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06x09 - Great Expectations

Posted: 12/11/12 09:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on Heartland: Clint: I have to take Georgina back to the group home until further arrangements can be made.

No. No, Grandpa.

She can stay here for a couple of days...

I guess.

Dan: You should know that Lisa and I
will be keeping our finances separate.

Isn't that a given considering you guys are divorced?

Now that we've reconciled, we may be pooling our resources.

I already bought the place that you liked in France.

What about us? Where does that leave us?

We should take a break, don't you think?

(Grass rustles in the breeze, horses whinny)

(Birds chirp, insects buzz)

(Horse neighs)

(Soft thudding of hooves)

(Leaves rustle)

(Log clunks)

(Foal whinnies, panicked)

(Foal whinnies)

(Log bangs around)

(Snorts nervously)

Lou: Okay, Grandpa! Eat!

Didn't you guys wanna get an early start?

Jack: Well, I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee first.

Lou: Amy! Ty!

I have been trying to keep the eggs warm.

Amy: Relax, Lou.

Grandpa, we've got the truck all packed.

I'm gonna load Spartan and Harley before we leave.

Jack: Why are we taking horses?

We're going to Stumpy's fishing camp to work, not to go on a leisurely trail ride.

Is that why you're taking your fishing gear?

Well, if there's time, and that is a big if, yes, I thought I would do a little bit of fishing.

Peter: So what's, uh, Stumpy's story that he's got you doing all this, Jack?

Jack: Oh, he's got a big family reunion coming up this weekend and the guy just broke his good leg.

There's all these tents that need putting up, and I thought that was the least we could do for him.

Georgie: Look at the rod Jack bought me!

He's gonna teach me to fly fish.

Ty: Really.

I thought it was all work, Jack?


Georgie: Come on, guys, we have to go!

Georgie, eat some breakfast!

Georgie: No! I don't wanna barf in the truck.

Ty: Okay. I just lost my appetite.


I'm gonna go load the horses.

Georgie: Hey, Katie, are you gonna miss us?

You're gonna miss us, huh?

(Katie coos)

Miss them? I can't wait until they leave.

Stop it.

Okay, everybody, let's get this show on the road.

You're gonna be late.

Georgie: Exactly! Come on! Hurry up! Come on!

(Car rumbles)

Lou: Don't forget your snacks... And have a great day.

Yeah. Have fun out there!


Jack: Now, where are my gloves? I left them right here.

Georgie: You don't need your gloves. Let's go!

(Knocking, screen door snaps shut)

Jack: Clint!
Clint: I knocked but...

Uh, no, I'm glad to see you, man, but bad timing.

We're just on our way out.

But, Jack, today is the day.

The day for what?

Uh, this, this in the only day I have to...

Spend some time with you.

Georgie: What does he mean? He can't!

Clint: I left you a message. Didn't you get it?

Jack: No, I never got a message.

Oh, Georgie...

Clint: Jack, I'm serious.

This is the day we have to accomplish, you know, what we discussed.

Jack: I know, I know. You're right.

Georgie: Wait. Does this mean you can't go camping?

It means we can't go camping.

Does this mean you're not going away for the weekend?

You promised!

Um, Grandpa, can I speak to you, privately, please?

I thought that you were already Georgie's foster parent?

Temporary foster parent, but I wanna be long term.

I didn't even know you'd applied.

Isn't this something we should've decided together, as a family?

Jack: It's something I decided to do and I'm gonna do it.

So Clint's here to interview me, and he needs to talk to Georgie too, but he can't tell her the reason because...

Well, we don't want her to get her hopes up.

Okay. Well, we'll have to cancel the trip then.

Ty: Whoa! What?

No, that's not a good idea.

'Cause I think it's unfair to go without her.

But, Jack, you promised Stumpy that we'd get those tents up.


Jack: Well, you and Amy, you could do that job can't you?

Why don't you guys go up on your own?


Amy: Okay.

(Lou sighs heavily)



You and I.

You and me.

(Door clicks open)

(Backpack rustles)

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ You dreamer. ♪

You know, this little gizmo has a tape recorder function?

I didn't even know it had it, myself, until I hit the icon thing by accident.

Um, okay, first up.

Do I have your permission to record your responses?

I guess.


Relax, Jack.

I'm sure that the "powers that be" will be more than satisfied.

I mean, you've got a pretty good track record with "At risk youth," and from what you've told me, you and Georgie have developed a very solid and trusting relationship over the past few months.

A real bond.

Georgie: (Yelling) Jack!

They left without me! I will never ever forgive you!

(Screen door snaps shut)

Was that thing recording?

Oh yeah.

Tim: Hey, Jack, what's going on?

I just saw Ty and Amy on their way out.

I thought you were going to Stumpy's.

I didn't realize they were going on their own?

It's fine, Tim. They'll be back tomorrow.

What, they're staying overnight?

What, did your good judgment fly right out the window?

How ya doing, Clint?

Tim, I'm just a little bit busy here right now.

Busy with what? What're you working on?

Peter: So when did Jack decide that?

It's a huge responsibility.

I know, but...

I mean, it's good. It's great.

Good for him.

Tim: Are you kidding?

I thought you were just taking care of Georgie until Clint here found another home for her.

Well, you thought wrong.

It's a big step.

I've been thinking about big steps myself lately.

Oh yeah? Like what?

Well, there's a lot of rooms in that old farmhouse of ours.


So... maybe it's time we think about filling them.

Tim: Are you crazy?

You're old!

I know what it's like to take on a kid and it's not easy, even at my age.

And, Jack, you're a lot older than I am.

Jack: It's so nice to have your support.

Tim: Well, you don't. You don't have my support!

Mark that down.

He does not have my support - make a note.

Somebody's gotta be realistic about this!

(Door opens and shuts)

Tim: How did you let this happen?


Tim: Fix it, Lou.

God, I really needed a weekend to ourselves.

Hey, I know someone who owns a dude ranch.

Any empty cabins?

There might be.

Yeah? Well, let's go.

Grab some time on our own, talk about those empty rooms.

Yeah. Let's do it.

All right.

Clint: Jack, you know that Tim's opinion doesn't come in to play with me or the agency.

This is all about you, nobody else.

Well, good.

'Cause, well, Tim's opinion doesn't wash with me, either.

From what I can see, though, you do have a pretty full house.

Are you thinking about adding on to the place?

Oh, I don't have to do that, no.

Lou and Peter will be moving out real soon.

That frees up two bedrooms right there.

So we've got more than enough space.

Lou: Okay, so we have a plan.

You and Georgie are gonna be tied up this weekend, so we're gonna head over to the dude ranch.

It's a little crowded here.

I hear you'll be moving into your new place soon.

Peter: Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it.

No, it could be a few months still yet.

But Jack's been nice enough to let us all stay here.

It's a little like an overcrowded rooming house, but the more the merrier, right?

(Katie coos)

Lou: What's the matter, honey?

Why are your cheeks all red, huh?

Why are you all red?

Car's packed. You all ready to go?

Honey, feel her forehead.

What's up, pumpkin?

Oh no.

Yeah. She has a temperature.

She's sick. We're not going anywhere.


Let's get you some water.

Can you get her some water?

(Truck rumbles)

(Doors bang shut)

Ty: Hey, come here!

Oh, wow! This is pretty cool.

Yeah. Come on, let's go check this out.

(Gasps) Wow!


Amy: This is so awesome! Ty: Nice!

Amy: Well, I think we should put up the tents later.

Ty: What do you wanna do instead?

This was a good idea, Amy.

It was a pretty good idea.


Ty, look! Look.

Ty: Oh, wow!

Amy: It's wildy. Ty: Yeah.

Let's see if we can get closer.


Hey, you.

(Mare snorts and grunts)

(Foal whinnies in the distance)

It's coming from over there.

(High-pitched whinny in the distance)

(High-pitched whinny)

Poor thing.

(High-pitched whinny)

Amy: You're okay.

(Foal grunts)

It's a trapper's snare.

Yeah. Easy...

Ranchers use them to catch wild horses.

It's okay, little guy. You're okay.

(Foal grunts)

Easy, easy. Easy, easy.

How does it look?

It's not good. It's already infected.

I'd like to treat him, but I feel like if I cut this off, he's gonna bolt.

What if I hold him while you have a look at it?

How are you gonna do that?

(Leaves and branches rustle as Ty pulls on rope)

Amy: Good boy...

Thank you.

Amy: You got him? Ty: Yup.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Good boy.

(Foal grunts and snorts)

Amy: I know, I know. Ty: Easy, easy, easy.

Amy: There you go. There you go. Good boy.


I'll cut off the rope.

Good boy.

You're okay. Good boy.

Good boy.

You're free, little one.

(Whinnies wildly)

It's okay. What a good boy. Easy...

Here you go.

Get that off you.

(Mare whinnies nearby) Good boy.

Hold him.

You're okay.

You're okay.

You know, Jack, I just want you to know that uh...

I completely understand that Georgie's current behaviour isn't indicative of your relationship.

I mean, she's like any kid, she's upset at the change in plans.

Well, I'm glad to hear you say that, Clint, because that's exactly how I look at it.

Thank you. But I do have to warn you though that these next few questions are vital, so I'm not gonna beat around the bush.

Jack: sh**t!

Do you think you can cope with an additional member of the family?

Well, I've been coping, haven't I?

Well, yes. Yes, Jack, but what about backup?

What if you were incapacitated?

What if you had to go away?

Who's gonna take Georgie to school?

Who's gonna be here when she comes home?

What if she runs away again?

I got lots of backup, Clint.

That's the beautiful thing about family, Lou, especially.

She's gonna be a huge help. She is so organized-

Lou: Okay, so now we are not going to the dude ranch!

Katie has a temperature.

Grandpa, have you seen Katie's medicine?

If things could stay on an even keel around here even for one day - you know, one day! - that is all that I'm asking.
(Bangs cupboard doors shut)

(Sighs, frustrated)

Of course, it is perfectly natural for a baby to get sick.

I mean, pfft!

At least she's not in daycare anymore.

What is daycare but a haven for festering germs - and lice!

Clint: So your baby was in daycare?

Yes, but now I have quit my job in Calgary.

Oh! So you're at home?

Yeah. I'm starting my own business.

Huh. Really.

Good for you. Uh, and your husband?

Oh, he has a super job.

In Vancouver, I understand.

Yes. But he goes back and forth...

Back mostly... here.

Back here.

An absentee husband, a new job and a baby?

That's a bit of a juggling act, wouldn't you say?

Lou: No. No! He's not absentee. It's...

He's fine. It's fine.

(Katie starts crying) We're fine.

Peter: Lou, she's throwing up!

I'm coming! It's all good.

Wow. He really struggled against this thing.

It's a miracle he didn't choke himself.

It's okay, boy. You're all right.

This is really infected.

I'm gonna have to flush it out.

Did you bring your vet case?

No. I left it at home.

There's a first aid kit in the truck.

I could go get it.

Okay, but we're gonna need some fresh water to flush out the wound.

There's... there's a pump back at camp.

(Horse whinnies wildly, snorts nervously)

Easy! How are we gonna get him there, Amy?

We've done it before.

You ready?

Yeah. Yeah, I think this is gonna work.


Amy: Come on you.

Come on.

(Horse snorts and whinnies)

Amy: I know. Ty: There we go.

Amy: Good boy.

(High-pitched whinny)

Amy: You're okay.

Lou: You're gonna be all better soon, okay? Yeah...

Georgie: What's wrong?

She has a fever.

The cool water helps bring her temperature down.

Georgie: Hey, Katie... hi!

Does that feel nice? Does that feel nice?

Hmm? Look it! Ducky likes it too.

Quack-quack! Quack-quack!

(Katie giggles and squeals)

Yeah! Quack-quack! Quack quack!


You know, sometimes things don't work out the way that we want them to, and you can either accept it or...

I'm never speaking to Jack again.

...or not.

But I'm glad you're here, and I think Katie's glad you're here too.

Aren't you, Katie?

Yes! Yes we are.

(Katie coos and squeals, screen door bangs shut)

Peter: No. Yeah.

Dom, I can't meet with you tonight.

Because I got a baby with a fever of 102 and my wife needs my help, that's why.

Okay, fine. Yeah. Tomorrow.

First thing, yes.

(Phone beeps off)

I can't believe this guy, honestly!

Somehow there's a problem with the wiring.

He told me his electrician was licensed, but guess what? Surprise! He's not.

We'll be lucky to get in there by Christmas.

Jack: Hey! You want me to make you something?

You didn't have lunch.

(Fridge door bangs shut, Georgie huffs angrily)

Do you have a moment to talk to me?

About what?

Oh, life, how you're doing, that sort of thing.

I don't have a life.

Sure, I'll talk. Why not?

(Horse whinnies and snorts)

Ty: Easy, easy...

I wish I had a local anesthetic to dull the pain, that way he wouldn't be so jumpy.

Amy: Well, my mom used to make a tea using willow bark.

Willow bark?

Yeah. She'd sweeten it with apple juice so the horses would drink it.

But she swore it was the best thing to dull any pain.

Well, it couldn't hurt.

He's probably pretty hungry too.

He's definitely too young to be weaned.

Well, can you handle him while I go look for some?



(Horse snorts)

(Birds chirp, tack jingles)

(Bush rustles)

(Wild horses whinny and snort)
Hey, girl...

Your baby's hungry.

You wanna come feed him?

I can take you to him, hmm?

(Horses grunt and neigh)


Clint: You feel good living here?

Yeah. I like the horses.

Clint: Just the horses?

How are you and Jack getting along?

Oh, well, okay, maybe you're not too crazy about him today, but the rest of the time?

He's all right.

When you first got here, you said you thought he was "cool".

He's cool when he keeps his promises, and I guess he was pretty cool when I fell down the well.

What? You fell down a well?

Yeah. It was pretty awesome.


Yeah. I was saving a stray dog.

Uh, Georgina, how deep was this well?

Um... I don't know... Like as deep as that.

Clint: What, that windmill?

Georgie: Yeah!

He had to set up some sort of winch thing.

I came up in a sort of sling.

It was really cool.

(Chuckles) Cool. Cool.

Uh... look, where was Jack when you fell in the well?

Uh, he was at home. It wasn't his fault.

He didn't know I'd taken off.

Yeah, well, maybe he should have.

Lisa: Hello!




It's so good to see you.

I... I came to see Lou about some dude ranch business.


I didn't expect to see you.

She said you were away for the weekend.

Well, I'm here and so are you, um, so maybe we can...

Clint, this is Lisa Stillman.

Lisa: Hi. How are you? Clint: Hello.

I'm uh... Is Lou here?

She's in the nursery.

Your goddaughter's running a temperature.

Oh no, that's too bad.

Well, then I will, uh, go see them.

Excuse me.

That's my... lady friend.

We've been seeing each other for some time.

Clint: Well, that's good.

A stable relationship; That's very good, Jack.

It's all about backup.

Grandpa, I am sorry!

I completely forgot to tell you Lisa was coming!


I really should've warned you.

Anyway, you know, Katie's throwing up and I have to go change her sheets.

(Water gurgles as it's drawn from a pump)

Amy: Found some!


Can I use that water to boil them in?

Ty: Yeah. That's what I'm getting it ready for.

Amy: So...

I saw the herd. The mare was with them.

I think she knows we have her baby.


Just making some bandages here.

With Stumpy's bed sheets?


He's gonna love you.

(Laughs, sheets rip)

Peter: Hey, you. What's going on?

Katie threw up all over her bed.

I know. I heard.


Too bad about that camping trip, huh?

I know you were really looking forward to it.

Lou and I were too.

So you could have the place to yourself?



I guess we both got Clint to thank for that, huh?

I think I messed things up.

What things?

I know why he's here.

He's not just here to chat.

He's here on a "routine assessment" of my "temporary living arrangements."

It's not like I haven't been through this before.

Yeah, I guess not, huh?

Well... why do you think you messed up?

Well... I said something I shouldn't have.

I never know what to say, 'cause I never know what they wanna hear.

(Birds sing, insects buzz)


Damn. What?

See this? That's more pus.

Have to wash it out again okay, I'll hold him.

Be careful. Don't get kicked.

Don't you dare kick me!

Foal grunts, mare whinnies nearby.

(Gentle thud of hooves)

She followed you here. That's amazing.

(Foal and mare grunt, snort and whinny)

(Grunting and snorting)

(Mare and foal whinny)

Her foal's still really hungry.

There we go, nice and fresh.

Thank you.

(Sighs) I wish...

I wish you'd told me Jack was gonna be here.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's just hard.

I know.

What happened?

France happened.

What do you mean? You guys had a great time.

I had a great time, he didn't.

He said he did, but he didn't.

I shouldn't have made him go.

Well, you didn't make him go. He chose to go.

Just seeing him is kind of...
(Tearing up) hard.

Oh Lisa, I'm sorry.

I miss him.

I miss him a lot.

You know, I didn't even realize you felt that way, especially since you and Dan are back together.

What? Dan?

Well you are, aren't you?

No! Does he think Dan and I are together?

Where did he get that idea?

Why in the world do you think I'm back together with Dan?

Lou: Can I just say something?

Jack: Clint, would you mind...?

No. Absolutely.

Okay, Grandpa, Lisa...

Jack: You see, I'm not that surprised, to be honest with you.

You spent all that time in France on "business" together, and now, apparently, you're "pooling your resources."

Those are his words, not mine.

Nothing says serious like "pooling your resources"!

I'm not "pooling my resources" with Dan!

If he said that, he is seriously mistaken.

It was just something Dan mentioned to me, and I'm sorry if...

Well, the fact that you would believe him instead of asking me is just as bad.

You're gonna sit there and stew over nothing?

(Door opens)

Grandpa, I am so sorry.

There you go. Huh? Yeah.

He's liking the willow tea.

That a boy!

Now we'll be able to get at that cut.

You know there's this poultice you can make using honey, olive oil... and ground-up charcoal.

It helps it heal faster.

Well, there's charcoal in that fire pit.

And... I brought olive oil for the steaks, (In unison) And there's honey for breakfast!

Amy: Awesome!

(Banging charcoal to break it up yeah!

Taste test!

(Fire crackles)

Nice work, Doctor Borden.

You're not so bad yourself, Miss Flemming.


I love you, you know that?

I do.

I've just been thinking...

What have you been thinking?


This feels right.

You know, us, together.

(Mare whinnies nearby)

Amy, look!

She's back.

(Mare and foal snort)

(Chuckle happily)

(Door closes)

Tim: Jack?


Clint gone?

No, he's not gone.

He's in the barn office making some calls.

Private, he says.

What's the problem?

The interview.

Everything that could go wrong went wrong.

It was like it was destined to fail right from the start.

Well, I'd be lying if I said I'm not relieved.

That's fine. I knew you would be.

That's not what I mean, Jack.

I'm thinking about you.

I'm thinking about you and the kid down the line.

I'm not in the ground yet, Tim.

I don't intend to be real soon.

I'm not saying that.

Jack: I could've done a lot for that kid.

I'd like to think that...

That I could've made a difference in her life - a big difference.

She loves it here. She just loves it here, and the thought of her leaving is...


(Phone beeps)

Georgie: (Recording) They left without me! I will never ever forgive you!

Jack: (Recording) Is that thing recording?

Clint: (Recording) Oh yeah.

Tim: Hey. How's the interview going?

Clint: Oh... that's, that's confidential - confidential information, Tim.

I know... I know I wasn't on board for this whole arrangement at first, but... I-I feel for Jack.

You got the guy on tenterhooks here.

So? What are his chances?

I don't know.

I mean, frankly, I'm a bit surprised.

About what?

Well, look at what an amazing job Jack did with Ty.


But now...

I mean I think things might have changed.

I mean, people do get older.

Come on!

Jack is doing an amazing job with that kid.

The other day, Jack takes Georgie out, teaches her how to drive cattle within an hour - one hour!

With no experience whatsoever, she's just diving right in there with the steers, driving the herd.

Oh! And I almost forgot!

The other day, he's teaching her to drive the tractor.

Little Georgie up there in the big tractor.

Those things can be dangerous.

She... She's gonna be a big help.

She's like... One of the hired hands.

Where else can a kid have an amazing experience like that?

(Cell phone rings)
I gotta take this.


Duly noted.

Georgie: "And then Rufus and Rosamunde looked the little red-headed girl right in the eye.

'We did not steal the cheese from the pantry, ' said Rufus.

'No self-respecting mouse just takes cheese without asking.

We merely borrowed it to make you a snack with crackers.

Isn't that right, Rosamunde?'

"'without question, ' said Rosamunde."

Her temperature's down.

Thank you for helping me with Katie.

It's really sweet of you to read her a story.

She's so cute, even when she's throwing up.

(Laughs) I know. Poor little thing.

I always wanted a little sister.

Every family I've been in, I've always been the youngest.

How many families have you been with?

I don't know... A lot.

And your parents?

I mean... What happened to them?

They died. Car accident.

How old were you?

Three. I don't really remember.

Katie probably won't remember when she moves into her new place.

Do you think she'll like it?

Georgie: Who wouldn't?

I love the swing and the barn.

I'd never been in a barn until I came here.

Yours is pretty cool, especially the loft.

It feels safe... Like a nest.

Hey, I have an idea.

How about I make your favourite dinner?

Roast chicken?

With new potatoes? You got it.

Why don't you go and pick some more veggies from the garden, okay?


Clint: There seems to be some dysfunction between the potential parent and child.

There was the issue of falling down a well, and his relationships seem to be on rather shaky ground.

(Screen door creaks open)

Look, Clint, this has been a really bad day, and...


Maybe you should come back after things have settled down a bit and we can try this interview again.

Uh, well, you know I'd love to do that, Jack, but I can't. It's policy.


Clint, I just want to be Georgie's foster parent.

I'm in for the long haul, but I need you to make this happen.

Clint: Well, I'll do what I can, you know that, but, Jack, I can't work miracles.

So it doesn't look good.

Clint: No, Jack, it doesn't.

Jack: You know, Clint, I'm trying not to put you on the spot here, but you know how I feel.

I just wanna do what I can for Georgie...

(Recording) There seems to be some level of dysfunction between the potential parent and child.

There's the issue of her falling down a well.

The relationships in his life seem to be on rather shaky ground.

(Approaching footsteps, button beeps)

(Loud knock)

Dinner's ready.

Okay. I'll be right there.

(Phone beeps off)

Jack: Well, that was Clint.

He's wondering if we found his phone.

He thinks he left it here. Anybody see it?

I haven't seen it.

Well, I hope he has lost it.

(Quietly) Hey. I uh... I want you to know that I spoke to Clint on your behalf.

(Forceful whisper)
Why did you go and do that?!

Because I know how important it is to you, and you're right. You're right.

Look how it turned out for Shane, and you helped me with that.

So, now, it's my turn to help you.

No. Just please don't.

I'm making points with Clint.

Thank me later.

Amy: Oh, those smell so good! I'm starving.

How are the potatoes coming?

Ty: I think they should be done, actually.

Let's check here.

Ow! Whoa! That is hot!

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine! I'm fine!

I'm tough! I'm okay, I'm okay.

Oh yeah, you are tough.

I am tough. I'm fine.

Maybe on the outside, but you're a big marshmallow inside.

I am not a marshmallow. Oh!

Yes, you are! Marshmallow! Marshmallow!

Hey, no fair! No fair!

No! Ah? See?


You see? You are a marshmallow.

Yeah, maybe.

Amy: Uh-oh.

Do you smell that?

Ty: Oh! Amy: Here.

They're okay! They're okay!

(Remi pants quietly)

(Drawer scrapes open)

(Knock at the door)

(Backpack thumps on floor)

I uh... I just came to say good night.

Good night, Jack.

So you're talking to me again, are you?

I gotta say that feels pretty good.


I'm real sorry about today, and I'll take you camping soon, okay?

Maybe, even tomorrow, we'll saddle up the horses and we'll go for a ride.

(Stifling tears)

You have a good sleep then. Good night.


(Door creaks shut)

(Bag rustles, zips it up)

Bye, Remi.
(Remi grunts)

Bye. Good girl.

(Window rattles open)

(Hooves clop, getting louder)

Good boy.

(Clucks tongue)

(Phoenix grunts as he gallops away)

(Phoenix grunts)

Georgie: (Clucks tongue) Let's go.

(River babbles gently)

Amy: That foal seems a lot better now.

Ty: Yeah. Much calmer.

Amy: You did a really great job. Scott would be proud.

Thank you. We make a good team.

We do!


I'm so proud of you for starting vet school.

Well, it's only because of you, Amy.

Come on.

No. It's true.

I have you to thank for it, your encouragement.


Even if you are a terrible study buddy.

I'm not that bad!

Both: (Laughing)


(Rumble of galloping hooves, horses whinny)

Do you feel that?

Amy: Yeah. That's incredible.


Ty, look.

Make a wish.

I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you.

Amy Fleming...


Will you marry me?


Yes, of course I will!

(Laughing, joyous)

Yes. Yes!

(Ty and Amy laugh)

Amy: I love you!



Is Georgie in here?

Jack: No.

I just went to check and see if she needed another blanket, and she's not in her room and her window is wide open.

You stay with Katie.

(Whooshing and crackling noises)

(Phoenix whinnies nervously)

(Crackling gets louder)

(Phoenix whinnies loudly)

(High-pitched whinny)

Georgie: Phoenix?!


(Distressed, high-pitched whinny)

Phoenix! (Flames roar)

(Distressed, high-pitched whinny)

(Dialling beeps)

(Phone rings)

Phoenix is gone too!


Georgie: Jack! Jack: Georgie! Where are you?

Georgie: I'm at Peter and Lou's, in the barn.

What the heck are you doing there?

Georgie: Jack! There's a fire. I can't get out!

Phoenix is going crazy!

Jack, can you... Can you come, please?!

I'll be right there!


Grandpa, he's outside! What's wrong?

Call the fire department! Send them to your place.


(Flames roar, Phoenix screams)

(Phoenix thrashes and kicks at the stall)

Georgie: Phoenix!

(Phoenix whinnies wildly)

(Flames roar)
