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01x03 - God Bless the Child

Posted: 04/27/23 07:40
by bunniefuu
Stop! Please stop!

Please help me! He's chasing me!

Please help! He's coming!

Oh, help! Help! Wait!


Please don't hurt me!

Please don't hurt me!

Don't hurt me.

Oh, god.

I promise I won't tell anybody.

You're right, sugar.

You won't tell nobody.


No! No, no! No!

Your basic middle-class
neighborhood, romano.

Hard-working, concerned citizens

Who pay their
taxes with a smile,

Try to raise their
kids correctly,

And are too frightened to
take a walk after sundown

Or leave their windows
open for a breath of air

On a hot summer night.

What happened to the world?

Where'd it all go wrong?

Is it us? The
courts? The prisons?

Take your pick.

I never was what
you'd call, uh, political,

But when I was
a rookie like you,

The vets used to call
me "the flaming liberal."

Now, I'm not sure what I am.


Close enough.

You know the definition
of a conservative?

A liberal who got mugged.

4 Adam-30, 4
adam-30. See the man.

182 South harris.

Report of a disturbance
and a screaming female.

4 Adam-30, roger.

Did you see that?

Think they have anything
to do with the screamer?

At this hour, they
aren't delivering milk.

You take the
call, I'll take them.



This is mr. Johnson.
He's the one who called,

The manager of the adams hotel.

It's just awful.

The kid is dead and
nobody saw anything.

They never do.

She came from off the roof.

She jumped, or fell.

Or was pushed.

What about those
2 guys who were...

A truck cut off my pursuit.

Didn't get close enough
to get a good look.

You 2 men stand over there,
I'll be with you in a minute.

Did anybody see 2 guys in
the vicinity before or after?

No. If anybody was here,
they were gone quick.

Pretty girl. Or used to be.

It's a rough neighborhood
for her to be running around in.

Pimp and junkie heaven.

Doesn't look like she
belonged around here.

Same age as my daughter.

There's no i.d. On her.
There's one thing, though.


I think she was an addict.

Needle tracks?

Pop marks on one arm.

More dope comin' in,
more pushers at work

Scum dealing slow
death to innocent kids.

You wonder if there's somebody out
there worrying about her right now.

If there was, she
wouldn't be here.

You want me to call
it in as a homicide?

I don't know.

Something wrong?

I think I've seen
this girl before.

What makes you so sure
jane doe wasn't a junkie?

Hair, clothes,
fingernails clean, neat.

Forearm tracks,
but they were fresh,

No scars showing a history.

Maybe she hadn't reached
the mainlining stage yet.

Autopsy should show something,

Including, why there was so
little blood after an 8-story fall.

I thought about that. Why
wasn't there more blood?

Maybe her heart stopped pumping
before she went off the roof.

Hey, wait a minute.

Run a make on that pimpmobile.

Hey, willis!

4 Adam-30 requesting
wants and warrants


On california plates

I thought I told you to stop
parking that machine illegally,

Why you always
on my back, hooker?

Ain't you got
nothing better to do

Than to hassle an
upstanding citizen like me?

That I do.

And you might be
able to help me.

Help you? You crazy, man.

This gentleman has 4
warrants out on him.

4 Warrants. 4 Warrants.

Why, willis,

Would you care to
step into my office?

Why don't you get
out of my face, hooker,

Before I phone my attorney,

Holler "police harassment!" And
have you set down on a humbug roust?

4 Adam-30, 4 adam-30,

Request ambulance
at 221 south norton.

Now, what's he doin'?

Just calling for an ambulance.

For what?

For the accident.

What accident? There ain't
been no accident around here.

There's gonna be one.

If you don't climb into
the back of this patrol car.

Where'd you get him, hooker?

Came with the car.

Rookies are standard
equipment nowadays.

Well, in that case, I got a few
minutes before my next appointment.

Wonderful, willis!

If you gents care to
have a friendly chat?

Follow me.

Man, hospitals
give me the creeps.

You know, people die in there.

Yeah. What, do you want our man

To meet us in the middle
of a high school auditorium?

You know, he could help us sell
the stuff to the teeny-boppers.

Oh, he ought to do
more than just help.

After takin' care of his
business with that girl like we did,

He oughta make us his numero
uno west-coast distributors.

Look, I'm tellin' you for
the 10th time, hooker,

I don't know nothin' about
no girl goin' off of no buildin'.

Adams hotel, willis.

They ought to give you stock
for the business you give it.

Yeah, well that's my
ladies, not me, understand?

I thought you said this guy
was gonna be cooperative?

Call a tow truck, have
'em pick up the pimpmobile.

Tow my car? Come on, hooker.

I just put a brand new
deluxe transmission in there.

All right, willis, I'll tell you
what. I'll forget the 4 warrants.

I'll forget the tow truck,

You give me something
that means something.

Like what?

A lead. A witness.

Come on, you and your girls
have this neighborhood wired.

It shouldn't be difficult.

Well like how soon do
you need this "somethin'"?


Feel like an old vet when you see
a new class of rookies, romano?

Something like that.

Except I know I still
have to prove myself.

Oh, that's what this new program's
all about: on-the-job training.

You ever worried about it? Worried
about havin' a rookie as a partner?

You'll do all right.

You sure?

Hey, I trained you, didn't i?

Sgt. Hooker?

Frank wagner.

Uh, last month. 5Th street.

You took the burglary
report at my home.

Oh yes. How are you, mr. Wagner?


Well, uh... What
can I do to help you?

I-it's my son, sergeant. David.

He... He's just 17 years old.

What'd he do?

They're booking him on
possession of narcotics.

I'm... I'm not sure what
I'm supposed to do.

Let me see what I can find out.

Thank you. Thank you.

Mr. Wagner had his son
booked. What do you got on him?

Wagner, david,
arrested for possession,

Reckless driving,
resisting arrest.

Any record?

The usual juvenile bust
and a slap on the wrist.

What about bail?

There's no bail necessary
on a juvenile, remember?

No matter what the charges are?

Welcome to the
real world, romano.

Thank you, vicki.

Anytime, sergeant.

Thank you, vicki.

It really gets
to you, doesn't it?

The kids and dr*gs.

Yeah. They seem to go
hand in hand these days.

I keep thinking about that
young girl this morning.

Now she's lying on a
cold slab in the morgue.

I want the guys
that did it, romano.

I want them real bad.

All right, all
right. You got it.

I swear, the way you fill
out that uniform, hooker,

You are gonna go a long
way in this man's police force.

Coming from you, mackey,
it means a great deal.

Mmm-hmm. You know, I
never did understand you.

You had it made,
you had everything.

You had your gold shield.

You gave it all up to
get back in the blues.

I'm the outdoor type.

You've seen the beer commercial.

You used to be a
beer commercial.

And I can still go drink
for drink with you, mack,

And they're on me, for a
little investigative assistance.

Like what?

That jane doe in our sector,
what do you got on her?

We got a 4-body sh**t
out in the canyon,

Which just happens to be
the lead story on the 6:00 news,

And you wanna know
about some junkie jumper?

Well, I wrote the
preliminary as a jumper,

But I don't think it
went down that way.

Well, what do you think?


Sgt. Hooker?

I'd like to see you in my
office for a minute, hooker.

Yes, sir.


So, how does it feel
riding with hooker, romano?

What can I say?
John wayne lives.

Ah, amen to that.

Listen, vicki, uh,

If you'd like to hear more
about my first week out,

I can fill you in on all the hazardous
details over dinner tomorrow night.

Oh, gee, vince,
I'd really like to,

But I don't think my
boyfriend will approve.

Hey, you might even know him.

He's a defensive
end for the 49ers.

It's a lot of years since, uh, we
were rookies together, hooker,

But, uh, I see you
haven't changed.

I try not to.

How's that new recruit
program you're supervising going?

Right on schedule.

I see they cleared
you for street duty

Maybe you should've stayed
teaching a while longer.

Look, that was a righteous
sh**ting I got sent down for.

That freak was pumped
to the gills with p.c.p.

And coming at me
with a butcher knife.

Well, the citizens' committee
thought that 3 b*ll*ts to the chest

Might've been a
touch overzealous.

Yeah, well, that
citizen weighed in at 255

And less than 3 b*ll*ts, you
would've scraped me off the street.

Internal affairs could've
cleared me 2 months ago.

Well, you know, if there was
anything I could do to help you

While I was over
there, I would've.

And take a chance on losing
your pension? Don't kid me, dennis.

You wouldn't
requisition toilet paper

Without a rubber
stamp from upstairs.


You know, and maybe you
should never have come back

After your partner died
beside you in the emergency room

And they almost lost you.

You know, hooker,

Maybe somebody was
trying to tell you somethin'.

Exactly what are you
trying to tell me, captain?

Well, the former
commander of this precinct

Did a superb job of
running it into the ground.

Look at these numbers.

Come on, just take a look.

Lackluster performance
in every level,

Terrible stats, worse p.r.

Now, my job is to turn
this operation around.

And the one thing I don't
need is some hotshot blue suit

Getting in the way of a
top-priority homicide investigation.

I wrote the preliminary
on that jane doe

And I'm gonna follow through
until I get some answers.

A dead junkie?

A dead teenage girl.

Somebody's daughter.

All right. But what's your
stake in it, for god's sake?

I give a damn.

Dennis, I chased 2 guys near
where we found the body.

We weren't quick
enough to stop them.

I know that they were tied in.

You know, huh?

Well, you hear me, and you
hear me very, very clear:

You step out of line just once,

And I'll make sure
that you're nailed

With a lot more than
just a suspension.


I'll do my best not to
rain on your p.r. Parade.

Y-you know, you're right
about me, I haven't changed.

Neither have you.

Hey, I need help in here!

The wagner kid
tried to hang himself.

Yes, dr. Segal.

The doctor will see
you now, mr. Falco.

And there's no
smoking in this area.

Oh, you mean it's bad
for your health, huh?

And for the health
of other patients.

You know, these days,
just wakin' up in the morning

Can be bad for your health.

Falco, that girl, ain't she
the one from the high school?

Ah, there's lots of
girls at the high school.

She's the one who
saw us with jenny.

Talking that's
all. Just talking.

She'll never see us
with her again, right?

Did you get it done?

Yeah. We shot her up,
dumped her off a hotel roof,

You know, make it look
like she was a jumper.

Anybody see you?

Oh, that's a stupid
question. Doc.

Don't insult our
intelligence, ok?


You know, we're tired of
doin' your dirty laundry.

She knew I was dealing dr*gs
from here. I... It had to be done.

Look, look, let's cut
the party chatter.

Let's get down to business.

What do you need?

Whatever you can get.

We moved everything you gave
us, we can move a whole lot more.

I'll have to talk
to my supplier.

Now, doc, we got it greased
out there for volume sales,

This is no time to
hold out on us.

You know, you seem to
forget how well I know you.

You got that fancy car,
fast broads, a new condo.

Come on, man, you need
the bread more than we do.

Now we got a dead girl.

Look, I'm not holding out.

I told you, I'll have
to make a connection.

I get my supply, you get yours.

Yeah? When?

I'll let you know tomorrow.

Yeah, you do that,
doc. Swift as you can,

'Cause you're in too deep now to
say "no" to your 2 top distributors.

You dig?

I don't know what
happened in there.

I don't know why I was
doin' what I was doin'.

You shouldn't have been
left alone in the first place.

I'm just messed up.

I'm still all messed up
about life, you know?

Hmm, if it were easy, david,

We wouldn't need cops
out there directing traffic.

You think you fooled
anybody with that fake su1c1de?

You're crying out for help.

We're willing to
give you that help,

If you get your
act straightened up.

The o-other cops, the
narcs, they were leanin' on me.

My head was bursting.
I just freaked out.

I sympathize with you, david,
but if you were that pure,

You wouldn't be here.

My father told me if I
needed to talk to anyone,

I didn't need to be
afraid to talk to you.

I'm a good listener, if
there's something to listen to.

Where'd you get the
stuff you were holding?

Oh, man, you are just
like all the others.

It doesn't matter,
plainclothes, blue-suit,

It's a recording.

Now, listen, son, let's
get one thing straight:

You're on your last ride
through here as a juvenile.

Once you hit 18,
your pass is canceled.

Hey, go easy on
me, ok? I'm hurtin'.

I mean, I almost died in there.

And you're k*lling
your father, day by day.

Just as sure as if you
held a g*n to his head.

Ok. Look, I know I need help.

These dealers are
bad characters.

Now, they're gonna k*ll
somebody who'd finger 'em.

Well, then give me the names.

You'll get protection.

What about the charges
against me? Can I make a deal?

A deal?

You know, names for a reduction
in the charges against me.

You wanna make a deal?

You're wastin' my time, kid.

You don't need a cop.
You need a lawyer.

Look, david,

I'm gonna get those
dealers one way or another.

Now, if you're smart, you'll think
about it, you'll get in touch with me,

And you'll give me those names.


So, that's all you got?

I wish I could tell you
more, hooker, but that's it.

He was dead before
she went off the roof?

Of a heroin overdose.

When was the last time you saw a
corpse throw itself off the roof?

Not recently.

One more thing. Her clothing
was stripped of all identification,

But we found this stuck
in the cuff of her slacks.

Don't know whether it means
anything, but that's all we found.

A pin. It looks
like a red cross.

Jane doe's sole
dying possession.

Dressing for success, romano?

You got it.

You know, your clothes
speak to the world.

Tells people where
you're comin' from.

Take you, for example.


Uh... I don't make it, huh?

Well, let me put it this way:

I can understand why
your wife divorced you.

It was the blues that
split us, not the civvies.

I dress the same way now
as when she married me.

Yeah, well, that style
may come back someday.

Given your sartorial splendor,
I suppose it's silly to ask

If you wanna have a
pizza at sherry's, huh?

Oh, uh, I'd really like
to, hooker, but i... I can't.

Dance card's filled, huh?

Charlene ann.

Charlene ann?

A southern girl.

Some kind of law down there,
they all gotta have 2 first names.

It's great accommodations.

Things haven't changed
here since I was a rookie.

I can believe it.

My mattress must
be older than you are.

Hey, take it easy, junior.

I may have a year or 2 on you,

But I can still take
you one-on-one.

Yeah, sure, hooker.
Maybe 2 out of 3.

Yeah, it's a pretty
good-lookin' suit. Nice material.


Too bad they didn't
make it in your size.

Uh, sergeant? Frank wagner
called and left a message for you.

They transferred his
son, david, to juvenile,

But david would
like to speak to you.

Thanks, vicki.

Ludes, speed, coke,
mexican brown.

The guys you're
lookin' for have it all.

They're new in town,
working the high schools.

You got names?

Falco is what the
pusher goes by.

And, uh,

He's got a... A dealer that
delivers like a conveyor belt.

We could run this
falco through r and i,

See what they come up with.

Check with them in
the morning. Right.

Who's the conveyor belt?

I don't know. If I
did, I'd tell you.

All right, david. We
appreciate your help.

And what you said before,

You were right. Goin' straight.

I guess I tried everything else.

I guess it's time I
get my act together.

Well that'll be good
news for your father.

Do you wanna see him?

Yeah. I want to see him.

I want to see him and
talk to him, real bad.

I'll tell him.

Run this through r. And i.

I'm going over to the ex-wife's.

Anybody home?


Hiya, kitten.

How are you? Fine.

You got a visitor, chrissie.


Oscar. King of monkeyland.

Look what he does.

You push his head
in and he sings.

I know a lot of
characters like that.

For me? No. For me,

But I'm gonna lend him to you.

Gee, thanks, daddy.

You're welcome, honey.

Where's the rest of the g*ng?

Mom's in the kitchen and
tommy's over at the kleins'.

And where's big sis?

Still at work on
her school project.

So late?

Only way I'd let her is if she had a
safe ride with one of the other mothers.

I'll trade you an alimony
check for a cup of coffee.

You could've put the check
in the mail if you wanted.

Well, I tried the "check in
the mail" routine last month,

But you didn't buy it then.

I made some coffee.

Something on your mind?

The insanity on the streets.

The mindless v*olence.

And the way it's going,

I sometimes wonder if
we're even holding the line.

And this thing with the kids
and the dr*gs, it's an epidemic.

It's a whole network set up

To flood the schools with junk.

The high school annual
you showed me last week...

You got a great memory.

It was about 4 weeks ago.

Where is it?

It's on the coffee table. Why?

What are you looking for?

I'm not sure.

That girl that
went off the roof...

What's the matter?

Do you recognize her?

Uh, that's, jenny clark.

I think she transferred
in last year.

What about jenny?

Oh, cathy, I'm glad you're home.

I was beginning to get worried.

What's wrong, dad?

Why are you asking about jenny?

Tell me what it
is. I want to know.

We found a girl yesterday

Who matches jenny's description.

Drug overdose, honey.

She's in the morgue.

Oh, my god!

It... It couldn't be
jenny. I don't believe it.

Maybe it isn't jenny, but
the resemblance is so close

That I have to believe it is.


Do you know if
jenny was into dr*gs?

Well, I can't say for sure.

But she told me she'd
had opportunities,

But she was afraid,
kind of... Mixed up.

In what way?

Well, her parents were
divorced, and it tore jenny apart.

I mean, not like you and mom.

A lot of bad things went
down during the divorce,

And now her father
lives in chicago.

I mean, she lives with
her mother and hates it.


Her mother drinks and has a
boyfriend jenny doesn't like.

He lives off her mother.


Dad, I don't know whether
this means anything,

But I saw jenny at
school being hassled

By a couple of freaky characters

Who show up a couple of
times a week in a snack truck.

Could you identify them
again if you saw them?

I think so.

Wait a minute, hooker.

You're not going to
involve my daughter in this.

I need her help.

Not in this house, hooker.

You don't bring your
police work into this house.

Listen to me.

There's a girl dead,
in cathy's school.

And we don't know when
the next kid is gonna die.

I can't help that. I've got my
own daughter to worry about.

Well, that's what
I'm worried about.

I wanna stop these guys
before they go any further.


Do you know where jenny lives?

I have her address in my book.

You get anything from
r. And i. On those pushers?


The wagner kid said
they were new in town.

Maybe they're from out of state.

Yeah. Or maybe they've never
been caught plying their trade.

There's the house.


I'm sgt. Hooker. This is
my partner, off. Romano.

Johnson's complaining
about the stereo again?

No. No, no, no, that's
not why we're here.

We're inquiring
about jenny clark.

Who is it, charlie?

2 Cops. Something about jenny.

Are you jenny's mother?

Jenny's mother?
But she isn't here.

Do you know where
she might be, ma'am?

She's stayin' with
a friend, I think.

I'd give you the number,
but I don't have it.

When did you speak to her last?

Uh, what's today? I th-think
I talked to her on saturday.

Was she all right?

Just exactly what is
your problem with jenny?


There's a young girl downtown.

We think it's jenny.

She's in the morgue.


Heroin overdose.

And then we think somebody
pushed her off the roof of a building.

Do you think you might
be able to come down

And make an
identification, ma'am?

You don't have to go, denice.

They can't make you go.

Ma'am, if that is
jenny down there,

Do you have any idea

How she got mixed
up in the drug scene?

Do you have any idea who
might have wanted to hurt her?

Oh, no.

Where are cops like you when,
uh, somebody's sh**ting girls up

And pushing them
off of buildings?

Where we you when
jenny needed you?

If that is jenny
lying in the morgue,

I know you helped put her there.

I'm gonna restrain
myself and walk away.

Unless you wanna add
something to the subject?

I'd like to see my daughter now.

I'd like to see my little girl.


What do you got?

I got a witness for you, hooker.

To the k*lling?

Well, not quite.

One of your conservative
business types,

You know, likes a
little action on the side,

Was with one of my
main ladies at the adams

Just prior to the
incident in question.

What'd he see?

Well, he talked to my
lady next day on the phone,

Said he was real scared,

'Cause the dude saw him.

Go on.

Well, around dawn, this guy
chased this girl out in the alley.

Fits the description you
gave me right down to a tee.

This john's drivin' home
to the wife and kids

When the girl
runs up to his car.

He panics and drives off.

Could he identify
the man if he had to?

He said he'll never
forget his face.

He's got a little guilt
goin' down, you know?

'Cause he heard
the girl got k*lled.

Where can I get
in touch with him?

Hooker, like I said,
the john is real scared.

He ain't gonna
volunteer for nothin'.

I just figured you might
like to know he exists.

Listen, willis. I want a
name, I want an address,

And if I have to lean on you,
you'll come away a loser.

The customer's
name is harry simpson.

I'll set up a meeting
for you, hooker.

What's up, doc?

Is that supposed to be funny?

Well, how about a
submarine sandwich, doc?

It'll help clear
up your sinuses.

I don't wanna be
seen with you two.

What do you want?

Make your connection yet?

You have the cash,
you'll get your supply.

How about tomorrow morning?

Meet me early. You'll have it.

Hey, she's lookin'
over here, man.

Don't sweat it, bro.

If she gets too curious, she'll
wind up like her friend jenny.


So, I just heard on t.v.
That the city council

Voted down the appropriation
on more police funds.

Yeah. That's us.

Undermanned, unappreciated.

What's the matter, sherry?
Don't you think we can pay our tab?

Oh, now, if I was gonna
worry about you, hooker,

I would've worried when that guy
pumped you full of lead a while back.

"That's right, sweetheart.
Danger is our business."

Right, hooker. Sure thing.

That look like a
harry simpson to you?

Oh yeah. Definitely
a harry simpson.

Mr. Simpson, I'm off. Romano.

This is sgt. Hooker.


Drink, mr. Simpson?

No. Uh, no, thanks.i'd just
like to get this over with.

Oh, well, it's very simple. We
need your help to solve a homicide.

Look, uh, I've never been
involved with the police before.

I've never gotten so much as
a parking ticket my whole life.

I've got a solid
marriage, I've raised 3 kids.

I-i've been successful
in business.

Now, because I happened to be in
the wrong place at the wrong time...

Mr. Simpson,

Nobody's here to pass
moral judgment on you.

But if you have a conscience,

You'll help us solve
the m*rder of this girl.

You know what'll happen if my
wife finds out where I was that night?

All night?

Look, we have a
line on the suspects.

We think we know where
we might pick 'em up.

Do you know what you're asking?

Listen, mister, do
you understand

What's happening on
the streets today?

That was a 16-year-old girl,

k*lled in her prime, pumped full
of dr*gs, shoved off a building!

Simpson, we need
you to testify to that.

If you don't mind, uh,

I think I'll have
that drink now.

Man, if we do half the
business we did last week,

We're in fat city.

Here, spread these around,
make it look like we're legit.

Hey, the candy man's
here. Come on, let's go.

Hey, falco, what's goin' down?

You're the smart guy
goin' to school. You tell me.

We got the bread. You
got the special delivery?

Do we got it?

Is that the guy?

No. No, that's not him.

What's cathy doing here?

I told her to stay
away from here.


Look. There. There!
There he is. That's the man.

Have you seen enough to make
an identification, mr. Simpson?

Yeah. I'm positive.

That's the man
who chased the girl

From the alley and into my car.

Will you sign a statement?


Enjoy, bro.

We'll be back for more.

Yeah, well, you better clip some
more old ladies' purses before you do,

'Cause, you know,
prices are goin' up.

It's inflation.
What can I tell you?

Hey, falco, don't look now, but
there's a couple of cops eyeballing you

From around the
corner over there.

We gotta get out of here, man!

They're makin' a move.

You stay here.

You fight, sugar,
or make any noise,

I'm gonna k*ll you
right here and now!


Hold it! Hold it right there!

Throw that piece away,
cop, or this girl is dead!

You do that,

You'll have another
m*rder one on your head.

And no little girl
to hide behind.

You're not gonna
take that chance, cop.

Not with this kid as a target!

You there! Young lady, be cool.

They aren't gonna hurt you.

You're kidding yourself if you think
I'm not gonna pull the trigger, cop!

You think, mister.

You think before
you make a big mistake.

Hey, cop, you think you can
off me before I k*ll her? Huh?

Most officers
carry a .38, mister.

I prefer this.

Double-action .357 magnum.

Loaded with hollow points.

It'll tear a 6-inch
hole in you going in,

And the holland
tunnel coming out!

You wanna try me?

I don't believe you, man.
Let's go, sweetheart.

No! No! No! No!

Around the back!


Come on, leave her!

Are you ok?


Stay put!

Give me those keys!

What are you doin'?

Get out! Easy!

Resist arrest.

Resist arrest. Please!

I told you to stay
away from here, didn't i?

I know. I know.
I'm sorry, daddy.

From now on, leave
the police work to me.

But I was only trying to help.

Just like your mother.

You never listen.

I didn't want jenny to get hurt.

Things got out of hand. She
wouldn't listen to reason.

Reason? Just what
would that be, dr. Segal?

She could've had
whatever she wanted.

She just wouldn't
keep her mouth shut.

Maybe she figured you weren't
a credit to your profession.

You don't understand
the pressure.

First it's medical school, then
trying to compete as an intern,

Then in private practice...

I know exactly where
you're coming from.

And I know exactly
where you're going.

I just hope the judge
throws away the key.

Hooker, frank
wagner just called.

He wanted to say
"thank you" again.

David's pleading
guilty to all charges,

He's requesting
psychiatric help,

And a rehabilitation program.

I'm buyin' the drinks.

Oh, uh, i... I can't make it.

Charlene ann?

Oh, no, no. Charlene's
roommate, betty sue.

Another southern girl?

I'm a sucker for
southern hospitality.

You know what? Mackey just
said somethin' real interesting.

You used to be a narc.

I also used to be your age.

I don't know. Somehow
I just can't picture it.

You with long hair,
a beard, a purse,

And doing serpico.

Listen, junior. I had a
3-piece, grey flannel suit,

Had short hair, and made a
point of being clean-shaven.

For undercover?

Most of my busts were
dentists, stockbrokers,

And advertising execs.

With your sorry wardrobe, I'm
surprised you even owned a suit,

Let alone a 3-piece
grey flannel.

Hey, hey, I didn't
say "own," romano.

I rented!