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06x05 - Trial Run

Posted: 10/30/12 17:53
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

(Car tires squeal)

Who are you?

And what are you doing on my horse?

That's Georgie.

I said she could go riding before school, but that was well over an hour ago.

Who the heck is Georgie?

Ty: This is Amy, my girlfriend. Um, this is Cassandra.

Right! Yeah, Scott's new assistant, right?

Janice: Then I met Cisco here.

Wait a second.

You're-you're giving me a racehorse?

You know what, Amy? I really appreciate your input, but I've worked with dozens of racehorses; I think I know a little more about it than you do.

I'm just trying to help, Janice.

I thought you wanted to marry me because you loved me, not because you were trying to win some custody battle.

Tim: I do!

(Hard slap)

Amy: Dad! Tim: Hey, honey!

Amy: Hey! You're up early.

Tim: Yeah. Well, you know, I can't afford a hired hand to ride this fence-line.

Of course, technically, these are your grandpa Jack's fences too, but he's been in such a lousy mood lately.

Yeah, no kidding. What's that about?

I think it's got something to do with Lisa.

But that's not why you're out here.

What do you wanna talk about?

(Sighs) Janice.

Tim: My Janice?

What about her?

We've sorta been playing phone tag.

She left a few messages.

She's in this area and wants to stop by Heartland.

No. You said no, right?

No. No stopping by Heartland, no talking about the good old days, no nothing, Amy.

Dad, come on, be serious.

I am serious. Very serious.

Come on!
(Clucks his tongue)

Georgie: I did them yesterday!

Mallory: They were your dishes.

Georgie: So what? You ate the most food!
(Plate smashes)

Mallory: Look what you did!

Jack: Everybody out, now!

Jack: Hold it right there!

On second thought, you go into town.

You get everything on that list, and take your time.

Is that garbage where it's supposed to be?

Then put it in the bin!

Mallory: Hey, Jack?


Mallory: I know it's not a good time, but Lou specifically hired me to baby-sit Katie while she's in New York, so I just wanna make sure that I have my old job for the rest of the summer.

I'll think about it.

Mallory: What do you mean you'll "think about it"?

It's my job! It's always been my job!

Well, the job description has expanded.

It now includes looking out for Georgie, and from what I can see so far, let's just say we'll see.

I'm on probation because of her?!

Yeah. Probation... A trial run...

Call it what you will.

(Dog howls nearby)

(Dog howls nearby)

(Dog whimpers)

Come here, boy. Girl. Whatever.

Come on, it's okay. I'm nice.

Yeah, come here.

You're hungry, aren't you?

(Dog whines)

I'll get you something.

(Garbage bag rustles)

(Dog whines and whimpers)

Here... Don't be scared.


There you go.

Mallory: (Blasts car horn) Georgie, move it!

We've gotta get going!


Yeah, yeah, hold your horses.

Tim: Hi. Amy: Hey.

(Vehicle rumbles in the distance)

Oh no.

What's the problem?

That's Janice's truck, isn't it?

You didn't tell me she was coming today!

Well, I didn't know, I swear.

I'll take care of the horse.

You, you... Make her go away.

What do you want me to say?

I-I I don't know. Just... anything.

You'll think of something.


(Truck rumbles up outside)

Janice: Amy!

Janice, hi!

Good to see you. How've you been?


That's Tim's horse.

Is he here?

Uh, I don't know.

He might be in the house or in the barn.


Janice, if you're here to see my dad, I wouldn't go there if I were you.

Oh really?

Well, this has absolutely nothing to do with your father.

Look, Amy, I know you and I have had our differences, but believe it or not, I'm actually here to see you.

What about?

About a horse -

I need your help with Cisco.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

(Truck rumbles off)

Tim: So what'd she say?

Amy: You could've asked her that yourself, Dad.

It's complicated, honey.

With all I have on my plate, I don't have time to deal with her right now.

What do have on your plate that's so important?

Miranda, Shane, school tuition, the money that I lost on that bison, and owning a racehorse comes at a steep price.

I try to keep up my share, but I kinda dropped the ball on that one, too.

Dad, I don't think this is about money, okay?

She asked me to work with Cisco.

And I hate to say it, but I think she was kinda happy that you stayed in the barn.


I said she's using you and Cisco as a go-between to get to me!

She drove all the way from California, okay?

I couldn't just turn her away.

Well, you could've. You still can.

You could just call her, tell her you're too busy.

You're not in the racehorse business.

Tell her that you don't think you should get involved.

Involved in what? How am I involved?

I just agreed to spend a couple of hours with her horse and that's it.

Couple hours?

There's nothing wrong with Cisco.

I'd bet my life on that.

Oh yeah? Okay.

Make it five bucks and you're on.

Well, if you wanna throw your money away, fine with me.

Georgie: I don't see why I have to carry everything?

Mallory: Because I'm the one doing the actual shopping.

Oh my gosh!

Cassandra: Oh my God, that's amazing!

(Ty laughs)

We should go.

Georgie: (Stumbles) Ow!

What are you doing? Stop that!

Oh, look, it's Ty! Hi, Ty!

Ty: Hey, girls. Come on over.

Mallory, Georgie, this is Cassandra.

Cassandra: Hi.

You guys wanna join us for lunch?

Georgie: Sure!

That sounds great, but...

Actually we gotta go.

Ty: There's plenty of room, Mallory.

Got two seats right there.

Yeah, but you know how it is.

Two's company, three's a crowd.

Four's an even bigger crowd, which is even worse.

I'm not judging you.

Mallory, Cassandra works at Scott's vet clinic.

We're just on our lunch break.

To celebrate the news! Look!

Georgie: "University of Saskatchewan, Department of Veterinary Medicine."

Cassandra: Yeah. Ty got on the wait list!

Isn't that great?

That is great - totally.


Ty: Here. Check out the menu.

(Cisco thunders around the track)

(Hooves thud, Cisco grunts and snorts)

(Stopwatch beeps)

(Janice exhales)

Amy: He looked pretty good out there, but his time's definitely off from last year.

Janice: Yeah, when I was winning.

He hasn't been in the money once this season.

So obviously a problem, I'm just...

Hoping you can help me figure out what it is.

Why me?

I mean, why did you come all the way up here?

Why not?

I mean, you did such a great job with him last time.

Who knows, maybe you're exactly what Cisco needs.

Just promise me that this isn't about you and my dad?

Your dad? No.

Honestly, we've barely spoken since that whole marriage thing blew up in my face.

Yeah. Sorry about that.

I guess it was a pretty big a commitment for both of you.

Amy, I don't know what your dad told you, but we didn't break up over any "commitment issues."

Mallory: So, Ty, vet school.

Pretty great, hey, Amy?

Amy: What's she talking about?

Ty: Um, just... I made the wait list for the school in Saskatchewan, so...


Georgie: We saw him at Maggie's with Cassandra.

He even paid for our lunch.

One of the best vet schools in the country!

Well, congratulations. That's... that's awesome.

Jack: Yeah, well done!

Come on, guys.

It's a little early to celebrate.

Being on the wait list doesn't mean I got in.

It actually means that I didn't get in.

Mallory: Well, according to Cassandra, it means he has to wait for someone that has better grades then him to decide not to be a vet, or wait till they die.

Whichever comes first.

(Screen door bangs shut)
Tim: Hey!

Sorry I'm late.

How can someone be late when they're not invited?

Tim: (Laughs) Good one, Jack.

What is that?

Pot roast.

Jack made it.

Tim: Mmm.

I'll have some anyway.

So... Jack, where's Lisa?

Well, she's got a busy schedule.

Yeah? Who doesn't?

Amy, how'd it go with Janice today?


Janice? Your Janice?

Not any more, Jack.

Dodged that b*llet, remember?

(Mouth full)

Here, poochie!

Got something for ya!

Pot roast.


Hey, girl.

Good dog.

Mallory: Georgie!

Go! Scoot! Get!

What're you doing out here?

Um... well...

I can't eat pot roast 'cause I'm a vegan...

And I didn't wanna hurt Jack's feelings, so I'm gonna throw it in the bin.

If you're such a vegan, why take meat in the first place?

Um... momentary relapse?

Tim: I'm telling you, she's gonna show up here eventually.

Amy: You know what? He seriously believes it, too.

He even bet me five bucks.

I don't know why you can't wrap your head around the simple fact that maybe Janice actually wants Amy to work with Cisco?

I'll tell you why, Jack.


I owe her money for the upkeep of the horse.

A word to the unwise, your money issues with Janice are not your daughter's problem, they're your problem.

I know that.

That's why I don't want Amy involved.

She's already involved, Tim, so you better make damn sure...

That she doesn't get caught in the crossfire.

Tim: I hear you.

I'm all over it.

(Birds chirp and twitter)

Ty: Okay...

Amy: Okay what?

Ty: I know what's bugging you.

It's the vet school thing.

You're jealous 'cause I told Cassandra before I told you.

Amy: (Sighs)

It's just that I helped you fill out your application, you know, and... And write your letter.

I just felt like it's something between us, that we shared.

Amy, Cassandra just happened to be the first person I saw when I opened it.




By the way, has anyone ever told you you're kinda cute when you're jealous.


'Cause I like it; Makes me feel special.

Oh! Don't let it go to your head...


(Rain patters, people chatter nearby)


Well, I should've known you'd show up sooner or later.

Yeah, well, I heard you were here.

Sorry I missed you earlier.

Let me cut to the chase, Tim.

I didn't come here to see you, so...

You didn't miss a thing.

Oh, hey!

Aw, come on, Janice.

Don't be like that. I know what this is about.

I just gotta juggle a couple things around, so don't cash it for a week or so.

I don't want your money, Tim.

Come on, I owe you the money.

That's... that's what this is about.

It's the deal. I owe it to you.

You just don't get it, do you?

What? Wait! We're still talking.

Janice: You wanna talk?

Then don't come prowling around here like some randy old tomcat.

Janice, you know I have nothing but respect for you.


Then why don't you show it?

Why don't you ask me to go for coffee or for lunch or something, and maybe I'll think about it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I had a really long day, so... good night.

Do you wanna go out for lunch or coffee or something?

(Sighs heavily)

Mallory: First up, the barn.

I'm gonna be taking care of Katie, so I need you to turn out the horses, muck out the stalls, and fill the water buckets.

Why do I have to do everything?

Who made you boss?

Jack did, didn't you, Jack?

Maybe I should take care of Katie and you should go do the work in the barn.

You think taking care of Katie isn't work?

Because a million mothers would disagree with you.

Yeah, and you're not one of them.

(Jack sighs disapprovingly)

I'm sorry I'm being testy...

What does that mean?

It means for the next little while, while I'm busy with Katie, you're gonna have to pick up the slack.

Georgie: Yeah, busy.

Well, you know what? I'm feeling a little testy too.

Well, that went well, didn't it?

Mallory, what're you doing with that thing?

Someone turned off your gay paree pictures.



(Katie gurgles and coos)

Georgie: Hey, poochie! Got something for ya!

Toast! Bacon!

All right, what are you doing?

Okay, so there's this dog, and she comes around here, so I've been feeding her.

Here, girl!

You're feeding someone else's dog?

No! She doesn't belong to anybody.

She's lost.

And she's not here this morning, so maybe she's hurt, or caught in a trap.

Or she went home.

You can't just leave food lying around out here, you're gonna attract scavengers - mice, raccoons, even bears.

Are you gonna rat me out to Jack?

No, but you owe me.

So you better get with the program and start sucking up.

I mean now!


(Calls out)
Here, girl!

(Hooves thud evenly, Cisco grunts)

Amy: He's got a nice forward gait.

I don't think he's lame at all.

Janice: Yeah, I don't think soundness is the problem.

Amy: He seems really responsive.

Well, he knows how to focus on the job.

You know, Janice, I really don't see a problem at all.

Maybe you should breeze him around the track again, I can see if I've missed something?

(Cell phone chirps)
Janice: Yeah, okay.

It's gonna have to be a bit later though.

I gotta take off for awhile.

We just got started.

Yeah, I know, I'm so sorry.

This won't take long though, I promise.

I'll see you in a bit.

Amy: Okay.

(Cisco grunts)

Whoa... whoa...

There's nothing wrong with you, is there, boy? Hmm?

Nothing at all.

So why aren't you winning races?

Mallory: What are you doing and where do you think you're going?

I gotta go look for that dog.

Mallory: You haven't even mucked out the stalls yet!

I'll do it later.

What is the big deal with this dog and why is it so important to you?

She came here looking for help, so I fed her.

I can't just give up on her now.

Mallory: Georgie, no!

You're not allowed to go riding off by yourself.

(Yelling) I promised Jack I'd look out for you and I can't blow it.

I'm on a trial run!

Georgie: So what?!

I've been on a trial run my whole life!

I'll tell Jack, and he'll call Clint Riley, and you'll be packed up out of here so fast your head will spin!

(Exhales sharply)

If I get fired, I'm blaming you!

Amy: Good boy.

Let's get you some brushes.

Ty, hey.

Are you busy?

Perfect. Can you meet me down at the track?

I need your help with something.

Mallory: Hey, Georgie, wait up!

You better not keep going!

She's around here somewhere, I can feel it!

You haven't found her and you probably won't.

She could be miles from here, and we need to go back before Jack realizes we're gone.

(Dog barks in the distance)

Did you hear that?

(Dog barks)

Over there!

Mallory: (Sighs) Oh... damn!

(Dog barks)


I'm glad you could make it.

Yeah, well, it's a small town, Tim.

Can't keep avoiding you forever.

You're looking good.

You hungry?

Try the vegetarian chili.

I hear it's the best in Alberta.

I don't want vegetarian chili, Tim.

Coffee's fine.

I have to get back to the track.

Yeah. Work always came first with you; I respected that.

You know, we were... We were two different people on two different paths.

I probably could've handled the break up a little better-

You know what, Tim?

I'm actually not really interested in talking about the past.

I'm not talking about the past, I'm talking about the present, and how, sometimes, it's hard to move on.

You do not wanna talk to me about moving on.

You made it all too easy for me to move on.


So what do you want?

You still think this is about you?

You're unbelievable!

For all I knew, you were still up in medicine hat or wherever it was you used to sneak off to.

Moose Jaw!

I didn't sneak off. I visited my son.

And his mother.

Yeah, his mother. You mean, Miranda?

What, where are you going with this?

Oh my God.

You're back together with her, aren't you?


I mean... Yes, I see her... Occasionally.

She's the mother.

I can't see him and not the mother.

You know what, Tim? I have...

Don't even bother trying to explain.

I saw this one coming a mile away.
(Low hum of chatter, music plays quietly)

(Birds chirp, dog barks)

(Dog barks)

I can hear her, but I can't see her anywhere!

It sounds like it's coming from over here.

(Wood crumbles)

Are you okay?

(Dog barks)

That's her! She's down here!

Look, this is a well. It's dangerous, trust me.

(Dialing beeps)

What're you doing?

Calling Jack.

Jack? No way! Are you crazy?

Why not?

Because it'll be like every other place I've been!

You find a lost dog or a cat, and guess what they do?

They take it to the farm - the goodbye poochie farm!

Jack's not like that.

Who says?

You're gonna wreck it for both of us; He'll fire you, and he'll call Clint Riley.

We need help, so that's a chance I'm willing to take.

Mallory: We need help! Georgie: But I'm not!

Hey! Give it! Georgie!

Georgie: No!

(Phone clatters)


(Dog barks)

Georgie: Oops.

Mallory: Look what you did!

Georgie: Looks like someone's gonna have to go down there and get your phone.

Might as well get the dog at the same time.

(Dog barks)

Mallory: Are you sure you don't want me to go down there?

Georgie: She's my dog.

This was my idea.

I'll be okay... Just don't drop me.

Mallory: I wouldn't.

I need my phone back, and if I k*lled you, Jack would k*ll me.

Very funny.

Okay. Let's go.

Hey, is everything okay?

Georgie: Yeah.


Mallory: Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Georgie: Slow down!


Georgie: Don't do that!

Hey! Keep it steady!

Go down!

(Thump) Ow!

Mallory: I'm trying! He's not cooperating!

'Kay, steady... Steady, boy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Steady! Steady!

(Georgie screams, loud thump)

(Mallory gasps)

Hold it right there.

Georgie: (Grunts)

(Dog barks and whimpers)
Hey, little girl.

Georgie, are you okay?

Georgie: Yeah, but the dog doesn't look so good.

So we gotta hurry.

I need something to wrap around her.

Mallory: Why?

Georgie: So I can make a sling! How else can we get her up?

Mallory: I've got a slicker.

Georgie: 'Kay! Throw it down!

Hey... we're gonna get you outta here, I promise.

It's okay.

All right, what am I doing here?

Okay, take a look at this.

What am I looking at?

Amy: All right, so jockeys keep records of all their times, right - their wins, their losses - and this is Janice's book on Cisco.

So look at this: These are his races this year, these are the tracks, and those are times.

Ty: Okay.

One minute sixteen seconds at Delmar; One twelve at Los Alamitos; One seventeen, Fairplex - that seems pretty consistent.

Yeah, consistent - consistently worse than last year.

Isn't that why she's here, Amy?

Amy: (Sighs) Well, yeah...

But even when I timed her yesterday, she was way slower than she's been before.


But without the adrenaline from a real race, Amy, you gotta expect him to be a bit slower.

Well... yeah, but I don't think that's it.

You know, Janice brought Cisco here for me to look at and I don't think she's giving it all she's got.

Ty: Whoa, whoa.

You're kidding, right?


Georgie: Okay... um, all set down here!

Mallory: Okay! Come on. Easy.

That's it.

Georgie: All right, sweetie, it's okay.

Here. No, no. No, no.

Mallory: Keep going... okay.

Georgie: Oh yeah, oh yeah.

(Dog whimpers)

Mallory: Come on, boy. Back up, back up.

Shhh... it's okay. Shhh...

Malllory: Okay, okay, okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Georgie: What're you doing? Don't stop! Keep going!

I'm trying!

Okay, calm down.

Go forward, come on.

Come on.

Okay, okay.


Georgie: Oh please, please do not fall.

Mallory: (Sighs) Come on, Copper.

(Horse grunts and snorts nervously)

No, no, no, no. Back up, back up.

No! (Gasps)

(Georgie screams, debris clatters)

(Horses whinny and gallop away)

Wait, Copper! Come back!

Are you okay?

Georgie: Hey! What happened?!

(Sighs with relief)

Ty: One, two, three!

All right, you ready?

(Stopwatch beeps)

Amy: Hyah! Hyah!

Ty: Woo!

Come on, Amy! Keep it going!

Yeah! Cisco!



(Hooves thunder)

Come on, Amy!

Let's go, Cisco!

(Stopwatch beeps)

Wow! That was incredible!

Well, it looks like you were having fun out there.

Fun? Are you kidding me? I was scared out of my mind!

What was the time?

Sixty-nine point two?!

Are you serious?!

Wow, I knew I was going fast, but I didn't think it was quite that fast.

Amy, with times like this, you would've won all these races.

Like she did when she was with your dad.

Which means, it's just like he said.

Yeah... It's not about the horse.

It's about Janice, or my dad.

Or worse, Janice and your dad.

Janice: Hey!

You wanna tell me what you've been doing with my horse?

Jack: What the heck is going on here, Katie?




Georgie: Oh my gosh, are you all right?

Hey, what're you doing?!

Get us out of here, now!

Mallory: What am I supposed to do? I can't haul you up myself!

Georgie: It's okay.
(Cell phone rings)

Mallory: That's my phone! Answer it.

Well, I have to find it first!

(Phone continues ringing)

Georgie: Got it!

Oh no, it's Jack!

Mallory: What're you waiting for? Pick it up!

Tell him where we are!

Georgie: Hello, Jack.

Jack: Don't you "hello Jack" me.

Where are you?

Don't worry, everything is fine.

Mallory: What're you saying? Everything is not fine!

Well, that's interesting, 'cause guess what I'm doing?

I'm staring at two saddled horses in my yard and you're not on either one of them, so start talking and don't you dare lie to me.

Georgie: Okay.

Promise you won't get mad?

Ty: Sixty-nine point two.

That was from a standing start.

Janice: Not bad.

I'm gonna go get the truck.

Amy: Okay.

You know and I both know there's a million variables.

I mean, different day, different track, different jockeys.

Yeah, but I'm not even close to a real jockey and still got a better time than you did.

Yeah. So maybe whatever was slowing him down is just starting to heal on its own.

I'm not sure about that.

I think one of those variables is how much you both wanna win.

I mean, I know Cisco does; I'm not so sure about you.

(Laughs) What're you talking about, Amy?

I wanna win so bad, I drove all the way up here.

I just mean that maybe there's some issues from when you and my dad broke up.

You know what, Amy? I do have issues.

I have issues with the kind of man who would ask me to marry him just to get custody of his kid.

I'm sorry. I... I had no idea.

It's okay, you don't have anything to apologize for.

But you're right; You have no idea.

Look, coming up here was obviously a big mistake, so I'll pay you for the work you've done.

But I don't want counselling or helpful suggestions from you or anyone else.

You know, I think you do want something, but not from me.
(Cell phone rings)

That fact that Cisco still belongs to my dad is one of the reasons you're sitting back in your saddle when you ride.

Just answer your phone, Amy.

We're done here.

(Phone beeps)

Amy: Hello?

A well? Again? Are you kidding me?

Yeah. Yeah, of course. We'll be right there.


So what if you're right?

What if it isn't the horse and it is me?

How are you gonna fix that?

Jack: Okay, we're gonna get you in a couple minutes now.

Ty: What do we got here, Jack?

Jack: We're just bringing the dog up now.

Is Georgie okay?

Mallory: She says she's okay, but the dog is hurt.

Jack: Yeah, there she is.

(Dog whimpers)

Amy: It's okay...

Jack: Hold her there.

Georgie: Yoo-hoo! Can you hear me?!

Hey, guys?!

Don't you guys dare let her run away!

Do you hear me?

(Quietly) Maybe we should just leave her down there.

Don't worry, I don't think that dog's gonna be running anywhere.

Okay, send her back down, Mallory.

(Winch whirs)

(Jack grunts)

You all set down there?

Yeah. I guess.

Jack: Keep her going, keep her going.

(Winch whirs)

Georgie: Where is she?!

Jack: Amy and Ty have her.

Well, what're they doing with her?

Where are they going?

They're taking her to Scott's clinic.

Well, I wanna go with them!

Guys! Wait for me!

(Truck rumbles away) I wanna come with you!


It's not fair! She's my dog!

I found her.

Told you we should've left her in there.

Jack: Yeah, maybe we should have.

Now what the heck am I gonna do with you?

Did you call Clint Riley?

Do you want me too?


Then why are you asking?

Well, I thought 'cause, you know... me here, and this is a trial run.

Well, I suppose it is a trial run, but not just for you - for all of us.

Georgie: Yeah, but I'm the only one that's gonna get sent off to a crappy foster home.

Nobody's gonna get sent anywhere.

But it would help if you didn't go looking for trouble all the time.

Georgie: Sorry!

I promise. Next time.

Jack: Next time? No next time.

Hey! Hey, I'm glad you called.

We kinda got off on the wrong foot.

What is Cisco doing here?

I thought he was supposed to be at the track with Amy.

Yeah, she's already taken a look at him, and she thinks he's in great shape.

There's just one little problem: He needs to start winning races, and that's not gonna happen while I'm riding him.

Well, don't say that.

Come on, you're a good jockey.

You had a solid season.

A solid season - last year.

But now, every time I get on this horse, from the start gate, waiting for that bell to go off, and rounding the turn, then heading for home, I keep thinking...

Man, this is a great horse... But he's Tim's horse.

Come on, hey, I'm outta this.

I've taken a step back. I won't interfere.

If you're serious about forgiving that debt, I won't even pay you back the money I owe you.

Wow, that's really generous, Tim, but you're right, I don't want your money.

I just wanna give this horse to you.

You can't do that.

This isn't easy for me, Tim, but I don't have a choice.

Look, I just... I want a normal life.

You know, I wanna meet a guy, fall in love, you know, maybe get married, have a family...

I don't think any of that's possible while you're still in the picture.


This is goodbye.

Yeah. I guess it is.

(Cisco snorts)

Cassandra: Hey, Amy, nice to see you.

Amy: Yeah, you too.

Cassandra: I called Scott. He's on his way.

Ty: Okay.

Amy: Um, where do you want her?

Cassandra: Uh, let's just get her up on the table.

Ty: Careful. She's sore on the right side.

Probably got some bruised ribs.

Yeah, I think her hip might be dislocated as well.

Cassandra: Scott said to give her some pre-meds if she's in pain.

Ty: Okay.

Amy, you need to uh... Move right outta there.

Amy: Okay, I'm sorry. Ty: Thank you.

Uh, hydro? Three mils?

Cassandra: Uh yeah, sounds about right.

Ty: Okay.

I need in here. Sorry.

Amy: Oh, you know what? I'm just in the way.

You guys seem to have it under control.

I'm gonna go.

Okay, I'll call you later, okay?

Amy: Okay.

Ty: I think we're gonna need some X-rays.

Yeah, and some blood work too.

Okay, I'm on it.

Okay... How are her vitals doing?

Cassandra: Okay. Ty: Yeah?

Cassandra: Yeah.

Ty: Here it goes. Cassandra: You're good.

Just take a little blood, that's good.

Amy: Hey!

You win;

It wasn't really about the horse.

Tim: No, no. You... You keep that.

I don't feel like much of a winner...

And now I got a horse that can't run.

I wouldn't say he can't run.

He did six furlongs in just over a minute;

That's enough to put him in the winner's circle every time.

Yeah? That'd make a lot of owners happy.

So why aren't I happy, Amy?

I don't know, maybe because you used Janice?

I can't believe you asked her to marry you just so you could win the custody case!

Nah, it wasn't like that!

Okay. Okay, maybe it was like that.

But I just wanted my son...

Yeah, I know. I've heard it all before.

To have a father!

And now, every time I see that damn horse...

You're right;

I-I-I can't... believe how badly I treated Janice.

I can't believe it.

So what're you gonna do about it?

At this point, I don't know if there's anything I can do about it.

I think there is.

Mallory: Okay. I know I blew it.

I tried to stop Georgie, but she just went ahead anyway.

And I didn't call you because I didn't want you to think that I couldn't handle her by myself.

The way I figure it, Georgie's the type that...

She's gonna do what she's gonna do, no matter what you tell her.

My thoughts exactly!

And we all make mistakes, don't we?

Maybe you made more than your fair share.

What do you think?

Come on, Jack. It all turned out okay in the end.

Yeah, it did.

And I know you'll do better next time.

What're you saying?

Are you telling me that I got the job?

There was never any doubt in my mind about that.

Me too! I mean, honestly, I just have this natural gift with kids.

It's like they're just immediately drawn towards me.

Don't push it.


Well, anyway, thanks, Jack.

You're not such a bad guy after all.

Or maybe you're just getting soft with old age.

I am not!

(Door closes)

(Dialing beeps)

Jack: Hello, Lisa Stillman.

(Rain patters, low hum of chatter nearby)

Tim, what're you doing here?

I'm giving you the horse.

You know I can't be a jockey and an owner at the same time.

I've talked to my lawyer.

I got the original bill of sale, the pedigree papers, the jockey club registration...

You can start fresh; You can find yourself a new partner, keep racing Cisco. Or you can sell him, whatever you want, no strings attached.

You know it's not that easy.

I screwed everything up, I know that.

I wish I could... change it, but I can't.

I loved you, I really did, you know?

Come on, it wasn't all bad.

Yeah, I guess that's what makes this so difficult.

Well, it is for me too; That's why we gotta do this - we gotta...

We gotta make a clean break.

And you own the horse a hundred percent, nothing to do with me.


And never let our past hold you back.

I didn't really feel that good about giving him to you, anyway.

Thank you, Tim. Really.

Thank you.


Amy: (Laughing) What're you doing?

Ty: Just come with me.

Amy: But why are we up here?

Because everything good that's ever happened in my life started when I was in this room.

University of Calgary, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

It came this morning, and I got a good feeling about this one.

So I want to share it with the woman I love.


(Paper tears)

You ready?


♪ Let every sunrise show you how ♪

Congratulations, Ty, you did it!

Ty: Yes! (Laughing)

Amy: I knew! I knew you'd get it!

Ty: Oh my God!

Amy: Ty, you even got a scholarship! Ty: Yes!

What's going on?

Let's go see.

Mallory: Mm, no, forget it.

Why? What's the big problem now?

There's no big problem. It just sounds like...

Ty and Amy got some good news.

Yeah, so?

So maybe we should go back to the house and let them celebrate in peace.

Maybe they were celebrating, but it sure doesn't sound like it now.

Mallory: Believe me, they're celebrating.