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04x08 - One Day

Posted: 11/23/10 14:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland":

Ashley: It's already sold?!

I'm your landlord now!

You bought our place.

I think I need to take a year off... a year just to expand my clinics and see what I can really do.

Who are you ropin' with?

Hello! Who do you think?

Jake: (Chuckles)

I can't stop thinking about Jake.

Amy, what am I gonna do about Badger?

Amy: Get up.

(Clicks teeth)

(Horse whinnies and snorts)

(Amy clicks teeth, horse whinnies)

Get up.

(Clicks teeth)


All right, now if I've done my job right, he should want to come in to me and reward me with his trust.

(Horse snuffles)

Onlookers: (Clap)

Now that, folks, is join up.


(Quietly) You're a good boy.

All right, we're gonna take a 15 minute break.

When we come back, I'll talk about some sacking out methods.

Good boy. Yeah.

(Gate clanks open)

That was pretty darn impressive.

Thank you.

I'm Keith Rowan. Hi.

I own a spread not far from here.

Last few years I've been training and re-homing wild mustangs.

You have? Really?

Well, keeps the population in check, which keeps the ranchers' fingers off the triggers, if you know what I mean.

I do, actually.


I've got some pretty sharp trainers workin' for me, but they got nothin' on you.

I'd be mighty grateful if you could find the time in your schedule to show my boys a few of your techniques.

I'd pay whatever your going rate is.

I would be happy to.

Well, before you accept, there's something you should know.


You mean like "Shawshank Redemption"?

Amy: No, it's not like that at all, guys.

This is a group of prisoners that come from the Chinook Correctional Institute and they bus to Keith's ranch every day to work with the mustangs.

Some of them are really good trainers.

Well, these so-called trainers are criminals and I don't want you anywhere near 'em.

Yeah, I'm with Jack.

There's a reason those guys are in jail, Amy.

Yes, but they're trying to change their lives.

Jack: Well, they can change their lives without you.

Grandpa, I'm doing it. This is my job.


You can't just say "no."
I'm too old for "no."

Well, how about "over my dead body"?

You too old for that?

(Rooster crows, lawnmower starts up)

(Lawnmower whirs loudly)

Ashley: (Groans) Caleb... Make it stop!

(Lawnmower whirs loudly)

Caleb: (Sighs)

(Weed eater buzzes loudly)

What the hell?!


(Lawnmower whirs loudly)

Hey, buddy!

(Lawnmower shuts down)

7:00 a.M.


Yeah, would you cut it out?

My wife's trying to sleep.

You got a problem, talk to the lady who signed the work order.

(Paper rustles)

Val Stanton.

(Lawnmower starts up again)

Ty: So you're sure about this?

Amy: Yeah, yeah.

Thanks for offering to come with me.

Ty: Ah, I know you don't need a chaperone, but at least your grandpa will be able to sleep at night.

Amy: (Chuckles)

Hey, these must be the horses the inmates are trainin'.

Ty: Yeah, check this guy out.
(Horse snorts)

Amy: Yeah. Easy... Ty: Ooh.

(Horse snorts nervously)

Ty: Ah, I feel sorry for whoever has to train him.


Keith: Hey. Glad you could make it.

Hey, Keith. This is my boyfriend Ty.

Hey, good to meet ya.

Come on, I'll give you the grand tour.


Keith: These guys are my everyday ranch horses.

The mustangs you saw back there are new arrivals.

Last year we managed to find homes for about a dozen of 'em.

Amy: This place is amazing. I'm really impressed.

Keith: The inmates might be doing time, but they're decent enough guys.

They wouldn't be here if I didn't trust 'em.

(Gate clangs open)

(Horse whinnies)

(Van rumbles)

Keith: The guys arrive every day at 8:00 A.M.

The newbies start off as ranch hands and work their way up to trainers.

A couple of the guys are real naturals, but I'm hopin' with your techniques you'll take 'em to the next level.

I'll do my best.

Inmate: Looks like a good day, huh?

Joe: Ty?


What the hell?

Ty Borden rockin' the cowboy boots.

What's up, buddy, give me a hug.

Ty: (Surprised gasp)

Hell really has frozen over.

Look at you.

What're you doin' here?

About five years.

Yeah, three on good behaviour.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dreams ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

Joe: You know...
(Grunts with effort)

Last I heard, Clint had you working at some ranch. Yeah, Heartland.

Am still there, if you can believe it.

No kiddin'?

Ty: Yeah.

Clint's even got...
(Strains with effort)

One of his new kids workin' there now.

It's kind of weird, actually.

It makes me feel old.

Clint Riley, the only probation officer with a catchphrase.

Joe and Ty: "Duly noted.
" (Laugh)


Hey, do me a favour and uh...

Don't tell Clint I landed in jail, all right?


What happened, man?

What happened, what happened...

Uh, I was doing really good for a while.

I was. I had, uh, had my own place.

Oh yeah?

Had a job doing construction and then, uh...

Then the recession hit.

Didn't work for a few months and then...

I started doing jobs for a friend.


Yeah, "deliveries."


I know, I know, but the money was so good, man.

Anyways, that's, uh, that's boring.

How about you, Ty?

You look like you're doing good, man.

Uh, yeah, I guess.

I'm going back to school.

I'm thinking about becoming a vet.

A vet? Yeah.

(Chuckling) A vet.

That's great, man.

That's really good.

I'm proud of you, Ty.

Thanks, man.

Badger: I can't believe we have to spend the week picking berries for some old lady.

You'll like Mrs. bell.

Yeah, well, she won't like me.

Old ladies usually just hit me with their purses.

Before or after you try and mug them?

Slow down, hey?

I just wanna get this over with.

What's with the bad mood?

It's my normal mood.

Does this have something to do with the phone call you got this morning?


Well, who was it?


What does he want?

What time to pick me up.

Where are you going?


You're leaving?

Yeah, on Friday.

Just like that, you're leaving?

Summer's over.

It's not like I really have much choice.

So where is this crazy old lady?

She's not crazy.

(Bees buzz loudly)
Don't come any closer.

The bees are in a terrible mood today.

(Bees buzz loudly)

Amy: Now, if he goes to blow up, just ease way back, okay?

Maintain control with the halter and lead rope, and if he goes to buckin' just let him get it out, okay?

We don't force anything.

Who wants to give it a try?

Inmate: Why not?

Amy: Okay.

All right.

Inmate 2: Not much to it, eh?

Inmate 3: Careful.

Good job out there.

Thanks, but I don't think I'm teaching them anything they don't already know.

You kiddin'? The guys are eatin' it up.

They just act like they know everything.

They don't want a girl showing 'em up.

All right, that's good.

Now just try the other side too.

Hey, guys.


I see you met Joe.

Uh, yeah, I used to, uh, I used to know him.

Amy: So why isn't he out here with all the rest of the trainers?

Well, Joe's one of our new guys so he does mostly ranch work.

Ah, he's pretty smart though. He'd make a great trainer.

Maybe Amy could, uh, show him the ropes, get him started with one of those mustangs?

I don't know. I had him working with a couple of my more experienced guys about a month back.

It didn't go well.

What happened?

He's got a lot of fear and a short fuse.

Not a good combination when it comes to horse training.

Ty: Well, maybe Amy could spend some time with him.

You're more than welcome to give it a shot.

Val: No, that one goes on the other side.

I just thought a few flower pots would spruce the place up a little.

You can't just spring this stuff on us, mom.

Look, we may be renters, but we have rights.

I think what Ashley is trying to say is we would appreciate a heads-up on this sort of thing.

And you're absolutely right.

From now on, no more surprises, I promise.

You know what?

That was better where it was before.

(Annoyed sigh)

You're gonna have to excuse me.

I gotta keep an eye on these guys; they have no taste whatsoever.

I'm standing right here.

Wait'll you see the water feature I'm putting in.

It's gonna be so good!

Right this way, dears.

The others have already started.

Mallory: Others?

Badger: Great!

Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse.

All right my little worker bees, I'll "bee" back later with some refreshments.


Badger: Gee, I hope it's tea and digestive cookies.

Jamie: Did you guys see those bee hives back there?

Yeah, since when does Mrs. bell keep bees?

We should totally go check out the hives later.

No way. If I get stung, I'll swell up like a watermelon.

Badger: Yeah, I'd love to see that.

Two points!

Yeah, let's just get to work.

Here, you'll need this.

Thanks, Jake.

(Branch snaps)

Joe: Look, I've tried the horse training thing before, guys.

I'm just no good at it.

Well, how come you're in this program then?

Well, it gets me out of prison during the days.

I don't mind the work.

I'm getting pretty handy with manure.

Well, horse training's all about taking control.

You're a natural leader. You can do this.

Thanks, buddy, but I don't know.

I think it would take a miracle to make me into a trainer, you know?

Well, they don't call Amy "the miracle girl" for nothin'.


Okay, Joe.

I want you to take a look around, pick a horse that's right for you and don't think about it too much.

Just use your instincts.

Right, my instincts.

(Horse snuffles)

(Hooves clop)

(Horse whinnies and snorts)

That one.

I don't know about that one, Joe.

He seems a little...
(Horse whinnies and snorts)

No, he's definitely the one.

(Horse snorts)


(Horse snorts loudly, hooves pound)

Joe: Come on, let's go!

Move it.

Move it.
(Horse whinnies shrilly)

Come on.

(Horse snorts loudly)

Come on, let's go!

Amy: That's good. Keep him movin'.

Joe: Yeah, I'm gettin' a little dizzy.

Amy: That's all right, just focus on the horse.

Keep him moving.

Joe: Come on! Move it! Let's go!

Come on, buddy, let's go! Come on!

Come on, let's go!
(Loud echoing clank)

Younger Joe: Let's go!

Come on, buddy, let's go.

All right, come on.

Younger Ty: (Grunts)

(Glass shatters)

Younger Joe: Come on.

Go, go, go.

Amy: Okay, now slow him down.

Joe: I'm trying.

Amy: Take the pressure off, okay? Just use your voice.

Joe: Whoa, buddy.


It's not working!

Just stay calm, Joe.

Joe: Whoa!

(Grunts and thumps)

Amy: You okay? Joe: Yeah.

Amy: That was good for your first try.

He just got a little bit wound up.

Oh, no kidding.

He's trying to k*ll me!

If he picks up on your fear, he's gonna test your boundaries.

Yeah? Tell someone who cares.

Joe, come on, man. Don't worry about that.

Yeah, I suck with horses, all right?

It's your first day.

Come on, you'll get this.


It'll go better tomorrow.

Look, I want you to stop, okay?

I get you used to look up to me or whatever at the group home, but we're not kids anymore.

I'm just trying to help. I don't want your help!

I'm real happy you're doing so well, Ty, I am, but having you around, it just makes me feel like a loser.

Listen, Joe- no, you listen!

Shoveling crap and group showers, that's pretty much my life now, and training some horse isn't gonna change that.

You need to lay off.

Hey, we should all go see a movie tonight.

Maybe get a bite first.

Mallory: Sure. Sounds fun.

Badger: Yeah, I'll probably call it a night, but you go.

What is your problem?

First, you tell me you're leaving and then you bail on this double date?

I don't do double dates.

Okay, then we'll do something else.

(Sighs) Whatever.

I'm exhausted.

Let me know when Jack gets here.

Jake and Jamie: (Laugh)


Amy: You know, I hate to admit it, but I think Keith's right about Joe.

He just...

He seems too impatient to gentle a mustang.

He just needs time, okay? Give him a chance.

I don't know.

I mean, he doesn't seem that into it.

He will be.

Well, I don't want to force him into something that he doesn't want to do.

I think I know Joe pretty well.

Can we just try again tomorrow please?

Why is this so important to you?

I owe Joe a few favours.


Jack: You're up late.

Couldn't sleep.

So I hear you're leaving us.


End of the week.

So what're your plans after you head back to the city?

I don't know.

I'll be eighteen in a couple months, out of the system by then.

I figure I can pretty much do whatever I want.

Well, that doesn't sound like much of a plan.

How about I talk to Clint and maybe you could stay on here for a while?

No offence, but...

I think I've had enough of the ranch life for a while.

Yeah, fair enough.

You know, I don't pretend to be an expert, but I'm pretty sure these drawings aren't half bad.

You ever thought about studying art?

Yeah, sure.

The only way to get into art school is to finish high school first.

Considering I've been kicked out of pretty much every school in Calgary, I don't really see that happening.

(Warning beeps from a truck backing up)

Ashley: (Groaning sigh) Caleb!

Caleb: (Frustated) Argh! What now?

Val: Keep comin'!

(Truck beeps)

Come on! Little more!

Caleb: I thought your mother said no more surprises.

Ashley: She lied.

Look, I know you tried to be polite with her yesterday, but that does not work with my mother.


You got a better plan?

Look, the only way to deal with her is through guilt and fear.

And if that doesn't work: Screaming.


Like it or not, she's our landlord now.

If things go South, then we're out on the street, so...

You just let me handle it, all right?

(Door opens)

Ty: You got that saddle on wrong.

You keep pulling on that cinch he's gonna kick.

Joe: I think I get why you want me to go all mustang whisperer.

This whole horse thing straightened you out and...

You think a dose of the same medicine might do me some good.

Am I right?

Well, it didn't sound as stupid in my head.

Well, I got myself into this mess, Ty; I'm the only one who can get myself out.


You remember that, uh...

That crazy homeless guy who used to hang out by the group home?

Guy was convinced he was a Saudi prince.

Bob the Saudi prince.

Yeah, I remember him.

Always swigging that wild turkey and yelling at the top of his lungs: "One day I'll be king!"

I repeat that same line to myself everyday.

"One day I'll be king."

In here, today and tomorrow pretty much suck.

One day, that's all I got.

Look, man, don't give up on this horse training thing, all right?

You saw me out there, I stink.

Ah, you just need some practice.

All right.

Three to five years, you'll be a real pro.

You punk.


Jake: Hey.

Jamie: (Giggles)

Jake: Hey!

Jamie: (Giggles)

This sucks.

I can't wait to get back to my real life.

Your real life?

Yeah, in Calgary.

Okay, if being here with me isn't a part of your real life, then why am I wasting my time with you?

You know, I'm the one wasting my time.

You're a jerk!

Oh, I'm the jerk?

Yeah, I wish you'd never even come to Heartland!

No you don't. Yes I do!

No, you don't, because you know what?

If I never came to Heartland, who would you be using to make Jake jealous?

What are you talking about?

You know, maybe we should start making out right now.

I'm sure it would drive him insane.

Stop it!

Don't act so innocent.

I overheard you talking to Amy.

I know you're all about Jake.

And in my opinion that kind of makes you the jerk.


Lou, all I want to do is scan the damn picture into the computer, but it keeps telling me my teeth are blue.

What does that mean?

Blue teeth, bluetooth, it's all Greek to me, Lou.

What's that? Say that again.

I can't understand a word you're sayin'.

Who is that talking in the background?

Call to prayer?

Well, tell 'em to pray for me 'cause divine intervention is the only way I'm gonna figure this one out.

Val: Those go here.

No, those. Here.

So I'm thinking of planting an herb garden over there by the fence.

That could be fun, huh?

Super fun.
Ashley: Uh, just out of curiousity, how many projects do you have planned exactly?

Well, gardening is a start.

This trailer has got to go.

I don't know, but I can tell you one thing: By the time I'm finished with this place it'll be worthy of a Stanton.

(Small laugh)

Maybe it's not worthy of a Stanton, but I'm an Odell now and this trailer suits me just fine.

Ashley, you can't be serious.

I mean, roughing it can have its charms, kind of like backpacking across Europe, I guess, but I can tell you right now the thrill of living in this dump, it's gonna wear off pretty quickly.

I can't believe how closed-minded you are.

I didn't raise you to live like this.

I raised you to have a sense of self-worth.

I do have a sense of self-worth, which is why I'm not gonna let you push me around anymore.

(Dismissive laugh)

I've been reading up on Hudson renter rights and you can't just show up here whenever you want.

Is that a fact?

Landlords are required by law to give their tenants written notice twenty-four hours before entering the property.

(Angry huff)


If it's a written notice you want, that's exactly what you're gonna get.

Amy: That's real good. You're doing great.

Just keep him at a steady pace.

Joe: Come on.

Come on!

Amy: Now just stay calm, okay?

That's really good, Joe. Just keep him going.

Come on, keep it together.

Younger Joe: Keep it together, buddy.

Younger Ty: (Loud clanking) Whoa!

Younger Joe: (Police siren sounds) Stay calm.

Younger Ty: (Loud bang) Oh!

Younger Joe: Calm down. Come here.

Amy: Just calm down, okay?

He's picking up on your fear.

(Horse snorts)

Joe: No, screw this!

He's got it in for me!

Pull the plug. The horse is too riled up.

Can I just try somethin'?


Amy: (Sighs)

Come on now.
(Clicks teeth)

(Clicks teeth) Get up!

(Horse snorts)

(Clicks teeth)

(Horse snorts)

No way.

Come here.

You're kiddin', right?

I'm dead serious. Get over here.

Good boy.

Good boy.


(Horse snorts softly)

(Surprised exhale)

Amy: So whatcha gonna name him?

How 'bout, uh...

How about Bob the Saudi prince?


Joe: (Chuckles)

Amy: Good boy.

Badger: Mallory!

Come on, where'd you go?

(Grunts in frustration)

(Bees buzz)


(Bees buzz)

(Bees buzz loudly)


(Hand slap) Ah!

(Grass rustles, hard thump)

(Wheezes and gasps for air)

Mrs. bell: Mallory, I was just about to have some tea.

Why don't you join me?

I didn't mean to interrupt.

Oh, don't be silly. Sit down.

Look, try the tea with some of my honey.

The only thing better is my jam.

So tell me, dear, which boy is it?

Excuse me?

You don't have to beat around the bush with me; you can cut the tension out there with a knife.


It's kinda both, actually.

Everything's really messed up.

I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life.

I wasn't much older than you when I lost my Thomas.

I thought I was gonna be alone for the rest of my life too.

But then Mr. bell came along, right?

Oh yes, but many years later.

Were you lonely?

A little.

But I knew I couldn't let being alone stop me from doing all the things I wanted to do.

So I went ahead and I became a rodeo queen, travelled to Japan.

I even climbed mount Kilimanjaro.

Wow! That's amazing.

I was the bee's knees.

And then, when Mr. bell came along, it was a happy surprise.

So no more talk of being alone.

I promise you, Mallory, there are many adventures and many, many happy surprises to come, boys or no boys.

(Teacups clink)

Now, easy.

He's a little bit sensitive there, okay?

So just take the pressure off if he reacts.


How do you put up with him?

Well, it takes a lot of patience to gentle a mustang.

Not the horse, Ty.


Well, um, we've had our ups and downs, but we make it work.

I can tell he's crazy about ya.

I'm pretty crazy about him too.

Well, he lucked out, didn't he?

Job, school, the pretty girl.

He's really got it all.

You know, Joe, it's getting late.

I gonna go check in with Keith.

Yeah, okay.

I'm just gonna stay, uh... I'll stay here with him, work with him a bit more.

Okay, sure.

Good work.

Let's check on the others.

(Truck rumbles)

Caleb: What is this?

Ashley: Ah, probably just another bill.

Caleb: This is an eviction notice.

(Door bangs shut) What?!

Are you serious?!

You said something to your mom, didn't you?



Okay, so I had a conversation.


Did I or did I not tell you that I was gonna take care of it?

Well, you didn't. And besides, I just told her that she couldn't show up here without a written notice!

Written notice for an eviction.

(Exasperated sigh)

Jack: Please tell me you know what blue teeth are.

Val: Why don't we just stick to old-fashioned wires.

No blue teeth involved, okay?

Amen to that. You want coffee?

Yeah, please.

Actually, Jack, I am really glad you called me today.

Jack: Oh?

Val: Yeah.

Ashley's driving me crazy.

Of course what else is new, right?

Jack: (Chuckles)

I don't know how you do it, Jack.

Jack: Do what?

Val: Your grandkids.

They listen to you, they respect you...

Jack: Well, yeah, I hope they respect me, but they certainly don't always listen to me.

Val: Sure they do.

Well, if that were true, Lou wouldn't have married an oil guy and Amy wouldn't be off teaching a bunch of criminals to gentle mustangs.

And doesn't that drive you crazy?

Yeah, sometimes.

But, well, they're adults now.

They have to make their own decisions and their own mistakes.

The best I can hope for is that they're happy.

I guess.
(Scanner whirs)

(Gasps) Look at that! We have lift-off!

Val, you are a genius!

(Laugh, slap hands)

Mallory: Hey, have you guys seen Badger?

He left a while ago.

Said he was gonna look for you.

Jake: He's probably taking a nap.

I think I'm gonna go look for him.

I'm coming too.

I'm sick of picking berries.

Come on!

Go on.

(Horse whinnies, chain clanks on fence)

Hi-yah! Come on!
(Horses whinny loudly)

Get! Get!
(Horse hooves thunder)

Come on!

(Horse hooves thunder)

(Horse whinnies)

Keith: What the hell?

(Horses whinny loudly, hooves thunder)

Keith: Come on, guys, go get 'em!

Inmates: (Shout to each other)

(Horses whinny)

Mallory: Where is he?

Jamie: Maybe he hitchhiked home.

(Bees buzz loudly)

Badger: (Coughs and gasps)

Mallory: Badger?

I told you he was taking a nap.

Badger: (Wheezes and coughs)

Badger, are you okay?

Badger: (Coughs)

Mallory: What's wrong?! What's happening?!


(Strained inhale)

Oh my God. He's totally dying!

He's having an allergic reaction.

Badger: (Wheezes and gasps)


(Grimaces and grunts)

He's gonna be fine.

(Inhales deeply)

How'd the horses get out?

I don't know.

Is that Joe?


Ty, what are you doing?

I'm going after him.

No, Ty, this is crazy! We've gotta tell Keith.

No, Amy, you don't understand!

I do understand! This is crazy!

I can't just rat him out! I owe him more than that.

What do you owe him?

Everything. Now let go.


(Horse hooves thunder)

Ty: Joe!

Pull up!

(Horse hooves echo)

(Police siren wails)

Younger Joe: Door! Try it, try it.

Go, go!

(Horse hooves thunder)

(Police siren wails)

Younger Ty: No, it's locked!

Younger Joe: All right, all right, all right. Come on.

Give me your foot.

Come on, buddy, get in! Get!

(Police siren arrives)

Younger Ty: Here, here!

(Police siren squacks)

Come on! Joe!

Younger Joe: Get outta here!

Go, now! Get!

Police officer: Don't move!

Turn around.

Hands behind your head.

(Handcuffs click)

(Horse hooves thunder)

Ty: Pull up! Joe: Get outta here, Ty!

Ty: Pull up!

(Horse whinnies)

Ty and Joe: (Grunt and thump hard)

Joe: (Grunts in pain)

Ty: What are you doing, man?!

You gotta go back!

I can't go back.

Five years, man, I can't do that.

Look, I'm sure it's really nice living on some fancy farm with a pretty girlfriend, but that's not in my future!

If you run away, you have no future.

What happened to "one day"?

One day? One day is a lie.

No, it's not.

I'm proof that it's not.

No, I'm not you!

Where are you gonna go, man?

I don't know!

(Sighs heavily)

Everything's so messed up, buddy.

You remember that night...

Before I left for heartland?

We broke into that brewery?

Yeah, yeah, I remember.

The cops chased us and I got away, thanks to you, and you spent a year in detention.

I never felt right about that.

Well, there's nothing you could've done, Ty.

If I would have got arrested that night, I never would have made it to Heartland; I never would have met Amy.

My whole life would have been different.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do.

I owe you, man.

I owe you big.


So I'm not gonna leave you this time, even if I have to drag you behind my horse.

(Laughs weakly)

Ah, sure.

Give me your hand.

Come on.

(Violent punch)

Sorry, buddy.

Ty: (Grunts)

(Heaving grunt)

Agh! Get off of me, Ty!

Ty: What the hell is wrong with you, man?!

Joe: (Breathing hard)

The girls went to go get help.

I didn't even know I was allergic to bees.

Thanks for, uh, well...


So if you used your epipen, uh...

What happens if you get stung?

Two boots, two epipens.



For what it's worth, you're the one Mallory cares about, not me.

I guess the better man won.

What're you doing, man?

Joe: (Sighs)

I don't know.

I had a girl back in Calgary.

She was pregnant when I got arrested, now she won't have anything to do with me.

She had a boy; I have a son.

I don't want to be like my dad, you know.

I don't want to, uh, I don't want to miss all the important stuff because I'm stuck in prison.

So what are you gonna do?

(Sighs heavily)

I don't know.

If you get caught, you won't see your son until he's old enough to hate you.

If you go back, three years from now, you might still have a chance with him.

(Sighs heavily)

But it's your call.

Guard: We've got everyone except for Joe.

Keith: Did you check the barn?

Guard: I checked everywhere.

Ty: (Quietly) Good boy.

Joe: Thanks, man.


Sorry I'm late.

When nature calls, you know.

Cutting it a little close, don't you think?

(Relieved sigh)

Thanks for all your hard work today, Amy.

No problem.

So, did you have a nice ride with Joe?

Oh, we were just uh...

Don't waste your breath.

I've been around long enough to know that sometimes when you're breaking a horse, you have to break the rider first.

See you two tomorrow.

I wanted to apologize.

For what?

I haven't been acting like myself all summer and I didn't want it to seem like I don't care, because I do.

And I wanted to tell you that... um...

Jamie and I are sort of... You know.


That's okay, actually, because I have to climb mount Kilimanjaro on my own.

You're a great guy, Jake, and Jamie's a lucky girl.

You're welcome here anytime.

I'm sure Ashley didn't mean what she said.

(Dismissive sigh)
She meant every word.

Ashley hasn't changed since she was twelve.

She's still a petulant, ungrateful child.

Careful, that's my wife.

She's not ready to be anybody's wife.

Ah, you'd be wrong then.

(Patronizing laugh, light chest slaps)

Just you wait.

You know, the first three years of any relationship, that's the honeymoon.

After that things get tougher.

And when this marriage falls apart, who do you think she's gonna come running to?

(Surprised gasp)

I am Ashley's husband.

So from now on, you're gonna treat me with respect, and you're gonna treat Ashley with respect too.

Otherwise you're just gonna have no place in our life.

And if you choose to evict us, I'm gonna move Ashley so far from Hudson the only time you'll ever see her is on Facebook.


One more thing: Just get that ugly, granny-looking fountain out of my yard.

(Door opens)

(Nervous sigh)


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

(Horse hooves thud lightly)

Whoa, buddy.

Easy there.


(Clicks teeth) Let's go.

Atta boy, Bob.

(Happy chuckle) Right?

Feels pretty good.

(Nervously) Uh, all right.

Jack: Were you planning on saying goodbye before you left?

Yeah, I'm probably gonna give Ty a call when I get back to the city.

Goodbyes aren't really my style.

Yeah, well, I get that.

What's this?

Greenwest High School for visual and performing arts?

Yeah, I, uh...

I hope you don't mind, but I sent some of your drawings over there.

They liked what they saw.

Said they were willing to take a chance on your less than stellar school record.

You should talk to them about late enrollment if you're interested.

I... this is...

T-thank you.

Yeah, I figure that working on a ranch and getting through school have two things in common: Hard work and dealing with a lot of crap.

Well, you got the crap part down.

The hard work? I'm not so sure.

But it'll come if you want it.

Thank you.

Good luck.

♪ Everyone around ♪
♪ wants to give you their thanks ♪

Well, this summer definitely wasn't boring.

Best summer I ever had.

Well, I know you don't like goodbyes, so...

♪ These are twisted times ♪
♪ when trust and truth collide ♪

(Car starts up)

♪ And when a stranger's love ♪
♪ can make your heart explode ♪

Badger: Hold on.

♪ I want to give it all back ♪
♪ if I can give it all back ♪

Something to remember me by.

♪ 'Cause all you did for them ♪

(Car starts up)

♪ You also did for us ♪
♪ what you've done ♪
♪ is not yours alone ♪