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04x10 - Mood Swings

Posted: 01/04/11 00:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland":

Caleb: What're you saying?

There's no need to sign a marriage contract because you're not legally married.

Amy: You and Blair - was there anything at all between you guys
when you were travelling?


Grant: Oh, hey, Amy. Amy: Hi.

Grant: Grant. Amy: Good to meet you.

It's been there since the moment you picked me up in the rain.

I know it, you know it.

Chase kissed me.

I'm gonna k*ll that guy.

Amy: No, it was me too, okay? I kissed him back.

Mallory: Hello?

(Screaming) Help!

Shut up and open the door!

Tim: One of the guys that you let outta that truck shot me two years ago.

Mallory: Please, can you just promise not to tell my parents?

That's a promise I will not make.

Caleb: So, buddy, how was the first week of university?

Oh, it was good.

It was mostly orientation though.

Ha! It was mostly beers then.

(Chuckles) Yeah, some beers were had.

Classes started and I got lost a few times, but, uh, I'm glad it's the weekend.

So am I.

Hey, Amy, come see this dress that I bought.


(Heavy sigh)

Look, I have to tell you something.

I have no one to confide in and it's just about k*lling me!

Well, I got something to tell you, man, and...

Well, I really don't think you're gonna believe it.

You're not?

I know. Shocking but true.

Oh, you're kidding me, man.

No, man, I wish I was.

How did that even happen?

It's like a bad dream.

So, you're, like, a free man now or something?

I don't know. Like, I guess.

Look, don't tell anyone, especially Ty.

I'd rather you don't tell anyone.

Please. Especially Amy.


All right.

Thanks for the lift! Bye!


Amy and Ty: They're not married!

That's insane!

You know, this could only happen to Caleb and Ashley, right?

Totally. Oh, man.

I am so glad that we're not messed up like that, huh?

Amy and Ty: (Chuckling)

(Tires crunch on gravel)

Is that Grant?

Grant, where'd you come from, man?

What are you doing here?

Grant: (Car door shuts)
I was in the neighbourhood, you know, I thought I'd stop by.

It's good to see you, man.

You look like hell.

It's been sort of a bad week.

(Violent punch)

(Groans in pain)

Ty: What the hell, man?!

Where's Blair?


Grant: Yeah, Blair, my ex-girlfriend?

You remember her, right? Is she here?!

Ty: No, she's not! Why would she be?!

I haven't seen her since you left!

You're such a liar!

I mean, what the hell did you think you were doing, hooking up with my girlfriend?!

What?! Blare told me everything right before she broke up with me, so you can cut the crap!

What are you talking about, man?!

What did you think?

She wasn't gonna tell me this?!

Huh?! Throw it in my face?!

Look, I don't know what she told you, but nothing happened, Grant!


Is that what you told your girlfriend?

Sorry, Amy, but that's bull!

Three amigos, huh? Real nice!

Would you just shut up and listen to me for a second?!

(Violent punch)

Grant: I'm done listening to you, all right?!

Amy: Stop it! Stop it right now!


Grant: I will never forgive you for this!

(Breathing hard)

(Car door slams shut)

♪ Ad at the break of day ♪
♪ you sink into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

Lou: Of course I'll help you out.

Thank you so much. Oh, it's such a relief.

Lou: Of course.

Marnie: You know, I was fine for the first six months, but then - wham!

I just can't cope with the smell of food cooking.

Not a good thing in my line of work.

No worries.

The truth is I've always wanted to try catering, so I'm more than happy to pitch in.

Are you sure? Mmm-hmm.

I mean, aren't you only in town for what, a week or two?

What about Peter?

I'm in town for...

I'm not sure, but at least a month, and I'm more than happy to help out while I'm here.

Wow! I don't know what Jerry would do if I deserted him for a month.

Um, so what's the event?

A wedding - this weekend. Small.

Buffet dinner.

So I was thinking, the bride wanted kind of an old-style country club feel, so I was thinking...

Oh, hey, Amy.


(Knocks lightly)

Amy, come on.

Amy: I knew it.

You knew what? What're you talking about?

You know what, Ty?

I should've trusted my gut.

Lou and Marnie: (Talking quietly)

Ty: Amy, would you just listen to me for a second?!

Where are you going?

To work with Dexter.

You can do that later.

Ty, you remember when I asked you if anything had ever happened with you and Blair, and you said, "no, it was just a friendship thing"?

I believed you.

Because it was the truth.

Amy, would you- no!

Is it that easy for you to take Grant's word over mine?!

Is it?

Okay, tell me your side of the story then.

Jack: Hey, Mallory.

Thanks a lot, Jack.

You're welcome. For what?

For telling my parents what happened!

Well, of course I told them.

Yeah, well, that was very thoughtful of you, Jack.

Now I'm only grounded for pretty much the rest of my life.

I couldn't very well not tell them.

You were in my care when it all happened.

Nothing happened!

Nothing happened?!

Because you disobeyed a direct order, my order, you got yourself locked into a stock trailer by a couple of criminals!

But I wasn't harmed and I said sorry.

Isn't that enough?

Well, sometimes you gotta learn the hard way that your actions have consequences.

Oh, please, spare me the platitudes.


Tim: (Truck door slams)

I was just thinking about you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I was the reason the bad guys got away.

Yeah, the bad guys did get away.

They got away with all the calves... my calves.

Now, you know how much that adds up to?

Obviously more than my apology is worth.

Thousands and thousands - that's how much.

Come on, Tim. It's not about the money.

Tim: Sure it's about the money, Jack.

It's always about the money.

Ty: I was thanking her for helping you out on the course - you know that day that you fell?

And out of nowhere she kissed me.

I told her it wasn't happening and that's it, end of story.

So why didn't you tell me about it?

Because it meant nothing.

The chance didn't come up...

Ty, the chance came up.

After I told you about Chase, I said to you, "if anything ever happened with you and another girl, I hope you'd tell me."

And what did you say? Nothing.

Because it meant nothing, Amy.

It was all in her head.

Really? Yes!

I backed off.

I told her that she had a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend.

And I said, "let's just keep this at a friendship thing."

You can't believe Grant.

I don't know what she told him, but it's not true.

So what else haven't you told me?


Okay, forget that time.

What about when you were travelling, working together?


Ty, she kissed you.

You must have given her some encouragement.

No, I didn't.

You had to have! She kissed you!

Did you encourage Chase?

That's not fair.

(Upset sigh)

Lou: What about individual Coquilles St. Jacques?

That's so retro it's back in style.

Okay, I should really go and see...

I have to go anyways.

I can't even look at that picture without wanting...

Oh, sorry!

Ashley: Mom!

What are you doing?!


I have been trying to be open-minded, and I've been trying to be cool, but this is the way it's gonna be: If you two are no longer married there's no way you're living together.

(Incredulous gasp)
Excuse me?

Caleb: Yeah-
Val: Ah, ah!

Who do you think you are? My son-in-law?


I'm moving you back to Briar Ridge.

I am not a child! You can't make me!

(Mocking gasp)
"You can't make me!"

And that's not being childish!

Caleb and I are as married as we ever were!

Really. Really!

And what does a tiny piece of paper even matter anyway?!

I think you'll find that tiny piece of paper matters a whole lot!

Maybe to you!

Ashley, why are you so bound and determined to make yourself look bad and embarrass yourself in front of all your friends? Why?!

You mean your friends!

We're not embarrassed, you are, so get over it!

I'm staying; You're going!

Val: (Trunk slams shut)

Thanks for backing me up!


Why didn't you say anything?!

You know what?

How dare she just come here without our permission, taking my things, and oh, "you're moving back to Briar Ridge."

(Tense exhale)

It was just so humiliating, standing there, listening to Grant accuse Ty of hooking up with Blair.

The problem is I knew something was going on.

I knew it! I told you!

Yeah, and then it turned out to be nothing.

It's not nothing, Lou. He kissed her.


I just don't know why he didn't tell me.

Because boys don't tell.

They think, "nothing happened, so why upset the balance?"

Yeah, well then he has the nerve to go and bring up the whole Chase thing.

Well, you were probably too upfront telling him about Chase.

Remember? I warned you not to.

So being honest is a bad thing?

Maybe you should be more upfront with Peter.

Maybe you wouldn't be here all alone if you actually told him what was bothering you.

(Stunned sigh)
Uh, nice.

Um, I was just trying to be helpful.

And just so you know, I was honest with Peter.

I told him exactly what's been bothering me, and guess what?

It doesn't necessarily make everything all better.


Peter, hey.

No. No reason.

I just, you know, wanted to say hi, see how you're doing.

Did I desert you?

Am I a terrible wife?

Oh. No, no, no, no.

I didn't realize you were in the middle of something.

No, no. It's okay, yeah.

Later's fine.

Okay. Love you too.



Oh, hi.

I'm really sorry.

It's okay. Come here.

It's okay.

(Door opens)

Uh, (Groans) Oh...

What the heck's wrong with everybody?

Nothing. You wouldn't understand.

Uh, try me.

Grant's voice mail: Sorry I can't get to the phone. Leave a message.

Grant, it's Ty.

Look, man, we need to clear this up, all right?

You've been seriously misled here and we need to talk...


We need to talk face-to-face.

We heard you had a run-in with that girl's boyfriend.

Nothing happened, Jack.

Well, Amy's upset, and when Amy's upset, I'm upset.

Nothin' happened, huh?

Can I ask you a question?

Why can't a friend, even if it's a girl, spend some time just visiting, hanging out?

Jack: Because, according to Amy, she didn't just hang out.

That was all her!

I didn't do anything, okay?!

You are stupider than you look.


What was Blair doing over here while her boyfriend was somewhere else?

Did you think about that?

Jack, nothin'.

Did you maybe see that as a signal?

Are you that naive?

Okay, I'm an idiot! I didn't see it coming and now it's back to bite me.

I should've told Amy.

Do you tell Janice everything?


She scares the crap out of me.

Jack, do you tell every single thing about your life to Lisa?

No, but I didn't bring a woman home on the back of my bike either.

Announcer on computer: Some of the greatest ropers in the world!

Ten of them will rope, four will advance.

Give it up for the ropers...

Caleb: Hey!

Ashley: I can't talk above that noise.

(Sighs heavily)

Talk about what?

The future.

What're we gonna do?


About us, Caleb.

What're we gonna do about us?

What is everybody gonna think?

You let your mother get to you, didn't ya?

Ashley, who cares what people think?

Our friends are all right with it, aren't they?

Our friends?

Who did you tell?

No one.



You see? There it is!

There is what?

We were afraid to tell each other that we told them.

Why?! Do we feel guilty?

I don't feel guilty.

And what do you mean you don't feel guilty?

Does that mean you don't wanna make it right?!

I just do not understand what is so wrong that it needs to be made right.

I don't get it.

Well, you know what? If you don't get it now, you never will. Just watch your damn rodeo!

Ashley: Where are you going? Caleb: Out.

(Door bangs shut)

(Frustrated sigh)

Caleb: Geez, I thought I had problems.

Yeah, well, you do.

So did ya?

Did I what?

Did you hook up with Blair?

No, I didn't!

But I may as well have the way Amy's taking it.

(Sighs heavily)

It's relationships, man. They're...

It's a lot like a bronc ride; a whole lot can happen in eight seconds.


Caleb: Well, it's true.

I've been thinking about what you said, about being a free man.

Yeah, and?

Maybe it's a sign.

A sign?

Maybe I should be thinking whether or not it was worth it to be married.

Come on, man. You were happy being married.

I've never seen you so damn happy.

It was ridiculous.

Caleb: Yeah, but...

Maybe I was just happy with the idea of being married.


I know I shouldn't obsess, but...

That's just the kind of guy I am.

I think too much.

You thinking way too much is an oxymoron.

Did you just call me a moron?

No, he is. Amy told me everything.

You deserve that face.



(Sighs heavily)

(Taps nervously)

Peter, hi.

You must be out.

Um, can you give me a call back?

Can you give me a call back, please?

Okay, bye.

(Sighs heavily)

I don't know why I took this catering job from Marnie.

I've got butterflies and my stomach is...

Totally off.

What's wrong, Lou?

I don't know, grampa.

I don't know.

Well, something's going on.

The last week or so, you've been pretty up and down.

Do you remember before the wedding, I told you that I was afraid to lose what I had here?

And you said that if I loved Peter I would only be gaining.

Well, um, I don't feel like I've gained anything, grandpa.

I feel like I've lost.

I'm lost.


Caleb: (Sighs tiredly, boot thumps on floor)

You ready to turn in, babe?



I was thinking...

That you should probably uh...

You know.

Should what?

Sleep on the couch?

The couch?


I know it sounds silly, but uh...

(Sighs heavily)

(Crickets chirp)

(Sighs heavily)

Blair: I think I'm in love with you.

Blair: Hey. Ty: Hey.

I like you a lot.

You led me on.

Ty: You have a boyfriend, Blair, and I have a girlfriend, okay?



How's your eye? You still look pretty rough.

I'm fine.

You know, I've been thinking a lot about things and...

I figured, yeah, you kissed Blair, but I kissed Chase and I guess that sort of makes us even.

(Nervous laugh)
I just...

I just think we should put all this behind us.

There is nothing to put behind us; nothing happened with Blair.


I'll shut up now.

We've been down that road before.

Let's try a new one.


I'm sorry. I should have told you.

It was stupid of me not to.

From now on, let's be completely honest with each other.

No matter what happens.

No matter what.



I love you.

I love you too.

(Railing clunks)

How's that?

Amy: Looks perfect. Okay, watch him.

Ty: Ah, he looks good!

Amy: I know, right?

Ty: (Laughs)

Amy: Yeah, well, I mean, a lot of race horses actually go on to be hunter-jumpers or eventers.

I think he loves jumping!

Yeah, maybe more than racing.

Oh, my dad'll love that, huh?


Yeah, he'd be all over that.


(Car rumbles up)

(Car door shuts)

Hey, guys.

What're you doing here, Blair?

Have you seen Grant?

He came by here yesterday looking for you.

Looking for me? Why?

Amy: How can you just show up here and act like nothing's wrong?

Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused?

No? Okay, let me tell you-!

Ty: Amy, Amy.


I'll handle this, okay?

I need to talk to you, privately.

Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of Amy.

Amy: (Quietly) Ty, just go.

It's okay.
Blair: So, what did Grant say?

I haven't seen him in days. I was so worried.

What did you tell him?

What do you mean?

No, don't play that. Ty...

Tell me what you said to him!

Okay, um, it's a total mess.

Grant and I got in this huge fight and he took off.

Yeah, I know all about your fight.

Apparently you told a bunch of crap to Grant about us.

He wasn't too happy.

What? Grant fought you over me?

What did you tell him?

I told him that we're friends.

Oh, and that's why he wanted to k*ll me.

Fine, um...

I told him that we kissed; That we liked each other.

Well, that's not even close to what he said.

He thinks we hooked up, Blair.


I lied.

I told him we got together while we were travelling.

Why would you say that?!

Because I was mad and I wanted to hurt him.

It just came out!

I'm so sorry. I never meant...

You need to tell Amy.

You need to tell her the truth.

Right now.

Caleb: Honey, have you seen my keys? I'm gonna be late.

(Clears throat)


Do you have to drink out of the milk carton?

It's gross!

And why do you leave your coffee cups in the sink without washing them?!

They're getting all brown inside!

Is this gonna be one of those pick-on-the-other-guy mornings?

Okay, fair enough.

Why do I have to wade through a million bras when all I want to do is take a shower?

And why do you leave your shoes on the floor?

I damn near broke my ankle getting up out of bed the other day.

Oh, wait, that's not my bed anymore.

Well, I guess you don't have to put up with it if you don't want to.

I mean, we have choices, right? I guess we do.

I mean, it's not like we're married.

Heck, we're not even engaged!

Come on now.

No, really.

You know, one good thing may have come out of all of this: We can sell this and pay off your damn credit card bill!

Don't do this, ash.

All right.

(Door slams shut)

(Cell keypad beeps)

Hey, mom.

It's me.

I need to talk to you.

Blair: Amy!

Listen, Ty is telling you the truth.

It was me who came onto him.

I picked up the wrong signals, I guess.

And I shouldn't have lied to Grant, but I had my reasons.

We were gonna move in together and then one night he just...

He never showed up and he never called.

And then there were pictures all over Facebook of him and his ex-girlfriend.

He denied everything, but I didn't believe him and I wanted to hurt him, so I made up a story about me and Ty.

That's real nice.

I didn't know Grant would react the way he did.

I'm so sorry that I hurt you... both of you.

So, are we good?

Please, Amy...

Thanks for clearing it up.

Mallory: I'm not buying it.

Why would Blair even come here in the first place?

It's not like she knew about Grant's little visit.

She might have.

No way! She just came here to see Ty.

Face it, she is a liar.

She lied to her boyfriend who she supposedly loves.

Why would you believe anything she says?

You know what, Mallory?

I really don't wanna hear this right now.

Okay? It's not helping anything.

Fine, but if you would've just listened to me in the first place, you'd never be in this situation.

Actions have consequences, Amy!

(Door slams shut)

I sound like Jack.

sh**t me now.

You gave him his ring back?

Ashley: (Frustrated sigh)
He made me so mad.

I mean, we've been bickering all the time now and he's been bugging me in ways he never has.

Yeah, well, you're probably both just looking for things.

I guess so.


I hate to be blunt, but...

Caleb married you in a rush.

Now that he finds himself free, he's probably just having second thoughts.

He's not the only one.

And maybe that's not all bad, huh?

It is.

No, it's not.

Look at the positive. It's an opportunity, a chance to start fresh.

I don't wanna start fresh!

No, of course you don't, not right now, but, Ashley, maybe it is time to call it a day, pretend none of this nonsense ever...

(Sighs heavily)

This situation ever happened.

Put it behind you.

Tim: Come on, cow!

Caleb: Hi-yah! Get moving, you filthy, no-headed, excuse for an animal!

What's eatin' you?

Caleb: Nothin'.

Oh really?

'Cause you're usually Mr. Frickin' sunshine.

Caleb: Yeah? Well, I've got a problem.

That's all. Oh!

Well, guess what?

The whole world has problems, Caleb.

I got problems.

Yeah, well, not like this. There's no way.

Really? So what's your problem?

It turns out Ashley and I aren't married.

Yeah, the idiot in Montana, he wasn't licenced.

So the whole thing's screwed up.

It's not legal.


(Laughs hard)

Man, that's not funny!

Tim: Oh, you're right. No, it's perfect!

Oh, Val must be spittin' nails.


Aw, Caleb!


Who married you? An Elvis impersonator?

(Surprised grunt)
Ungh! Goddammit!

Caleb: I told you it's not funny! It's not funny!

Tim: (Laughs hysterically)
Caleb, get off of me!


What is wrong with you?!

Caleb: The worst thing is...

I think she's starting to regret it.

Oh, how do you know that?

She gave me the engagement ring back.

Ah, okay, well...

Since we got married in such a rush and...

I think maybe now she's had time to realize I'm not good enough for her.

She can do so much better than me!

I'm a rodeo cowboy.

How low on the rung can you get?

No disrespect.

None taken.

Caleb, you're good enough for her.

You're plenty good for that girl.

You know, you've had some problems, you've pulled yourself back up.


I'd almost say I'm proud of you.

But you're a good man, and a good man needs a strong woman behind him.


Don't go walkin' away from something that your gut is telling you is good for you.

I just want what's good for her.

Jack: Boy, something sure smells good.

Lou: Yeah.

How are you feeling?

I am great.

You know, this is gonna be one happy bride, grampa.

The menu is fabulous.

Jack: (As the phone rings)

(Phone rings)

Peter, hi!



Don't even think about coming here.

I'm...I'm fine.

Yes, I'm fine.


Yeah, you do what you gotta do.

I love you too.

Okay, bye.

Okay, now, yesterday you were crying and were unhappy with the world and everything in it and...

Grampa, no, I'm... I'm fine, and Peter is great, and Marnie really needs my help.

Mmm! And I am happy to be there for her.


(Tense exhale)

Grandpa, could you...

Would you take this outside?

It really needs to cool off.

Yeah. Please?

Yeah, okay.

Thank you so much. Okay.

(Woozy exhale)

(Water runs)

(Gulps air)

(Breathing hard)

(Blows out her breath)

(Door opens)

(Door slams shut)

(Thunder rumbles in the distance)



I'm really sorry about what happened this morning.

I am too.

I've been thinkin'.

I need you to know that I love you and I'd fight for you, but...

I'm getting the feeling like maybe you don't want me to.

Caleb, I...

Okay, you were right.

We've got choices now and...

I can't make you stay with me if you don't want me to.

You're no caged bird, ash.

So I've been thinking the best way to keep you is for me to set you free.

What are you saying?

I'm saying I think I have to leave you.

Leave me?

Figure out what you want.


(Ragged sigh)

Blair: Hey.

Ty: Hey.

Blair: I just came to say bye.

I'm gonna head out.

Ty: To Vancouver?

That's a pretty long drive.

It's a little late for that, isn't it?


I can't stay here, can I?


Were you...

Attracted to me...

Just a little bit?

We had some good times, Blair.

We had a lot of fun, and you're a good lookin' girl.

I'd be lying to say any guy wouldn't be attracted to you, but it wasn't gonna happen.

Any other time or place?

(Sighs heavily)

Just let it go.

(Vehicle rumbles nearby)

(Door bangs shut)


Can I join the party?

What is this? What are you doing?!

Blair: Grant, please.

Come on, man, listen to me this time.

Why? So you can lie to me again and tell me there's nothing going on between the two of you?!

I mean, what did you do, Blair?

You run to Ty the second I was out the door?!

I went looking for you!

That's bull!

Look, what're you doing here?

Ty said he wanted to talk and I almost believed you this time.

Amy: Grant, stop it! Stop it!

Cut it out! Cut it out!

Stop it! Stop it!

Blair, you tell Grant the truth or I will!

(Phone beeps)


Tim: Well, I could've used your help with that cattle today.

Caleb wasn't good for anything.

Well, I spent the day helping Lou... cook.

She wasn't feeling well.

What's going on with her?

I mean, one minute she's angry, the next minute she's sobbing.

She's about as irritable as a woman can be.

Oh, my gosh, you guys, it's so obvious!

She's probably pregnant.

But this isn't me talking to either of you.

Yes, I'm late, but I've also been flying around the world, and stressed out and...

You know what? This is definitely on the list of things I do not want to talk to my dad and my grandfather about.

Well, all we're saying is...

All we're saying is that we think you should get checked out.

Go see a doctor. It's probably nothing, just do it.

This is silly. I don't need to.

(Resigned sigh)

Okay, I'll go. Are you satisfied?

Tim: Be careful. Lou: Dad!

(Door opens)
Hey, I got your text.

(Door bangs shut)

What's all this?

Candles, twinkling lights.

It worked for you, didn't it?

Ash, I...


It's my turn.


I love you and I want to be with you.

You do?

I want to be with you too.

Caleb Odell...

Would you be my lawfully wedded husband...

For real this time?

Yes. I will.

(Happy sigh)

Blair: Is your hand okay?

Grant: Yeah, probably.

Blair: Grant, I'm so sorry.

(Door bangs shut)

So, Grant and Blair, all is forgiven?

Yeah, it seems like.

You really liked her, didn't you?

Before all this happened, yeah.

We were good friends, all of us.

And you were attracted to her, right?

Ty, just be honest with me.

Okay, I was.

But I backed off. I didn't let it...

Let it what?

I didn't go there.

Wow! Good for you.

At least I took the high road.

The high road? As opposed to what?

Are we talking about me and Chase here?

Is that what this is about?

Is it? Well, you kissed him, didn't you?

He kissed me, Ty!

You kissed him back!

You told me you did! You admitted it!

So what, I didn't take the high road?

Is that what you're saying? That I wanted to?

Well, you must have. You went there.

So, it's that simple, is it?

Don't think I didn't notice your attitude with Soraya...

All that crap about her going out with Chase.

What are you talking about?

That wasn't concern. What was it then, Ty?

You were jealous!

You still had a thing for the guy.

No, this is not about me!

This is about you and Blair!

Okay, and don't you tell me that you didn't lead her on, because you did.

She wouldn't have come onto you if you hadn't have.

And you didn't lead Chase on?!

At least I told you.

What do you want me to do, Amy?!

I don't know, Ty. Whatever you want to do!

I think we're done.

I can't do this.

Maybe we are.

There's no maybes.

(Dexter grunts and snorts)

(Slightly distorted hoofbeats)

(Dexter grunts)

(Dexter grunts and snorts, birds sing)

Grant: So, we're taking off.

I bet you'll be glad to see our backs, huh?


I'm sorry, man.

Really, I...

We're sorry for the trouble we caused.

You guys are okay though, right?

Yeah, we're fine.

(Dexter whinnies, hoofbeats thud)

Do something! Go over there!

You can't just do nothing!

(Dexter breathes hard)

So, I got news.

I'm getting married, but this time for real.

What are you doing?

I'm packing.


Amy and I called it quits.


You're kidding, right?

No, I'm not kidding.

Y-you can't! You guys are happy!

(Bag slams against the wall)

Ty: (Breathes hard)

(Shaky inhale)

Where are you gonna stay?

(Exhales heavily)

I don't know.

Val: Oh, Ashley, no!

Don't rush into this again!

Look, you've gotta trust me.

I need you to be with me on this.

Do you have any idea how much it hurt when you ran off with him?

I didn't mean to hurt you.

Mom, please.

This time will be different.

Oh, yeah, you're damned right it will be.

If you're so bound and determined to go through with this...

I'm with you.

Thank you, mom.

But, Ashley, I want to be part of it.

I want you to be too.

(Sighs heavily)
I must be crazy.

Caleb loves me.

He looks after me, and he's changed since we got married...

Or thought we were.

He's responsible, and he thinks of both of us before he makes a decision.

♪ It tears right through me ♪
♪ you thought that you knew me ♪
♪ you thought that you knew... ♪

Caleb: Hey, babe.

Um... Ty's gonna be staying with us for a couple of days.

Uh, just till I find a new place.

Yeah, you don't mind, do you, hon?

No. Sure.

Lou: So, uh...

It turns out you guys were right on track.

(Nervous inhale)

I'm pregnant.

Oh, honey.


Tim: Congratulations!

♪ 'Cause that's what I said ♪
♪ I would do from the start ♪
♪ I'm not alive if I'm lonely ♪
♪ so please don't leave ♪
♪ was it something I said ♪
♪ or just my, just myself ♪
♪ just myself... ♪
♪ myself... ♪
♪ I'm not perfect ♪
♪ but I keep trying ♪