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04x09 - Local Hero

Posted: 12/06/10 23:07
by bunniefuu
Caleb: This is an eviction notice.


Said something to your mom, didn't you?

I invited Chase to the party tonight.

You did?


I'm Ashley's husband, and if you choose to evict us, I'm gonna move Ashley so far from Hudson the only time you'll ever see her is on Facebook.

(Small laugh) What's this?

Open it up.

(Reading) Tonight you will receive the perfect kiss.

I gotta go tell her.

Amy, don't.

Soraya: Amy! There's just something that I need to tell you.

(Cows moo loudly, ranch hands yell)

Ranch hand: Come on! Yah! Yah!

(ATV motor whirs)

Tim: (Grunts)

Man with g*n: (r*fle cocks) Don't even think about it!


Tim: Hey, no.

(r*fle shot booms)

(Cows moo loudly)

Trent: Come on, McBride, let's get these calves loaded.

Hurry up. Come on.

Calf: (Moos wildly)

(Fence clanks loudly)

(McBride grunts, calf moos loudly)

Damn calf!

What are you doin'?

I'm on it. Naw, look, forget about it.

You're gonna let $600 bucks just run into the woods?

We know where it's going.

We can pick it up when we move the cows out.

Come on.

(Doors squeaks)

(Doors slam shut)

(Latch bangs)

(Tires crunch on road)

Amy: You know, it's gonna be so weird, you going to school and me staying home.

Ty: Lou's coming back.

You guys'll spend some time together.

Yeah, I know, but it's September.

(Mewling sound)
Amy... I mean, usually I'm the one getting ready to go to school.

No, Amy, listen.

(Mewling sound)

You hear that?

Yeah, and he doesn't sound happy.

(Mewling sound)

(Truck rumbles)

Jack: Boy, these days, between you and Lisa, I've been doing a lot of back and forth to the airport.

Lou: I told you I could take a cab, grampa.

All I'm saying is...

Well, you're turning into quite the world traveller.

A non-stop flight to Houston, a hop, skip and a jump and here I am.

It's more like a commute.

Well, whatever you call it, I'm always happy to see you.

Lou: Thank you.

But, you know, everybody's gonna be asking...

Why I'm back so soon.

Yeah, something like that.

This is my home.

Do I really need a reason to wt t to be with my family?

I don't think so.

Neither do I.

This is really heavy. Can you take it?


(Jack grunts) Oh, careful.


(Loud mooing nearby)

Amy: Ty, look.

Ty: Oh, must have got separated from his mother.

Amy: Poor guy. He's stuck.

(Loud moo)

Ty: What's with the rope?

I don't see any brand.

No tags.

Aw... hey, bud.

Well, somebody's gonna want him back.

Take it easy, buddy.

Tim: Lou?

Ah, hey, hey! Welcome back, honey.

Lou: Hi, dad.

Tim: Wow! You must be racking up the frequent flyer miles, huh?

What's the occasion?

Crisis in the middle east?

Maybe. Just a theory.

Lou: You know, Mallory, if you want to help out, why don't you give me a hand with my luggage?

Listen, I appreciate everyone's interest in my travel plans, I really do, but I'm not in the mood for a big q-and-a right now.

What I am in the mood for is a hot shower, so, if you'll excuse me.

Tim: Okay.

Mallory: Don't worry about your luggage, I'm all over it!

You might need a forklift.


Ty: (Grunts) All right.

Amy: Okay, just bring him back a little.

Give me some slack.

All right, there we go.

(Calf moos loudly)

Okay, all good.

Ty: Easy, guy... There you go.

All right.
(Calf moos loudly)

No, wait! Come here!
(Calf moos wildly)

Amy: Ty!

Ty: Hey, come back here!

Amy: (Gasps) Ty!

Ty: Hey!
(Calf moos loudly)

Amy: Get him! Get him! Ty: (Laughing)

Amy: (Laughing) Grab his rope!

Ty: Come here, buddy!
(Calf moos)

Hey, come on back!

Amy: Don't jump on it! Just grab it!

Ty: (Laughing)

Amy: Get him! Ty: I'm gonna get him!

(Calf moos)

Amy: (Breathless) You okay? Come on!

Amy and Ty: (Panting)

Ty: Whoa.

Amy: Oh, poor thing. He must be looking for his mom.

Ty: Yeah.

Well, look at that.

(Cows moo)

Hey, check out the brand.

Ty, it looks like my dad's brand.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sink into your dreams ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

(Music plays in diner)

Hey, look at this.

Someone sent me an airplane ticket.

It's probably some Internet scam.

Where's it to?

Uh, Abbotsford, Tuesday.

Why would anyone send you an airplane ticket to Abbotsford of all places?

It's gotta be a mistake.

Uh, maybe not.

Chase is gonna be there giving a clinic.

Ashley: (Reading) Calgary to Abbotsford Tuesday, Abbotsford to Calgary Wednesday?

I mean, he said he wanted me to come, but school's starting.

I didn't take him seriously.

Uh, an airplane ticket is pretty serious.

No boy ever sent me one.

I didn't figure I'd be seeing you two till suppertime.

Ty: Yeah, well, something came up.

Whose calf is that?

Amy: I think it's yours, dad.

Take a look.

That's my brand.

Amy: Yeah, I think we may have found your stolen cows.

You kidding me? Let me...

That's my brand.


Well, where a t they?

Amy: So we drove in off the highway about ten minutes to here, and then we parked the trucks at the end of this road right here.

Tim: That's not exactly prime cattle country.

Ty: And we found the calf somewhere in this area here.

And I think he's an orphan, 'cause we couldn't find his mom and that's why we brought him back here.

That's arrowhead ridge.

As far as I know, nobody's been leasing that land for years.

Well, they are now.

Well, that doesn't make much sense.

Yeah, why would someone steal cattle and then just keep them for two years?

What's in it for them?

Ah, well, it's next to impossible to put branded cattle on the market, especially if it's not your brand.

The calves - they don't have a brand... they're easy to sell, there's no questions asked.

Tim: Well, I'm done with the questions.

Jack: Where are you going? Just hold up there!

Lou: Hey, Mallory, whatever happened to helping me with my luggage?

Did I miss something?

(Door slams hard)

Jack: What the hell do you think you're gonna do?

I'm going to get my cows!

When are you gonna get it through your head?

Someone steals your cattle, you go to the police.

Oh, 'cause they did such a good job last time.

Come on, Jack, if they were your cows, what would you do?

You know damn well what I'd do and you're gonna do it too.

(Frustrated sigh)


Okay, I'll go fill out some paperwork.


I don't need a babysitter.

You start mouthin' off to the cops you'll need more than a babysitter.

Let's go.

Forget it, no way.

(Seat belt clicks)

Hi, Ashley.


I know you've been avoiding me.

Look, the...

The eviction notice was a terrible mistake, one I deeply regret.

Honey, the last thing I want is for you to ever move away.

So what do you want, mom?
'Cause I'm kinda busy.

I want to put things right.

I'm your mom.

I don't even want to be your landlord.

Are you saying you want us to move?


No, I...

We've just got to stop fighting about where you live and how you live.

And who I live with!

The lot your trailer is on, I want to give it to you.

Are you serious?

Yes, absolutely.

Wow! I can't believe that!

Wait till I tell Caleb!

No, no, now...

See, that's the thing.

This is a gift for you alone and your marriage complicates it just a little.

So you want me to get a divorce?

I knew it.

No, Ashley, exactly the opposite.

You just have to sign a marriage contract.

Like a pre-nup?

Yeah, yeah.

Except you went ahead and got married without one.

But we can fix that now, too.

You know, I was really glad to hear you were coming home.

Yeah, it was... Kind of last minute.

Last minute, huh?

You sure brought a lot of luggage.

How long are you staying for?

See this? Peter got it for me at this amazing floating boutique hotel on our second...

No, maybe it was our third, honeymoon.


Well, it's really, really nice.

You can have it.

You serious?

Yeah, it's not like I'll be wearing it around here.

What happens if you and Peter go on your fourth or fifth or maybe sixth honeymoon, and he says, "remember that cute little dress I got you?

Why don't you wear that one?"

I don't think that's gonna happen.

But I really don't want to talk about it.

Mallory: You don't want to talk about what?

Amy and Lou: Nothing.

Mallory: Oh, I get it.

"Nothing" doesn't really mean nothing.

It just means nothing that involves me.

Well, I've been getting that a lot lately.

Here's your luggage, Lou!
(Luggage thunks heavily)

(Receding footsteps)

She's been a little touchy lately.

Her parents are on tour and she's going back to school on Tuesday and something happened with her and Badger, but she doesn't want to talk about it.

Ah, well, I know exactly how she feels.

Jack: You see? That's the way to go.

You make a police report, you set the whole thing in motion.

Tim: Yeah, okay, you don't have to say it again.

You were right.

Murphy: Mr. Fleming?


I just checked the database.

I had trouble locating your report.

Do you remember the date that you filed it?

Well, how the hell should I know?

That was over two years ago.

I was in the hospital!

Okay, the two year thing might be a problem.

Uh, look, we're gonna have to either get you to file a new report or I gotta send someone down to the archives to...

You do know this isn't about forms, right?

It's about cattle!

Of course he knows.

And I understand your frustration, Mr. Fleming, I do, there's just a process that has to be adhered to.

Oh, you think the rustlers are following the same process?

Okay, there's the information you need to re-file.

What language is this?

That's the u-r-l for the Alberta livestock identification website.

Just go online, you download a PDF of the missing or reported stolen cattle report, just fill out the particulars and you can fax it back to that toll free number, and then someone from the livestock investigation unit will get back to you.

Jack: Website?! PDF?!

Tim: Jack-
Jack: U-r-l-m-n-o-p?!

Jack: What the hell is this?!

No! That's their job! We're not doin' all their work!

Hey, do we tell you to come and muck out our barn?!

What happened "to serve and protect"?

What happened to getting off your ass...

Tim: I'll be in the truck!

Jack: And doing some actual police work?!

(Door slams loudly)

Shut up.

(Snickers, truck starts up)

She's giving you the land?

Two and a half acres...

You could build a real house on that.

Yeah, but you know my mom...

There's always a catch.

She wants us to sign a marriage contract.

Is that really such a big deal?

I mean, I know you love Caleb and you want to share everything with him, but you never know, maybe one day you're gonna want something to call your own.

You sound just like my mom.

She's giving you the chance to be independent, ash.

I mean, what happens if Caleb gets hurt again?

(Chuckling) Or, you know, he got sued 'cause his horse kicked someone in the head?

He's a rodeo cowboy.

Oh, and Chase Powers is like what?

An investment banker?

Where did that come from?

I'm just saying that you're being all sensible and mature, when the same girl is willing to drop everything, and I mean everything, as soon as her boyfriend gives her an airplane ticket.

It's only frosh week and I wouldn't even be missing any classes.

Plus, I haven't even made up my mind yet.

Sounds to me like you have.

(Cutlery clinks)

Well, I'll tell ya, he was...

(Chuckling) He was this close to getting arrested for assaulting a police officer!

I would have paid to have seen that!

I confess, words were spoken, but it never went further than that.

Yeah, that's 'cause I had to haul your butt outta there before they put you in jail.

All: (Laughing)

You guys!

It's good to be back.

And it's great to have you back, Lou, but no one's buying it.

Um, I'm sorry? Buying what?

Mallory: The whole happy-to-be-back act.

And it's not just me...

Everyone wants to know what's really going on!


Oh sure.

Like you don't want to know the real story...

Why Lou's here and Peter isn't?

Tim: Well, the question's crossed my mind.


Well, dad, have you asked grampa where Lisa is?

Is she in France? Again?

Or dad, um, I don't see Janice at the table.

What are you doing here?

Or Amy, are we gonna have to ask where Ty is for the next four years while he's at school in Calgary?

Okay, Lou, we get it.

Look, all I'm saying is, where does it say that a coupe has to be by each other's side every minute?

Like, who says that just 'cause you get married, suddenly you're joined at the hip?

Like where is this law written down that says two people, who just happen to be married, can't live their own lives?!

Well, I gotta say I sure missed your cooking, Lou.

How about a little garlic toast?

Tim: Yeah, the food looks great.

(Mouth full) Perfect.

Amy: You know, Ty, this is fascinating.

This anatomy and physiology of farm animals.

Yeah, well, for a real thrill, check this out.

Principles of chemistry.


Complete with illustrations.

(Sighs) You know...

It's sort of true what Lou was saying.

Almost all the couples we know are living separate lives.

Well, except Caleb and Ashley.

Ty: And you and me.

Unless you're planning on going somewhere?

You're the one who's going somewhere!

I mean...

Chatting with your classmates about bio-molecules and nucleic acids and...

Both: (Chuckle)

Ty: By the time I get home, I'll be sick of talking.

Who was it that said that talking was overrated?

Was that you? I think it was.

Both: (Giggling)


(Rooster crows)

Lou: Look, I'm not saying you haven't done a great job up till now, but summer's over, and you're gonna be starting university, so...

Soraya: Exactly. Summer's over, so bookings are way down.

I mean, even with classes, I can manage a half-empty dude ranch.

I don't know, Soraya, that's a lot to handle.

You didn't come all the way from Dubai to give me a performance review.

Obviously not.


I just needed to be home, that's all.

Just like Peter needs to be in Dubai.

So... you think you can have your own life and be married at the same time?

(Snorts lightly)

Well, um...


It took me and Peter awhile to figure it out, but, yeah.

It's a balancing act.

You know, I'm in the middle of a this long distance thing too, but I'm having trouble figuring out the rules.

There are no rules, except get a good cell phone plan.

And besides that, you just figure it out as you go along.

Well, that's what I was doing until Chase sends me an airline ticket.

He wants me to go to Abbotsford, but the timing is just really bad and...

I don't know if I'm ready.

Chase Powers? Like Amy's Chase?

Uh, I guess they did a clinic together.

Right, um... You know, Amy never mentioned anything about this.

I didn't know you guys were an item.

Yeah, we don't really talk about it.

I get the feeling she has an issue with him.

Well, I wouldn't know anything about that, Soraya, but one thing I do know is that when you're ready to go away with a guy, you're not gonna need to ask anybody.

You'll just know.

Ashley: I'm not an idiot. I know this marriage contract is about more than a couple acres of land.

Ty: So, how much do we owe you, ash?

It's just so that my mom can make sure that Caleb doesn't ever touch a cent of the Stanton money.

Ashley, I'm sure, in her own way, your mom's just trying to protect you.

That's what Soraya said, but, I mean, what does she know?

She's supposed to be starting university, but instead she's flying off to see Chase at some clinic.


Amy: You know, maybe the person you should be talking to is not me or Soraya, maybe it's Caleb.

Just tell him and see what he says.

Yeah, great idea, Amy.

I'll tell my husband that my mom thinks he's just after our money; that'll be fun.

Ty: (Sighs heavily)

(Calf moos loudly)

(Muted music from iPod plays)

(Loud mooing continues)

(Music gets louder on iPod player)

(Loud mooing continues)

(Manure thumps loudly into bin)

Oh my gosh!

(Music on iPod cuts off)

(Calf moos loudly)

Poor thing... Nobody loves you.

I feel your pain.

But maybe this milk will make you shut up.

All right?

Little cow, I've got something for you.

Your mom's milk - two percent.



(Calf moos loudly)

Come here, cow!

Two percent! Come on!

Stupid cow, come here!

Slow down!

You can't just drink the milk.

Come on, drink the milk.

(Cow moos wildly, Mallory shrieks)

You stupid cow!

Jack: You okay?

(Chuckling) What are you doin', Mallory?

I just thought if I gave the calf some milk it would shut up, but obviously not.

Well, now, don't take it personally, but he's not lookin' for milk; he's lookin' for his mama.

You're just not who he wants to see right now.

Yeah, him and everyone else.

Come on, Mallory, it's not like that.

Oh yeah?

Three words: Jamie, Jake and badger.

None of them are even friends with me anymore!

Even Amy and Lou ignore me.

But what do I expect?

It's not like I'm really a part of the family or even my own family, what with the never-ending tour!

It sucks to be me!

Well, I'm here if you want to talk about it.

Jack, I just did!

Tim: Hey! Hey, Murphy! You got a minute?

Mr. Fleming, what can I do for you?

Well, I got the form off the computer thing and I filled it out and I left the old man at home this time.

(Chuckles) That's good.

Uh, listen, I'm kind of late for a court appearance.

Why don't you just leave the paperwork at the front desk and, uh, just wait for a livestock investigator to get back to you, all right?

Tim: Livestock investigator.

Well, how long's that gonna take?

I'm sure they'll get right on it.

Well, it's two-year-old cold case.

I'm sure it's gonna be a top priority!

(Car door shuts, car starts up)

Tim: Hey, where's that map?

I need you to show me exactly where my cows are.

Jack: What's going on?

I just got off the phone with the livestock investigation guy.

Guess what he's doing? Nothin'!

So guess what I'm gonna do?

Uh, somethin' stupid.

You should talk.

No, I'm gonna go get my cows, 'cause they can't arrest me for that, Jack.

Besides, they've got more important things to do, like go over my paperwork.

Okay, but dad, how're you gonna get your cattle from here all the way to here by yourself?

I have friends, I have neighbours.

What about us?

Ty: Well, yeah, that makes more sense.

We know where the herd is; we can just take you right there.

I don't want you two mixed up in this.

I'll go.

Grampa, that's not fair.

Well, someone has to ride shotgun for your father.

Please, don't do me any favours.

Guys, we could just ride cross country from here to here.

Straight from there, yeah.

You kids aren't goin' anywhere!

Oh, kids! Suddenly we're kids?!

Tim, Amy and Jack: (Arguing over one another)

(Sharp whistle)

Oh, shut up!

I did not travel 7,000 miles to listen to this.

Now, get the horses; we're all going.

Mallory: Where are we all going?

Jack: Nowhere. Tim: Nowhere.

Seriously, Mallory.

Oh, come on!

Jack: Somebody has to stay here and hold down the fort.

(Horses whinny)

(Hooves thunder)

Hold down the fort, Mallory.

You're too young.

What would your parents think?

(Manure thumps)

I'm sick of this crap.

(Cows moo loudly)

Jack: Hard to believe they've been sittin' here all along.

Tim: Yeah, makes a man feel kind of foolish.

Come on, dad, you got 'em back.

Be happy.

I'll tell you what I'll be happy about.

I'll be happy when I see that cop's face when I tell him what he can do with all that paperwork!

Okay, let's round 'em up and get 'em home!

(Cows moo)

(Whistles) Come!

Ty: Ho! Amy: Come on! Come on!

Jack: Yah! Ty: Come on!

(Cows moo loudly, hooves thunder)

Lou: Come on, cow.

Amy: Get up!
(Whistles sharply)

Tim: Come on, cow!

Ty: Hup!

(Dish slams)

(Exhales angrily)

Caleb: I can do that, ash.

It's okay.

I really don't mind.

I'm almost finished.

Is there something bugging you?

Just forget about it.

Come on, ash, what's wrong?


I didn't want to tell you, but my mom wants to give me the lot that this trailer is on.

Really? Sounds good.

You think that sounds good?

My friends think it sounds good, but it isn't!

Because my mom doesn't want your name on the deed!

Fair enough.


I guess I just don't see the problem.

The problem is my mom wants us to sign a marriage contract so that she can cut you out of the deal!

Well, if she wants to give you a gift, I'm not gonna stand in the way of that.

Call her up.

You don't understand, Caleb.

It's not just this deal.

It's any money I'm ever gonna get... my inheritance, anything.


I did not ask you to marry me for your family fortune.

I asked you to marry me because I love you.

I love you too.

(Cows moo loudly)

Jack: Hup!

(Cows moo loudly)

Jack: Did you see that?

Tim: All I see is cows, Jack.

It's a wonderful sight, because they are my cows.

Jack: Would you just be quiet? Hold up here.

Hey, hold up, hold up, hold up!

(Cows moo loudly)

(Truck rumbles)

Someone's comin'.

(Cow moos)

I knew this was a bad idea.

Tim: Ah.

(Cow moos)

Jack: Change of plans!

Get these cows outta here.

Take 'em up through the trees!

Why? What's wrong?

Nothin' so far.

We want to make sure it stays that way.

Tim: There's a truck comin'.

Your grampa and I'll...

Well, we'll head back.

I'll come with you guys.

No, no, you stay with the cows.

Ty: No, I'm not much good with cattle.

I'll come with you guys and help if it turns into a...

Tim: Into a what?

A discussion.

Can you two handle this?

Yeah, it'll be fine.

All right.

Tim: Don't lose them!

(Hooves thunder) Yah!

Hup! Come on! Let's go!

(Cows moo)

Hup! Come on! Come on!

Amy: (Whistles)

Come on up!

(Horse snuffles)

Ty: All right. Tim: Okay.

(Horse whinnies)

Ty: (Quietly) Hey, boy, easy, easy.

Jack: Step up, step up.

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

(Loud scraping)

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

Come on, guys, let's go!

(Truck rumbles)

Tim: (Loud thumping) Okay!

Jack: Forget the damn ropes. Let's go!

Come on, Ty!


(Truck rumbles)

(Quietly) Give me those.

(Truck idles loudly)

Trent: What the hell?!

(Doors slam shut)

Well, it wasn't here before.

What do you think? Beavers?

Yeah, beavers... With ropes.

(Grunts) Give me a hand!

That's the same guy that shot me!

Get the chain.

Jack: (Quietly) Don't do anything stupid, and that includes everything you're thinkin' right now.

(Quietly) Well, we gotta do somethin'.

(Whispers loudly)
Just hold your horses!

By the time they move that tree, the girls will be long gone.

Yeah, thanks for the input, Ty, I really appreciate it, but what if they're not?

Jack: Enough, enough!

What the hell are you doin'?!

I'm gonna fire a couple of warning sh*ts and scare 'em off!

Except if they've got g*ns too, you idiot.

Shhh! Look.

Tim: Just great.

(Chain clinks)

We gotta get outta here.

(r*fle shot booms)


McBride: (Air hisses) Hey!

Trent: Holy crap!

(Cows moo loudly)

Was that what I think it was?

Yeah, let's go.

(Cows moo loudly)

Tim: That's how you do it.

McBride: Get down!

Tim: Get on your feet!

Get up!

Get your hands up.

Oh, hell, it's you.

You're the guy that...

(r*fle cocks)
Yeah, I'm the guy.

I'm the guy you shot. Now it's payback time.

This is a bad idea.

Which shoulder do you want it in?

Hey, hey, listen to the old guy.

All right? This is a bad idea.

Oh really? You got a better one?

Yeah, actually, I do.

Ty: Come on!

(Metal door slams)

Trent: Hey, come on!

You can't just leave us like this!

Tim: Yeah? Watch us.

McBride: We don't have any food or water!

Jack: Oh, you're breakin' my heart.

Trent: We could die out here!

(Mock imitating)
We could die out here.

Yeah, that's what we're hopin'.

McBride: You bastards! This isn't over!


What's wrong?

Someone's coming.

(Horse whinnies)

(Horse hooves clop)

Grandpa, dad, thank God.

We heard a shot.

Ty: Yeah, well, your dad's got an itchy trigger finger.

What were you sh**ting at?

Oh, it's a long story.

Where the hell are my cows?

(Horse whinnies)

Caleb: (Exhales nervously)

Come on, Caleb, we're gonna be late.

It's just I really can't figure out how to tie this stupid thing.


Let me do it.

I don't get it. Why the jacket and the tie?

Well, because we're gonna go meet the lawyer about our future and...

I guess I just don't want anybody to think that I don't take this seriously.


Well, you look very handsome.

Yes, I do.

If I wasn't a happily married woman...

Which you are, aren't you?

Yes, I am.

You know, I've got this problem and I was wondering who to call, and then it came to me: Call Soraya.

She's got all the answers.

So, uh, you know, here's my situation: I bought this girl an airline ticket... and not just any girl; this girl I really have a thing for... and she didn't even write or call me back.

So, what's the deal? Did she lose my number?

Is she too busy to call?

Does she not even miss me or what?

Obviously I miss you. It's just, you know...

No, baby, I don't know.

How am I supposed to know when you don't get back to me?


I'm dying to see you, and I know it's selfish, but I'm only asking for a couple of days of your time.

Yeah, you're right, it's just a couple of days...

I gotta go. I'll call you later.

Hey, Soraya?

(Phone beeps off)

(Phone beeps off)

Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt.

Oh, no, I was just um... Talking to a friend.

Uh, what can I get for you, Ms. Stanton?

Just coffee to go.

I've got an appointment. I'm running a little late.

Okay, well, I've got a fresh pot right here.

So, I guess you'll be heading off to university soon.

Yeah, that was the shortest summer ever.

(Laughs) I'll bet.

Well, I wish Ashley was a little more like you... going off to school, using a job at a diner as a stepping stone instead of a dead end lifestyle choice.

(Phone rings)

Oh. You go ahead and answer that.

I've got to run anyway.

Just don't let some cowboy turn your head around and jeopardize your future.

(Ringing stops)

It's not exactly later, Chase.

I can't help it.

Every minute away from you feels like an eternity to me.

(Chuckles) That's sweet.


And it was very sweet of you to buy me that ticket, but, um...

I can't go.

Chase: You can't.

No, um, it's my first week of school and I really don't want to miss it.

Okay, yeah. No, it's cool you don't want to miss school.

I get it. But, um...

No, I won't take it personally. I'll see you when I get back.


Chase: All right, I'll see ya.

Okay. Bye.

(Phone beeps off, sighs heavily)

(Sighs heavily)

(Horse hooves clop, horse snorts)

Mallory: Jack?







McBride: Shut up and open the door!

Mallory: (Screams) Let go of me! Help!

McBride: Open the damn door!

Mallory: (Screams)

We're gathered to sign a marriage contract between Ashley Elizabeth Stanton and Caleb Evans Odell specifying separation of property in order to facilitate the transfer of ownership of lot 197 from Val Stanton to her daughter, and pursuant to this objective I have prepared a deed and the requisite paperwork.

However, my e-mail request for a copy of the certificate of marriage from the state of Montana has turned up a slight glitch in that Roland Wallace Emmerich's licence to act as justice of the peace for Beaverhead county expired on the 17th of September last year.

(Nervous chuckle)

Call me stupid, but what are you saying?

Mr. Emmerich is the justice of the peace who married you two in December of last year.

So, you understand that since his licence had already expired, there's no need to sign a marriage contract, because you're not legally married.


Ashley: I can't believe this!

This could be a blessing in disguise.

You set this up!


I did not, I swear. I'm as surprised as you.

Oh, you are not surprised! You are thrilled!

Ashley, this could be a good thing.

Can't you see that? Val!

Do you know what, mom? It could be a good thing!

Caleb: Ashley, come on!

'Cause now you can give me the property without any strings! You wish!

(Cows moo loudly, horns honk)

Drivers: (React to the unusual sight)

What the hell?

(Cows moo loudly)


Tim: Hup! Ya! Amy: Come on.

(Cows moo loudly)

Keep going.

(Cows moo loudly)

Tim: (Whistles)


(Cows moo)

Murphy: Mr. Fleming?

What are you doing?

Tim: What's it look like, Murphy?

I'm doing what you should be doing - your job!

Murphy: Yeah, well, it's my job to write you a ticket for contravening municipal bylaw 5.1.

And you better believe I'm gonna write you a ticket for the disposal of all this animal waste.

Tim: Ha!

Oh, you're gonna arrest me, huh?

For going and getting my stolen cows back?

Why don't you look at their brand?

Onlookers: Yeah! Yeah, right!

Tim: Oh, and while you're at it, the two guys who tried to k*ll me are in a livestock trailer
(Keys clink)

on a logging road up on arrowhead ridge!

(Cows moo)

You're welcome.

(Cows moo)

(Tires crunch on road)

Murphy: Police! We've got you surrounded!

If anyone's inside, show yourself now!

Jack: Thank you, officer, we can take it from here.

Mallory: Excuse me, I'm starving.

I think we're out of that cheese spread, Jack.

Next time you're in town, you may want to pick some up.

I'll add it to the list.

But right now...
(Chair scrapes)

We're gonna have a little talk.

How about a rain check on the chat, Jack?

I've had a really bad day.

You're having a bad day?

One of the guys that you let out of that truck shot me two years ago!

He was on his way to jail and now he's on the freedom train to God knows where!

'Kay, just...

(Grunts) Fine.

Jack: What Tim...

What Tim is trying to say is that, like me, he wants to make sure you understand how lucky you are that nothing terrible happened to you.

I understand.

Well, then why the hell did you do exactly what I told you not to do?!

Okay, I know I screwed up, but maybe if you would've just let me come in the first place, none of this would've happened!

Seriously, Jack, you say I'm a part of the family except when it really counts.

Please, can you just promise not to tell my parents?

That's a promise I will not make.

It's your first day of university.

I got you something.

Did ya?

(Chuckles, pleased)

Oh, wow.

This is amazing.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

But you do know I still have a couple of years before I can even apply to vet school, right?

I know. Even then I might not get in.

Yes, you will.

Go on, try 'em out.


Can you hear anything?

No, I can't hear that.

Both: (Laugh)

How about now?

Loud and clear.


All right, you better get going.

Thank you.

You're welcome. Have a good day.

See ya. See ya.

(Truck door opens)

♪ A thousand shells I would unfold if I had to ♪
♪ to find one perfect pearl ♪

Chase: What does a fella have to do to get some service around here?

Chase, what're you doing here?

Well, you know what they say: If Soraya won't come to Chase, then Chase must come to Soraya.

What about Abbotsford? What about your clinic?

Well, it doesn't start for five hours and a bit.

Till then, I'm all yours.

You're crazy.

Crazy for you.

The trouble is, I don't think you feel the same way, otherwise we'd be having a whole other conversation in a whole different place.

I told you.

You don't want to miss school.

I bet most girls you date, you send them an airline ticket and they're there in a heartbeat.

Well, you're not most girls.

But look, Soraya, I'm kind of new to this and I don't want to blow it.

I'm pretty new to this too, Chase, and, honestly, I'm just not ready to fly off and spend a couple days with a guy.

A guy.

I was kind of hopin'

I was more than a guy to you by now.

Come on, you know that's not what I meant.

What do you mean then, Soraya?

Now do you know?

I think I need to hear that again.

Lou: Hey.

Nice day for a ride.

I thought I'd give you a hand.

Well, I appreciate the help, but I don't want to get too used to it.

Well, get used to it.

Are you serious, Lou?

I mean, what about Peter?

You know what? Even when I'm in Dubai, it's like we're having a long distance relationship.

So what difference does it make, you know, actually having some real mileage between us and not just some job that takes up all his time and energy 24/7?

So, you're really not going back?

Not planning to.

At least not any time soon.

It's good to be back.

♪ A thousand miles I would run ♪
♪ if I had to ♪
♪ and I would never look back ♪