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02x14 - (D) A Meeting of Humans and Monsters

Posted: 04/27/23 11:09
by bunniefuu
[LAPLACE yells]


Ow, ow, ow...

What the heck is your problem?

This place is supposed

to be sacred.

So why is there a vampire here?

That is quite enough!

How dare you taint

the holy throne of God!

Anyone who disgraces the one

and only god, Luminus,

will not be tolerated!


Not good!




Farewell, cruel world...


Well, Laplace.

You've been through

quite the ordeal.

So, did you find out what the

Western Holy Church really is?


Yeah, here's the thing...

Security was so tight,

I couldn't get in!


Hmm. Is that so?

Surely you found

a hint, at least?

[LAPLACE] You know, I went

through hell to get this info,

so I was gonna pitch it

for a high price.

[YUUKI chuckles]

Too bad I know you're a liar.


You're so mean.

I actually feel just a tad bit

sorry for that slime.

He has no idea he's wrapped up

in your little scheme.

After all... You are an evil

mastermind hiding behind

the face of a young,

handsome Grandmaster,

Yuuki Kagurazaka.

While I appreciate

the clumsy flattery,

there's no backing out

of the job, Laplace.


You're indomitable, aren't you?

Hey, don't say that.

I've already prepared

the reward I promised you.


What? Really?!

Yeah! The soul of

your alliance's president,

which was inside me, is now

safely inside of a homunculus.


The president... is coming back?

Where is he? I wanna see him!

Contain yourself. He's been

right there this whole time.




Uh! But that's a lady.

[LAPLACE cackles]

What's with the new look?!

Did your tastes

change or something?

Mind your tongue, Laplace.

Appearances aside,

I am the Demon Lord Kazalim.

I expect a nicer greeting

after years.

[LAPLACE grunts] Welcome back,

President Kazalim.

The Moderate Harlequin Alliance

has been waiting for you.

Myself, along with

Footman and Tear,

and we mustn't forget Clayman.

As much as I hate to put a

damper on this touching reunion,

I should tell you

that the Demon Lord Kazalim

isn't fully revived yet.

That's true. In all honesty,

my power is nowhere near the

level I had back in my prime.

Leon Cromwell...

Curse that bastard!

[YUUKI] I really wish you

wouldn't complain about

your new body so much.

It was an expensive vessel.


Yes, I'm aware, Boss.

Custom-made in Thalion, right?

It's a bit fragile, and it's not

a look I would usually favor,

but I suppose it's preferable

to not having a material body

of my own at all.

[LAPLACE laughs]

[KAZALIM] Enough! Is this really

so amusing to you, Laplace?!

Anyway, as interesting as this

is, let's get down to business.

The Western Holy Church...

Wanna tell me what you know?

[LAPLACE] All right. If the

president calls you "Boss,"

then I guess that makes

you my boss, too.

Lucky you, this information

is now on the house.

[LAPLACE] At first glance,

there was nothing in

the Western Holy Church that

seemed particularly dodgy.

I mean, believers

go there to worship.

They're not gonna leave their

secrets just lying around.

I decided to head to the top

of the sacred mountain

and peek at the old peak.

I thought maybe there'd be

something in the inner sanctum

where the emperor's cloistered.

And there was, but it was just

some hoity-toity vampire guy.

He must have been cranky,

because he absolutely destroyed

me with some sort of red beam.

You look good for

someone who's "destroyed."

Wait, you said he shot

a red beam at you?



An attack that turns blood

into magic particles.

It sounds a lot like Blood Ray.

I know that one.

It's Demon Lord Valentine's

signature attack.

He's called the Blood Tyrant.


A Demon Lord? Seriously?!

[KAZALIM] Fleeing was

the right choice, Laplace.

Even when I was in my prime,

I'd say he was still

a level match for me.


No way!


Whenever we fought in the past,

the collateral damage was

always quite substantial.

So, we had a discussion,

and it led to the custom

that exists today

of the majority vote.

Wait, are you talking

about Walpurgis?

[KAZALIM] Yes. The requirement

of three votes to move forward

on a proposal is from

the time when there were

seven Demon Lords.

So, if we know that

this guy really was

the Demon Lord Valentine,

I wonder what he's doing

in the inner sanctum.

The most likely explanation

is that the cloistered emperor

was actually a Demon

Lord this whole time.

Am I right?

[KAZALIM] Valentine sees

humans and demi-humans

as no more than food.

But if such a man is now

claiming himself to be

the guardian of humanity...

There must be something to it.

This information

has proved useful!

Thank you for

getting it, Laplace.

I would like to investigate

the Western Holy Church

even further, but if the

Demon Lord Valentine is there,

I guess we can't be careless.

[LAPLACE] Ah! Wait, if you just

want to lure out a Demon Lord,

it shouldn't be that

difficult, right?

[YUUKI gasps]

[LAPLACE] Clayman, Demon Lord

Milim, and Demon Lord Frey--

an alliance of three Demon Lords

could accomplish a lot.

So, here's an idea:

Let them have Walpurgis.

For a clown,

it's not a bad idea.


I know!

Now then, what will

the squishy one do?

Your move, slime.

[SHUNA] Next up, we have our

new second secretary, Diablo.

Yes. A pleasure to meet you all.

[SHUNA] Next is the caretaker

of the Forest of Jura.

I am the Dryad Treyni.

[SHUNA] This concludes

the introductions of

our members from Tempest.

It is now time for me to

introduce our honored guests.

From the Armed Nation of

Dwargon, King Gazel Dwargo.



[SHUNA] From the

Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion,

Archduke Erald.

How do you do?

[SHUNA] From the Animal

Kingdom of Eurazania,

we have the Three Beastketeers:

Lady Albis, Lady Suphia,

and Sir Phobio.

From the Kingdom of Blumund,

we have Guildmaster Fuze.

Uh, Hi.

[SHUNA] And lastly, representing

the future Kingdom of Falmuth,

we have Sir Grucius,

Lady Mjurran, and Sir Youm.


Thank you. Greetings, all.



[RIMURU] Jeez. Pretty prominent

bunch of people we've got here.


Shuna, what's Veldora doing?

[SHUNA] Oh. He was

just changing his outfit

before the big meeting.


Sorry I'm late! I'm here now.

Wow. You look quite dashing!

The clothes appear to be

the perfect size!

Tell me about it!

It's comfortable

but also stylish!

You have my compliments!


--[SHUNA] Thanks so much!

Rimuru. Does he work for you?




I haven't seen him before.

Oh. He's actually

a buddy of mine--

let me introduce you to him.

His name is Veldora.







[VELDORA roars]

Yep, I'm the great Storm Dragon,

Veldora Tempest!

Very few people have had

a chance to speak with me

and live to tell the tale.

You are all extremely fortunate!

You should consider

this an honor!



Oops, we lost Fuze again.

Poor guy.

Strange. He passed out from joy.

Yeah, I doubt it.

Listen, Veldora.

We're about to have a serious

discussion between adults here,

so don't do anything too crazy.

During the meeting, I'd like

you to act as an advisor,

but please, behave yourself.

Unless you'd rather go

take a walk--that's cool, too.

[VELDORA laughs]

That's hilarious, buddy!

But no can do!

You can't just leave your BFF

to sit on the sidelines!

--[GAZEL] Rimuru!

--[RIMURU] Hmm?

I must speak with you...


Uh. Sure, whatever you need.

[RIMURU] And so, our very

important meeting to determine

the future of Tempest

was postponed

before it ever officially began.

[SHUNA] Please call

if you need anything.

[RIMURU groans]

What is going on?!

Has the Storm Dragon

Veldora really returned?!

Look, I can explain,

but it's a long story.

[ERALD] Before you do that,

let me say one thing.

Uh, okay.

I just want you to know

that the emperor of

the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion

has entrusted me

with complete authority.

And whatever I say

dictates Thalion's position.

Now, with that in mind,

let's hear this explanation.


Message received, man.

I promise to tell you

guys the truth!


So, I told them the whole story.

Including how I got

reincarnated here as a slime.

And that I met Veldora

in the Sealed Cave.

All the way to the bit where

I became a Demon Lord

for certain reasons, and revived

friends who had been k*lled,

ending with the part where

I finally released Velodra.

There. That should

bring you guys up to speed.

--[GAZEL, ERALD sigh]

--Uh, something wrong?!


I never imagined this...

It was problematic enough

that you became a Demon Lord,

but you had an even bigger

problem waiting for us.

[RIMURU] Please!

It's not that big of a deal!

[GAZEL growls]

Mister Rimuru... Is that

boisterous young man we met

truly the Storm Dragon

known as Veldora?


Is he? Who knows?

That's a rhetorical question!

No human or monster is foolish

enough to use the name

of the Evil Dragon,

even as a silly jest.


Fair enough...




What to do?

[GAZEL] Do we make this

public or conceal it?

Well, either way, the Western

Nations won't be an issue.

As for the Sorcerous

Dynasty of Thalion,

I need only report this newfound

knowledge to the emperor.

My biggest concern... the Western Holy Church.



We can't hide this from them.

Out of all the Dragons,

they regard the Storm Dragon

with a rather

particular hostility.

Honestly, I wouldn't

be surprised

if they already knew

he had returned.

[RIMURU sighs] Is it just me or

do those two actually get along?


Pay attention, Rimuru!

Right! Yes, sir!

[ERALD] We need you to give

serious thought to this matter!

I understand.

Thing is, I was planning

to spread the word

about Veldora, anyway.

And it doesn't seem like

there'll be any avoiding

the Western Holy Church.

So we'll have to do something.



If that's the decision,

I suppose I have no complaints.

[RIMURU gasps]

[ERALD] A Demon Lord

aligning with the Evil Dragon.

Could there ever be a more

troubling turn of events?

This is no laughing matter.

That said,

it might be fortunate.


Hmm? Wait, how so?

[ERALD slurps]

Well, since I was able to take

part in this private meeting,

I've just gained the best

possible knowledge.

It will be advantageous

for my nation's position.





[ERALD] It'd be foolish to

pick a fight with a nation

that's home to both a Demon

Lord and the Storm Dragon.

My thoughts, exactly.

I gotcha. So basically,

you're saying that even if

the Western Holy Church becomes

our enemy, you'll take our side.

Is that a fair conclusion?

Rimuru... There are still

things you must learn,

like the subtle art of

the unspoken message, got it?


Oh, right...

I'm saying... I refuse

to expose my country

to pointless danger when there

isn't any reason for hostility.

We are under no obligation

to the Western Holy Church.


Yeah. It'll be reassuring to

have Dwargon backing us up.

Erald, what about you?

We haven't established

diplomatic relations

with Thalion, so why are

you being so friendly?

[ERALD sighs]

Now, Mister Rimuru,

in formal settings,

please address me

with my name and title.

After all, you're the

leader of a country.

You wouldn't humble

yourself before another nation

for no reason.

So, in these moments, it's

appropriate to address me

with a "mister."

Oh, I hear ya. Thank you.

[ERALD] That aside... Allow me

to answer your question.

I assume my daughter, Eren--

--[GAZEL] Hmm?!

--[RIMURU gasps]


Uh... [coughs] I mean, Eryune,

is the person who

told you how to go about

becoming a Demon Lord,

making me responsible

for this situation.

[RIMURU] Now then,

tell me this fairy tale

about reviving the dead.




When it's all said and done,

one could say that my

daughter helped to create

a brand-new Demon Lord.

Fortunately, only the

emperor and I are privy

to this information.

So you see, this

is why I came here--

to personally judge you for

myself and to possibly dispatch

an army in kind if I deemed it

necessary during my visit.

And now? What's your decision?

I thought I made

my choice clear.

We're not a nation of fools.

A simple decision, really.

And a rather

obvious one at that--

my country had every intention

of backing Tempest as friends

from the very beginning.


Though, there are some

things to consider.

The army of Falmuth that

Mister Rimuru annihilated--

It had far too many casualties.

A Demon Lord who

k*lled , men?


Don't worry about that.



All the bodies have

vanished, leaving no proof.

What's more, I heard there

wasn't even a single survivor.

Which means we can alter

the story as we please.

We'll just need to convince

those who happen

to hear the truth.

Rimuru. A true leader

must have no regrets.

Yeah. I only did

what I felt was necessary.

I've already come

to terms with it.

[GAZEL] Good to hear.

Heh. Right then, I'll explain.

Listen closely.

This is our new story...

[RIMURU] After that, we had

a very detailed discussion

then headed back

to resume the meeting.

[FUZE sighs]


You okay?

[FUZE wheezes]

You gotta tell me this stuff!

Stop blindsiding me

left and right!


It must have slipped my mind.

No worries, it's all

in the past now!


Not for me, it isn't!

[RIMURU] Aw, sounds like

you're feeling better!

No. How am I supposed

to report this news?


Okay! Time to

resume the meeting!

I'll start by explaining

how we got here.

[RIMURU] I then explained

my reincarnation as a slime

yet again, followed by

everything that happened

from stumbling on Veldora

up to the meeting.

And then...

Your city's in my way.

Not for long.

Since I intend to destroy it.

I don't care about

a monster's words!

[RIMURU grunts]


Put an end to this.


Hold on... You fought Hinata

Sakaguchi and walked away?

Yeah. And her strength

is no joke, man.

During our fight, she refused

to listen to me at all.

She had this real "cold-blooded

k*ller" kinda vibe going on.




What's up?

[FUZE] Oh. It's just that

your account differs a little

from the information

we had collected on her.


How so?

[FUZE] Things like,

Hinata always lends a hand

to those who might

depend on her.

She won't waste her time on

anyone who ignores her advice.

Still though...

She's rational and is known to

be a rather reasonable thinker.

[chuckles] Of course, I'd heard

that Blumund's Guildmaster

was someone who excelled

at gathering intel,

and I can testify that his

information matches our own.

[ERALD] It matches the

information we have, as well.

Hinata Sakaguchi is renowned

for being a model knight--

A true protector

of law and order.

Not once has she ever violated

the teachings of Lord Luminus.

But if she's that great,

then why doesn't she try to stop

the summoning ritual?

In my opinion, bringing children

here from another world

against their will is something

that should never be tolerated.

Do we know for certain that she

overlooked the summoning rituals

in other countries? Or are we

just assuming that information?


Mm? Hmm...

[FUZE] The magic used

to summon Otherworlders is

a forbidden ritual that cannot

be exposed to the public eye.

In fact, it's designated

as a prohibited act by

the Council of the West.

Even if we were to ask about it,

no nation would readily

acknowledge the practice.

So if they say it's not

happening, that's it, huh?



To be honest, there's probably

a good reason you've never heard

any of this.

It goes back to the church.

The teachings of Lord Luminus

specifically forbid

making deals with a monster.

[sighs] Meaning I have

no real chance of negotiating.

And if the Western Holy Church

designates us as enemies of God,

Hinata will go along

with that, right?


It's quite possible.

[DIABLO chuckles]

Then, please, allow

me to go and handle

this opponent in your place.

[RIMURU] Whoa, whoa.

Hinata's a tough cookie.

You think you could take her?


That's right, Diablo.



If a weakling like you

is thinking of going,

perhaps I should

finish the job instead.

Lord Rimuru,

I shall take this task.

That's such a generous

offer, Miss Shion,

and I do hesitate to say

this after you took the time

to teach me how to be

a proper secretary.

But, unfortunately, you are

not capable of defeating

this Hinata person.

What a funny thing to say.

Are you actually trying to imply

that you're stronger

than me, Diablo?

Shall we find out

once and for all who's--

No, you shall not!

[GROUP gasping]


Veldora...? Don't tell me...

Oh, wait, Veldora

as in me, Veldora?

Heck no, I wasn't trying

to jump in or anything!


If Hinata's going to come here,

then there's no need

for us to go there.



No whining!

I don't want to get on the

Western Holy Church's bad side.

That goes for you, too.


Sorry, sir.

Ahem! Anyway, that officially

concludes the debate

on the knight

Hinata Sakaguchi,

and the Western Holy Church.

Depending on what they do,

we may end up fighting them.

But for right now,

let's just keep an eye

on the situation, okay?



[HINATA] Don't play dumb,

I received an anonymous tip.

[RIMURU gasps]

Say what?

You heard me,

there are eyes everywhere in

the Kingdom of Ingrassia.


Someone sold me out to Hinata.

There aren't many people who

know about how I absorbed Shizu.


[RAPHAEL] Notice. This is

the most likely suspect.


Yeah. I know, Raphael.

You and I are thinking

the same thing.


So it seems.

[RIMURU] But if it is him,

what's he after?

To pit me and Hinata

against each other

to eliminate one of us?

To stop me from

getting back to my town?

To lure out Hinata?


Or D, all of the above.


Seriously? Talk about greedy.

--[GAZEL] Rimuru?

--Huh? Sorry about that.

I was just doing

some mental math.

Now, let's get down to business.

[RIMURU] At long last, the time

had finally come to bring up

the agenda that would determine

the fate of Tempest.


--[RAMIRIS grunts]

[GROUP gasping]

[RAMIRIS groaning]



[RAMIRIS whines]


Why are you here?

[RAMIRIS gasps]

Because I heard everything!

Tempest, your country,

is doomed to fall!



What did you say?!


Next time, "Ramiris's Warning."