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05x17 - True Calling

Posted: 03/20/12 19:55
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

How come you didn't tell me you're moving to Nashville?

I didn't think you'd care.

Amy: We're bringing the horses to Heartland.

Mr. Hanley asked me to care for them and I'm going to do that.

You're gonna have to look after more than just horses.

(Dog whines)

Miranda, you think you're gonna win, but you're not.

Put the boy before yourself, for once, 'cause I'm gonna fight you! I'll fight you...

I'll fight you right to the end.

(Spartan grunts and snorts)

(Cell phone rings)

Amy: Good morning.

Ty: Hey. Good morning.

Amy: Well, how are the overnight guests doing?

Ty: Ah, pretty good.

Skeeter made it through the night without chewing on his sutures.

Well, that's progress.

Ty: Yeah, I think I'm starting to go crazy though, being in this clinic for over twenty-four hours.

Well, how about I come by in a little bit?

Yeah, that'd be awesome.

Okay. I should run, but I'll talk to you later.

Okay, bye.

All right, Lobo, come on!

Let's go get some breakfast! Come on!

What would you say if I raised my babysitting fees to twenty-five dollars an hour?

Lou: I would say you're pricing yourself out of the market.

But that's how much I need if I'm gonna be renting an apartment in Hudson.

An apartment?

Yeah, just a one room, or a bachelor, but it has to have a dishwasher.

I'm gonna take a wild guess Mallory, maybe moving to Nashville won't be so bad.

You should think of it as an adventure.

Going to Bora Bora is an adventure.

Moving to Nashville is the worst thing that's happened to me--

And that's saying a lot considering I've fallen into a well.

Amy: Good morning.

Mallory: There's nothing good about it.

(Lobo pants heavily) U: Oh! No way. Muddy paws;

I just washed this kitchen floor.

Plus, he's always trying to eat Katie's food off of her tray.

Yeah, but Katie loves him.

Don't you, Katie? Hmm?

Lou: He's cute, but he's going outside where he belongs.

Can I borrow five thousand dollars?

Excuse me?

Never mind.

Lou: You know, if Lobo won't sleep outside, you should ask Grandpa to like build him a dog house or something.

Where is Grandpa anyway?

Ah! Refer to the very informative note on the fridge.

"Be back later this afternoon. Grandpa."

Yeah, and I'm pretty sure I heard his truck leaving the yard around midnight last night.

Midnight; That doesn't seem like Grandpa.

Hello, Miranda.

Hello, Jack.

Thanks for meeting with me.

Here, have a seat.

I'm not sure this is a good idea.

Oh, please, just hear me out.

I drove a long way.

I only need a few minutes of your time.




(Cattle low)

(g*n cocks)

(g*nsh*t blasts)

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Now, I didn't come all the way to Moose Jaw to cause problems for you.

Ever since you showed up at my door last spring, I've had nothing but problems, and I have the legal bills to prove it.

I have no intention of coming between you and your son.

But Shane's not gonna be a boy forever and you're only gonna be able to keep him away from Tim for so long.

Is that a threat?

No, that's a fact.

When Shane gets older, if he wants to find his father, he will.

But by then, I'm afraid, there won't be a father to find.

Not the one he remembers anyway.

What are you saying?

We have something in common, you and me.

We both knew the old Tim; The one I kicked out of the house.

The same guy you met in Fort St. John.


He's off the wagon, isn't he?

I'm sorry to say.

So what? Why should I care?

Well, because if things get any worse, your son's gonna have a broken-down drunk for a dad, and no amount of lawyers or courtroom battles are gonna protect him from that kind of heartbreak, and you know that.

What is it you want me to do, Jack?

(Low hum of chatter, dishes and cutlery clank)



Lou: Mallory, have you seen where the extra baby wipes went?

What's going on here?

Oh, nothing.

I thought I'd just prepare a little something for lunch.

Is that a quiche?

Quiche Lorraine to be exact.

Wow. What's the occasion?

No occasion.

You're a hard-working mother in the middle of a highly stressful move, and your equally busy husband is away on a business trip.

You barely have time to breathe, let alone prepare a healthy meal.

So sit down and enjoy.

Thank you.

And don't forget to leave room for dessert.

I made a creme brulee that is to die for.

You made a creme brulee?

Mallory: A secret recipe.

I found it on a blog called...

"Secret recipes."

Clearly, a well-kept secret.

Bon appetit!

Wow, Mallory, this looks amazing.

Thank you.

Are you going to join me?

No, thank you.

I think I'm gonna get a head start on the laundry, and then after that there's silverware that should be polished.

No, there isn't.

Oh, then I'll just iron the bedsheets.

Okay, Mallory, what's going on?


This is just an example of what your life could be like with a live-in domestic engineer.


You won't even have to pay me.

I'll work for room and board.

And think about all the money you'll save on daycare.

What about school?

I'll multi-task.

What about your parents?

I'll get... emancipated.

(Sighs) Believe me, I wish you didn't have to move away, Mallory.

I'm gonna miss you like crazy, and so is Katie.

But I don't think this is a very realistic solution.

I know. It was worth a shot.

I guess I'm back to Plan A: Saving up money for rent for an apartment.

And how exactly are you going to do that?

I'm gonna charge you
$75 dollars for the quiche.

Yeah, I don't think so.

But I'll pay you twenty bucks to help me move my junk out of the Quonset hut.


(Hamster squeaks, cat meows nearby)

I hope you're hungry!

Perfect! I am starving.

Thank you.

What're you working on?

Uh, just my vet school applications.

I thought you sent those in days ago.

I was going to, but uh...


This guy in my genetics class is bragging about all of his academic awards.


So I don't have any academic awards.

Yes, but Ty, you have tons of work experience.

Yeah, and so does the guy in my genetics class, and this is his third time applying.

But he's not you.

I know...

Come on.

Ty: I have good grades, and I think I'm a pretty good vet assistant, but that's not enough to get into vet school.

What if it's a waste of time and money?

You're just getting cold feet.

Any university would be lucky to have you.

You're gonna be a great vet.

I gotta go.

What, you're not gonna eat with me?

Lobo ran away this morning, so I'm gonna take Spartan out to look for him.

Are you sure?

I was gonna let you feed Lady Gouda some sesame seeds.

You get those applications finished.


Oh! It's my old mini-fridge.

So many memories...

Your memories smell like stale beer and mouldy pizza.

Isn't it beautiful?

Mallory: Lou, come on. I've heard of nostalgia, but taking pictures of old college appliances, isn't that going too far?

It's not for me, Mallory.

I'm selling all of this stuff online.

Mallory: Seriously? Who is gonna buy this junk?

Are you kidding me?

There is always someone looking for a deal.

Last week I made three hundred bucks selling Peter's old bachelor furniture.

Three hundred bucks?


And every penny's going right back into renovating our new house.

Lou, you're a genius!

Well, I wouldn't say genius.

But did I ever tell you that I was hired by Strickland and Cook even before I graduated from college?

And everyone knows I would've been high school Valedictorian, if it wasn't for Mary Jane Stupka and her stupid GPA, which was one percent higher than mine.

I mean, seriously, one percent.


I want my twenty bucks back!

Tim: All right, all right, I'm here.

What's so damn important you had to bring me all-

Jack: Just come in here and sit down.

Tim: Just tell me what's going on, Ja-!

Hello, Tim.

Tim: What're you doing here?

Where's Shane?

Staying with a friend.

I asked Miranda to come here, Tim.

What're you even involved for?

I got a lawyer for a reason.

I don't know that your lawyer's acting in your best interest.

Tim: Well, it's none of your business, old man.

What did he tell you?

That you need help.

Well, you can go to hell, and you can go to hell.

'Cause whatever he told you is a lie.

I know he's telling the truth, because the man I'm looking at right now, reminds me a lot of the man I dumped in Fort St. John.

I don't need this crap.

I shouldn't have come.

(Bottle cap screws into place)

I'm getting tired of you, Jack.

Give it a rest, huh?

My lawyer is this close to getting custody of that kid.

You must be really drunk, if you believe that.

Keep this up, and not only are you gonna lose Shane, you're gonna lose your daughters too.

Miranda is good enough to come here.

Don't mess this up, Tim.





(Birds chirp)

Amy: Hey! There you are!
(Lobo whines)


(Lobo whines and pants)

Where have you been, huh?

What're you doing?

(Lobo whines)


What happened?

(Lobo whines)

(Lobo whines)

Ty: It's a b*llet wound.


Ty: Yeah, you can see the entrance wound on the other side of his chest, and here's where it exited.

Oh my God...

Who would do something like that?

Ty: Some rancher probably thought he was a wolf.

You know how trigger happy they get when they're trying to protect their livestock.

Well, he's got a good heartbeat, that's good.

The b*llet went in high enough that it missed his heart.

He's a pretty lucky dog.

So are you gonna call Scott?

He's out of town for the weekend.

Dr. Miller's filling in for him.

He just left for the McKnight farm a few hours ago.

He should still be in range.

Dr. Miller, it's Ty. I'm at the clinic.

We've got a bit of an emergency here, if you can call me back when you get this?

Thanks. Bye.

Amy: So what do we do?

We gotta take him to the emergency clinic in Calgary.

Ty, that's over an hour away.

I know, but everything else is closed on Saturday.

(Lobo whines)

Okay, here's what we're gonna do.

I'm gonna staple up the wounds -

I've seen Scott do it a hundred times.

If Dr. Miller doesn't call me back by the time I'm done, at least he won't be bleeding all the way to Calgary.

What can I do?

Clip the hair around the wounds, okay?


Keep him calm.

(Clippers buzz)

Hey, Lou.

Hey, stranger.

Can I give you a hand here?

Here, why don't you take Katie.

Okay, I'd love to.

Hello, sweetheart. Hello.

So where have you been?

Your note was very mysterious.

Yeah, I'm sorry about disappearing like that.

I ended up driving out to Moose Jaw.

Moose Jaw?!

Does this have something to do with Miranda?

Did you have fun shopping for groceries with mommy?


Yeah. Yeah, it has something to do with Miranda.

As a matter of fact, she's in the house right now.

What? Miranda is here? Are you kidding-

She might be staying overnight at the dude ranch, if that's okay.

Grandpa, what is going on?

Your dad is not dealing with this custody situation all that well.

Why don't you give me that, and, come on, honey, we'll go in the house.

And we'll read a book, just you and me, okay?

Can you help me with this?

So this is why you wanted a ride?


I know you said you needed to make money, Mallory, but busking? Really?

I don't even know how to play the guitar.

This is gonna be a disaster.

Jake, I'm not busking!

So what's it for then?

I'll tell you on the way.

Well, where exactly are we going?

This is the address, okay?

But you might want to step on it 'cause I was supposed to be there five minutes ago.

You know, Miranda, I'm really glad you came back here.

Yeah, well, Jack can be very persuasive.

Can I ask you a question?

Of course.

All those years ago, back in Fort St. John, were you in love with my dad?

Oh, um...

Well, you have a daughter, so...

You know what it's like to be suddenly responsible for a tiny human being.

Whether or not I loved your dad, Shane became my world.

And back then, your father, well, he had some problems.

He still does, and I still have to protect my son.

You make it sound like my dad's some kind of a monster Shane needs to be protected from.

No, he's not a monster, but he's a different person when he's drinking.

Um, I'm sorry, back up.

Who said anything about drinking?

All right...

Well, that should do it.

Okay, let's get going.

(Lobo whines)

Wait... Something's wrong.

(Panting rapidly)

What is it?

His breathing, it's not right.

Amy: What's happening?

I'm not hearing good lung sounds.

There might be some air in his chest cavity from the b*llet wound.

That doesn't sound good.

No it's not. Uhm...

Here, can you put this on him?

Amy: It's okay. It's okay, Lobo.

Good boy.


Yeah... what's going on?

Ty I don't know.

Okay. what do we do?



Just let me think ok?

(Door Knocking)

Tim: Miranda? Open the door!

(Banging loudly) Miranda!

(Door bangs shut)
I know why you're here.

'Cause Jack gave you some overblown story about how I've been drinking again, right?

So you came to see for yoursef if I'm an unfit father?

Well, I hate to disappoint you, I'm fine.

Really? You didn't sound fine in that message you left me last week.

What message?

You don't remember, do you?

God... That's unbelievable.

I knew this was a bad idea.

We're gonna leave this to our lawyers.

Look, Shane has not been the same since he came back, okay?

He's angry, he's getting into fights, and comes home late from school and he doesn't wanna tell me where he's been.

He used to be such a sweet boy, and now he's...

He's what?

I'm tired, Tim.

I'm so tired of fighting with you!

I'm tired of fighting with Shane!

I'm... I'm just so tired.

(Door creaks open and clicks shut)

Guy: There you go.

Mallory: Thanks. Guy: Thanks.

Check it out.

Five thousand dollars for a guitar?

It was vintage or something.

Well, where'd you get it from? Your dad?

Yeah. I put it online and then like an hour later some guy from the music store emails me and offers me five thousand big ones.

You know what this means?

It means that I can get an apartment in Hudson!

I don't have to move to Nashville any more!

Oh my gosh!

Let's go pick out affordable Swedish furniture!

(Hedging sigh)


Nothing, it was just... Something about that guy.

I don't know, he seems kinda shifty.

He works at the music store. He's not shifty, he's, you know, cool.

I don't know, but...

We should cash that cheque before we do anything.

Fine! First, we go to the bank and then we go to the furniture store.

You should've told me about dad, and you should've told Amy.

Yeah, I know.

I guess I just didn't wanna believe it myself.

Yeah, well...

The funny thing is, I think I knew.

I mean, all the signs were there.

Well, it's been a tough year for your dad.

So you're making excuses for him?

No! I'm not making excuses, but...

This whole Shane thing has turned his world upside down.

So you brought Miranda here, what, to fix him?

To show him what he has to lose.

Now, if they can work things out, maybe your father will find his own way out of this.

And if they can't?

Grandpa, I'm sorry, but I am not gonna sit by and watch him tear this family apart again.

(Phone rings)

(Phone beeps on)
Yeah. Hello.

Wha... Amy, slow down.

Oh my God. Is he okay?

Amy: We don't know yet.

Lou, I really gotta go.

No, just stay there.

We'll call you if we need anything, okay?


His lungs are collapsed.

So we keep him on oxygen?

Uh... no, it's not gonna help; His chest can't expand so...

Amy: 'Kay. What do we do?

We gotta get the air out of his chest.


I don't know.

I've never seen Scott do anything like this before.

Um... Why isn't Dr. Miller calling me back?

Ty, we need to get him to the emergency clinic.

We can't go to the clinic; Lobo can't breathe.

We're not gonna make it there in time.

You don't look like a girl who just cashed a cheque for $5000 dollars.

That's because it bounced.

I knew he was shifty.

It's probably just a mistake; A temporary cash flow issue.

Let's just go back to the music store and clear this all up.

Don't look at me like that, Jake!

Everything's fine. Now, let's go!

(Door closes)

Tim: Hello!

Oh! Something smells good in here.

Let's see what we have.

(Chuckles, pleased)
Oh, baby...


(Deliberate knife slices)

Hello to you, too!

Okay, okay, if this is about..

Me not being there to help you with this move of yours, Lou, I'm sorry, I've been tied up.

I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Do me a favour.

Don't make me any promises, dad.


When I was fifteen, you promised I'd see you again and you walked out the door and I didn't see you for ten years, so...

What're you talking about this for, Lou?

This is ancient history.

I'm not going anywhere.

Well, I hope that's true, dad, I really do, but, um, I don't know how I'm supposed to trust you.

You can trust me.

No, dad, I can't!

Not when you're drinking.


Okay, if your grandfather told you something, he's blowing this way out of proportion.
I don't want you to see Katie any more.


No, I...

If you're gonna leave again, then I don't want you to see her any more because it'll just be easier that way, all right?

Don't do this!

I'm fine!

I swear I'm fine!

You better be.
(Tearing up)

And if you're not, then get help!

There's dinner if you're hungry.

(Door chime jingles)

Can you believe this?

The manager of the store hasn't heard of the guy I sold the guitar to.

He doesn't even work there.

I can spot shifty from a mile away; That guy was shifty.

What am I gonna do?

Well, you're gonna have to call your dad.


Why not?

Because I can't.

He doesn't know about your plans to move out, does he?

Not exactly.

Well, then I guess...

You're gonna have to phone the police.

No! They'll just tell my parents and they can't find out about this.

You have to promise not to tell them!

I promise.

This is a disaster.

I'm an idiot.

I really am moving to Nashville, aren't I?

Okay, here it is.

We need a three-way stop valve.

It should be in that drawer underneath the clipboard.

Okay. Uh... is this it?

Yeah, that's it.

'Kay, what else?

Uh, we need a syringe, and a needle and catheter.

Where's that?

Just in that drawer on the left - right beside, yup.


Amy: Okay. Ty: Thank you.

Can you also get the drapes ready right there?


Thank you.

You're gonna be okay, boy, you hear me? You're okay.

Jack, do you have a second?

Yeah, I guess.

I think I did something really bad.

How bad?

Pretty bad; Like against the law bad.

Okay, start at the beginning.

My dad has this vintage guitar and I sort of... borrowed it.

You borrowed it.

Okay, I stole it.

Why would you do something like that?

I was desperate!

I was really just gonna sell some of my old things online, but then I saw the movers packing up my dad's office and I thought to myself, it's now or never, Mallory.

This moment is gonna define the rest of your life!

All right! Just get to the point.

All right...

I knew my dad wouldn't miss his guitar until he was in Nashville, but by then I'd have already sold it and I'd be living in my own apartment, with a dishwasher, in Hudson.

You sold the guitar?


But then the cheque bounced.

What were you thinking?

Why do I have to move my entire life to Nashville?

This is my home. It's not fair!

So you think it's not fair!

That doesn't justify stealing!

I'm sorry, Jack. I really am sorry.

Please don't be disappointed in me.

I know... it was wrong, but my parents are wrong too.

How could they be doing this to me?

(Door closes)

Tim: Room service.

Miranda: Hi.

I-I'm not really hungry.

Well, Lou put this together for you.

I'll just leave it here.

Save it for later.

(Fire crackles)

Do you wanna sit?

Tim: Yeah, I got a minute.

So what're we gonna do about Shane?

And please don't mention lawyers because if this goes to court, I'm gonna win and you know it!

You're holding all the cards; Why don't you tell me?

I want Shane to have a father.

He has a father.

Miranda: (Disagreeing) Mmm.

Not the kind that leaves me threatening messages on my voice-mail.

(Mumbling) Yeah, sorry about that.

Well, that won't happen again.

It's cold in here. You cold?

No, I'm fine.

Let me get you a blanket.

No, I'm fine. Really.

I'll fix this fire up.

(Kindling clatters)

You know, that smells really good; Maybe I am hungry.

Here, here. I'll get it, I'll get it.

(Fire crackles)

Thank you.

No, there are no onions in it, I checked.

You remember?


Shane doesn't like onions either.

No, Shane doesn't like most vegetables, except maybe for corn.

Yeah, but it has to be out of the can; Can't be frozen.

Yeah, he hates frozen.

He likes broccoli.



Yeah, Lou made this broccoli casserole; He couldn't get enough of it.

You gotta get that recipe.

Yeah, I guess I do.

Better set another place; Mallory's joining us for dinner.

Can I spend the night, Lou?

So long as it's okay with your parents.

Jack: I'll give 'em a call.

You're not gonna say anything, are you?

Well, not tonight.

But tomorrow morning you will.

Is that clear?

Mallory: Yes, Jack.

Lou: Yeah, go ahead.

What was that about?

Well, it's a long story. I'll fill you in later.

Have you heard from Amy?

No. Not yet.

Okay, attach the stop-valve to the syringe.

Ty: Okay.

Amy: Make sure it's in the off position.

It's off.

Now you have to insert the needle into the chest.

(Oxygen hisses)



There's a lot of blood vessels in the chest, and if I was to hit one, that would be uh...

That would be bad.

Then don't hit a blood vessel then.


Okay, the intercostal blood vessels lie just...

Back from each rib, so from the front side... Right here.

You can do this.

Okay, it's in.

The syringe, I'm opening the valve.


Here goes nothing.

It's working.

The air's coming out.

Amy: It's okay, boy.

And again.

How he's doing?

The same.

Okay, we keep going.

Keep going.

That's it;

That's all the air out of his chest.

That's all we can do.

(Oxygen hisses)

We should've taken him to the clinic.

Ty, you made the right choice.

You did everything you could.

(Sighs heavily)

Miranda: When was the last time we just sat together and talked.

I don't know.

Fort St. John?



Oh, nothing.

What? What?

Nothing. I'm just...

Thinking about that bar where I met you.

(Groans) What was the name again?


It was a dump.

I remember the line you used on me.

Tim: It must've been good;

I was pretty smooth back then.

(Laughing) Smooth is not the word I would use.

You came up to me and said, um, my friend over there wants to know if you think...

...think I'm handsome. Yeah.

It's a good line.

It's not a good line. It's sad and pathetic.


Well, I remember what you said.

You said to me, you go tell your friend that I've seen better.

I did?

Tim: (Laughing) Yeah.

Well, that's a great line.

(Tim and Miranda both laugh)

I wouldn't worry about Shane fighting in school.

That's just... That's what kids do.

Shane is a sensitive boy.

He's not like the other kids in his class.

He's a lot tougher than you think he is.

You should've seen him rope steers this summer.

He was getting pretty good at it.

Rodeo's his new obsession, thanks to you.

Well, he's his father's son.

Yeah, well, he has other interests, you know.

Like last summer, he went to writing camp.

Riding camp...

Writing camp.

They have a camp for that?

They have a camp for everything now - and he had the time of his life, but...

He didn't tell you that.

Well, no.

I don't care if he went to writing camp or science camp or...

I just want a chance to be his father.

I believe you.

Now you just have to prove it.

Well, how do I do that?

Well, this is a good start.

(Fire crackles)

(Dog barks out back, cats meow)

Amy: Ty! Ty, come in here!

He's awake and I think his breathing is better.


Easy, boy...



Oh, he's definitely sounding a lot better.

(Lobo growls, Ty laughs)


And his gums are nice and pink; That means there's oxygen in the blood.

So he's gonna be all right?

Yeah, I think so.

(Lobo growls softly, Ty laughs)

(Phone rings)

Dr. Miller.

Yeah, my girlfriend came in with her dog.

He has a pneumothorax.

I took the air out of his chest and he seems to be stable now.

I did it by myself, and I'm sorry, I know I overstepped my boundaries, but we didn't think we could get him to the emergency clinic.


No, thank you. Um...

Well, Scott's a good teacher.

Okay. Okay.

He's on his way right now.

He said I did everything he would've done.


(Sighs, relieved)

(Amy sighs)

(Softly) Lou.

Amy, hey...

Hey. What're you doing in here?

I wanted to make sure I saw you when you got home.

Um, how's Lobo?

He pulled through, thanks to Ty.

That's great.

I am so exhausted.

I think I could probably sleep for a week.

Yeah, I don't blame you...

(Clears throat)
But um...

Amy, there's...

There's something I need to tell you about dad.


(Birds chirp)

(Cell phone rings)

(Cell phone rings)


Be right there.
(Phone beeps off)

Jake, your eye.

That's nothing; Just a scratch.

What happened?

I tracked down your dad's guitar.


The music store manager did some searching; The guy who tried to rip you off was trying to resell your guitar online.

I asked him to set up a meeting, I showed up, and we had a little chat.

Well, by the look of your face, you did more than just talk.

Like I told you, he was shifty.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to drag you into all of this.

You don't have to be sorry.


I'll get you some ice for your eye.

No, it's fine. I'm gonna get going.

This is the sweetest thing that anyone's ever done for me.

Thank you.

Hold that thought.

One of these days, I'm gonna take you on a proper date: Dinner, flowers, the whole deal.

Jake, I'm moving away.

You'll be back.

You have a nice day, now.

(Birds twitter loudly outside, door closes)

(Groans quietly)

(Footsteps thud lightly)

(Door closes)

(Blows warm air on his hands)

(Birds chirp and twitter, wind gusts lightly)

(Truck rumbles)

(Screws cap back on bottle)




Is everything all right?

Yeah. I just wanted to see you.

I love you, dad.

I love you too, honey.

You know everything's gonna be just fine, right?

I believe you.

(Choked up breaths)
I should go.

Okay, okay.

See you.

Okay, bye.

(Truck door opens and shuts, engine fires up)

(Truck rumbles away)

(Bottle slides across the ground)

Come on.

(Liquor splatters on the ground)

(Bottle lands with a soft thud in the snow)

(Sighs heavily)

Jack: Boy, that is one amazing guitar.


You know what you have to do.

I got the guitar back.

Can't we just pretend that none of this ever happened?

Fine, let's just get it over with.

Hey, Dad. Uh, I'm fine.

I have something to tell you.

Are you sitting down?

So I'll call you as soon as I get to Moose Jaw.

Okay, okay.

You better drive safely.

The weather looks like it's turning a bit.

Yeah, I will, thanks.


You know, I can't remember the last time I stayed up all night and talked like that.

Me either.

(Sighs) Me either. Okay-

Well, I have a long drive ahead of me, so I'll... I'll get going.


All right. Bye.

(Door closes, car starts up)


I got a crazy idea.

Why don't you just stay another night?

We'll talk.

(Cats meow, birds chirp, mice squeak)

All right, Lady G, lunchtime.

(Dog barks)

Hey, Bella, look what I got for you!

Huh? What's this? What's this? You want it?

(Bella groans)

Yeah, a new chew toy for you!

(Lobo pants)

All right...

How's he doing?

I think he's pretty much back to his old self, thanks to you.

Yeah, Lobo...

Well, Dr. Miller's got him on some antibiotics.

We're gonna keep an eye on him.

If there's no infection, you should be able to take him home pretty soon.

Oh... you hear that, Lobo? You hear that?

Thank you.

(To Lobo) Thank you - say thank you.

♪ How does a mountain become... a canyon? ♪

I'll be right back.

♪ How do lovers split through? ♪
♪ how does one suddenly become two? ♪

So I gave the guitar back to your dad.

Seems like he's calmed down a bit.

He's waiting for you outside.

I wanna remember everything exactly the way it is.

Mallory, I want you to know that I talked to your dad about you coming to live here at Heartland.

He said that he was gonna be working a lot in Nashville and he'll be able to spend a lot more time with you and your mom.

Thanks for trying.

♪ A lifetime... ♪
♪ how does a touch turn into... ♪

Maybe you wanna ask your dad to come back later; That way you'll be able to see everybody, say goodbye in person.


I don't think I could handle that.

Besides, this isn't goodbye, right?

No, you're right, it's not.

♪ Does anybody know how to keep ♪
♪ how to hold love close? ♪

It's different though.

New city, new school...

Yeah. That might be pretty exciting.


Lou said it could be like an adventure.

That's a real good way to look at it.

You take care of yourself, Jack.

I will.

You make sure you watch your cholesterol.

Jack: (Chuckles) Okay.

And don't drink too much coffee.

I won't.

Mallory: I'm serious.

All that caffeine is really bad for your heart.

And let's face it, you're not getting any younger.

(Jack laughs)
Well, you are right about that.

♪ Does anybody know how to keep ♪
♪ how to hold love close? ♪
♪ closer than your heart ♪
♪ so nothing can break it apart ♪
♪ hold on ♪
♪ does anybody know? ♪

(Door closes)

♪ Does anybody know? ♪
♪ does anybody know? ♪

♪ how does a glance turn into a lifetime? ♪

(Mailbox door snaps shut)

Announcer: Next Sunday On the season finale...

Can't imagine being anywhere Else but here with you.

Announcer: From Friendship to love...

I don't want to lose you.

Announcer: Now, The final step...

I want your permission to ask her to marry me.

Announcer: Will it be A fairytale ending?

Heartland, the season finale, Next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.