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05x07 - Mama

Posted: 04/25/23 08:40
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Julie you did, too! Samantha I did not!

You did, too! I did not!

[ Door slams ]


Nell, you have got to speak to samantha.

Will you please not bother me?

I am trying to do my homework, or can't you see?

And I told you, I don't like to get involved

In arguments you girls are having.

This isn't an argument. I'm right, and samantha's wrong.

Samantha don't listen to her, nell!

Julie, please don't drag me into this, all right?

Nell, once you hear all the facts,

I'm sure you'll take my side.

Julie, I learned a lot time ago not to take sides.

I do as they do in switzerland.

I stay neutral, and I yodel.

Julie, do you always have to leave your clothes

In the washing machine?

I'm pregnant.

So what? I read that esther williams

Swam laps a day in her ninth month.

Boy, when that baby was born, it really must have been wrinkled.

Katie, my doctor told me not to exert myself.

Besides, you have your own apartment now.

Why don't you do your laundry over there?

Because it costs cents, and I'm on a very tight budget.

Nell, do you think it would strain julie

To take her clothes out of the washer?

♪ Yodel-ay-hee-hoo

Nell, nell, I don't know what julie's been telling you,

But don't listen to her.

She's never really liked me.

Will you stop being ridiculous?

Of course your sister likes you.

Nell, you better go back to yodeling.

Sam. What?

I like you.

Yeah, well, you wouldn't if you had to listen to her stereo.

What's wrong with my stereo?

You play it too loud. I need my sleep. I'm pregnant.

So you're pregnant. So what?

I'm sleeping for two.

Julie, you're only in your second month,

And you expect everybody to give you special treatment.

Well, I have something to tell you.

What is it? I'm pregnant, too.


Just kidding, nell.

Come here. Come here!

Now. Come here.

There are two things we don't kid about in this house --

World w*r iii and you getting pregnant.

Joey, go watch television up in your own room.

Yeah, joey.

Yeah, but this has a bigger screen.

Joey, we're trying to have a discussion.

[ Indistinct arguing ]

Hold it!

Hold it! [ Doorbell rings ]

Listen at you.

You're acting like a pack of wolves.

I mean, have you forgotten what family is all about?

[ Doorbell rings ] oh, shut up! I'm coming!

I'm ashamed of you.

I mean, family's supposed to be about love, caring, and respect.

When I was growing up,

My family had nothing but love for each other.

Love -- that's what a family is all about.


Hello, nell.

What are you doing here, mama?

I knew I wouldn't be welcomed in this house.

Oh, mama, please don't -- lady, lady, don't get crazy on me.

I just meant that it's really a surprise to see you.

There is a difference between a look of surprise

And a look of "I wish I was dead."

Oh, hello, girls.

I'm afraid I always get your names mixed up.

Well, I'm samantha. I'm katie.

I'm pregnant.

I'm julie.

Nell, you mean to tell me this child is gonna have a child?

Well, I shouldn't be surprised, living with nell.

It's hard to believe she's a minister's daughter.

Mama maybelle, I am married, remember?

Oh, that's right.

When's the baby due?

In may.

When did you say you got married?

In august.

I already counted, mama.

Remember me, mama?

We met in alabama at loretta's wedding.

Of course I remember you, joey.

Still haven't had your hair cut, huh?

Why do I have to have my hair cut?

Because I said so.

Grandpapa, I'm so glad you're home.

Look who's here. Surprise, surprise.

Maybelle! Well, my goodness.

What brings you to glenlawn?

A drunken travel agent. A drunk--

[ Laughter ]

Well, it's good to see you, maybelle.

It's good to see you, too, grandpa.

You know, you're the only reason I sleep at night --

Knowing these children have your wise head

To balance out nell's.

You hear that, nell?

Your mother is not the monster you paint her to be.

You know, I just remembered something.

I've got a friend meeting me at my apartment.

Oh, katie, stay here, baby. I'll do your laundry.

Sit down, little boy!

Well, nell, you always said maybelle

Could empty a room quicker than anybody.

How long you gonna be with us, maybelle?

About a week. That's all?

I was hoping you'd spend another christmas with us.

I can't stand christmas in california.

If there's one thing I don't want to see,

It's bermuda shorts in december.

[ Laughs ]

It's gonna be fun having you with us, maybelle.

Grandpapa, stay here.

Wait for me, grandpa.

Joey, get back down here.

Well, mama, why don't you take my room,

And I'll sleep out here on the couch?

Thank you, nell.

Where is my bag?

I have your bag, mama.

I can carry my own bag.

Well, fine, mama. I'll just show you to my room.

And I know where your room is, too.

Well, fine, mama.


Mama, wait a minute. Are you okay?

I suppose it was you

Who put that plant right where people walk.

Actually, mama, you're the first one to ever knock it over.

I knew you would find a way to make it my fault.

Oh, mama, come on.

Look, is something wrong with you?

Of course not.

I think you might need new glasses.


Mama, please!

You're bound to find out sooner or later.

I came to california to have an eye operation.

I've got cataracts.


My doctor back home

Recommended a very good doctor in san francisco.

So, you're so close to san francisco --

Oh, well, now you know.

I'll see you at dinner.

Hold it. Lady, come back here.

Listen, don't get crazy on me.

Now, why didn't you tell me before now?

You wouldn't have cared anyway.

I care, mama.

Now, is this serious?

Would I be in your house if it wasn't?

Mama, an operation like this must be very expensive.

Don't worry. I don't need you.

I'm selling my condo.

If you sell your house,

Just where do you think you're going to live?

With you.

I will pay for this operation.

I can't stand this anymore.

Why doesn't dr. Megway come out here

And tell us how the surgery is going?

He may be a little busy, nell.

Look, there's nothing to worry about.

I saw the same operation last week on "st. Elsewhere."

Nell, I don't think we need worry too much.

After all, maybelle has a superb surgeon,

And she's in excellent physical condition.

Grandpapa, it's not her condition I am worried about.

What I am worried about is that she's gonna try

To tell those surgeons how to perform that operation.

Well, nell, don't they put her to sleep?

The doctor said no, but I told him he would be sorry.

I wonder where the maternity ward is.

Julie, you don't have to make reservations

This far in advance, dear.

This is not club med.

I just thought I'd take a look around.

Oh, julie, don't go.

You see all those wet, crying, little babies,

You'll be sorry you didn't buy yourself a puppy.

Doctor. Doctor, how is my mama?

She's fine, but I had to deviate from our usual procedure.

Normally we remove cataracts from one eye at a time,

But your mother insisted I operate on both eyes.

I told you to put her to sleep.

I should have listened to you.

Doctor, is it more serious

When you do both eyes at the same time?

Well, it does increase the danger of infection,

And there are always the vagaries of surgery

To contend with.

Of course, now both eyes will be bandaged,

So she'll be unable to see.

But the operation is a success?

We think so, yes, but we can't be absolutely sure.

You still have to face the possibility

That when the bandages come off tomorrow,

She won't be able to see.

Can we take mama maybelle home with us?

Sure. The orderly will bring her out in just a minute.

Thank you, doctor.

That's quite all right.

Now, listen, I'll see you tomorrow,

And if you need anything tonight, call my service.

Look, we all better be very careful with maybelle.

She's been through a traumatic experience,

And there's always postoperative depression.

Depression happens to pregnant women, too.

It also happens to people that are around pregnant women.

Well, what we have to do is to think about maybelle.

She'll be pretty far down. We got to pick her spirits up.

That's right.

Tonight I don't want anyone to mention this operation.

We're gonna keep the conversation real light, okay?

Nell? Yes, mama.

Here, mama. Let me help you.

Will you take your hands off my wheelchair?


Mama, my foot!

Where's mama? In her room. [ Thumping on door ]

What is that noise?

That's her trying to find the door.

I'd go help, but I can't take another sh*t in the leg.

I'm playing basketball this afternoon.

Yeah, nell, I'm not gonna help her anymore, either.

Last night I tried to help her cut her meat for her,

And she slapped my hand.


With her fork.

Well, she warned you not to help her.

Come on, guys. You got to be patient with mama.

You heard what the doctor said.

They won't know if she can see

Until get he gets those bandages off.

Nell, you mean there's really a possibility

That she might not be able to see again?


Gee, that would be awful.

I know.

With mama's personality,

It's gonna be hard to find a guide dog that won't bite her.

Maybelle nell?

Here I come, mama. Here I come. Here.

Is that you, nell? Yes, mama.

Never mind.


Mama, you -- you ran over my foot deliberately, didn't you?

You'll never know, will you, nell?

Hi, everybody.

Nell hi, darling.

Hi, mama maybelle. It's me -- katie.

Katie, it's her eyes, not her ears.

You came to help, too?

No, I just brought a new album over for sam.

Joey, would you go in the garage and get that blanket?

If that blanket's for me, forget it.

No, mama, it's for me.

Samantha, help him find that blanket.

Oh, sam, call me later.

I want to tell you about my blind date.


I'm sorry, mama maybelle. He's not really blind.

Not now. Not now.

Um, would you like to hear some music?

I'm dying to play this new album.

Oh, that would be nice --

Liven up this place a little.

Honey, whose album is it?

Stevie wonder.


Um, I think I'll go home and get another one

Because I think that this one is scratched.

It was nice seeing you.


Mama, I'm sorry about that.

Don't apologize, nell.

I know what can happen in these operations.

Oh, mama, come on. Dr. Megway was very optimistic.

Doctors are always optimistic until you pay the bill.

But, mama, dr. Megway

Is one of the foremost eye surgeons in the country.

That's the trouble with you, nell.

You live in a dreamworld.

Now, I've always been able to face life, good or bad.

I know when they take these bandages off

There's every possibility that I may never see again.

Oh, mama.

Now, that's the bad news.

The good news is I'll wake up in the morning,

Hear the birds singing, smell the flowers,

And at night I won't have to watch "punky brewster."

Hi, nell.

Hi, maybelle.

How's the patient today?

Just fine, darling.

I thought I'd come over and go to the hospital with you.

Oh, I knew you would.

Addy, you are the most wonderful person in the whole world.

I'm going with you, too, mama.

Going out of guilt.


You're my daughter.

I'm not guilty about being your daughter.

That's just a crazy freak of nature.

I have an idea.

Why don't you two stop gnawing at each other?

I have a better idea.

Why don't you shut up, drop dead, and get out of my face?

Don't you dare talk to addy like that.

She's a lady,

And when you talk to a lady, you talk like a lady.

She didn't mean it, maybelle.

Oh, shut up, addy.

Well, I guess you heard the lady.

Would you mind getting me a cup of tea, darling?

Yes, mama, I'll get it.

I said "darling."

She means me.



Why did you ask addy to get your tea for you?

Because she likes me.

I like you, mama.

Face facts, nell.

If you really and truly liked me,

You never would have run off at .

Oh, mama, we have been through this.

I told you, I left home because I wanted to be a singer.

And then replaced your family with a polish family.

Mama, this is not a polish family.

They're not all polish. Joey's last name is donovan.

That's irish, mama -- black irish!

I don't know why I even try

To discuss these things with you.

Wait a minute.

You don't have any argument with me.

You come barging in here,

Dropping suitcases all over the house,

And then you announce that you have to have an operation.

I say, "hey, I'll pay for it."

Then I said you could have my bedroom.

I said, "hey, mama, I'll sleep on the couch."

That's because the couch is softer

Than that hard, old mattress of yours.

Well, wait a minute, mrs. Harper.

If you don't like it,

You can just go find yourself another place.

I wish I could find a place that wasn't this dirty.

Back up, sister.

I clean this house from top to bottom every day.

Then what about that dust on the furniture?

You got bandages on your eyes. How can you even see it?

I can smell it.


It is a proven fact that if you lose one sense,

Nature sharpens the other.

Are you trying to tell me that in two days

Nature has sharpened your sense of smell?

And my hearing, so don't go whispering behind my back.

I heard that.

I don't believe it.

Ever since you walked in this door,

You have been on everybody's back,

And all this family has tried to do is to help you.

Nell, I have told you I don't need you or anybody else.

I can take care of myself.

[ Sighs ]

All right, mama.



Good luck, mama.

Nell, where's maybelle?

I just threw my mama out the front door in her wheelchair.

All kidding aside, where is she?

It's true.

Bandaged eyes, wheelchair, front door, out.

Well, there goes the "daughter of the year" award.

Oh, don't touch my mama. Move...


Mama, I'm sorry for what I did.

I'm scared, nell.

Say what?

I said, "I'm scared."


You? Scared?

[ Sighs ]

Nell, I have never had to depend on others.

If I can't see...

I'll have to depend on others for the rest of my life.

Oh, mama, you're gonna be just fine.


But I could be blind.

Oh, damn!

I'd hate not being able to see.

You know...

I could -- [ cries ]

To tell you the truth,

I even like watching "punky brewster."

You know, she is a cute little girl.

Mama, you'll see her again.

You'll see.

[ Sighs ]

Nell, would you please hold my hand?

I hope it's true what they say

About sharpening your other senses...

Because, you see,

Then that way I'd be able to hear you sing better than ever.

You know, that's the first time

You ever told me that you liked my singing.

Well, I never bothered to tell you.

You never listened to anything I said.

But, mama, that's something I would have loved to have heard.


You have a beautiful voice.

Oh, yes.

A beautiful voice.

So that's what I was thinking about.

You know what else?

I was thinking on the way over here

That sometimes it takes a crisis to bring people together.

Yeah. Like this morning, when I threw mama out the front door --

We were closer than we've ever been.

Aw, that's so sweet.


Mama. Your eyes?

I never did like you in that dress.

You can see!

Mama can see! Oh!

♪ gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break