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05x11 - Fool's Gold

Posted: 01/17/12 12:13
by bunniefuu
Ty: Previously on "Heartland":

Amy: I wanna work with him.

Why? He's crazy and dangerous.

(Alcatraz screams and stamps)

(Amy gasps in pain)

Ty: All right, Dad, I just wanted to say

I've been thinking about what you said about, uh, seeing the Grand Canyon?


Maybe we could do that one day.

Any idea when that day might be?

Ty: Wade? What're you doing here?

I thought maybe by paying your tuition, we could just balance the bad with some good.

I don't want your money, I don't need your money, and I don't want you around here!

You want to hang out with Wade?


But then you gotta leave me out of your life.

Wade: Hey, Lily, what's up?

Maybe it's time we could all put the past behind us.

Amy: Hey, Alcatraz.

Are you gonna be a good boy?

(Alcatraz snorts softly)

It's okay... It's okay...

(Pasta snaps)

All right.

(Pot lid clatters)

Good boy...

(Alcatraz snorts softly)

(Cell phone rings, Alcatraz whinnies wildly)

Amy: Ungh! Agh!
(Phone rings)

Fine! Be that way!

(Phone rings, Amy sighs)


Hey, where are you?

Uh, I'm... I'm just heading out the door.

You're still at the field, aren't you?

I'm sorry, I just totally lost track of time!

I'm really making some good progress with Alcatraz.

Well, that's great, okay, but she's gonna be here soon.

Ty: 'Kay.

(Water boils over, lid clatters)
Oh my God!

(Water hisses as it boils over)

Agh! Damn!

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

Amy: All right, I'm here and I brought the flowers.

Ty: Oh! Thank you so much.

This looks great.

Yeah, I guess.

Except I overcooked the pasta, and I used canned tomato sauce.

I should've bought the stuff in the jar, but it's just, it's expensive.

It just tastes way better, but...

I like the canned sauce.

Uh, when did you put the dressing on the salad?

A while ago. Why?

It just gets a little soggy, that's all.

Oh, here. Here. No. It'll be fine. Ty!

No, no, no. I'll fix it, I'll fix it.

She's not coming here for a gourmet meal, okay?

She's coming to see you.

No, I know. It's just...

Last time she was here, everything sucked, and I just want it to be right this time.

(Car rumbles nearby, horn honks)

You go. I got this. Okay, okay.

Hey, Ty!

Ty: Hey, mom.

Lily: Oh... oh... mm!

Every time I see you I can't get over how grown up you are.

Oh, and so handsome.

Okay, okay...

I'm sorry. I'm embarrassing you.

How often do I get to do that?

Hi, Lily. Hi!

Oh! (Laughs)


Lou: (Sighs)
Katie: (Coos)

Hello, my little pumpkin! My pumpkin!

Mmmuah! I missed you so much!

You would not believe the day I had.

I'd love to talk about it, but I was off the clock two hours ago.

I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

I do have a life, you know.

I mean, I may not have a boyfriend or an invite to Jamie's stupid pool party, but still, you could have called.

I tried. I really, really did, but it was just such a crazy day.

I was just cleaning up one mess after the other.

(Sighs) Oh...

Looks like you're just in time to clean up another mess.


Whew! Stinky!

Ty: (Sighs)

Well, can I get you anything else?

There's lots more inside.

Lily: No. No, thank you, I'm stuffed.

Ty: Okay.

When did you become such a good cook?

It wasn't really that good, I...

Yes, it was. Everything was perfect.

It was perfect.

(Pleased chuckle)

I loved the salad dressing.

Come on, look at you...

Going to school, you got your own place, and a beautiful girlfriend.

Ty: (Embarrassed)

Thanks, mom.

How 'bout I clear some of this?

Here. Please let me give you a hand.

Oh, Lily, you just... stay and...

You guys have a lot of catching up to do, right?

(Dishes clank)

Thank you.

(Trailer door closes)

(Ty sighs, clears throat)

(Uncomfortable silence)

Why don't I show you around?

Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that very much.

(Birds chirp)

(Long grass rustles in the breeze)

This is such a lovely spot.

Ty: Yeah, I like it here.

It's nice to have my own place, even if it's just a trailer.

Plus, the rent's cheap.

(Lily chuckles)

(Birds twitter, grass rustles)


Is everything all right?

You okay?

Ty, I need to tell you something.

You didn't just come here for a visit, did you?

No, I'm afraid not.

It's about your dad.

Is he in jail?

No, it's not that.

Did you lend him some money then?


Your dad's...

He's gone.

He passed away.

♪ and at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

Let me give you a hand with that.

That's all right. I got it.

You should be catching up with your mom.

Uh, we're all caught up.


Well... Is everything okay?

Would you mind keeping my mom company?

I'll be out in a second.


So I hope you've saved room for dessert because Lou has invited us over for some tea and pie.

Sounds nice. How's Ty?

Oh, he's... Washing the dishes.

He didn't tell you did he?


Brad had a heart attack. He passed away.

(Glass smashes)

(Dishes crash loudly)

Oh, dammit!

What happened?

Ty: Nothing. I'm just...

I'm just clumsy.

Careful, careful. You'll cut yourself.

Ty: No, it's okay! It's okay, I got it, mom.

Don't worry about it, I got it.

It's okay, I've got a broom.

Ty: Look, look, it's okay! Okay, guys?

I'll clean up later when I get back, okay?

Let's just... Let's go to the ranch.

We're going to be late.

(Vehicle doors bang shut)

Jack: Hey, you two, how'd the big dinner go?

Amy: It was fine, grandpa.

Uh, Ty and I are just gonna go for a quick walk.

Do you mind saving us some pie?

Jack: Lily!

Good to see you!

Lily: Hi, Jack.

Welcome back.

Thank you.

Oh, you know, driving in here, I forgot how beautiful it is.

It's like a little piece of heaven.

(Chuckles) Well, speaking of heaven, wait till you taste Lou's lemon meringue pie.

You're gonna love that too.

Come on in.

Amy: So what happens now?

Is there going to be a funeral?

Ty: I don't know.

I don't why she just didn't phone.

Didn't have to come all the way out here.

Amy: I guess this is the kind of news that you tell someone in person.

I just wanted to have a normal visit with her.

I guess we're not normal.

You know, Ty, um...

She's probably really upset about this.

Yeah, it's always a crisis with my mom.

He was her husband.

Yeah, he was.

They haven't been together for over 15 years.

I don't know why she's making such a big deal out of it.

She should've just stayed home.

(Birds chirp)

(Katie coos)

Lily: Oh...

She is so precious, Lou.

I mean it, she's perfect.

Who, this little monster?


We say thank you!

Jack: So, how are things going for you in Vancouver, Lily?

Lily: Oh, really good. Really good.

I know I was a bit of a mess when you saw me last, but moving back to the coast, it was the best thing I could have done.

I have a really good job and my own place...

Well, you might think I'm a bit of a flake, but I've been seeing this therapist and it's completely changed my life.

Well, we all need someone to talk to.

Lily: For the first time in a long time,

I feel like I've got a handle on things... like I'm in the driver's seat, you know?

Good for you, Lily. That's great.

Lily: And my only regret is not coming to visit sooner.

Well, we're sure glad you're here.

Now let's have some of this pie.

Lily: Jack, before you do that, there's something I need to tell you...

About Ty's dad.


You gonna be okay in here?

It gets kinda cold at night.

I'll be fine.

It's nice, actually. It's kinda cozy.

Well, I'll let you get some rest.

You must be pretty exhausted.

Ty, wait.

There's something we need to discuss.

Brad told the Chaplin at the hospital he wanted his surviving family to spread his ashes.

I thought maybe tomorrow we could find a spot... wait, wait, wait, wait, mom.

You brought his ashes here?

It's what he wanted.

Ty, we're his only family.

You don't treat family the way he treated us.

You're right.

He made a lot of mistakes.


That's a pretty kind way to put it.

Well, it doesn't matter now.

He's gone.

Look, Ty, we need to forgive him.

We gotta move on.

What other choice is there?

So when you come by tomorrow, we'll just talk about a place, okay?

Some place peaceful.

Your dad didn't have a lot of that in his life.

Maybe we can help him find it now.

(Crickets chirp, truck rumbles)


You sure you don't want me to come in with you?

Yeah, I'm pretty beat.

I'm just gonna hit the hay.

Maybe you shouldn't be alone tonight.

No... it's okay.

I'll call you in the morning, okay?



(Truck door opens and closes, Amy starts the truck)

(Truck rumbles away outside)

(Ty sighs heavily, dishes scrape on the floor)

(Sighs heavily)


(Trailer door opens and closes)

(Footsteps approach)

(Water runs)

(Cell phone rings)


Hey! Hey...

No, no, I'm at the ranch.

No. Of course I haven't told Ty yet.

Well, now's not a good time.

(Light clicks on)

I have to go. (Phone beeps off)

I am so sorry.

It's so early and I should've turned the ringer off.

I was just getting a glass of water.

Yeah, me too. I think I'll do the same.

You know, Lily,

I only met Ty's dad the once... and I don't mean to speak ill of the dead... but I can't say he left a good impression.

I heard he stole money from you.

It wasn't so much the money.

Uh... it was more the secrets he was keeping from Ty.

You know, I'm sure that Brad probably thought he was protecting his son, but...

In the end, Ty's the one that got hurt.

That's the thing about secrets, you just...

Well, nothing ever good comes of them.

I'm gonna try and get a few more winks.


(Birds twitter)

(Slicing sounds)

Good morning.


You're up early.

Yeah, I gotta run into the city today.

I got some errands to run on campus.


What about your mom?

Well, I shouldn't be too long, unless there's a lineup at the bookstore.

Hey, do you mind maybe just hanging out with my mom today, just till I get back?

Um... yeah, I guess.

I just never know what to say to her.

Well, you don't have to say anything, you just keep her busy.

All right.

(Truck rumbles)

(Amy sighs)

This... isn't what it looks like.


'Cause it looks like you spent the night at Ty's.

Okay, it is what it looks like, but it's not what you think.

You don't have to explain.

Lily told us everything last night.

How is Ty?

I wish I knew.

You know, just when I think we're getting close, he shuts me out again.

Probably gonna up and down a few times.

All you can do is be there, right?



What're you doing here, Lou? Shouldn't you be at work?

Lou: Yeah, I'm on my way.

I just wanted to drop this off for you.

You didn't have to do that.

Well, I hope you like pineapple.


Ty, I'm sorry to hear about your dad.


Your mom was asking about you.

She was wondering if you were going to come by the ranch today.


Well, I'll try, but...

I gotta make some headway on this shed or it's not gonna get done before winter.

You should come by for dinner then.

That sounds great, but uh...

I'm not sure I'll be done by then, so...

You know, Lily seems to be doing really well.

I mean, despite the news about your dad.

She said something about talking to a therapist.

A therapist...

Yeah? What else is new?

Group therapy, twelve steps, reiki, acupuncture, hypnotism.

You name it, my mom's done it.

At least she's trying, right?

Yeah, I guess.



I should get to work.


Thanks for the fruit basket.


Ty, I'm gonna set you a place for dinner.


Just in case you change your mind.

Lily: Hey, Amy, you don't know where Ty is, do you?

He's not answering his phone.

Um, he just had to run into the city, but he shouldn't be too much longer.

Okay. Thanks.

Hey, Lily, um, if you're not doing anything, I could use your help with a horse I'm working with.

(Laughs) How can I possibly help you?

I don't know anything about horses.

It doesn't matter, just as long as you follow my direction 'cause Alcatraz can be a little bit unpredictable.

Amy: He's really come a long way.

When I first brought him to the ranch, he was so angry.

You know, he even tried to charge me in the stall.

Oh my God.

Why did he do that?

Well... well, he was abused by the people who stole him.

All he knows is that people hurt him, so he doesn't trust anyone.

I don't blame him.

(Alcatraz snorts and whinnies)

Whoa. It's okay.

He just has to get used to you.

(Snorts nervously)

Amy: Here, you know what?

Why don't you take a handful of oats...
it's okay...

and just hold it out to him.



Are you sure I'm the right person for this?

You know what? Let's try something else.

Why don't you just sprinkle the oats on the ground in front of you...



And if he comes to you, just stand perfectly still, and he'll learn that you're not a threat.

(Birds chirp)

So much for that.

(Both laugh)

I'm not very good at this.

These things take some time.

We just started.

Lily: What do we do next?

Well, we wait.

He'll come over when he's ready.


(Crunch of approaching footsteps)

Did you bring me a fruit basket too?

What's that?

Lou was here earlier.

Can I offer you a banana or a plum?

No, thanks. I can't stay. I just uh...

Well, I wanted to stop by and offer my condolences.

Well, I appreciate that, Jack, but it's not really necessary.

The only good thing about having a father who's always leaving is...

You learn not to waste much time missing him.

Well, still, it can't be easy to accept.

That's for the road. Thanks for stopping by.

Well, I see you're adding on to that old shed.

Ty: Yeah.

Why don't I give you a hand then.

I thought you said you had to go?

Jack: Well, I got a few minutes.

A project like this always goes better with two sets of hands.

Actually, Jack, this is something I sorta wanted to do on my own.

Oh, what's the point of that?

You know, I've built a dozen sheds in my lifetime, never did one of 'em all by myself.

(Birds chirp, insects buzz)

Lily: Are you always this patient?

Amy: I have to be.

Horses are sorta on their own schedule.

I guess that's how you've managed to stay with my son for so long.


I know from experience.

The Bordens aren't exactly easy to love.

You're good for him, I can tell.

(Slow, soft thud of approaching hooves)

What should we do?

Grab a handful of oats... And walk up to him, slowly, with your hand out. Lily, it's okay. He's not gonna hurt you. He's not gonna hurt you.


Lily: Good boy. Good boy, Alcatraz.

Good boy.

Lou: Hello!

Lily: Hey!

Lou: I am so sorry I'm late.

Where's Mallory?

She left hours ago.

She said something about how you take her for granted and she refuses to work anymore overtime, especially if you're not even gonna call her.

Lily: Uh, that was the edited version.

The original had a little more sarcasm.

And a whole lot of fast talking.

Amy: And don't forget the door slam.

Lou: Ugh! Okay, I get it. I'm sorry I'm late.

It's just been so brutal at work.

We're trying to woo this new client and he's playing hard to get.

And I'm pretty sure if we don't land this client, my job is on the line.

But to add insult to injury, by the time I got to the seafood market, it was closed.

Amy: Don't worry.

We've got dinner completely under control.

Hey, your favorite! Mac and cheese.

And we didn't have the boxed kind, so we made it from scratch.

I hope that's okay.

Are you kidding me?

Comfort food is exactly what I need right now.

Just, um, make sure you guys set a place for Ty.

He said he might be coming by for dinner.

You saw Ty?

Yeah, I stopped by the trailer this morning.

He said he was gonna be at the campus today.

Well, I saw him this afternoon.

He was still at home then too.

(Flames crackle, crickets chirp)

Lily: I thought I was going to see you at the ranch.

Are you here to give me another speech?

'Cause I'd rather you didn't.

Nope. No speeches.

Actually, I came to give you this, in case you were hungry.


Mac and cheese with hot dogs.

I haven't had this in a while.

Oh, and even though it turns my stomach...

(Flames crackle)

Ketchup. All right.

What's this?

Just some stuff dad gave me.

Hey... Oh, sorry.

May I?


You kept all this?

It's just a bunch of old letters.

We were supposed to go on a road trip to the Grand Canyon.

Just another promise he didn't keep.

Would you have gone?


Eagle Lake... I remember.

Our first big family trip.

And our last big trip.

I remember thinking that rock was the coolest thing in the world, and he said it was priceless.

And I grew up and found out it was worthless.

Just fool's gold.

Your dad gave you this so that you would always remember Eagle Lake.

So, in a way, it is kinda priceless.

I think you smiled the whole time we were there.

Oh... no. No.

Except for when Brad caught the fish.

You cried. You cried... (Chuckles)

You cried until he agreed to release it.

Do you remember that?

Yeah, I remember that.

We were a real family that weekend.


Except after that trip, he left us, mom.

He abandoned his own fam...

I know.


Believe me, I haven't forgotten.

But I had to let it go.

I had to forgive him, Ty, and I hope for your own sake that one day you can do that too.

Look, I'm gonna spread your dad's ashes tomorrow, and I'm gonna do it with or without you, but I hope you come.

But in case you don't come, I want you to know something.

In his own way, your dad loved you more than anyone in the world.

(Lily walks away, crickets chirp)

(Car door opens and closes, engine turns over)

(Car rumbles away)

(Flames crackle)

(Objects in the box rattle)

(Trunk pops open)

Amy: You're leaving.


Gotta run an errand and then I'm gonna head on home.

You just got here.

I tried my best with Ty, I just can't seem to get through to him.

He's still so angry at his dad.

Don't give up on him, please.

I don't think I'm as patient as you are.

He'll come around.

Just stay for a little while.

Besides, we've still got a long way to go with Alcatraz, and I need your help.


Like you need my help.

All right.

You win.

(Door opens and closes)

Mallory, I am so sorry about yesterday and I promise to call if I'm going to be late again.

I'm over it.

You are?

Just like you're gonna get over what I'm about to tell you.

I can't babysit today.

What did you say?

I'm unavailable.

Mallory, that's not possible.

Look, I have appointments, I have meetings.

So do I.

I have an optometrist appointment, a hair appointment, and my mom's taking me for driving lessons... all the things I didn't get done because I was here waiting for you to get home from work.

Well, why didn't you call me earlier?

I mean, you could've told me this yesterday.

You mean just like how you could've phoned me to tell me you were gonna be late from work?

Mallory, I understand what you're doing, I do, I get it, and like I said, I'm very sorry, but you can't do this to me.

You can't...

Mallory... Mallory!


I don't believe this.


Okay, okay, okay...

(Amy clucks her tongue)

Wow... wow!

Amy: Whssst! (Clucks tongue)

(Clucks tongue)

(Alcatraz gallops around, panting softly)

Is that it? Is that the join-up?

Not even close.

He's supposed to come to me, not walk away.

Well, don't take it so hard.

People have been walking away from me my whole life.

Just be glad Alcatraz didn't leave with your wallet and your dignity.

So are we gonna do this join-up thing again?

You know, actually, I wanna try something else.

(Water sprays)

Amy: Good boy, Alcatraz.

I know, you're a very good boy.

You're gonna like this bath.

Grab a brush.

Good boy...

That's a good boy.

(Alcatraz whinnies, frightened)

(Startled gasp)

Amy: (Calmly) Whoa, Alcatraz. Whoa...

It's okay... It's okay.

I know.

Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.


I don't think we should use the brushes.

He's really sensitive on his neck.

After he was stolen, they injected him with amphetamines.

Oh my God.

Well, no wonder he's a basket case.

I'm just gonna try with my hands.

You're all right. Good boy.

Good boy.

(Whispers) There you go... Good boy.

I think he'll be okay.

Why don't you come try?

No, I better not. He might...

He might blow up again.

He won't.

How do you know that?

Well, I don't, but if he's gonna trust us, we have to trust him.

Good boy...

Just be nice and gentle.


(Lily starts crying)

(Birds chirp)

(Ty stifles a sob)



(Chimes jingle)

(Screen door creaks open)

I hope you're not planning on pitching Hubbard Financial to me too.

Uh, no, I'm Jack Bartlett. I own this ranch.

Lou: Grandpa, I see you've met Mr. Walker.

Mr. Walker is a client - potential client.

I thought it would be a good idea to invite him out here for our meeting.

After all, Hubbard Financial is a family company, so we treat all our clients just like family.

When you've got a few million dollars on the table, suddenly everybody wants you to be part of the family.

You know, the last company that tried to win me over, they sent me tickets to the Stanley Cup playoffs.

That was awesome.

Awesome, but not very original.

At Hubbard Financial, we like to think outside the box.

What, by dragging me out to the country?

I mean, seems a little desperate, if you ask me.

I mean, it is a very nice piece of real estate.

How old is this place anyway?

Six generations.

My great grandfather... dug the well, built the fireplace, and I think we're all caught up now.

Grandpa, did you have somewhere you needed to be?

(Sniffs) What on earth is that smell?

Oh, just a little something I threw in the oven.

Nothing like the smell of fresh baked cinnamon buns.

That doesn't smell like cinnamon buns to me.

Hey! (Farts)

I'm so sorry.

Grandpa... Ahem.

Do you think you could do me a huge favor?

I would love to, Lou, but don't I have somewhere to be?

Okay, then.

Mr. Walker, we'll be right back.

Just don't move.

(Clears throat)

Honey, I am so sorry you have to spend the day with mean Mr. Walker.

Mommy didn't get her MBA so she could make cinnamon buns for some stuck-up hotel tycoon.

Oh, I don't like him either.

He's just a big poo-poo head.

What's that, Katie?

Where can he shove those cinnamon buns?

He can shove them where the sun don't shine.

Isn't that right? Yes, it is.

(Fire alarm beeps)
Oh no.

(Fire alarm beeps)


So, at what point in our meeting do you plan shoving those up where the sun don't shine?

(Katie coos over the monitor)

(Sheepish, nervous laugh)

I can't believe what a good boy he's been.

He's like a completely different horse.

Well, maybe there's some hope for Alcatraz after all.


Maybe there is. Hmm?

I'm gonna go throw him back in his stall.

Come on, boy.



Sorry, I didn't come earlier.

Well, you're here now.

I've been thinking about Eagle Lake, and uh...

I wish there were more weekends like that.

So do I.

I'd like to, uh, help spread Dad's ashes, if I'm not too late.

It's not too late.

Stupid! Stupid!

Aghhh! Stupid!


Jack: Well, I don't have to tell you the biggest rule of them.

Always match the hatch.

Mr. Walker: You got that right.

Well, they're... Pretty simple really, but they sure do the trick.

Oh, that is some nice work, Jack.


Hi, Lou.

Just showing Jim here some of the flies I've been using this season.

Turns out he's a real fishing buff.

You know, there's a stretch of river not too far from here that has never let me down.

It's too bad you're leaving.

Otherwise, I'd say...

Let's head out and drop a line.

Mr. Walker: Really?

Jack: Sure. I got some gear you can use.

All right, you're on.


So I guess he rides shotgun with you?

Maybe, just for now, you can leave him in the trunk.


(Trunk slams shut)


This was a really weird conversation.

(Both chuckle)

Do you have a place in mind?

Uh, yeah.

There's a mountain creek not far from here, and it's pretty nice this time of year, so...

That sounds perfect.


When's the last time the three of us were all in the same car together?

Do you know that we drove all the way here and we didn't argue once!


What? Too soon?

So what do you say?

One last family road trip?

All right.

Hold that thought, I'm gonna be right back.


Forgot my phone.

(Door slams)


(Phone rings)

Thank goodness.

I'm always forgetting where I leave that darn thing.

Why is Wade calling you?

Are you back with him?

Okay, Ty...

Yes or no?!

Yes. Yes.

I was gonna tell you sooner, and then your dad passed away.

How long?

A month.

He called me out of the blue, and he told me he tried to help you with your tuition.

The only person Wade is trying to help is himself.

No, no. He's not like that anymore.

Yes, he is! He's exactly the same!

And you and me, we're exactly the same.

We keep having this conversation over and over again.

I had to forgive him, Ty, just like I had to forgive your dad.

That's not forgiveness! That is insanity!

You can go to all the shrinks you want, but you're still as messed up as you always were.

No, I'm not.

I'm coming at this from a different angle.

Shut up!

Shut up, okay?!

I'm trying to move forward with my life.

You're not moving forward, you're moving backwards.


(Door slams hard, gasps, startled)

Lou: Uh, I packed you up some sandwiches, so you should be good to go.

You know, um...

I hope you don't think that just because I'm going fishing with Jack that you sold me on your company.

No, I don't.

And to be honest, the only reason I asked you to come here today was because my babysitter left me high and dry.

But that doesn't matter now, Mr. Walker.

What matters is that my team has gone through your books and we've discovered the potential for seven figure tax savings.

Yes, I need your business, Mr. Walker, but frankly, you need me more.

So when you get back, what do you say we sit down and talk?

You know, um...

I've been called many things over the years, but never a poo-poo head.

I was out of line.

Well, we'll see.

You know if the fish are still biting, I just might be in a good mood when I come back.


Amy: Did you try talking to her?

She made her choice.

I can't protect my mom forever.


What if she's right about Wade?

What if he has changed?

Just playing devil's advocate here.

He did help us when Cisco was stolen.

If it wasn't for him, my dad's horse could have ended up like Alcatraz.

That's gotta count for something.

The only reason Wade helped us was to get to my mom, and that's exactly what he got.


Are you at least gonna say goodbye?


(Birds sing, insects buzz)

Hey, Alcatraz.

I'm leaving now.

I just wanted to say goodbye.

(Snorts nervously)

Amy: (Sighs)

One step forward and two steps back, huh?

Yeah. There's a lot of that going around lately.

Just when you think you made some progress, you end up right back where you started.

Do you think that horse can really change?

Amy: I don't know.

Do you wanna help me try something?

All right, you gotta keep him moving.

Keep him moving. (Lily clucks her tongue)

Nicely done.

There you go.

Good job.

(Alcatraz whinnies)

Now, when you're ready, take the pressure off.

Now turn in.

(Snorts softly)

(Snorts softly)

Good boy, Alcatraz.

You're a good boy.

(Car rumbles)

(Low rumble from an approaching motorcycle)

(Door slams)

Please don't go back to him.

(Trunk slams)

I hope you can find a peaceful place for him.

Eagle Lake.

(Car rumbles away)