops)

Tim: And that looks good.

With a time of 14... 14.7.

That's good enough to put Jake and Jamie in first place on the leader board.

Jamie: Yay! Yeah!

Jake: Awesome!

(Audience cheers and applauds)

(Horse snuffles)

Jamie: Oh my gosh! We won!

So fun! Amazing!


Kinda busy here.

Dan: Well, I suggest you find the time to rein in your girlfriend.

I'm sitting this one out, Dan.

That woman turned a simple horse trade into a bidding w*r.

Now, if she doesn't back off, I'm gonna push the price through the roof...

I don't doubt that for a minute.

And then I'm gonna leave her high and dry.

And while we're at it, Jack, that banner...

Next time I sponsor this damn event, I want a little bang for my buck!

Tim: What was that all about?

I think he's got a problem with the size of his sign.

(Steer moos loudly)


(Gate clatters, steer moos, horses whinny)

Caleb: Yeah!

(Excited squeal)

(Steer mooing, Ashley squeals happily)

Got it! Woo hoo!

(Audience cheers)

Tim: Okay, that's a pretty good ride for Caleb Odell and Wyatt Thomlinson.

That's, uh, 7.8 seconds.

That puts them in first place.

(Audience cheers)

Woo! That's my boy!

Yeah! Woo hoo!

Tim: Last pair up, Kit Bailey and Amy Fleming.

(Crowd whoops and cheers, horse and steer nicker)

(Gate clatters)

Kit and Amy: (Urge horses on) Ay-ay! Yah!

Amy: Come on, come on, come on!

Amy: Yes, yes, yes, yes!

Kit: You got it, Amy?!


Kit: We got him!

Ty: Yeah!

(Kit laughs, audience cheers)

Tim: Look, folks, I swear, no favouritism here, but with a time of 7.6 seconds...

Amy Fleming and Kit Bailey just knocked one out of the park.



I can't believe we just beat Caleb.

Kit: We didn't just beat Caleb, we beat everybody!


We'll get 'em next time.

Ty: 2010 Hudson team roping jackpot.

Not bad.

Kit: Yeah, I already got a few of these, but I'm gonna be wearing this one when I hit Montana.

Montana? What, you got a rodeo there?

No. I got a fella.

He's a bull-rider.

A bull-rider.

Hopefully a real one this time?

Kit: Well, that remains to be seen, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Wow, girls, congratulations.

You did great.

Thanks. It was so much fun.

Fun? Really?

It's not so fun for Caleb and I.

He wasn't in it for the belt buckle.

We actually need the money, remember?

We're trying to get a down payment together so we won't get evicted.

But hey, don't let that ruin your fun.

Tim: Thanks, buddy.

Hold up there, Tim.

I wanna talk to you...

About Dexter.

What, you want to make me an offer?

You might say.

Oh, Jack, don't get involved in this.

Because I'm telling ya, it's gonna get ugly.

Pffft! Tell me about it.

Lisa and Dan Hartfield going head to head...

You know what?

I never thought it was gonna get this far.

Neither did I.

But it has, so hear me out.

I don't wanna buy Dexter.

I don't want anybody to buy Dexter to tell you the truth.

Because I don't think you really want to sell him.

So, you're not buying, I'm not selling?

That's a great offer, Jack.

What I am prepared to do is board Dexter... for free... for as long as you own him.

Ty and Amy, they can handle the therapy and I'll provide the feed.

That... Sounds like a partnership.

No, don't exactly see it that way.

No, no, no.

No, I own the horse, you pay the expenses; that sounds like a partnership.

I mean, what else could you possibly call it?

A mistake.


(Truck rumbles)

(Sighs heavily)

You can't win everything, Caleb.

Look, we could just ask my mom for help.

Forget it, ash. I already told her no way.

Yeah, well, guess what?

I already talked to my mom.


Yeah, I told her this place was for sale, and she would've written me a cheque right there...

Ash... If it wasn't for your macho pride.


It's already sold?!

C'est la vie.

It's one less thing for us to fight about.

Mallory? What're you still doing here?

I thought you left ages ago?

I just gotta finish this up.

So, you and Badger we're having fun at the jackpot today.

Yeah, I guess.

Well, way to move on from Jake.

That's just it.

I'm not sure if I have moved on from Jake.

I mean...

I mean, I like Badger.

I really like Badger, but...

Mallory, it's okay.

But it's not okay!

I don't know, maybe it's just Jamie, but I can't stop thinking about Jake!

Amy, what am I gonna do about Badger?

(Dishes clank, music plays)


What can I get you?

Can we talk please?

If you're not gonna order anything, I'm kind of busy.


If it wasn't for Caleb, we never would've entered that team roping anyway.

We just got lucky, drew a better steer.

It was a fluke that we won.

Okay, we talked, I heard what you have to say, now I gotta get back to work.

No, wait, I want you to take my half.

You don't have to tell Caleb.

This is just so ridiculous.

We were all friends before this jackpot.

I wanna go back to being that way.

Okay, I'll make a deal with you.

I'll go back to being your friend, but I'm not gonna take your money.

It's too late.

Someone already bought the place.


(Suv rumbles)

(Hooves clop)

Mrs. Stanton.

If you're looking for Ashley, she's pulling a double shift at Maggie's.

Actually, I wanted to talk to you.

I trust there are no hard feelings?

About what?

Well, Ashley told me how you were dead set against me getting involved and I respect that decision.

But, Caleb, I'm her mother, and what is so wrong with wanting to help your children when they're starting out, right?

If this is about rent, I already spoke with the landlord.

He knows we're good for it.

Well, (Laughs)
See, there's the thing.

I'm your landlord now.

You bought our place?

Not just your place; the whole kit and kaboodle!

But don't worry.

Not everyone who buys property evicts their tenants, (laughs) Especially if you're in the family!


(Vehicle rumbles)

(Wire clatters)

♪ Well, I was sleeping in a cherry tree ♪

Hello you.

I have bad news.


I don't even think you can cheer me up.

Tim has backed out of the deal.

Well, that's too bad. Did he give you a reason?

Says he doesn't wanna sell to me or to Dan.

He's decided now he's gonna keep the damn horse!

Oh well, maybe that's best for everybody concerned.

How is that best for anybody?

I mean, I really think about that horse, and it just makes me s...

Jack: Looks pretty happy, doesn't he?

Settled in real good.

Well, what is he doing here?

Uh... long story.

Basically, I told Tim I was prepared to look after his horse.


Well, that's gonna cost you a couple of bucks.

Yeah, I know.

But compared to an all-out w*r between you and Dan Hartfield?

Small potatoes.

(Chuckles slyly)

♪ I wanna make your little heart flutter ♪
♪ come back, baby, I'm gonna make you mine ♪
♪ o-oh ♪