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01x21 - Bloodline

Posted: 04/26/23 15:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Rookie"...

HARPER: An arm was found
near Silverlake Reservoir

- this morning.
- I honestly don't know

what instrument was used to remove it.

That arm is related to
a case in Arizona.

A coroner there found an arm

that was severed with
that same mystery tool,

and both were done while
the victim was still alive.

That's horrible.

And it means we're looking
at a possible serial k*ller.

- Should we be calling the feds?
- Yeah, I already did.






[CHUCKLES] I gotta bounce
or my mom'll disown me.

See you at school.












- [GASPS] Ah!
- Wow!

Hold on. Let me take this in.

My first home.

That I bought with my own money.

I'm so happy for you.

Really? You're okay that
I'm putting down roots here

when you live in D. C.?

Of course.

I love youuuu-ur neighborhood.

It's so eclectic and...

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

You just dropped the L-b*mb
and then ran for cover.

- No.
- Oh, yeah, I get it.

I'm cute, smart,

up to my eyeballs in debt
after that down payment...

But I'm still winning at life.
What's not to love?

Shall we christen the place?

Yes. Ah! [GIGGLES]

Test out the countertops?

- That sounds amazing.
- Mm.

But the countertops are
acid etched and very expensive.

- Hmm.
- What about the bathroom floor?

- Yes.
- Oh, you know what?

That tile is original.


You're so spontaneous.

- Come on.

Um... no.

- What?
- Seriously?

I have to go into work.

Uh, this is...
You're in the middle of a move.

- Garza gave you the day off.
- I know.

And he would not bug me
unless it was serious.

Movers are coming in literally an hour.

They're not gonna know
where to put any of this stuff.

Oh, but you will.

Is this a test?


And if you love me, you'll ace it.


Thank you.


Here you go.

One more kiss.

- Mm.
- Bye.

GARZA: Okay, listen up.

During a recent m*rder investigation,

LAPD uncovered what could
possibly be a serial k*ller

operating right here in Los Angeles.

- Please.
- We discovered a severed arm

that was not linked to our m*rder.

It had a unique cut.

Unique how?

It was too clean.

There were no striations
from a commercial blade,

no burn marks from an industrial torch.

We matched that unique cut
to a severed leg

from a Black female found in Arizona.

That's when we called in Agent Clark.

And that's when I called in Antoinette.

I haven't been able to fully
examine the limbs yet,

but it's clear that both were
severed using a waterjet cutter.

The waterjet uses an industrial pump

that propels water faster
than the speed of sound.

It can cut through metal like butter.

It is not a common tool,
which means our k*ller needed

both access and technical expertise.

Like a specialized factory worker.

Right. Or high-end
construction contractors

often use waterjets to cut glass,

granite, marble, porcelain.

Does that mean you had access to one?

Yeah. I have a friend
who lends me his whenever I...

I just made myself a suspect, didn't I?

- Yeah.

Swear it wasn't me.

They all say that. Don't worry, Carter.

I'm keeping my eyes on this one.

Were you able to I. D. The victims?

Not yet. Both limbs were
compromised from exposure,

so DNA typing is in process.

My next step is to examine the arm

that just landed in my lab.

- Good.
- Would you mind if I watched?


- Happy to have you.
- Sweet.

Most serial murderers target
a certain type of victim.

On the face of it, the fact
that our current victims

are different genders and races...

It suggests that there's a-another
factor that connects them.

Could it be opportunity k*lling?

Possible. But not probable.

Okay. I want everyone
bringing their A-game today.


Let's stop this guy
before he takes another victim.

Let's move. Thank you for your help.

Please reach out
if you need anything else.

Of course.

So, how's the remodel design going?

Slowly, sorry.

Protecting and serving
has been a little hectic.

Tell me about it.

I still say you should hire
a professional architect.

I say don't dim your shine.

Everything you've shown me
so far looks great.

Okay, well, I will send you
some revised drawings.

And good luck with
your psychopath of the day.

- Thanks, handsome.
- Bye.

So what's the first step?

A physical examination...
Which I've already done.

Aside from the amputation area,

the condition of the limb is consistent

with the two-week
timeline since removal.

So while the victim was still alive?


And the Arizona victim's leg

was removed approximately
two weeks before that.

That means our psycho k*ller
is due to k*ll again soon.

Possibly. But careful
jumping to conclusions

at this early stage.

Science is about facts, not supposition.

And two instances
don't constitute a pattern.

- Is that an infrared camera?

Very good.

Now that I've examined the limb
with the naked eye,

it's time to see
what I can't see naturally.


What's that?

That is how we're going to I. D.
Our victim.

Sebastian Milner... Thirty-two years old

at the time of his death,
out on parole for armed robbery.

His wife, Sheriece, reported
him missing two weeks ago.

SIMON: Thank you
for coming in, Sheriece.

SHERIECE: Did you find Sebastian?

Whatever it costs
to bail him out, I'll pay.

Honey, I am sorry to tell you this.

But your husband has been m*rder*d.

I knew he didn't leave me.
My family can suck it.

Wait. Uh, what?

I've been defending Sebastian
ever since we became penpals

when he was in prison.

They all said he was using me,
but, uh-uh, we fell in love.

Yeah. Um, when was
the last time you saw him?

days ago.

He went out to the liquor store
at midnight to get a six-pack.

Never came home.

Before his disappearance,
did you notice anything strange,

like phone calls where people hang up,

or was anyone following you guys?


He always said
the only way he would leave me

was if God took him.

Right. Well, God didn't do this.

But if you can remember
what liquor store he went to,

maybe we can find out who did.

Do you remember seeing this guy
two weeks ago?

[SIGHS] Negative.

Do you know how many people
come in and out of my store every day?

Plenty, but this guy's a m*rder victim.

So look again.


Answer's the same. Don't recall.

BRENDON: Don't recall, or won't recall?

Maybe it'll jog your memory
if we check behind the counter,

see if you're stocking something...

Okay, okay.

Guy tried to rob me.
Pointed a . in my face.

Then out of nowhere,

some dude shows up in a mask
and tases him.

So you witnessed a m*rder?

- Whoa, slow down.

I didn't witness nothing.
I hit the deck.

When I got up, both guys were gone.

Why didn't you call the police?

I get robbed every other week.
Cops don't do squat.

Dude with the mask saved my life.

Ain't no way
I was dropping a dime on him.

Well, now you are.

Get us your surveillance tapes.


So our serial k*ller
is a masked vigilante?



How's the decorating going?

- ATLAS: Great. Ready?

Using my keen profiling skills,

I channeled you
and placed your furniture

exactly where you would want it. Boom.

- LAURA: Mark. That's perfect...
- ATLAS: Mm-hmm. Yes.

For someone with
no sense of interior design.

Come on. A man of your skills
and talents.

The couch, for example, is
the visual anchor in the room,

and you have it up against the wall.

- Yeah.
- BRENDON: Atlas. Hey, buddy.

Hey, Brendon. Um, Laura,
when are you coming back?

Maybe it's better if you did this.

I can't. I'm on a serial.

Hello. My specialty.

- Mine too.

And you are too busy
proving your love for me

by getting my house squared away.

So glad I'm not dating you.

Me too.

SEBASTIAN: Money! Now!

- LARRY: Okay, okay, okay.

I got it.


What the hell kind of taser is that?

It's a picana.

It's basically a cattle prod
used for t*rture.

It delivers twice the voltage
of a stun g*n.

Our suspect thinks he's Batman.

Last I checked, the caped crusader

doesn't cut criminals
into tiny, little pieces...

Well, unless we're talking
about Frank Miller's Batman.

You know, we just got a report
that a teenager was att*cked last night

by a guy with a big-ass knife.

Only to be saved by a masked man
with a cattle prod.

SIMONE: This is our guy.

- LAURA: Yeah.
- Let's ride.

Sweetheart said ♪

- Qué será, será ♪

Whatever will be, will be ♪


♪ The future's not ours to see ♪

When was the first time you felt
the impulse to hurt someone?

Hey, man,

I-I wasn't gonna touch
that kid... I swear.

Don't lie.

I know it sounds crazy,

but the truth will make this hurt less.

Why are you doing this to me?

♪ Will I be handsome? Will I be rich? ♪

The same reason you hurt people.

I'm a predator...

Qué será, será ♪

only I rage against my fate.

♪ The future's not ours to see ♪

Whereas you embrace it without question.


What will be, will be ♪

And you can't stop it.

Qué será, será ♪

- So I will.

Tell me you got something.

- I've got something.
- Good. What do you got?

An impatient boss
breathing down my neck.

Come on, Matt. You know this takes time,

finding a serial k*ller.

And we hardly have anything to go on.

We don't even know
how he picks his victims.

It's just... It can't be a coincidence

that he's ending up at crime scenes

at the exact right moment
to save people.

It's not. Because
he's not there to save them.

He's there to stop the attacker.

Most serial K*llers
stalk their victims, right?

Well, odds are
he's doing the same thing.

Right. But if he's looking for
violent criminals,

- how does he target them?
- The obvious assumption

is that he's law enforcement, right?

Well, let's not jump to that
conclusion just yet, Brendon.

DNA results came in on both victims.

We couldn't find a match
on the female victim.

But we did find a match
between her and Sebastian.

Our victims are related?

Yes. They had the same
biological father.

Okay, boss. According to
Sebastian's widow,

he never knew
who his biological father was.

His mother purchased donor sperm

from a fertility clinic
at Saint Stephen's.

We need to find out if our female victim

was a product of the same donor.

Or if her mama was knocking boots

with our mystery donor in real life.

Hopefully, the doctor at Saint Stephen's

can give us the answer.

Patient records are confidential.

Yes, sir. But we're hunting
a serial k*ller who m*rder*d the child

of at least one of your old patients.

My clinic has delivered
thousands of kids

through IVF over the decades,

so odds are some of them
have met untimely ends.

But we may be able to keep someone else

from being m*rder*d.
And your files could really help us.

Unless there's another reason

you don't want us looking
at your records?


Doctor, let me remind you

that lying to the FBI is a crime.

Okay. A couple months ago,

someone hacked into our system.

Accessed patient records
from thirty-plus years ago,

then wiped them from the servers.

Please tell us you have hard copies
of those files somewhere.



You know who would love
to go through these boxes?


Oh-ho-ho-ho, I just did an escape room

that looked exactly like this.

But this place smells
way more authentic.

I didn't mean to drag you into this.

It's fine. Fertility records
are highly technical

with an emphasis on anonymity.

Elena will need my help
deciphering them.

CARTER: Our first priority
is to identify

Sebastian's donor father...
Use him to get the identities

of any other children from his samples.

They might be the k*ller's next targets.

We won't let you down.

No doubt. Happy hunting.

So... how do you want to start?

By getting organized.

Hopefully, they'll get an answer

before our unsub strikes again.

I'd put money on those two.

Wh... Hold up, Carter.


W-What are you doing here?
What's going on?

It is nothing.

No, no, really.

I-I just got a little dizzy.
I did not want to worry you.

Doctor, should I be worried?

His dizziness could be caused
by any number of things,

most of them fairly benign.

- See?
- But due to his age,

we need to run some tests,
just to be sure.

So we'd like to keep him overnight.

CUTTY: Of course you do.

Damn capitalist medical system
just wants my money.

Knock it off. You got good insurance.

You're gonna stay here
as long as they tell you to.

And guess what else.

I'm gonna be right here with you.

- Absolutely not.
- Why?

Because it's just
a lot of waiting around.

And tell me you do not have something

more important going on.

Look, I'll call you if anything changes.

And I will call with regular updates.

Thank you, Doctor.

You, next time, call me
before you head to the E. R.

[MUTTERS] Y... Mm-hmm.


Go on, now. Go on.

- Is everything okay?
- I'm hoping it will be.

♪ I cry for you ♪

♪ Ohhhh ♪

♪ Monday to Sunday ♪

♪ Ohhh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh ♪

I don't understand
how you people survived

before computers.

How old do you think I am?

You know what? Don't answer that.

Finally... Sebastian's file.

Or rather... His mother's.

So who's the donor?

Doesn't say...

See, the identity is coded.

A Z. Which means...

We need the corresponding donor file.

I stacked those over here.


Here we go. File A Z...

AKA: Thomas Clay Briggs.

I know that name.
Why do I know that name?

ELENA: Thomas Clay Briggs
is currently serving

six life sentences
for the serial murders

of five people back in the early s.

Their father was a serial k*ller.



Thank you.



Now, what could the FBI
possibly want with me?

Not that I'm complaining.

You're, uh, breaking up
the monotony of my day.

Mr. Briggs,
have you ever donated... sperm?

What kind of question is that?

A straightforward one. Have you?

Back in college, yeah.

I, uh... I traded fluids for beer money.

Was it always the same clinic?


LAURA: We're not at liberty to say.

Then I'm not at liberty
to answer any more questions.



Uh, no. Uh, we're good.

- BRENDON: Thank you.


Seven children were born
from your... donation.

So what?

You just found out you're a dad.

- That's your reaction?
- Yeah. What do I care?

I'm dying in this place.

You think I'm gonna get all touchy-feely

about a bunch of strangers who exist

'cause I got touchy-feely
with myself for cash?

When you put it that way... Uh, no.

Then why the hell did you drive

all the way out here
to ask me about this?

Someone's k*lling off
your kids, one by one.


Now, that's more interesting.

And I can see why
you didn't want to share that.

Do you have any idea
who could be behind this?

I mean, if it was me,
I'd, uh, pay a visit

to the families of my victims.

After what I did to their loved ones...

I'd want revenge, too.

- That's the last box.
- Okay.

That means we have seven
children from Briggs' samples.

All born between and .

We already knew about Sebastian Milner.

And Edwina Davis here matches

our African-American Jane Doe.

Reported missing a month ago.

And the others? Are they local?

We should get them protection.

I haven't been able to track
down everyone's whereabouts,

but, this one... Maggie Whitlock...

- Lives in Grenada Hills.

Boy, you just can't
get enough of me, can you?

Like you didn't volunteer
for this detail

'cause you knew I'd be swinging by.

Is Maggie Whitlock inside?

With her son, Theo, yes.

You let them know what's going on?

I thought that might be
best coming from you.

But I did tell her you're on your way.


FBI, Mrs. Whitlock. Can we come inside?


Hey, cutie pie. Is there a place

we could talk outside
of the range of little ears?

Uh... hey, Theo, I noticed
you have a train set.

Would you mind showing me your trains?

I'm totally into those.

Is that okay?

BRENDON: Given who his father is,

you really think it's a coincidence

that Sebastian Milner
turned into a violent criminal?

There's no way to tell.

Sebastian's childhood is
a litany of abuse and neglect.

In and of itself,
that's causal for psychopathy.

And DNA from a serial k*ller
didn't do anything

to our other victim, Edwina Davis,

other than make her
a law-abiding citizen.

- Oh.

Elena just got a phone number
for another one of Briggs' kids.

- ROMAN: Hello?

- Hi. Is this Roman Griffith?
- Yeah, it's me.

This is Special Agent
Laura Stensen with the FBI.

ROMAN: That's a nice try,
but I'm not gonna give you

my social security number, so...

Uh, this isn't a scam, Mr. Griffith.

I'm calling to inform you that
your life could be in danger.


What kind of danger?

Someone appears to be targeting
the children of your biological father.

Were you aware that
your mother used a sperm donor?

No. My parents never told me
that they used a donor.

And now you're telling me
he's a serial k*ller?

The most important thing right now

is to keep you and your son safe.

My son has the DNA
of a serial k*ller, too.

Do you want to ride
backwards or forwards?

Are you currently in Los Angeles?

Roman: No. I'm... I'm in
Vancouver for a couple weeks.

Alright. Well,
you're probably safe for now,

but as soon as we hang up,

I'll reach out
to the field office in Seattle

and alert them to what's going on.

Targeting innocent people
who had no choice

who their father is...

What kind of sick monster
would do something like that?

I try not to use labels like monster.

Most serial K*llers
start as ordinary people

and end up doing monstrous things.

Um... so... So what should I do?

Uh, just keep a low profile
and alert me the minute you travel back.

We'll set you up
with a protective detail.

Okay. Thank you.

CARTER: Officer Nolan will stay
while you pack your things

and then escort you
to a secure location.

- Hi.

Who are you?


Wait, wait. But right now,

I need you to take your son
into the bathroom

and lock the door.

I don't have time for you
to ask questions.

Do it now.

- What's going on?
- Look over my left shoulder...

In the trees. He's here.

That's him. That's the guy.

MAGGIE: Theo's gone.

He goes out the doggy door
sometimes to play outside.

Ma'am, we need you to stay inside.

-Adam- , send me code- units
on me and an airship.

Eyes on m*rder suspect.

Possible kidnapping.
In foot pursuit with FBI agents.

- Nothing?
- Nothing.

Let's go.

FBI! I'm so sorry.

Baby, you okay, huh?

You had us scared.
We were looking for you.

What you got there?

He's gone. There's a road back there.

He must've had a car stashed.

CARTER: What's that?

A trophy. From our k*ller.

GARZA: We got lucky.
If he'd have taken that boy...

Why didn't he?

If he's targeting
all of Briggs' progeny,

then why not go after the grandkid?

Maybe he has some sort of moral code.

Boss, this guy was so damn bold.

You got one cop, two feds,

and he still hung around
in the backyard to watch?

GARZA: Okay. Well, the good news is,

is that all other potential
victims have been accounted for.

So we are gonna shift
into hunting mode, right?

This guy's moving fast,

which means he's definitely
made some mistakes.

That's how we're gonna catch him. Okay?

Uh, hey, so I'll...
I'll see you in , minutes?

Oh, and, uh, do you want
monastery, or stinky?

What are you talking about?

Uh, cheese plate for your house.

Who invited you to my house?

Atlas invited me and Antoinette
for a house warming.

You know what?

That's... That's great.

Yeah, it'll be nice having you.

And as far as the cheese,
just surprise me.

Great. See ya later.

See ya.


Daddy, did you find out
you were getting dizzy

because you were having too much sex?


I'm just playing.

I talked to Dr. Price, and she told me

she's still waiting on
some of your test results,

but she's ruled out
the big, scary stuff.

Look, they've taken enough blood from me

to feed a family of vampires.

The test result won't come back
until tomorrow.

I could have called you on
the phone and told you that.

But I needed to look you in your eyes

for you to tell me how long
you've been getting dizzy.

[SIGHS] A week.

On and off.

- What?
- Well, Simone, I'm old.

In case you hadn't noticed.

And if I get freaked out
by every little ache and pain,

I would live in the doctor's office.

Well, if you don't let
the people who love you

take care of you,
you won't live anywhere.

And what is that for?

Oh, that's for me.

We're having a sleepover

and there is nothing
you can do about it.

Want to play dominoes?

Well, yeah.

I'm so glad you came over.

- BRENDON: Ready?

- You know what?
- BRENDON: What?

I think it's gonna
look better over there.

- It just was over there.

Are you doing this just to
watch us lift heavy things?

- No.
- I'm watching you.

Yeah, I'm watching you.

- BRENDON: Oh, God.
- ATLAS: See?

She's been doing this all day.

I'm happy to help.

Yes. Now, that is perfect.

- Great.
- Oh, I just...

I love this living room.

Hey, you ever notice
how people can easily

express love for things, but not people?

There's something
pathological about that,

- wouldn't you say, Brendon?
- Oh, God.

Is this one of your
passive-aggressive fights?

Uh, it's so weird. I don't like it.

Glad you finally approve, though.

- Mm.
- Makes being here all day

a little easier to take,
especially since I missed

all the fun of chasing down
a serial k*ller.

- Fun?
- Yeah.

We need to get this guy out more.

You guys got to meet Tom Briggs.

I've always been fascinated with him.

I mean, okay, most people think
that his psychopathy

is based in the abuse that he suffered,

but I think it stems from
his mother's mental illness.

- Come on.
- Oh, here we go.

The old weekly
nature vs. nurture debate.

I think I'm gonna
have to start drinking.

- Alright. Where's the...
- Corkscrew?

Yeah, I remember seeing that

in one of the twenty-five boxes
a few hours ago.

- Okay.
- Yeah, sorry.

Well, uh, luckily,

there's a really cute market
down the street

and it's open late,
so I'll just get a new one.

I'll come with you. Come on.

You know what? Why don't you stay?

You know I love a nighttime drive.

I just love

- the wind in my hair.
- ATLAS: Mm.

♪ I drink too much to escape it ♪

You guys need anything?

♪ But I'm trying to erase it ♪

♪ What keeps you picking up
the pieces of me ♪

♪ Night after night? ♪

- ♪ Do you feel it ♪

♪ Crazy is calling, do you feel it? ♪


- Something's been bugging me.
- Hmm?

Briggs... he didn't know about
any of these kids.

He... He barely remembers
donating sperm.

But somehow our new serial k*ller

knows the exact fertility clinic
to burglarize.

How's that possible?

You never turn off, do you?

Not around you.

Real smooth. But that is interesting.

Who else would have access
to that information?

- The clinic's employees,

or the patients, or...

The children themselves.

[MUSIC DISTORTING] ♪ Crazy is calling ♪

♪ Now do you feel it? ♪

♪ Tell me, do you feel it? ♪

♪ Do you feel it? ♪

♪ Feel it now? ♪


♪ Tell me, do you feel it now? ♪




[DISTANT] How are you feeling?

Sorry. I know the cattle prod
packs quite a punch,

but I... I just didn't think
you'd come willingly.

We spoke on the phone.

- You're Roman.
- [CLEARLY] Very good.

You're one of the kids...

And you're taking out your siblings.


And you're gonna help me
finish what I started.

ATLAS: There we go.

Now we can play Call of Duty in K.

I can't believe Laura has an Xbox.

She didn't, till now.
I got it as a housewarming gift.

I.E., you bought it for yourself.

What's taking Laura so long?

I don't know. Didn't she say the store

- was just down the street?
- Yeah.


Car's still here.

ATLAS: That's...


- You hear that?
- BRENDON: Yeah.


Oh, no.

Okay. Why did he take her?

Not sure. But we might have
an idea of who he is.

Now is not the time for suspense, so...

He's one of Briggs' biological children.

The files that were stolen were sealed.

Except for his offspring.
Any one of them

could have looked
into their biological father.

That's not a motive
to m*rder their siblings.

No, but it is a lead.

So three of the kids
are either dead or assumed so.

Who is left?

Uh, Maggie Whitlock seems unlikely.

Roman Griffith is in Vancouver.

No, he's not.

That's the man I saw
in Maggie's backyard.

I'm positive.

Okay. We need a deep dive
on Roman Griffith.

And we need it yesterday. Let's go.

Alright. Let's do this.


[SIGHS] Okay.

Clearly you're a serial m*rder*r.

With the pathology that entails.


When I spoke with you on the phone,

I wouldn't call you a monster.

And that resonated with you.


You think you're acting
for a righteous cause.

Um, uh, a rational one.

See, I knew you had the juice.

Exactly, exactly.

You know, for a minute, I thought

that you were targeting
your siblings out of jealousy.

You alone would carry
your father's bloodline forward.


No, that's not right.

You're ashamed of it.

You think it made you what you are.

When I was growing up,

my parents were...

kind to me.

They... They never stopped loving me,

uh, despite how I was.

And we... We tried everything.

Doctors, therapists, priests, meds.

Nothing worked.

Nothing would relieve
this pressure in my head,

nothing except v*olence.

- m*rder?
- ROMAN: No. I wanted to.

But I found ways to stop myself.

And then I found out
who my real father was.

And that he was the worst version of me.

And then I dug a little deeper

and found out
that he had other children.

Violent children...

- No, not all of them.
- ROMAN: How can you be so sure?

I mean, yes, Sebastian
and Chet... they...

They are out and proud
about their cruelty.


But you don't know what goes on
behind the scenes

- with the others.
- LAURA: So, you thought

that you were doing the world a favor

by taking your siblings out of it?

- Yes, yes.
- But that...

That doesn't explain
why you want me here.

I'm not one of your siblings.

And I'm not telling you
anything that you don't know.

It's the boy.

- Maggie's son?
- Mm-hmm. Yeah, he has the DNA.

The only sane thing
I could do was take him out.

But I couldn't do that.


Some might call that a conscience.

Don't mock me.

Don't you dare mock me!

I have been agonizing over this.

I just got off the phone with LAPD...

Roman's apartment is empty.
But there is a BOLO out.

I am not gonna hold my breath.

So what have we pulled on our subject?

Roman Griffith, raised
in Claremont by two professors.

Discipline issues growing up,
but nothing serious.

No criminal record.

He wound up in a trade school,
became a machinist.

He's worked for a decade plus

at various aerospace manufacturers.

Explains how he knows how to use
a waterjet cutter.

Yes, but not how he had access to one.

Those machines cost hundreds
of thousands of dollars.

Wait, wait, Boss.

Two of the factories
Roman worked at closed

in the past six months.

Blue Sphere Aviation
and Descent Aerospace.

And... both of these

are in quiet, industrial areas.

Carter, Simone, you're with me.
I'm gonna contact SWAT,

have them meet us at Blue Sphere.

Brendon, Atlas, you take Descent.

Let's move. We are running out of time.

Why don't you get this?!

You spend your life
tracking people like me.

Like my father.
And... And like this boy.

Think of... of the...
The victims he will hurt and...

And the... the families
that will grieve.

Sorry, just to be clear,
you... you want a pep talk?

To k*ll a six year old.

To stop a m*rder*r before he strikes.

It is no different than what you do.

Maggie's son might have had
some of the DNA as Briggs.

And as you.

But, Roman...

You k*ll because you want to.

And there is no amount of rationalizing

that's gonna change that.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have
brought you into this mess.

You don't deserve it.

But you know too much now.


- When I begin to strangle you,

your body's defense mechanism
will kick in.

- You'll try and fight back.
- No, no, no.

- Hold on, hold on...
- ROMAN: It's natural.

It is your survival instinct.

[GROANS] No, no! Roman, don't...

It's in your DNA...
And that controls us all.











I-I'm impressed by your
resilience, Agent Stensen.

- But...


there's no way out. [CHUCKLES]




Uh, that's clever, that's clever.

That's really clever.






Enough, enough, enough.


Oh, no.

We're too late...

Atlas, Atlas.

I need to know. No, I have to know.

- Come here.
- Brendon, I just have to know,

- okay?
- I got it. I got it.


It's her, isn't it, Brendon?

Brendon, is it her?

- It's not her. It's...
- ATLAS: Brendon?

No, no, no. It's a man.

- Brendon, tell me.
- It's a man's body.

- Is it?
- It's a man's body.

We still have time. We still have time.

Okay, I need your head in the game.

- Yeah.
- I need your head in the game.




- ATLAS: Hands, hands!

- ATLAS: Let's see them hands!
- BRENDON: Hands!

Not happening!
Not... No. It's not happening.

Roman. You're not getting away, okay?

Okay, if you k*ll me,
they will k*ll you.

[CRYING] I know.


Come here, Laura.

- Put it down...
- Roman, don't.

It doesn't have to end this way.

Yes, it does.

I-I failed.


Whatever evil comes out of my siblings

or their kids...

that's on your hands now.

- [g*nsh*t]
- BRENDON: Whoa!



- ATLAS: Hey. Are you okay?
- Yeah.

Are you okay?



It's alright.


- CARTER: Yeah.
- GARZA: Hey.

- BRENDON: Hey, Boss.
- SIMONE: Hey. How's Laura?

I sent her home with Atlas.

She's hurting, but she's gonna be okay.

The rest of the siblings?

Safe and sound.

But even with Roman gone,
I don't think it's a bad idea

to keep tabs on the rest
of the Briggs clan.

For their safety? Or the world's?

Well, one thing I learned
by having children

is that there are some traits

you can't do anything about.

No amount of nurturing will change it.

My daughter Billie came
into this world stubborn

and opinionated
and has yet to see the light.

Yeah, that's definitely in her DNA.

- I wasn't gonna...
- Beat it. And I mean it.

- Yeah, I mean...
- Zip it.

- Apple, tree.
- Zip it, zip it.

Hey, thanks for letting me
work with you on this case.

It was fun.

I should be thanking you.

Your attention to detail
and natural curiosity

is quite impressive.

I learned more cool stuff
in the last two days

than in the past two years.

I'm constantly learning myself.

It's the best part of the job.

Love it.

Hey, if you aren't busy
with Vampire Cop every night,

maybe I can buy you a drink.

Talk about studying forensics.

That sounds lovely.

Although, are you even
old enough to buy a drink?

Okay, boomer.


Listen, forensics can be
challenging and stressful,

but you've got a knack for it.

And I happen to be one hell of a mentor.

Let's go.

So your dizziness and loss of balance

is a result of a minor ear infection.

So we just get you some antibiotics,

get a wheelchair in here,
and take you to the exit.

Okay. So... So, I can go home now?

Well, don't sound like
you got to go home,

but you do gotta
get the hell out of here.

So let's hit it, Big Papa.

- [CHUCKLES] Thank you, Doctor.
- You're welcome.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.


What, Daddy?

I know this look. Talk to me.

I just do not like being fussed over.

And for the last couple of days,

that's all people have been doing.

It's not fussing over you.

It's taking care of you.

You see? That there?

You make it sound like
I'm some kind of an invalid.

You are the best damn daddy I know.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor

and let folks love on you a little bit.

I got your back. Now, come on.

Whoa! [GROANS]

Daddy, are you okay?!



I was just checking
to make sure you had my back.

That's not funny.

It's not.

Okay. I'm sorry.

♪ 'Cause our love is not an empire ♪

♪ But you are nonetheless ♪

It really is a nice house.


Well, except for the memory
of me being kidnapped in the driveway.

I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

What for?

Because this morning
you told me that you loved me.

And instead of appreciating it,
I just made endless jokes.

- It's fine.
- No.

That's our thing. I don't care.

I do.

And you were right.

It's pathological.

And I was deflecting.

But while I was tied up,

with my life about to end...

all I could think about was

I didn't want to die without
saying I love you, too.

'Cause I do.

- I love you.
- Mm.

What's wrong?

[SIGHS] I'm sorry. I can't.

What's up?

The couch in the middle
of the room like this...

I think it just needs to go back there.

Want to help me move it?

- Now?
- Yes.

- Come on.