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06x02 - Crossed Signals

Posted: 09/25/12 11:44
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland:"

Amy: Not again!

Ty: I just want to say-

(Glass clanks)


(Cutlery clatters)

Hey! Come here!

Clint: Her name is Georgina Crawley.

She's eleven years old.

She's been in the foster care system since she was three.

I just wanted to keep you abreast of another development.

What was it? What did you find?



I took something.

Where did you find that?

In the loft.

Ty: Amy?

What're you doin' up here?

Maybe we should talk about this.

(Birds chirp)

You found it.

No, I didn't find it.

Georgie took it.


But then she gave it back to me and I was just gonna hide it and walk away.

Uh, okay, so, um... Uh, you know.

Ty, I've known for months!

You knew-?

It's been driving me crazy!

Well, why didn't you say something?

'Cause I didn't wanna ruin the surprise!

And then...

And then you never brought it up and...


I was waiting for the right time, Amy!

The right time? In four months, there's never been a right time?!



This was your decision. I'm sorry, I...

Let's just...

Let's just not talk about it.

Ty: Amy!


We can't let this go, okay?

How did you know about the ring?

Lou swore she didn't tell you.

Lou knew?

Yeah, she...

Lou knew and she didn't tell me?

Ty: If Lou didn't tell you then how did you...?

I found it.

When did you find it?

The night of the Darkhorse audition, in your coat pocket.

I was answering your phone and I found it.


What made you change your mind?

You did.

I did? Are you kidding me?

What did I say? What did I do?

(Car door shuts)

Kendra: Yoo-hoo! Anyone here?

Amy: Hi.

Kendra: I'm looking for Amy Fleming.

Amy: That's me.

Kendra: Good.

Kendra McSlade. Hi.

I saw your poster at Maggie's.

I uh... I think you have my horse.


Hey, you bad boy.

You go and get yourself lost?

Momma's here now.

So his name's Sky?


His registered name is "Sky's the Limit."

Come here, Sky.
(Clicks teeth)

Come here, boy.

(Horse snorts)

It's so great that he's safe.

Thank you so much for looking after him, and please let me reimburse you for any costs.

No, no, it was my pleasure.

I really enjoyed having him.

Thatat's very generous of you.

He's quite the jumper, huh?

I couldn't keep him from jumpin' that fence, so I actually started free jumping him.


He is quite a natural.

Wow, that's crazy.

So I'd like to take him home with me, but I came straight from Maggie's after seeing your notice.

So if it's okay to keep him one more night, I'll bring the trailer tomorrow?

Yeah, of course. That's fine.

Thank you so much!

(Truck door shuts and truck starts up)

(Lobo barks the distance)

Tim: You know, this is so typical that this whole crazy Georgie business

(grinder whirs)
Is goin' on at the se time that I'm trying to put my franchise thing together.

Story of my life, Jack.

One step forward, two steps back.

Well, this crazy Georgie business that you're talkin' about is a lot more important than your latest flight of fantasy.

Why don't you just get Clint to do it?

Things are already complicated around here enough.

Amy: Hi, Katie.

Tim: Hi.

Amy: Lou, you've known about the ring for months and you pretended like you didn't?!

Tim: What ring? Lou: What?!

Amy: Well, can you just answer me?

Wait. Okay, you know that I know.

How do you know that?

Because Ty told me!

What do you know?

Amy: Come here.

I confided in you about the ring and did you say anything? No!

I couldn't.


Amy, I just couldn't!

Jack: Okay, girls, what seems to be-

Amy: But how could you keep a secret from me like that?!

We had to.

Amy: We?!

Grandpa, you knew?

Knew what?

I don't believe you guys!

(Bedroom door bangs shut)

(Screen door creaks shut)

Tim: Something I should know?

Jack: No, I...

I don't think so.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sink into your dreams, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh. ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Lou: Ty, why would you ever tell Amy that I knew about the ring?

That was supposed to be our secret, remember?

It doesn't matter, Lou.

It's pretty much screwed up now.

Lou: All right, well, where did you even find it?

I looked everywhere for that thing!

Ty: Georgie took it and then she gave it back to Amy.

Well, where are you going?

Ty: Back to the trailer.

Oh, right, yeah. Get out of town and leave me to take the heat.


I've completely screwed this whole thing up.

Yeah, pretty much.

Ty, just...

(Cutlery scrapes, tense silence around table)

Amy: Hey, Peter, can you please pass me the buns?

(Annoyed sigh)

Amy: Thank you.

Peter: Sure.

Tim: So I finally got a meeting with Buff Chomsky, the CEO...

Of Buff Burger, I know.

Tim: Yeah.

So are you gonna come?


Okay. Fine.

So who pulled in here with that truck this afternoon?


I'm asking you a question.

Phoenix's owner.

Well, that's good. It's about time, isn't it?

When are they picking him up?

Tomorrow morning.

(Door shuts)

Tim: You' just gonna let that happen?

(Door shuts)


How could you?

How could I what?

Let that horrible woman take him!

She's a big fake!

You didn't even meet her.

I watched her.

(Sighs heavily)

I know you like Phoenix, okay, but he doesn't belong to us!

Did you even ask her for any proof?

How do you know she's not lying?

Well, why would she lie?

People lie all the time!

Phoenix doesn't belong to us, okay?

He's not our horse.

I always knew he was from somewhere around here.

Maybe he didn't like it where he was.

Well, I don't know if he did or not.

Georgie: He jumps fences.

You don't get good at jumping unless you got a reason to.

(Sighs heavily)

(Door shuts)

Hey, there.

Amy, don't give me the cold shoulder.

Come over here and talk to me, please?

Look, I'm sorry.

Yes, I did know about Ty's plans and so did Lou.

But to be fair we figured that...

Since there was no big announcement, that something must have happened between the two of you to change things.

Nothing happened between us.


Ty must have decided that it wasn't what he wanted.

Let me ask you something.

What would you have said if he did ask you that night?

I don't know.

Jack: Well...

You have to figure that out then, don't you?

(Lobo snorts)

Georgie: Ugh! Your dog slobbered on me!

Amy: Sorry. He does that.

Georgie, you have to understand that a lot of horses come and go through Heartland.

That's what I do; I help them until they can go back to their owners or I find new owners for them.

It's all very temporary. You can't get too attached.

You know what?

You're the worst kind of phony there is.

Excuse me?

Don't get too attached.

It's just temporary.

Do you think I haven't heard that crap a million times before?

Do you think I don't know what it means?

(Lobo pants)

(Rooster crows, birds chirp)

Peter: Yes, Dom, I'm well aware that's it's an old house...

Lou: Okay, here you go, Katie! There you go.

Peter: I'll come by, yeah.

Lou: Does this dog seriously have to be right in the way all the time?

Peter: Hey, honey, I got a meeting and we gotta hook up with Dom and this mold stuff, so can we just go maybe?

Lou: Yeah, I just have to fix Katie's snack.

Peter: They provide snacks at daycare.

Lou: Yeah, but not the healthy kind that mommy bakes, right, Kitty Kat?

What's the matter, honey? You got an itchy?

Katie: Mmm.

Lou: What's wrong?

Flea bites?! She is covered in flea bites!

It's that damn dog!

Amy: It is not!

Lou: Amy, look at them!

Amy: Lobo does not have fleas, Lou! I should know.

He sleeps in my bed every night!

Yeah, and that is why he is so spoiled.

Come on! Out you go, big flea bag!

Amy: Lou, leave him alone!

Lou: Amy, he is an outside dog. How many times have I told you?

Amy: No, don't tell me anything! Don't even talk to me!

Peter: Guys, calm down.

Lou: Fine! I won't talk to you!
Amy: Good!

Lou: Just get him out of here!

Amy: Okay, fine!

I'd gladly be anywhere than with you!

Lou: Honey...

Kendra: There's my baby.

Amy: He's all set.

Kendra: Oh, you look so handsome too, don't you, Sky?

(Horse whinnies)

Thanks for grooming him so beautifully.

It's okay. It's okay, baby.

Amy: No problem.

(Trailer gate clanks shut)

(Truck rumbles away)

Peter: Lou, honey, she's fine. Can we go, please?

Peter, please stop pushing me.

Do you have any idea how awful I feel?

You know on top of having a flea-infested daughter, Amy is so mad at me!

But what else could I have done, Peter?

Honestly, tell me, what?

I don't know, honey.

You just talk it out with her and I'm sure it'll be fine.

You know, Ty swore me to secrecy about that ring.

And anyways, Amy would have been an even bigger basket case if I had told her that Ty was planning on asking her to marry him, because get what? He didn't!



What did you just say?

I thought I heard you say that Ty was gonna ask Amy to marry him.

So that's what the ring is about?

Dad, it's just...

I get it now.

So he didn't ask me.

So it's happenin' all over again!

Does this remind you of somethin', general?

Lou: Dad, it's not like that. Ty asked Grandpa.

Oh, of course he did!

Honey, I gotta go.

Lou: Yeah, we gotta go. Bye, Dad.

Jack: Have you guys seen Georgie?

She hasn't had any breakfast. There's no sign of her.

Lou: No. Sorry, Grandpa.

Peter: Bye.

When were you gonna tell me?

Tell you what?

When were you gonna tell me that Ty asked your permission to marry Amy?

Well, since he never did ask her, he probably decided he could skip that step and so did I!

But he asked you first, Jack; That's what I'm talkin' about.

He asked you first!

Come on, Tim...

I mean, one time might've been an oversight, but twice? That's...

I'm Lou's father and I am Amy's father.

What is it about that fact that these guys don't understand?

Jack: You know what?

Get over it.

I've got a missin' kid to worry about here.

(Door bangs shut)

(Door clicks shut)

(Barn door clanks open)

(Horse whinnies)

(Door squeaks closed)

(Flies buzz)

(Horses whinny)

(Door squeaks open)

(Flies buzz)

(Horses whinny)

Okay, Sky, my big boy.

You listen to me!

No more jumping, you got it?

One of these days...
(Stall door clanks shut)

You're gonna jump a fence and you're really gonna hurt yourself.

If it hurts you, it hurts me.


I hope you learn your lesson, 'cause I'm gonna keep you in here from now on, baby.

You can't escape ever again.

I love you.

I'm not gonna lose you.

(Flies buzz loudly, horses whinny)

(Door creaks open)

(Approaching footsteps)



(Sighs heavily)


That night, after your audition, I was all set to ask you, and then you said - and you were serious - that there was so much more that we should be doing with our lives, and that we shouldn't tie each other down.

And I thought...

How can I go forward from here, you know?

I was gonna ask you again.

I thought maybe you'd changed your mind.

And then I poured water all over you, and then I lost the ring - or thought I did.

Jack: You guys seen Georgie?!

Well, I need your help to look for her.

(Horse snuffles)

(Horses whinnie)

(Flies buzz)

(Horse whinnies in distress)

(Flies buzz)

(Horse whinnies in distress)

Georgie: Hey, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?

I promise.

You asked Jack...

And you talked to Lou?

Excuse me?

You asked Jack for permission to marry my daughter.

This is all pointless, Tim, because I didn't ask Amy.

But you were going to!

Just 'cause you didn't doesn't change anything.

Well, yes it does, because technically I haven't asked her, so, technically, I could still ask for your permission.

Technically? What's technical about this?

You want my permission?


No! I... I don't know, 'cause it's all wrecked now anyway, so...

What? What's wrecked? What's wrong with you?

You wanna marry her or not?

Are you some kind of a wimp?

You think I want my daughter to marry a wimp?

So if you're gonna ask her, then ask her right and don't hurt her for another minute, because don't think I don't know that she knows about the ring.

I'm her father.

I know stuff.

Okay, fine. Tim, (Phone alarm beeps)

Do I have your permission to marry your daughter?

I'm late for my Buff Burger appointment - thank you very much for that.

That's great!

And in answer to your question: No.

You don't have my permission.

(Truck door slams shut)

(Horse whinnies loudly)

Georgie: (Gasps) Agh! Oh!

(Groans, disgusted)

Kendra: Hey!

Who are you?!

What are you doing snooping around here?

Kendra: She stowed away in my trailer.

She broke into my stable.

I'm sorry.

She was stealing my horse!

I know, but-

Krendra: If I hadn't walked in when I did, who knows what would have happened to her or my horse?!

I'm sorry.

Mr. Bartlett, I don't presume to know what the situation is here, but if I find her on my property one more time I will call the police.

I mean it.

Yes, I know you do.

You just earned yourself a job.

That was a really stupid thing you did.

You could have been seriously hurt.

You missed a spot.



Okay, this place, is it how it's supposed to be?

What do you mean?

It's so clean.

Well, it has to be.

And this barn, is it special?

Special? No, it's...

It's a little small.

I keep telling Grandpa we need to extend it out the back and add half a dozen stalls or so.

And that would mean, like, how many more horses?

Six stalls, six horses.

So what you're saying is, this is just a totally normal barn?

Yeah, I guess so.

What are you saying?

(Inhales deeply)

Nothing. Just curious.

Hey, wait.

It's just her place, the horrible woman's place, the barn was crammed so full of horses they could barely move!

There were dozens of them smushed into stalls!

And there was crap everywhere and it really stunk!

And the horses... They looked bad!

Like how bad?

Bad - like really, really bad.

(Truck rumbles)

Kendra: Amy.



What can I do for you?

Oh, I just came to see how Phoe- uh, Sky was doing.

I hope he's settled in, okay?

Oh, aren't you sweet? He's fine.

He's happy to be home.


Not that you didn't take excellent care of him.

I think he just missed the other horses.

Oh, absolutely. They do miss their buddies.

Yes, they do.

Um, I was just wondering if maybe I could see him?

Figures I'd miss him.

I'm sorry.

He's in the back field right now.


All right, well, I'm glad he's settled in.


Hey I got your message.

What's going on? Is she okay?

Lou: No, no, she's not okay. Honey, look at this rash.

Peter: Let me see, baby.

Lou: Look, it's spreading. It is definitely spreading.

Peter: (Sighs)

No, it's not. It's just redder, Lou, like she's been scratching it or something.

You called me out of a meeting for this, honey?

No, honey, you should have seen her-

You have to calm down, okay?

You're getting way too upset about this.

And my guess is, that it's not just about the rash.

Am I right?

You have to make things right with your sister, okay?

Okay, okay, I will. But she, you know-

Peter: No, just...

She looks fine to me. You're fine, aren't ya?

Can you tell mommy you're okay? Yeah?

(Truck rumbles)

(Truck stops)

(Horse whinnies)

(Horse whinnies)

(Flies buzz)

Oh my God.

(Horse whinnies)

Phoenix, hey.

Oh, buddy.

Kendra: Excuse me. Amy: (Gasps)

What're you doing here?

Kendra, this place, this is way too small for the amount of horses you have in here.

Is that right?

I've been breeding horses forever.

I don't need someone like you telling me what to do.

This is absolutely disgusting, Krendra!

There's horses in the aisle.

The stalls are filthy.

They don't have any water!

I was...

So worried about Sky for the last few days, I guess I neglected my chores a bit.

This is a lot more than a few days of neglect.

(Angry sigh)

Okay, you know what? Mind your business.

Get off my property.

Now! Get out!

(Horse whinnies)

(Horse whinnies)


Okay, you were right. Kendra's stable is a mess.

It's inhumane.

So what're you gonna do about it?

Amy: I don't know, but there is definitely something going on there.

Well, yeah, she's an animal hoarder.

Haven't you ever watched that show?

Those people are freako nutbars.


Lou: Amy, we need to talk.

No, this dog, this flea bag cannot be in the house any more.

Amy, I told you! Out! Out! Go!

Georgie: Come on.

Thank you, Georgie.

Katie's bites are worse and they've spread, okay?

(Sighs heavily)

I came here because I wanted to apologize, okay?

I wanna say I'm sorry I didn't say anything about the ring, but Ty swore me to secrecy and I couldn't betray that trust!

Amy, how could I?

Amy, please...

(Cell phone beeps)


Oh my God!

"Dear Mrs. Morris," there have been cases of head lice reported at the daycare.

Please examine your child for signs of it.

"All necessary preventative measures should be taken."

Oh my God, Katie!

I told you Lobo didn't have fleas! Ha!

Lou: Peter!

Ty: Hey.

Tim: Hey, Ty.

How was that appointment?

Not good.

Never get involved with a franchise.

You know what that guy wanted for an upfront payment?

Well, let's just say it was in the high six figures.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah, don't tell Jack, huh?

No problem.

Ty. Ty, listen.

I know I was harsh with you before.

I know how you feel about Amy, and I have no idea why, but she...

She seems to like you too.


Ty: So...

Do I have your permission, sir?


But just- I'll take care of her, Tim.

No, no, I know you will. It's not... not that.

Just a word of warning: Just be careful.

You know, getting engaged or married too young, that's...

That's what made it so difficult for me and Marion.

We loved each other, we really did, and we had some good times together.

But we changed as we grew up, and we grew apart, and we didn't make it for the long haul.

I'm just sayin' that's something to think about.

Well, I think Amy and I are good for the long haul.

I know you do...


Good luck.

Okay, so you can grab all of the stuffed animals on that wall.

There's garbage bags right over there.

Don't you think you're overdoing this a little bit?

Lou: Honey, I am waging w*r on these disgusting little creatures that dare to be in my daughter's hair.

But you stripped our bed, too.

Yeah, because she plays there.

Honey, this is what they recommend on the website.

This is what you have to do in this situation!

Whoa! What did you put in your hair?

Ugh! I washed it in this evil-smelling poison they recommended, and now I have to go do Katie's hair...

Oh, and you have to do yours, too.

(Birds chirp)

(Crickets chirp)

(Knock at the door)

Are you going back to the trailer tonight?

Yeah, later, if the heater's still workin'.

You're okay, right?

I'm good.

Talk about crazy crossed signals, huh?

Yeah, well, I'd like to get 'em uncrossed if we can.

Me too.

Were you really gonna propose to me that night?

I was.

And what made you decide?

I knew after my bike accident that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

You know how I said I was waiting for the right time?

Well, maybe that time is now.

Why don't we get married?

I mean, really, why not?

I mean, what better time is there than right now?!



Is that how you're gonna ask me?

Hey, Amy, why not? Let's just get married, huh?


Ty, it's supposed to be a surprise.

It's supposed to be romantic.

It's supposed to be one of those "take my breath away" kind of moments.

Um, well, okay, what did you want me to say?

Well, I can't tell you that!

Oh, Ty, you just don't get it!

Lou: (Sighs) Poor Katie.

She hated the smell of that terrible lice shampoo and basically cried herself to sleep.

I'm itchy just thinking about it.

Are you okay?

Amy: No.

Amy, listen, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for everything.
(Pickup starts up outside)

Amy: Me too.
(Pickup drives away)

I was definitely not put on this earth to keep secrets.

Come here.

Kendra: Hey, babies.
(Horses whinny)

How are my big boys?

(Horses snort in distress)


(Loud clatter)
Whoa! Whoa!


Lou: Okay. So, honey, I have a meeting in one hour, and, uh, you are gonna work from home today and sit with Katie, right?

No, no, Katie's going to daycare.

What? No, honey. No, she's not.

Why not? Because they closed the daycare.

Are you kidding me?

No, honey, I told you.

Look, I would've taken her out anyway because that's where she picked up head lice.

Head lice, Peter!

Peter: Okay, well, I can't stay home and look after her, honey.

I have a huge meeting today. I can't do it.

Yeah, but neither can I, so...

Go to work. I'll...

Yes. Thank you, Jack. Thank you, Grandpa!

That is above and beyond.

Have a nice day with Grandpa.

Tim: Hey!

Lou: Oh, her nap's at one. There's a rice cr*cker...

Tim: Hi. Bye, honey.


Hello, my little Katie.

Wow! What is that smell?

Lice shampoo.


So how's it goin' with your "deal"?

Oh, I don't wanna talk about that.


(Telephone rings)

(Phone beeps on)

Hi, Clint. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, she's fine.

What? Can it wait?

All right. Okay. I'll see you soon.

That's Clint.

There's another problem with the foster parents.

You have to watch Katie.

Tim: What? How?

And Georgie too.

You keep a sharp eye on her.

Jack, now wait a second!


I... I don't see anything.


Amy, you around?!

Amy: Yup! Coming!

Jack: Phoenix rising again.

Amy: Okay, okay.

Georgie: Phoenix!

(Truck starts)

Hey, good boy.

Georgie: Don't take him back, Amy, please!

Amy: Can you put him in the paddock for me, please?

Let's go.

Hey, Dad.

Hey, hi.

Hi, sweetie. What's goin' on?

Oh! What does she smell like?

That's lice shampoo.

Amy: Ugh! Right.

Hey, Dad, do you know anything about McSlade Farms?

Do you know anything about how long you have to heat this stuff?

Um, just keep testing it.

But I was looking on the Internet and their website's been wiped clean.

Yeah, uh, well, they're a big operation, one of the top breeders.

Uh, Krendra and Joe McSlade. They're good people.

I haven't seen them for a while.

They kind of dropped out of sight.

(Microwave beeps)

Tim: Okay.
(Microwave door pops open)

And that should do it.

How does she eat this? What is this?


Katie, how about a banana?

Amy: (Laughs)

I told you to stay away from here.

Amy: I think you're missing something.

I found him loose in our yard again.

(Snorts and paws ground)


Maybe that little brat stole him again.

Or maybe she didn't.

He must have got out somehow.

Kendra, you've gotta see that this is not right!

It didn't used to be like that in there.

Joe was a stickler.

He liked everything just so.

Your husband?

He had a good eye.

We bred quality horses.

And then the recession hit and people stopped buying expensive things.

The recession hurt a lot of people.

Well, it k*lled Joe.

The stress k*lled him.

I'm sorry.

Kendra, you need help.

You can't look after all these horses properly on your own!

These are my babies!

What do you think?

I should sell them to the meat market?

Is that the answer?

No, that's not the answer.

These beautiful animals wouldn't even have a home if it wasn't for me.

They are top grade horses.

Joe and I always deal with top grade horses and I would never part with them, do you understand?

They are my life, and they remind me of Joe.


They make me feel like he's still here.

But I love them with all my heart and they love me.

Is that why Phoenix keeps running away?

These horses, they need help.

We could get them some vet care and we could re-home some of them - and not to the meat truck!

I could even take some myself.


And what would you want in return?

A couple things.

First, I want you to get some help, and not just with the horses.

I don't need help!

You know you're burying yourself.

Burying myself...

I can't help it.

Why don't you let me help you?

You mentioned a couple of things.

What's the other?

(Katie wails)

Tim: Honey, I am- oh, you're not tired.

You wanna play? You wanna play with some toys?

Where are all your toys?

You had hundreds of toys around here.

(Katie continues crying)

Hey, hey, hey, look.

Look, who's this?

That's mommy and daddy.

(Katie wails)

No. Come on, Katie.

Babies are either hungry or they're tired or they're...

(Katie cries)

(Katie wails)

Okay, that's not so bad.

(Katie cries)

Mop that up.

Yeah, see, that's better. Now where are the diapers?

(Katie cries)

Come on.

(Katie wails)

They're probably in here, because...

No diapers?


Lou's organized everything. I can't find them.

Well, we better find something... fast!

(Katie cries)

Lou: Hey, guys.

Tim: Lou, hi.
(Football game plays on TV)


Tim: Look who's home. Mommy's home.

Can you say hi to mommy, Katie?

We're gonna turn her into a "Stamps" fan yet.

Lou: Uh-huh. Um, where is Grandpa?

Grandpa is right here.

(Annoyed sigh)

And Grandpa is itchy.

Lou: What? No!


That was a lice joke.


Hey, Lou, where the hell do you keep the diapers?

(Annoyed sigh)

(Truck rumbles)

(Door slams shut)

♪ Come away ♪

Jack: (Sighs heavily)

Don't tell me that horse is back.

Georgie: You got him back!

Amy: Yes, I did.

And, you know, you were right about Krendra.

Told you.

I can spot a nutbar a mile away.

But, Georgie, I do kind of feel sorry for her.

I mean, she's...

She's missing someone, someone that she loved, and that has a way of changing people.

♪ It's a brand new life of love ♪

Jack: Well, I've been waitin' to talk to you.

I had a meeting with Clint this afternoon and he had a little chat with your family and he was not too happy with them.

So he's gettin' your stuff and he's bringing it here, unless, of course, you wanna see your family.


I can stay here?

Well, that's the thing.

You can stay here for the time being.

I signed a bunch of papers this afternoon that made that happen, but the powers that be, they're still gonna look for another place for ya.

And how long does "for the time being" mean?

I don't know.

I guess we're both waiting on that.

Amy: It's been a weird couple of days.

Ty: Yeah, it has.

Ty: I'm sorry. Amy: I'm really sorry.

Amy: I mean it.

I'm sorry I reacted the way I did.

I really...

I didn't mean for it to come out like that.

Ty: And I'm sorry that...

I wasn't very articulate.

Okay, I'm just gonna say it.

What if I had asked you that night?

What would you have said?

I don't... I don't know.


I love you, and I know that.

I love you too.

What if we just wait?

I mean, it won't change the way we feel if we wait.



We won't let it.



♪ It'll be enough ♪
♪ it's a brand new life of love ♪
♪ and we'll both get swallowed up ♪
♪ yeah, we'll drink from the holy cup ♪
♪ my love ♪