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01x16 - (D) Demon Lord Milim att*cks

Posted: 04/25/23 19:00
by bunniefuu

The Jura Tempest Federation

and the Armed Nation of Dwargon

formed an official alliance.

And that's how the newly

established nation of monsters

managed to gain

powerful support.

I've returned once more, Rimuru.

Obviously, but why are you back?

[GAZEL] Ah, to bring

you a gift, of course.

What is it?




A body?!

Wait, isn't that Vesta?

It's wasteful to let

a gifted man like Vesta

sit around and do nothing.

You see, he hasn't been allowed

to work for me since the trial.

Give him a job.

But, my king,

you should think about

the needs of Dwargon.

The Dwarves will surely suffer

without his knowledge.

Bold words from someone who left

Dwargon behind himself.

[KAIJIN gasps]

Our nations are allies now.

Sharing resources is what we do.

This is your chance to develop

your country even further.


Uh, yes?

I want you to study here.

Devote yourself to it.

I shall.

This time... I promise.

I promise I'll live up

to your expectations, my king.

Lord Rimuru. Kaijin.

I am truly sorry.

If you would allow it,

then it would be my honor

to work here and serve you.

Well, having another

talented researcher around

would be a big help.

Listen, Rimuru,

if anything should happen,

I'll take responsibility.

I'll supervise Vesta.

So, please, say yes.

Thank you, Kaijin.

If this is what you really want,

Kaijin, then I trust you.

Vesta, you're hired.


Thank you.

And I promise I will

give you nothing

but my best efforts, sir.

Well, then, I take my leave.


[RIMURU sighs]

Okay, then.

Now, why are you here?


[GABIRU laughs]

I, the illustrious Gabiru,

have traveled here

hoping I might

be able to assist you.

You're the greatest, Sir Gabiru.

It's true, you know.

I'll get rid of him.

Please just hear me out!

Okay, the real reason

we came here

is because we want to

join your ranks.

On my honor, I swear

that we'll prove to be

useful to you, so please.


Please, my lord.

Like he said,

we just wanna help you.

My brother knows he was wrong.

All he wants to do

is repay his debt.

Aren't you captain

of the guard?


Yes, and unlike my brother,

I was not cast into exile.

Instead, my father sent me here

hoping that I'd learn

more about the world.

Wait, so you didn't come

because you missed me?

--Ew, no.

--[GABIRU screams]

Yeah, that makes sense.

[RIMURU] And that's how

Vesta, Gabiru, his sister,

and their brethren

joined our nation.

[GABIRU]'ve always

been kind of a brat.


Since they were now our allies,

I decided to give

Gabiru's sister

and her servants some names.

Okay, let's go with...

...Soka, Toka, Saika,

Nanso, and Hokuso.

Thank you for this honor.

[GABIRU whimpers]



Don't give me

those puppy dog eyes.

Don't be jealous, you've already

got a name, it's Gabiru.

[gasps] What the...?



Gabiru's shining?

Wait. Can I override

someone else's name?


Wow, thank you so much!

I'll follow you

as long as I live!



Naturally, after that,

I had to give names

to all of Gabiru's friends.

Which caused the Lizardmen

to evolve into Dragonewts.

So they want to join us?

And may I use them

however I wish?



I'm trusting you

to train them, Souei.

Right, as you command,

Lord Rimuru.

Thank you, sir,

I promise we'll work hard.

[RIMURU] I left Soka

and the others in Souei's care,

and found some work

for Gabiru and his men.


Well, that's weird.

After they evolved,

some of the Lizardmen

ended up looking almost human.

[RIMURU] I sent Gabiru's

crew to cultivate

the valuable hipokute herbs

in Veldora's cave.

Since it's a damp place,

it ended up being

the perfect home for them.


'Sup, Gabiru?

How's the growin' goin'?


I'm so happy you asked.

It's going swimmingly.

Feast your eyes on the fruits

of my labor, Lord Rimuru.


Let's see.

--[GABIRU screams]

--[RIMURU] That's just a weed!

What? Really?

Forgive me, my lord.

In my haste to produce results,

it seems I've only

disappointed you.


Come on, man.

If anything, weeds should be

harder to grow

in a place

dripping with magicules.

[RIMURU] In the back of

the cave, we set up a place

where Vesta could

conduct his research.

Currently, he's focusing

on creating new healing potions

from the hipokute herbs.

If we can somehow

mass-produce potions

that are as effective

as the ones that I make,

it would really give us

an advantage.


A lot has happened.

But it looks like we can finally

take things easy.


Interesting! Very interesting!

I'd like to go investigate

this new toy, personally.

Now, now, Milim.

Don't forget about our pact

with the Forest of Jura.

What? But it's so dumb.

I mean, with Veldora gone,

can't we just ditch

the whole non-aggression pact?

There's an idea.

I don't see why not.

Right, then it's decided.

But promise we won't interfere

with each other. Fair enough?

Seems reasonable.

Well, okay.

As long as everyone's

in agreement.

I'm off to go play

with my new toy.

Make sure you stay outta my way,

Clayman, Carrion, and Frey.



I just sensed something.

It almost feels like

there's a magical meteor

barreling straight towards us.



Nice to meet you.

I'm the one and only dragonoid

known as the Destroyer.

People call me...

the Demon Lord Milim Nava.


She's a Demon Lord?

I heard that you're

the strongest monster

in the forest now.

So I came to say hello.

[RIMURU] Holy crap,

I think her power level

might actually be on par

with Veldora's.

She's definitely the real deal.

[RIMURU gasps]


Uh, nice to meet you, too.

I'm Rimuru,

the leader of this town.

[RIMURU] It's pretty

impressive that you could tell

that a little slime like me

was the strongest one here.

[chuckles] Nah, when you're

as amazing as I am,

gauging someone's

strength is easy.

See, my draconic "Milim Eye"

can detect the level of

magicules in whoever it sees.


Oh. Sounds legit.

Right, so there's no point in

pretending to be a weak slime,

because I know better.

[RIMURU] I wonder if that's

similar to my skill Appraisal.

Not that it matters.

I don't really need that

skill to see... she's flat.

What should I do?

I'm pretty sure there's no way

I could win against her.




She's a Catastrophe level.

Hey, is this slime thingy

your true form?

In Gelmud's ball

you looked different.

You had this long silver hair.

And looked kinda human.


[RIMURU] Sounds like you know

everything, then.

[RIMURU grunts]

Was this the person you saw?


Ooh! Then, it was you.

That is so neat.

Does that mean you defeated

the Orc Lord?

It was a tough battle,

but, yeah, I won.

So, uh, do you have

business with me?

You didn't come here to like,

avenge Gelmud or

anything, did you?

Huh? I already told you.

I just wanted to say hello.


That's it?!




Come, master.





I'm sorry, master, we must flee.

[MILIM laughs]


What's this?

Are you here

because you wanna play?







You may be a Demon Lord,

but not even you should be able

to escape from these bindings.

Now you die!

Hopefully we at least caused

a little bit of damage.

[MILIM laughs]


Wow, that was pretty impressive.

You know, that attack might've

actually worked

on a different Demon Lord.

There's no way

they would've escaped

that big blast in one piece.

Still though, your pitiful

att*cks have no effect on me!

[BOTH groan]





Are you okay, Shion?

Here, it's a potion.

Lord Rimuru.

Run, my lord.

Save yourself.

We will buy you time.

Here, guys, catch.

Drink those and rest.

I'll handle this one.

Interesting. So playtime

isn't over yet?

Fine by me.

I'd love to play with you

a little bit more.

Lord Rimuru.

Well, if I give up,

it's all over.

And I can't do that.

Not yet, anyway.


Does that mean

you're gonna face me?

You seem confident, but you

still haven't tasted my att*cks.


Okay, then. I do love

a good challenge.

However, if for some reason

your attack doesn't work,

you have to swear that you'll

serve me as my subordinate.

It's a deal.

[GREAT SAGE] Answer: To the

nearest, measurable degree,

her magicules are ten times

higher than yours.

[RIMURU] She hasn't even

been taking this seriously,

and she's ten times

stronger than I am?


In that case,

there's only one attack

that'll work.

[MILIM chuckles]

Eat this!

What magic is this?!

I've never tasted anything

so delicious

in my whole entire life!




You know, Demon Lord Milim...



[RIMURU] If you admitted

defeat to me right now...

...I'd be willing to give you

the rest of this magic.


[RIMURU] The magic is honey

I found in the forest.

I want it so badly! But I can't

just admit defeat to him.

I am a Demon Lord, after all.

Wow, it's so tasty.

[MILIM gasps]


Darn it all to heck,

looks like I'm starting

to run out.


Wait. Hold on a second.

I have an idea. A draw!

We can call it a draw,

just this once.

And I'll forget this whole

attack ever happened, okay?

Is that all?

No, don't be silly,

of course that's not all.

Uh, what if I gave you my word

that I would never attack

any of you ever again?


And checkmate.

Her power may be overwhelming,

but on the inside, she has

the heart of a child.

Very well,

I accept your proposal.

And, sure, just this once,

we can call it a draw.



And that's how we managed to win

over a Catastrophe-level

Demon Lord.



This is amazing!

So yummy!


Glad you like it.

[RIMURU] I wish she'd

take her honey to go.

I really don't want

any more problems.


Oh, hey.

Have you ever thought about

maybe becoming

a Demon Lord yourself?


Nah, it honestly sounds like

it'd be a pain in the slime.

Huh? Come on, seriously?

But we're great.

Doesn't everyone

wanna be like us?


Ah, hell no.



Does something cool happen

when you become a Demon Lord?


Yeah, strong opponents

come and challenge you to fight.

It's fun.


They do that enough already.

Count me out.

What?! So then what

kinda things do you do?


Lots of stuff.

My days are like crazy busy.

Do Demon Lords do anything

besides fight other people?

No, not really.

But we get to boss

Majin around all day.

[RIMURU] Uh, doesn't that

just mean you're bored?

[MILIM gasps]


Yep, her face says it all.


Well, I should get back.

Safe travels and all that.

Hold on. You're doing

something way more fun

than being a Demon

Lord, aren't you?



No fair! I wanna play, too!

Let me...


But I'm not playing!

Whatever it is you're doing

all day, I wanna do it, too!

In fact, I wanna go see

your village right now!


That's enough!


Okay, fine.

But on one condition.

You must always refer to me

as Mister Rimuru.

Screw that. I'm stronger.

You should respect me

and call me Lady Milim.


Let's compromise.

I'll call you Milim,

and in turn,

you can call me Rimuru.

How's that?

Okay, but only you, nobody else.

Normally I would only allow

another Demon Lord

to address me

in such a causal manner.


Awesome, thanks a bunch.

So, I guess that means

you and I are friends?

Uh, right.


I'll show you my village,

but you have to promise me

you won't cause any trouble.

You got that, Milim?

Don't worry about me. I promise

to be on my best behavior.


That's Lord Rimuru for you.

He made taming Demon

Lord Milim look easy.




I never doubted him.


I shall go tell Rigurd

about our new visitor

right away.

[MILIM laughing]

--[GABIRU] Oh?



Who might this be?

Hi there, little runt.

[MILIM growls]

[GABIRU screams]


Do you have a death wish?

Call me a runt again.


This is her best behavior?


I promised Rimuru

that I would behave.

So I only used

a bit of my power.

But next time,

I won't be so generous.

[GABIRU screams]

Look, there's Father,

he's waving at me

from across the river

to the Great Beyond.

[RIMURU] Your father's

still alive, you dork.

Huh? By the way,

who is this little--?



Uh, grown-up-looking lady?


This is Milim.

Word is that she's a Demon Lord.

Whoa, seriously?!


I get it, but be chill, dude.

Listen, Milim,

you can't go sluggin' the crap

outta people when you get mad.

[MILIM groans]

Well, then, he shouldn't

have insulted me.

It's not my fault he can't

handle how I say hello.

[RIMURU] Nobody can handle

how you say hello.

So, don't do it.


[RIMURU] Allow me to

introduce our new ally.

She's visiting here

as a special guest,

so please treat her

with respect.

Hi, I'm Milim Nava.

No way. Milim as in

the Demon Lord?

I never thought there'd

come a day

where I'd get

to meet her in person.

You're the greatest,

Lord Rimuru!

Wow, to think he befriended

such a tyrant.

Thanks to his efforts,

Tempest might be able

to exist in peace now.


Who knew Milim was so famous?

Everyone's excited

that she's here.

I'll be living here

starting today. Thank you.



[CROWD cheering]

[RIMURU] You mean like,

live "here" live here?

Yeah, what else would I mean?

I'm excited to live

in your monster town.



Well, right, what she said.

Starting today, we have

a brand-new resident.

[CROWD cheering]


She sure is popular.

[MILIM] And if you need anything

at all, I'm happy to help.


I can't believe we're friends.

Yeah, I know.

It doesn't feel quite right.


Oh, you could hear me?

And I think...

...we aren't actually friends.

We're best friends!

[CROWD cheering]


Best friends? Ah!

We are, right?



We're definitely besties!

Hey, everyone,

we're besties for resties!

[CROWD cheering]


Besties for resties!

Besties for resties!

Besties for resties...


You really had me going there

for a second, Rimuru.

[RIMURU] And that's how

the Demon Lord Milim,

a powder keg disguised

as a little girl,

came to live in

the Jura Tempest Federation.


What is this place?

It's so warm and relaxing.

[RIMURU] One of the Dwarf

brothers, Myrd, made it for me.

It's a bath that utilizes

the local hot springs.

Wow, it's so big!

You can even swim.

You shouldn't be swimming

in the bath.

[SHION gasps]

You either.

[SHION sighs]


Okay, then.

I think I've cooked enough.

I'm ready to get out

for the night.

I wish we could make

coffee milk.

The milk part is easy enough,

but the coffee part...

Then again, we've managed

to plant other things.

--[RIGURD] Lord Rimuru.

--[RIMURU] Huh?


What's up, my guy?

It's about Lady Milim.

I never imagined a Demon Lord

would take the initiative

to come here.


Yeah, but it should be fine.

After all, she did promise not

to cause trouble or anything.

While true, there is some

concern about whether or not

the other Demon Lords

have noticed us.




What do you mean?

Naturally, there are

several Demon Lords.

And they usually keep

a close eye on each other.

You see, by bringing Lady

Milim to our village,

and then declaring that you have

a close friendship with her,

it places our town

under her protection.

Under normal circumstances,

that would probably

be a good thing, but...

What he's trying to say,

Lord Rimuru,

is that you're the leader

of this village.

You have to realize that when

the other Demon Lords find out

that you've personally

befriended Lady Milim,

it will appear to them as though

the Great Forest of Jura

has entered into

an alliance with her.

Which also means that Lady Milim

would gain more influence,

upsetting the balance

between the Demon Lords.


Oh, I see.

Still though,

what choice did we have?

It's not like we

could've refused

a Demon Lord of her power.

Yes, her abilities

are on a different level.

Thanks to Lord Rimuru, Souei

and I are still sitting here.


And if the other Demon Lords

were to become hostile,

I doubt that we'd fare

any better against them.

But thankfully,

we can just leave everything

up to Lord Rimuru,

seeing as he and Lady Milim

are besties for resties.


That's true.


You jerks!

Lady Milim is one of the most

powerful Demon Lords

of all of them.

And as far as Demon Lords go,

she's one you want to avoid

making an enemy out of.

So we have no choice

but to leave everything in your

capable "hands," Lord Rimuru.

[HAKUROU laughs]

[RIMURU] In the end,

I just rolled with it,

but I had no idea

that the whirlwind

Milim had managed to stir up

was only just beginning

to gain traction.


Splash battle!


Please stop, Lady Milim,

I thought I told you

not to play.




Oh, it's on!

--[MILIM] Prepare for w*r!

--[SHUNA] I said no playing!

[MILIM laughs]


Next time, "The Gathering."