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01x17 - (D) The Gathering

Posted: 04/25/23 19:01
by bunniefuu
[VERYARD] So, you're telling

me that a mere slime

managed to beat the Orc Lord?

And it built a city?

That's all rather

hard to believe.

A tall tale, at best.

And yet, I know that it isn't.

It's strange, but I suppose

we might owe our lives

to a slime named Rimuru.

Yes, true.

So, what sort of relationship

should we seek

with this monster town?

Should we work off

of the assumption

that the slime

is a benevolent creature?

Or treat it like a threat

and attempt to eliminate it?

You forget that "attempt"

is the key word here.

Would it even be possible?

Are you looking

for an honest answer?

I doubt I actually need

to hear it.

[FUZE sighs]

Okay, I'll go check it out.

I think it's time I met

this Rimuru face-to-face.

All right, let's move out.

I can't wait to see this slime

you've told me about.

[ALL groan]

It's delicious!

I can't believe how much

amazing food you have here.

Can I have seconds?


How ya holdin' up, pal?

I'm perfectly fine.

Strong as--uh--

a rock or something

else indestructible.

That's our Sir Gabiru for you.

[RIMURU] Is the communication

crystal working okay?

Yes. We can now

contact King Gazel.

I let him know

about the situation

with the Demon Lord Milim

and how well you handled it.



In the mean time, we'll just

have to keep a close eye on her.

I'll leave the reporting

up to you.


This is one of

Lord Rimuru's potions.

Ninety-nine percent

of its composition

is extracted

from hipokute herbs.

You can drink it down or apply

it directly to the wound

for instant recovery!

Behold, the Full Potion!



To contrast that,

Dwarven techniques

only allow us to create potions

with a % healing effect.

The potions we make

are known as "high potions."

A mere % may seem small,

but it makes a big difference

when it comes to potency.

After all this time,

I've finally overcome

that % barrier.

And this is the result

of those efforts.



I'll do a quick appraisal.


I would be honored.

[RIMURU] Great Sage,

please use Appraisal.



This potion is equal

to that of a Full Potion.


Good news, my dude.

It's definitely a Full Potion.

Wow, excellent work, Vesta!

I'm so glad I could assist you

in this endeavor.

You should be

proud of yourself.

See? I knew you were

the perfect man

to conduct this research.

Kaijin, thank you.

[KAIJIN laughs]

[RIMURU] Oof. Can't believe

he actually pulled it off.

I wonder if we could

mass produce it.


I think if we sold this,

it'd be a great way

to bring money into Tempest.



I'm not sure it'll

be that simple.



The Full Potion might be

a little too effective.

We shouldn't rely on it

for everyday use.

Quality potions like these

should be reserved

for high-level champions

in life-or-death situations.

Yes, I agree.

The potions we sell in the

Dwarven Kingdom are low potions

which have been mass-produced

by diluting high potions.



This is a great opportunity.

We could talk to King Gazel

and see if he'll let us

make those potions here.

Hey, now there's a smart idea.

If we produce and sell

the potions here...

Yeah, it could work.

We'd just need to get

the ingredients

from the Dwarven Kingdom.


I get it.

And then both nations

reap the reward.

Sweet. Let's start

the negotiations.

I'll leave the rest

of the production details

up to you guys.





[CROWD chattering]

Okay, what happened?

Our town just received

a new visitor.

However, Lady Milim did not

take kindly to him.


Let me through.


Rigurd, everything okay?


Lord Rimuru, it's you.

[RIMURU gasps]

Do not worry,

for this is nothing more

than a mere scratch.


Like hell it is!


Is that who hurt you?

Yes, sir.


Oh, Rimuru!

[RIMURU groans]

[MILIM] This guy thought

he could come stir up trouble.

So I taught him a lesson

using my fist.

I'm one of Demon Lord Carrion's

Three Beastketeers:

Phobio the Black Leopard Fang.

Of all our master's


I'm the strongest one.

Nice town you got here.

Fit to be ruled by

the Beast King, don't you think?

How 'bout it, grandpa?

Surely you jest.

[CROWD gasps]

[MILIM growls]

[gasps] It's Demon Lord Milim!

Leopard Fang Flaming Palm!

Stupid jerk!

That was

my bestie's subordinate!


[RIMURU] Does she think

I'm gonna praise her?



[RIMURU] Better question, should

I encourage this behavior?


[RIMURU] No doubt

there'll be ramifications

for laying out one of Demon Lord

Carrion's Beastke-whatevers.


Didn't you promise me you'd be

on your best behavior?


Well, yeah, that is true.

But this is way different.

He's not from your town,

so it totally doesn't count.

It's good, it's all good!


No, it's bad.

[MILIM gasps]

Though, I suppose you at least

defended Rigurd's honor,

so I'll only take

your lunch away.

You meanie. I was only helping!

This is your fault,

you stupid piece of crap!

I'll make you pay.

I've already lost

my lunch today,

so I might as well

punch you some more.


So, why did you come here again?


As if I owe any answers

to a lowly slime like you.




Doesn't matter what you call me,

I'm still way stronger

than you, brah.

[RIMURU] I don't know

Demon Lord Carrion,

but depending on

how you behave,

my people could become

your master's enemies.

Do you really wanna

be responsible

for pissing off the entire

Great Forest of Jura?

Please. That's some big talk.

There's no way a slime is

the boss of this pitiful town.

But I guess that explains

the weak followers.

Lady Milim hanging around here

must have given you a fat head.

Watch it, jerk.

I don't take kindly to people

insulting my bestie.

[PHOBIO gasps]


Stand down, Milim.

Any more punches and you can

kiss your dinner goodbye.


Yeah, okay.

I promise to be good.


Now, it's true that I'm a slime,

but it's also true that I rule

% of the Great Forest of Jura.

If you don't want me

to declare w*r,

you'd better start

singing a different tune.

So, I'll ask again,

why did you come here?


We came to this dumb town

on Lord Carrion's orders.

He wants all the majin here

to serve him.


Ah. He must mean us.


I should've guessed that Milim

wouldn't be the only Demon Lord

spying on that battle

with the Orc Lord.


Damn that Carrion.

He broke his promise to me.

[MILIM grunting]




Cool, I've heard enough.

You're free to go.


Are you sure?

But he att*cked us.

[RIMURU] Come on,

I'm not gonna off the guy.

Give Demon Lord Carrion

a message.

Tell him that

if he wants to talk,

then he can choose a date

and we'll speak with him

at that time.


You'll regret making

a fool out of me.


Somehow I doubt

he's going to deliver

that message.

Okay. What's the scoop

with this Demon Lord Carrion?

I'm sorry, but I can't

tell you anything.

We've sworn not to interfere

with each other's plans.


And yet she just admitted

that there is some kinda secret.

Oh, did you only make

that promise with Carrion?

Or does it maybe involve

other Demon Lords as well?

Well, yeah. Uh, maybe.

Come on, it's okay.

After all, Carrion sent some

underling to interfere with you.

And we're besties, so we can

tell each other anything, right?

So, I'm sure it would be

okay for you

to tell me about some of

the other Demon Lords you know.


Plus, if I don't know what kind

of promise you made to them,

I may accidentally interfere

without realizing it.

Yeah, I guess.

But still, I promised them.


I know.

We should make you

a special w*apon.

As your best friend,

your well-being is my priority.

A special w*apon?


You've got a point.

There's nothing more important

than your best friend's safety.

[RIMURU] She took it.

Hook, line, and sinker.


I see.

The Demon Lords

Clayman, Carrion, and Frey

used Gelmud in a scheme

to create a puppet Demon Lord,

and you helped.

It seemed like a good way

to k*ll some time.


Yeah, that's one way to put it.

But since we took him down,

it looks like we've become

their new target.

The other Demon Lords are likely

to get involved, too.

What a predicament.

Perhaps we should consult

with Lady Treyni.

Nah, it'll be fine.

Lord Rimuru has nothing to fear

from any of those Demon Lords.

Well, Rimuru, I told

you the big secret,

so when do I get

the special w*apon

that you promised me?

Better be soon!


The whirlwind that blew in

with Demon Lord Milim's attack

would continue to gain strength,

eventually threatening to

swallow Rimuru's people whole.


One of the nations surroundin]g

the Great Forest of Jura

is the Kingdom of Falmuth.

It's a major trade power

known as the gateway

to the Western Provinces.

That same kingdom

had deployed a scouting team

to learn more

about the rumored Orc Lord.

The team was led by

a man named Youm.

They were rowdy,

but their common love of money

kept the team together.



--What's wrong?



Whoa! This is so bad!


Run away!

[KAVAL] Hey, I'll give

the orders around here!

[FUZE] How the hell have you

three stayed alive

this long when

you're so careless?

[YOUM] Some adventurers

have encountered a monster.


So what's the plan, boss?



Hey! Wait for us, Eren!




Oh, hi, excuse us.


How 'bout some help?




Get ready.

--[ROMMEL gasps]

--A knight spider?

On guard, men. Here we go.

Remove and heal

anyone who gets hurt.

All right. Nobody die.



Kajir, take command.

Yes, sir.

[YOUM] Rommel, give me

a strengthening spell.

As for you, you'll pay

for getting us involved.

And our services

don't come cheap.


No way! Is that you, Kaval?



Whoa. It is!

It's Gobta.


Every time I see you,

you're running from something.

You guys sure have

a nose for trouble.

I'll handle the spider.

Dinner's about to be served!

What just happened?

These spiders

are seriously yummy.



[GROUP chattering]

Hey, it's almost ready!

I am so hungry!


Hello, I'm Rimuru Tempest,

the representative of this town.

Our nation is called

the Jura Tempest Federation.

Wow, you really are a slime.

By the way, I've gotta ask.

Looks like there are

some new people here,

but who are they?


Oh. This is Benimaru and Shion.

And that's Souei and Shuna.


And that's Milim.

[FUZE gasps]


Anyway, back to business.

The kingdoms

of Blumund and Falmuth

both came here

to investigate our city?

--Yes, that's right.

--Whoa, hold on.

Why the heck is a slime

acting like a total big shot?

It's crazy. What's the deal?

Why do you chumps listen to it?

You'd dare insult our master?

Yeah, I do, ogre tits.

[RIMURU yells]

You okay?!



Ah! Sorry.


I apologize for Shion's actions.

She's not

the most patient person.

Cut her some slack, okay?

That's not true.

If anything, my patience

is my finest quality.


Wow, you sure have a funny way

of showing patience, Shion.

I think you're probably

so short-tempered

because you're not

as open minded as I am.

[RIMURU] That aside, I'd like

to be on good terms with humans.

Ideally, I want to open up

a trade network

with you all someday.



Fo' sho.

We're already negotiating

with the Dwarven Kingdom.

Wait, with Dwargon?

[RIMURU] Being able to

pass through our land

would probably make

things much easier

for traveling merchants,

don't you think?

Stop, let's back up.

Dwargon acknowledged

this monster town

as a legitimate nation?

If you want, I could confirm

that information.


Minister Vesta!

Former minister.

But I don't understand this.

What are you doing here?

[VESTA] Trying to put

my talents to good use.

Anyway, what Lord Rimuru

has said is the truth.

He and King Gazel

have entered into an

official treaty together.

[FUZE gasps]




Now are you convinced?


I mean, if that's the case,

then we aren't exactly opposed

to cooperating

with you or anything.

Still though,

we'll need some kind of proof

that you're an ally of humans.

Unfortunately, we can't just

take your word for it.

Is that fair?


Sure. I'd expect nothing less.

We'll figure something out.

And you're welcome to stay.

Whatever helps you understand

that we aren't a threat.

I was wondering, though.

Do you know if the news that

the Orc Lord has been defeated

has already gotten around?

Well, no.

Only our king knows the details,

as well as a select

group of people.


I see.

Well, then, Youm,

wanna make a contract with me?

Ha. Why would I want to?



I mean, why wouldn't I want to?

[RIMURU] You said that

the Kingdom of Falmuth

paid you to

come out here, right?

All you'd be doing

is switching employers.

To put it in layman's terms,

I basically want you guys

to be the champions

who defeated the Orc Lord.



[RIMURU] You can tell everyone

that we helped you out.

Then just start a rumor

that you were the one

who defeated the Orc Lord.

And that's pretty much it.

If everything goes

according to plan,

then we become known as the town

of trustworthy friendly monsters

who assisted the champions

in their time of need.

I think it'll be easier

to build a good relationship

with humans

if they think we're cool,

instead of

mean-hearted creatures.

What do you think?


It's a good plan.


Yes, I agree.


Have you given it any thought?


Yes, I have... sir.

It's really something.

After seeing your town,

and the people in it,

I can tell you're not evil.

And it's not like our hands

are completely clean.

But we've longed to be free men.

The only reason

we accepted this mission

was because we had planned

to fake our deaths.

Afterwards, we would head

to a safer nation.


I've decided.

I think I'll trust you.

From now on, I'll call

you "Master Rimuru."

I'm yours to command.


Awesome! You won't regret it.

[RIMURU] And that's how

Youm and his companions

began training under Hakurou

in order to start

their new lives as champions.

That didn't take long.

I hope no one saw you, Tear.


How mean.

I am a part of the

Moderate Harlequin Alliance.

Have a little faith in me.


Forgive me, I was concerned.

Sometimes you go overboard.



You don't have to treat me

like a child all the time.

Very well, I'll try.

Anyway, I've just

heard news from Myulan.

It would appear

that Demon Lord Milim

has taken quite a liking

to the majin there.



This is turning out to be more

interesting than I expected.

What a delightful

turn of events.


That's good, I guess.

But what's the real scoop?

Is this majin really so amazing

that even Milim

would stick around?

Only to the point where he can

no longer be ignored.

He'll never be a match

for me, after all.

Laplace thinks differently.


How so?


He said... there's an eeriness,

or something of that nature.



If a cunning guy

like Laplace says so,

then there must be

somethin' to it.

At the very least,

I think we should investigate

why Demon Lord Milim

is so interested in this majin.

I agree.

We certainly need to gather

more information

and give it all some thought.


Yeah, that would be fun!

But back to what I found out.

Let's hear it.


As it turns out,

Lady Frey has no interest

in the Great Forest of Jura.

She seems worried

about somethin'.

It kinda looked like she was

preparin' for a fight!

And did you find out

what that might be?


I did, and you won't believe it.

She was freakin' out,

saying Charybdis

was gonna be revived.

[CLAYMAN gasps]




You know, Tear,

I think I have another task

for you to handle.

[TEAR laughs]

I was hopin' you would.

I've already called up Footman,

and we're definitely

ready for a fight.

Good, I'm glad to hear it.

However, I'd like you to avoid

v*olence this time around.

To start, go find

the location of the seal

and see whether or not

it's possible to tame Charybdis.

That's your new mission.


Leave it to me, Clayman.

--[CLAYMAN] The location shou--

--[TEAR] I said leave it to me!


Okay. I'll see ya later.

Charybdis. I see.

Rumored to have enough power

to rival a Demon Lord.

Yes, it will be

interesting to see

what this monster is like.

[CLAYMAN laughing]

[GREAT SAGE] Next time,

"Evil Creeps Closer."