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02x22 - (D) Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~

Posted: 04/27/23 11:18
by bunniefuu
[RAINE] I will now

introduce the participants

in tonight's meeting.

The Demon known as the Lord

of Darkness: Guy Crimson.



Pixie of the Labyrinth: Ramiris.


[RAINE] Dragonoid,

The Destroyer: Milim Nava.

[RAINE] Giant,

The Earthquake: Daggrull.

[RAINE] Vampire, The Bloody

Lord: Roy Valentine.

[RAINE] Fallen,

The Sleeping Ruler: Deeno.

[DEENO grunts]


Harpy, The Sky Queen: Frey.

[RAINE] Deathman,

The Marionette Master: Clayman.



[RAINE] Demonoid, The Platinum

Saber: Leon Cromwell.

And finally, Slime,

The Leader of

the Jura Tempest Federation:

Rimuru Tempest.

[RAINE] This concludes

the introductions.

I'd like to start

by thanking you all

for responding to my summons.

I am truly humbled by

your presence here tonight.

All right, shall we begin?

Then, without further ado,

it is my tremendous

honor to declare

the commencement of the

Demon Lords' banquet, Walpurgis.



Clayman gave a long speech,

but here's the cliffnotes:

According to him, Demon Lord

Carrion came to visit me,

and tempted me

to become a Demon Lord.

[CLAYMAN] Demon Lord Carrion's

forces are currently holed up

in Tempest! Undeniable

proof of his actions!


Hmph. What's more...

Carrion instigated

the Kingdom of Falmuth,

leading them to invade

the Great Forest of Jura.


Next, he offered to cooperate...

[RIMURU] ...with our people

in order to fight them off,

and caused harm

to the humans.

Then, after defeating

the Kingdom of Falmuth,

I declared myself a Demon Lord,

and Carrion gave me his backing.

That was his story.

[CLAYMAN] And such self-serving

behavior violates the pact

made by the Demon Lords.

[RIMURU growls quietly]

[CLAYMAN growls]

You see... I know this because

my subordinate, Mjurran,

who gathered this

information for me...

[growls] ...was k*lled

by this despicable fool

who calls himself Rimuru!

[sobs] Which is why I've made up

my mind to take vengeance.


Wow, brilliant acting.

I think I might cry.

[CLAYMAN] To make matters

even worse, Rimuru conspired

with Carrion in an attempt

to end my life.

My dear Mjurran used

the last of her strength

to deliver all this information.

Afterwards, once she learned

of Carrion's betrayal,

Milim became enraged.

She then destroyed the

Animal Kingdom of Eurazania,

and Carrion was k*lled.

Naturally, I admonished her.

I told Milim that she should

never do such a thing

without evidence.

That it's unforgivable.

However, I ask that you

don't blame Milim for this.

She only att*cked him

for my sake.

She was trying to help.

I'm certain that you all

understand the situation.

It is clear that this petty

majin known as Rimuru is a fool

who gives Demon

Lords a bad name!

It would be in our best

interests to purge him!

That concludes my case.

Next on the docket,

our guest will give us

their own explanation.

Your name is Clayman, right?

Whatever. You're a huge liar.

Excuse me?

For starters, the status of

Demon Lord is meaningless to me.

The thing you said about Carrion

deceiving me was absolute BS.

And the Kingdom of Falmuth

only invaded Tempest

out of their own greed.

[CLAYMAN] Hah! I suppose

we should just take

your word for it?

Lest you forget, one of my

subordinates was k*lled!

Actually, Mjurran is alive.

[CLAYMAN growls] Wow, of all

the ludicrous statements.

Mjurran supposedly

testified to you,

but she's in my care.

I won't allow you

to get near her.

And your word alone

will never be enough

to convince anyone here.

Hah, hah! So, you would really

do something that cowardly?



Did you tamper with

Mjurran's corpse and install

some evil spirit inside of it?

You know, I had a weird

feeling that you wouldn't

believe anything I said.

Which is why...

...I brought evidence.




No! Spare me, sir!

I don't want to do this!

Please, Lord Clayman,

I beg of you!


Wait-- What is this?!

[FOOTMAN] Clayman's forces

were annihilated!

The plan has failed!

The losses suffered here

are far too great.

He really should have done as

he said and sat there quietly...


"Done as he said"?

Sounds like there might be

someone behind Clayman

pulling the strings.

[RAPHAEL] Answer: It can be

surmised that all of this

is connected.

[RIMURU grunts]

Makes perfect sense.

So whatever mystery person

behind the scenes that got me

to fight Hinata is also

controlling Clayman.

That's just a little

thing I call "proof."

You're welcome.

This is nothing more

than a fabrication!

A clever bluff that you

made using your own magic

to back your lies!

As if we'd fall

for such basic trickery.

You foolish slime!

[RIMURU] Hmph. Only a moron

would call it a bluff.

Your army's been

wiped out, Clayman.

The question is,

are you ready to join them?

[CLAYMAN growls]

Wait, everyone. This slime

is clearly lying to you!

You mustn't succumb

to his devious words

or pathetic tricks!

He released Veldora's seal

to destroy Falmuth's army.

Then the slime had the

audacity to parade around

and pass the act off as his own!

Just look at him!

It's preposterous that

a weakling like him dares

--to call himself a Demon Lord!

--[DAGGRULL] Yeah.

Quick question.



Earlier, you testified that

this Rimuru fellow

conspired with Carrion

to instigate Falmuth's army

before wiping them out.

Assuming it's true that Veldora

is back, why would he need

to take such roundabout measures

in order to achieve his goal?

[CLAYMAN grunts]

Indeed, an excellent question.

You make a fair point.

Fortunately, I would be

happy to explain.

This lowly slime monster who

knows nothing about anything

was lucky enough to obtain

the Demon Lord Seed!

But in his avarice,

he traveled to the human realm

to investigate the treasure

he had newly acquired.

Then, on a whim, he started

an all-out w*r with the humans

of Falmuth and used

Veldora the Storm Dragon,

who had previously

been banished,

to stage a brutal genocide!

If we allow one as

pathetic as him to go free,

then our own reputation as

Demon Lords will be tarnished!

So purge him!

That's right!

I believe it's the only

reasonable course of action!

Who's with me?!

[RIMURU] Lovely speech,

but there's still no proof.

Listen up, buddy.

All you're telling us is what

you wish would happen.

Without some kind of evidence,

you're not going to

convince anyone here.

That's enough!

You're just a slime

borrowing a dragon's power!

It's unthinkable

that one such as you

could become a Demon Lord!

Slime or not,

I can still destroy you.

Veldora's my friend,

not a w*apon.

Look, it's whatever--

I didn't come here to listen

to your boring-ass fairytales.

[RIMURU] The point is,

Phobio, the majin who sent

that transmission,

can personally testify

Charybdis was revived

under your orders.

[RIMURU] The suggestion came

from those very same clowns

in the image I just showed you.

And now, a man

under your command,

has turned into Charybdis

and gone on a rampage.

This is what concrete

evidence looks like.

If you think I'm bluffing,

that's your call.

You're welcome to think it

all the way to your grave.

[CLAYMAN grunts]


Come now!

Are we going to allow him to

get away with such v*olence?!

What he's doing is

an insult to Demon Lords!

He must be punished!

Surely, you all agree with--


"v*olence," you say?

Weird. Big words coming

from someone who tried

to mind-control me the whole

time you were speaking earlier.

[CLAYMAN gasps]

[RIMURU] I guess you thought

I wouldn't notice, huh?

Those att*cks don't work on me,

but I do wonder if mind control

through a speech is even

allowed at Walpurgis.


It's not.

In the interest of impartiality

for everyone here,

it is only acceptable

to appeal to others

using your own physical words.

What? Try to be reasonable!

He's insulting us Demon Lords--


Shut up!

Look man, if you've got

a problem with me,

then it needs to be settled

between the two of us.

Like I told you before,

the status of Demon Lord

means nothing to me.

I only want to build

a nation where I can

enjoy my life comfortably.

I need the cooperation of

humans to achieve that goal,

which is why I have

decided to protect them.

Anyone who interferes

with that--whether they're

human, a Demon Lord,

or the Holy Church--

is my enemy.

That includes you, Clayman.

So get ready.

[GUY] He does have

a valid point, Clayman.

If you are Demon Lord,

then you should fight

this majin yourself.

Defeat him using

your own strength and win.

Also, do you proclaim yourself

a Demon Lord, Rimuru?

Yeah. I've already

accepted the role

of Leader of the

Great Forest of Jura.

In the humans' eyes,

I am a Demon Lord.

Very well, then.

Fortunately for you,

you're surrounded by

a room of witnesses.

If you can manage to defeat

Clayman in front of all of us,

we will recognize you

as a true Demon Lord.

[RIMURU] So, if I can just

beat Clayman to a pulp,

it'll settle everything.

[CLAYMAN chuckles]

How irritating.

It would appear my unwillingness

to get my hands dirty

has landed me in a rather

precarious situation.

I suppose even I make mistakes.

All this scheming has led me

to be a victim of my own design.

All right, Milim,

that's your cue.


Wow, typical.

Still forcing others

to do your dirty work?

What's worse is that you're

roping Milim into this

after you hit her earlier.

Don't be silly. I have every

intention of fighting, as well.

So, Guy? Do you take issue

with this arrangement?


None at all.

If Milim wants to assist you

of her own volition,

then I see no

reason to stop her.


I'm in deep trouble now.

Clayman's one thing...

...but Milim is bad news.

[RIMURU] No, I'm gonna

save you, no matter what.

I will set you free, Milim.


Okay, fine.

I was planning to save Milim

one way or another.

I'll break your mind control

by force if I have to.

A foolish wish.

The only thing you'll do

is die miserably.

[RIMURU] Please, k*lling you

would be a simple task.

But if I were to do that, then

I'd just be bullying the weak.

One of my subordinates

should be perfect for you.


Don't patronize me!

[CLAYMAN grunting]


[CLAYMAN groans]


[RIMURU whimpers]

My lord! May I

fight against him?

Next time, ask before

you destroy a dude.

[groans, growls]


You bastard!

You slimy little bastard!


Ultra-speed Regeneration.

The guy's a Demon Lord

through and through--

this might be tough.

Fine, have it your way.

I will obliterate

the both of you scum!

[RANGA growls]

[NINE HEAD growls]


[RAPHAEL] Notice: This would

appear to be Nine Head.

The Thumb of Clayman's Five

Fingers that the majin,

Mjurran, spoke of.

[RIMURU] Oh, yeah.

She did mention that.

[CLAYMAN chuckles]

[NINE HEAD growls]

[RANGA growls]




We've got Clayman...

A weird guy in a robe...

Three magical beasts?

And Milim...

Whoa, hold up!

We're totally outnumbered!


What is this?!

[RAPHAEL] Notice: It is a

barrier cast by Demon Lord Guy.

It appears to block all

interference by anything

outside of its

established perimeter.

[RIMURU gasps]

Not cool.

Heh. All right, Milim.

k*ll that irksome slime.

[RIMURU grunts]

[RIMURU] I used Thought

Acceleration to slow time,

and make full use

of Raphael's abilities,

but I still barely dodged it?!

[RIMURU grunts]

[RIMURU] Looks like I won't

have time to think about

how to counter her.

The only thing I can do is

try to focus on freeing Milim

from his stupid mind control.

[SHION growls]

Impudent fool!

[NINE HEAD howls]

[RANGA howls]

[MILIM gasps]

[RIMURU grunts]


Shion, Ranga...

Please just buy me a little more

time until Raphael can finish

running the Appraisal on Milim!

[RIMURU gasps]


Lady Ramiris.

May I have permission

to join the fight?



Listen up, Guy! I've decided

to take Rimuru's side,

so open the barrier and let

Beretta join the battle, okay?


Sorry, no.



Wait, why not?!

Why not? For one thing,

you know attendants

aren't permitted to participate

in a battle between

other Demon Lords.

More importantly,

this score is for the slime and

Clayman to settle themselves.

There's no reason

for you to get involved.

What're you talking about?!

Plus, you're letting

Milim join the fight?!

Yes, because she's allowed.

That's not fair! Why is Milim

allowed to join and not me?!


Would you pipe down?

Whatever's going on,

I'm sure that Milim has

her own plan in mind.

Whoa, why did you make it

sound like I don't have

a plan in mind?


Am I wrong?



[GUY] Just who has your

oh-so-faithful attendant sworn

their loyalty to?

Your other attendant that's

present seems to be devoting

her all to protecting you...

...but not this one.

Yes, it may have sworn loyalty

to you, but not completely.

Do you really want to trust

an attendant that fickle?


It's true.

I am weighing one master's

worth against the other.

Between my master

and creator, Lord Rimuru,

and Lady Ramiris.

However, Lord Rimuru requested

that I protect Lady Ramiris

and keep her safe.

In the time I have known her,

I have deemed it acceptable

to serve Lady Ramiris.

Therefore, I do not find there

to be any contradiction.

You see, I wish to repay

a debt to Lord Rimuru.

And while that is my wish,

if it is my lady's wish

to also save Lord Rimuru, then

I am all too happy to oblige.

What's this? Audacious enough

to address me directly, are you?

Ramiris? Tell me--

does this golem speak the truth?

Yes, of course!

Ah, I see.

So, it will take action

because you wish it to.


You have acquired quite the

excellent attendant, Ramiris.


I didn't acquire it--

we just became good friends!



...and Treyni, too!

[RIMURU grunting]


Oh yeah, that includes Rimuru!

They're important to me!

We're friends till the end!

[GUY] Hmm. Very well then,

if that's how you feel.


I thank you.

Rouge, the Primordial Red.

Of course,

but don't call me that.

I grant you permission

to call me "Guy," okay?

Also, you're henceforth

forbidden to accept

any master other

than Ramiris. Got it?

[BERETTA] Guy, I swear

my loyalty to none other

but Lady Ramiris herself

from this point onward.

You're sure about this?

[BERETTA] Yes. After all,

Lord Rimuru already has

a capable servant who is

far stronger than me.



[BERETTA] In addition,

I enjoy conducting research.

My days of researching with

Lady Ramiris have been like

a dream come true.

Oh! Please forgive me.

Tell me, Beretta.

What is your family lineage?

[BERETTA] Hmph. Once upon

a time, I was the least

of the greater demons.

But to be perfectly honest,

I believe there are very few

who share my bloodline.

So you come from

a small lineage. Huh.

That makes sense.

It would also explain why

you show no fear of me.

After all, that bloodline is

self-serving and interested only

in amusement. And earlier, you

mentioned that there is someone

you recognize as

stronger than yourself?


Yes, I am still far behind.

As long as that one

is serving Lord Rimuru,

I will have no other

opportunities to be of use.

This is my only chance.

Right. You might be correct.

I understand your feelings

on the matter.

You may participate.

[RAMIRIS gasps]


Please, excuse me.

Be strong! You've got this!


I see. Interesting.

So you're on the move, Noir.

The infamous Primordial Black.

But if Noir is serving him...

[GUY] ...I imagine

that slime must be quite

the fascinating character.

His name was Rimuru, yes?

I'll remember that...

[RIMURU grunts]

[RIMURU gasps]


This is seriously bad!

If I didn't have Raphael, then

I'd be six feet under by now!

[CLAYMAN laughs]

Tell me, what do you think of

Viola, my finest masterpiece?

[CLAYMAN chuckles]

Beautiful, isn't it?

[SHION grunts]

[SHION grunting]


Sure, that thing is strong,

but I wouldn't

call it beautiful.

[RIMURU grunts]

[RIMURU gasps]

[SHION growls]


Shion's mad.

And she's scary

when she blows up.

[BERETTA] I apologize

for keeping you waiting.

Lord Rimuru, please make use

of my strength, as well.

Nice timing, Beretta!

Think you can go help Shion out?

--[BERETTA] Of course!


Don't hold back, 'kay?!

Destroy them all!

[RIMURU] Good. That should

even things out.


If I can just free Milim,

I'll win this fight!

[RIMURU grunts]

[RIMURU] Raphael! Please

run a full-power Appraisal

on the spell that Clayman's

using to control Milim!


Answer: Result of Appraisal.


What is it?!


There is no spell found.

Huh?! What the heck

does that mean?!

Hold up, are you trying to

say you're not strong enough

to detect Clayman's magic?

[RAPHAEL] I could not verify

the spell used. This indicates--

How useless. Here, I thought

you were supposed

to be super strong.



Hey, why are you acting angry?!

I'm the one who

should be pissed off!

[RAPHAEL growls]

[RIMURU] This sucks!

Suck City, population: me!

I am beyond screwed here.

I don't suppose she'd

return to normal if I just

slugged her, right?


Suggestion: I propose using

an energy-absorbing attack

like Beelzebub.

Great idea!

Now, Beelzebub!

[RIMURU gasps]

[MILIM growls]


It worked!

All right, this is good!

Sweetness, I'll just damage her

bit by bit and wait for

the dumb spell to wear off.

[RIMURU gasps]




She's open!


Notice: Trap suspected.


[MILIM chuckles]

[RIMURU growls]


Crap, I'm gonna die!


[RIMURU groaning]



[VELDORA] Yow! Holy wow,

that came out of nowhere!

What'd you do that for, meanie?!

--[RIMURU gasps]

--[VELDORA sobbing]

No way...

--Veldora is here?!

--[VELDORA groaning]

[RAPHAEL] Next time,

"Returning from the Brink."