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06x04 - The Natural

Posted: 10/09/12 13:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland":

(Phoenix grunts)

Georgie: Phoenix!

Lisa! Oh my gosh!


I thought I was picking you up at the airport.

Yeah, I caught an earlier flight because I couldn't wait to see you.

When I first showed up here with Shane, last year, you made it perfectly clear that any relationship wasn't gonna happen.

Well, I don't...

Who are you?

Cassandra Fay.

I'm Scott's new vet assistant.

(Tires squeal)

Who are you?

And what are you doing on my horse?

Georgie: Come on, Spartan.

Ugh! That kid!

Hey! Georgie!

Do you have a death wish or something?

Amy doesn't let anyone ride Spartan - no one, not even me.

Georgie: Maybe. But she let me.

Or maybe, you're delusional.

Do yourself a favour and get off that horse before Amy catches you.

No way. It was her idea, and she said if I get really good she'll give me jumping lessons.

Yeah, right.

You don't believe me, ask her.

Mallory: Did you say she could ride Spartan?

She won't believe me that you let me ride your horse.

Well, why don't you get riding him then, hmm?

Mallory: You're giving her jumping lessons, but not me?

Amy: Since when do you want jumping lessons?

You don't remember?

I used to beg you to teach me to jump.

And besides, I thought that had something to do with Jake and some girl.

Way to dredge up the past.

Well, I just didn't feel like you were very committed.

Maybe then.

But now, I have gone from commitment-phobe to commitment freak.

Really. You jumping.

When do we start?

(Door opens)

Well, good morning.

Lisa: Hi. I should've called, sorry.

No. I'm happy to see you.

Here, let me get you a coffee.

Lisa: No. I've had plenty, thanks.

I know, it's not the good stuff we used to drink in France.

Speaking of France...

Oh! That's a... some kind of TV.

No. It's a digital picture frame.

I downloaded all our pictures from France.

It has...
(Parisian music plays)



Isn't that great?

Isn't that better than pictures in an album?

Tim: Jack! Jack: (Groans)

You busy? Oh! Hi, Lisa.


What do we have here?

Is this a music video of your trip to France, starring - ahh! - You!

What do you want?

Oh, Miranda and Shane are coming by today.

Oh, congratulations!

I heard that Shane got into an exclusive school.

Exclusive and expensive.

You know, which is why I need to talk to old Jacques here.

Right now?

Well... uh...

Yeah... r-right now.

In fact, really right away 'cause I'm busy later.

Oh, all right.

We won't be too long.

Oh, of course not.

Jack: So how long does that thing run anyway?

Plugged in, it'll run on a loop forever.

Whoa! (Laughs)
Is that right?

What side is the right ventricle on?

It's on the right side.

Caleb: Correct!

Ty: Caleb, you gotta ask me a real question, man. Come on.

Explain to me the flow of blood through the heart.

Ty: Okay, um...

Deoxigenated blood from the body enters the right atrium through the superior and inferior vena cava-


Like anybody actually knows how the damn thing works.

What're you talking about?

The same thing you are, my friend.

The heart - the mysteries of the human heart.

Caleb, this isn't a joke, man.

I gotta learn this stuff, okay? Come on.

Oh? Well, try being a bull rider on the circuit.

You know, the average age is twenty-one.

That puts me four years past my prime, and that is not an easy thing for any man to comprehend.

Okay, um...

I'd love to have this conversation with you right now...

I need to shine. I've gotta peak this year.

And I will have this conversation after my exam.

Tim: It's not just the tuition, Jack.

It's the uniform and the class trips-

So what, you brought me all the way out here just to tell me you're broke?

You want me to take you back to the Maison?

You can look at a few more pictures of France with Lisa.

Fine! Fine.

Just let's get this over with.

Tim: Okay, don't look.

What if I told you that there was a healthy red meat with all the flavour of beef, raised locally, sold locally, one hundred percent organic.

It's where the smart money is, and it's a sure thing.

(Scoffs) You own race horses, Tim, you oughta know there's no such thing as a sure thing.

But if there was?

You're looking at it.


Some call it buffalo, some call it bison.

You can call it whatever you want, but I am gonna call that big fella our future.

And that is your retirement in France.

Who said anything about retirement?

Oh yeah, I wanna work till the day we drop too.

Get serious.

We buy this bull and a couple of cows, we are in the organic bison meat business, and we are printing money.

Come on, what do you say?

Well, there's no doubt that is one fine looking animal.

But I've been burned by you in the past.

Okay. But...

Can't we be bullish about the future?


♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

Caleb: Is Peter's still in Vancouver?

Lou: Yeah, he was supposed to be back yesterday, but he had to stay an extra night.

Caleb: Wow, it can't be easy for you.

But, I mean, now that I'm around, I'd be more than happy to help you out with whatever.

Thank you, I appreciate that.

You know, it's actually a really big deal, transitioning your child from a crib to a big girl's bed.

I bet.

And with all the mommy bloggers, there's like endless chat about the exact right time to do it.

I don't pay much attention to that sort of thing.

But Katie refuses to sleep in her crib these days anyway.

She only wants to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed.

And I'm not against co-sleeping, but it definitely has its drawbacks.

Well, I think it depends on who you're sleeping with.

(Phone chimes)

Oh my God, it's like I'm always on the job.

You kidding me?

Hello, Martin, I have a baby, remember?

What's wrong? Who's Martin?

He's um... He's my boss.

Last week he asked me to go to this month long securities course.

But, seriously, a month in New York?


I was at a hotel in Vegas called New York, New York once.

Yeah, but now he's all, "Hello, Lou, it's crucial to your situation at Hubbard Financial."

Suddenly it's crucial?

Like you'll get fired if you don't go?

Yeah, pretty much.

(Car rumbles up)

Hey, where's the boy wonder?

Oh, he couldn't make it.


Yeah, it's pretty great, really.

He wrote this play and it's being produced by the drama class.

A play.

Yeah, he didn't wanna miss rehearsals.

Since when is a rehearsal more important than spending time with his dad?

Oh, come on, he's had plans with his friends.

You know how kids are at that age.

Yeah, well, I had plans too.

I'm thinking of buying this buffalo.

I wanted him to see that.

And then tomorrow, I thought we'd go on a trail ride.

Well, I'll pass on the buffalo, but I'll go for a trail ride.

It could give us an opportunity to talk about Shane's future.

You drive six hours to talk to me?

Could've done that over the phone.

Thank you for reminding me what a jerk you can be.

Okay, all right. Okay!

Wait. You're right.

I am being a jerk.

I'm just disappointed.

I just wanted to see my son, that's all -

And you! That goes without saying.

So just stay - please, come on - at least for dinner.

(Dog barks, cats meow, birds chirp)

Hey. Hey.

(Clears throat)

Essential biology.


Yeah. That course was no fun at all.

I only passed because I had a tutor, and only because he was hot.

(Both chuckle)

Well, I don't think my girlfriend would appreciate the hot tutor idea.

Girlfriend, huh?

Yeah. Is she in Sciences too?

Uh, no.

Actually, she works with horses.

Well, as long as she can read and write, she can quiz you on the chapter reviews.

Providing she's not too much of a distraction, if you know what I mean.

Okay, so I want you to trot into the line and really focus on your position and your posture, not necessarily the jumps.

(Exhales nervously)

What are you waiting for?

Mallory: For my heart rate to go back to normal.

Okay, you know, Mallory, show jumping is an extreme sport and not everybody's cut out for it.

I understand that.

I just didn't think we'd be starting off at the grand prix level.

Okay, we'll lower the jumps.

Georgie: Do they even go any lower?

Mallory: Not necessary.

I'm good. I'm definitely good.

Amy: Okay.

When you're ready.

Hey, that looks great!

Good job!

Shorten your reins!

Steady now. Steady now.

Whoa! Whoa!


(Grunts in pain)

You okay?

It's all right.

You know, my mom once said that you can't call yourself a true rider until you've fallen off at least twenty times.

Nineteen more to go.

Something to look forward to.

(Phone rings)

Hey, Ty...

I was just wondering, if, uh, you're not busy, maybe you could help me out...

As like a study buddy?


But you have to promise that we're gonna study, okay?

Just study.


All right. I'll talk to you later.

Okay, bye! Hey, Ty, was that Scott?

No. It was Amy.

Hey! What's the deal on a bison bull fertility test.

What's the deal there?

First, you have to do a full clinical examination-

No, no. The cost, the cost.

How much does it cost?

Well, you gotta factor in what Scott charges for a vet call, and then there's the lab work that-

See? That's the problem with vets; can't get a simple test.

It's not like I necessarily wanna put Scott's unborn children through college.

(Sighs) Okay.

What do you think that the odds are of a bull being... you know, sh**ting blanks?

This is animal physiology.

I just read this chapter on bovine reproduction-

Be honest. Be honest.

I think it's like one percent of all breeding bulls are infertile -
I think.

Okay, so not this bull.

This bull's all bull.

It's like he'd be a 99 percenter, not part of the wimpy one percent.

That's good.


Twenty-five hundred pounds of pure plains bison, and it goes by registered name "Ladies Man."

Lisa: And is he?

Jack: All I know is that he's a mighty fine looking animal.

Tim: Ah, see? You're warming to the idea, Jack.

I knew it.

You and me, fifty-fifty?

Lisa: The livestock business is in your blood.

Do it.

Lou: Woo-hoo! Amy: (Laughs)

You won't regret it, buddy.

Yeah, well, the proof's in the pudding, or in this case, the progeny.

Georgie: What does that mean?

It means, I'll tell you when you're older.

Caleb: Have you had him tested?

Jack: No one's stupid enough to buy a bull without having it tested.

Lisa: I'm gonna get dessert.

Hey, speaking of progeny, Miranda says that Shane is pulling down A's at school.

Hmm. That's great.

Miranda: He's doing okay.

Miranda, what did you do early on in order to encourage his cognitive development?

His "cognitive development."

Lou: Yes.

Um, well, he could count cards before he could read, and he could read before he started kindergarten.

My son! Our son!

Lou: But, I mean, you were a working mom, right?

How did you manage?

Miranda: Luckily, I had some really good girlfriends to help out.

Lou: You could just leave him with girlfriends when he was a baby?

Caleb: That's nothing.

When I was little, my mom left me and my dad for a fling with a rodeo clown from Albuquerque.

Look at me, I turned out just fine.

So, I mean, you've got nothing to worry about.

What does that mean, "Nothing to worry about"?

New York for a month, right?

Peter: What's that?

Lou: The securities course that I told you about.

No, you didn't. Yeah, I did.

You didn't tell me it was for a month.

Well, you didn't ask. What do you mean, I didn't ask?

What does that have to do with it?

Lou: I didn't bother getting into details because Martin said it was optional.

And then what?

So now he's just changed his tune, or did you forget that you have an 18-month-old baby at home? You know what?

Some working moms have more flexibility.

Their partners don't spend all their time working in Vancouver.

(Huffs) So it's my fault that you're not going?

You know what? You said it, not me.

Where are you going?

Can we talk about this, please?

You know what? It's Katie's first night in her big-girl bed.

So whatever it is, it can wait, right?

(Rooster crows)

(Birds chirp)



(Thundering of hooves)

(Thundering of hooves)



(Struggles to catch her breath, coughs)

(Snorts softly)

One down, nineteen to go.

Which nucleotides are considered, uh...

Pyrimidines? Yes.

C, T...

And U.

Amy, I was gonna get that.

I'm sorry.

Let's just keep going.

Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Which enzyme is responsible for DNA replication?

Agh! I know this one.

Oh, you know it. It's...

I don't know this! What is it?

It's DNA polymerase.

It's okay, you got it. You got it.

I'm an idiot. I don't know what-

You're not an idiot. This is biochemistry.

It's hard. Yeah, you think?

I'm just trying to help.


I don't know why I'm k*lling myself trying to do this stuff, when I could be making good money fixing motorcycles.

Okay, you know what?

Let's take a break, okay?

No. I don't... I don't need a break, Amy.

I just... I need to study, okay?

Don't take this the wrong way, but this isn't really working out, okay?


I'm gonna go to the clinic and get some studying done before my shift starts.

Okay. I'm sorry.

No, it's okay.

Tim: (Laughs) That's... straight A’s!

See? I guess this school's worth all the money if he's pulling down marks like that.

Miranda: Yeah, I guess so.

But I wish you'd stop talking him up like he's a big genius.

Well, come on, I'm proud of him.

Yeah, I mean, his marks are good, but, you know, that school's no cakewalk.

You think it's easy to be a poor kid in a rich kids' school?

So what're you saying?

Sending a kid like Shane to a fancy private school's a mistake.

A kid like Shane?

What do you mean, a kid like Shane?

Well, I'm just saying...

You know, a kid who's having trouble getting along?

No, he loves it there.

He's just learning to cope with a few rotten apples "Cope." that bug him.

So now he's just coping?

No. I'm saying, you know, there'll always be certain kids who-

What? The kid's getting eaten alive.

I mean, even with this scholarship money, the tuition is insane.

Oh, wow...

It's about the money. Isn't it?

No! I knew it!

Well, yeah! I knew it!

I never should've asked you!

And I didn't ask, you volunteered.

I mean, nothing ever changes with you!

I've changed, come on.

Look at us... We're friends, we're talking.

I'm just saying, you know, the cost of that, and the fact is if he doesn't enjoy himself, you gotta ask yourself, if it's worth it?

Yes, it's worth it!

What, what? What are you do-

Oh, come on!

Let's just go for a trail ride.

Miranda: (Boots splat) Damn!


Tim: You okay?

Yes, I'm okay.

And I don't need favours from you, especially favours you might regret.

(Grunts of effort) Damn it!

Let me help you!

(Sceams) Whoa!
(Splats in the mud)

Hang on!

Hang on. Here, I'll help you!

I don't need your help!

Tim: Give me your hand.

What do you mean, "Something that I might regret"?

(Screams, then starts laughing)


Tim: Oh, come on!


I am fine!

Amy: You're half an hour late.

Mallory: Sorry. I think I sprained my pinky finger when I fell yesterday.

Georgie: Boo hoo! Whatever.

Mallory: I've been icing it every twenty minutes but it still looks swollen.

Georgie: Get over it.

Mallory: So I think I'm gonna kind of take it slow.

Cry me a river.

Georgie, that's enough.

Why don't you go put up the rest of the rails?

Thank you.

And you, let's get warmed up.

(Amy sighs)

Is everything okay with you?

Yeah. Why?

It's just...

It seems like you might be jealous of Georgie.

Obviously not.

Why does everything come so easy for her?

She's young.

You have no fear when you're young.

As you get older, that's when people start to overthink things.

Some people don't think at all.

(Fire crackles)


How's it going back there?

Miranda: Fine.

You know this is all your fault.

Tim: Yeah, I know. Of course it is.

You know this kind of reminds me of the last trail ride we took together in fort Saint John.

Miranda: Yeah. I remember. You got us lost.

On purpose.

That was the whole plan.

Get lost on purpose, so we could spend a little more time together.


My coats never looked that good on me.

(Miranda chuckles)

Was this part of a plan, too?

Hey, I'm older now.

I never plan that far ahead.

I'm gonna pay for the schooling.

If you feel it's worth it, then I'll do whatever I have to do.

Okay. Thanks.

You know I'll do anything for Shane.


It hurts me to see him struggle.

Yeah, me too.

You warm enough?

Yeah, I'm getting there.


You want a sandwich? I got some in my pack.


Peter: I'm heading over to the Hanley place.

Lou: Do you mind if we stop calling it "the Hanley place"?

Peter: Sure.


You know what, honey? You know what? It's not good.

Actually, it's the opposite of good.

I'm pressured at work, I'm pressured at home...

And I can't...

Well, it's funny 'cause I was trying to talk to you about that but you'd rather talk to Caleb, I guess.

That is not true. But you're never around.

I mean, you don't think anything of being away for days at a time.

That's my job, Lou.

Well, maybe my job is going to New York for a month.


What's going on? So do you wanna go now?

No. I'm not saying that I w-

How can I leave my baby for a month?

Just tell me what you wanna do?

I don't know what I want, okay? Let's just...

Can we stop talking about this?

Forget it. I'm busy.


What are you working on?

Lou: Nothing. No, it's nothing.

Peter: Let me see.

Lou: Honey, go away. It's nothing.

Let me see! Let me see it! What is it?
"I'm a financial analyst.

But I am also a mom, 24/7.

A sleep-deprived, guilt-ridden mom, a hot mess of a mom."

Lou: (Video) Come on, Katie, don't you want a big girls bed?

(Katie cries)

Peter: Are you writing a blog?

Lou: I figure once I tell Martin I can't go back to New York, I'm gonna have a lot of time on my hands, so...

Are you saying that if you don't go to New York, you're gonna lose your job?

What do you think I've been trying to tell you?

Hey. How's this guy doing?

Ty: He's good.

He made it through surgery all right.

I'm just keeping him comfortable.

And trying to cram six months worth of biochemistry?

Yeah. I'm trying.

And here I thought guys weren't good at multi-tasking.

I'm not.

How did it go with the girlfriend?

Was she any help?

Uh, it turns out second year biology is a k*ller.

Potentially deadly for even a healthy relationship.

Well, I suppose I could help you.

It's gonna be a long night.

Are you sure? Yeah.

I could stand a little review myself.

And luckily, you and me, we don't have a relationship to wreck.

All right.


You warm enough?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Oh! You always had cold feet...

And cold hands.

You know, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I was...

I was kind of glad when Shane said he didn't wanna come.


Because I wanted to be alone with you to see where things might go.


Yeah, you know....

Yeah, yeah, I think I know...


Because why?

Because I was thinking the same thing.

You know, it's gonna take all night for those clothes to dry.


Ty: The rate limiting step in glycolysis is the enzyme phosphofructokinase.

But don't ask me how to spell that because I have no idea.

Cassandra: Well, I wasn't going to, but now you absolutely have to.

(Both giggle)

(Amy knocks)

Amy: Hi.

Ty: Hey, Amy!

Amy: Um, I just... I brought you some turkey chili.

Ty: Thank you. That's great, um...

Hi, I'm Cassandra.

Oh, hi. Amy.

This is Amy, my girlfriend.

This is Cassandra.

She's a second year vet student at UFCA.

I told you about her, right?

Right. Yeah. Scott's new assistant, right?

I volunteered to be his study buddy.

Well, I hope you don't regret that.

(Awkward laugh)

Who's the puppy making noise over here, huh?

Are you okay?

Ty: Ah, he's a post-op.

The first twenty-four hours are pretty critical so I said I'd help Cassandra monitor him, and get some studying done in the meantime.

That was good of you.

You all right?

Well, I'll let you handle it, okay?

Actually, I was just about to call you.

Oh, you're busy, it's okay.

Oh. Well, I'll touch base with you later then?

Yeah. Okay.

I'll see you tomorrow. Okay.

Bye. It was nice meeting you.

Ty: Okay. Where were we?

Cassandra: Phosphofructokinase.

Ty: I'm all over that.

Cassandra: Then let's draw our attention to the lowly nucleotide.

Which base nucleotides contain the extra (Unclear)?

Ty: Simple! Adenine and guanine. What else you got?

Who's got the best big-girl bed in the whole wide world?

(Gasps) Katie does!

You wanna get up here?

Come on, you wanna hop up?

You wanna get up there, Katie? Hmm?


I will read you a story.

I will read you two books-

Hey, guys.


Listen, I've been thinking about that course your boss wants you to take.

I think we can figure out a way to make it happen.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means I can ask my parents to take the baby for a little while.

Right. So not only would Katie be away from her mom, she would be away from everything she knows and loves.

Or we can hire Mallory.

Mallory is not always available.

Well, then I can work some more hours from home, and we can talk to Jack, or we can ask your dad.

My dad? Are you serious?

Yeah. What I'm saying is, we can find a way to make it work.

We can do it.

Wow. That was a quick switch.

What's that supposed mean?

No, I mean...

I appreciate that you're trying to make it work, but now I feel like you're pushing me out the door.

Peter: Well, I'm not, okay?

But I just...

I've been to a few of these courses in my day, and trust me, they can be real game-changers.

Lou: I know, honey. I get that.

And under different circumstances, I would jump at the chance, but...

I want to get ahead, Peter, but just not at any cost.


Listen, I've been in touch with a lot of working moms, and not all of us are on the same path.


I know how these things work, okay?

If you don't show up, they're gonna label you "Doesn't step up to the plate."

"Not a team player."

You know, "She's taking the mommy path to career su1c1de."

(Rooster crows)

(Car rumbles in the distance)

Georgie: Great. What's she doing here?

Jack: See, there he is, right there.

Lisa: (Giggles)

Caleb: I would not like to be in an altercation with that guy.

Lisa: That'd be wise.

Probably outweighs you by about 2000 pounds.

That is one hell of a beast.

Caleb: All them cows in heat, ripe for the picking...

I'd say he's a pretty lucky beast.

Lisa: As nature intended.

Caleb: But, you know, he seems a lot more interested in eating than, you know, fraternizing.

What do you mean?

Well, I've been out here for hours.

That breeding bull seems to be doing everything except breeding.

Of course, that is just my opinion.

Well, I don't pay you for your opinion, do I?

Don't sh**t, I'm just the messenger.

If he's right, I know who I am gonna sh**t.

Lisa: I know.

Jack: If Tim Fleming has talked me into buying a breeding bull that doesn't do what he's supposed to do...

The bull might not be interested, but... you still are, right?

Oh, what?

Just feels like since I got back from France, you've had a certain... I don't know...

What the French would call "froideur."

The French can call it whatever they please.

But if it means what I think it does, it's all in your head.

Mallory: Those look awfully high.

Amy: Yeah.

I wonder who's been messing with the jumps?

(Phoenix snorts)


(Birds chirp)

(Both laugh)

How was that?

It was pretty fine.

Here. Let me help you.


Come here.

Oh God...

Tim, what if someone noticed?

What if someone says something?

What's the big deal?

It's not like we just met.

Shane is the big deal.

He can't find out about this.

Not until we know it-it's real.

Yeah, yeah. You're right.

You know, if anyone asks, we'll just say we were out of cell range.

(Cell phone rings)

Are you gonna get that?

We're out of cell range.

Yeah, right.

Agh! It's just Jack.

Whatever he wants can wait.

Good boy.

Good boy.

(Thundering hooves)

Nice! Way to stick with it!


Yes, good boy!

Yes! Good boy!



Tim: Okay, okay. Gee!

What, you don't answer your phone?

What? You tried to call me?

A number of times, yeah.

Well, you know, I don't get reception out here.

Yeah. We both know that that's a load of bull.

Speaking of which...

What? Something wrong?

Our bull, Ladies Man? I don't think so.

What do you mean?

Well, just that he seems to prefer other activities, like eating... and sleeping.

Jack, I told you, the guy I bought him from said he's good to go.

What he said doesn't interest me.

You know what I want?

I wanna see a piece of paper with the test results.

Just dial it down a notch.

Well, then show me the paper. I'm happy to be on my way.

Okay! I don't have a paper.

Seriously, what are the odds?

Ty says they're like one percent.

Ty says.

Well, Ty isn't a vet.

He's a second year science student.

You know, only an idiot would buy a bull without having him tested.

Fine. I take responsibility...

Yeah, well, that is a first.

But only for half an idiot, 'cause you own the other half.

(Horses whinny)

Amy: Okay, okay. Go on...

You know, when I left the clinic this morning, I found some turkey chili on the front steps.

Must have been cold by then.

It was still good. I ate it all.

Of course you did.

You know, I'm really glad that you have someone like Cassandra that can help you out.

I don't wanna hurt your chances in any way.

And I just...

There was a moment there when I saw you guys together.

We're not together.

I know. We just work in the same place.

I know.

And there's going to be stuff in your life that I'm not part of, and I'm okay with that.

(Phoenix snorts)

Hey, you...

Phoenix, good boy.


Hey, I am not okay with this.

Someone's been riding him I think I have a pretty good idea who that someone is.

Lou: What are we gonna wear, kitty cat? Hmm?

What do you think?

Okay, what kind of day is it gonna be, honey? Hmm?

Is it gonna be a cute skirt and onesie kind of a day?

Or is it gonna be a more t-shirt and shorts casual kind of day?

What about you there, mom? Shouldn't you be packing too?

Oh, whatever. I'll just.

Throw a few things in a bag at the last minute.

Oh, you want this one? There you go.

Peter: For a month in New York?

That doesn't sound like you.

Huh? What's up?

Well, I get that maybe you guys are okay with me leaving, but what if I'm not okay being away from my family for a month?


Yeah, I go through that every time I get on a plane.

Lou: Yeah, but you still do it.

You know what I do?

Actually, I play a little game with myself.

If I'm going for a week, I tell myself it's just for a day.

If that day goes okay, I stay another day.

What if I can't make it past the first day?

Then we'll put you on the next flight home.

(Horses snort)

Well, so much for your theory.

I don't see her anywhere.

(Horses snort)

Amy: Look come on, let's go.

(Clicks tongue)

(Phoenix breathes hard, hooves thunder)

Ty: (Gasps)

(Phoenix breathes hard, hooves plod heavily)

She is amazing.

Amy: I did not give her permission to ride that horse, let alone jump it.

Ty: Yeah. You should probably do something.

I'm going to.

Ty: I haven't seen anything like that since I first saw you and Spartan.

That girl has absolutely no fear.

Amy: She's gonna be afraid.

Very afraid.

Tim: Hey, Jack!

I'm not interested.


I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the bull and that I'm gonna try to make it up to you...

But I wanted to ask you a favour.

I'm not surprised.

It's, it's about Miranda.

There could be something and there could be nothing.

I just wondered if you could keep it under your hat?

I don't want the kids to find out.

Well, I don't know what I'd say anyhow, so...

Tim: They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Isn't that it?

You hated every minute of that trip to France, Jack.

No, I didn't.

I hated being away from home, that's...

But Lisa thinks I loved it, so...

I have to tell her how I really feel one of these days.


Just tell her what's important.

Tell her you love her.

It was just a trip.

Don't rock the boat.

(Screen door opens and closes, Parisian music plays softly)

(Sighs heavily)



Amy: Mallory!

Hey, I'm sorry I was late.

Mallory: Funny that. I was right on time.

I had a problem with Georgie.

Yeah. It's all about Georgie.

You told me you weren't jealous.

Maybe I am - how disturbing is that?

Okay, wait.

You can't leave like this.

You were doing so well yesterday.

Just talk to me. You've changed...

Yeah. Try moving to Nashville, that'll change you.

I was just some boring new kid from Canada.

My dad wasn't even famous.

In Nashville, Charlie Wells is just a small fish in a big pond.

I didn't even make any new friends.

I'm sorry. But you're back now, and next year is your senior year, and you're gonna rule the school with all your old friends.

Yeah. Except I don't have any friends here.

Jake is the only person who even cares that I'm back.

I'm sorry.

I was just hoping that I could ride in some horse shows and make some new friends.

But, of course, I'm even too useless to do that.

You're not useless, all right?

Please, don't lie to me, Amy, not you.

I wouldn't.

Look, if we keep at it, you're not only gonna be riding in horse shows, you're gonna be winning in them.

I don't care about winning.

I just don't need some annoying brat showing me up!

Hey, it's not like that.

Honestly, Amy, this has been the worst year of my life, and I come back home and things have not gotten better.

It's gonna get better, okay?

And you're not gonna quit 'cause I'm not letting you.

(Bacon sizzles)

Lisa: Yoo-hooo!

Jack: Yeah. Come on in!

I have good news for you.


Yes, I talked to Lanny Barrick and he has agreed to buy that big buffalo off of you.

Oh, now, hold on.

That buffalo might not be much of a ladies man, but that doesn't mean I'm just giving him away.

No one said you had to give him away.

He's offered to pay half the purchase price.

Well, I only paid half, so I guess that means Tim gets nothing! Ha!

Though Lanny does know that the stud's a dud?

I don't think he cares 'cause he just wants it as a landscape element for his dream ranch.

That's good then. You want some coffee?

Hey, what's up with that?

Hmm... First I noticed.

(Parisian music gets louder)

You know, Lisa, all those pictures, you see the same ones over and over and...

I know. But you know what?

Every time we go to France, we're gonna add new ones.


Tim: Okay, you make sure you call me, huh?

Miranda: Yeah. I will.

Tim: Make sure that son of ours calls me too.

Oh, Tim, what have we done?

I don't know.


Neither do I.

Yeah, well...

We'll figure it out.

(Sighs) Yeah.

(Car starts up)

♪ Remember when ♪
♪ we were scared to lose our skin ♪
♪ and I just found out ♪
♪ what I always knew ♪

Peter: Honey, you gotta go. You're gonna miss your flight.

Lou: Look at her in her bed. It's a miracle.

How can I leave my baby?

It's only for today.

Amy: Here you go.

Oh, ah, thank you, Amy.

This looks great, but um...

You know, I'm just not hungry right now.

Amy: Ty, come on.

You know, maybe I can't help you study, but I can make sure that you've got something in your stomach for your exams.

Honestly, Amy, I-I can't.

Thank you.

Amy: You sure you're okay?

You're not nervous, are you?

Ty: No. I think I know my stuff, and uh...

I feel confident, well-prepared.

Amy: Good. Ty: Yeah.

Amy: All right, well, good luck.

Not that you're gonna need it or anything.

Ty: Okay.

♪ I've always known ♪

(Truck rumbles away)

♪ What I thought you needed to know ♪
♪ and I just found out ♪

( Vomits and groans)

♪ What I always knew ♪


♪ Feeling the breath ♪
flowing out our emptiness ♪
♪ and I just found out ♪
♪ what I always knew ♪