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05x13 - Aftermath

Posted: 02/13/12 19:01
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

Ty: Look, Amy, there's something I need to talk to you about.

Is it about our trip?

I want to go up there by myself.


Jack: What was that about Eagle Lake?

He's spreading his dad's ashes up there.

Ty: What are you doing here?

Jack: Oh, I figured you might use some company.

I should have brought Amy.

Jack: Why didn't ya?

I guess there's a side of me I didn't want her to see, so I just took off.

I just got a job offer. It's a consulting job.

There's one small glitch. It's in Vancouver.


Jack: (Engines rumble) Ty, look out!

(Engine revs, tires spin)


(Tires spin, loud, metal-crunching crash)

(Eagle cries)

(Motorcycle wreckage hisses)

(Metallic scraping)

Jack: (Groans)



(Bike bangs loudly)

(Exhausted sigh)



(Breathing hard)




(Under his breath)
Oh jeez!


Ty! Ty!

(Branches snap)

Ty, Ty, talk to me!

(Ty grunts weakly)

Easy, easy, easy, easy!

(Grunts in pain)

(Grunts, exhausted)

You know, the less you move the better off you're gonna be.

(Ty breathes heavily)

Jack: Ty. Ty? Ty, can you look at me?

Do you think anything's broken?

Is there anything broken?

(Breathes hard)

Jack: Do you think there's anything broken?

I don't know. I'm... I'm okay.




(High-pitched squeal, dream-like whoosh)

(Engine revs, tires slide)

(Ty's breathing echoes)

Wolf: (Growls menacingly)

(Heart beats loudly)

Wolf: (Growls menacingly)

Ty: (Heartbeat slows down)

Jack: Yeah, that pulse feels pretty good, I think.

Ty: I'm all right.

Well, I don't doubt that.

I don't doubt it for a second.

My bike?

Yeah, you don't want to think about that right now.

Ty: Parts are hard to find.

Jack: well, I know, but, see, that's...

That's the charm of the vintage motorcycle.

You can't just walk into Canadian Tire.

(Whispers) Yeah.

(Spartan's hooves thump)

(Rope clanks)

(Spartan snorts)

Amy: Here.


(Spartan whinnies majestically)

(Sticks whip sharply through air)

(Spartan whinnies loudly)

(Bridle jingles)

(Gentle thud of hoof beats)

(Spartan snorts nervously)
What is it?


(Distant high-pitched whinny)

Did you hear that?

Jack: Hear what?

(Rhythmic thumping)

(Hooves thump rhythmically, horse snorts)

(Horse whinnies)

Ty: It's Ghost.

It's Ghost.

Amy: Ty, I don't see him. He's not there.

He's there.

(Hooves thump)

Amy, look out!

(Hoobeats thunder)

Amy: (Grunts and gasps)

Ty: Amy!


I've gotta get you out of here.

(Spartan snorts softly)

Ty: (Grunts) Oh, I can walk.

Jack: You think?

Ty: (Grunting) Yeah.


(Grunts in pain)

Jack: Sit down. (Ty grimaces)

That was a bad call.

Where's the pain? Where are you feelin' it?

(Pants painfully)

Jack: You don't have to be the tough guy with me.

I need you tell me straight up where you're hurtin', how bad it is, so I can figure out what to do next!

Ty: (Grimaces)

Right here. It hurts right...

It hurts right here.

Jack: Yup.

(Gasps and grimaces)

Well, I'm no doctor, but I figure those handlebars must have caught you in the gut.

What about that wolf I hit?

You missed him by a mile.

Hey, hey, you...

Your cell phone. You got your cell phone.

Ty: (Grimaces)

Jack: Yeah.

(Plastic creaks)

Look at that. Like that's gonna work.

I'm sorry, Jack.

Don't be sorry.

Hey, we just had a fantastic road trip in the back country.

That was a hell of an idea at the time.

(Grimaces in pain)



What are we gonna do, Jack?

We'll figure something out.

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

(Rooster crows, birds chirp)

Tim: Hey. Hey, Lou.

I gotta tell you somethin'. Wait till you hear this.

Lou: Just one second, Dad, I have an urgent email I have to answer from a client.

Oh, come on, it can wait.

Isn't this one of your supposed days off?

You work part-time, don't you?

Yeah, but then I have to work overtime at home to prove myself to my backstabbing colleagues who work full-time at the office.

Haven't you ever heard of the glass ceiling, dad?

Yeah, but, Lou...

It's glass so that you can see where you want to go, but you can't quite get there because your boss doesn't take you seriously because he thinks you'd rather stay home and be a mother.

I get it. Listen, wait till you hear what I found out.

The woman moved 12 times in 11 years.

As long as there was a casino within spittin' distance, she moved that kid from pillar to post his entire life!

What woman? What're you talking about?

What woman?! Miranda!

She moved 12 times!

Well, I thought she lived in Moose Jaw.

She does, but my lawyer said that's just her latest whistle stop.

You have a lawyer?

Yeah. I gotta have a lawyer to win a custody case.

You're going for custody?

Joint custody, yeah.

Since when?

What? Since she cut off all contact with me and my son!

Okay, Dad, that is bad, but have you thought this through?

Because this is huge.

Yeah, I've thought it through.

It is huge. It could be landmark.

And my lawyer says that, based on her character, I got a real shot.
(Cell phone rings)

Just get it.

No, I am not gonna get that, because this is way more important.

Okay. So...

(Cell phone rings)

Just get it.

Lou: Two minutes.

Martin, hi.

Uh, no, no, no, not busy. Just talking to my dad.


You're kidding.


Omigod, really?!
(Door opens and shuts)

That is excellent.

Jack: Well, we've got some food left, but I don't imagine you have much of an appetite.

Ty: (Sluggish) No. No.

Well, we'll have to watch out for grizzlies, but at least the bugs aren't too bad.

I'm cold.

Cold? I got a sleeping bag right here.

Ty: No, uh...

I'm okay.

Two canteens, both full, so don't be shy.

We can't stay here.

You know, Ty, I don't think we have much of a choice.

I think we can just...

We'll hold out for awhile and somebody'll come along.


I don't know.

Fisherman, hunter, a group of tourists maybe.

Hey, I'm willing to bet that an entire busload of nudists is gonna come along here any time now willin' to pay top dollar just to experience the natural beauty of Eagle Lake.

That's funny.

Jack: No, it's no joke.

I'm willing to bet fifty bucks on it.

You're on.


(Hooves thud)

Tim: Hey!

Hey! Just the girl I wanted to see.

(Truck door opens)

I gotta ask a favour of ya.

Oh, sure, but did you happen to see a horse when you were driving?

What? No? What kind of horse?

He's a wild horse, a leopard Appaloosa.

His name's Ghost.

A wild horse with a name?

I'm just asking if you saw him?

Honey, it's pretty unlikely to see a wild horse around here.

Everything's fenced.

That's why I'm not quite sure if I saw him or...

Or if he was a ghost?

(Sighs heavily)
I've seen this horse before, and the weird part is Ty was the only one who could ever get close to him.

So when I saw him--

Or didn't see him.

Okay, I'm sorry. Honey, I'm listening.

It just made me think of Ty.

He's on that motorcycle trip and...

I'm still listening.

I think I'm just gonna go up on that ridge, have a look for him.

Okay, but about this favour?

Yeah, uh, lunch or something.

Okay, yeah, we can... we can have lunch.

Amy: (Sighs heavily)

Ty: How is it?

Jack: Oh, it's nothin' to get too excited about.

(Grimaces in pain)

Jack: You know, I laid my bike down once.

I got such a bad case of road rash my pants nearly disintegrated.

(Exhales sharply)

Jack: Kind of like these ones.

I should have bought a pair of leather pants, I guess, but who can afford that?

That'd be good...

You in leather pants.



I lied about the nudists.

You know, a gravel road like that would be hell on their feet, don't ya think?

No, I think our best bet's the fishermen.

A lake like that?

You know, you hold a frying pan a fish'd jump right into it.

Ty? Come on, man!


You gotta hold on!

I gotta collect on that bet.

Jack in past: What the hell are you doin' down there?

What do you think?

Jack: I think you owe me 50 bucks!

Someone's been doing a little dumpster diving.

Jack in present: Ty, stay with me now!

Don't you go anywhere!

I just want to know why you...

You didn't even try to call me or anything?

Amy, I don't know, I...

I don't know. I don't...

Amy: Run away!

It's what you always do, even when people- when I want you to stay!

I don't wanna hurt you, Amy.

I guess I'm willing to risk that.

I'm not. I...

(Sighs heavily)

Amy, look!

(Water flows, Ty gasps sharply)

(Breathing heavily)

If I die...

That's not gonna happen.

My dad, he died.

Well, that had nothing to do with you.

He never stopped running away.

I never wanted to be like him.

You'll tell Amy that.

(Hooves thud)

(Door creaks open)

(Water sloshes)



Ty, we can't wait around any more.

I'm gonna go get help.

Now, you gotta keep drinkin' water.

Okay, I'll be back before you know it!

I'll get you a case of beer when I find help.

(Breathes hard)

(Weakly) Okay.

(Sighs heavily)

(Door closes)

Lou: Good, you're back. Where have you been?

Why? Did Ty call?

No. Isn't he coming back tomorrow?

Yeah, that's what he said but...

But what?

I don't know. I just had this feeling.

I... I saw Ghost.

You saw a ghost?

No, Ghost, that horse, the Appaloosa.

I saw him again.

And evil walks among us?

Come on, Amy, you are obsessing, okay?

Ty will call when he calls.

You're right.

Hey, I gotta get ready. I'm having lunch with Dad.

Uh, hmm.


No, nothing. You know what?

He can tell you. But I have news!

Good news?

Hmm. Sort of.

I got offered a promotion at work.

That's amazing, Lou!

I know, but they want me to start working five days a week as of the new year.

Well, tell 'em you can't.

Are you kidding?

This is an incredible opportunity!

The problem is how am I gonna tell Peter?

Just tell him like you told me.

You didn't seem at a loss for words then.


(Metal clatters)


Well, joint custody.

Where did this come from?

My Detective told me.

Your detective?

Yeah, I got a private detective.

My lawyer told me to get one.

How else am I gonna build a custody case?

I did some digging, and I can tell ya I am worried about the kid.

The last time I talked with Shane he seemed fine.

Well, I wouldn't know, because when I call his mother just threatens to pick up and leave, and that is unstable behaviour by any definition.

Yeah, I guess.

The boy needs a father and a home.

I just want my son to be with me, not on occasional weekends.

And what does Shane want?

Well, that's the thing.

I think it would really help my case to get a handle on his real feelings, you know, like where he wants to really live.

Waitress: Hey.

Thank you.

Waitress: Mmm-hmm.

But I can't call him...

Because of that woman!

Since when did Miranda become "that woman"?

Amy, you have a real relationship with Shane.

And I'm guessing this is where the favour comes in.

Well, you're probably talking to him already on that Facebook thing, right?

Yes, on the Facebook thing.

So you could get a lot of information just by looking at his pictures, finding out who he hangs out with, what he likes to do, and you could become friends with Miranda.

Are you serious?

Okay, well, just talk to Shane, will ya?

Dad, you're not asking me to talk to him, you're asking me to spy on him.

(Frustrated sigh)


So... forget it.

Sorry I mentioned it.

You know, I wanna help you out, I do.

No, no, it's okay, forget it.

(Footsteps crunch on the gravel)

(Sound of flowing water)

(Grunts in pain)

(Grunts with effort)

(Water babbles)

(Relieved sigh)

(Rumbling sound nearby)

(Truck rumbles loudly)

(Grunts with effort)

(Grunts and grimaces)

(Truck rumbles loudly)

(Truck rumbles loudly)


(Truck roars by)

(Truck rumbles away)

(Truck rumbles neaby)

Ty: (Weakly) Wait.


(Truck rumbles loudly)


(Truck rumbles)

Ty: (Grunts)

(Grunts loudly)


What the hell are you doin' here?

I need your help, Ty.

Okay, you want to know about my dad?

Pretty much my whole life, he's been in and out of prison.

If you knew all this then why did you go see him?

He's my dad, Amy.

Brad: I'm making a run down to the States in a couple of weeks.

Why don't you come with me?

You'll get a chance to see the Grand Canyon.

Amy: Why do you keep pushing me away?

Ty: Because... I'm like my dad.

Ty, you're nothing like him!

You sure about that?

Leaving in the middle of the night's a Borden family tradition.

(Grunts with effort)

(Truck rumbles loudly)

(Truck roars by, Ty shouts in pain)


It's like he's trying to win father of the year award.

He actually says "A boy needs his dad."


It's a good thing girls don't need their dads, or else you and I'd be pretty screwed up.

Do you know he actually wanted me to pump Shane and Miranda for information?

Can you believe that?

Coming from Dad? Totally.

But, look, he obviously wants a relationship with Shane even if he has to go to court to get it.

I don't care! I feel like he's using me.

Well, did you say something?

Amy: No.

(Sighs) You know me, I'm terrible at that.

I'm the same way with Ty.

Maybe if I had have said something I would've been on that road trip with him instead of sitting here waiting for him to call.

Honey, he is probably off the grid.

(Frustrated sigh)

I just don't want to be one of those girls who calls and texts all the time--

And I don't blame you, but if it was you, I'd be one of those girls.

So you would call?

Or send a text. Three words.

I love you, I miss you...

No "where the hell are you?"

That's four words.

Five, actually.

(Amy chuckles)
(Sighs, dialling beeps)

Ty's voice-mail message: Hi, leave a message at the tone.

(Answering machine beeps)

Hey, it's just me, I'm...

Just wondering how you're doin'.

Hope everything's well.

Just give me a call when you can.


(Phone beeps off)

(Eagle cries)

(Door shuts)

Hey, Lou?
(Bags thump)

(Katie gurgles)

Hey, there they are, my two beautiful girls.

(Katie gurgles)

(Whispers) Okay...

Honey, I am so glad you're home, because I had such a crazy day.

I want to hear all about it too.

Lou: First of all, Katie was incredible.

Peter: Incredibly cute, you mean?


She refused her sippy cup, insisted on her bottle just when I had like a million emails that had to be answered immediately.

Oh, and then my dad is in a full-on custody battle with Miranda.

Ah, ouch. Those can get ugly.

Yeah, I think it already has.

Anyway... muah! How was Vancouver?

Uh, good. Cold, wet, rainy, but every cloud has a silver lining because...


My part-time consulting gig turned into a full-time job offer.

Really?! A full-time job!


In Vancouver.

Yeah, there'll be a bit of travel there, but the money's okay and there's lots of room for advancement.

Um... so you said, yes?

Yeah, there's still some negotiating to do.

You know, fringes, benefits, stuff like that, but, uh, yes, I said yes, obviously.

Yeah, yes!
(Laughs happily)


That is unbelievable.

(Sighs emotionally)

Unbelievably good, right?

Well, yeah, of course it's good!

This day just keeps getting better and better.

Peter: Honey, I know that the travel could be a problem.

All right, we did the long distance thing before and it wasn't great.

Lou: Yeah, except now we both have jobs and, oh yeah, I almost forgot, a baby.

Right. But you see...

I thought it through, okay, and there is a way we can make this work.



While still being the hands-on type of parents that we always said we would be.


See, now that I'm gonna be bringing home a decent pay cheque, honey, you can be a full-time mom.

You can have all the time you need to do the things that you really want.

And what would that be?

Peter: You know... Taking care of Katie, and, you know, having time to run the dude ranch and...

Somein' like a momprenuer.

Lou: (incredulous laugh)

And, um, how exactly would that happen?

It's easy. Quit your job and-

Oh, I just...
(incredulous laugh)

Just quit my job, that's all.

(Distant rumble)

(Truck rumbles loudly)

Jack: Hey! Hey!

Get your ass back here!

(Loud clank)

(Truck grinds to a halt)

Woody: What the hell!

I need your help!

Yeah, you need help! You messed with my truck!

You're a dead man!

(Hard shove)

(Hard thump)

Are you happy now?

No. Look what you did to my truck!

I'm sorry I dinged your window.


If you blow on it, it'll shatter!

I don't have time to argue.

We got into a motorcycle accident a couple miles back.

There's a young kid there and he might be bleedin' to death.

Oh, so you wrecked my truck, now you want my help?

Well, the world's a funny place!

I do need your help and I'm prepared to pay for it.

How much do you want?

Hundred bucks.


Make it two hundred.


Just get me to a phone that works.

I need an ambulance.

Hey, that two hundred bucks is on top of the new window, eh?

(Truck starts up)

(Truck rumbles away)




I need to find her.



Amy: A promise ring?

Ty: You like it? Amy: Yes!

(Ty chuckles)


Amy: So, how come, in all of your texts and emails, you never mentioned her?

Yeah, I did.

No, you always talked about Grant and Connor.

I just assumed that Connor was a guy.

(Shouts) Amy!

Amy: Look, I think I'm falling in love you.

Amy: Ty, I have something to tell you

Chase kissed me.


I kissed him back.

I'm sorry.

Amy, Amy...

Ty in past: I think we're done.

Maybe we are.

There's no maybes.

I guess this doesn't mean much anymore.

(Angry grunt)

(Grimaces in pain)

(Gasps in pain)

(Gasps and stutters)

You're a good boy.

(Spartan snorts)

What is it, huh? What's going on?

(Hoofbeats, Ghost whinnies)

(Hard scrubbing)

(Katie squeals)

Peter: ♪ she'll be coming around the mountain ♪

♪ she'll be coming around the mountain ♪

♪ she'll be, yeah, ♪
♪ around the mountain when she comes! ♪

(Katie giggles)

Peter: (Laughs) Good girl!

(Laughing) ♪ she'll be riding six white horses when she comes ♪


That's perfect timing!



I'm telling you we've got a little prodigy on our hands, don't we? Don't we?!

Lou: Maybe we should start saving up for that grand piano.

Peter: Yeah, or a violin or something.

Little Stradivarius maybe, huh?

Now I'm working again.

By the way, you know, I should have mentioned how thrilled I am about your new job.

You know, I know how hard these months of not working have been on you.

Peter: Yeah, it hasn't been that bad, actually, you know?

To tell you the truth, it's been pretty great 'cause I get to spend all this time with our little Kitty Kat, don't I?

Lou: And I appreciate that.

But I just can't believe that you said that about me just quitting. I mean...

My job's been supporting our family all these months.

Peter: Okay, yeah, I...

I just thought it made sense, you know.

Lou: Not to me it doesn't.

Besides, I can't quit my job because...

I just got offered a promotion.


Wow, what does that mean?

Lou: What do you think it means?

More responsibility, more money...

More hours.

I thought... I thought you were happy working three days a week.


You know, the extra hours wouldn't even start until the new year.

Peter: Okay, so, uh, that's good, right?

We've still got time to think about it.

I did think about it and...

And I accepted.

Are you kidding me?

Lou, you don't think you should discuss that kind of thing with me?

What? You just accepted a job in another city and you didn't discuss that with me.

I mean, what was that about?

That was about me being happy to be working again.

What, I can't be happy?


(Katie gurgles)

(Door opens)


You weren't kiddin'. That's quite a wreck.

Jack: Yeah, never mind that. He's down here!

Ty, how're you doin', man?


(Twigs snap)

(Breathing hard)

(Hard thump)

(Birds chirp)

Jack: (Calling in distance) Ty!

Ty, where are ya?!



He's hurt pretty bad.

I don't know how far he could have gone.

Woody: Well, you'd be surprised.

A wounded deer covers a lot of ground.

Jack: Yeah, a deer maybe.

Woody: Hey, you ever been moose huntin'?

Jack: Some.

Woody: Oh ho-ho!

That's the real deal, eh, moose huntin'?

Or course now a days these so-called hunters drive around hoping against hope they'll find a moose.

They wouldn't know moose scat from deer scat if it was on their plate.

All right, now listen, I say we split up.

Let's search a grid.

A grid. That's a great idea.

Trackin' humans is a lot like trackin' animals, except humans don't have a fur coat.

So hypothermia becomes a factor.

Is it hyperthermia or hypo, hyper?

You know, whatever it is, we don't have much time here!


We got somethin'.

(Running footsteps)



Jack: Yeah, I used that on his knee.

Yeah, you see?

We got some, uh, broken twigs here.

Oh, yeah, look at this. See right here?

We got material transferred from one surface to another.

A.K.A. A footprint.

That's the tracker's handbook chapter 2.

That kid we're lookin' for?

Brown hair, leather jacket?

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Ty? Ty. You okay?

Ty: Yeah.

Where'd you think you were goin', pal?

Home. I have to go home.

I have to go home.

Amy: (Whispers) Can you hear anything?

No, I can't hear that.

Both: (Chuckle)

(Heartbeat pulses)

How about now?

Loud and clear.

If we were just friends, would I do this?

Both: (Laugh)

Ty: Behave yourself! Amy: Be steady!

Amy: Oh! Ty: Behave yourself!

Both: (Grunting and laughing)

Amy: (Laughing) Stop! Stop!

Ty: (Laughing) Got ya!

Amy: Hey! Hey! (Water splashes)

Whoa! Agh!
(Water splashes)

I gotta see Amy. I gotta see her.

Amy: Okay, um...

I know you don't think so, but we can be friends.

I mean, we are friends, right?

Just... we can be more than that.

(Shouting) Ty!

(Hooves thunder)


Can I have it back? The ring?

I love you. I love you too.

You know, I haven't said this in a while, but I love you. I love you.

I love you.

Woody: Figure this Amy he keeps talkin' about, that's the girlfriend, right?

Jack: Yeah.

Well, Ty, we're gonna let a doctor take a look at ya and then we're gonna get you home.

Ty: I gotta talk to Amy.

Jack: You've got all the time in the world to talk to Amy.

(Truck rumbles up)

Hey. Hey.


Honey, listen, I hope you're not still ticked off at me, eh?

I shouldn't have asked you to talk to your brother.

Oh, you mean, interrogate?

I did it, I messaged him.

M-messaged him? What...?

Well, what did he say?

Not much. He said he's okay.

That's it, he's okay? That's not what I need.

Well, that's all I got.

Are you gonna talk to him again?

Now you're really pushin' it.

Hey, listen, I'm sorry.

I just figured that you might wanna help your father get custody of his son.

I mean, don't you think it would be great if we were all together?

Amy: You know, I don't know how great it would be, especially if you have to ruin Miranda's life in order for it happen!

That is unfair, Amy.

I never set out to hurt anybody.

I just started asking questions.

Yeah, or paid a private detective to ask them for you.

Oh, you know, you might think that Miranda's a wonderful person, but she cannot be a good mother if you knew how much she moved.

Do you know what that does to a kid?

Well, guess what?

A kid being raised by a single mom isn't easy either!

And I'm just wondering why it took you this long to figure that out?!

I have regrets about what happened between your mom and I.

Yeah, I'm sure you do.

I was young. I was stupid.

The rodeo was tearin' my body apart!

I k*lled the pain with pills and the pills tore up my life!

I'm not making excuses - excuses are just a bunch of words.

But that is why I'm trying to do something about Shane, because I don't wanna wake up ten years from now and find out that that kid has grown up and I missed it!


Because Amy...

Not seeing you grow up was the biggest regret of my life, (tearful) And I don't want to make the same mistake again.

Come on, come on.

(Birds Twitter)

Tons of potatoes this year, huh?

(Sighs) Yeah.

Could open up a chip wagon in town.

Oh, I think you got better things to do, don't ya?


Peter: (Sighs)

About the discussion we were having earlier.

You know, my job versus your job...


Whatever you wanna call it, sweetheart.

Can we just start over?

Now that we're both working full-time- and raising a baby.

And raising a baby, exactly, which is non-negotiable, right?

So we're gonna have to hire a nanny.

And we need to find a place to live.

I called a contractor who swears up and down he's gonna be available by the end of the week.

I'll believe that when I see it.

Yeah, well, just like I'll believe you hiring a nanny when I see it.

Okay, I...

There's some mothers at the firm who are starting up a workplace daycare.

I could spend my lunch hours with Katie, check in on her when I get antsy.

Yeah, you could set up some cameras.


I could live stream her directly to my office.

You could do that.

It sounds like a plan.


Jack: Hang in there. You're gonna be fine.

Woody: Yeah, your crazy old man here made damn sure of it!

Ty: (Grimaces) Please, I need to talk to Amy.

Paramedic: You need to lie down and relax.

Jack: So, uh, thank you for all your trouble.

I appreciate it.

Oh, no, put it away. I don't want your money.

Come on.

Honestly. I'm happy to help.

Well, then let me at least pay for the window I broke.

That wouldn't be fair.

It's been like that for years.

Hey, good luck with that kid, all right?

(Tires crunch)

Ty: (Breathing evenly)

Amy: What?

Ty: Get outta the truck.


(Truck starts up)

Let's just start this again.

This is me coming home alone... to you.

Amy: (Laughs happily)

Peter: Lou, give me the keys, honey, I'll drive.

Lou: Okay. (Keys jingle)

Amy, come on, we gotta go!

Grandpa, can I talk to Ty?

Okay, just tell him we're on our way, all right?

Peter: We'll be there in an hour.

Amy: I told you something was wrong.

Lou: Yeah, don't forget to give me a heads up next time you see a ghost.

(Truck rumbles)

(Truck rumbles loudly)

You change the language, change the perception, right?

Yeah, tar sands became the oil sands, oil sands becomes ethical oil.

Do you want a bagel?

(Quietly) Yup.

No, no, the only truly ethical alternative to foreign oil, right?

Yeah, okay, listen, I'm on the 9:00 flight, so I'll catch up with you over lunch, okay?

Okay, Katie, time to go and meet new friends with dirty hands and runny noses, and ear infections...


I know, I've gotta be positive, right?

Birthday parties and play dates and...

And, uh, Valentine's day cards!

Okay, let's go.

Peter: Wait, wait, wait, honey.

Lou: We're gonna be late.

Don't you have a flight to catch?

Peter: Yes, I do, hold on.

I, uh, I got you something.

Should have given it to you days ago.

Here it is.

Congratulations on your promotion.



Peter: There's only one charm on it, but lots of room for expansion, just like our family.

I love it.


Isn't it pretty? Yeah.

Look how pretty.

Woody: Figured you might be lookin' for these sooner or later.

Jack: So...

I borrowed this motorcycle.

And to tell you the truth I haven't given the bikes a second thought since the accident, but it's all Ty's been talkin' about since he got out of the hospital.

Tim: Wow, Jack, judging by that damage, things coulda been a lot worse.

How's that son of yours doing?

Oh, um, well, ruptured spleen and lost a lot of blood.

A little rest and some time, he'll be good as new.

And he's not my son.


I figured the way you were lookin' after him...

Took me until I became a father to realize that a man'd do anything for his son.

♪ There's a light, now there's a light ♪
♪ coming down that mountainside ♪

Hey, you.

You're not supposed to be out of bed.

I know.

I just... I thought I heard something.

Whatever it was, it's gone now.

I guess I'm not much good at layin' around.

You know, the only reason they let you outta the hospital so soon was because I promised that I would make sure you'd do nothing but R&R until the doctor says you're okay.

Ty: (Chuckles and grimaces)


Ty and Amy: (Chuckle)

Here we are and all I wanna do is sleep.

Then that's what you need to do.

Amy, there's so much more I want to say to you.

And you will.

When you're feeling better, we will have all the time in the world to talk.

That's what Jack said.

I started wearing it again.

That's funny.

When I gave that to you I never really understood what I was promising, but I do now.

You have got to get some sleep.


Ty: (Grimacing) Okay, careful.

Both: (Laugh)


Amy: You all right?

Ty: Yeah, I'm okay.

♪ Oh my my, you lonely souls ♪
♪ I can feel it in my bones ♪
♪ yeah! ♪
♪ yeah! ♪
♪ yeah! ♪
♪ yeah! ♪

(Galloping hoof beats)