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01x01 - The Protectors

Posted: 04/27/23 07:38
by bunniefuu




1, 2, 3, 4!

1, 2, 3, 4!

1, 2, 3, 4!





T.j. Hooker is the name.

But you don't have
to lose any sleep

Wondering what
the t.j. Stands for.

As far as you're concerned,
my first name is sergeant.

I don't know what your
individual reasons are

For joining the
police commission's

New recruitment program.

Well, I have one
reason for being here.

There's a w*r going on
out there on our streets.

People are scared. And
they have a right to be.

The body count is high.

Homicide. as*ault.

Forcible r*pe.

Burglary. Armed robbery. All up.

Street savvy hoods have no fear.

Not ofthe courts. Not of prison.

When the bust does
stick, we house them,

Give them color t.v. And
their wives on weekends.

If that makes sense to you,

Then you and I are
about to have a problem,

Because I'm your
instructor here,

And I love to weed out air
heads and marshmallows.

I've got a job to do:

To test your mental
and physical fiber.

Gonna work your tails
off to save your lives

And maybe the lives of some
of your fellow officers.

This is no picnic.
No summer camp.

Target range.
Classroom. Self-defense.

We'll cover everything you
had in pre-training and more.

But the real world
is on the street.

And that's what this
new program is all about,

On-the-job training.

You got the dedication,
you got the guts,

You'll make it.

You don't, I don't want you.


Hit the barracks
and store your gear

And hit the track
running at 0900. Got it?

Yes, sir.

I don't hear you.

Yes, sir!


On the double! Come on!

I wonder what sergeant
hooker eats for breakfast?


Yeah, he was breathing
fire, weren't he?

"Weren't he"? Where'd
you go to school, pal?

Who said country went to school?

I graduated with
honors. Rome high.

In italy?


Why? Does my
accent sound italian?

Excuse me, fellas, but
do you see what I see?

You talking about the
monogram on romano's shorts?

No, see, that's so
he knows who he is

In case he wakes up suddenly
in the middle of the night.

What can I say to
such no-style, no-class,

Sartorial misfits?

Granger, you look like

You were wardrobed
at a thrift shop.

Why? They didn't have
clothing stores near n.y.u?

None that sold silk shorts.

Do they come in
different colors?

Hate to tell you this, guys,
but we're late in 2 minutes.

That's right. Let's get to it!

Right. Hey! Hey! Hey! Let's go.

Why do I get the feeling

I'm headed into a
sudden death overtime?

I'd feel likewise if I was
gonna be locked away

From something like your wife.

Something like what?

Hey, no offense, jess.

I just meant that I see
her picture in your locker

And she's a very beautiful lady.

Yeah, ain't she, though?


I left the jury panting

For the prosecution's
closing argument, lacey.

And I ducked network
cameras waiting for me

Outside the
courtroom to get here.

And you leave me
to cool my heels.

What is it with you, anyway?

I thought I gave you
a couple of days off

To get your act together.

Look, when jess was
working the pipeline,

I... I needed a job
and you gave me one.

I was lonely and you
were interesting to be with.

But it just got
out of hand, eric.

You've got a lot of
growing up to do, lacey.

You and that ex-jock
husband of yours

Have been on a downhill
run since he legged it

For the winning
score in the rose bowl

And you shook your
pom-poms on national t.v.

Look, if jess hadn't
busted his knee...

Oh, pro ball, right?

A crutch, lacey. The past.

Same as if I whined
about losing the election

To end up deputy d.a.
Instead of head honcho.

Nobody's whining.

And you'll run again
and win. Jess can't.

Jess, who's been in
insurance, peddled used cars,

Worked construction
in the pipeline.

Always chasing the pot
at the end of the rainbow.

And mostly live off
what you brought home.

He had some
problems to work out.

And now he's gonna be a cop.

And you think because
he's finally off the road,

Your sweet scented sheets
are gonna be burning up.

He's going to be living at
the barracks for a while,

But that will change.

What will change is
your tab at the drugstore

After you spend a few weeks
watching the sun come up,

Wondering where he is
and whether some acid freak

Got a midnight itch
and blew him away.

You'll zonk yourself out
just to get through the night.

And when that happens,

When you start navigating
through the day like a zombie,

Don't expect me to carry you.

We're in debt,
eric. I need my job.

I hear there's a new girl
in the steno pool, lacey.

Takes dynamite
dictation they say.

Types like she's possessed.

Just graduated
from city college.

And I'm told she knows
what team spirit is.

She was a cheerleader.

Hop over this fence.
Watch yourself.

Suspect's right
there. Right there.

Land squared. Keep
down. Keep down.

It's good to be ready.
Keep those arms in.

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Up next.

Keep down. That's
good. On your way.

Come on. Up and over. Up and
over. Suspect's right there.

Never, never, never turn
your back on the suspect.

Down low. Get those arms in.

In. In. In. In, close
to your body.

Now, he's right
there. Go get him.

All right. Move it! Move it!

Let's see you go!

Get the lead out!

Let's see you move those
legs! Come on! Come on!

Move! Move! Move!
Move! Move! Pay the price!

Better to bleed here
than on the streets!

Let's go! Let's go! Come on!

Whit, what are you doin'?

Just shut that kid up.

You know if you get
caught with that g*n,

Your parole is just gonna be...

I said to shut up!

You promised. You
gave me your word

That you'd go out
and look for work.

Where? At the car wash

Out pumping gas for
plantation wages?

Nothin' wrong with that

If you ain't afraid to
get your hands dirty.

Don't you smart mouth me!

Now, I don't like smart mouths!

Gee, looks like the
honeymoon's over.

Whit, I don't... I don't want
you running around with him.

You're gonna end
up right back in attica

With numbers right
across your chest.

Yeah, well, I'm tired
of going through life

With somebody's foot on my neck!

Now, me and travis are
going out and make a move.

Let's go.

All right. Let's go.
Get the lead out.

Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.

That's the way
it goes. Let's go.

Let's go!

No pain, no gain.
Let's go, people.

1, 2, 3, 4.

1, 2, 3, 4.



Romano's the name, love.

Romano, huh?

You can call me vince.

How about if I call you a cab?

Hmm, I love a lady
with a sense of humor.

Buzz off, romano.

Oh, she's crazy
about you, romano.

Yeah, I know.

This isn't a high school
social, sandbaggers.

5 More laps. Hit it!

Yes, sir.

No pain, no gain.

When you pull your
weapons, it's not the movies.

You're not pulling
it to wing someone.

When you pull it,
you're sh**ting to k*ll.

Point sh**ting is the kind of
firing you're likely to get into.

It's very close. It's
you or him. No aim.

Speed counts more than accuracy.

The g*n's simply shoved

In the direction of
the target and fired.

You draw quickly.




Most perpetrators
are right-handed

And are not trained.

Therefore, when
they fire at you,

Their g*ns will jump
slightly to your right

And their b*ll*ts tend to
pass over your right shoulder.

So, before you get into
your combat crouch,

Take a half step to your left.

Sir? Granger?

What happens if you run
into a left-handed sh**t

Who's been trained?

In that case, granger,

If you don't take a
half step to your right,

You'll get a cop's
funeral with full honors.

We don't get no respect
in this community,

That's the problem.

Cash is what we need.

With it comes respect. Dig?

Yeah, yeah. Sure. Respect.

Pull over.

Couple of people coming
out of that fancy restaurant.


So, let's take 'em.


Hey, wait a minute. What
do you guys want here, huh?

I want your cash.


I want your jewels.
Get her purse.

Ok, anything you say.

Oh, there's nothing
in there but make-up.

All right, what's
this, now? $17?

There is no more.

I meant to get to the bank
today, I just... I... I never did.

There's some credit
cards in there,

Just... Just... Just take
'em, will you, please?

I don't want no
damn credit cards.

I want your cash.

I'm sorry, I don't have anymore.


You're sorry, all right.

17 Bucks.

Well, people ought
to carry more cash.

2 Officers on
patrol at 2:00 a.m.

Observe a man standing in
the shadows across the street

From a 24-hour market that
suffered 3 previous robberies.

The officers
approach the suspect.

Observed a bulge from his shirt.

With his ascent they
conducted a pat search.

The bulge turned
out to be a loaded .38.

When he was jailed,
it was learned

That he was out on bail on
2 armed market robberies.

What charges do we file? Mcneil?

No crime had been committed,

But he should have been
charged with a felony.


Ex-con with a g*n, sir.

Correct. Except the
judge decided that

The defendant's constitutional
rights had been violated.

That the detention
wrongfully invaded his privacy.

And a week later the suspect
turned up again at 2:00 a.m.

Another market.

Only this time there
were no officers

To interrupt his rhythm.

He blew away the manager
and the 17-year-old checker.

Up, up, up.

All right, romano. That's
hollywood, romano.

Up we go. Get the lead out.

Payne. Let's go. Up and
over. And over you go.

Let's go. Come on now.
No gain without pain

Search and seizure
laws still throw me.

Yeah, you got to be a
supreme court justice

To understand which way is up.

Mmm. Class before yours,
I was giving my usual bit

On search and seizures
and stops, pat downs,

Searches and house entry
and the, uh, restrictions

That the courts have hung on us.

And there was this italian kid.

You remind me of him, romano.

Yeah, they all look alike.

Did he wear monogrammed
shorts like romano?

Hey, mouth, let sarge talk.

Bright kid.

Eager to learn.

His first week out was his last.

He was in pursuit
of a r*pe suspect.

And I wonder how
much the kid's mind

Was concentrating on legalities,

How and when to
tell a suspect to stop.

What he could properly say,

Whether he could
draw his w*apon.

And alone at 5:00
in the morning,

What he could legally do next.

I wonder what legal rules

Are going through
the suspect's mind

When he pumped 6 point blank
slugs into a police officer.

You catholic, romano?

Yes, sir.

You know what I
missed at the mass

That they had for the kid?

Latin. I'd like to
hear latin again.

Instead of
everything in english.


What about doctors
who make house calls

Or repair men who
know how to fix things

And ball players who hustle

And boxers who get
carried out of the ring

Instead of quitting
because of stomach cramps?

And what about the
death penalty for scum

Who take a human
life and snuff it out

Like it's someone's garbage?

I've seen the past, gentlemen.

And the works.

Listen to this.

"The terror on the west side."

You want some aspirin?

I never used to get
headaches in portland.

This is us that they're
talking about here.

But they got it wrong.

This ain't the way
it happened, man.

That liquor store
would be a lock.

Yeah. All that
trouble for 17 bucks?

Man, do you want to eat or what?


No, let's just go
tick somebody off.

Hooker scares me a little.

What do you mean?

He reminds me of cops who
were breaking heads in the 60's.

Are we gonna get into
your berkley politics again?

David, it's just
that I don't think

h**ker's way is
necessarily the right way.

And I guess I'm worried

That you're buying
the whole package.

What I'm buyin', susan,
is his dedication.

And hey, I'm open for
anything else that makes sense.

I don't know why I'm having
so much trouble, you know.

I never had a problem with
the obstacle course in school.

And I've been sh**ting
a g*n since I was 10,

Huntin' with my father.

Don't worry about
it. I saw guys in nam

Wearing sharp sh**t badges
that still froze sometimes.

You just pressing a
little bit too hard, son.

It will work itself out.

She can't stay away from me.

So, how's it going?

How's it going?

Yeah. I figure it's got
to be going super good

From where I'm standing.
You are looking fine tonight.

I thought maybe
you might want to

Glide on up to the dance floor
and show off those new jeans?

Thanks. But I'm not
much of a dancer.

So we don't win first
place in the dance contest?

No, it's fast music.
I hate fast dancing.

Look, I'm not asking for a
lifetime commitment here.

Will you give me a break?

You're destroying my image.

I didn't know you had an image.

Ok. Ok.

I'll back up and start
over if you want.

All right, romano,

One boogie for your
image and that's it.

Will you call me monday and
let me know how it's going?

If I can.

I could be out on the
streets for the first time.

I'll have a few other
things on my mind.

I know it's not something you
want to think about, so don't.

How do I not?

You're going out
there with a g*n.

Trained to use it.

Sent into circumstances
where you might have to.

If you're not terrified, I am.

I got an extension on
the loan. It will cost,

But at least it will give
us some breathing room

With these shylocks.

Well, your old
teammates are great.

I mean, first they get you
into a pie in the sky scheme

That goes bust, and
then they get you alone

With guys who are
under indictment.

With our credit, lace,

Where else was I gonna
get the cash that quick?

I tried to reach you earlier.

I called a few
times around 7:00.

I got hung up at work.

I tried there, too, about 6:30.

I guess I was on
my way to the car.

Look, I'm sorry I
didn't get your call.

Maybe I can still
make it over there.

No. No need. I, uh...

I don't want you driving
around alone this late.

I'll just see you this weekend.

Get a good night's sleep, babe.

Love you and miss you.

I miss you too, jess.

Daddy, is that you?

Hiya, honey. It's me.

Oh, it's good to see you.

That drip dentist is here.

And he's bad mouthing you again.


I think you ought
to give him a ticket.

I think I will next time
he parks on the lawn.

Tell me about your day.

Hi, daddy.

That a boy, tom?

Do you know what
time it is, hooker?

Listen, it's past your bedtime.

Can I read a book, daddy?

Yeah, one. But then lights out.

Uh, we're already
an hour late, fran.

Uh, could I see you in the
kitchen for a minute, please?

We'll try not to inconvenience
you any further, harvey.

New wallpaper?

You smell like a still.

What was wrong with
the old wallpaper?

I'm here waiting to go out,
and you're in some saloon

With your face in a
bourbon on the rocks.



I liked the old wallpaper.

You don't live here anymore.

You know, I think
about that a lot.

Do you?

First of every month
when the mortgage is due.

You're late with the
alimony check again.

I have what your

Dentist friend would
call a cash flow problem.

They've got you in a wringer

Over that street
sh**ting, don't they?

It's resolving itself,

But my paychecks have
magically slowed to a crawl.

Can the d.a. Do that?

D-did harvey drink
all my bourbon?

He looks more like a
strawberry daiquiri man.

You could have
retired on disability

After that b*llet skewered you.

You lost part of your stomach

And you still have
the lead in your back

To remind you whenever it rains.

Nobody but you wanted
you to go back to full duty.

What the hell are
you trying to prove?

Fran, for god's sake,

We're going to miss
the whole party.

I'll meet you in
the car, harvey, ok?


There's, uh, bourbon in the bag

And cold chicken in the fridge.

You'll send the
check when you can?

I'll send it when I can.

You like it, hooker.

You like living on the edge.

I like doing my job.

When I divorced you,

I should have named the
department as correspondent.

Hey, man,

Them 2 dudes look like money.

Yeah, that's the kind I like.

Let's go find out
who their tailor is.

Kate sutton with deputy
district attorney eric saxon

And word on the palermo case.

Mr. Saxon, do you think
you'll get a m*rder conviction?

That's for the jury to decide.

You're also in charge
of the investigation

To a south side
officer involved k*lling,

The case of
sergeant t.j. Hooker.

When do you expect
a decision on that?

A formal statement will
be released tomorrow.

But the gist of it is that the
sh**ting was deemed justified.

However, the officer involved
will receive a reprimand

And has undergone stress
and psychological counseling.

That mean that sergeant
h**ker's permitted

To go back to street duty?

He will. We just want it known
the district attorney's office

Does not condone a quick trigger

When other means will suffice.

So, deputy d.a. Saxon
seems confident

Of a conviction in
the palermo case

And says that in a
controversial k*lling,

Sergeant t.j. Hooker has
been exonerated from guilt.

Or has he?

I'm kate sutton reporting from
the criminal courts building.


Sergeant, david mcneil.

Yes, mcneil, what do you want?

Asses have been scratched.

Everything's bustin' loose.

We got a g*ng w*r
on the south side.

We got a freeway sn*per attack.

And we got another
double sh**ting

Outside of a restaurant.


The same as before.

Victims apparently
offered no resistance,

But, uh, they were
gunned down anyway.



Condition of the victims?

One d.o.a. At central receiving.

One critical.


Tell capt. Sheridan we'll
hit the streets at 7:00 a.m.

And, mcneil, ready or not,

Get set to wear the blue.

We're on, gentlemen.
We roll at 7:00 a.m.

Sweet dreams.

Yeah. Sweet dreams.

So, how you feel, granger?

In what way?

A lot of years back, my first
day out, I had butterflies.

Nothing's changed then.

My stomach feels like
40 miles of bad road.

A little on edge is
good. Keep it that way.

You get too comfortable,
you make mistakes.

3-3, 7 South wilbur.

See the woman.
Ambulance sh**ting.

2-11 Suspect. g*ng
related. Code 2.

4-Adam-7, roger. Let's go.

Police officer.
Back it up, please.

We can cancel the
ambulance on this one.

You find out what went
down. I'll call for the wagon.

Where the hell have you been?
We called you 40 minutes ago.

Maria, that will be enough.

You want to give us the
details for our report?

When I looked up, they were
in front of me with a g*n.

g*ng members. Purple stallions.

We've been robbed by
them 5 times in 2 years.

First time my father was shot.

k*lled for no reason.

k*lled right in front of
his grand children's eyes.

And this time?

3 Of them. I was alone.
Maria was in the back.

I... I was frightened.

But I remembered what
happened to my juan

And I knew... I knew
what had to be done.

You see, we used
to know the officer

Who walked the beat here.

Have you been on
patrol here long?

It's my first day, ma'am.

You from around here?

New york. The bronx.

You come here to...
To be a policeman?


We don't need anymore
lawyers. We need more cops.

Used to be so safe here.

We could walk, shop.

Day, night.

Well, one of them reached over

To take the money
in the register,

The other one
raised his g*n at me.

My husband's g*n was
under the counter.

I never touched it before today.

Just before I fired,

They see the g*n, and
they look so surprised.

Wagons on its way.
Backup's already here.

We have to roll on another call.

Here's the w*apon.

I... I know that you policemen,
you... You do your best,

But is it a losing battle?

We have to go.

What you said, ma'am,
about a losing battle,

I wouldn't be working at it

If I thought we
couldn't improve things.

We work together,
it will get better.

You from out here, mcneil?

Born and raised.

I went to school about
4 blocks from here.

What about you, romano?

South philly all the way, sarge.

Lived under the old tracks.

Didn't see the
sun till I was 12.

Mercedes just
blew the red light.

Pull him over.

I already gave at
the office, boys.

That's very humorous,
sir. Do you have a license?

Or did you decide to practice

A while before applying for one?

What's the big problem?

Well, you ran your
basic red light.

You got to be kidding? 3 Cops?

What am i, public
enemy number one?

Do we look like
we're kidding, sir?

Romano, call it in.


May I see your license, please?

To be straight with you, I
was in a might of a hurry.

I was runnin' low on diesel

And trying to scoot
to a gas station

Before I run dryer than a...

Well, what are you doing?

He's got a g*n!

He's got a g*n!


Up on the roof!

He said he's gonna
sh**t somebody.

Get that man down!

Get down and stay down!

Do you know him?

My ex. He's flipped out.

That could be our sn*per?

Let's go. Come on.

Come on!

Romano, take fire escape.
Mcneil, you cover him.

Come on. Come on.

Lousy cops.

What's the matter, babe? You ok?

Yeah. Yeah. Let's get him.

Freeze! Toss it away or
I'll blow you off the roof!

Spread it! Spread it!

Dang you, spread it!

Are you all right?

What? You all right?

Yeah. Sure. No problem.

We'll take him
downstairs. You call it in.

Romano, call it in.

All right, sarge.

Well, what do you figure?
Saturday or sunday?

Saturday's the day for
the biggest turn over.

What time does the manager
collect the cash for deposit?

Afternoon at 3:00.

You bring the shotgun?

It's in the truck.

This chicken is like chewing
on a steel-belted radial.

Try some salt.

I should have had a burger.

Boy! I should have had a burger.

So, you want to do that
liquor store tonight or what?

Well, this place is
just beggin' to be taken.

It's just beggin' here.

That's what I've been
trying to tell you.

Let's do the liquor
store tonight.

We'll come back
here on saturday.

All right.

You want a burger and fries?

Well, just get 'em to go
and let's get out of here.

He was trying to jump
a curb with his bike, fell,

And broke a finger.

But tommy's ok now, right?

Now he's ok.

When they were setting the bone,

He was in pain asking for you.

Oh! Didn't they give him
a shot or something?

He wouldn't take anything.

Said if it was
you, you wouldn't.

Well, maybe I better go in
and wake him up and have a talk.

No. No. School tomorrow.
He'll never go back to sleep.

Well, tell him that I love him

And, uh, I'll talk
to him tomorrow.

And he'll survive.

That's not exactly the point.

What I was saying was
in a moment of crisis,

As usual, you were
nowhere to be found.

Fran, you've already divorced
me, what else do you want?


I'm fresh out.
Try the red cross.

Hooker, what is it?

I'm having enough trouble taking
care of myself and my partner.

Didn't do a very
good job on that.

You can't blame
yourself for his death.

Inside I know that.

I didn't ask for
this assignment.

We need cops.

And I agree with the program.

Something happened?


The boys did very well.

Except... What?

At the end, I looked
into this kid's eyes.

He's... He's gonna
make a good cop,

But for a moment there, I
thought he was gonna crack.

But he didn't, right?

So then, what is tearing you up?


Sending untrained men into battle
when they shouldn't have been,

This isn't the mei kong
delta anymore, hooker.

You got to get that
nightmare out of your mind.

But every time I
look at those guys,

I have same feelings I had then.

The casualties.

The mistakes that were made by men
who broke under battle conditions.

Things happened that
nobody was proud of.

I could put the
past behind me, fran,

But I don't want
the responsibility,

Mistakes and casualties
to be part of my future.

You'll do your best.

And I know you already have,

Because you always do.

Would you like to
spend the night?

So the chief asked hooker

Why he's not signed up for the
voluntary weekend joggin' program.

And hooker says
he gave up joggin'

'Cause he kept
spilling his drink.

Whoa, pull over. I
can't take it anymore.

I got to hit the powder room.

You got a serious
kidney problem, brian.

Maybe we ought to take up a
collection, get you a transplant.

You hit my age, country
boy, you might need one.

I'm gonna call the
wife while I'm at it.

Just stay cool till I get back.

Stay cool. sh**t, you'd
think we was in the 4th grade.

Yeah, well,

You'll have your day in the sun.

Meantime, though,
they got us on a leash.

With a short chain.

18 Years, wearin'
a blue shirt...

That guy over there
havin' some problems?

Yeah, well, I don't know.

He's got his hood up.

Maybe it's time for
his 100,000 mile checkup.

I think I'll go see if
he needs some help.

Hey, brian said to stay put.

We're sworn to protect
and serve, remember?

Excuse me.

Can I lend you a hand?

Let's go!


You all right?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm ok.

How's country?


Brian said the descriptions,
the m.o., The car,

All fit what we have on the
suspects in the restaurant killings.

Only now they're sh**ting cops.

How are they, sarge?

Mcneil got hit in the shoulder.

Nothing he won't recover from.

What about country?

Country didn't make it.

Does he have any family?

Uh, no family out here.

Georgia. I... I think he
said they were all there.

I'll make sure that
they're notified.

What happened?

If there was a
liquor store robbery,

Why didn't they
call for assistance?

Brian said it happened too fast.

He went to help what he
thought was a motorist in distress.

He left the car.

Disobeyed brian's instructions.

He'll get a cop's funeral
because he made a mistake.

A dumb, stupid mistake.

Yeah, well, some of us
aren't as smart as you, sarge.

That's right, english,
not all of you are.

If you were, I wouldn't
have to work my tail off

To drum elementary
procedure into your thick skulls.

I wouldn't have to spell it out by the
numbers that that badge is a target.

And I wouldn't have to feel

The potentially good
cop is lying there on a slab

Because I didn't
teach him well enough.

Excuse me, kelly.


I'm working the
next watch, lace.

Have to get back to the
barracks with the guys.

Jess, i... I know.

I know. You're worried about me.

But h**ker's right, lacey.
It was country's mistake.

Country was human.

Are you telling me you're not?

What took you so long?

One of jess' friends,
country, he died.

I wanna talk to you, eric.

This time we
really need to talk.

You going to the picnic
saturday, english?

Yes, sir, sarge.

But I'm not proud of popping
off at the hospital the other day.

I was just a little...
We were all upset.

Yeah, but everything you
said I know was meant for me.

I know you don't think
I'm gonna be able to cut it,

But I have to make it, you know?


My father, my uncle,
their father, all cops.

They're looking
over your shoulder?

Yeah, I guess you
can put it that way.

Family thing, you know?

4-Adam-3, 4-adam-3,

6610, South main. 2-11
In progress. Code 3.

That's right down the street from
where country and mcneil bought it.

4-Adam-3, roger. Hit it.

Go around the other side.

sh**t, damn it! sh**t!


sh**t, english!

Take it easy.

Put your g*n away.

Put the w*apon away.

That's officer roberts
from southwest. Thanks, tony.

Any time, hooker.

It was an exercise,
english. Just an exercise.

I couldn't pull the trigger.

I couldn't sh**t.

And you would have been...

Roberts had blanks in his g*n.

So did you just in
case you did sh**t.

And you figured ahead of time

That i... I wouldn't be
able to fire my g*n.

I didn't know for sure.

But now you do.

Look, kid, I know
how much you want it.

But you want it for
the wrong reasons.

This isn't a fraternity
that inherits you

Because you had a blood
relative who wore the shield.

You don't understand...

I do understand. And
that's why I'm doing this now.

I don't want you dead. Don't
want anybody else dead.

Make it your choice
before I have to make it mine.

You want me out?

There are a lot of
other things in life.

A lot of things you'd
be better at than me.

Wearing a badge
isn't one of them.


We lived in south philly

Till the old man had a stroke.

He was partially
paralyzed. He's ok now.

He's living in jersey
with his sister.

And your brothers?

Tony? He's my favorite.

He was k*lled trying to hold
a village in an ho province.

The rest of them are scattered.

So how'd you wind up out here?

After nam, I just
wanted to lay back,

Rub on some lotion
and soak up some rays.

Besides, there's
nothing to go home to.

Why did you decide to be a cop?

Because I found out that I
can't do much of anything well,

Except be a soldier.

Maybe someday I'll
be the kind of cop

Hooker would like us all to be.

You know, you're not
who you appear to be.

You expecting al pacino?

Why do you always have
to come on so strong?

I'm sicilian. It's in my blood.

Uh, look, I've got to get back.

I promised my brother
I'd give him a call

And check in, let him
know how I'm doing.

Oh, big brother concerned
about little sister?

Yeah, something like that.

He's a cop. Works the
southwest division.

Uh, look, kelly,

Why don't we have dinner
or something this weekend?

I don't know whether
that'd be a good idea.

How am I gonna get
to know you better?

Maybe you won't.

Ok, no dinner.

Lunch, maybe.


Breakfast? Coffee
and a sweet roll?

Coffee, black, hold the
sugar, hold the sweet roll?

Dinner, saturday night.

I heard the word
on english, sarge.

Wash out, right?

Wash out.

You know, the rest of the
guys feel the same as I do.

We're sorry to see him go.

English didn't have it, mister.

Nice guy. Tried hard.

He didn't belong.

I guess there are times
when all of us wonder

Whether we can measure
up to your standards.

Whether we can cut it.

You're not english,
canfield. You'll cut it.

Tell that to my wife.
She's worried about me.

She is, is she?

We've had our troubles,
but lacey's a good woman.

4-Adam-7, 4-adam-7,

14133, Jefferson. See the
woman. A family dispute.

4-Adam-7, roger.

Let's hit it.

Now, nobody wants
to get involved

In these sort of things,

But I'm a god-fearing,
church-going citizen.

I just can't sit and watch
t.v. Like some people do.

Yes, ma'am. Why don't you
tell us what's goin' on?

Well, it's that dirty
white house there.

I know he was beatin' her,
because it's happened before.

Now, you've got to do somethin'

Before it becomes a
case for county general.

Yes, ma'am. Where do you live?

I live in that yellow house
with the flowers in the pots.

I planted them myself.

Real beautiful.

Why don't you go back
inside, back to your t.v.,

And let's see what we can do.

Family dispute.

Like to win one of
these for a change.

If it's a wife beating,
we have to help?

Sometimes that's
easier said than done,

Unless the woman
presses charges.

What can I do for you?

We're investigating a
report of a disturbance?

You're kidding? Here? Who said?

One of your neighbors.

Yeah, who? Which neighbor?

Your wife around, sir?

Well, what's that
got to do with it?

Your neighbor also thinks she
heard screams from your wife.


Ok if we come in?

No, it ain't ok if you come in.

Not unless you got
a search warrant.

Now, how are we going
to have a search warrant

For investigating a
simple disturbance?

If you want to make a
federal case of this,

Maybe we will go
get a search warrant

Just to make it interesting.

Why don't you just ask
your wife to come to the door

And we'll get this
straightened out, sir?

That's it? You see her and
then you'll stop hassling me?

We just want to make
sure she's all right.


Good afternoon, ma'am.

We're investigating a
report of a disturbance.

Yeah, I heard. Well, I'm ok.

Are you sure?

Would you like to
come out and talk to us?

There's no need to talk.

I... I gotta go take
care of my kid now.

Ok, sir,

Nothing we can do but
leave you with a warning.

If anything's going on here, better
put a lid on it before it gets out of hand.

Don't you guys have
things better to do

Than come around here trying
to intimidate tax paying citizens?

Yes, sir. We do, sir.

Thank you for your
concern for our time, sir.

Probably never paid a
day of taxes in his life.

You ready?

Hut! Hut! Hut! Go! Go! Go!

Good moves. You're kidding?

Kid's got moves. I tell you,

If I had knees like
that, I'd still be playing.

Good moves, tommy!
That kid's got good moves.


Chicken, sarge?

You trying to tell
me something, mcneil?

Brian had mentioned to me that
you were in the green berets.

Yeah. Early on.


Mei kong delta.

Couldn't tell the bad
guys from the good guys.

Everybody wore black pajamas.

It's much simpler here.

I was there near
the end. Tiger lair.

9Th infantry fire base.

You were special
forces, weren't you, mac?

Yeah, cambodia.

But I spent the last
3 months of my tour

Staring at the paint
peeling off the ceiling

In a saigon hospital.

You don't want to
make a habit of that.

My old man used to say

The difference
between peace and w*r is

In peace, son's
bury their fathers.

In w*r, father's
bury their sons.

Some heavy numbers going
down in the delta, sarge.

How long were you there?

Too long.

But that's part of the
past. For both of us.

Right, romano?

You're right, it is, sarge.

Took me a while to put
some things in the drawer.

It's over now.

Hey, dad!

That's my son.


Let's go get some fried chicken.

I quit. We're ahead.


Mrs. Canfield, you
want something to drink?

No, thanks.

Kids have eaten everything.

You don't like me,
do you, sergeant?

What gives you that idea?

Oh, I just know.

I'd like to find out why.

You sure?

Maybe I already do know.

You saw me leaving
the hospital parking lot

With eric saxon, didn't you?

I don't want to run
your life, mrs. Canfield.

What you do is your own concern.

But if I were you and my
husband carried a g*n,

I'd be a bit more discreet.

Sergeant, it really isn't what
you think about saxon and me.

Jess and i, we were
separated for 7 months

When he was working
the alaskan pipeline.

And I was alone.

I wasn't really sure
if he was coming back.

Some people can
be alone, I can't.

I... I don't want to hear
about it, whatever it is.

And I don't want to moralize.

I'm sure you've
had your reasons.

But I just want your
husband's mind on his business,

Not elsewhere.

That way, we can
both keep him alive.

Ok. Ok. Give us 5 minutes.

We're running low
on chicken, lace,

And you and I are elected.

Sure thing, jennifer.
I'll be right with you.

What was happening
before, it's over. Behind me.

I'd like to go forward
from here with jess.



But only if I get first
dibs on the chicken.

You got it,
sergeant. First in line.

That a boy, tom!

Did you join the force when
you came back from nam, sarge?

Yeah. The night I
shipped out of saigon,

I swore I'd never
fire another g*n.

Here I am a cop. You figure it.

I know what you mean.

Whenever somebody
asks me why I want a badge,

I have a little trouble
putting it into words.

The commitment, maybe.

I feel good about
being out there.

About being where I might
be able to make a difference.

Yeah, I think the rest
of us feel the same.

I'd been out of the
academy maybe, uh, 3 weeks.

My partner and I
were flagged down

By a man running
out of a synagogue.

His wife was 7 months pregnant.

Kid decided not to wait.

And we delivered that boy

In the back seat of
a black and white.

And whenever I'm stuck
for an explanation

As to what this
life is all about,

I think of that baby.

I have my answer.


The restaurant!

Lacey and jennifer are there.

Go find a phone. Call the units.

Get the kids! Get the kids down!

Come on! Let's go!

Here, let me help you.

I'm ok. I'll be all right.

You back away from him.

Please do what he says.

I'm just trying to
stop the bleeding.

You're gonna be bleeding
yourself, girl, if you don't back away.

She's not in your way.
She's just trying to help him.

If I wanted any wise
answers from you,

I'm gonna take you out and
get some midnight conversation.

That might not be such
a bad idea, good looking.

Travis, what the hell
is keepin' you so long?

Granger? Canfield? Take a side.

Follow me!

Money out. In the bag. Hurry up!

What do you say, sweetness?
You want to take a little ride?

Is that supposed to be funny?

It won't be if I decide
to take you along.

That's it. Let's go.

Now, you all stay put.

Hold it!

Hey, sarge? Sarge, are you ok?


I thought for a moment I was
gonna be a hood ornament.

Hey, man, I hear you.

He... He couldn't have missed
you by more than a couple of feet.

From where I stood, it
seemed like a couple of inches.

You know, I had a nice little
talk with your wife earlier?

When she first
got to the picnic.

You mean my ex, mcneil. My ex.

Ok, whatever.
She's a terrific lady.

She says she still
loves you a lot,

Except for one thing.


Comin' back on the
force like you did

When you didn't have to,

And doin' things
like we just saw.

She said you were
insane. Certifiable.


Well, I always thought
sanity was overrated.


I can't hear you!


A little louder!

So far you've made it
through the first 2 phases

Of the new academy
training program.

It's been tough.

I know, because I made it tough.

But if you're gonna survive
out there on the streets,

That's the way you've got to be.

This is the final phase

Of your on-the-job
training program.

You'll each be assigned
a veteran partner

To work with on
a permanent basis.

Remember it's still probation.

And it won't be easy.

But you've had the guts,

And the dedication,

And the determination
to make it this far,

I'm willing to bet

That you'll make it through
the final lap with flying colors.

The veteran officers

That you rookies will be
riding with are here today

Because they're survivors.

Learn from them.

Your partner will
become your best friend.

You'll get to know each other

Better than you know your wives,

Or your girlfriend.

He'll be responsible
for your life

And you will be
responsible for his.

Don't you ever forget that.

You should be proud of
what you've done so far.

I'm proud of you.

You know your assignments.

You know who
you're partnered with.

What are you waiting
for? Hit the streets!

Something wrong, romano?

You know, when all the other
guys got their assignments,

I didn't say anything.

How come I didn't get one?

You mean they didn't tell you?

Tell me what? Look,

I busted my back
in pre-training.

I thought I did better
than any rookie

In every class, every
test, every drill.

So why didn't I get a partner?

Romano, you got a partner.

You lucked out. You got me.

Something wrong, romano?

No. No. Not a thing, sarge. I...

Let's hit the bricks.

Right. You got it, sarge.