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06x06 - Helping Hands

Posted: 11/06/12 16:05
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

Mallory: You're giving her jumping lessons, but not me?

You, jumping.

When do we start?

It's a digital picture frame.

I downloaded all our pictures from France.

Amy: Shorten your reins.

(Horse grunts and snorts)
Whoa! Whoa!


Tim: They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

You hated every minute of that trip to France, Jack.

But Lisa thinks I loved it, so...

I have to tell her how I really feel one of these days.


(Cranks rock music up)

♪ Today's the day, gonna lay it all down ♪
♪ you gotta have guts to get to glory ♪
♪ pump up the fight, kick it into overdrive ♪
♪ it's time to light it up ♪
♪ five, four, three, two, one... ♪
♪ go big... ♪

All right. Let's do this.

(Spartan grunts)


Mallory, you cannot pull on his mouth like that.


I'm serious.

It's way too hard on Spartan.

Too hard on Spartan? Are you kidding?

I think I just lost my front teeth.

Agh! You're fine, okay?

Just get back on and we'll do it again.

Can't I just catch my breath first?

Amy: (Sighs) Mallory, get back on, you're doing great.

Just make sure that you count your strides and concentrate.

Concentrate. Right. No problem.

♪ Go big or go home ♪
♪ each step that you take you got to own ♪
♪ go hard, go strong ♪
♪ it's time to put your game face on ♪
♪ push up those sleeves ♪
♪ don't be afraid to skin your knees ♪
♪ go bi-i-i-i-i-g! ♪
♪ or go home ♪

Ty: One down, twenty more to go.

Scott: You're not getting tired already, are you?

Ty: Not me, man. I love this stuff.

But you, you've been at this for awhile, right?

Do you ever get sick of these routine visits?

Scott: Well, most vets, they live for the big surgery, but those don't come along everyday.

Floating teeth, vaccination, that's our bread and butter.

Hey, Scott, take a look at this.

What is it?

Ty: Well, he's got a lot of swelling in his joints here.

See that?

Come on.

Whoa, you're right. That's a lot of fluid.

Ty: Yeah.

Scott: Take him for a trot.

Yeah. Okay.


(Horse whinnies)

Ty: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy...

See the way his head's moving there?

Yeah, it doesn't look good.

Ty: Easy, easy, easy.

What do you think?

Well, I'm gonna have to do some more tests, but with that much swelling, it could be pretty serious.

(Door click open) Lisa: Hey there!

Come on in! Just made a fresh pot.

I have incredible news!

Well, let's hear it.

That place that we looked at in Toulon just went down in price.

Well... Isn't that something.

It won't stay on the market for long, so we should make an offer right away.

Well, j-j-just back up there, pardner.

You dragged me through a lot of places in France.

Which one are we talking about?

The one - you know - it had the vineyards and it had all the charming little outbuildings.

You told me that my villa was too cramped for you and that this place was perfect in size.

Well, that might have been a little bit o' talk - a little pie in the sky there, but...

You know, I don't have that kind of money.

But that's okay, because...

I'm going to sell my place and that's gonna cover most of it.

Oh, Lisa...

You said you had a little bit of money that you wanted to invest.

(Jack sighs)

I know it sounds like a crazy dream, but it's... it's...

A chance to make it a reality.

We had so much fun together in France.

I wanna get a vacation place that's ours; That we both love to go to.

Come on, what do you say?

Let's do it!
(Chuckles awkwardly)

Jeremy: Are you guys done with Buckingham yet?

I wanna get a schooling in before the end of the day.

(Sighs) Yeah, we're done, but we noticed there's some significant swelling in his joints.

Thanks, but all I ordered was a West Nile shot.

Scott: Well, I'm concerned enough that I'd like to do some more tests.

Like I said, there's some swelling and he might be in some pain.

Just give him some bute.

Scott: I don't think bute's gonna cut it at this stage.

We need to look at healing his joints with a more invasive joint supplement.

That sounds expensive.

Scott: Well, it's not cheap, but I'm worried that if it goes untreated, in a few months it could lead to lameness or...even worse.

You know what? I'm good with just the West Nile shot.

Ty: We're not trying to sell you dr*gs.

We just really wanna help your horse.

No, you're trying to scare me into spending more money.

He's in pain right now!


(Sighs) You have my recommendation.

Are you done?

What a jerk.

Yeah. Some people shouldn't own horses.

He's gonna run Buckingham into the ground.

I know.

Well, we gotta do something, Scott.

He refused treatment.

So we're just gonna ignore this?

If an owner doesn't take our advice, there's nothing we can do about it.

Our hands are tied.

You can't save every animal, Ty.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

(Spartan grunts)

Amy: Mallory, what did I say about yanking on his mouth?

Okay, relax. I won't do it again.

Okay, you know, maybe we should just lower the jumps until you're more confident.

Are you kidding me?

It's for your own safety, and for Spartan's.

Fine! Can we just call it a day?

Amy: No. No, no, we're not done for today.

Well, I am.

Amy: Mallory!

You're never gonna get good at show jumping
with that kind of attitude.

I'm not the one with the attitude problem.

You're the one yelling at me.

I'm a coach; That's what we do.

We motivate... loudly.

Well, I feel the opposite of motivated.

You can't give up that easily, all right?

You've... You've got potential.

Potential. Right.

But I'll never be as good as her.

As who?

Georgie, the natural.

Come on, that's not what this is about.

I'm tired, okay?

Can we just try again tomorrow?


Hey, Grandpa.


Hey, how'd the lesson go?

Not great.

Mallory thinks I'm being too hard on her.


I'm her coach. I'm supposed to be tough.

She's not gonna get any better unless I push her.


What's that?

It's a house... In France.

Lisa wants me to spend more time over there.


Are you serious about this?

I don't know.

It sure is important to Lisa, but...

I love her, Amy, a lot, but I don't love that jet-set lifestyle.

Did you tell Lisa that?

Not exactly. No.

Scott: So, you ready for twenty more vaccinations over at the McKnight farm?

Yeah, let's do it.


Go easy on him, okay?

What did you say?

I said take it easy on your horse.

I've got a show in two weeks.

I don't have time to "take it easy."

So you're just gonna pretend there's nothing wrong with him?

I don't know who you think you are, but you better back off.

Scott: Ty, get in the truck! Now.

Yeah, you better do what the boss says.

(Door bangs shut)

Scott: Listen, I know you're upset, but there's a fine line between helping and interfering.

Scott, you gotta be a millionaire to board your horse here.

Jeremy is a spoilt, rich, pony boy.

He can afford those dr*gs.

Hey, I don't like the guy either.

But after you graduate from vet school, you're gonna be dealing with a whole bunch of those spoiled, rich, horse owners.

That's just the way it is.

So choose your battles carefully, okay?

Yeah, okay.

Hey, girl. How ya doing?

She's way better. I named her Remi.

Hey, Remi! Remember me?

I don't think she likes you.

Of course she does. I helped save her life.

Here, Remi! Come here, girl.

Maybe you're just not a dog person.

(Laughs) For your information, dogs love me.

Remi doesn't.

Mallory: Of course she does! Don't you, girl?

Come on, girl! Come here!

Obviously something's wrong with her hearing.

We should call Scott.

Remi! (Whistles)
Come here! Let's go!

See? There's nothing wrong with your hearing!

Mallory: Well, that's gratitude for you.

Next time you fall in a well, you're on your own!

(Hammer bangs)


I'm here to help. Where can I start?

Are you sure you know what you're getting yourself into?

Fencing's a thankless job.

I have mended many a fence in my day.

I can handle it.

Now you didn't come here...

Just to pressure me into making a decision on that house in France?

No, sir.

I can respect that you need time to think about it.

I have no ulterior motives but to help you.

I brought my work gloves.

(Laughs) All right then, get those gloves on.

Yes, boss.

(Truck rumbles nearby and comes to a stop)

Can I talk to you for a second?

Jeremy: I'm a little busy.

No, it's important.

Jeremy: Be right back.

Driver: All right.

Look, I know we got off to a bad start today.

Yeah, no kidding.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do.

I just wanna help your horse.

Yeah, I'm real touched that you care, bro, but I don't need your help.

Yes, you do.

Okay, I know you've been giving him bute, but that's a band-aid solution.

Oh! Is that your professional vet opinion?

Oh, wait a second, I forgot.

You're not a vet. You're not even qualified to stick your hand up a cow's butt.

Okay, you're right, I'm not a vet, and I don't expect you to believe me, but you should believe Dr. Cardinal.

Well, Dr. Cardinal should keep you on a shorter leash.

If you wanna keep winning those pretty little horse ribbons to impress your country club friends, you need to listen.

No, you listen.

One phone call and I can make every show jumper, breeder, and polo player in Hudson drop Dr. Cardinal from their roster.

Do you want me to make that call?

I didn't think so.

Driver: Jeremy!

You know, it's been a real slice.

I'll catch you later, bro.

Ty: Mm. Yeah.

I should've decked that guy when I had the chance.

Okay, what did you say his name was?

Ty: Jeremy Hughes - just search under rich, pompous, stuck-up jerk and you'll find him.

I got it.

Okay, so...

It looks like he was winning a lot of shows back East, and then he came out to Hudson a few months ago and now he's training at Hillhurst Stables.

Amy, he doesn't just train there.

According to his file, Jeremy lives at Hillhurst.

I thought Doug Saunders and his wife owned that place.

Ty: Yeah, they do.

So he must be related, or a family friend.

Either way, he's seriously loaded.

Buckingham is a pretty impressive-looking horse.

Yeah, except he might not be able to walk in a couple of months.

I don't understand why Jeremy would react that way to Scott's diagnosis.

Ty: It might have something to do with the fact that he's a rich, pompous, stuck-up jerk.

Amy: I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but I'm starting to think you really don't like this guy.

Ty: He called me "bro."

Who's the smokin' hot pony boy?

Ty: Look, Amy, I gotta go, but we're still on for dinner tonight, right?

Um... yes, I'll meet you at the clinic around seven.

Ty: Okay. Love you.

Love you, too. Bye.

Can't keep your eyes off him, huh?

I was looking at the horse.

Yeah, me too.

Jack: Well, you're a hell of a hand.

Well, I'm impressed.

Lisa: You sound so surprised.

Jack: Well, I've never seen you twist barbed wire before.

Lisa: Well, I couldn't always afford ranch hands at Fairfield.

I got my hands dirty just like everybody else.

I know.

You worked hard at building up your business.

Yeah, you're darn right I did.

So did you!

That's kinda why I wanna buy this vacation house -

kick our feet up, spend some time alone together.

We deserve some fun now and again, don't we?

Yeah, we do. Yeah.

And we had fun in France, right?

Jack: I thought you weren't gonna bring up the house.

Oh yeah.

Just came out here to work, not to talk your ear off...

Starting right now.

Do you want another sandwich?

There's tuna, half a roast chicken...


You're something else, you know that?

What does that mean?

It means you're beautiful.


Georgie: Where's your paw? Give me your paw!

(Gasps) Is this your paw? Yes, it is...

Mallory: Katie won't lay down for her nap.

Well, did you try reading to her?

Of course I tried reading to her.

Well, maybe she wants me and not you.

Mallory: Where do you think you're going?

I'm going to read to Katie.

Since when do you read to Katie?

I don't know. She likes "Charlotte's web."

We've been reading it together.

I read that to her.

Well, maybe I just do the voices better.

Hey, Remi! Come here, Remi!

Wanna go play fetch?

Come on! Let's go!


Amy: Hey, have you seen Grandpa's keys?

I... never mind, I found them.

Oh, and thanks for cleaning the tack room!

It looks absolutely amazing.

Wasn't me.

Hmm. Must've been Georgie.

Tell her I say good job.

(Sighs) Oh, another triumph for Georgie.

What can't that girl do?

Excuse me?

(Sighs) Nothing.

It's just when I organize the tack room, no one seems to notice.

Not that I'm asking for praise or anything, but a simple thank-you every now and then would be nice.

But I guess once you've been here for awhile, people start to take you for granted.

Where is this coming from?

Ever since Georgie has been here, I have been invisible.

(Laughs) No.

You have not been invisible.

Really? Because Katie used to love it when I read her stories.

Now she won't go to sleep until Georgie reads to her.

Even that stupid mutt loves her more than me.

And we all know she's your star pupil.

The way you go on about her, it's like she's the next Eric Lamaze.


I'm gonna tell you this because you're my friend and because I care about you.

(Keys clank)

Grow up.

You're fired!

What did you say?

You heard me.

I'm gonna find a coach that is worthy of my talents, and who doesn't think Georgie is the be all end all of show jumping.

You know, I have been more than patient with you, Mallory, so if you think you can find a better coach, be my guest.

I will.

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

(Door opens and shuts)

Lisa: Hey, did I tell you that Brenda and Frank live about five minutes from that new house in Toulon.


Not supposed to talk about the house, sorry!

Shutting up right now.

It's just kind of exciting, to me, to have friends a little bit closer, and she told me that they're planning a welcoming party for us.

Well... you know me, I'm not much for parties.

I know you're not, but you like Brenda and Frank, right?


Lisa: You don't like Brenda and Frank?

Well, I, um... mm...


Well, they're boring, okay?

I'm sorry, but they are.

When I met Frank, he talked for two hours about his colonoscopy, and that was the high point of our conversation.

You never mentioned anything about that in France.

Jack: I didn't want to ruin our vacation, so I just kept my mouth shut.


Well, what else did you keep your mouth shut about in France?

Oh boy...

Well, what?

I don't know, a few things.

Okay, well, like what?

Well, I don't think I had a decent meal the entire time we were there.


We ate at some of the best restaurants in all of Europe.

Well, it's pretty hard to enjoy a meal when the waiter's looking down his nose at you like you're some kind of hick that's never seen a salad fork before.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you're scrutinizing the menu like a penny-pinching miser.

I've always done that!

You know you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

No, you can't.

That dog's wearing his cowboy hat all over France.

I'm not gonna change the way I dress just because I'm on a vacation.

No! You won't change anything!

I mean, you... You go to bed at nine, you wake up a five like you got farm chores to do.

That is my routine.

I can't believe you lied!

I didn't lie.

Well, you did though.

I just kept my mouth shut.

Well, that is exactly the same thing.

I went on the trip, Lise!

What else do you want from me?

(Stunned exhale)

(Sighs heavily)

(Water runs, horse neighs, low hum of chatter in stable)

Jeremy: You did so good out there today, Buck.

That's my boy. Excuse me?

Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt.

I was watching you practice.

It's incredible.


Well, Buckingham deserves all the credit.

He's doing all the hard work.

Isn't that right, Buck?

Amy: Hey, you.

Hey. Hello...

He likes you.


Buck's very particular, so that's a...

That's a pretty big compliment.
Amy: Oh.

I'm sorry, I totally didn't introduce myself.

Jeremy: You're Amy Fleming.

I know who you are.

I've seen you in the newspaper.

You're like the Hudson Times cover girl.

Yeah, well, not a whole lot happens in Hudson, so...

Oh, I'm Jeremy.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

So I just, um, I came to put up one of these.

I work with horses at Heartland.

I know.

Oh, that was in the paper too.

Of course.

Um... okay, well, if you ever wanna stop by Heartland, um, I am available.

To look at your horse - not that he needs-
I mean, he's amazing.

I just thought, if something changes, or if you know someone...

Do you want me to put that up for you?

Sure. Okay.

That'd be great.

Um, I should get going anyway.


I'll see you around, Amy Fleming.

Yes you will.

Amy: So I went by Hillhurst Stables today.

Really? Why?

Well, you were talking about that Jeremy guy and wanted to go see what was going on.

You're wasting time, Amy.

I saw him jumping.

He's absolutely amazing.

How was Buckingham?

He's great!

I mean, if he's going lame, you definitely couldn't tell.

That's probably because Jeremy's loading him with bute, which is only gonna make things worse.

That's why I wanna go back.

I think I can talk some sense into him.

Jeremy seemed really nice.

Amy, he's not, okay? He's a jerk.

And I'd rather you not get mixed up in this 'cause if you get involved, then I'm gonna have to get involved, and I really don't like the guy.

I know you don't, but he didn't seem all that bad to me.

Right. First he refuses to treat his horse, then he threatens to fire Scott and get his rich friends to do the same.

What's not to like?

(Amy's cell phone rings)

Amy: Hello?

Jeremy: Hey. I got your number from your postcard.

It's Jeremy.

Amy: Hey!

Jeremy: I thought if you're not busy tomorrow, you should trailer your horse over and...

We'll do some jumping.

Um, tomorrow... I don't know.

Jeremy: Oh, come on, it'll be a blast.

It's just I've got lots to do tomorrow, tons of work.

Jeremy: Well, this is work.

I mean, Buck's been a little less energetic than usual.

I thought maybe while you're here you could... You could take a look at him, and I'd really value your professional opinion.

Okay. How 'bout I come by tomorrow morning.

Great. I'll see you tomorrow.


All right, all done. You ready to go?

Uh, yup!

Amy: What're you still doing up?

Oh, I couldn't sleep.

The house in France?

(Sighs) Yeah...

Did you talk to Lisa?

Well, I started to talk to Lisa but we just ended up fightin'.

I'm sorry.

Well, it's my own doing.

I should've been more honest with her in the first place.

Boy, keeping secrets from the people we love...

That never ends well.
(Chuckles wryly)

You're right. You are so right.


Good night!

Good night.

(Dialing beeps)

Jeremy: You've reached Jeremy. Why aren't you texting me?

Guess you're old school, so leave a message.

Hi, Jeremy, it's Amy calling.

Um, I'm just gonna have to cancel tomorrow.

I'm really sorry, but something came up.

(Birds chirp)

Georgie: Oh no...

I forgot to close the gate last night.

The horses are gone! Amy's going to k*ll me.

Come on, Remi! Let's go!

(Remi barks)

(Horse grunts as it gallops, Amy clucks her tongue)

(Vehicle rumbles nearby)

Jeremy: I got your message.

What are you doing here?

Jeremy: Well, I thought, since you couldn't make it out to Hillhurst, I'd come here instead.

Okay. Well, if you just wanna leave your horse here, I can have a look at him later.

Why would I leave him here?

Well, you were concerned about his energy level.

Oh, right. Yeah, he's fine now.

I just wanted to do some jumping.

Oh, okay. Well, Jeremy, I can't.

You can't jump? Or you can't jump with me?

Or both?

(Sighs) I'm just totally booked up today.

Just twenty minutes, that's all I'm asking.

What do you say?

Lisa: Hello!


Lise, I'm so glad you're here.

I really didn't like how we left yesterday.

No. I didn't either.

Look, um...

If I'd known what a lousy time you were having in France- it wasn't a lousy time. I was with you.

Can't- just let me finish.

If you had been honest with me, then I would never have suggested that we buy property there together.

But since you pretended to have a good time the entire time we were there...

I just didn't wanna to disappoint you.

I... I'm sorry.


Jack, I was thinking about this vacation property, for us, as the next step, but since I'm so obviously wrong, it just sorta makes me wonder...

Where do we go from here?

I don't know what that means.


We've been down the marriage road and I know that that's not in the cards for us, and clearly this vacation property is not in the cards for us either.

So I have to ask you again, where do we go from here?

I'm not sure I have an answer.

I know...

And I need an answer for that, so...

I think you should think about it.

I'll talk to you later.


(Sighs heavily)

(Vehicle rumbles)

That horse doesn't look like much of a jumper.

Oh, he'll give Buckingham a run for his money, don't you worry.

Oh, them's fightin' words, huh?

And to think I was gonna go easy on you.

Don't bother.

I may be a little out of practice, but I've beat way better jumpers than you.

Oh, really?! It's on!

(Spartan grunts)

(Spartan whinnies)

Amy: Your turn.


There you are.

I've been looking for you all morning.

Go away.

What's wrong?

I left the back gate open last night.

The horses are gone. I can't find them anywhere.


I know, I messed up again.

Jack's gonna get rid of me for sure.

Mallory: Stay there.

Make sure you look after Katie when she wakes up from her nap.

Are you gonna tell Jack?

Just stay there.

Are you sure about this?

Jeremy: It's a piece of cake.

(Clucks his tongue)

(Buckingham grunts nervously)
Come on!

Amy: Do you want me to put it down?

No, he can do it.

(Buckingham grunts nervously)

Jeremy: Ungh! Oh...

Amy: Jeremy?!

Are you okay?

(Groans) Yeah...

I don't know what just happened.

Amy: Whoa... easy...

Hey, boy...

His joints are really swollen.

No, he's fine.

No. I think he's in a lot of pain; That's probably why he's acting like this.

No. He just needs rest.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened, is it?

Well... I've been training him hard.

It's normal for high-performance horses to have some joint pain.

He needs treatment. You can't keep ignoring this.

Who said I've been ignoring it?

(Truck rumbles up)

Friend of yours?

My boyfriend.

Is he the one who put you up to this?

You came to me, remember?

Well, you could've said something.

Amy: I knew if I said something about Ty, you wouldn't let me near your horse.

So this is all about Buckingham?

Ty: Hey! What're you doing here?

Don't worry, I was just leaving.

(Jeremy clucks his tongue)

So he just trailered his horse here outta the blue?

Well, he invited me to practice with him at Hillhurst, and, at first, I accepted, and then I changed my mind.

Let me guess, he didn't take no for an answer.

Well, at least, now I know what's wrong with his horse.

You were right; He does need treatment.

I don't care, Amy.

Jeremy has got too much time and money on his hands.

Guys like that think they can take whatever they want and do whatever they want - and that includes taking other guy's girlfriends.


Hey, Jeremy!

I want you to stay away from girlfriend and this property, all right?!

Hey! Who's being a jerk now, huh?

Amy, he's got more than enough money to help that horse, so why doesn't he?

Well, I don't know, Ty, but I don't think it's as simple as you're making it out to be.

Ty: Well, I do.

(Amy sighs)

(Truck door bangs shut)

Georgie, I just saved your butt big time.

Take care of Katie, I'll be right back - and make me a BLT.

(Phone beeps off)

Come on.


Hi. Is Jeremy home?


Jeremy Hughes.

He's staying with Mr. and Mrs. Saunders.

No, I'm sorry, you must be mistaken.

There's no one here by that name.

Okay. Thank you.

(Horses whinny nearby)

(Low hum of chatter)

(Riders murmur to one another)

(Jeremy's truck starts up)

(Engine rumbles)

Amy: Hey!

Jeremy: You just don't know when to quit, do you?

Look, I'm sorry.

I should've told you about Ty.

You came all the way out here just to tell me that?

I went up to the house at Hillhurst and you don't live there.

I never said I did.

Well, where do you live?

The Trump Tower.

Why do you care?


You know, back when I was show jumping, it didn't take me long to realize that's it's an exclusive club.

Sometimes it feels like if you don't have a trust fund, then you don't belong.

So if I was living in my trailer, I probably wouldn't tell anyone either.

(Laughs) I don't live in my trailer.

Then why are you carrying groceries there?

All right, back off, Nancy Drew.

I know you care about Buckingham, all right?

I've seen you two together, you have a connection; That's why I know you can tell he's hurting.

There's nothing I care more about than Buck.

I know.

But I can't afford those dr*gs.

I can barely afford cereal.

Why don't you let me help you?

I don't need your help.

'Cause after I win the prize money at the Winter Classic, i'll buy Buck whatever he needs.

By then, it might be too late.

That's only three! Where's the other one?

Mallory: What other one?

Georgie: Oh no!

Amy's gonna tell Jack, Jack's gonna tell Clint, then Clint's gonna send me back to that stupid foster home that smells like cat pee.

Okay, calm down. We'll find the other one.

Who's watching Katie?

I left her with Jack.

Go saddle up. Hurry!

Amy: Jeremy can't afford to treat his horse, he's just too proud to admit it.

Ty: And I'm supposed to feel bad for him?

Amy: No. No, not after the way he treated you.

I sorta understand what he's going through though.

I mean, show jumping iis expensive, and people in that world can be... snobs.

I think he's just trying to protect himself.

Okay, well, he could've asked me for help, Amy.

Instead, he was hitting on you.

You don't think there's anything going on between us, do you?

No, of course not. I trust you.

And I'm sorry I lost it earlier, I just...

That guy pushes my buttons.

I know.

But...I do think he's trying to help his horse, and I'd like to see what I can do for Buckingham, too.

Why do you always have to see the best in people?

Why can't you just be judgmental like the rest of us?

I saw the best in you, didn't I?

I wasn't pretending to be something I wasn't.

Scott: Ty! Let's get a move on!

Yeah, okay, I'll be right there!

(Sighs) You wanna work with that horse, that's fine.

I will do whatever you need.

But I still don't trust that guy, so please be careful, okay?


See you.

See you.

(Sighs heavily)

Jack: Hi. Lisa: Hi.

Jack: Good to see you.

Have a seat right here, 'cause I have something I wanna show you.

Now what do you think of this right here?

Now that's a place in Arizona.

It's got a few acres of land attached to it, and I thought...

Well, maybe we could buy it, together, as a kind of a... You know, a compromise.

Lisa, I wanna have a future with you and Arizona's close to both our lives and uh... you know, we could spend some months in the winter there, every year.

Maybe this...

Maybe this is the next step for us.

I already bought the place that you liked in France.

By the time I found out how uninterested you were, my real estate agent had already found a buyer for my house.

I see...

Don't worry, you don't have to come visit me.

Now, wait a minute. What about us?

Where does that leave us?

As usual... miles apart.

You're here... and I'm there.

We should take a break, don't you think?

(Truck engine shuts off, door bangs shut)

What is it with you and your girlfriend?

How many times do I have to say, "leave me alone"?

Ty: Believe me, there is nothing I would rather do.

Actually, that's not true.

I'd rather knock that smug look off your face, but Amy would k*ll me.

Okay. So why are you here?

Amy's not gonna stop until she can help your horse, so I suggest you let her.

I still don't get how that involves you?

I have the supplement Scott prescribed.

That stuff costs a fortune.

Well, we got lots of free samples at the clinic, so don't worry about it.

I don't want your charity, man.

Let me be very clear with you, Jeremy.

I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for your horse.

(Horse whinnies nearby)

Well, I'll pay you back when I win my next horse show.


This is a four-month supply.

I'll show you how to do the injection.

The horse is gone! It disappeared.

What're we gonna do?

Keep searching.

He's gotta be around here somewhere.

Did you two lose something?

I found him grazing in the neighbour's field.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

It was my fault.

I had my iPod in, I was rocking out to music, and I accidentally left the gate open.

I'm sorry.

It's all right. No harm done.

Just don't let it happen again, okay?

(Clucks tongue)

(Hits speed dial)

Lisa's voice-mail: Hi, you've reached Lisa Stillman at Fairfield Stables.

Sorry, I can't come to the phone right now, but please leave a message and I'll call you right back.

(Phone beeps off)

Just give her a little scratch behind her ears and she'll love you forever.

Agh! Doggy germs!

Looks like you got a new friend for life.

Hey, Mallory, thanks.

Amy: Mallory, can I talk to you for a second?

Mallory: I know what you're gonna say.

I shouldn't have fired you.

You were right. I'm sorry.

I need to grow up.

Amy: Actually, I think what you did for Georgie was pretty cool.

What do you mean?

Well, I know you covered for her.

You do?

Yeah. You're not a very good liar.

So you're not mad at me?

We can go back to being friends and you can go back to being my coach?

Actually, I have an idea that might work out better for the both of us.

So I found you a new show-jumping coach.

This guy's the real deal.

Oh my gosh!

The hot pony boy from the Internet?!

Are you serious?!

Hey, Jeremy!

So Mallory, this is Jeremy Hughes.

You'll have to talk to your parents, but if they agree on his fees, he's available.

But the first lesson's free.

So... why don't you get changed?


Hey, thanks for setting this up.

Don't thank me yet, Mallory's a tough customer.

You might regret this.

I think I can handle one teenage girl.

Yeah, well, you don't know Mallory.


♪ Making me wanna just sing aloud ♪
♪ taking it slow ♪
♪ watching us grow ♪

Amy: Jeremy told me what you did for his horse.

It was nothing.

It wasn't nothing.

I know how hard it was for you to go back there.

You're pretty awesome, you know that?



What do I get for all my awesomeness?

Um... my undying love and respect.



Anything else?


All right, you get this too.

♪ See you like I do ♪
(See you like I do)

♪ Yeah, we'll see you like I do ♪
♪ see you like I do ♪
♪ oh, and I'll see you like I do ♪

(Amy chuckles)

Ty: That's more like it.