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05x04 - Beyond Hell's Half Mile

Posted: 10/18/11 00:18
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

(Catherine wails)

Lou! Good to see you!




Nobody ever died from a lack of sleep.

I should know.

I need my own place, Amy.


I can't be the guy in the loft forever.

I love the guy in the loft.

(Thunderous hoofbeats, horses whinny)

(Chuck-wagon rattles)




Atta boy, McSorley.

(Horse grunt, hooves beat)



Come on, McSorley!

H'yah! Yah!


(Cart rattles)

Reid: H'yah!

Atta boy, McSorley.




Nice run, Brock.

Brock: Hey, guys.

Uh, I don't know...

Little clumsy around the barrels.

Dad's not gonna be happy with that one.

Here, I got the whole thing.



How's McClelland doing?

Oh, never better.

Those herbs seemed to cure the whole stomach issue.

Hey, and I gotta thank you for recommending Amy to me.

(Horse whinnies)

Reid: Brock!

Set 'em for another run.

That was bloddy terrible.

Yes sir.

Told ya he wouldn't be happy.

You mind taping this one?

Oh, sure.

Thank you.

(Horse nickers)

You, ah, might wanna take the lens cap off first.

I'm tired. You do it.

Another rough night?


(Motioning to Lou)

Oh... geez!

Why don't you go back to bed, while the baby's still asleep.

Lou: Because I gotta get stuff done around here.

And this is the only chance I get.

You can't keep getting by on no sleep like this, honey.

Well, then she has to quit crying to be fed at all hours of the night.

And I am so sorry, Grampa.

I'm fine.

Just pour me a cup of that coffee.

Thank you.

(Door closes)

You're not ready to go?

Go? Where?

To the dentist. Hello?

My parents left town this morning.

You promised you'd take me.

Yeah, well I'm...

I'm sorry.

Amy, she has my truck.


You go ahead, take my truck, Jack.

I'm not going anywhere.


Gimme a minute.

Mallory: Wow. It's like the ranch of the living dead over here.

Thanks, Mallory.

Don't worry about it.

My parents went through the same thing.

I used to keep them up all night babbling nonsense in my sleep.

Jack: Now we just have to do something about the daytime babbling. Come on.

(Feigned chuckle)

(Horses grunt and whinny)

Ranch hand: Easy, easy.

There we go, there we go.


(Horse grunts)

(Horse whinnies)


Brock: You're too wide!


Brock: What the hell's goin' on?

Dad, look out!

Watch it!

Steady, boy.

Reid: H'yah!

(Barrel clatters)


Reid: Hah!

What just happened there?

Whoa! Whoa-ho! Whoa-ho!


♪ And at the break of day you sank into ♪
♪ your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Brock: We keep missing the turn around that first barrel.

It's been happening all spring training.

The weird thing is the problem's getting worse, not better.

Yeah, well, they're just re-learning how to gel as a team.

Better now than when the season starts.


What the hell do you think you're doing?!

Just taking the horses their oats?

No one feeds my horses but me!

Give that new kid a better lay of the land, will ya?

Hand me those buckets.

And stay the heck away from McSorley.

He's not completely crazy, I promise.


He just thinks if he's the only one that feeds the team they give him a little extra down the home stretch when he needs it.

Makes sense.

So back to the barrels.

I think the problem's our right leader, McSorley.

And what makes you think that?

Well, he's the one who takes us into that first turn.

Usually he's got it down, but these days he's all over the map.

Well, has he been acting differently in other ways?


Yeah. Yeah, he has actually.

It's like he's, ah...

Frustrated or something.

I don't know, I'm not the behaviour expert.

You are.

You, uh... you think you could take a look at him?

Yeah, of course. I'd need to take him off site.

Is that...

Is that all right?

Yeah. It should be fine.


Brock, do you mind if I borrow that?

I'd just like to take a look at the footage from today with McSorley.

Sure. Here you go.


See ya.

So, what're you doing for the next couple of hours?

Not much. Just working on a guy's bike.

What do you got in mind?

Well, I thought instead me just dropping you off maybe you could invite me in?

(Relaxed sigh)

No crying baby.

Just peace and quiet.

You sure you don't mind if I take a nap?

Yeah, sleep as long as you like.

I'm just gonna be outside working on the bike.

Well, it's kinda chilly in here.

(Half laughs)

All right.

Amy: That's better.

Ty: (Exhales, relaxed)

(Tranquil sigh)

I can't imagine Jack would be cool with us napping up in the loft.


Come on.

Admit it.

A pretty good idea, right?

Me moving into my own place.


(Ty's cell phone rings)

I should probably get that.

Could be Scott.

(Phone ringing)


Lou: Oh, honey, don't wash that with her onesies.

You're gonna turn them all pink.

Really? Everything she owns is pink anyways.

Well, her white onesies are supposed to stay white.


Look, do you want me to do it? I'll do it.

No, I think I can handle it there, miss cranky pants.

Actually, it's Mrs. cranky pants.

Which, by the way, would make you Mr. cranky pants.

(Snorted chuckle)

Are you serious?

(Clears throat)

We need to do something about the sleep issue.

Yeah, you keep saying that, but we're not.

We just do whatever it takes to get us to the morning.

Maybe it's time to cut the nighttime feedings.

She's a little young for that, don't you think?

I mean, maybe she's just a growth spurt or something.

No, no, no, no. It is a comfort thing.

She eats more than enough in the day now.

I mean, she's using me as her personal soother.

Ouch. I can see how that would be painful.

Yeah, tell me about it. These are my--

No, no, I get it. I get it.

So, we'll just cut the nighttime feedings out then, right?

I mean, I've actually been reading a lot about other ways to help her get back to sleep, so...

You mean like other ways to reward her for crying at night?

No, I mean like other ways to sooth her and help her get back to sleep.

She has you so wrapped around her finger.


Caleb: Honey, I'm home!


Sorry, guys, I'll give you a minute to get decent.

Relax man.

We were just taking a nap.


Oh you are.

Oh, that's a little disappointing.

What're you doing here?

I missed the old place.

So, thought I'd come back for a while.

What, like for a few days, or...?

I was thinking more like a few weeks-ish.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, I'm great.

And is Ashley coming back then?

Naw. We're, ah... We're on a break.

Relax, guys. Everything's fine.

More than fine, in fact.

And I'm glad to be home.

Get the rest of my stuff.


I didn't expect that.

Man, after everything they've been through?

To break up now?

What happened?

I should probably go.


Call me.

I will.

(Hooves beat, horses nicker)

Reid: Atta boy!

Mallory: So you're telling me every time I stay over here, I have sleep on this lumpy old couch?

Jack: I'm sorry, Mallory, that the accommodations aren't up to your standards.

Mallory: And what's with baby the crying?

I mean, Peter and Lou should do something about that.

Jack: Okay, well, don't you go sticking your nose in their baby business.

Mallory: Fine.

Ear plugs?

Mallory: Feel free to take a pair.

None for me, thanks.

Reminds me of getting a worm stuck in my ear.

What're you talking about?

Jack: When I was a kid

I took a dare on a fishing trip; Ended up in a hospital.


Well, you know, I would gladly stick worms in my ears tonight if I thought I'd a better nights sleep.

Just use the earplugs.

Okay. Sorry everybody.


We're not gonna let her keep everybody up tonight.

Peter: Promise. Jack: She's quiet now.

Maybe this is the night she sleeps right through.

(Catherine whimpers and wails)

Caleb: So you and Amy?

Just... napping?

Ty: It's your turn, man.

Come on. Don't stonewall me on this.

Oh, I'm stonewalling you?

I told you. It's no big deal.

Campus life just wasn't for this cowboy.

Big surprise, huh?

That's no reason to split.

It's a break.

Oh, it's a break.

Okay, well...

I mean, it's not just a break.

We've been fighting and awful lot lately.

Well, you guys always have. But it's like you said, you start fresh in the morning, right?

Yeah, well...

That whole reset button thing?

Not really working anymore.

But... things change.

And that is life. Right?

That bike outside. That's pretty sweet.

You been hustling pool again?

It's not mine, man. I'm just working on it.

Yeah, well good.

I was starting to think that I wasn't charging you enough rent.

(Hair dryer whirs, Catherine wails)

Well, what in God's name...?

Peter: It's the constant movement and the white noise.

It's calming. It simulates the womb.

Peter, she's been out of the womb for months now.

(Hair dryer buzzes, Catherine cries)

Come on, honey, Lou, please work with me here.

It, it cut out, okay.

It's not meant to run for 45 minutes straight.

(Peter mimics static sounds)

Okay, what is that?

It's white noise.

(Catherine wails)

Let me.

Peter, let me try something.

(Forced exhale)

I used to sing Marion to sleep.

♪ goodnight little darling, my rodeo queen ♪
♪ the cutest lil' cowgirl the west ever seen ♪

♪ the cows are a-sleeping ♪

♪ it's time for bed where dreams are... ♪

You gotta be kidding.

(Jack sings as Peter mimics white noise)

Ty: Well, your eyes don't look as puffy this morning.

Thank you very much.

No, I... I mean, you look great.


Did Catherine sleep any better last night?

Not really. But I' got ear plugs now.

And some eye cream.

And I actually had a pretty good nap yesterday.

So how are things with Caleb and Ash?

I don't know.

He's acting like everything is okay, but it can't be.


Maybe they'll be fine.

You know, I mean...

Sometimes a break makes things better.


(Tractor rumbles)

(gear clunks)


(Shouts angrily)

You should probably wait 'til you get to the barn before you dump the hay.

Oh! I went to... To... hit the...

It was a mistake! Okay?

I'm just joking. Don't be such a...


A grump.

It's not my fault you were up all night doing your song and dance number.

I've always put in a full day's work, even after being up nights on end traveling the rodeo circuit.

Yeah, well you're not in your 30s any more.

You're not even in your-

I know how old I am.

All I'm saying is you probably shouldn't be operating heavy machinery in your current state.

Jack: When you're right you're right.

No tractor needed. Great idea.

Jack: Thanks for understanding.


A man of my advanced age needs his rest.

So I'll leave you to it.

Open the gate.

Let's get him loaded up. Quick.

(Truck rumbles on approach)

Reid: Hey!

What the hell's goin' on here?

It's okay, Dad. Simmer down.

Where the hell you taking him?

We think he might be the problem with the barrels.

He hasn't been himself.

Amy's gonna take a look at him. That's all.

What, you gonna whisper to him or something?

Not exactly.

That's not your decision to make.

This is my horse.

I just wanted to make sure he was okay.

He's fine. I should know.

I've been driving him for damn near a decade.

Come on, boy.

(McSorley nickers)

Wow... this chuckwagony sounds like he's really stubborn.

Ty: And he's got a temper too.

He really tore a strip off his son.

Reid's always been like that.

But he's a good man all said and done.

I spent a lot time with the Tatum family back in my rodeo days.

He lost his wife Adele about a year ago now.

A great woman, everyone considered her chuckwagon royalty.

Yeah, I get it.

You know, I know it would be hard to retire his favourite horse right now.

But I just wanna look at him.

You know, maybe there's nothing wrong.

But if there is, he could be risking his whole team.

Well, it's a dangerous sport to be in, isn't it?

Even with healthy horses.

Well, there's a lot of opinions about the Chucks, that's for sure. But they love their horses and it's all about family.

They go on the road together and hop from town to town for an entire summer.

Everybody has their role, but the driver is the boss.

And I guess the boss is allowed to be a jerk, right, Jack?

Jack: Well...

When he cools down he'll come around I'm sure.

But he needs his team to be sound if he wants to compete.

They don't call it a half mile of hell for nothing.

Try living with a baby that screams its face off all night.

Now that is a half mile of hell.

Peter: Oh, don't exaggerate now.

I mean, I wouldn't say she's putting us through hell.

No. I'm sure you wouldn't.

What do you mean by that?

Excuse me. I'm gonna get started on the dishes.


(Water sloshes)

Something you wanna get off your chest?

Yeah, it's called the baby.


Okay. I'm kidding!

But, Peter, I know you mean well.

But with this sleep issue, you are too soft.

Oh, so it's my fault?

Not entirely.

Just mostly.

Well, every time she cries you swoop in, and you bounce her, and you shush her, and you do that insane dance with her.

No wonder she can't fall asleep on her own.

She never has to.

Okay, you know what?

I don't like to hear my daughter cry all night?

Neither do I.

Look, there has to be another way we can help her to sleep.

Jack: Is everything all right in here?

Okay. What did Mom do with us?

Marion? Uh...

Well, she kind of let you cry it out, I guess.


Seriously? She just let them cry?

Yeah. Yeah, 'til they got to sleep.

It's worth a try.


No, honey, I've read that that can do permanent emotional damage to kids.

Do I look emotionally damaged to you?

That is not what I'm saying.

Mallory: I couldn't help overhearing, but I did a little surfing on the web.

And there's this sleep expert named Dr. Mitch.

He's all the buzz on the new parent blogs.

Mm. Let me guess, he's got a new "cure-all" book.

It's supposed to work.

No, I'm not interested.

But he's even been on "The View".

I could go to the book store...

Mallory! I'm ordering you to quit butting in.

You're ordering me.

Like you're my drill sergeant or something?

(Knock at the door)

Peter: Honey, I'm not interested in what some self-proclaimed expert has to say about it, who hawks his book on talk shows.

Why am I not surprised?

Mallory, can you get Amy?

Is that an order too?

(Metal squeaks, hooves clomp)

All right, Dad's at a meeting with our new sponsors.

We you only got a couple of hours to check him out.

Okay. Well, I'll do what I can do.

But, ah, I'm gonna need some time alone with McSorley.

Jack: You know, Brock, we've actually met a few times, you wouldn't remember. You were pretty young.


Yeah, Dad had me on the circuit early.

Jack: Well, when I heard Amy was working over at your place

I dug out some great old pictures of your family.

Oh yeah?

You're welcome to come up to the house; Have a look if you like.

Yeah, that'd be great.

Brock: Okay, that's embarrassing.

Don't worry, Jack's not on Facebook.

Men: (Laugh warmly)

Brock: Ah, there's old Buchberger.

Great left wheeler.

Ty: Buchberger?

How does your dad come up with these crazy names?

He's a diehard Oilers fan.

Yeah, right here in Flames country.

I think that's pretty cool.

So like, Gretzky, Kurri, Coffey?

No, no, no, no. More like Brackenbury, Semenko and Laraque.

Dad likes his horses ornery, so he names 'em after the tough guys.


Jack: There's your mom.

She was always great with the horses.

Yeah, and even better with Dad.

Ah... that old guy's stubborn and hardheaded as McSorley.

But she always knew how to handle him.

I bet he really misses her.


Yeah, it's tough thinking she'll never get to see me drive on a wagon.

What's been holding you back?

Dad says I'm not ready. But the truth is, he needs me as an outrider one more year.

He's dedicated the season to Mom, so, he wants to win it all one last time.

So... next year for me.

I hope.

(Wind chimes tinkle)

Ashely: Caleb O'Dell, would you be my lawfully wedded husband for real this time?

(Half laughs in contemplation)

(Wind chimes tinkle)

Ashley: What're you saying?

Caleb: I'm saying I think I have to leave you.

(McSorley nickers)

(Underbrush crackles under hoofsteps)

Amy: Come on, McSorley, come on.

Come on.

(McSorley snuffles)

(Hooves clomp)

I know.

Hey, Amy.

So what do you think?

Amy: Well, I had a hunch that it might be his eyesight.

But he can follow, he can lead...

As far as I can tell, he seems just fine.

So what now?

You think it could be one of the other horses?

I'll think about it.

But I watched that video footage from the other day and I was convinced that it was McSorley.

Well, maybe my dad's right.

We just need to shake the rust off in training.


Thanks, Amy.

Amy: No problem.

(Hooves clomp)

I don't even have to look at you right now to know what you're thinking.


Something still doesn't seem right to me.

Caleb: Uh...

I know I told you to help yourself to anything.

But our sheets? Come on, man.

Pink's not my colour, man.

I just changed them back for you.

To the ones you guys left.

Oh. Okay, thanks.

Hey, Ty, why don't you go ahead and take the bed tonight.

I'm good on the couch, man.

No, I'm fine.

I wanna sleep outside in the mountain air.

Oh. Are you sure?

Yes, I am.
'Night, buddy.

Ty: Good night.

(Door opens)

(Catherine cries)

Peter: It's fine. Lou: Honey, no.

Lou: This is... This is beyond crazy.

Peter: Lou...

Jack: What's going on now?

Lou: Peter wants to take the baby for a drive.

She falls asleep every time I put her in the car seat.

Okay, Peter, just hand her over.

Hand her over.


Okay, Jack...

Lou and Peter: Shhhh...Shhh...

Jack: ♪ goodnight little darling, my rodeo queen ♪.

Peter: It's good actually.

(Sighs heavily)

Whatever it is you have to say right now, I am so not in the mood.

(Birds chirp)

Amy: So, this is Reid's team at a race a few years ago.

Watch how they go around the first barrel.

(Cacophony of hooves clomping)

Ty: Looks good to me.

It's almost perfect.

And now here is the footage from the other day.

Reid: Watch out! Come on, boy!

It's just like they've lost all feel for that barrel.

I don't know, no matter how I look at it...

You having second thoughts about McSorley?

No. No, the horse is fine.

So, I think we should talk to Brock right away.

'Cause if it's not the horse...

Could be the driver.

We need to talk.

I know, I know.

I shouldn't have stuck my nose in your baby business.

Jack already gave me an earful.

Mallory - And I know I shouldn't have mentioned Dr. Mitch.

But come on, he was on "The View".

Would you just let me--

Look, I'm sorry, okay.

I promise you won't hear another peep out of me.


Just want to ask one simple question.


You went out and bought that book, didn't you?

I know Peter told me not to, but...

Mallory. Just bring me the damn book.


Jack: Caleb O'Dell.

Sorry to hear about the split.

Wow, news sure does fast around here.

But it's just a break.

Not a split, you know. It's a big difference.


Well, I guess you're here to ask for your old job back... again.

Well, I mean, since you're offering...

The more things change...

Well, ah, there's one more thing I wanted to ask you about.

Don't even think about asking me for a raise.

No, it's the loft.

I was hoping maybe I could bunk there for a while.

Something wrong with your trailer?

No I... I rented it to Ty, and having me as a roommate wasn't a part of the deal.

So, fair's fair.


I'll just take the rent out of your pay.

Sounds good.

That includes meals though, right?

Are you done?

(Half laughs)


Yeah, I think it's his eyesight.

It could be his depth perception.

No, there's no way.

Ty: No, just hear her out, man.


It would explain why they're having trouble around the first barrel.

All he would have to do is go in and take a simple eye test.

It's not gonna happen.

Well, what if I'm right?

What if you are? What if you're not?

Either way he'll never forgive me for calling him out.

He's a wagon driver. It's his whole life.

I'm not taking that away from him.

Do you want me to say something?

No I don't. Don't say anything.

Look, I appreciate your concern.

I really do.

We just need to make it through one last season.

(Metal rasps)

Peter: "Sleep. For crying out loud."

Come on. Really?

Forget the cheesy title, it actually lays out a very simple plan.

When the baby cries someone goes in and reassures her.

We say something like, "I love you sweetie, good night."
Lets her know you're around, but it's time to sleep. And you leave the room.

Lou: No cuddling. Mallory: No dancing.

Lou: No shushing.

Just let her cry.

For 15 minutes.

Then you go in and do it again.

You keep doing it, leaving more time in between visits.


Lou: She falls asleep.

Peter: Right. 'Course.

How can we trust a doctor who only goes by his first name?

You agreed to try this.

No I didn't actually.

Well, whatever. We tried your way.

And now we're gonna try this way.

So please lose the attitude.

And, Grampa, you are gonna wanna sleep out in the loft.


No, you may need me on song and dance duty.

Mallory: Uh-uh. We're pulling the plug on the off-key moonlight serenades.


No one's giving into the baby tonight.

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Jack: (Huffs)

Brock: Watch it!

Reid: Come on, boy!

(Barrel clatters)

Jack: So this is where you're hiding out.

How's it going in there?

Well, Mallory's playing sleep cop and she banished me to the loft for the night.

You might wanna think of staying up there too.

Sounds like it's gonna be a rough one.

I don't know, I think I'll take my chances with the ear plugs over that lumpy cot.

Ah, suit yourself.

Hey, Grampa?


I think Reid Tatum's losing his eyesight.


Well, that could be dangerous.

What should I do? Should I say something?

Driving that wagon's how he takes care of his family.

To be told he can't do it anymore...

Tough to hear that from an outsider.

I know, but Brock's not gonna say anything.

Well then, maybe an outsider's exactly what they need.

Just like our sleep cop?


Do you think I sing off-key?

Lou: Oh, that is cute.
(Catherine wails)

That bikini looks cool.

Yeah, if you have an extra 10,000 dollars laying around.

There's no way that costs 10,000 dollars.

I'm not talking about the bikini, I'm talking about what's in it.

Lou: Pfft! (Laughs)


You guys having fun over there?

Lou: Would you rather we all paced the room?

No, Lou, I...

I can't stand here and listen to her cry like this.

It's ridiculous. I'm gonna go in.

Stay strong. There's only another 20 minutes until the next visit.


I don't like hearing her upset, okay.

I don't know what's wrong with that?

There is nothing wrong with that, okay.

I feel the same way.

Okay, I didn't wanna do this, but you've left me no choice.

Jack: (Moans groggily)

Hey. Sorry, Jack.

The sleep cop kick you out too?


I'm gonna be bunking with you. I hope that's okay?

Jack: For what it's worth, I wish I never brought up that whole cry it out thing the other day.

Lou kinda put me on the spot and...

Don't worry about that, Jack, it's...

It's not your fault. It's a whole other...

Jack: Well, truth be told, it always tore me apart to hear Lou and Amy wailing away, which they did.

There's no right and wrong when you're parenting, Peter.

You just gotta do what's in your gut.

Well, I'll tell you the truth, I'm feeling a little sick to mine right now.

Jack: Well, you get some rest.

That daughter of yours is more resilient than you think.

She's a Fleming-Morris-
Bartlett after all.

Thanks, Jack.

But you know she's a Bartlett Fleming-Morris.


Jack: (Groans)

Caleb: What're you guys doing?

Caleb, it is two o'clock in the morning.

Ah, couldn't sleep, so I thought I may as well move in tonight.

Jack: Just promise me you don't snore.

Sure. I can tell you that if that's what you wanna hear.

I can also tell you I don't grind my teeth.

(Catherine wailing)


That is enough.

Even with the ear plugs this is t*rture.

Dr. Mitch said for the first couple of nights it's normal for there to be long stretches of crying.

Amy: And are you okay with that, Lou?

This is your baby, not Dr. Mitch's.

Lou: I don't know! Okay?

I'm starting to think maybe Peter's right.

Maybe this could leave emotional scars.

You know, she could develop some kind of complex.

You know, grow up doubting her parents' love.

Fall in with the wrong crowd, drop out of school, end up with a criminal record.

Lou! It's time to go back in.

Do you want me to do it?

(Takes a calming breath)

No. I can do this.

She has to learn how to sleep on her own.

(Loud snoring from within loft)


Good morning boy.

Hey, I got something for ya.

Here you go.

Yeah, that's good, isn't it?

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, you know who takes care of you, don't you?

Now listen, season starts in a couple of weeks, and I need you to get us around that first barrel.

I do.

(Half laughs)

Looks like you caught me out.

I guess I do a bit of whisperin' myself.

Well, a horse and driver share a very special bond.

That is true.

I think he knows you just as well as you know him.

And I think McSorley can sense there's a problem.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I think you do.

It's your eyesight, isn't it?

(McSorley nickers)

Hear that, McSorley?

First she thinks it's you, now it's me.

Look, Amy, I understand you're pretty good with horses.

Why don't you stick with what you know.

I know I'm not a doctor.

All I'm saying is that you should see one.

My eyes are as good as they need to be.

Even if it means risking the lives of your horses?

That is one hell of an accusation to make, young lady.

I'm sorry.


This isn't easy for me.

But that accident the other day?

That could've been much worse.

Well, it wasn't now, was it?

All I can think about is how many times you've gotta get those horses around the barrels this season.

And we'll get around 'em just fine.


What time did she finally get to sleep at?

I don't know exactly.

Maybe four?

Four in the morning?

Lou, she cried until four in the morning straight?

We kept going in to see her.

Dr. Mitch says crying can't hurt the baby, so, there really is no limit.

(Exhales forcefully)

Yeah, there is a limit. And we've just reached it.

We're done with Dr. Mitch.

Lou: I know how you feel, okay.

Listening to her cry last night made me sick.

But she did eventually fall asleep.

Yeah, probably from pure exhaustion, Lou.

I don't wanna quit after going through the worst night of my life.

Okay? It's supposed to get better.

Please, Peter, just one more night.

Okay. One more night. But...

I'm staying in the house this time.

You sure you can handle it?

(Derisive chuckle)

(Horses nicker and grunt)


H'yah! Yah! (Clicks tongue)


Get over there, McSorley! Get over!

Come on!

(Wagon rattles)

Dad! Dad, look out!

(Horse whinnies)
Brock: Whoa! Ahh!

Brock, are you all right?

Reid: (Shouting, urging horses forward)

My damn foot.

(Thunderous hoofbeats, wagon rattles)

Reid: Whoa!


Hup! There!

Ty: Hey, man. Caleb: Hey. Uh...

Just came by to pick up a few things.

Oh yeah. Hey, thanks again for letting me stay in this trailer.

I really appreciate, man.

That was the deal.

Besides Heartland is a pretty good place for me to be right now.

After seeing what Peter and Lou are going through?

I'm started to think that maybe I dodged a b*llet.

Well, you are getting back together with Ashley though, right?

Well, you are though, right?

I don't know.

I miss her though.

You can still make it work, man.

That's what the break's for, right?

Yeah well, sometimes when things break, they don't always fix up so well.


You need a hand?

No, I can manage.

You know, Brock, that could've been a lot worse today?

I'm gonna talk to him.

He's not gonna like what I have to say.

But I'm gonna talk to him, before someone gets k*lled out there.

All right.

Get better.

(Catherine wails)


I got it.


You okay?

I am so sorry I pushed you into this.


I am a terrible mom.

No. Stop.

No, I can't believe I sided with this guy over our own daughter.

You know what? I hate Dr. Mitch.

I hate this stupid book and I hate his sleep training method.

Lou, easy.

I'm sorry, I pushed you into this.

I wanna go in and see her.

I just wanna rock her to sleep.

You know, and let her know that I love her.

I'm such a bad mom.

No you're not.

No you're not.



Hey? Listen.

Has she really stopped?

All on her own.

Does this mean?

Peter: No? Lou: It worked?

Peter: Really? That's amazing!



Come here.

Mallory: What happened to the book?

Peter: I don't know.


Ranch hand: 'Morning.

Reid: You're late.

I want you feed the team this morning.

Yeah, you heard me, they need time to digest before practice.

You mean...

Yeah, you know damn well what I mean.

And a couple of broken bones never kept a Tatum down.

Hell, I won at Ponoka with cracked ribs?

And at Grand Prairie with a busted up knee.

You remember.

And, ah, Brock?

I never ever thought that...

It's okay, Dad.

No. No, it's not okay.

Your mom would've kicked my butt for this one.

And, uh...

I'm sorry.

Now, will you go feed the damn horses.

Yes, sir.

(Chuckles to himself)

Hey, sweetie?

Such a good little girl.

Weren't you a good girl last night?

Such a good sleeper now. Aren't you?

Aren't you a good sleeper?

Peter: Hey.

Lou: Hey.

Peter: Thought I'd put it back together, in case we have a second one with sleep issues.

Lou: You know you're talking about climbing Everest after running a marathon, right?

Look how happy she is.

It's amazing what one night's sleep can do.

Peter: Yeah, you did good, princess. Didn't you?

You did so good.

Yes, you did.

I love you.

(Catherine coos)

Lou: Oh yes.

(Catherine coos)

Jack: How would you like a muffin?

Mallory: Is that your way of saying thank you?

Thank you? For what?

Two nights of solid sleep.

Oh, ya think?

Caleb snores, he grinds his teeth, he's worse than the baby.

I'm sure Dr. Mitch has a remedy for that too.

Leave Caleb alone.

You nearly drove Lou and Peter off the edge.

I was just trying to help them.

And you of course.

Oh. I appreciate your concern.

More like self preservation.

You're a total pain in the butt when you don't get enough sleep.


(Ring case clanks)

(Horse nicker and whinny)




Yah! Yah!


Good start!

(Wagon rattles)

Brock: Come on, boy! Come on, McSorley, pull!


(Shouting, urging on the horses)

Brock: Hah! Hah!


(Wagon rattles)

Get him to the rail!

Pull! Hah!

(Wagon wheels rattle)

♪ looking for some help from above ♪


Whoa! Whoa!

Yah! Yah!


Wonder what it feels like for Brock to finally speed down that track?

Brock: Come on!

Probably pretty damn amazing.

And he's got you to thank for it.

♪ I believe in love ♪
♪ I believe in love ♪
♪ it's so strong ♪
♪ it's so strong ♪