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04x17 - Burning Down the House

Posted: 03/15/11 11:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland..."

So what's the problem?

If you saw the way Ashley took to those fancy hotels in Rome and hanging out with this Marco guy and his rich family in Tuscany...

You ever hear of a bride not coming back on her honeymoon with her husband?

Tim: I own race horses.

This isn't personal, this is part of my business.

Really? Is that what Janice told you?

Lou: You have a solid case.

You have to stand in their kitchen and bang your fists on their tables and demand justice.

You know, I didn't expect to be facing fatherhood and bankruptcy at the same time.

We're not there yet.

(Thunderous hoofbeats)

(Horses whinny)

(Horses whinny, hoofbeats thunder)

(Hooves thud)

(Horses nicker)

Ty: I can't believe Lou didn't pull the plug when you told her about these horses.

Well, that's the thing.

I haven't actually told her yet.

Well, Jack's gonna have something to say about that, feeding an extra half dozen horses.

Oh, come on.

Probably not "more the merrier."

What is one more mouth to feed, huh?

Especially if it's as cute as this little guy.

Where'd you pick up the hitchhiker?

I'd say more like a stowaway.

Janice: Okay, so we've got Santa Anita on the 10th and Golden Gate on the 15th.

Let's not jump the g*n.

Tim, come on.

Everybody knows that you gotta go where the money is.

I'm sure Jack's gonna understand.

He's a reasonable man.


Jack? Reasonable?

Oh, that's not the first word that comes to mind.

(Horse whinnies)

You planning to introduce me to all these new fellas?

Amy: Well, they're from a rescue centre.

I offered to board them over the winter.

Rescue horses, huh? What are you charging?

Uh, whatever they can afford.

Jack: (Chuckles)
Which means nothing.

Just like I figured.

(Jack clucks his tongue)

At least he didn't say anything about your stowaway.

Jack: It's too bad these horses can't live off of barn mice like that cat you got in your coat.

(Kitten meows)

(Low hum of chatter)

I didn't order this.

Mm. Excuse me?

I'm sorry, um, he ordered the Saskatoon berry.

Most of our customers prefer apple.

Uh, he ordered Saskatoon berry pie.

He loves Saskatoon berries.

They're frozen.

He doesn't care.

Hi, we're gonna take care of that for you right away.

And I can I, uh, warm that coffee up for you?

No thanks. Oh, but there is something.

I was wondering, have you ever heard of the "Heartland Equestrian Connection"?

Are you kidding? Soraya's the manager.

Miranda: Really?

Well, I checked out their website and we were thinking of booking it, but it's a little on the expensive side.

She could get you a good deal.

Mallory, what happened to that pie?

Do they have horses?

Yeah, lots of horses.

Come on, mom, it sounds great!

Saskatoon berries and horses... it's your lucky day.

Amy: Come on, Lou, it's just a couple of extra horses.

And feed, and farriers, and Vet bills.

It adds up pretty quick, Amy.

Don't you remember this time of year?

Mom always brought a trailer full of horses people couldn't afford to feed for the winter.

And mom had exactly the same conversation we're having right now except with grandpa.

Yeah, but mom always got her way.

No. No-no, I just, uh...

I heard you were shuffling around some of your top guys there and thought it was worth a call, you know?

Oh, yeah, is that right?

Uh-huh. No, hey, I get it.

I understand.

Okay, good luck with that, hey?

Okay, sure. Bye.

(Phone beeps off)

(Sighs deeply)

Honey, I'm home.

Peter, you made it.

Look at you!

There's so much of you to look at!

Both: Mmm!

How's my baby doing?

Doing great.

The doctor actually says it's the best baby he's ever seen.

Get out.

But you are home a week early...

That can't be good.

Yeah, you know.

What happened with the restructuring?

Uh, didn't work.

The appeals court?

They're not gonna hear the case.

So what, Bedford Oil is...?

Bedford Oil is history.


But it couldn't have happened at a better time, right?

Because now there's nothing to stop me from being here with you, which is exactly where I wanna be.



(Cattle moo)

Jack: Ho! Hold on now!

Tim: Keep the engine running.

I'm gonna have to make a quick getaway.

Hey, Jack?

Jack, there's something i wanna talk to you about.

Yeah, well, make it quick.

Janice and me, we're trying to make our new schedule...

Your schedule?

Yeah. Remember last year?

Yeah, yeah, I remember you were in California, while I was here, freezing my butt off, looking after your cattle.

Yeah, yeah, appreciate that.

So, this year... this year, you're gonna be a grandfather.

What're you planning on doing, Tim?

You gonna phone it in from a racetrack in California?

Oh, Jack, come on!

Come on, it's not like that!

Oh, the hell it isn't!

(Urges horse forward)

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

You paid money for this?

Come on, man.

It's an icon of the Sixties.

You know, peace, love, and understanding.

Love is all you need, love is all around you.

Okay, I get it.

And now, the love of my life is somewhere over the Atlantic.

Mallory: Coming through!

She's driving me crazy.

Do you think Ashley will want her old job back?

Yes, I do.

And we could really use the extra paycheque.

Yeah, and I could use the help.

(Utensils clatter loudly)

It, it would be amazing to have Ashley back.

Tell me about it.

That's why this homecoming, it's just gotta be perfect.

Yeah, well, good luck with that.

Thank you, sir.

If you ever manage to get your own date, I'll lend you the lamp!

(Truck rumbles)

(Cards flitter)

(Knock at the door)

That's pretty good.


Square up the deck.


Hi. I'm Lou fleming.

I wanted to welcome you.

Thank you. This is lovely.

I'm Miranda Grenier.

Um, can I see the horses?

Miranda: And that's my son, Shane.

As you can tell, he's big on horses.

Oh, you're pregnant.

How can you tell?

How far along are you?

Almost there, thank God.

So where're you from?

Fort St. John.

Oh yeah, my dad lived there a few years.

Oh. Small world.

It says in this brochure you have trail rides and overnight camping trips.

Yeah, you know, it's kind of more seasonal.


But I bet I could wrangle you up a trail ride.



A lava lamp.

Yeah, you know those things with the big blobs.

I know what they are, Ty.

Well, Caleb thinks he's found the key to a happy reunion, but I hope he has a backup plan.

Well, as long as he doesn't bring home another girl I'm sure it'll be fine.

Just a question...

How much longer are you gonna keep bringing that up?

'Til it stops hurting.

(Engine rumbles)

(Horses whinny)


I can't believe how many horses you've got!

Yeah. And if my sister had her way, we would have a lot more.

Be right back, Shane.

Hey, girl.


How you doing?

Amy? Look, I know I should've asked you first, but there is a kid, Shane, staying at the Dude Ranch and he really wants to go riding.

Lou, maybe later.

I've gotta de-worm the new guys.

I suppose you have to help her, Ty?

Uh, she hasn't asked me, but I got a lot of school work to do anyways, so.

Okay, I guess I'll just have to break the kid's heart.

(Hooves thud, horse nickers)

Shane: Whoa, whoa.

Or he could just take himself for a ride.

Very funny.

Shane: Whoa! Ungh!
(Horse whinnies)

(Horse whinnies, hooves thud)

Shane: (Dazed moans)

What do you think you're doing?

You can't go riding someone else's horse like that.

You don't have to tell me about riding.

My dad's a rodeo cowboy.


Well, if he was, he would've told you not to ride random horses you don't know.

He's away a lot, you know, at rodeos.

Well, we've got a lot in common then.

My dad was all around cowboy four years in a row.

What event does your dad do?

You know...

Bareback, broncs, bulls, calf roping...

Oh, and he drives a Chuckwagon.

Ty: Hmm.

Tim: So, Peter, another welcome home dinner.

Yeah, I think this is actually number three, maybe four actually.

So what are your plans?

Dad, he just got back.

Oh, as his father in-law and your father...

Just asking, now that you're back, what are your plans?

Well, um...

I don't know if you've noticed or not, or if Lou's actually told you, but she is having a baby.

Yeah, I noticed.

Yeah, really?

Peter: Uh, so...

Long-term plan is the baby, obviously.

And short-term is Bedford Oil's gone belly up, so I'm gonna clean out my condo, close down my office and, uh... freeload off Jack for a little while, I guess.

So is that long-term or short-term?

However long it takes.

Appreciate that.

Actually, Tim and I have some news we'd like to share.

Oh, probably not a good time.

Sweetie, if we wait till you think it's a good time...

Tim: Just saying...

Janice: Tim's selling Big River Ranch.


Thinking of selling it.

And we're moving to California.

(Clears throat) Can we talk?


Be right back.

Did you know about this?


What were you thinking? Huh?

I mean, thanks, but I told you I'd handle it.

Yeah, I know, Tim, and I also know that your family isn't the easiest thing to deal with.

We can't keep tiptoeing around the truth, sometimes you just have to run with it.

Run with it?

What do think this is, a horse race?

This is my life.

Yeah, and it's my life too.

We made the decision to do this together.

I guess I'm just not used to waiting for somebody else to make the first move.

Yeah, I've noticed.

(Screen door creaks)

Hey, don't let me interrupt you.

Tim: Oh, Jack, come on. Don't be like that.

Just let him go, Tim. He just needs time.

Let him go? He just needs time?

Are you kidding me?

A minute ago, you were ready to drop a b*mb on him.

I'll be right back.



"Thinking of going to California". means thinking of going.

Yeah, well, it sounds like a done deal to me.

But you know that if you're gonna be in the horse racing business, California's the place to be.


Janice has her career, and to tell you the truth, I think the two of us might have a life together.

Last I heard, you have a life here.

Jack, that's why I wanted you to know first, 'cause I was hoping we could work out a way of selling the ranch that won't change anything.

Who are you kidding?

It won't change anything, Jack...

If you buy it.

(Derisive chuckle)

What, you think I'm made of money?

Well, I'll make you a great deal.

Come on, this place is getting crowded.

Yeah, that's right, it is.

So get outta my way, I got work to do.

Okay, all right, I'm getting outta your way.

Just think about it.

Remember, it's only in the planning stages.

Nothing is written in stone.


Next time you need help with your cattle, hire someone!

(Kitten meows)


Jack: (Laughs softly)

Well, hello there.

(Kitten meows and purrs)

(Affectionate coo)

Lou: You know, dad was gone for so much of our childhood, I was really hoping he'd be around for my kid.

I just don't know why he decided to move away now.

It's not dad, it's Janice.

I think you're right.

But honestly, dad and his girlfriend are the least of my worries right now.

What's going on?

(Hushed speech) Peter.

Peter? He seemed fine at dinner.

Yeah, well, he's broke, he doesn't have an office, he doesn't have a job, and his dog was everything to him, Amy.

Without it...

But you're right, he seemed fine.

But how could he be? I mean, I wouldn't be.

It is one thing to expect the worse, and it's another for it to actually happen.

(Sighs heavily)

Caleb: Here we are, babe!

Home sweet home.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Oh my God, it's freezing in here!

Yes it is. Hey, hold on, hold on.

You've gotta get the full effect...

(Switch clicks repeatedly)

I don't get it.

It was working fine this morning.

Have you been paying the bills?


(Annoyed sigh)

Well, most of them.

Okay, well, no worries.

Because there's nothing in the entire world more romantic...

Than candles!

(Light laughter)

Hey, uh, I'm off to Calgary.

I'll be back for dinner though.


What uhm... something wrong with the crib?

Lou: No, it's just, um...

It's the colour... It's all wrong.

It doesn't go with anything in here.

I don't know what I was thinking.

So I'm gonna send it back.

You know, Lou, you don't have to go crazy with all the cutbacks. We're...

I know, I know.

But, you know, given everything that's happened, we don't need the world's most expensive crib either.

Thought you said it was the colour.

Soraya: So how was it?

Italy was awesome.

It's the best place I've ever been.

That's why you stayed so long?

I was just having so much fun, and we met this guy in Tuscany... Marco.

He was amazing.

He speaks five languages and he knows all these interesting places that most tourists never go to.

It really opened up my eyes.

So, um, now that you're home?

I don't really have any plans.

Okay, well, if you want your old job back...

I mean, I'm really busy with exams and Mallory sucks as a waitress.

Ashley: I don't know, Soraya. I've been thinking, and I just kind of can't really see myself as a waitress anymore.

Um, I don't know if I should be telling you this, but Caleb said you guys could really use the extra paycheque.

Guilt me out why don't you?

I'm sorry, I just really need your help.

I don't know.

Okay, how about until I, I find someone else?

Please, Ashley?

Fine. But book some interviews.

I will, I promise.

Okay. Well, when do you want me to start?

Um, table four needs waters and menus.

You're unbelievable!

I may suck as a waitress, but I wouldn't count on Ashley being employee of the month anytime soon.

Ty: So, did it work?

The lava lamp?

Well, I would recommend the humble candle.

It might be old school, but when it works, it really works.

So, everything's good then?

There's a couple negatives.

Like living in a trailer in the middle of winter?


Or living in a trailer... not a Villa... with me, not Marco.


His parents owned the place that we stayed at.

You think Ashley has a thing for another guy?

I don't know. I mean...

We went on a couple of tours with this guy and he just, he thinks he's such a big deal.

He's got degrees up the wazoo and just droned on and on about all this boring stuff.

But the weird things is, is Ashley seemed really into it, or him.

Well, which one is it?

That's the problem; I don't know.

(Vehicle rumbles)

Peter: Okay, just... yeah.

Hold on, just hold on a second.

I'm losing you, all right?



Hey, yeah, I got you. That's better.

Look, listen, man, I'm asking you one simple favour.

Can you do that for me?

I mean, how long have we known each other?

No, I...


Okay, I understand.

Yeah, you bet.



(Phone beeps off)

(Exhales in thought)

(Grunts angrily)

Come on! Damn! Dammit! Dammit!


(Door bangs shut)

Okay, so we've got the blanket, then the saddle, then the cinch.

Do you wanna give it a try?

Sure. Just grab here and pull up.

Hey, Amy.


Maybe you should go to the house and grab a coffee and I'll take care of this myself.

Janice: Yeah.

So, honey, I wondered if I could talk to you about California?

I don't really wanna talk about California, dad.

I got things to do.

I gotta take these horses up to the meadows...

Shane:Nice belt! So you're an all around cowboy?

Uh, once upon a time.

Did you win that buckle or buy it in a pawn shop?

Shane, he won it.

You know, my dad was all-around cowboy.


Maybe I can help take the horses out?

No, you know what? I'm good, but thank you.

Well, you help me, I help you.

No, it's okay.

Okay, maybe some other time.

I'll talk to you later.


Nice meeting you, kid.

(Grunts of effort)

Oh, please, Lou, let me help you with that.

Oh no, it's okay.

I just have to get this out onto the porch so the guy can pick it up.

What do you got in here, a crib?

You're having a baby; You might need a crib.

Yeah, I know. Just not this crib.

All right.

Oh God, this weighs a ton!

Really, it's, it's okay.

Lou, you shouldn't be doing this by yourself.

Where's your husband?

Janice, I don't mean to be rude, but what're you doing here?

Uh... okay.

Actually, I was hoping that we could talk.

Look, selling your dad's ranch, moving to California, that wasn't just some spur of the moment thing.

Your dad thinks it's important that you and Amy understand where we're coming from, in terms of our future.

And when he's ready to talk to me, I'll listen.

Lou, come on, I'm trying here.

Can you just listen to me?

Okay, sh**t.

I know that this is... new for everyone.

Your dad and I, we haven't been together for very long, so I know it's gonna take some getting used to.

But I'm telling you, we have something special.

What do you want me to say, Janice?

Do you want me to congratulate you?

Do you want me to thank you for hooking up with my dad and convincing him to move to California and completely forget about his family?

That's not fair.

You know that's not how it is.

Whether you like it or not, I am part of your dad's life.

Lou: And guess what, Janice, i don't like it, okay?


Well, I'm glad that's out in the open.

Tim: Okay, whoa, whoa, you two.

Don't go saying something you're gonna regret.

Yeah, I think that ship has already sailed.

Janice, wait. Wait a second.

(Door opens and closes)


This thing that Janice and me are talking about... sounds like more than talking, dad.

But you know what? It's your life, so you can do whatever you want.

No, I can't.

You and Amy are the most important thing in my life.

Really? Then tell your girlfriend that.

You know, since you like that pony so much, you should give her a name.

Oh, I already have.

Her name's Pal.

Because he's a Palomino?

No. No, that's totally lame.

No, you know, Pal...

It's the name of my dad's horse.


(Car rumbles)

Hey, guys. You going for a ride?

Yeah, it's gonna be great!

Oh, mom, this is Amy.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Watch this.

Wow, it's like you were born on the saddle!

You know, your boy's a natural.

He picked out his own horse, best in the herd, and gave her a name...

Pal, like his dad's horse.

Shane: Actually, it's because she's Palomino.

(Shane clucks his tongue)

It's hard for a boy his age, you know, when all he has is mom.



Sorry, do I know you?

Yeah. Fort St. John.

Yeah. Fort St. John, yeah.


Miranda: Shane, get off the horse now. We gotta go.

But mom!

We gotta go now.

(Car door closes)

(Door creaks closed)

(Footsteps crunch in snow)

Hey, ash.

Is everything okay?

I just noticed...

It looks like Italy...

But with snow.

Come on, let's go eat.

You'll freeze to death out here.

I made spaghetti.

Shane: That's bull!

You know, you're always wrecking stuff for me and you know it!

Look, we really have to go.

So, come on, please. It's a long drive.

But you promised!

Now you're going back on it?

It's not fair!

Why do you always do this to me?

I like it here.

And, you know, what about Pal?

I'll never see her again and it's all your fault!

Okay, okay...

(Knock at the door)

Let me just get this.


Can I talk to you for a minute?


Don't go anywhere. Stick around, okay?

What do you want?

Tim: What do I want? What do you want?

I haven't seen you for 10 or 12 years and you suddenly show up unannounced?

What're you doing here?

There was an article in the Fort St. John Times about a former rig worker being inducted into the Cowboy Hall of Fame.

An article?

Yeah, it got me thinking, you know...

When we were together, the only thing you could've been inducted into was the rye-whiskey hall of shame.

Nice. Nice.

So you read an article, you hop in your car, you drive 600 miles to say hello?

Yeah, that and I'm glad to see you've turned a page.

Tim: Right.

If you're here to relive the past, you picked the wrong time, because I've got a totally different life.

Miranda: I'm not here to relive the past, Tim.

I'm just here because...

Because why?!

Because I, um...

You what?

Because I want my son to, uh...

I want my son to know who his father is.

Excuse me?

You're trying to tell me that he is my son?

Yeah. It's true.

Why should I believe you after all this time?

(Truck engine rumbles outside)

Oh my God! Shane!

(Engine rumbles)

Miranda: Shane!

Tim and Miranda: Shane!

Does he even drive?

He's 11 years old. What do you think?

(Metallic clanking)

Peter: Yeah, used to have these babies set up right in the office.

Nothing like bench pressing 250 to take the stress of the day away.

You can bench 250?

(Sighs) Yeah.


No, it, uh, looks like he found the break pedal just in time.

Okay, I'll look.

(Exhales heavily)

I'll come back and see you again someday.


What do you think you're doing?

I just wanted to say goodbye to Pal.

Great way of doing it. You steal my dad's truck?!

What're you, like ten?

Eleven. - Well, you're in big trouble, okay?

Your mom is worried sick.

How sick?

Fake sick? Real sick?

Sick enough so she pukes her guts out?

Shane... You don't mean that.

She said we could stay as long as we wanted.

She just totally changed her mind.

I'm sure she has good reason.

I don't want to go.

I wanna learn how to ride.

I really like this horse.

Well, maybe you can spend the time you've got left doing something for Pal.

Like what?

She is pretty dirty, you know.

You could brush her off, clean out her feet...

She'd like that.

Like this?


Are you gonna tell my mom I'm here?

Well, at least not until you finish brushing off this pony for me.

Well, like you said, you know, she's really dirty.

It might take a while.

(Door opens)

Ty: Keep going, man. Keep going.

Come on. Come on, come on.

Hey, do you guys need some help?

Ty: One more.

Peter: (Strained grunt)

You got it...

Uh, honey?

Peter: I got it, I got it, I got it.

(Drawn out exhale)


What'd I tell ya?

Where's all your office furniture?


Where's your office furniture?

I, uh... I sold it.

Everything? The aeron chairs?

The flat screens? The custom-made desks?

Yeah, I divested my assets, babe, down to the bare essentials.

You're looking at the remnants of Bedford Oil right here.

Lou: Huh.

Way to get back to basics.

But, um, what happens if you, I don't know, wanna start up again?

Ah... I don't know.

But I'll tell you this, I'm gonna be in great shape when it does happen.


Peter: All right, pally, let's get you going here.

Let's be conservative.

We'll start you off at like 160?

Uh, yeah, I can totally do that.

Peter: Yeah, you can. Hop on.

(Weights clank and rasp against bar)

So your kid steals my truck, gets off scott-free without a slap on the wrist?

That is my business.

It doesn't concern you.

Oh, really? What's he gonna do next, burn the house down?

You know, I've been thinking about this.

Oh, don't bother. Okay?

This trip was a big mistake.

Just forget you ever met Shane or me.

It's a little late for that.

You say he's my son?

I say I don't believe you.

Why don't you just take my word for it?

For all I know, there could've been all kinds of men in your life back then.

You dealt cards at a casino!

You were always good at the stone cold bluff.

Do you really think I'm bluffing now?

Yup, and I'm gonna call you on it.

I want a DNA test.

Ed: So I *** a couple of times.

My mom made this huge deal about taking like a swab to the clinic and getting it checked out.

She thinks I might be allergic to horses.

Geez, if I was allergic to horses, I think I'd be out of a job.

Well, at least I get to stay a couple more days.

And my riding's getting way better, right?

Not bouncing around so much anymore.

No, you just gotta learn how to keep your hands quiet.

Quiet hands.

You know, I gotta work on that.

My dad's always telling me, like, "watch your hands, "and don't kick the horse too hard."

Shane... enough, okay?

I wanna show you something.

Wow! All these ribbons.

You've even won buckles.

It's like you've won everything.

Yeah, I won this one at a team roping jackpot.

You can have it.

Are you kidding?

No, I'm not kidding. Here.

But you gotta promise me that if someone asks if you won that, you tell them the truth.

Shane, I don't care if you don't have a father.

You don't have to lie about that or anything else.


(Music plays and patrons chatter)

(Dishes clatter)

This is your table, Mallory.

That means you're supposed to clean it and I shouldn't have to tell you that.

Just getting to it.

Ashley: Ahhh!

(Dishes crash)

Ashley: Dammit, Mallory!

Can't you look where you're going?!


Oh my God, Ashley.

I'm fine, I'm fine.

Look, Soraya.

I realize that you're stressed out and you have a lot going on and I have nothing going on, but...

I can't do this anymore.

Don't worry about the mess, I'll take care of it.

Grandpa, I'm going into town.

I have a doctors appointment.

Oh, you're driving? In your condition?

You're sure you don't want a lift?

No, I'm good.

Where's the father-to-be?

Oh, I don't wanna bug him.

It's just a regular check-up.

No big deal.

He's working out.

Hiding out, you mean.

Cut him some slack, grandpa, okay?

He just lost his business.

As far as I can see, he stands to lose a lot more than that.

(Door opens)

(Slow steady breaths)



Do you have a minute?


I don't get it.

We moved to Dubai so that you could do this deal.

This was the biggest thing in the world to you.

And when it goes bust, all you do is...

I don't know, put on a happy face and pump iron.

What do you want me to do?

Honestly, you want me to go on a bender?

What, take dr*gs?

Lie on the couch all day and watch daytime television?

I mean, I...

I wanna know that you're okay.

I'm not okay... Lou.

I'm not.

But this is me...

Trying to be okay, you know?

It's not just pumping iron, honey.

It's, it's... This is my process.

This is how I think, you know?

And right now, I'm thinking...

I don't have any money and I desperately need a job.

I have to figure out some way of putting that ridiculously expensive crib back in our nursery before our child is born.



Good then.

Just let me know when you're finished thinking.

Hey. Hey, thought you had the day off?

I do. But I gotta put in as many hours as I can.

Got a call from Ashley.

She decided to quit her job.

I think it has something to do with that guy.

How? I thought he was still in Italy.

Yeah, he is, but...

He's rich and smart.

How's a guy like me supposed to compete with someone like that?

If you really think this is about another guy, you should just ask her.

No lava lamps, just straight up.

You're probably right.

Hey, if you know so much about women, how'd you manage to totally screw things up with Amy?

(Low hum of chatter)

Hey, Lou.

Dad. Hi.

How are you doing?

Great, dad. Tons of energy.

Thanks for asking.


What're you doing here? Are you okay?

Oh. Oh, I, uh, you know...

Shoulder, elbow...
(Awkward chuckle)

Old rodeo injuries.

They act up when it gets cold.

Hear the weather's pretty good in California.

Now, come on, Lou.

You know, I would love to chat, but I don't wanna be late for my appointment.

I'll see ya.

(Clinic door opens)

(Breathes nervously)


Her name is Miranda Grenier.

We hooked up for a while back in Fort St. John and she's here because she claims that her kid is my son.

So is it true?



So you have a son.

(Inhales sharply, exhales heavily)

I didn't know until now.

So what're you gonna do?

I'm not exactly sure.

I think we're gonna have to put some things on hold until we can figure out what we're gonna do.


Tim, I've already figured my part out.

I'm going to California...

But not with you.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Caleb: Maybe I don't speak six languages, but I'm not an idiot, Ashley.

I know this place doesn't look like Italy.

Come on, I deserve the truth.

Are you sure that's what you want?

Of course.

We've always been straight with each other, right?

Where did this come from?

(Crib pieces clatter)

Here, let me help.

Okay, so I'm just gonna ask.

Is it Marco?


Yeah. Do you have a thing for Marco?

No, I don't.

I don't.

Well, that's good then.

It's just that he changed my life.

He made me realize how big the world is.

And what, how small ours is?


He's only a couple years older than me and he already has this big job at a law firm.

And what kind of work experience do I have working at a diner feed store?

I just... am questioning things now and...

I don't think that I can live like this anymore.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying that I...

I think I wanna go back to school.


Okay, yeah. Yeah, let's do it.

My mom found this school where I can get credits for my diploma and go right into my first year of university without missing a beat.

That sounds amazing, Ash.

The only problem is it's in British Columbia.

So you'd move to B.C.?


We'd move together, right?

I can't leave, Ash.

I've got the whole circuit planned out and I...

We need the money.

Okay, I understand, but I have to do this.

And we'll get it done.

♪ O-o-o-o-h... ♪
♪ all you need is right here in this room ♪
♪ we're all here to go somewhere with you ♪

(hooves thud)

♪ so get up there and do what you do ♪

Wish I never had to go home.

I'm really going to miss Pal.

Amy: Oh, just Pal?

Shane: Okay... you too.

Amy: (Laughs)

I'm gonna miss you too.

When you're ready, I want you to kick her up and bring her into a trot.

(Hooves thud)

Hey, you, I said trot.

Shane: You know why I'm so good at horses?

Amy: Yeah, yeah, I heard it all before.

'Cause your dad's in the rodeo.

It's true!

Well, that part's true. My mom told me.

But I never met him.

He didn't stick around...

And I guess he's never coming back.

♪ if you believe ♪

you know, my dad left too, but he came back.

♪ if you believe... ♪

All right...

Come on.

(Clucks tongue)

♪ ah, you get up there and do what you do ♪

I recognise That Shane is my son.

Announcer: A secret May split the family apart.


Announcer: Lives Are about to change forever.

You and Amy are going To have to help me Deliver this baby, okay?

Announcer: The season finale Of Heartland, Sunday, March 27th on CBC.