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04x11 - Family Business

Posted: 01/11/11 15:29
by bunniefuu
Ty: Previously on "Heartland":

Dad, you can see that he's getting better, right?

These things take Tim.

Yeah, except time is money and I'm runnin' out of both.

I think we're done. I can't do this.

I can't do this.

Maybe we are.

There's no maybes.

Where are you gonna stay?

(Sighs) I don't know.

Hey, babe, Ty's gonna be staying with us for a couple of days.

You don't mind do you, hon?

It turns out you guys are right on track; I'm pregnant.

You're a good boy, Dexter.

(Hooves thump)


Did you forget something?

Ty: Morning. Ugh.


Caleb: Hey, buddy.

Kind of thought you'd be at school by now.

Nah. I'm studying here today.

I got a big bio test tomorrow, so I got like 7 chapters worth of sample questions to go through.

Yeah? Well, I got one for ya.

What's got two thumbs and the day off?

This guy.

Um... I don't thinks so, cowboy.

This place is a disaster.

The cleaning products are under the sink and I need you to do the laundry.

Sure that's all?

Well, you could get a head start on dinner.

Love you. Bye.

Bye bye.


(Truck rumbles)

What's this?

S s this part of his rehabilitation?

Did you see him? He's great!

He is a natural jumper.

He's a racehorse; you should be working him at the track.

Dad, I just... I...

I don't know if his tendons can handle the stress of that.

Listen, I've been patient here.

How long is this going to take?

I don't know. Um, maybe never.

Amy, be positive, okay?

I know you're nursing a broken heart and all, but I'm telling you...

That has nothing to do with this, okay?

I just...

I think I can retrain him.

To do what? Show jump?

How's that better for his tendons?

Well, he could be a hunter jumper.

The jumps are lower and it's all about form and style.

You saw him, he could do really well.

I'm not in this to win ribbons; I'm in this to make money.

I want you to get him back in the track.

Janice is coming to give him a test ride.

You can't be serious, man.

We're out of clean dishes.

Watch it, man! What are...

I gonna re-sell this text book. Agh!

It's just a little speck of sauce.

What's eating you?

I can't concentrate right now.


I mean, your girlfriend just dumped y well, you should be letting loose, not stressing about some silly exam.

I don't really have a choice, do I?

You know what you need Ty?

You need a brain break.

You should hang out with me today.

Yeah, that would do it.

Dude, I'm serious.

Let's he e some fun.

Come on.


(Hooves thud heavily)

Tim: Come on, let it out!

So what's wrong with him? He was crawling out there.

I don't know, I tried everything.

Is it his tendon?

I don't know about his leg, but his heart isn't in it any more.

You should cut your losses.

I think it might be time for you to sell this horse.

♪ and at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪


Hey, there she is!


Aren't you supposed to be taking it easy?

I can't help it. My husband just came home.


Okay, but you're kind of squeezing me oh! I'm sorry. You okay?

Is the baby okay?


Oh! I felt I kick.

Too soon.

Probably just what I had for breakfast.


Well, I gotta make sure that I am here when it does happen.

What is that supposed to mean?

I'm not going back to Dubai.

I'm gonna stay here, make this home base.

You're gonna work from here?

Yeah, until the end of the pregnancy anyway.

Just until the pregnancy is over?

Well, I...

Maybe I can stick around until we send him to college or something.

(Elated laugh)

You know, I can't believe Janice would even go there.

Well, it's not that crazy.

I mean, Dexter's best days are behind him, dad... You said so yourself.


There's a claiming race coming up.

I'm just thinking about it.

We might as well make some money off him while we can.

Where's Dexter?

He's still at the track.

Dad's thinking of entering him in a claiming race.

What's a claiming race?

I'm thinking about it.

It's where all the horses that run are up for sale.

Mallory: Really? So anyone could just buy him?

How would you know where he'd end up?

Seems kinda scary.

Yeah. Exactly.

I haven't decided yet.

Do you ever mind your own business?

Jack: Well, I've gotta say, we are all pretty darn excited about the news.

You know, I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt.

Lou: I can't believe I'm going to be a mom!

Mallory: And I can't believe I'm going to be a...

Amy and Lou: Babysitter.


Mallory: Ha ha ha! Laugh it up, gramps.


Well, actually, I can't wait to be...

One of those.

Peter: Yeah. Me and my grandpa Morris had a real special bond.

He was an arm wrestling champ back in the day.

He used to tell me stories all the time about beating guys named "ox" or like "night train."

I used to ride a bronc named night train.

Peter: See? There you go, that's awesome.

You can tell your grandkids stories about your glory days in the rodeo.

No, I think I'll save that for the great grandpa.

(All laugh)

That suits me just fine.

I got better stories anyway.

Lou: So, uh, grampa...

Sorry, grampa Jack.

Uh, Peter and I where talking and don't you think the guest room would make the perfect nursery?

What? Marion's room?

Well, no. Actually, I don't.


Lots of reasons.


C'mon, grampa.

How about I just don't want to; I like it the way it is.

(Music plays)



Nice work, buddy.

Pay up, boys!

Oh! That hurts, doesn't it?

Hey, Colby, look!

Ha ha! Last Saturday night in high river.

Oh man, we were on fire!

Caleb: You know, for two of the best outriders on the circuit, your pool game sucks.

Colby: Hey, hey, hey.

We're just getting warmed up here.

How 'bout another go around, huh?

Losers rack 'em.

Ty: Actually, I gotta go, guys.


No, man. Look your test isn't until tomorrow.

Study tonight.

Lance: Tell you what.

We'll raise the stakes a little.

Make it worth your while.

Caleb: Come on, man, I can really use the cash right now.

Ashley wants me to pay off the credit card debt before the wedding.

What, so you can Max it out again?

Caleb: Whatever.

All right, one more game.

Atta boy.

You girls are going down.

Janice: See? It's the one I told you about.

So, what do you think of this guy?

Burning inferno.

Janice: Yeah, he's in a claiming race this weekend.

Tim: Yeah. He looks good.

I don't have spare cash to throw on another horse.

Well, you will once we unload Dexter.

Come on, Tim, it's time to take this thing to the next level.

Unless this racing thing is more of a hobby to you.

A hobby?

Yeah, you know, something to keep you occupied in your retirement years...

Between bouncing grandkids on your lap.

I don't know. I gotta think about it.

Just remember, it's important to know when to put an old horse out to pasture.

Believe me, it's something I think about.


(Logs crumble)

I told you, you gotta keep looking, make sure it's not leaning.

Looked straight to ..

Well, then you better get your eyes checked.

Ty was the wood pile guy.

It really sucks that he's not here.

Well, make sure you criss-cross those pieces at the end.

And, thanks to you, I'm grounded for life!

Make sure it stays straight and square...

That's the key.

And now Lou is turning Marion's room, which is my room, into a nursery!

Just another example of what an afterthought I am to this family.

Yeah, well, you better get your hearing checked too.

You were there.

I told her we're not doing anything with that room.

Oh, please! Lou will get her way.

Ow! Sliver.

This sucks!

Somebody invented gloves once.


Okay. Ash's gonna be at least fifteen minutes so...

I'll get dinner going, you attack the dishes.

Look, man, I'm really sorry, but I gotta study now.

Look, I know the afternoon kinda got away from us, but we were just on such a roll.

I'm sure Ashley will cut you some slack when she finds out how much money you won.

Uh, no, you keep that under your hat, Ty.

Ashley, doesn't like me hanging out at the pool hall.

Just please help me get this cleaned up.

Ashley is gonna freak if she sees this.

All right. Okay.

Caleb: Thank you. Ty: Throw me a rag or something.

Here, use this.

Are you kidding, man?

Don't worry, man. I only wore them once.

Hey, honey, you're home early.

Lou: Grampa drives me crazy sometimes.

It's like, God forbid we should ever change anything in this house.

It's like living in a museum.

Well, it is his house.

I know, but how great would this be?

Yeah. It looks great, Lou, but Jack doesn't want us in there. We should drop it.

And where's the baby supposed to sleep?

We've still got my condo.

Your old bachelor pad? I don't think so.

I know it's not ideal, but...

Well I'll figure something out.


Oh, please don't eat that. I'm about to start dinner.

Well, I'm just gonna have a quick snack.

And then go to bed anyway. So...

What? It's five o'clock.

Yeah, and I start work at eleven tonight, which is nine in the morning Dubai time.

Oh, right.

Right. (Sighs)

Amy: So how's University?

Soraya: Uh, well, between that and this place, and the dude ranch, I'm a little stressed.

But I'm surviving.

How are you?

I'm good.

You talked to Ty?


I'm sorry.

It's okay.

So how's he doing at school?

Well, I haven't seen much of him on campus.

Actually, I haven't seen him at all in the past few weeks.

You think he's skippin' out?

No, I just...

Think we have really different class schedules.

Don't worry about it.


I'm fine though.

Like really, I'm just...

I've been worried about Dexter.

My dad's thinking of getting rid of him in a claiming race.

What? You love that horse.


Well, um...

Listen, I get off in a few minutes.

Wanna come hang out with us?


Chase is coming to meet me.

You know, I think I'm gonna take a rain check, but thank you for the offer.

Okay. See ya.

Hey, Jack?

Geez, I didn't wake you, did I?

Oh no. No.

When you get my age, you sleep lightly.

You're working pretty late.

Yeah, I'm still on Dubai time here, you know?

You know, it's funny, Lou and I are finally in the same place and we're time zones apart.

Yeah. Well, at least you're under the same roof.

Yeah. Yeah.

And it is great to be here.

Listen, Peter, I...

I just wanna let you know that, you know, about this guest room, I know that's what we use it for, but to me it's still Marion's room.

Oh hey... yeah.

Believe me, I totally get it, Jack.


Listen, I just wanted to mention, I really appreciate everything you're doing for us here, you know?

No, it means a lot, it does.

This ranch is the closest thing we've got to a home right now, so...

Tim: Hey, kid.

You're out here workin' early.

Yeah, well, I just wanted to take Dexter for a run.

See if what Janice says is really true.

So, uh, about the claiming race this weekend...

You're not really gonna enter him, are you?

Yeah, I am.

It was a tough decision, but it's the smart way to go.

Yeah, maybe for you and Janice.

You know, I just... I don't get you two!

I don't.

Amy, come on.

Oh my God, I'm gonna be late for my fitting.

I think my mom has made me try on every wedding dress in Alberta, but I finally found the perfect one.

I can't wait to see it.

Well, you're going to have to.

Have a nice day.

Bye, sweetie.

Ashley: Bye.

Okay. I don't get it, man.

Last night she made you sleep outside.

And today it's all about the wedding, like nothing happened.

Ashley and I, we both tend to run a little hot...

And sometimes that's good, sometimes not so much.

So we made a pact.

No matter how big a fight we have, when we wake up in the morning we kiss and make up.

It's kinda like having a reset button.

Until the next fight.


'Kay, I gotta get a move on.

Jack is gonna k*ll me if I'm late.

Yeah, and there's no reset button with him.

No...No there's not.

You ready for the test?


It's multiple choice.

Bound to get some of them right.

See you later.

(Buttons beep)

(Phone rings)

Amy: Hey, this is Amy. I'm not here right now, so leave a message.

Oh! (Laughs)

Lance: Oh, look who's back.

Hope you brought your wallet.

Of course.

How else am I gonna bring home all your money?

Oh! Well, me 'n' Colby only play doubles.

So you're gonna need a partner.



You, with the fancy shirt, you play?

Sure do.

Ashley: Okay, so I need three steak sandwiches: One with fries, one with coleslaw, one with fries and coleslaw; two cheese burgers - mustard, onions and pickles, and one with all the works.

Oh, and light on the mayo.

I don't know how you keep everything so straight when it gets this busy.

Well, there were a lot of screw-ups and broken dishes, but after a week you get the hang of it.

And I like it when it's busy 'cause the day flies by.

Okay, this might be totally inappropriate, but how much do you make?

Minimum wage.

But then there's tips.

Right. So how much would a cowboy or a rancher tip?

Well, depends how much you smile.

Amy: Hey, Caleb.

Um, look, I've just gotta ask...

How are things going at the trailer?

He's okay.


But I mean, not good.

You know, not himself.



You know, I've tried talking to him about you guys, but he wasn't having that.

So we've mostly been hanging out, playing pool, that sort of thing.

Playing pool, huh?

Is that why he's been skipping class?

(Chuckles and sighs)

Ty: I'm going to cut the eight ball into the side pocket.

I'd go with the bank shot, corner pocket.

Thanks for your advice, but if you haven't noticed I've sunk most of our balls.

Yeah, but the eight ball's kinda like a good woman on the pool table of life; it's the only one that really counts.

You screw that up, who cares about the rest?

Shoulda gone with the bank shot.

Lance: Colby, you're up.

Colby: Okay. All right. Bye.

That was the boss.

He's all hot on some horse in the claiming race.

Hurricane Dexter or something like that.

Lightning Dexter?

That's it.

Only asking $5000 dollars too.


Dexter's going to end up pulling a chuck wagon.

Amy's not going to like that.

Hey, I got an idea.

You should put in a claim.

You'd come out looking like a hero.

Of course, we don't all have an extra five g's kicking around.

Six ball, corner pocket.

Agh! Damn!

Bank shot, side pocket.

Lou: Grandpa, there is something I wanna show you.

Just so you know what I was thinking, okay?

This is where the changing table would go, and that is the crib.

But then, when it's time for the big kid's bed-

Honey, I thought we were going to drop this? Didn't we...

It's just that the baby has got to sleep somewhere.

I mean, I guess we can always move back to the condo, like you suggested.

You know, shove the crib in the en-suite bathroom.

Lou, what're you...

Lou: I'm serious, it would make potty training a breeze.

I mean, if that's what grandpa wants.

Amy, what do you think about all this?

I don't...
(Phone rings)

Hold on.

Saved by the bell.

(Phone rings)

So, you're not even taking his calls now?

Amy: I learned from the best.

(Truck rumbles)



So, uh, Caleb tells me that Lou is pregnant.

That's pretty crazy!

Yeah, the whole family's over the moon about it.

Uh, that's great.

I just came by to get some stuff out of the loft, so...

Yeah, well... no hurry. Take your time.

Uh, do you know if Amy's around or...?

She's in the barn.


Just be... you know.

What are you doing here?

How come you're not picking up or returning my calls?


I've been thinking...

You know, maybe we let things get out of hand.

Maybe we should have had a rule.

A rule?

I don't know, like...

Maybe, no matter how big the fight, the next morning when we wake up, we just start over.

You know, like hitting a reset button or somethin'.

Right. So you can just erase your lies about Blair?

At least I'm not still talking to Blair.

I'm not talking to Chase.

I avoid him at all costs.


You know, I feel sorry for Soraya in all this.

No, you don't get to come here and turn this around on me.

Look, I just came by to tell you that some chuck wagon guy is putting a claim on Dexter.

All right? I'm outta here.

Jack: So, you're okay with Dexter pulling a chuck wagon?

What? Yeah.

At least we got a buyer.

Well, Amy doesn't think his tendons will hold up to that kind of punishment.

Well, we don't know that for sure, Jack.

Look at the upside, it could be a whole new career for Dexter.

Oh, you don't get anything.


Well, I do get that we gotta sell that horse while he's still worth something.

Well, he's worth a whole lot to that daughter of yours.

I know.

But I gotta think about the future.

I can't sit around and tell stories about the good ol' days, when I used to be something.

Is that what this is about?

Your fear of becoming a grandfather?

That is stupid.

Thanks again.
Wow, the hits just keep on coming.

You know, I enjoy your insights, but this is business, and I'd appreciate it if you kept your nose out of mine.

Man: Tim, you forgot to sign. Here it is.

Oh, he's got that.

Man: Here you go.

Thanks, Jack.

What the...? Hey!

Peter no, I don't get it.

Well, why didn't anyone from our bank tell us about these ridiculous rules in the first place then?

No, it's not. You know what? It's a major screw up.

Okay. Fine.

But, you know, I need you to get back to me like yesterday.

Jack: Everything okay in here?

Oh, I'm sorry, Jack.

I did wake you up this time, didn't I?

Don't worry about it.

Trouble in Dubai?


I'm having some cash flow issues, you know.

It's tough to deal with these guys over the phone.

It's a different culture, you know.

They're used to sitting down, face to face.

You need to go back, don't you?

(Sighs heavily)

My wife's pregnant.

I mean, what am I gonna do here?

You do whatever's best for your family, even if it's the hardest thing you've ever done.

What's with you?

We're unloading Dexter, you should be excited.

Well, you know, Amy, uh...

Amy doesn't know if he's sound enough for the chucks.

Tim, don't do this.

Well, she's been training him.

You know, she should know; She's working with him.

We have a buyer willing to take a chance on him.

We'd be crazy to back down now.

You're waffling. I can't believe it.

You talk a big game, but when push comes to shove...

Dexter's made me a lot of money; he gave me my start.

Don't you think we owe him?

He's a racehorse; He's supposed to win.

And when he stops winning, that's it, you get rid of him.

That's how this business works.

Ty: Hey, stop the truck. Caleb: What?

Check it out.

Chase is at the pool hall again.

Do you wanna take his money?

Well, I thought you were on your way to work.

Hey, make a heck of a lot more there then I would at Heartland.

Besides, it'd feel pretty darn good taking it from Chase, wouldn't it?


Well, it's gonna be a long day.

Caleb called in with the flu.

Must be the 24 hour variety. He seemed fine yesterday.

Yeah, that's the variety that gives him 24 hours to come up with a damn good excuse for me not to fire his ass.

Lou: I'll call Mallory.

Jack: Yeah, get her in here early.

Amy: Grampa?

Did you talk to dad?

Oh yeah. It didn't go well.

So he's still entering him then?


Okay, how about this?

Peter and I will put in a claim.

Amy: Well, that still doesn't mean we'd get him back.

I mean, if there's more than one claim, then it goes to a draw.

That's just so random.

What if Peter and I bought him before the race.

What do you think?

Uh... yeah. Sure. I mean...

Whatever we can do to help.

That's a very generous offer, but babies have a way of draining your bank account.

Guys, I really appreciate it, but I can't ask you to do that.

I'll figure something out.

Chase: Tough shot.

Caleb, see you're looking better.

Caleb: Uh... well, well... I could've explained.

Amy: Um, are you the guys who are interested in lightning Dexter?

What's it to you?

Well, I just thought you should know the horse is lame.

It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when his leg is gonna give out.

And if he keeps running, it's gonna happen.

For five thousand bucks, the boss will be happy if he makes it through the season.

That's right.

Chase: Hey, hey there, boys.

That's the girl's horse you're talking about.

Breaks my heart to think she might lose him.

What do you say, man?

Why don't you put in a claim too?

Give her a shot at keeping that horse.

All right, you won't? I will.



Chase, what the hell was that about?

I thought I was clear.

I'm putting a claim on Dexter.

If I win the draw I'll gift him back to you.

You'd really do that?

Well, someone has to step up.

And I only want one thing in return.


A partnership... you and me doing clinics again.

C'mon, Chase...

We're a great team, the crowds love us.

I already told you I'm not interested.

All right, look, Amy, it's real simple.

Do you want Dexter back or not?

It's your decision.

Hey, babe.


What's going on?

Um... nothing to be concerned about, but there are a few things I need to sort out with my partners.

Okay. And this is stuff I cannot do over the phone.

Um... (Clears throat)
You're going back to Dubai?

Yes. I am.

I'm really sorry, but...

This is why I came home in the first place.

'Cause you never do what you say you're going to do.

You never follow through.

You can't- that's totally unfair.

I had no way of knowing that this is gonna happen.

And what's going to happen after the baby is born?

I'm gonna end up raising this child on my own; that's what's gonna happen, and that's not what I signed up for.

Amy, you're not gonna hate me forever over this, are you?

I don't hate you.

I just hate that you're giving up on him.

Well, you're the one that asked me to stop racing him.

No! I told you there's plenty of other things that he could be doing, and the chucks was not one of them.

I'm not doing this to hurt you, or Dexter for that matter.

I own racehorses.

This isn't personal, this is part of my business.


Is that what Janice told you?

Mallory: Mowing the lawn was Caleb's job.

Today, it's your...

Today, it's your job.

You'll get the hang of it.

You should be done by the end of day.

End of the day?

But you told me I'd only be working for a couple of hours.

Some girls from school invited me out, and my parents have finally lifted the house arrest.

Well, that's good, you can meet up with them later then.

It's not my fault Caleb called in sick.

I'm short-handed, Mallory.

I need you to pick up the slack; that is your job.

Not any more.

I quit.

Jack: Lou, come on, in your condition.

No, it's good.

It's good to work, grandpa.

Got a lot to think about, you know.

What it's going to be like...

How I'm going to manage...

But you know what? Lots of mothers do it, so...

Do what?

Everything: Breakfast, lunch, dinner; be there in the morning, tuck them in at night; doctor's appointments; parent teacher meetings.

Mom did it, right?

So I can do it too.

I mean, I wasn't planning on being a single mom, but that's just how it works out.

No one plans that.

Peter's gone to Dubai.


Well, he must have a good reason.

What? Are you sticking up for him?

I'm just saying that...

Some guys kind of bury things and...

Could be there's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Sure, grandpa, there's always a reason.

There's always a reason that he leaves.

But I just...

I wasn't planning on having this baby on my own.

And you won't be.

You have family to lean on.

We'll make it work. We'll all make it work.

(Grunts) Careful, grandpa.

Well, I've been doin' some thinking.

Well, you know how I feel about the nursery, but...

Oh my... really?

Well, I figured you'd keep on me until you got what you wanted anyway.

Thank you.

So what the hell is going on with you and Chase?

Nothing. I told you that.

So why's he putting a claim in on Dexter?

He has his reasons.

I'm sure he does.

You know what?

I'm not gonna let Dexter go without a fight, all right?

And you have no right to judge me.

(Knock on door)


Hey, come on in.

So I'm trying to pick out neutral-coloured sheets for the crib.

What do you think?

Mint green or buttercup yellow?

I don't know, Lou.

That's helpful.

I just have a lot on my mind, okay?

Like Ty?

I know it must be rough.

Do you wanna talk about it?


Well, if you change your mind, just let me know.

I did something really stupid today.

I let Chase put a claim in on Dexter and Ty was right there.

And the worse part is...

I told Chase that if he won the draw, I would start doing clinics with him again.

Does dad have any idea what he's putting you through?

No. He just keeps saying it's business.

But I think it's Janice, 'cause she's keeps pushing him.

He's gotta know how much this is k*lling you.

But you know what? Maybe he's right.

Maybe we should just be thinking about this as a business.

Mallory: Can I take your order?


I would recommend the ranchman's special.

We can make it with egg whites if you're trying to watch your cholesterol.

You can't be serious.

What? You didn't think I could get another job?

Come on, Mallory, why are you doing this?

You like working at Heartland.

Really? What's to like?

Okay, I used to...

I used to like working at Heartland, but things have changed.

I mean, Lou's going to have that baby, and the baby's gonna need that room... and I'm sure you've already given in to her by now.

Well, that's no reason to quit your job.

I miss the way things used to be...

I miss Ty.

Things... people... They have a way of moving on.

I think I need to move on too.

Well, that's your choice to make.

So, the ranchman's special?

No thanks.

I uh...

Kinda lost my appetite.

Did your boss put in that claim on Dexter?

Yup. That's right.

So did I, and I got a horseshoe up my butt today.

Usually it's just your head.

Care to test that luck, Chase?

One game, you and me.

Five thousand bucks.

Oh! Woo!

If I win, I get to put the claim in on Dexter.

No strings attached.

Now, how is a guy living in a trailer gonna settle that wager?

I can cover it.

Phew! Have at her.

Rack 'em up.

(Truck rumbles)

Oh boy...

This why I've been doing all your work for you?

I'm sorry, Jack, but I'll make it up to you.

Oh, damn right you will.

I gotta stay though. Ty needs me.

No, he's doing a good enough job of wasting his time all by himself.

You don't understand.

He's playing Chase for five thousand bucks.

And if he wins, he's gonna put a claim on Dexter; win him back for Amy.

Ty doesn't have that kind of...

Ugh... Not his school money!

What is the matter with you?

Are you even any good at this?

Yes, I am.

Then make sure you kick his ass.

You got a wide open bank shot.

Just take your shot.

Chase: My turn.

♪ Man's gotta make a few mistakes in his life ♪
♪ so he can learn from 'em ♪
♪ and let me tell ya ♪
♪ I had a whole lot of schoolin' along the way so far ♪
♪ but that's okay ♪
♪ yeah, I really messed it up this time ♪
♪ got a long way to climb out of this hole ♪

You know, I bet I could get a sweet custom paint job on my truck for five grand.

Eight ball, corner pocket.

♪ You been down this low ♪
♪ there's only one way to go and that's up, up, up! ♪


♪ Here we go! ♪

(Guitar riff plays)
♪ ooh yeah! ♪
♪ ha, ha, ha ♪
♪ keep your eye on me, baby ♪
♪ whoo! ♪
♪ from where I stand, baby, ♪
♪ things are sure enough ♪
♪ ohhhh! ♪

Yes! Yeah!

♪ Yow! ♪

You are damn lucky.

Hey, you won fair and square, but I'm still putting the claim on Dexter.

See you at the track.

Jack hey! Wait!

He's not worth the effort.

Just a minute.

You need to go put that claim in now.

Don't tell Amy about this.

Tim: All right, I've entered him in the race, you might as well hold your breath.

Stop giving me crap about it, because this is just...

Lou: Business. I know.

I agree with you completely.

Finally, somebody gets it.

Um... here.

Tim: What's this?

Oh, it's just the bill for Dexter's board and rehab.

You gotta be kidding me?

This is more than we'll make in the claim.

You know our policy, dad.

We cannot release a horse until we've been paid in full by the client, and that would be you.


Okay, you win.

I'll pull him from the race.

Thank you.

So... were you in on their little stunt too?

No, of course not.

Wow! So basically you just caved in.

Getting kind of soft in your old age there, gramps.

Yeah, maybe I am.

I just put family first.

And if Amy loves that damn horse so much, I'm good with that.

Lou: Been looking all over for you.

Grampa says we can do the nursery.

Good. Good. That's great.

Hey, listen, about what I said before...

No, it's okay, you were right.

Honestly, I mean... I'm worried too.

I don't know how we're gonna make this work.

We just will.

I love you.

I love you too.

Now go deal with your business and get your butt back here as soon as you can, okay?

And I'll just distract myself with this nursery until then.

Amy: Hey, Soraya! Did you hear the good news?

My dad pulled him from the race.

I get to keep him!

That is so great.

I know.

Sure saved Chase a couple bucks.

I heard he put in a claim.

Any reason I should be worried about my boyfriend giving my best friend such expensive gifts?

It wasn't a gift.

I was going to do some clinics with him.

That is what he said.

Um, anyway, I gotta go meet Lou, go over the books for the dude ranch, so...

Yeah. I'll talk to you later.

Okay, see ya.

So it turns out Jack's not gonna k*ll me.

He's just gonna try and work me to death.


Yeah. That was one crazy day.

Yeah, crazy good for you.

Extra 5 large in your pocket.


I'm just glad Tim pulled Dexter.

I don't know what would've been worse: If Dexter had ended up in the chucks or Amy owing Chase Powers big time.

Chase Powers would've been worse.


Hey, man, I gotta thank you for giving me a place to stay.

It's no worries, man. You're a good guy.

No, I'm serious, man.

I wanna split the five grand with you, just like we do with all our pool winnings.

You can't, man, I didn't even play.

Shut up and take the money, all right?

We're partners.

Pay off some of that debt.

Thanks, man.

I'm gonna tell Ashley.

Ashley: (Squeals)
Oh my God! Caleb!

♪ The windows are always broken ♪
♪ I am... ♪
♪ a pause in a storm on a dark stair ♪
♪ whenever your name is spoken ♪
♪ be a man about this ♪
♪ be a man about this ♪
♪ be the coward or the kiss ♪
♪ be a man about this ♪