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01x19 - A Fish Story

Posted: 04/25/23 07:27
by bunniefuu

(Jacqueline) there was this fish

Which sister
bertrille had bought

To be the piece de resistance
at the special dinner

Which reverend
mother had planned

For the visiting
directors of our order.

[Meowing] but there were these
other uninvited gourmets.

Fortunately, sister sixto
remembered her uncle gus

Who just happened to
be, according to her,

The best fisherman in san juan.

In the present emergency,

She was sure he'd be
happy to do her a favor.

Anything, payasita.

You just ask your uncle gus
for anything and it is yours.

We need a fish.

A fish?

It's for this very
special dinner

Reverend mother is giving.

Yes, we had a fish,

But there were
these 3 hungry cats.

And we're too broken
to buy another one.

So if you could spare us
one from today's catch?

Yes, of course.
From today's catch.

[Seagulls cawing]

You'll have the
best, the very best.

You want a fish? You've
come to the right man.

Please, you wait.

Now you see some fish.

There's santa rosa.
That's uncle gus' patrona.

Pennies from heaven.

♪ [Scatting]

Hey. Hey, what are you doin'?

What are you
doing? I need a fish.

Well, go and catch your own!

And if you're not a
good enough fisherman,

You can come work for me, gus.

I'd rather starve first.

What are you doin'?

Hey, give me back my fish.
That fish is worth almost $5.

Put it on my bill.

Bill? What bill?

What are you talkin' about?

Oh, maria! It's good to see you.

I've got some beautiful,
beautiful sea bass.


It certainly was kind
of your uncle gus

To give us this fish.

Oh, what's one
fish to uncle gus.

You know, he has the record

For the biggest single
catch made by one boat.


I wanna make sure
there are no cats.


He always knows where to go

To get the biggest
and best fish.

He knows all the
secret hiding places.

"Lily's fish shack.
89 Cents a pound."

(Jacqueline) the
special fish dinner,

Compliments of uncle
gus and lily's fish shack,

Was a great success.

But the next day,

After sister sixto
talked to her family,

She was very disturbed.

Why don't my mother and
brother tell me about uncle gus?

Why keep me in the darkness?

Maybe they didn't
want you to worry.

Well, what could
you do to help him?

Somebody's got to help him.

He hasn't had a good
catch of fish in months.

Well, you said uncle
gus could catch the fish

Even if no one else could.

Oh, that's all changed now. Oh.

The big companies,
they all take over.

They have all kinds of boats

With all kinds of thingamajugs.


And they push a button.


There on the screen they
see just where the fish are.


They are. And they have
all kinds of aeroplanes

And heliocopters that
spot the big schools.

While uncle gus
is still looking,

Half a dozen boats are
already on the dot. Spot.

Pretty rough competition.


All of uncle gus' friends

Who used to have
their own boats like him,

Yeah? Give up.

Uncle gus is almost
the only one left now.

He can't afford any of
that new equipment, huh?


Mama says he's already
borrowed on his boat.

Oh, gee. I really
feel sorry for him.

But, at least we can pay
for that fish he bought us.

I wish there was
something more we could do.

How? What do we
know about fishing?

If there were only someone

Who could spot
the schools for him.

We can't afford to hire a plane.

Wouldn't have to be a plane.



For you it would be a snip. No.

Sister bertrille, he's
going to lose his boat.

Me, a fish spotter?

Well... Well, just till he gets
his... His feet on the ground.

His boat means
everything to him.

Well, even if I
could spot the fish...

You could.

How would I lead uncle
gus to the fish I spotted?

Just fly over the boat and
tell him where to follow you.

But everyone in san
juan would know.

No, they wouldn't. Uncle
gus is very nearsighted.

Yeah, yes. You could fly
between him and the sun.

(Sixto) he'd never
guess it was you.

Sisters, I'd like to, but...

(Sixto) you're his last chance.

Last chance?

Oh, sister bertrille.

You're really the living finish.

Good morning.

Oh, hello, mr. Ogden.

Say, you're out
nice and early today.

Well, when I have
something unpleasant to do,

I guess I try to
get it over with.

Well, listen, I am
thrilled pink you're here

Because I got somethin'
special for your family.

Listen to me.

You're gonna take this fish

And you're going to
give it to your little wife.

It'll make her a happy lady.

No, no. Thank you, miss romano.


Oh, I see.

You want somethin'
on my account.

I'm sorry,

But the company is
insisting on payment in full.

Look. Look, mr. Ogden,

Business, oh, business
has been really lousy.

I... I... I lost many of my
important customers.

I have my orders.

Unless the account
is settled immediately,

The company will have
to attach the shop.

Just a... Just a
little more time.

A little more time.

All right. I'll try to get
you a 2 weeks' extension.

[Sighing] oh.

Thank you, mr. Ogden.

But after that,

I'm afraid I can't
promise you anything.

I understand. It's
ok. Thanks a lot.

Hey, wait a minute!

What the heck.

You-you'll give
this to your wife.

It's fresh from a minute ago.

It's good for the brains.

It'll melt in your
mouth when she bakes it.

Thanks a lot. You got a
heart of gold. Bye-bye.

Going out this morning, gus?

You can see for yourself
the weather is good, huh?

Yeah, perfect.

So I go out, same as always.

Hey, gus, why don't
you save the fuel.

Stay here and fish off the pier.

That's right. You'll catch more.

He couldn't catch less.

[Pete and gil laughing]

That's right. Stand there

Braying like the
sea-going donkeys you are.

Yes, maybe we are donkeys,
but you are the prize mule.

I work for myself
on my own boat.

Yeah, sure.

But at the end of the
week, what have you got?

Gil and me, we got
nice, fat paychecks.

[Gil laughing]

(Gil) you'd better
not wait too long.

They won't even want
you on the fleets.

[Both laughing]

[Seagulls cawing]

(Gus) we'll show them, patrona.

Now don't you start on me.

I didn't open my mouth.

Well, keep it that way.

Hey, who asked you on board?

Well, I don't need no invitation

To come up on my own boat.

Your boat?

Yes, my boat.

This leaky old tub
you call a boat.

Fishmonger, I'm warning you,

Nobody's allowed to talk
that way about my santa rosa.

I must have been
crazy in my whole head

Giving you $600 with this
scow for security. Yuck!

Clear the deck. I'm casting off.

Mendoza, I want my money.

You'll get your money.

I've been hearing
that for months.

Just a few good catches

And you'll have your money
with double the interest.

There ain't any more
good catches out there.

Now, off, off.

Gus, listen to me.

You have got to listen to me.

You have got to sell this boat

And you've got to pay me
what you owe me, now. Now!

What are you
talking about, woman?

Sell the santa rosa?

What would I do without her?

Oh, you could come
work for me, gus.

Work for you?

I'd rather eat sand
and drink seawater.

Fishmonger, you'll
get your money.

Yes, that's right. That's right!

Waste another day
floating around out there,

Pretending you're
such a big fisherman!

Tonight you'll come
home limping as usual

With no fish!

N-o! No fish!


(Jacqueline) and so,

On a bright and sunny morning,

The business of
fish spotting began.

[Bertrille whistling]

(Bertrille) come on.

Don't be afraid, I'm
here to help you.

Follow me. I'll
lead you to the fish.

Follow me!

You bet I will.


[Fishermen chattering]

Have you ever seen so
much fish in your life?

You did it, gus,

Here for you, gus. Here for you.

This is for you, gus. Oh!

Come on, gil.


You know, every time
I come into this place,

It seems smaller.

Huh! It's your big
head that crowds it.

Say, what? What is that?

Oh, I just thought
you might like

Some first class
quality fish for a change.

Oh, so that's your great catch

You made today, huh?

Oh, no. It's just the leftovers.

Here, I sold most of my
catch to allied for top price.

Just a few days more
and we two will be quits.

One great catch and he's a hero.

Till tomorrow, fishmonger.

[Both grunting]

(Jacqueline) after a week
of fishy reconnaissance,

Sister bertrille went with
sister sixto to check on

The results of their
help-uncle-gus campaign.

Isn't it wonderful, uncle gus?

Your boat's all yours again.

Clear. 100 ♪.

And I'm so glad to
see you, payasita,

And your friend, too, sister...

Bertrille. Ah, ber...

Would you like
to have some wine?

Coffee, perhaps?

Ah, maybe some lemonade.

Uh, pink.


2 Glasses of, uh, pink lemonade.

No. A whole pitcher.

Hey, lily.

Lily, come join my party.

I've got better things to do.

Your fish won't spoil
while you drink one toast.

Wait, wait a minute!

Lily romano.

Uh, my niece, sister sixto,

And her friend,
sister... Bertrille.

I hope you pray for him.

He needs all the
help he can get.

Go on, lily. Say
anything you want to.

Today nobody can make
me mad, not even you.

Listen, it's real nice
to meet you, sisters.

So long. Here.

Oh, come on, lily, don't sulk,

Just because you
were wrong about me.

Yeah, we'll see who's wrong.

Can you imagine,

This fishmonger
thought I was finished.

She wanted me to work
for her in her fish shack.

Well, this is only because
I felt sorry for him.

Sorry for the best
fisherman in san juan.

Let those who can't
catch fish sell them,

But never gus mendoza.


If pride was money,
you'd be a rich man.

The money's all paid back.

But I won't forget who it was

That gave me the
loan when I needed it.

So, when you finally admit

That you can't
make it on your own,

You just come to me

And I'll give you
all the help I can.

When san juan freezes over,

Then I'll come to you for help.

Who else will you go to?

You are... You are last
on a long, long list.

Isn't it wonderful
to see 2 people

Care so much for each other?

[Gus and lily arguing] uncle
gus and miss romano?

For some people

It's sweet talk
and hand holding.

For them it's yelling
and making a fist.


(Jacqueline) sister bertrille

Had worked out a daily schedule

For her fish spotting chore.

Sister sixto took
over her convent duties

While she was aloft.

I'm getting better
at spotting them.

It should only take
me about an hour.

Don't worry. If
anything comes up here,

I'm here to squeeze-hit.


Sister bertrille,

We have been looking for you.

I want you to go with
me to the chancery.

Now? Yes.

We'll be gone most
of the day, sister sixto.

Oh, let me drive you,
reverend mother.

Uh, I could sure
use the practice.

Sister sixto, you have
your regular duties here.

Well, what is it?

Um, well, um, reverend
mother, you see,

I did have something else

That I was supposed
to do this morning.


Sister bertrille?

It's my fault.

Sister bertrille was
trying to help my uncle gus.

He was in bad trouble because
he couldn't catch any fish.

You have been fishing?

Oh, no, reverend mother.

You see, what I do is, i... I
fly out and spot the fish

And then I signal uncle gus...

Senor mendoza, and then
he follows me to the fish.

You are a fish spotter?

Fish spotter.

And who else knows about this?

Sister jacqueline.

And, uh, uncle gus.

No, he doesn't know it's me.

No, he's very nearsighted.


Sister bertrille,

When we first discovered
your aerobatic talents,

I believe that you and I decided

That as long as you brought

No undignified
attention to the convent,

That you could enjoy
responsible freedom.

Yes, reverend mother.

I do not agree

That fish spotting quite
meets those requirements.

No, reverend mother.

Uncle gus was going
to lose his boat.

Sister bertrille was only trying

To help him pay off his loan.

Sister sixto, I have no
quarrel with your intention.

It is the method. I find
it quite shattering.

There will be no
more fish spotting.

Yes, reverend mother.

Come along, sister bertrille.
I do not want to be late.

Poor uncle gus.

Patrona, please.

What have I done? Where are you?

Where are you?

But... But... But,
mr. Ogden, I've paid you $600.

That's some big money.

I'm sorry.

But our agreement
was settlement in full.

But... But... But if you
take my shop away from me,

Then... Then, i...

Then I'll never be able
to pay you the money.

Miss romano, I have my orders.

I'll be back tonight
for the balance

Or the keys to the shop.

(Jacqueline) when word
of uncle gus' new despair

Reached sister sixto
and sister bertrille,

They felt they had
to reopen the case

With reverend mother.

Sister bertrille,
if you are asking me

To reverse myself

On the matter of your
being a fish spotter...

(Bertrille) no, reverend mother.

When I did that I was
doing the wrong thing

For the right reason.

I should have realized
that I'd have to quit someday

And then uncle gus would be
worse off than he was before.

Quite true.

Sister sixto,

It seems that
your uncle, uh, gus,

Will not accept

That the business of
fishing has changed?

That's it in a nut.

You see, it's very hard
for a man like uncle gus

To accept the fact that his way

Isn't still the best
way, reverend mother.

That is not easy for
anyone to accept.

Through the years,

One does one's
job as best one can.

There are failures,
oh, a few successes,

But one begins to think

That one's way is the only
way to get the job done.

And then, one day, someone new

Blows in like a hurricane

And scatters that
tidy, familiar world

In every direction.

Suddenly, the old
way is not the only way.

The children have new clothes

In all the colors
of the rainbow.

There is a street carnival

To raise money for the convent.

Strange new methods of teaching,

A purple station wagon,

Lessons in aerodynamics...

Reverend mother...

And, like uncle
gus, sister sixto,

One wishes one
could turn one's back,

Close one's eyes and pray

That things would soon
go back the way they were

In the good old days.

But that is not an answer.

It's an evasion.

Accepting change is difficult,

But it can be done.

Yes, reverend mother.

Sister sixto, is your,
uh, uncle, gus well?

Oh, yes. He's never sick.

Than most certainly fishing
is not the only way in which

He could make an honest living.

He's so proud of what
he is. Uh, what he's been.

But would he not be proud

If he could make a change
and accept the challenge?

Why, sure. But who
could make him believe

He hasn't any other choice?

Why that is your
specialty, sister bertrille,

As I can personally testify.



Hi, sisters.


Uh, we... We're looking
for mr. Mendoza.

Well, he ain't here. W-why
don't you try his boat?

Uh, we did. He wasn't there.

Oh. Look, I'm
expecting visitors.

They're trying to take
my shop away from me.

Oh, maybe you ought
to call the police.

(Lily) oh, no, no.

You see, i, I owe a lot
of money on this shop

And I can't pay it. Not now.

So, uh, well,

If you'll excuse
me, sisters. Oh, wait.

You, uh... I'll tell you,
try hermit's beach.

He walks there a lot lately.

Uh, we will.

Oh, don't... Don't you
worry about the g*n.

It ain't loaded, but
it's big and scary.

Right. All right.

Uh, why don't you go to
hermit's beach and look for him,

And I'll go back to his
boat and wait for him there.


Sister bertrille, remember?

Oh, of course.

Is payasita with you?

Oh, no. I'm supposed
to meet her here.

Uh, I hear

Things haven't been going
too well lately, uncle gus.

I keep hoping, and hoping.

But like they say, hoping
is a big waste of time.

Oh, I don't think so.

I think hope's very important
to get you what you want.

But you can't just
sit around and hope.

Sister, in my whole life,
I never just sit around.

I worked. And I want
to go on working,

Doing the job I know how to do.

But it's no good. I
can't bring in the fish.

You... You brought in
enough to pay off your boat.

I tell you,

My patrona, she
helped me do that.

But now, she has
stopped helping me.

Why? What did I do?

Why has she turned away from me?

Oh, uncle gus, you
don't really think

Your patrona has
turned away from you?

I ask and ask for help.

Well, sometimes
help comes in ways

That we don't expect.

Uncle gus,

You love the sea

And the sea's been good to you.

For 35 years.

That's a long
time to be the best.

So maybe,

Maybe it's time to move
on to something else,

Uh, to show that you can
be good at some other job.

I don't want to move
on to something else.

I guess no one ever
really wants to move on,

But you know something?

Baseball players become
trainers and... And managers,

And matadors raise prize bulls.

What should I do?

Sign on with one
of the big companies,

Take orders from some
know-nothing, uh, landblubber.

Oh, there must be something
a man like you could do.

I don't know what.

And don't say I should
work for lily romano

In her fish shack.

Well, that's impossible.

We agree on that.

Yes. She's been
forced out of business.

Lily? Nobody forces
lily out of anything.

I guess she owes a lot
of money on her store

And they're taking
it away from her.

She'll never let 'em.

Oh, I don't think she'll be
able to stop 'em by herself,

Even if she does use
that shotgun of hers.

(Ogden) please, miss romano.

If you use that shotgun,
you'll be even worse off.

So will you.

Hey, give me that g*n.

What are you doing?

Stay away from her.

You want a fight, try me.

[Lily yelling]

(Lily) will you let me go?

This is no business
of yours, mendoza.

3 Men pushing a woman around

Is my business.

We have a court order
here to take over this place,

So I advise you to clear out.

(Gus) and I'm giving
you the same advice.

Here. Look this over.

What's this?

Title to my boat,
the santa rosa.

She's free and clear.

And it'll cover more
than what lily owes you.

Now you get out.

(Ogden) all right. Let's go.

Get out. Out.



[Sobbing] oh, oh, gus!

It's ok.

I take care of it.

Oh, gus. You... You
gave away your boat,

For me!

[Lily sobbing]

(Gus) don't cry.

[Sobbing] I'm not crying.

I never cry.

Women. They get themselves
into trouble and they cry.

And then a man comes along,

Gets them out of
trouble and they cry.

Of course,

This place would really be
enough to make anybody cry.

What do you mean?

No wonder you're losing money.

You can't sell this kind of fish

At this time of season
with meat so soft and bitter.

From now on, I'll
do all the buying.

Oh! All the buying?

Listen, if you're
going to work for me...

Work for you?

If I decide to come
into this place,

It will be as a partner.

(Lily) me? A partner?

(Gus) augustillo
mendoza and company.

I am not a company,
i... I am a partner.

[Gus yelling]