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06x11 - Blowing Smoke

Posted: 01/15/13 04:07
by bunniefuu
Ty: Previously on "Heartland":

Amy: So I found you a new show-jumping coach.

Mallory, this is Jeremy Hughes.

Ty: See, Scott? His joints are really swollen.

We're not trying to sell you dr*gs.

We just really wanna help your horse.

Jeremy: There's nothing I care more about than buck.

I know.

But I can't afford those dr*gs.

I have the supplements Scott prescribed.

I don't want your charity, man.

I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for your horse.

Peter: We talked to Clint about becoming your foster parents.

(Flames crackle)

You think I'm happy that the house burnt down?

Really? Honestly? Is that what you're saying?

No! I know that you're not glad that the house burned down, but obviously it meant more to me than it did to you, and it's like, it's like you're relieved that our dreams went up in smoke.

Amy: Mallory? - Agh!

Look what you made me do.


Getting ready for your lesson, I see.

No. Why would you say that?

Oh, come on, you've got it bad.

You um... You missed some.

Okay, but can you blame me?

I mean Jeremy's got everything: Looks, charm, personality.

(Horn honks)

Why is he hauling a horse trailer?

Mallory: Do not embarrass me!

Amy: So Mallory's ready for a horse like Buckingham?

Jeremy: Ah no, she's not.

No offence, blondie.

Uh, actually, I've been having some problems with him again, and since you're the behavior expert I was hoping you could take a look at him for me.

I think Amy is far too busy--

Yeah, sure, I'd love to. Okay.


Come on.



Caleb: You are quite aware of what we shovel into that, yes?


I cleaned all the horse crap out of it before I sat in it.

Why exactly are you in the yard cart?

Well, remember when Amy had those miniature horses pull her in that little wagon?

You're gonna turn that thing into a chuckwagon?

Well, I thought maybe there's a way I could hook it up to Phoenix.

Mm-mm, that's crazy.

Phoenix is not broke to drive.


Come on, where is your sense of adventure?

You could help me turn this into a mini chuckwagon.

You know, I'd really like to, but I do have to work today.

Oh, I get it. You don't know how.

Hey, I could figure something out if I really wanted to.


That's awesome! Where do we start?

Where's Georgie?

Peter: Have you seen my grey tie?

Lou: Yes. It's with the dry-cleaning stuff.

What's this? What's going on here?

What're you making?

Lou: Nothing. Just, uh, blueberry pancakes, your favourite.

That is totally unfair!

You know I have to leave in like ten minutes.

Maybe you can cancel and have a nice breakfast with your family.

Mm, I can't. You know that.

I'm sorry this business trip came up so late, but it's only gonna be a couple of days.

Yeah, except we have those insurance forms due Monday, and my sponsor has really been hounding me to write another blog post.

I could use your help around here.

Well, you'll get on a roll and get those done in no time.

Plus you guys got that baby shower to go to, right?

Georgie: Oh! Please don't make me go! I don't want to!

It's gonna be fun, honey. Now, wash up, we're having blueberry pancakes.

I hate blueberries, and plus, I'm busy.

I need duct tape and poles.

Really. I'm afraid to ask.

Just tell me where they are.

You'll find duct tape underneath that sink right over there, and you might be able to find something that resembles a pole out behind the Quonset.

I really do need to know what it is- don't slam that...
(Door slams shut)


Jeremy: Hey, I mean I know I said he was having some issues, but I think we can go a little higher than that.

Let's just start here, okay?

You do realize you just took over my entire lesson.

(Hooves thud, Buckingham snorts)

(Pole clanks)

(Buckingham snorts)

Now he's being lazy.

It's like he's lost his desire or something.

No. That's not it.

He's limping now, and I don't think it's from knocking down this rail.

There's something going on.

Maybe you're working him too hard.

Jeremy: No. I rested him for a week and it hasn't made a difference.

This whole season's gone completely off the rails.

(Truck rumbles)

We haven't even been covering our entrance fees lately.

Well, that's not the horse's fault.

Oh no, I'm not blaming Buckingham.

I'm blaming him.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer; ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Jeremy: Hey, uh, those dr*gs you gave me, they're not working.

Ty: They're not helping with his joint pain at all?

No. They've made it worse.

Well, that's not possible.

There must be something else going on, Jeremy.

You should get him re-assessed then.

Oh yeah? So your clinic can gouge me with more of your expensive tests?


Hey, we're not the bad guys here, okay?

You're the one who's sitting back and letting him suffer. Again.


Okay, okay. It's not just your jumping career that's on the line, all right?

Buckingham's health is at stake too, so maybe you should just let Scott have a look.

Yeah, call him.

Scott: Easy, Buckingham.

(Buckingham snorts)

It's okay. Scott knows what he's doing.

You can trust him.

Amy: You know I couldn't help but notice that someone's a little smitten with you.

Yeah, that vet girl's really been checking me out.

Amy: Who? Her?

Big time.

No, I was talking about Mallory.

Blondie? That's kinda cute.

(Amy chuckles)

Amy: She even started back working at Maggie's so that she can pay for extra lessons.

Hey, look. He's not limping.

Scott: Atta boy.

Hey, he's moving like he used to.

How did you do that?

Uh, we gave him something to block the nerve supply to the affected area.

And it got rid of the lameness.

Yeah, looks like it.

So this is a good thing?

No, actually it's not.

At least we know what's wrong with the horse.

(Buckingham snorts)

Georgie: (Grunts of effort)


Um... I need your help with something.

Sure, honey, what is it?

I need to attach these to my chuckwagon.

Your what?

Georgie: Don't tell Jack.

He'll have some big attitude about it.

But Caleb was helping me and I can't find him anywhere.

I just have to finish filling out these forms, but I... I can help you later, okay?

(Sighs) Yeah... Sure, fine.

(Keyboard clicks repeatedly)

Ugh! No, I am not hitting the wrong key.

Stop doing that!

I am not putting in a decimal point!

Caleb: I find yelling at the computer won't help much.

You really gotta smack it if you wanna get anything out of it.

Georgie: (Calling) Caleb!

Georgie's looking for you.

Oh! I'm not here, okay?

(Sighs, frustrated)

So what's the problem?

This insurance form keeps giving me the same error message.

Yeah, I was real sorry to hear about the fire.

If something like that happened to my trailer, if it went up in smoke like that...

After all the work you guys put in...

(Bangs on a key)

I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

Lou: It's okay.

I want someone to pick up a stick and help me hit all these curve balls that are flying at my head!

I think you mean bat.

Stick, bat, whatever.

Caleb: Well, you've got Peter, right?

Lou: Not really.

It's just he's always there and I'm always here, and I need him to put our family first and stop bolting on me every time I need him most, you know?

I'm scared.

There, I said it.

I don't wanna fail with Georgie.


You must think I'm such a crybaby.

Mmm. You shoulda seen me the last time I got thrown off a bull.

(Lou and Caleb laugh)

Cassandra: Poor Jeremy.

Poor Buckingham is more like it.

Ty: Yeah, a damaged navicular bone could put an end to his jumping days.

Cassandra: Well, not necessarily. He's got options.

I don't know.

The only option here is to retire the horse.

Well, let's not jump the g*n.

We can always re-shoe him, and give him some anti-inflammatories.

Yeah, I know, but it just seems like such a short-term solution for a high-performance horse.

You're right.

Thank you.

That's why I hope Jeremy seriously considers de-nerving.

Excuse me?

It's a procedure where the nerves are severed to eliminate sensation in the affected area.

Amy: Yeah, I know what it is, but it's only gonna make the problem worse because he can't feel the leg, so he's gonna keep exercising on a lame leg.

Well, it's worked miracles for some jumpers.

What miracles have you seen where it's worked?

I read this really interesting article a few months back.

I-I'm sorry, you're read about it?

Scott: I tell ya, giving that kind of news never gets any easier.

We should get back to the clinic.

Cassandra: Oh! Do you need me to bring anything tomorrow?

No, we're good. Thanks though.

See ya!

She's coming to your barbecue?

Yeah. Why?

I don't know. I just thought you said you were having some kids from your class.

I am having some kids from my class, but I thought I'd invite Cassandra; She can give us a little insight into first year of vet school.

You turned down my invite, remember?

I'd love to introduce them to my fiancee.

Your what?

My fiancee. What?

It's just the first time I've heard you call me that.

Does it sound kinda dorky?

Yeah, it really does.

Does it?

Lou: Look, I'm sorry, but maybe tomorrow I can help you with-

Georgie: It's okay.

Just don't make promises you can't keep.

Lou: Come on, Georgie.

Well, that was fun.

Grandpa, you really miss Lisa, don't you?

You should call her.


I'm just trying to get the battery outta this thing.

There's no sense in letting it run down completely.

So I guess you didn't get all your work done.

Lou: I finished my insurance forms, thank God!

I haven't even started my blog post yet.

Thank you for watching Katie, by the way.

At least she doesn't hold it against me.

Not that I blame Georgie.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

She's keeping pretty busy with whatever it is she's been working on.

She's building a chuckwagon.

A chuckwagon?

I wasn't supposed to tell you.

It's okay. I'll act surprised when I accidentally come across it.

See? I wish I could do stuff like that with her, you know?

Or horsey stuff like Amy does, but I never have time.

And I don't know...

I'm no good at anything Georgie's into.

Come on, Lou...

So I could use a little more support around here, if you know what I mean.

I need your help to connect with her.

What would you like me to do?

I don't know, maybe you could convince her I'm not the most lame foster parent in the whole world.


(Phoenix grunts)

Oh, hey!

You here to give Mallory another lesson?

I wanted to talk to you about Buckingham.

I was up all night going over my options.

The only option I see here is to retire the horse.

Yeah, but I can't make a living without him.

You know how expensive that surgery is.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to find a way to pay for it.

So you're gonna do it then?


(Sighs heavily)

You do realize that the effects don't last forever.

He's gonna feel the pain again, and you'll have to put him through another surgery, and you know the risks that are involved when you put a horse under.

What, so I should quit jumping?

Come on, Amy.

I was hoping, of all people, you would understand.

No, I think you were hoping that I would agree with you, but you know it's wrong.

I gotta go.

(Truck door bangs shut, engine starts)

(Truck rumbles away)

(Hooves thud, Phoenix grunts)

(Under his breath)
What's up with you?


Phoenix! You get back here!

All right. Come on, let's go.

Okay, don't be a show-off.



Jack: What in the heck's going on here?

Georgie: I know what you're gonna say...

It'll never work.

Well, first, what is it?

It's a chuckwagon.

Jack: Oh...

Well, it won't work.

Thought number one: You might wanna replace those sticks with something a little straighter.

Some fence rails maybe.

Even then, you couldn't really hook it up to a harness.

Well, Caleb said I could clip the shafts to one of the horses' saddles.

Oh he did, did he?


What horse?


Jack: There's no way you're taking that anywhere near Phoenix.

That's what Caleb said, but I know he can do it.

No, he can't.

So if you wanna a ride in that thing, you better find a different source of power.

One of the other horses?

No, I have a different idea.

Caleb: (Panting)


Okay, this is not in my job description.

Jack: You're the one who filled her head with this stupid idea in the first place.

She's the one that came to me.

Georgie: Okay, stop now.

It held together, so...

Can I hook it up to Phoenix now?

Jack: Sorry, but you've got an error in the design.

See, Caleb was pulling with the rails at his hips, and the horse's saddle is a lot higher than that.

You see what happens here?


(Laughs) See? You go flying right out the back.

Sorry, Georgie.

There has got to be a way to make it work with the horse.

Just leave it alone, Georgie.

We need that cart for the barn anyway, so just put it back the way it was, please.

Come on!

(Lou clears her throat)

Oh my goodness! Look at you.

What a pretty dress! Come and see me!

Yeah. It's for the baby shower.

You know I'm still not going.

No, I know.

You have made that perfectly clear.

But I don't think you realize how much fun it's gonna be.

Right, Grandpa?

Baby showers? You bet.

They're something else.

Lou: Mm-hmm.

Yeah, and I bet you've never been to one.

Lou: There's gonna be games.

Jack: Yup. A whole bunch of fun games.

Probably some fruit n' soda punch, and those sandwiches that have the crusts cut off.

You just made it sound even more lame.

Well, I have something that just might change your mind.

(Bag rustles)

(Clears throat)


Is that for me?

Because there is no way I'm wearing that.

Jack: Come on, Georgie.

Look how cute it is.

I don't do cute.

(Chuckles, upset)
It's okay.

I don't know about this.

Oh, Amy left. She'll never find out.

She'd k*ll me if she did.

I mean, even she hasn't gotten on that horse.

Georgie's the only one.

What, that little girl?

Yeah, she's got this crazy bond with him.

Trust me, if he'll jump for some kid, I'll make him jump for me.

Oh, you know what? This isn't fair.

I don't wanna put you in this position.

I really do wanna help you.

No, no, no. I got carried away.

It's just that...

When I saw him jump over the fence, I thought it'd be a way outta this, you know, for Buckingham.

But I can't ask you to put yourself on the line for me.

I wanna help.

Just wait here and I'll get Phoenix.


Amy: I can't believe he's going through with the de-nerving.

Well, it's Jeremy's decision.

Who knows, it might actually work.

He might get a couple more years jumping out of him.

You sound like Cassandra.

What do you have against her?

Well, she knows just enough to be dangerous.

And what's that supposed to mean?

All her opinions about horses come straight from a textbook is all.

Oh. So vet school's a sham?

No! I didn't say that.

I just think she's a know-it-all.

Okay, Amy, I think you and Cassandra got off on the wrong foot.

Why don't you come to the barbecue and you can hang out with Cassandra and see that she's not such a bad person, okay?

Thank you, again, but I think I have more fun at your trailer when it's just you and me.

Jeremy: Come on! Hee-yah!

(Phoenix grunts and snorts)

Let's go!

Jeremy! What're you doing?

I'm just showing him who's boss.

Come on, let's go!

Maybe you should get off before you hurt yourself.

Jeremy: No, we're fine.

We're just getting to know each other.


Nothin' to it.

All right, let's see what this bad boy can do.

(Clicks his tongue)

(Phoenix grunts)


Caleb: Uh-oh!

I always knew Ashley was in a mood when the meat mallet out.

Can you believe I bought her a dress?

I'm such an idiot!

I don't know what you're talking about!

Maybe I'm just terrible with kids.

Come on now, you're an awesome mom.

Yeah, with a toddler.

All I have to do is tickle her tummy and do my Scruffy McDog voice.

Well, that sounds cool.

(Lou continues tenderizing the meat)

Can I hear it?

Look, my point is...

I don't know what I'm doing with an 11-year-old girl, you know, much less a tomboy.

How am I supposed to raise a kid I have nothing in common with?

Well, from what I understand, you and your mom were very different.


Yeah, we were really different.

And you seem to have gotten along just fine.

You know, sometimes you're full of surprises, Caleb Odell.

Yes, I am.

(Chuckles softly)

All right!

Oh no! We should get him in the barn.

No, no. I want Amy to see this.

Trust me, you don't. She'll k*ll us.

(Clucks his tongue)
Come on! Come on!

Mallory: Please, Jeremy!

Jeremy, don't!


(Phoenix grunts nervously)


Amy: Hey! Jeremy!

Jeremy, get off that horse!

Whew! This horse has some spirit.

Jeremy: I'm sorry, Amy.

What were you trying to prove, hm?

That we could be the perfect fit.

What're you talking about?

I saw him jump right out of that pen.

It was incredible.

Yeah, well, he didn't have a rider on him, did he?

Well, Mallory told me that little girl can jump him.

Georgie? Yeah.

She's the only one who can.

Come on, if some little girl can do it, imagine what I could do.

Wait a second. Are you...

Are you asking me to give you Phoenix?

Just for the rest of the season.

And why would I do that?

'Cause if you do, I'll cancel Buckingham's surgery and retire him just like you said I should.

Sound like a good trade?

Amy: And I didn't know what to say.

I mean, he just came out and asked if he could have Phoenix.

Well, that's pretty bold, isn't it?

He's desperate.

He knows he has to put his horse through surgery, and this way he wouldn't have to.

Wait a minute here.

Are you actually considering this?

I don't know.

What about Georgie?

She's the only thing that's holding me back.

I mean, she would be heartbroken.

That's an understatement.

So what should I do?

No matter which way you go someone's gonna get hurt.

Personally, it feels like we've had our fair share of hurt around here lately.

(Sighs heavily)

Lou: I am finally finished my blog post!

That should get my sponsor off my back, at least for a little while.

Amy: That's great.

You could at least fake some enthusiasm.

I'm sorry. I just...

I was hoping Grandpa would give me some advice on something, but instead he made it tougher.

Well, he's got a lot on his mind.

You know, he's not saying anything, but I think he's really upset about this whole Lisa thing.

Do you really think it's over between them?

I think they're from two very different worlds and it's finally catching up to them.

(Sighs heavily)

I really hope that never happens with me and Ty.

Whoa! Where's that coming from?

(Sighs heavily)

I know it's only been two weeks since he's been in vet school, but already I feel like there's this whole other world that I'm not a part of.

Well, I think that's healthy.

As long as he's not like shutting you out or something.

No, no, of course not.

He even invited me to hang out with his vet school friends.

Sounds like a good opportunity to get a glimpse into his new world.

Yeah, you're right.

Amy: Can I ask you something?

Ty: Amy, I told you, it's totally cool that you're coming.

No! (Laughs)

No, um...

What's with the shirt?

We got these for orientation week.

Every class has their own name.

I've got an extra one if you want it.

No, it's quite all right.

Hey, Mal.

So you're talking to me again?

I don't know why. You went behind my back.

I did it for Buckingham.

Oh please...

Ty: Okay, okay. What's going on here?

Well, Jeremy wants to jump Phoenix for the rest of the season.

Mallory: So he can retire Buckingham.

He wants to use his own horse as leverage to get to Phoenix?

What a piece of work.

That's not true, Ty.

You don't know him like I do.

Okay, can we not talk about Jeremy anymore?

You're right.

You can keep the change.

We got a barbecue to go to.

You're gonna love these guys.

Cassandra: You should've seen your face when the foam started coming outta your nose.

Ty: I'm sorry.

I've never drank beer out of a latex arm sleeve before.

(Everyone laughs)

Well, did you tell her about the slip and slide we set up at the kegger?

Ty: Oh yeah! Amy. (Laughs)

Nicole that was your idea, right?

Okay... (Laughs)

We used a plastic tarp greased with animal reproduction lube.

Oh, lovely.

(All laugh)

Orientation week was crazy, Amy, I wish you could've been there.

Yeah, feels like I was.

Cassandra: Well, have fun while you can 'cause I'm telling you, you take all the hours you study for your other courses and double it.

That's what you gonna need for anatomy.

There aren't enough hours in a day for that.

Sure there are, if you want to pass.

Ty: So basically you have no life.

Well, no, it's about choices.

You split your life up into school, sleep and your relationship.

Now decide which one of those you're gonna really suck at for the next 4 years.

(Truck rumbles up)


I thought my date stood me up.

(Door slams)

Hey, I wanna talk to you about something.

Uh oh! You've got that tone in your voice.

Is this about the chuckwagon?

No. It's about Lou.

I want you to cut her some slack 'cause she's trying real hard.

Yeah! She's trying really hard to turn me into some "girly girl."

Jack: No she's not.

I'm sorry, but that's how she makes me feel sometimes.

Well, this is awkward.

(Laughs) So, um, please tell me, are you dating Cassandra?

No, we're not dating.

She told me to come to her friend's barbecue and it turned out to be Ty's.

Oh. Do you want more vodka?

Yeah... And don't be stingy.




Uh, you're not having any?

No, I don't drink.


All right, at least wait with me while I finish mine.

I need to steel my nerves before I go back over there.

Okay. I guess I could use a few moments away too.

Do you have any um... Clean ice?

Oh, sure. I'll grab some.

Lou: I overheard your conversation with Georgie.


Well, there's been some big changes around here.

It's gonna take awhile for everyone to get their bearings back, I think.

Are you talking about the Georgie situation, the Lisa situation, or the house burning down situation?

All of it, I guess.

I just wish I had a clue where to start with that girl.

Bike wheels.

Pardon me?

Her wagon has a design flaw and that's the solution.

Bicycle tires?

Yep. Just gotta find decent-sized ones.

My cruiser.

Well, don't go ruining your good bike.

I haven't ridden that thing in ages.

Would you help me put them on?

No, no.

Better if you do it.

But please, do not let her hitch that thing up to Phoenix.

Uh, yeah.

You want some more cranberry juice?

Yeah, sure.

But, you know, we should probably get back out there.

Meh. Doesn't sound like they miss us.

Well, I just don't want Ty to think I'm avoiding his new friends.

I mean, who could blame you?

Look at those shirts.

(Sighs) Yeah.

They are pretty bad, aren't they?

Well, now I totally get that saying, "too school for cool".


Here, I'll go top up the ice.

Jeremy: Great.

(Vodka sloshes)

All right. Here you go.


So... Phoenix.

I am impressed that you waited this long to bring that up.

Well, don't you think we look great together?

Well, I think you would.

But Phoenix is Georgie's horse, and he is more than a jumper to her.

So I'd have to really think about it.

I mean, I'm sorry, but...

I need an answer really soon.

Just 'cause Scott, he has an opening for surgery this week.

So I booked him in.

You booked him in?

Yeah, I mean, I had to do it.

I mean, maybe I can talk to Georgie, and see if I could make this right.

No, believe me, there is nothing that you could say to Georgie that would make this right.


Maybe I could try and explain it to her.

So you'll give me Phoenix?

I just can't let you put Buckingham through this.

There's too many risks.

I don't know how to thank you.

Hmm. Don't thank me.

We should get back over there.

(Bottles clanks)

(Amy snorts)

(Low hum of chatter and laughter around the campfire)

So I guess he told you he booked the de-nerving procedure.

Ty: You have?

Jeremy: Well, actually...

Nicole: That's for dealing with navicular disease, right?

Yeah. It's where they sever the posterior digital nerve to block out the pain of the condition.

And it actually works?

Cassandra: Well, they say in about 70 percent of horses who've had the treatment have been sound for at least a year, so there's good reason to be confident.

Amy: Mm-hm. Yeah. (Laughs)

Uh, I'm sorry, is something funny?

Amy: Oh. No, no. I'm just wondering um...

I'm just wondering how confident he's gonna be riding a horse that has no feeling in his hoof?

Ty: Does anybody need another drink-

Amy: No, no, no, seriously.

I mean, you can talk about all these percentages and all these probabilities, and all this clinical blah blah blah, but really, you have no clue because you have never galloped a horse towards a meter forty oxer who doesn't have any feeling in his feet, have you?

No, you've probably never even ridden a horse before.

...she hasn't.

(Amy laughs)

Ty: (Whispering) Quiet.

Get inside.

Amy: (Loudly) I said I'm sorry.

You know, how would I know that she'd never actually ridden a horse before.

Ty: Shhh! Keep it down, okay? Amy: What?!

Ty: Why are you acting like this?

You've never been like this before.

Ty: What's going on? Amy: I know!

Amy: I don't know, but I wanna do this.


Ty: Hey, your breath smells like booze.

You don't drink.

Amy: No. No, I don't.

Ty: Amy, come on. Amy: But I do wanna dance.

Ty: Amy, come on! This isn't funny, okay?

Amy: I think it's this new shirt.

You know, this shirt looks so good on you.

Ty: Amy. Amy!

Amy: It's kinda tight.

Ty: You're gonna wake Jack up. Be quiet.

Amy: You worry too much.

(Light clicks on)


Ty: Jack! Um, we were just-

Yeah, I can see what you're doing.

Okay. Well, I should probably get going, Amy.

Good idea.

Good night, okay?

Good night.




Georgie: What're you doing?

Lou: I thought these might keep your wagon from dragging.

Georgie: You put those on?

Lou: Uh-huh.

Georgie: By yourself?


Now what do you say?

You wanna take it for a spin?

Really? On Phoenix?

I have a way better idea.

Well, it better not be Caleb.


(Door opens and shuts)

(Shade rasps up)

Hi there.


Well, about last night...

How about I promise it won't happen again and we just leave it at that?



I've made a decision about Phoenix.


This was really tough for me.

You know, I...

I know how much Georgie and that horse have been through since she got here.

But I can find her another horse.

I'm real sorry.

It's not my feelings you need to be concerned about, is it?

I will talk to her.


I've always respected your dedication to the well being of a horse, but you cannot save every one.

And sometimes...

Well, you know what they say.

Sometimes family needs to come first.


Caleb: There. The wheels have raised it up high enough.

So hop in, Georgie.

What's the matter?

Georg:: Are you sure those wheels aren't gonna come flying off?

Lou: Honey, I put them on myself. I told you.

Georgie: Yeah, but building stuff like this isn't really your thing, right?

If Lou says the wheels are on good n' tight, then you can be darn sure they are.

Jump in.


And you... Be careful.

You're driving.

All right.

Let's do this.

(ATV roars)

Georgie: Agggghhhhh! Yeah!


Lou: Woo-hoo!


Caleb: That's awesome, guys!


It worked! It really worked.

Any time you want to go for a ride, we'll bring out the ATV, okay?

What about Phoenix?

Honey, we're not hooking this up to him, all right?


All right. Let's go take this off.

(Pounding on door)

Caleb: Hey, Borden! It's that time of the month.


You know how to make a landlord happy.

I thought you were coming by earlier?

Caleb: Yeah, I was, but I had to help Lou with something.

You know, I really feel for what she's going through right now.


She's got a lot on her plate - the fire, and now Georgie.

And a husband that doesn't get it.

That was kinda harsh.

Everybody has their up's and their down's, right?

Peter's a good guy though.

Yeah, well, why doesn't he treat a woman like Lou the way she deserves to be treated?

"A woman like Lou?"

Yeah. You know, like...

Caring and smart, and not exactly hard on the eyes.

You're not thinking of...?

No, I don't have feelings for Lou.

Okay, well...

I'm just saying Peter doesn't know how good he has it and he needs to treat her the way she deserves to be treated.

Okay, uh...
(Clears throat)

All those things you just said, I think you should... Keep them to yourself.


I just see things the way I see 'em.

(Sighs) Georgie, I wanna talk to you about something.

I'm sorry. I know no one wants me to hook this up to Phoenix, but- wait, is that what you're doing back here?

No. You're never gonna get anywhere near him with this thing.

Maybe he was trained for something like this before.

He'll pull me in it, I know he will.

I'll call him in and show you.

What do you mean, "you'll call him in"?

You know, when it's time to give him his feed.

No, I don't know.

What're you talking about?

(Whistles loudly)

Here, boy!


What? Don't all horses do that?

No they don't.


You really wanna try this, do you?

(Clucks her tongue)

Look at them together.

You were right, Grandpa.

I know.

(Both laugh)

(Door opens and shuts)


So have you talked to the kid?

Not yet.

I really need to start working with him soon, or else I'm not gonna have any chance.

Jeremy... I've changed my mind.


I can't take him away from Georgie.


We had a deal.

You got me drunk, didn't you?


So we don't have a deal.

You can't do this.

Phoenix is Georgie's horse, and somehow I lost sight of that.

You can't be serious.

You're gonna waste that horse's talent so he can be her pet?

Are you nuts?

I've made up my mind.

So what're you gonna do with Buckingham?

No, you've lost any right to ask about my horse.


(Chair scrapes back)

(Door bangs shut loudly)

What was that about?

I just told him that I've decided to keep Phoenix.

He told me you guys had a deal.

How can you just break your promise?

Lou: You wanna go to your grandpa?

Oh, she does look so adorable in that dress.

You know, Peter should be home by now.

Well, his flight is probably delayed.

But he would've sent me a text message.

He always texts me right before take-off and after landing.

I'm gonna give him a call.

I guess it doesn't look as stupid as I thought it would.

Lou: Georgie! Does this mean...?

Yes, I'm coming.

You look so-

Georgie: Don't say it.

Don't say cute.

Because if either of you make a big deal out of this I won't wear it.

Lou: I was gonna say you look awesome.

Can I take a picture?


Oh! Look, Katie cat. Daddy's home.

Oh, I'll be right back.

Hi, Katie.

Lou: Hey.

Peter: Hi.

Where were my texts?

Peter: Oh, sorry. I was...

I was on a call right up until take-off and then back on the phone as soon we landed, so...

Oh, well, guess what?

I had a couple of really big breakthroughs with Georgie.

No way. What happened?

Well, I'd love to tell you about it but we gotta get to this baby shower.

She's going to that?



Hey, I have a great idea.

Why don't we all go out for dinner tonight at Maggie's, as a family?

(Sighs) I can't, honey. I hate to say this, but im gonna be on the phone all evening so...

Honey, just this one time, can't you just...


You know what? Forget it.

We'll just do dinner without you.

Peter: Don't do that!

Lou: You do your thing, we'll do ours.

We're getting used to it.

Peter: That's totally unfair, Lou!

Are you serious?


You think she's being unfair?

I'm sorry, I don't see how this is any of your business, so please.

I suppose that's true, but...

It's gettin' harder and harder to ignore the way you treat her.

Peter: (Laughs in disbelief) Excuse me?

What's your deal, man?

You might be the only oil guy who can't get a job in Alberta.

Wow! That's great.

So you're judging me too now? You?

Right. Because I'm supposed to be a stupid cowboy?

I wasn't gonna say it out loud, pal, but you know.

(Hard punch)

Lou: Caleb! What the hell are you doing?!

Peter: Wow! What was that?! Lou: Stop this right now!

He came at me, Lou.

He had it coming.

What're you talking about?

Oh my God, Caleb.

Just get outta here! Get outta here!

Are you okay?

Peter: What was that?

Lou: I don't know. I don't know.

I'll talk to him later. Come on.

Come on, let's go inside.

Come on, come on.



How're you feelin'?

A little bit sluggish.

So um...

Were we so boring last night that we drove you to have your first drink?

Jeremy slipped it in my juice.

He did what?

Listen, Ty...

He's gonna get it now!

Ty, he only did it so he could get to Phoenix, okay?

Nothing happened, and I'd really, really appreciate if we could just drop it.


Did it work?

No. Phoenix isn't going anywhere.

Hey, I'm sorry if I embarassed you in front of your new friends.

No, you didn't embarrass me.

I actually uh...

I got text messages from Sean and Nicole this morning.

They where kind of glad you knocked Cassandra down a few pegs.

She was starting to grate on their nerves as well.

You know that stuff that she said about choosing between sleep or relationships?

Do you think any of that's true?

I hope not.

If so...

I choose you over sleep any day.

Now come on, I want a rematch.

For what?

I wanna see if you can wrestle me down to that couch now that Jack's not around. Ready?

(Laughing, playful grunting)