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01x06 - Flight of the Dodo Bird

Posted: 04/25/23 07:13
by bunniefuu

(Jacqueline) this is the
convent san tanco

In san juan, puerto rico.

Until a few weeks ago,

We were much like any
other teaching order.

That was when sister
bertrille came to join us.

Things have never been
quite the same since.

You see, sister bertrille flies.

Oh, well, not in an airplane.

She only weighs 90 pounds

And, when the wind
is right, she just,

Uh, flies.

Understandably, this
unusual talent presents

Some unusual
problems to our convent

And to sister bertrille.

For example, one
sunny afternoon,

When she was making
a routine landing

After an innocent joyride
around the convent,

She encountered some
strange technical difficulties.

I was with the reverend
mother in her office

When sister bertrille
made her 2nd crash landing.


Are you all
right? I'm ok, I think.

Still a little
dizzy and worried.

Worried? About what, my child?

I was aiming at the balcony.

(Jacqueline) since sister
bertrille's dizziness persisted,

We asked dr. Tapia to
come out to the convent

And take a look at her.

Of course, uh, we did
not tell the doctor about

Sister bertrille's
unorthodox landing.

Well, doctor, will I live?

I think so.

You have an infection
of the inner ear.

The inner ear?

Yes. That's why your sense
of balance is affected.

It should clear
up in a few days.

If you experience
any discomfort,

Take these. Discomfort?

Yeah, that's the word doctors
use for excruciating pain.

Is there anything else
we need to know, doctor?

Oh, I don't think so.

And just try to avoid anything
strenuous for a few days.

There is one thing that
could be bad for you.

You're not planning on
flying anywhere, are you?

You know about that? About what?

That I fly. Uh, no.

It, uh, was just a wild guess.

You mean you can tell
just by looking at me?

I don't think it was a
particularly brilliant deduction.

Most people do
these days, you know.

I think dr. Tapia was talking
about flying in an airplane, sister.

Is there any other way?

Well, if there is, it's probably
classified information.

While I'm out here, I thought I'd pay
a visit to mother superior placido.

I'm a little worried about her.

Why is that, doctor?

The last time I saw her

She seemed tense, nervous.

Do you know of any reason

That could be causing
that, sister jacqueline?

Well, things have been a bit
up in the air around here lately.

Well, maybe it's about time they
were brought down to earth again.

(Jacqueline) unfortunately,
the experiences of the morning

Had somewhat unnerved
the reverend mother

And her meeting with dr. Tapia

Didn't allay his
concern one bit.

There you are, get them in
the mail as soon as possible.

What is it, sister ana?

Excuse me, reverend mother,

But I believe you are
supposed to keep the pen,

And I get the letters.

Oh, yes, of course.

Uh, I'm sorry to keep
you waiting, doctor.

Oh, that's all right.

I was just looking
at your fountain.

That's quite an unusual
ornament you have.

Oh, dear, is she
in it again? Who?

Sister bertrille, of course.

There's no one there,
reverend mother.

[Sighing] oh.

I'm sorry for
alarming you, doctor,

But sister bertrille did dive

Into the fountain this morning.

On purpose? Of course not.

She was aiming at the balcony.

I mean, it was an accident.

How is sister bertrille?

I'm more concerned about you.

Is something bothering
you, reverend mother?

Bothering me? Of course not.

Then why are you trying
to sharpen your pen?

(Jacqueline) dr. Tapia's meeting
with the reverend mother

Encouraged him to write
to the mother provincial

At the mother house
expressing his concern

And suggesting that the reverend
mother needed professional help.

And that's how father lundigan,

Along with his crisp,
new degree in psychology,

Happened to come to
the convent san tanco.

He was to remember his
visit for the rest of his life.


Almost made it that time.

I've been practicing for 3 days.

I'm getting better all the time.

That must be very,
uh, rewarding for you?

Yeah, well, it's better than
walking into brick walls, father.

That hurts.

I suppose it does.

Oh. Oh, well, you
see, I've been sick.

My, uh, my 3rd ear
went on the blink.

I'm sorry. I... I hope
you get better soon.

Oh, well, I feel fine. The
headaches have gone,

And I'm sure the other
will clear up soon.

Oh, may i... May I
help you, father?

Is there something you'd like?

Oh, oh, uh, yes.

I'm, uh, looking for mother
superior placido's office.

Oh, well, you go
through that arch,

Into the foyer, and it's
the first door on the right.

Thank you.

(Bertrille) uh, maybe tomorrow,
I'll try it without a net.

[Bertrille laughing]

Well, of course, we are
very happy to welcome you

At the convent san
tanco, father lundigan.

But, uh, I'm puzzled as to
the purpose of your visit.

We have no need of
a psychologist here.

I came to see you,
reverend mother.

I don't understand.

Dr. Tapia wrote the
mother provincial,

And stated that you were
suffering an anxiety reaction,

Probably motivated by

A tension-filled schedule,
which in turn has triggered

Heightened internal conflicts.

And these conflicts have
manifested themselves

By a tendency to, uh, overreact

To various life situations.

Dr. Tapia said all that?

Well, I've paraphrased it a bit.

What exactly did he say?

That you seem nervous.

And you assumed that I
needed psychiatric help?

Well, dr. Tapia felt that
you and I might establish

New channels of communication
by your verbalizing your problems,

And that hopefully we would
effect a satisfactory adjustment.

Please, father.

You mean, he felt that I
needed someone to talk to?

You could put it that way.

You know, this is
completely ridiculous.

Of course, i... I
do have a problem.

But I know what the problem is.

And believe me, it
has nothing to do with

The state of my mental health.

What problem is that,
reverend mother?



Father lundigan, I
suppose I'd better tell you.

We have a novice at the
convent who has the ability to fly.

Ah, she's a pilot? Oh, no.

She flies on her own.

You know, like a pelican.

Maybe you'd better tell me
all about it, reverend mother.

Well, that's about all there is.

Y-you see, she
doesn't weigh much,

And she just sort of
glides along on the airways.


I, personally, don't really
know about the technicalities.

You have actually seen her fly?

Of course. It's not really
her flying that concerns me.



It's her landings.

S-she's had 1 or 2
close calls already,

And it's... It's a matter
of great concern to me.

I can imagine. I... I thought
at first of grounding her,

But she seems to get
such pleasure from it

That, well, somehow
it didn't seem fair.

You understand?

Of course, I understand,
reverend mother.

Tell me, is there, uh,
any particular time

Of day or night when
you see this nun flying?

I mean, uh, do you see
her only at certain times?

Yes. When the wind is gusty.

When the wind is gusty.

Uh, of course, I don't usually

Tell people about
our flying nun.

But you've come such a long way

That I felt you were entitled
to some sort of explanation.

I appreciate your
confidence, reverend mother.

Well, now that you know

That the problem
has nothing to do with

The inner workings of my mind,

I, uh, hope you're not
disappointed, father.

No, reverend mother. No.

No, I'm not disappointed at all.

Your room is in the other
wing, father lundigan.

Thank you.

How long will you
be staying with us?

Oh, longer than I
expected, I'm afraid.

Sister jacqueline? Yes.

You've known reverend mother
for a long time, haven't you?

Uh, 20 years. Why?

Well, uh,

Since I'm gonna need your help,
i... I think it might be advisable

To take you into my confidence.

Uh, perhaps you
better sit down. Yeah.

[Birds chirping]

Do you know reverend
mother's seen a flying nun?

Yes, I do.

Of course, I know the reason
she's seen this nun flying.

You do? Oh, yes.

Reverend mother has
a subconscious desire

To... To be that...
That... That flying nun.

Up there in the
sky, free as a bird,

Stripped of all the
responsibilities and, uh, conflicts

Inherent in everyday
life situations.

Well, that's a very astute
observation, father.

Thank you. However,

There's one thing wrong with it.

What's that? We really
do have a flying nun here.

Although it's still too early
to make positive diagnosis,

Perhaps we're dealing with

A unique
disorientation epidemic.

The 3 members of the
convent I've met thus far,

All seem to be suffering

From symptoms of
deranged personalities and...

[Knocking on door]

Yes, uh, come in.

The reverend mother would like you
to come to her office, father lundigan.

Thank you, sister.
I'll be right there.

To be continued...

(Rev. Mother) father lundigan, I
understand that you believe

I am having hallucinations.

That's, uh, an oversimplification,
reverend mother.

A-as a psychologist...
Excuse me, father,

But you were invited here
to put an end to this nonsense.

[Door opens]

Reverend mother,
you wanted to see me?

There. Does that look
like an hallucination?

No. That's the young
lady I met earlier.

Hi. I'm sister bertrille.

Sister bertrille is the
one who flies, father.

Is, uh, is that the one
you see flying, sister?

Well, of course.
There's only one.

Do you believe you fly?

Well, father,
once you've done it,

It's not something
you can forget.

When did you first
believe you could fly?

When I first did.
Uh, flew, that is.

(Lundigan) and, uh, where
do you go on these flights?

Oh, up and around.

I see.

(Rev. Mother) and I see that
we're wasting our time.

Obviously, father lundigan doesn't
believe a word that we're saying.

Uh, sister bertrille, do
you think that you could

Arrange to fly for
father lundigan?

Well, i... I guess I
can give it a whirl.

But are the winds
gusty enough, sister?

(Bertrille) yeah, enough
to get me off the ground.

(Jacqueline) well, are you sure
you're airworthy, sister bertrille?

(Bertrille) oh, I'm sure. I just
walked the chalk line perfectly.

I can't promise anything
fancy like an immelmann,

Or a loop-the-loop.

But I'm sure I can
manage a routine takeoff

And once around the convent.

Would that be
sufficient, father?

Oh, yes, yes, yes. Quite
sufficient, thank you.

(Jacqueline) now, you're
sure you're all right?

We wouldn't want to send
you up with faulty equipment.

Don't give it another thought.

My 3rd ear's been
behaving very well.

Uh, father, you are willing
to watch the demonstration?

Oh, yes, yes. Uh, it, uh,
might be very therapeutic.


Well, sometimes, uh,
acting out a fantasy...

Father lundigan,
this is no fantasy.

Sister bertrille, go
put on your wings.

I mean your cornet.

This is sister
bertrille's launching pad.

Thank you.

Are your ready
to takeoff, sister?



Are you all right?


I... I... I lost my balance.

(Both) she lost her balance.

Are you sure it'll
work? I'm sure.

This'll give me just
the extra boost I need.

I'm ready, father lundigan.

Are you sure you
want to try this, sister?

Of course. We can't have
you going away thinking

We're all a bunch of
ding-a-lings, can we?


[Hen clucking]

I... I fell in the hen house.

(Bertrille) ok, kids, go.

[Children screaming]


And I strongly recommend
the 3 patients be placed

In a rest home, be given
intensive treatment.

[Knocking on door]


Thought you would like to have
some dinner, father. Oh, thank you.

Bet you are hungry
enough to eat a house.

Yeah... A horse?
No. This is lamb.

You like horse? Oh, no, no.

I, uh... Lamb's my
favorite dish.

Oh, then we banged the jackpot.

Most days it's
stew of the irish.

Go ahead, father.
Don't sit on ceremony.

Ah, it smells delicious.

Things are looking up.

Si, and we're all praying
for our little bird.

Ah, yes, you mean
sister bertrille?

She has something
wrong in her head.

You... You know that?

Of course. Everybody does.

[Laughing] I'm glad to hear it.

Otherwise, she could fly
like everybody's business.

You mean, uh, you
believe she flies, too?

Have I let the cat
out of the sack?

Oh, no, no, no. It's
perfectly all right, sister.

Eat in good health,
father. Thank you.

Make that 4 patients.

[Knocking on door]

Come in.

Oh, excuse me, father,
but sister bertrille

Would like you to look
out of your window.

Hi, there! Uh, one more time!

Ok, kids, hit the fans!

It's all a dream. It's part
of a terrible nightmare.

Even the fans will not make
sister bertrille fly. Of course not.

Nothing they have
done will help.



Sister bertrille flies

Because she's a saint.

Call me a taxi, sister. I
better get out of here.

If he leaves now, we'll all
end up in the funny farm.

We have to find some way to
keep him here until tomorrow.

And then what?

I don't know. I think
I'll be able to fly then.

My balance is getting
better all the time.

If only i...

What is it, sister?

Have you ordered
the taxi yet? No.

Good. Tell father lundigan
I'll drive him to the airport.

But why do you want
to take him in our car?

It's more unreliable.

You didn't tamper with
the car, did you, sister?

Of course not, that
would be dishonest.

Besides, it's usually capable of
not starting without my tampering.

Is there anything we can do?

Well, a little
prayer might help.

It really wasn't necessary for
you to drive me to the airport.

Yes, it was, father.

Well, can we get
started? I have...

What are you doing?

Praying. Sometimes it helps.

You do have your
driver's license, don't you?

Oh, sure. I drive
almost as well as I fly.

Well, let's get
going. I don't like...

Why are they all praying?

It probably has something to
do with your journey, father.

Well, start the car, please.

[Engine chugging]

It started.

Turning the ignition
will usually do that.

Sister, please, I don't
want to miss my plane.

[Tire bursting]

Thanks. What was that?

Sounded like a flat.

[Nuns clapping]

Where's the nearest phone?

In the reverend
mother's office. Why?

I'm gonna phone for a taxi.

What now?

Oh! I'll think of something.

Reverend mother.
Sister bertrille,

What is the meaning of this?

Don't you think it would be
a nice gesture if we invited

Father lundigan to stay overnight
and celebrate early mass for us?

Sister bertrille, father gonzaga

Always celebrates early mass.

Well, I know... I know, but
don't you think father gonzaga

Would appreciate the day off? And
father lundigan, he could see me fly.

Father lundigan,

I have a request to make of you.

I tried to refuse but reverend
mother was quite insistent,

And, knowing the state of her
mental health, I didn't dare say no.

Maybe... Maybe
it's my imagination,

But I have a strange feeling

That I'm being held
prisoner here.

No, no, no, no. Strike
that last remark.

I... I... I've seen many
strange things today,

But i... I can't possibly
believe that... That...

[Door lock clicking]

It's not my imagination. I'm being held
prisoner by a group of deranged nuns.

I've got to get out of here.

Well, I'll say good
night now, recorder!

Time to get some sleep, so I can be
fresh and alert tomorrow morning.

(Lundigan) after all, I want
to be bright and fresh

To celebrate early mass.

What do you make of all that?

Who knows? He's
the psychologist.

I'm getting out my
pajamas now, recorder.

Then it's bedtime.

Poor man. He... He
must be terribly lonely.

(Lundigan) well, good
night, recorder.

Well, he seems to have
settled down for the night.


[Crickets chirping]

It's all come back.

Sister bertrille.

Where are you,
sister? I'm up here.

I can fly again! Isn't
that marvelous?

Oh! He's gone.

Father lundigan's
flown the coop.

What? He can't. I'm airworthy.

I'm afraid it's too late.

Not necessarily.

If you're not careful, you'll
get writer's cramp, father.

I always intend to use
the time on the plane

Catching up with
my letter-writing,

But somehow I never
get around to it.

Oh, this isn't a letter. It's a
report. I'm a psychologist.

Well, I never would have guessed

We'd be in the
same line of work.

I'm a psychiatrist. Oh, really?

Dr. Norman loomis. I
practice in new orleans.

Oh, how do you do?

Have you been on a
vacation in san juan, father?

Oh, no, no, no.
I've been working.

Uh, you know, doctor, i-i'm involved
in a case that's going to end up

In every medical and
scientific journal in the world.

Really? Yes, uh, you see,

I... I was visiting a
convent of nuns in san juan

And... And may... May I
show you my notes?

Yes, of course. Excuse
me. I'll get rid of this.

You were saying, father?
Oh, nothing, nothing.

Doctor, uh, there's
something I'd like to know.

Yes, what's that, father?

If... If... If a psychologist
became a patient of yours,

Would you give him a
professional discount?

[Children singing]

You're not angry
with me because I wrote

To the mother
provincial, are you?

No, doctor. I know
you meant well.

You wanted to see
sister bertrille?

Oh, yes. I want to
check that ear infection.

Here is her room.

Uh, how does she seem?

Oh, she's completely
back to normal.

(Children) ♪ on my
way, I'm on my way ♪

♪ I'm on my way ♪

♪ Hello, misses tellamuffin,
how are you today ♪

♪ Thank you, ma'am, I'm very
well, I must be on my way ♪

♪ I'm on my way ♪

♪ I'm on my way ♪

♪ Hello, freddy spotted
puppy, how are you today ♪

That is normal?

For sister bertrille, yes.