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05x09 - Cover Me

Posted: 12/07/11 18:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland":

I just wanna spend some time with you.

You're amazing.

I don't mess around with married men, cowboy.

Get it straight.

I think I'm in love.

Martin, I can't go back to New York.

I'm not asking you to.

We've taken over a firm in Calgary and I want you on our team.

The reason that Lightning is refusing is because someone was shocking him to get him out of the gate faster.

Are you accusing me?

Here is to our new house and your new job.


(Fighting grunts)

Wade: Show these people your true colours, man!

Hit me!

You all right?

I just got off the phone with the registrar and I know who paid my tuition.

It was Wade.

Your stepdad.

Ty: Don't call him that.

(Truck rumbles)

(Truck rumbles, trailer rattles)

You sure about this?

Well, the guy said they were in the coulee, just past the turnoff.

It's not exactly horse country.

(Door slams)

Oh my God.

Caleb: Amy, this one's in a real bad way.

He's barely breathing.

This one's got some kind of infection all over his neck.

He's really sunken in, and I don't know, he doesn't look like he's in good shape, but I think he's a thoroughbred.

Caleb: this guy too.

Let's see if I can get this guy up to the trailer.


Scott, it's Amy.

We've got a problem here.

Can you call me back as soon as possible?


(Truck rumbles to a halt)

(Tools buzz and whir nearby)

(Someone shouts nearby, low hum of chatter)

Hey, Wade.


Holy cow.

I got your message.


You give someone a couple thousand dollars, you're sending them a message.

No, I mean, I never really thought of it that way.

But, you know, you're going to school now, I figured you could use the money.

It's a goodwill gesture from me to you.

The only problem is I don't want your money.

Whoa! Come on. It's a gift.

It's your tuition, your future.

My future doesn't have you in it.


Ty! Come on, man.

You're gonna need this.

Just trying to do you a favour.

Amy: You're in Red Deer?

How long do you think it's gonna take to get here?

Well, the one is standing, but he's in really rough shape and we've got to get him to your clinic, Scott.

The other, he's-he's laying down, and he's not doing well.

His breathing is really shallow.

(g*nsh*t blasts)


There wasn't anything else we could do, Amy.

Couldn't just let him lie there like that.

Let's get a move on, before it's too late for the other one.

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Tim: So how do you like your new phone?

I think it's awesome! Thanks.

So tell me, Tim, how come they call it "Maiden Race"?

Uh, well...

None of these horses have ever won a race before.

Wait a minute...

You're telling me that Cisco's running his first race against a bunch of losers?

Tim: No, no, no. He's up against some of the best two-year-olds in the country.

But do you really think he has a chance?

A chance? He's gonna win it.

Come on, really?

Yeah, we gotta stay positive.

We're Team Cisco.

That makes you the Cisco Kid.

Janice: Hey, Tim.

Tim: Hey, Janice.

What the hell are you doing here?

Do I know you?

Yeah. You stole Lightning Dexter.

Lightning Dexter? Uh...

I don't know what you're talking about.

Janice: Uh, yeah, neither do I.

Tim, what's going on?

Tim: No...

Nothing. Nothing.

I just, I thought I recognized that guy.

Amy: What Caleb did was the right thing to do, but I just can't stop thinking about it.

I mean, who knows how long that poor horse had been lying there.

How's the other one doing?

He's weak and dehydrated, but Scott says he thinks he has a chance.

That's good. Yeah?

Waitress: Here's your bill.

Thank you.

Um, Amy, do you mind if you...

Can you grab this?

I'm just having a bit of a cashflow problem right now, so...

You did it then?

Yeah, I borrowed the money from Scott and I went to see him this morning.

Wow. That must've been weird.

Did he say anything?

Nothing much.

I didn't really give him a chance to, so...

Well, this is definitely on me.

A celebration, you can call it.

Ty, you didn't punch him out, did you?


Janice: Okay, so what was that about?

The guy's name is Liam, he used to work for Lisa.

He caught him using one of those zappers on Dexter.

So he's your best friend now, or...?

Come on, Tim.

He's just somebody who works at the track, as a groom, for another owner.

So it's really not your problem.

Well, I don't trust him.

Hey, take a look around this place.

Everybody breaks a rule every now and then.

If you hold that against them, you're not gonna have anyone left to ride your horses.

Oh, good to know.

(Rooster crows, birds chirp)

Peter: Hey! Hey! Look at you! Wow, you look...

Lou: Confident? Professional?

Stylishly business casual?

Yeah, and that drool on your shirt really sells the look too.

Lou: Oh my God!

Honey, what am I doing?

Maybe this was all a mistake.

I mean, my baby's still a baby.

She needs me!

She'll be fine, honey. She has her father, her great grandfather, her aunt, and, you know, Mallory, in a pinch.

So what're you saying, she won't even miss me?

The fragile bonds between mother and child will be broken and in a few years she'll be caught shoplifting makeup at some strip mall and it'll be all my fault?

Lots of mothers juggle kids and their careers, honey.

It'll be fine.

I'm gonna miss all those magic moments.

She'll be walking and talking and I won't even be there to see it.

Go! You have to go. Now!

First day of work, you don't wanna be late.



Don't worry, if anything important happens, it'll be thoroughly documented.


I can watch her growing up on my smart phone.

Get outta here.

Catherine: Da-da-da-da...

What? What did you say Katie?


Yes! That's me. I'm your da-da.

Yeah! Da-da. Good girl!

Yeah! You're the smartest little baby Kitty Kat.

Da-da! Yeah!

Jack, did you hear that?

Jack: All I'm hearing is a grown man talking baby talk.

No, but, I mean, she just said...

You didn't hear? She just...

Just what?

She just... she burped and it sounded like...


Yeah, it was a gassy baby!



What did you say?

Amy: Yeah. What I don't get, is if you want to get rid of a horse, why would you dump it in a coulee?

Tim: Well, owning a racehorse can an expensive proposition, especially if they're injured.

Janice: Even costs a pile of money to have 'em put down.

Some people take the easy way out.

Amy: I can't believe they let that guy back on the track.

Tim: Neither can I. Hey! Hey!

My horse goes in the front stall.

Liam: What difference does it make?

'Cause I want him to know he's always first out of the gate!

(Murmurs) All right. Here you go.

(Truck rumbles)

You know, I kind of wish I could ride in the trailer with him.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Well, we're gonna leave first thing tomorrow morning.

A road trip? Oh, sweet!

What do you think?

Team Cisco, on the road.

All right!

(Music plays in the diner, low hum of chatter)



I'm just gonna have the ranchman's special, with bacon and sausage.

Waitress: Mm-hm. Kelly: Thanks.

(Deep inhale and exhale)





Is this seat taken?

What? You didn't you get the message when I decked you?

I'm a rodeo cowboy. I mean, one little punch?

Look, where I come from, it's more of a come on.


Well, where I come from, rodeo cowboys don't really impress me much.

Especially married ones.

Fair enough.

I'll see you around.

(Diner door opens and closes)

(Under her breath)

(Truck rumbles up)

Hey, Ty.

You sure know how to keep a guy waiting.

What're you doing here?

Felt bad about our last meeting.

I thought... Maybe we could try again.

Well, you can forget it.

Ty, I know I can't take back the time you did in juvie.

You're right, you can't.

I'm proud of the way you've put your life back together though, and I thought maybe by paying your tuition we could just balance the bad with some good.

What do you say?

Come on, I know you could use the help.

Take this back.

Don't you get it?

I don't want your money, I don't need your money, and I don't wanna see you around here!

Ty, I come here with the best of intentions.

Look, don't make a decision you're gonna regret--

Don't talk, okay?

Get in your car and get outta here, now.

Okay. I get it.

After you've had a chance to think about this a little bit longer, you give me a call, okay?

That's not gonna happen, Wade.

That's what I like about you, Ty?

When you got yourself a little problem, you don't act like a weasel, complain to other people.

You deal with it man-to-man, straight ahead.

You go for it, I like that.

Kind of like me.

(Car engine fires up)

(Car rumbles away)

Peter: We're gonna get some cheese...

Lou: Hi.

Peter: Hi.

There's mommy.

Can you say "mama"?

So, first day, big firm, how did it go?

Well, they must like me.

I got an office with a door.

How's my baby?

Office with a door no less.

And a window...


Lou: Yeah. I barely got settled in and they hauled me into some big pitch meeting.

A pitch meeting?

Yeah. I mean, it was mostly just to meet the team.

Oh, mostly?

Lou: I mention this little problem with the evaluation to Martin, and suddenly he's all interested in my opinions on just about everything.

Oh! (Laughs)

She's giving her boss advice on the first day, can you believe that?

Listen, Peter, it was really nothing.

More importantly, how's my little baby girl?

Hi! You miss mommy?

Did you have lots and lots to say?

Uh, no. No, not a peep.

You didn't miss a thing.

Tim: So how's that house of yours coming along?

Lou: Uh, we're working on it, dad.

The problem is we had a contractor, but he forgot to mention he was never going to show up.

Peter: Yeah. So I'm thinking about doing the job myself.

You are?

Peter: Yeah. It's clear the lot,

I rent a backhoe, stake the property.

I was gonna ask you, Jack, if you mind if I borrow Caleb to give me a hand?

Well, he doesn't do much around here, so be my guest.

Lou, these burritos are fantastic.

Do you have any more?

I started my new job today, Dad.

Peter made them.

Jack: And you just had the last one.

We weren't expecting company again.

You change diapers, dig foundations, and cook Mexican?

That's uh...
(Phone rings)

That's really something. I gotta take this.

'Scuse me.


What?! No, I...

No, I'm on it! I'm on it!

What happened?

That was the barn manager from Northlands.

A problem with the horses--

They didn't arrive.

Was there an accident?

Well, is Cisco okay?

I don't know. I don't know.

I gotta... I gotta go down to the track.

Shane: Well, can I come?

Tim: No. You stay here!

He'll call you when he knows something.


Oh my God.

Murphy: Yeah, the driver of the rig, a Ralph Merchant, age forty-five, he stopped for a honey crueller and a double double near the junction of highway two and highway eleven.

When he came back outside, truck and trailer were gone, along with the horses.

(Scoffs) Yeah, he left the keys in the ignition, the engine running, and waited for his partners in crime.

The Red Deer police questioned him.

His story checks out.

What, "I'm sorry, officer, it wasn't me"?

He's been a Paladin employee for over seven years.

I mean, as far as we can tell, he's just an innocent victim.

I'm the innocent victim, Murphy!

Janice: Shut up, Tim. Let him talk.

A local rancher found the truck abandoned on his property.

Janice: What about the horses?

Unfortunately, they were already gone.

That's it?

For the moment.

Wait a second.

They were only interested in the horses and not the rig?

Don't worry, I'll keep you apprised of any developments in the case.

Oh, good. Good, Murphy.

Yeah, keep me apprised.

As long as I'm apprised I know everything's gonna be fine.

Your dad's horse?

Amy: Yeah, and three others.

Ty: All going to Northlands?

Amy: Yeah. The thing that's crazy is that they're racehorses.

They're tattooed, registered, they're easy to trace.

You can't sell them, you can't race them.

Why would anyone steal them?

The trailer - what was the trucking company used?

Uh, Paladin.

Everybody at the track uses them.

I don't know if this is a coincidence or not, but the horses that Caleb and I found were racehorses as well.

Paladin Transport. Wade Dalton.

Yeah. Wade works for them.

Do you think he had something to do with this?

I don't know.

I wouldn't put it past him.

But he was standing right there talking to me when the horses were on the road.


(Crickets chirp)

Have they found Cisco yet?

Nope, not as far as I know.

Your dad promised to call me if there was any news.

How are you doing?

Okay, I guess.

I just wish I could do something to help.

Yeah, your dad, he's not too good at dealing with this sort of thing, so...

Best stay out of his way.

Don't add fuel to the fire.

Maybe try understanding what he is going through.

So, what, I'm supposed to be the grown-up?

Well, when it comes to your father, yeah, that's a good way of putting it.

Caleb: You know, building a house is something I always thought I'd do with Ashley.

Yeah. Sorry to hear about you guys splitting up.

Yeah. It's pretty well over.

Mind you, I'm not a 100% sure.

I mean, it's not like a horse.

You know when their day is done.

But marriage?

It's a bit more complicated, huh?

Tell me about it.

I met this new girl.

She's the exact opposite of Ashley.

But she's got this thing about married cowboys; Won't go near them.

Can you blame her?

Guess not.

Catherine: Da-da, da-da, da-da...

Caleb: Uh, Pete? Did you hear that?

Peter: No. No, I didn't.

It's way too early for her to be talking.

Didn't hear a thing and neither did you.

Caleb: I don't know, man. That was clear as a bell.

She said "da-da." You said "da-da," didn't you?

Listen. You know Lou, right?

You know what she's like.

So how do you think she would react if she found out Katie said her first word while she was at work.

Got ya.

Okay, I didn't hear a thing.

No worries, brother.


Come on, sweetheart can you say "mama"?

I'm a little disappointed in you, Ty.

You actually think I'd rip off the company that I work for?

This is what I do.

This is how I saved up to pay your tuition.

You're lying to me, right to my face.

Really? Is that what you think?

You think I'm a high-roller or something?

Won the money in a horse race?

Where's the faith?

The faith?

One of those stolen horses belongs to my girlfriend's dad.

Your girlfriend's dad?



Well, that's a little close to home, isn't it?

I gotta tell you, I didn't take care of that shipment, so I wasn't really paying attention.

Just give me a second here.

Okay. Yeah, here we go.

Cisco. Tim Fleming, right?

Well, that sucks.

I'll let you know if I hear anything.

Yeah, right.

(Car rumbles up)

Hey, hotshot. How is it going?

I thought you might be in town.

Come on, Wade, I'm busy. I'm working.

No. You're taking a break and talking to me about those horses.

What do you care about that?

What do I care about that?!

Tss! Yah!
(Horse whinnies)

Come here. Come here.

Are you an idiot?

I'm working for Paladin.

How do you think this is gonna look?

It doesn't really have anything to do with me, Wade.

Where are those horses?

I thought you were out of it.

Well, I'm not.

Janice: Hey!

You boys lose something?

Wade: Yeah. Thanks.

Uh, just got away from my friend.

Where are they?

You're a little late. They're running tomorrow.

But if you want some action, you're more than welcome.

Oh, thanks, Liam.

I don't need your invitation, all right?

(Car starts up)

(Car rumbles away)

Who is that guy?

You got a pretty selective memory, don't you, pal?

The way I heard it, that's the guy that screwed you out of winning your first race with Lightning Dexter.

Wade Dalton.

Guess where he's working now? Paladin Transport.

Mmm... mushy turkey and sweet potatoes.


It's like Thanksgiving every day, huh, Katie?

And look! There's your da-da.

Peter: Hi.

Who cares about da-da when mama is feeding you your food, right?

Can you say "mama"?


Honey, you're confusing her.

99.9% of babies say "da-da" first, right?

Oh, really. How about da-da then?

Can you say da-da?

Both: Da-da. Da-da.

Da-da. Da-da.


Well, tomorrow's another day.

You know, Marnie's baby's already stringing her words together.

Peter: (Chuckles) Yeah, right.

What, grammatically correct sentences and everything?

That's crazy.

What? Is it crazy to want your baby to hit her milestones a little ahead of the curve?

Hey, Ty, I was just at the track.

I ran into your stepfather.

Didn't realize he was in town.

Well, neither did I until a few days ago.

So what's up? Family reunion?

Oh, come on, Dad.

No. I'm just saying, if you see him again, ask him where my horse is.

Okay, Tim, why don't you lay off, all right?


What's going on here?

Remember that jockey, Liam?

I just ran into him at the track with a guy who turns out to be Ty's stepfather.


And guess where he works?

Paladin Transport.

Ty: Okay, you know what, Tim?!

My mom and him split up a long time ago, so he is not my stepfather.

If you have a problem with him, you can go to the cops, not me.

Tim: Uh-huh.

Amy: Thanks a lot, Dad.

Hey, I'm not the bad guy.

Tim, I know this whole thing about the horse is hard on you-- it's not just the horse, Jack.

It's Shane, he was totally into this.

I was getting somewhere with the kid.

I understand, but blaming your daughter's boyfriend for an unfortunate choice his mother made?

That's ridiculous.

(Hard whack, wood thumps on ground)

Ty, I'm sorry my dad was such a jerk, but you gotta understand he's just worried about his horse, and don't take it personally.

(Phone alert beeps)

I've got a text from Scott.

You know that horse that you and Caleb brought to the clinic?

He's gonna be all right, but his suspensory ligaments are shot.

So his racing days are over.

And you know those infected wounds on his neck?

Scott thinks they were injecting him with methamphetamines.

To keep him on his feet as long as possible.

Whoever had those horses, they just ran them to death?

Then they just dump them at the side of the road like they were garbage.

Ty, what if that happens to Cisco?

Lou: So, you know, I don't expect her to be reciting nursery rhymes, but I figured she'd be saying an actual word every once in awhile.

What? Your baby said that?!

She told you she loved you?

Wow. God.

Okay. Yeah.

I really, I have to go, Marnie.

(Phone beeps off)

So I guess you heard.

Marnie's baby is way ahead of Katie.

Oh, God, who cares? Come on, let's go.

She's a month older, Lou.

I didn't starting talking until I was two.

Oh, is that supposed to make me feel better?

I'm just saying all babies develop at different rates.

Yeah. I was talking when I was nine-months-old.

Yeah, and you haven't stopped since.


Here. Go.


Have fun.

Bye, honey.

Can you say "goodbye" to mama?

Can you say "bye mama"?

Da-da. No, not da-da.

Mama. Da-da, da-da...

Not dada! Mama, you...

I see what you mean; That is one gassy baby.


(Tools clank, drill whirs)

Wade: Oh, man.

You keep saying you don't want to see me, but once again, here you are.

I just want some information.

I want to know what you know.

About those stolen horses?

Okay, now I'm hurt, but I understand.

You know, building trust, it's a like a process.

I get it. You know, baby steps.

Come on. I know you work in this business, you hear things.

Okay, maybe I want to help you, but how do I know you're not gonna do something stupid like calling the cops?

I give you my word.

Your word...

I want to take you seriously, Ty.


What the hell? Even with your record, cops probably won't believe anything you say anyway, right?

Okay, here's what you gotta understand.

These days, the racing business, well, it's regulated to death.

It's about as exciting as going to sleep.

If you're looking for something...

If you're looking for something a little more hardcore, it's easily found if you know where to look.

With the right connections, you can buy yourself a private day at the track, no limits, no worries. No nothin'.

So let's say I wanted to see this for myself?

Well, these things are kinda like a moveable feast.

They're all over the place, right?

I've kind of been steering clear myself, on account of my pesky little gambling habit.


I might be able to help you out.

Let me see what I can do.

Just, you know, keep it quiet.

All right?

(Drill whirs loudly)

Tim: All right, thanks for the coffee.

You're okay staying here with Jack?

Why can't I come?

Tim: Because I gotta talk to Murphy.

If I don't, this whole investigation will grind to a halt.

Yeah, but you said I was part of the team.

Yeah, well, this is something I gotta do myself.

I'll talk to you later.

Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

Match races?

Yeah, just two horses at a time, on a quarter mile straightaway, so they can run them anywhere.

But they use racehorses, off the track, and usually stolen.

Like Cisco.

And real jockeys.

So it's like a private day at the track for a few high-rollers.

Oh, like Wade.

(Sighs) Yeah. And you were right; When the horses break down, they hop them up on speed so they get a few more races out of them.

Okay, so what're we gonna do?

Wade gave me an address.

(Door slams)


So, cowboy.

(Sighs heavily)

What? What happened?

Hey, after all that flirting, I thought you'd at least call.

That was flirting then.

Yeah. I didn't deck you, so what else would you call it?

Just being friendly.

No. I got enough friends.

Okay. So... What does that make me then?

Well, I don't know.

Why don't we go out and find out?

Dinner, movie, whatever you like.

Sure, but uh...

The whole married cowboy thing?

What? I asked around.

Apparently your wife ditched you on your honeymoon and then she dragged you off to B.C.

And then she ditched you again.

Hey, my marriage was no joke.

I'm just saying, you're not really married married, so...

I'm willing to make an exception to the married cowboy rule if you are.

Think about it.

He's gonna meet us there to make sure we can get in.

And why should we believe anything that Wade says?

Because he's got a pretty good idea who stole Cisco.

So you trust him then?

I don't know.

But if we don't do something, those horses are gonna die.

Shane: Hey! Where are you going? Can I come?

No, Shane, not this time.

Amy: Hey, Shane, can you close the tailgate? Thanks.

(Tailgate squeaks shut)

(Revs engine)

(Truck rumbles away)

You know, I'm just not the cheating kind.


So you're not going out with her?

Well, not exactly.

I mean, we're doing dinner at Maggie's, but...

You go on a real date and there's no turning back.

Well, once you start seeing other women, it's prty much a sure sign your marriage is over.

You know what I mean?

Trust me, been there, done that.


Well, I mean, sure, the whole Bedford Oil thing must've put a huge strain on your relationship.


I mean, you must feel like a huge loser with Lou being the breaeadwinner and you being the stay-at-home whatever.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What're you talking about?

I guess I just didn't realize you guys were even close to splitting up.

I... Caleb, Lou and I are fine.

I'm talking about my first marriage.

Me too.



Amy: Did Wade say there was gonna be security?

No. He just said he'd meet us here.

(Truck rumbles)

Amy: Well, he's not here.

So what are we supposed to do, just sit here and wait?

What if Cisco's in there?

You're right.

We'll find another way in, okay?

And what about another way out?

I'll make it work.

(Doors slam)

It's over there.

We can hop that fence.

Organizer: All right, laddies and gentlemen...

I don't see Cisco.

Or Wade.

Organizer: The betting window is closed for the first race of the day, and now you're gonna see it--

Two horses: One winner, one loser.

Is as simple as that.

Only one horse can win.

They're at the post...

Organizer: And they're off!

(Spectators shout encouragement)

(Hoof beats thunder)

(Shouts of encouragement)

(Hoof beats thunder)

(Shouts of encouragement)

(Hoof beats thunder, horses grunt and snort)

(Hoof beats thunder)

Organizer: And it's number two by half a length!

Ty: Great.


Liam's here.

(Spectators applaud)

I'm not surprised to see him.

Yeah. Me neither.

Organizer: The winner!


Come on, this way.

That's him, that's Cisco.

Hey, buddy.

Ty: All right, he looks okay.

Let's get him out of here.


I know, I know, I know.

Well, he's a little anxious, but it's just stress, not dr*gs.


What's your plan?

I mean, where's Wade?

How're we gonna get these horses outta here?

Shane: We could ride them out.

Amy: Shane?!

Ty: What are you doing here?!

Shane: I figured you could use some help, so I hitched a ride in the back of your truck.

Well, you figured wrong.

Come on, there's four horses.

We could each ride one, we'll lead the other one.

Amy: Okay, this is serious.

Ty, we've got get Shane outta here.

Well, what about Cisco?

I'm calling the police.

No, Amy, wait! Don't! Okay?

I promised Wade.

Promised him what?

Sort of like a deal with the devil.

If he helped us out, I promised that we wouldn't call the cops.

Someone's coming.

Oh! Shut it!

Come on, let's go!

Liam: Hey!

I know you. What're you doing in here?




(Liam thumps on ground)


Organizer: Ladies and gentlemen, betting is open for the next race of the day!

We're just waiting on jockey number four to take his position.

Come on, come on, come on.

Flip him over! Flip him over!

All right. Come on, let's go.

Just a couple more minutes to place those bets.

No stats, no book, no racing form.

Just you, your instinct and your horse sense.

So make your bets!

Ty: Okay. Remember, you don't wanna end up in the winner's circle with everybody watching, okay? So you can't win.


I think that's gonna be the least of my worries.

Ty: Okay.

All right, come on!

Organizer: And here we go, folks!

Jockey number four, riding a big Chestnut.

This looks like a good match-up.

(Spectators yell words of encouragement)

(Horses whinny and snort, spectators yell encouragement)

Organizer: They're at the post!

And... they're off!

(Spectators yell encouragement)

Come on, go! Go!

Uh, we don't want her to win, okay?

Organizer: Cheer 'em on, folks!

Spectators: Come on! Come on!

(Hoof beats thunder)

Amy: Slow down!

Ty: This isn't good.

Organizer: Here they come!

Go, Cisco! Go!


What're you doing with that?

Put that away!


(Hoof beats thunder, dirt scatters)

(Spectators yell encouragement)

Organizer: Number four takes the win!



Organizer: Jokey number four makes it look easy.

Too easy.

Jockey number four to the winner's circle.


(Truck rumbles)

It's Wade, he's here.

Organizer: Jockey number four to the winner's circle.

So what's the plan now?

Don't bug me, okay?

I don't know.

Come on, Amy, get out of there.

Come on over here, number four.

You just won a big payday for a few minutes of work.

(Spectators cheer)

Organizer: Hey! Number four! You don't want your money?!

Okay, come on, let's go!


No problem. I'll spend it for you.

Wade: Hey!

Perfect timing, huh?

Ty: What did you do, stop for a beer on the way?

Wade: Ah.

Let's go!

Shane, in the truck, now!

Easy, easy, easy!

Amy: Okay, come on. Ty: Got him?

Amy: Come on.

Last one! Let's go!

Let's go! Let's go!

(Truck rumbles away)

Hey! Hey!

Stop those guys! Stop them!

They're stealing the horses!

(Over walkie-talkie) Someone's stealing the horses!

Don't let that truck out of here, no matter what!

Okay, everybody, we're shutting 'er down.

Now! Let's go!

(Panicked chatter)

(Truck rumbles)

Shane: He's got a g*n!

Wade: Get down!

(Guard fires g*n)

(Two g*nsh*t blasts)

(Truck speeds up)

(Truck rumbles away)

Shane: I don't believe it!

The guy actually took a shot at us!

Would you turn that thing off!

And don't you dare tell Dad, okay?

Shane: Thanks, man. That was awesome!

Murphy: So, thanks for the call.

It's too bad everyone had already packed up and left by the time we got to the ranch.

And miss Fleming?

How about the next time you decide to take the law into your own hands, you call us before, not after the fact?


It's starting to feel like it runs in the family.



What were you doing getting mixed up in that?

Amy: I don't know. I was just-

I was worried about the horses.

Yeah, well, so was I, but you should've called me first.

So how did Cisco do in his maiden race?

(Gasped laugh)
He was amazing.

I mean, that horse has so much heart.

He wanted to be out in front so bad that I couldn't hold him back.

See? Tim, I told you.

We have a real winner on our hands.

Tim: You were right.

And Ty, I wanna apologize.

Your stepfather wasn't the bad guy.

Ty: I told you, he's not my stepfather.

I'll try to remember that.

Okay, okay.

Jack: So I missed you yesterday.

Shane: Yeah. Yeah, sorry.

Jack: I thought you were gonna be giving me a hand, but I guess Amy and Ty, they needed your help a little more than I did?


You know, I tried to talk them out of it...

And they wouldn't listen, you know.

I even told them it was crazy dangerous.

Dangerous? Really?

Not that I would know.

I mean, they made me stay in the truck the whole time so...

Remember when I told you about being a grown-up?

Well, that does not include lying to me.

And if you knew me better, you'd know that, sooner or later, I'm gonna get the truth outta you, somehow, some way.

Yeah! Okay! Okay! I was with them!

It was totally awesome!

When the guy at the gate pulled out the g*n--

g*n? Wait a min- what g*n?

Are you gonna tell my dad?


I figure that's something a grown-up should take care of himself.

Peter: Doesn't look like much, but this is where the foundation will go...


Lou: Wow.

So what's the next step?

Peter: I don't know.

I thought I'd buy a big shovel and take it all out, bit by bit.

I've got nothing else to do.

What do you mean, "nothing else to do"?

Honey, you are a father raising a daughter, and you're doing an incredible job!

You know... I mean, you even cook!

Isn't that something?

Catherine: Mama!

Oh my... oh my God! Did you hear that?

She just said "mama"!

Yeah! Finally!

Oh, that's my girl. Yes, I'm your mama.

Her first word! Her first word.

Honey, I was so afraid I would miss it. Me too.

Lou: Yes, I'm your mama!

(Kate wails)

♪ Barely made when we were young ♪
♪ when we were just twenty-one ♪
♪ and nineteen ♪
♪ we started out with broken hearts ♪
♪ we didn't fix each ether's pride ♪
♪ it didn't stop us, now we'll know ♪

(Phone rings)

♪ It didn't stop a thing ♪

Hey, Ashley.

Tim: I'm glad I got my horse back, but... Amy and Ty, what the hell were they thinking?

They're supposed to be responsible for Shane.

They put him in harm's way to save a few horses.

The way I heard it, they didn't even know he was there until it was too late.

So what am I supposed to do?

Punish the kid?

Cisco means a lot to him.

Well, at least he had the backbone to tell you the truth.

I can't believe he did what he did.

Makes a father proud.

He's got some of his old man in him after all.

That's exactly what you and I would've done in our day!

Yeah, and that might be something you want to keep to yourself.


(Wind rustles through the tall grass)

You don't have to keep beating yourself up over this.

I just wish I knew what he wanted from me, that's all.

Well, it doesn't matter what he wants.

You don't owe him anything.

You don't understand the world that he's from.

Nothing comes without a price.

There are no favours.

That is the past, and you don't have to go back to that.

I wish it was that easy.

It is that easy.

You don't ever have to have anything to do with him, ever again.



♪ Deeper into... ♪
♪ ooh... ♪
♪ I love you... ♪

Hey, Lilly, what's up?

I bet you didn't expect to hear from me, huh?

I know. Yeah.

Hey, I ran into Ty the other day.

Oh, he's good.

He just, uh, got himself into a little bit of a jam, needed my help.

No, no, I was glad to be there for him.

You know...

I got a really good feeling about this, Lilly.

I think maybe it's...

Maybe it's time we can all put the past behind us.
