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01x29 - Love Me, Love My Dog

Posted: 04/25/23 07:37
by bunniefuu
It was a beautiful
day in san juan.

Sister bertrille and I were rewarding
her first-graders and ourselves

With a weenie
roast at the beach.

In a nearby shopping district,
it was business as usual.

My purse.

Raffles, give it here.
Raffles, give it here.

Hey, we promised,
no more of this.

We're going to be honest
from now on, remember?

Come on. Come on, give me that.

Good boy.

That's the man, officer.

All right, hand over that purse.

Oh, yes, officer, the purse.

Uh, is this the lady who
lost it? How do you do?

I didn't lose it.

You grabbed it and ran with it.

No, no, I didn't
grab it, and I ran

Because I was chasing
the dog who took it.

What dog? This do...

There was a dog here,

And I saw him take the
purse and I ran after him.

I was going to give the
purse back to the lady when...

Is this any way to
treat an honest man?

Come on. Is this how this goes?


I am janus zayukovsky.

Everyone calls me "the gypsy."

I take it that you find this
business of being in jail amusing.

No, not amusing, my friend.


You see,

After all these years of playing,
uh, fast and loose with the law,

When I finally
decide to go straight,

They put me in jail for
something I didn't do.

Sure, sure.

No, no, it's the truth.

My dog got me into this mess.

Still, all things considered,
it's not so bad, huh?

Besides, raffles can
take care of himself.

Who's our new friend?

I don't know. No
one asked for his i.d.

Where's jamie?

Well, he was right
over... I don't know.

Jamie. Jamie?





Yes, sister?

Jamie, what are you
doing under there?

This is my secret place, sister.

Oh, well, that's very nice,

But wouldn't you like to come
out and play with the other kids?

Well, maybe the
next game, sister.


"Maybe next game."


You have to throw it, jamie.

Now, we got everybody?

Let's see, we
started out with 8.

We've got one,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Raffles makes 9.

Well, how do you know
his name is raffles?

It says it on his collar.

Well, maybe we'll see him
next time we come to the beach.

Yeah. Ok, everybody
say goodbye to raffles.

- Let's go, children.
- Bye, raffles.

Bye-bye. Let's go.
Ok, move 'em out.

All right, g*ng.


Go away, boy. Children.

Go on, boy. Go on.

Maybe he hasn't
got a home, sister.

Well, somebody named him
raffles and put a collar on him.

He'll go home as
soon as we leave.


I think he's lost.

Can't he go home
with us, sister?

He doesn't belong to us.

But if he's lost and we just leave
him here, what'll happen to him?

They'll take him to the pound.

Let him come with us, sister.

Please. Please, sister.

Well, if he follows us,
I guess we can't help it.

Ok, g*ng, everybody go.

Let's go, children.
Move out. Let's go.

You know there's a strict
no pets rule at the convent.

How are you going to explain
raffles to the reverend mother?

Well, we'll think of something.

But, sister bertrille,
there are rules.

But, reverend mother, there
are exceptions to the rules.

But, sister bertrille, if we make
an exception to the no pets rule,

Then tomorrow we will make
another, and then another and another.

With your gifts,
sister bertrille,

You might very easily turn
san tanco into a menagerie.

But, reverend mother, this
is an exceptional exception.

I know you've been as
worried about jamie as I have.

But, reverend mother, look.

And another thing,
reverend mother,

This is only a
temporary exception.

Temporary? Of course.

We'll be trying to locate
raffles' real owner.

And when we do,
end of exception.

But, meanwhile, if jamie
becomes attached to the dog,

Will separating them
not be very painful?

Reverend mother, right now
raffles is the medicine that jamie needs.

Oh, yes. When it comes time
to take the medicine away,

Jamie won't need it anymore.

I see.

Very well, we shall
make an exception.

Thank you, reverend mother.

A temporary exception.

Yes. I'll tell jamie.

Sister jacqueline.

Uh, yes, reverend mother?

What if we cannot locate

That dog's true owner?

Oh, well...


- Absolutely no.
- No what?

Whatever it is you came
to ask... Whatever it is

You came to ask me. I know.

And we didn't come
here to ask you anything.

You didn't? No.

We're a committee appointed by the
first grade to bring you a present.

Committee, huh? Uh-huh.


And I suppose this
is the chairman.

Well, that's raffles.

Hmm. Nice dog.

And smart, too. We're
teaching him a lot of tricks.

Well, sister, you are just
the one who could do it.

Now, what is all this
about a present for me?


Senor ramirez, you have
been very kind to all of us

At convent san tanco.

The first grade made this
to show our appre... Appreci...


Oh, that's beautiful.
Thank you very much.

You like it? You really like it?

I love it. Must have
taken a lot of work.

I'm going to keep it
right here on my desk.

I tell you what.

I want to show you
my appreciation, too.

I want you to take the
first-graders a treat from me.

Some candy or ice cream.

Oh, well, that's not necessary.

I want to do it.

That's strange.

What's the matter? My wallet.

It's gone.

And I just had it here
a few minutes ago.

Well, don't panic. You
probably left it in some obvious...

Your wallet? That's beautiful.
Why, how did you do it?

I mean, you weren't
even near me.

The dog?

Sister bertrille,
having a trick dog is fine,

But the tricks you're
teaching this one

Will land you both in the pokey.

But the purse c-c-could
not just disappear.

But I put it down right there.

It was a rather large wicker and
leather purse with a... A brass clasp.

Similar to that?

Why, it's exactly like that.

Is this yours?

Well, yes, it is.

Yes, well, I guess you're
wondering how I happen to have it.

You see, uh, raffles over
there, well, he was playing ball

And he chased the ball and
brought this back instead.

How enterprising of him.

Yes. I'm terribly sorry.

No harm done. No harm at all.

Thank you very much. Yes.

Good day.

He didn't know he was doing
anything wrong, reverend mother.

Of course not. But still...

It was only an accident.

I'm sure it won't happen
again, will it, fella?

Little did sister bertrille
know how wrong she was.

Despite her lectures
and jamie's pleas,

Raffles always
yielded to temptation.

After several days of searching

The lost and found
section to no avail,

We decided to place
an ad of our own.

And we took raffles with
us to keep him out of trouble.

You be a good boy.

We'll be right back.

Hey, raffles. Good
boy. Good boy.

Move over. Get over.

Sister bertrille? Yes.

Well, if raffles' owner
is still in san juan,

There's a good
chance he'll see the ad.

I know the children
will miss the dog, but...

Under the circumstances...

What is it, reverend mother?

The first order of business

Was to return the purses
raffles had collected

As quickly as possible.

Which turned out to be not
quite as quickly as we had hoped.


Of all the times
to get a flat tire.

Oh, dear.

Good afternoon, officer.

Well, sisters,

Looks like you're in trouble.

Officer, the way it happened...

Oh, that isn't important.

From here on, I'll take over.

Oh, I'll have the tire
changed in 5 minutes.

Oh, well, thank you. Oh.

Thank you very much.

That's very nice of you.

Not much activity today.

E-except for a g*ng
of purse-snatchers.

A g*ng?

We figure 2 or 3 professionals.

They grabbed 6 or
7 purses in an hour.

Just a question of
time till we pick them up.

Th-that much
time... Is it... Time.

Oh, I'll take that. I'll take
it. Excuse me, I'll just...

Thank you, sister.

What do you want? Oh!

Oh, I just wanted to get some of
those papers to spread on the ground.

Excuse me. Oh, she'll get them.

Ooh, yes, I'll get them.

There you are.

Uh, sister, you don't, uh,
need to hold my jacket.

Oh. No, well, i... It's
the least I could do.

Well, there you are, sisters.

Ready to roll.
Thank you, officer.

Uh, now, my jacket.

Sister jacqueline,
why don't you help him

With his jacket? Of course.

That isn't necessary.

It's my pleasure.

Oh! There.

Oh, my goodness, raffles,
what are you doing?

Come on. Come on.

Oh, very good. Very good.

That's... That's fine,
sister. Thank you.

Well, that's fine,
sister. That's fine.

Well, so long, sisters.

Glad to have been of help.

Yes. Well, officer, I don't know
quite how to tell you this, but...

Oh, forget it. Maybe someday
you can do a favor for me.


I tell you, sergeant, I don't know
how these purses got into my car.

I only stopped once.

2 Nuns from san
tanco had a flat tire.

It's... It's just impossible.

It's just impossible.

But, reverend mother, I don't
really think we can blame raffles.

He's been trained to steal.

Yes, but I feel we
can rehabilitate him.

By using the pavlov theory
of conditioned reflex...

Sisters... We can
teach him anything.

The convent san tanco is
not a rehabilitation center

For delinquent canines.

No, but, reverend mother,
you see, what I feel is...

I have given this matter
a great deal of thought

And, uh, there seems to be
only one possible solution.

He must be turned over
to the proper authorities

At the pound.

The pound? But, reverend mother,

If someone doesn't come
and take him in 10 days, they'll...

I know, sister bertrille.

But what are the alternatives?

Return him to his owner?

We have tried,

But we've had no response
to our advertisement.

Keep him here?

Under the circumstances,
I'm afraid that is impossible.

Find him a new home? Again,
under the circumstances,

How can we ask anyone else
to assume such a responsibility?


I am afraid that that
leaves us with the pound.

Of course, i... I... I suppose
that we should wait

Until we see if... If we do have

Some response to
our advertisement.

Oh, yes, at least a few days.

Sisters, if the owner
has not contacted us

By the day after tomorrow,

Raffles must be
sent to the pound.



Well, my friend,
it's been a pleasure.


I'll be happy to share
a cell with you anytime.

No more cells for me.

First, I'm going to find my dog,

And then I'm
going to find a job.

A job?

From here on, I play
it square and straight.

If you don't mind.

Just the classified section.

"Help wanted, male."

Well, it's a horrible thought,

But if that's what
you want, good luck.

Good luck to you.

Going on the assumption

That an old dog could
be taught new tricks,

Uh, with a scientific assist,

We went to work.

Good boy. Good boy, raffles.

He seems to be
learning. Oh, yes.

Pretty soon he'll
associate all purses

With the purse we
sprayed with dog keep off.

When she sees how good he is,

Do you think reverend
mother might let him stay?

Maybe she'll reconsider.

If we'd just hear
from his owner.

I don't see how anybody
could lose a dog like raffles

And not want to
find him. I know.

Well, as soon as the
monsignor houk leaves,

We'll be able to show the reverend
mother raffles' progress. Come on.

Always a pleasure to visit
the convent, reverend mother.

Such an atmosphere
of spirituality and peace.

Thank you, monsignor.

Well, who have we here?

Oh, this is raffles.

Hello, raffles.

One of the children has
adopted him temporarily.

I see. Raffles, come
here, boy. Let me see.

Again, congratulations on
the fine work you're doing here.

May nothing ever
interfere with it.

Thank you.

Good day, reverend
mother. Good day, monsignor.

Reverend mother. Yes?

Uh, we would like to show
you how reformed raffles is.

Yes. Reformed?

Yes. We're conditioning
him to be honest

And you'll be amazed to
see the difference in him.

The, uh, difference?

A wallet?

Not the monsignor's?

Sister bertrille.

Ah, yes.

Reverend mother, I certainly
will return it, and, uh...

Take raffles to the pound.

A delicate situation
of this sort

Called for special handling.

Thanks to sister bertrille's
incomparable 2nd-story work,

The monsignor would always
think he'd left his wallet

In his other coat.

That was the easy part.

But taking raffles
to the pound...

That was going to
be something else.

Meanwhile, the gypsy had looked
all over san juan for raffles,

And for a job.

He hadn't found either.

He was tired and discouraged.

And what's more, he
had a hole in his shoe.


I cannot tell you
how relieved we are

To be able to return raffles

To his rightful owner,
mr. Za... Zaj... Zaja...

Zayukovsky. Zayukovsky.

Thank you.

I am very relieved
myself... Reverend mother.

Reverend mother. Excuse
me, but raffles is gone. Gone?

Oh, don't worry. We
will find each other.

Well, he's not the only
one. Jamie's gone, too.

Carmelita saw them leaving.

Jamie didn't want to go.

And i... We didn't want him to.

But he said he had to do it

To save raffles from the pound.

Did he say where he
was going, carmelita?

No, reverend mother.

He just said he
knew a safe place.

Sister jacqueline, I think
you had better call the police.

Wait a minute, reverend mother.

Safe place? I've got a hunch.

Sister bertrille, play it.



Oh, jamie.

Oh, it's all right.
You can come out.

No, sister. I heard.

You're gonna take
raffles to the pound.

Then they'll... No,

I won't let you
take him. I won't.

Jamie, they aren't going to
take raffles to the pound.

Word of honor?

Word of honor. Come on.

We found the man that
raffles belongs to.


Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, you old dog, you.

Who'd ever think that you'd
end up in a convent, huh?

Now, listen, the 2
of us, you and me,

Are both going to have
to change our ways.

Now, the sisters have
promised to help us, you see?

And the kids will help, too.

I think we can use all
the help we can get.

Yes. We've made some
progress with handbags,

But when it comes to wallets,
he's got a long, long way to go.

Well, how was your
visit with raffles?

It was fine, reverend mother.

He was real glad to see me.

Oh, I'm sure he was, dear.

Now, uh, how, uh... How
are they getting along?

Oh, very nicely.
Mr. Z... Mr. Zig...

Uh, the gypsy has
a very nice job.

And they have a
nice place to live.

And raffles hasn't touched a
purse or a wallet in a month.

Oh, I'm so glad.

I was afraid that

Such a deeply
ingrained habit might...

Now, if we can just turn him
off of hubcaps and curb feelers.