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04x14 - Leap of Faith

Posted: 02/15/11 19:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland":

(Sirens wail, horses whinny)

(Horse grunts)

Hey, you're okay. You're okay.

Amy Fleming.

Stewart Forrest, Caesar's trainer.

He's an Olympic hopeful.

I mean, I don't know how you did that, but... thank you.

You are not gonna believe this.

Miracle girl?

Fine. But you know I need you to get back to me like yesterday.

Trouble in Dubai?

I'm having some cash flow issues.

When chase said you couldn't come to the movie, I should've just gone home.

What movie?

When you were studying, last night?

I never meant...

I didn't know that...




We can't do this.

Do what?

You're dating my best friend.

And if I wasn't?

(Hooves thud, horse grunts)

(Metallic squeak)

Jack: Well, look at that!

You're famous.
(Half laughs)

And a real nice picture too, don't you think?

Ty: Oh, wow!

That's pretty cool.


Off to school. See you, guys.

See ya.

I am so proud of you. You know that?

Thank you.

So, now, what are you doing cleaning out Copper's stall?

Well, Mallory sure isn't showing up to do it.

She hasn't called or anything?

No. And I'm the one ends up looking after her horse.

You're, you're not too famous to help me out, are you?

Uh... no.


'Cause I wanna show this to Lou.

Amy: (Laughs)

Well, Stewart Forrest! Good to see you.

Hey! Stewart!

Have you seen this?

My Amy right there on the cover of Western Financial Group magazine.

I did see it, yes.

That's kind of why I'm here.

It's been a while, miracle girl.

How have you been?


Good, 'cause I have a job for you.

I need your help with training someone.

How could I possibly help you with horse training?

Oh, I think you can.

You busy right now?



Then why don't you come over to my barn and I'll show you.

Peter: No-no, they can't!

They can't do that. We have it in writing.


I thought we had people representing us over there?

Do we not?

Are we not paying people to represent us there?!

What? No. Are you crazy?

I can't turn around and get on a plane back to Dubai.

What am I gonna tell my wife?

(Sighs) I gotta call you back.

I will call you back. Yes.

What was that about?

It's nothing. It's Doug.

You know, he doesn't feel like he's ining his job unless everyone's having a heart attack.

You didn't have to end your call.

I just wanted to show you something.

Oh, honey, I'm happy to get off the phone, honestly.

What's up?

Look at this.

Peter: Running strollers.

Lightweight graphite composite, yet sturdy enough for gravel roads.

(Exhales) Wow! it's... buy a small vehicle for that price.

Yeah, they're a little more than some, but you get what you pay for, right?


I am not going to be one of those mothers who carries around pregnancy pounds the next 15 years.

You wouldn't want that, would you?

Is there a right answer to that question?

So... the fit or the summit?

(Screen door opens and closes)

Uh... which one comes with a motor?

Well, Peter, just help me choose.

Guys, look at this.

Lou: Aww! Look at Amy!

Jack: I have to head into town;

I need a new pair of wire strippers.

Amy's got my truck. Can you give me a lift?

I can do that. No problem.

Uh... Peter?


Which stroller?

Oh, honey, they're ridiculously expensive.

Let's figure something else out, okay?

(Screen door opens and closes)

Two things a father should not attempt: Teaching your daughter to drive and trying to coach her before a big competition.

Right, Riana?

Right, dad.

He's a really beautiful horse.


Had my eye on him for two years and he finally became available.

Paid too much for him but he's worth it.

Look, Riana's got qualifiers in a couple of weeks.

She's enthusiastic, wants to compete more than anything, but we never really found the right horse for her until now.

Wanna take him out for a spin?


Come on.

(Hooves clop on the hard surface)

(Addison grunts)

Amy: She seems pretty tentative.

Stewart: That's why I need your help.

See, Addison's the kind of animal that can really build the reputation of a young rider.

He's too flat... collect him up.

That's a lot of horse for that girl, and a lot of bit.

Stewart: It's the only way she can control him.

(Addison grunts)

Stewart: Okay, sit back.

Sit back, drive!

(Addison whinnies)

Amy: Watch... watch... Riana: (Whimpers)

Stewart: Go around! Riana!

(Cries out in pain)

You okay, honey?


It's okay, I'm fine.

You took a bit of a knock there.

Oh, that was my fault.

Riana, why don't you just take a break.

Let him catch his breath, walk it out.

Uh, okay.

Honestly, I'm fine. It was totally my fault.

(Hooves thud)

That is way too much horse for that girl.

I bought him for her specifically.

She has to learn how to handle horses like this.

She's just not ready.

I don't think I can help you.

Are you actually turning this job down?

I guess I am.

Well, that's not very good for her career...

Or yours.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

(Music plays in diner, patrons chatter)

You're nuts, you know that?

I've got nothing to say to you, chase.

No one turns down Stewart Forrest.

How did do you hear about that?

I got friends in high places.

I don't wanna talk to you.

Hey, hey, don't be like that.

We're in the same business; We can't afford to be strangers.

Do you know how much trouble you caused me with Soraya?

She'll get over it. It's fine. Trust me.

Trust you?! You're kidding, right?


$150,000 dollar horse and the big man's daughter.

Trainer to the Olympians.

You pull this off, you'll look like a genius.

Riana's not ready to compete on that horse.

Not in two weeks, not in four weeks, maybe not ever.

It's a train wreck waiting to happen.

It would be irresponsible of me to take it on.

Chase: See this?

This kind of attention can disappear overnight if word gets out you walked away from a difficult training situation.

By next issue nobody cares, I promise.

Soraya, hey.


Great. Look, don't worry about her.

I'll deal with it.

You got bigger problems than Soraya.

Call Stewart Forrest back, Amy, okay, and beg for I'm serious.

It's important if you wanna stay in the business.

(Diner door closes)

(Sighs, reluctant)

(Phone keys beep)

Hi, Stewart. It's Amy.

Listen, I've changed my mind.

I'd like to see what I can do to help Riana.

Okay. Great.

I'd rather work with her at Heartland, if you don't mind.

Okay. I'm sorry about all the back and forth.

Okay. Bye.

(Phone beeps off)

Riana: I don't get it.

There's no jumps.

Well, you just seemed a little tense on Addison, so I want you to dress up first just get you moving together and feeling comfortable with one another... without the distraction of the jumps.

You mean just like flat work?

Well, I mean getting to know his movements, just become familiar with him.

You know, a horse has to want to perform for you, but he's gotta trust you first.

Look, I have two weeks to get ready for a show.

Dad expects me to be working on my combinations.

Can we just try it my way first?

(Addison grunts)


(Agitated grunt)

Amy: Hey, Riana?

Why don't you come in for a minute?

I think I'm gonna change out your bit.


This is just a little severe for him.

He's fighting it and making it tougher for you.

(Sighs) Dad says I need this bit or I won't be able to control him.

Well, there's different ways of controlling a horse.

I'm not comfortable switching out the bit.

Dad says it's what I need.

That bit is useful in the hands of an experienced rider, but...

I am an experienced rider.

(Music plays in diner)


Well, call me right after then.

Listen, Jennifer, you gotta keep me in the loop here.

Hey, you want coffee?

No thanks.

Yeah, no, I understand that.

Seriously, Jennifer, you have to let me know.

Hello, Mallory.

Coffee, please.


Naw. I just come by for a quick chat.


I haven't seen you at the ranch.

Well, I have a job, Jack. I've been working.

I can see that.

But Copper isn't getting the attention he deserves and that's not fair.

Well, I don't have time to go out there everyday.

Well, Amy and I sure don't have the time to look after your horse.

Well, Amy has time to teach some girl to jump, doesn't she?

After she's been promising me for what?... three years now?

What's that got to do with you taking care of your horse?

Okay, I don't work at heartland anymore, remember?

You can't boss me around.

No. No, you're right.

But if you don't start looking after Copper, then I get to start charging you for his keep.

(Stammers, speechless)

Amy: So, how's school going?

Ty: Well, I'm a little behind the eight ball because of the classes I missed, but I'm getting there.

I got a big test tomorrow, so it's gonna be a late night.

No chance I could get you for a couple hours tomorrow?

Sorry, Jack, I got school.

That big wind last week knocked a couple of trees down at your dude ranch.

(Hard thump)



Yeah, hey, Jack, I could...

I could help you out with that.

Lou: That's a nice offer.

Peter: Yeah, sure.

Lou: So... Amy, how's it going with Riana and her horse?

Okay. She's just a little prickly.

Someone told me I'd be crazy if I turned down Stewart Forrest.

Someone who?

Uh, chase, actually.

You still talk to that guy?

I thought you fired him.

I did.

Well, um... Thanks for dinner, Lou.

I'm going to get some studying done.


(Door opens and closes)

(Door opens)

Oh, thank you.


How did Peter seem when you guys went into town today?

Oh, he seemed... Preoccupied.

What, did he go off and talk on his phone the whole time?

He did, didn't he?

No, come on, Lou.

He's got a business to run and it'nonot easy for him.

I know, but there's something going on, grandpa.

Like what?

I don't know.

But there's something he's not telling me.

I can feel it in my gut and...

I'm kinda scared actually.

I think he is too.


Well, sure.

Well, the thrill of finding out you're gonna be a new father is always followed by the panic that you're gonna be a new father.

(Half laughs)

Yeah. Well, I hope that's all it is.

Well, I'm sure it is.



No, no, I get it. I get it.

Don't worry about it, Jennifer.

I'll try to figure something out.

Okay, I'll let you know. Bye.

Everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Ouou: Hey, um...

You know it's okay to be nervous.

About what?

The baby... being a new father...

No, I'm not. I'm not nervous.

It's gonna be fine.

I'm nervous.

I'm not exactly Mother Earth where babies are concerned.

You're gonna be amazing.




See, that's better, isn't it?

Hey, honey, listen.

If I had to go away for a couple of days, um... would you be all right with that?

(Sighs, annoyed)

You're talking about Dubai.

You know it's not a couple of days; It'll turn into weeks.

Forget it.

Just forget it.

Forget it.

Lou: You know, I get the whole cold feet new father thing, I do, I get it.

But if you just don't wanna be here anymore, then I can't stop you.

It's not that I don't wanna be here!

I mean, God knows you spend all of your time talking to people there, you might as well be there.

Oh God. Come on, Lou...

And okay, you know what? You've got me thinking...

Maybe there's someone else you'd rather be with.

What?! What're you talking about?

Every time I walk into the room you hang up the phone, Peter.

What am I supposed to think?!

Just forget it, okay?

Forget I said anything, all right?

I'm sorry.

Lou: (Sighs heavily)

(Sighs heavily)

Soraya: We're closed.

For you.


Okay, the whole movie thing with Amy?

Totally a bad idea. I get it.

But honestly it was completely innocent, at least for me it was.

I'm not used to being in a committed relationship, okay? it's kind of a first for me and I... I'm not clear on all the rules.

The rules?

You mean like thou shall not hit on thy girlfriend's best friend?

Okay, "hitting on" is not what it was.

Amy's a colleague and I need to stay casual and friendly with her for business reasons.

And I was wrong to suggest the movie, but I didn't intend anything by it.

Are you really that dense or do you think I am?

No, I'm the dense one. I am.

And the thing that kills me is that I've hurt you by being thoughtless and stupid.

And I've been lying awake at night trying to figure out how to make it up to you.

You don't buy your way out of the dog house, Chase.

I'm gonna keep trying.

I'm not giving up.

You mean too much to me.

(Door opens and closes)

(Birds chirp outside)

Peter: Hey.

Lou: Hey.



Listen, I'm gonna go give Jack a hand this morning, okay?



Honey, look, about last night, um...

I never should've brought up going away.

It's the last thing I wanna do.

And I love you, you're beautiful.

(Skeptical laugh)

You are.

And you know what? I want you to go ahead and buy that crazy running stroller.

If that's what you want, that's what you should have.

I gotta go.


(Dialling beeps)

All right, Addison, you gonna be a good boy for Riana today, huh?

(Addison nickers)

Hey. Good luck on your test.

Thank you.

Um, I just wanted to say that it's none of my business what you do with Chase or anyone else.

It's your call.

It's okay.

I just hear the guy's name and it kinda rubs me the wro w way.

I just don't like him and I know that's my problem and not yours, so...

Yeah, I don't like him all that much either, Ty.


Yeah, I mean, we have to work together sometimes, but that's it.

But you fired him.

It's none of my business.

See ya.


(Chainsaw buzzes loudly)

(Chainsaw halts)

(Logs clunk into truck bed, Peter's phone rings)

(Keypad beeps)

(Keys beep)

Yeah, I...

I don't like getting involved in other people's problems, but Lou's getting worried about you.


Jack: And I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer, but even I can tell that the problem you had before is getting bigger.

Ah, it's not.

It's not a big deal, Jack.

Aw, don't B.S. me.

If you wanna talk about it, I'll listen; If you don't, fine.

Okay. Well, um...

Okay, yeah.

I mean, I do have some problems, but I also have a very pregnant and somewhat hormonal wife at home, so I'm trying not to complicate things anymore than they already are, you know?

Sounds reasonable.

So, tell me, when you... When your wife was pregnant and you had... certain anxieties, did you tell her about 'em?

Good lord, no.

But, you know, when a Bronc rider climbs on, he's gotta open the gate and ride or get off that animal.

And if he doesn't, he might just get kicked to death right there in the chute, and that is no way to go.

(Stammers, confused)

I'm not sure what we're talking about here, Jack?

We're talking about you.
(Chainsaw buzzes loudly)


Um, 0-6-11.

Yup. And that's for the "fit" in green, right?


I'm sorry? No. There must be a mistake.


What, no explanation? Just "refused"?

(Door opens)

Okay, I understand.

Hey. Hi.

Um, so, weirdest thing just happened.

What's that?

I went to buy that stroller and the credit card was refused.

That's a mistake.

Yeah, that's what I said.

Can I see it? You know what?

I use this card in Dubai a lot.

All the foreign travel... They probably flagged it.

I'll give 'em call and look into it.

(Addison snuffles)

Good boy.

Did you see?

I think it's lots better.

And what's different to you?

I dunno, it's kind of like we're talking to each other.

Like I think what I want him to do and he does it.

Well, that's only gonna get better.

Let's set up a few low jumps and let's see if you can keep the nice even pace that you have.

Stewart: I thought you were out here training?

Where are the jumps?

Dad, we're making some progress I think.

Why isn't she working on her combinations?

This isn't Pony club.

She's got a short window to get a whole lot of work done.

Dad, we were just about to set up the jumps.

Is that right?

I'm paying you to get her ready.

I'm paying you a lot!

We were just about to start jumping.

See that you do, please.

Riana, you're running out of time.

You don't want to be embarassed at Qualifiers, do you?

No, dad.


There's some guy, he wants to see you.

What guy?

Good looking guy.

Just outside here.

Right there.

What are you doing?!

I am in the middle of a shift!

He needs to be brushed out, ridden a little, and have his stall cleaned.

And he misses you, obviously.

What do you want me to do? Quit my job?

Should I take him over to your folks place and turn him out in the yard?

Or are you gonna do something good for this poor animal?

Just take him home, okay?

I'll be there in the morning.

Good job, Copper.

Lou: Honey?

Did you talk to the credit card company?

Ah, no. Not yet.

I'll, uh...

I'll give 'em a call later today.

I'm just looking at the real estate listings in Calgary and the value of the condo's gone way up.

Oh really?

Peter: Yeah, it's a big bounce back from two years ago.

I'm thinking maybe we should sell, while the market's up.

Why would we sell?

I thought we wanted to keep a place in the city.

Yeah. No, no reason.

I just, uh... I saw it as more of an investment property, you know?

We're hardly ever in it and, uh...

Anyway, just a thought.

(Cell phone rings, Peter sighs heavily)

Peter: That's, uh...

(Phone ringing)


We're not in trouble, are we?

No, of course not. Why? Why do you ask?

Because lately it's like you're not really here.

Well, I'm a little distracted, to be honest.

I got a lot of things on the go here.

Lou: Well, we need to talk it out.

(Phone keeps ringing)

There's nothing to talk out! I don't know what it... why are you getting upset?

I'm not, honey! I just...

You know, between you and Jack, I just feel like I'm on the witness stand all the time here, you know?

What? Okay, Peter, you know what?

We both know there's something going on and why don't you just tell me the truth?!

(Lou sighs, exasperated, cell phone rings)

Just answer it!

Hey, Jennifer.

I... I don't have an answer for that right now, honestly, but... well, have you contacted them?

It's a little further over here.

That's your solution, right there.

It's a snaffle bit.

I was gonna change out Addison's bit anyway.

It's not just any bit.

It's a Chase Powers "power bit."

It's an ordinary bit, Chase.

But you'll be using the Chase Powers method.

(Scoffs) Which is what exactly?

Which is instilling confidence.

Look, I'll come by tomorrow and I'll show you.

This little baby's gonna save your job with Stewart Forrest, I promise.

Okay, but you would do this because...?

Because it's how I'm launching my whole product line.

This is just the beginning.

I got big plans.

Amy: Soraya! Soraya, please!

I'm a little busy, Amy.

Just wait.

Look, I can't stand this anymore.

You're my best friend and I hate that there's this thing between us now.

Well, I didn't put it there.

Can't we just work this out?

Look, Chase told me that he explained everything.

Honestly, Amy, I don't know who to trust anymore.

I'm really confused.

I just need my space, okay?

(Crickets chirp)

(Whispering) Peter you awake?

(Computer chimes)

(Papers rustle)

(Keys clack)

Oh, my God.

(Rooster crows)

(Footsteps clunk on stairs)

Ty: You lost?

Just waiting for Amy.

Ty: Oh.

So you having any luck?

With what?

You know, patching things up with the ex?

I mean, why else would you come crawling back to Heartland?

I don't have to explain myself to you.

I'm just making conversation there, big guy.

Amy, Chase is here to see ya.


Um, Riana, this is Chase Powers.

Good to meet you!

Ready to try Chase Powers' method?

I have never, never had a client that didn't become a better rider on the first day, and the secret is this new bit.


Now, listen, your dad's the best there is, but that bit he's got you using is getting in your way.

This new Chase Powers "power bit" is made for riders at exactly your level.

So what do you say, you wanna give it a shot?


You won't be sorry.

It's just an ordinary soft bit.

I know that and you know that, but she doesn't have to know that.

It's about selling confidence.

Peter: I can't believe you went behind my back!

Lou: What else was I supposed to do?

You wouldn't tell me anything.

We're supposed to trust each other.

Don't talk to me about trust, Peter!

You're the one who said everything was fine and obviously it's not!

I'm dealing with it.

Why wouldn't you tell me?

Did you think it was over my head?

I have my MBA, remember? I'm not stupid.

I'm taking care of it, Lou!

I just said that. Please.


How are you taking care of it, Peter?

All four of the banks that Bedford deals with are calling in their loans simultaneously.

Your personal line of credit is maxed out, all the credit cards are stopped.

Where did the money go, Peter?

I wanna know what's going on and, most importantly,

I wanna know why you didn't tell me?!

I didn't tell you, Lou, because of this!


I didn't want you to flip out.

That is so patronizing and condescending!

I can't even believe it just came out of your mouth!

And while we are talking about trust, who the hell is Jennifer?



Jennifer is a lawyer.

One of the many lawyers that I have trying to dig us out of this mess, Okay?

Who'd you think she was, Lou?

What mess?

Okay, you wanna know exactly what's going on?


Okay, Bedford Oil is about two days away from insolvency... that's personal and professional bankruptcy.

I'm broke!

I mean, I'm so screwed I don't even know if I can afford baby food, let alone expensive baby strollers, okay?



(Addison grunts)

(Hooves thud)

(Addison grunts)


Look at you! Great work!

(Laughs happily)

Chase: You feel the difference? It's amazing, isn't it?

You were totally right!

This is way, way better.

Chase: Wow.

That's all you; That wasn't me.

Riana: I think I'm ready for the big jumps.

Chase: Absolutely!

Okay, but let's not go too fast.

All right?

You're welcome.

(Truck door closes)

Chase: Mr. Forrest. Good to see you again.

Chase Powers.

Your daughter's gonna be a fine rider.

I know.

Amy, I thought I made it clear I wanted Riana working on her combinations.

This is a course for five-year-olds.

She needs to be schooling a meter at least.

We've actually been doing the basic work necessary to get your daughter in a good relationship with her new horse.

It's okay, dad.

We're trying out a new bit and that's making all the difference in the world.

A new bit?

Why are you changing his bit?

I explained this already.

Dad, let me show you.

I'm actually getting better. Watch this!

(Addison grunts and nickers)

Amy: Riana, don't do the big jumps; We haven't worked on them yet.


Amy: Pull him up!

(Poles and blocks clatter)

(Addison whinnies)

Amy: Riana!

Stewart: Riana!

(Exhales forcefully in pain)

Honey, are you okay?

(Cries) I'm sorry, daddy.

I'm so sorry.

Let me have a look at your arm.

(Cries out in pain)

Okay, I'm taking you to a hospital.

And you, get my horse back!


You're okay. Whoa.

Good boy. You're okay.

You're okay.

(Addison grunts)

He's hurt.

(Sighs heavily)

How long have you known?

Couple months.

Before I found out I was pregnant?

Way before that.

When I was still in Dubai?

(Sighs heavily) Yup.

All those long hours... the dinners... the... the never being home... what happened?

You know we borrowed pretty heavily when we partnered with El Alyria, right?

We were told our level of foreign investment was allowed in the United Arab Emirates.

But it turns out that El Alyria lied about their own resources.

How could they do that?

They did, and they seized all our assets and now our banks want their money back.

You know, I thought I could find a way out of this mess until the UAE courts refused to even hear our case.

And that's why you're always on the phone.

Peter: Yeah. Lawyers, bankers...

Anyone who's got a connection.

I've been making phones ring all over Dubai.

It's not how I planned it, Lou.

God, I really screwed things up.


We're gonna get through this.

We could lose everything.

Not everything.

(Exhales deeply)

So I guess that Chase Powers bit worked out real well.

That's not why he crashed.

Riana's way over mounted on Addison.

Chase was just trying to get her confidence back.

If it takes a little salesmanship, what's the harm?

Sounds like you drank the Kool-aid.

You know what? All you can think about is butting heads with Chase.

The less I have to do with Chase the better.

Amy: Stewart. Um...

We've just called our vet.

He's gonna come check Addison.

Thank you, but I'll have my vet deal with this.

I want this horse trailered and brought back to my barn immediately.

Okay. How's Riana?

She has a badly sprained wrist.

Your job was to get them ready for competition in two weeks, but instead you managed to injure them both.

Amy wasn't the one riding the horse.

I suggest you stay out of this, son.

I put a lot of bit on that horse for a reason.

You put my daughter on a Ferrari with no brakes.

I was trying to get her confidence back.

Riana is just terrified of disappointing you.

Don't try to blame this on me.

That magazine cover?

I made you into the miracle girl; I can unmake you.

Yeah, that's the long form agreement.

I combed it a million times.

You have a solid case.

Yeah, maybe if the judge is from Pincher Creek I do.

Well, then you have to go there.

You have to stand in their kitchen and bang your fists on the tables and demand justice.

And if that doesn't work, then we'll go at it from the diplomatic angle.

Bring in the International Trade Commission.


I am so glad you're on my team...

And I'm sorry I kept it from you.

You know, I didn't expect to be facing fatherhood and bankruptcy at the same time.

We're not there yet.

(Copper nickers)

You're mad at me too?

I can tell.

I can't be everywhere at once.

Jack: Better late than never, I guess.

I used to love coming here.

Heartland was like a second home to me.

Now everything has changed.

I don't know what to tell you about that, Mallory.

Maybe you've changed a little yourself.




Sign here, please.


Good.. thanks.

What's that?

It's a Demand letter.

Oh my God.

Stewart Forrest intends to sue Heartland for negligence.

Amy, you know there has to be paperwork done on every horse that comes to Heartland.

I know.

So Stewart didn't sign anything?

No waiver, no contract for services, nothing?

Stewart Forrest...

I just figured it wouldn't matter.


Amy: Besides, Lou, every time he came here, he was telling me off about something.

I just didn't feel like the timing was right.

Okay, okay...

Well, that makes it his word against yours, I guess.

So an Olympic trainer against a no-name kid.

I don't stand a chance.

(Patrons chatter, music plays in diner)

Hey, Soraya.

(Concerned) Hey!

Um, I heard you're having some trouble with Stewart Forrest.

(Sighs) Good news travels fast, huh?

Well, I'm sorry to hear it.

Are we okay?

I think so.

Okay, good.

Amy! Check out the next thing.

Chase Powers' signature horses.

Pre-trained... no muss, no fuss.

Pay a premium, but you get a luxury model totally tacked out and test driven.

It's gonna be big.

Stewart Forrest is suing me.

She got too enthusiastic. It happens.

Chase, you egged her on.

No, I didn't.

I'm the better maker, the confidence giver.

I solve problems, watch the DVD.

No, you make more problems than you solve.

I'm sick of it.

Chase Powers' signature horses.

You're gonna wanna get in on that.

(Diner door opens and closes)

♪ You hold onto hope ♪
♪ but you'll change your mind ♪
♪ come running back, straight back to you ♪
♪ you hold onto your past ♪

Aren't you supposed to be studying?


You know, you probably shouldn't get too close to me.

Stewart Forrest might sue you too.

Stewart Forrest is an ass and a bully.

(Brush swishes)

Love you.

I love you too.

And hey, you in there, I love you too.

You be good to your mom.

We'll be all right.

But I am not shovelling any snow...


So you better be back by then, okay?


♪ Hold onto me ♪



Bye, baby.

♪ Give up the heartache ♪
♪ the nights you lie awake ♪
♪ it's easy to set it free ♪
♪ hold onto me ♪
♪ I won't let you go ♪

announcer: On an all-new Heartland...

It's official, that creep has gone ahead and sued us.

Announcer: Legal wrangling.

Write me a cheque for $150,000 and.

I'll be happy to call it a day.

I'm callin' it a day.

Announcer: The gloves are off.

It is going to get ugly.

Announcer: An all-new Heartland, Sunday.

February 27th on cbc.