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06x12 - Playing with Fire

Posted: 01/22/13 04:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland":

I can't ask you to put yourself on the line for me.

I wanna help.

Just wait here, and I'll get Phoenix.

(Phoenix snorts)

Come on, get up!

This horse has some spirit!

Jeremy, get off that horse!

Lou: (Crying) It's just Peter's always there, and I'm always here.

And I need him to put our family first, and stop bolting every time I need him most.

You're not thinking of...

No, I don't have feelings for Lou!

It's getting harder and harder to ignore the way you treat her.

I don't see how this is any of your business, so...


Lou: Caleb! Peter: What was that?!

I don't know! Look, just...

I'll deal with him later. Let's go.

(Horses' hooves click)

(Leather snaps)

(Wheelbarrow clatters)


You wouldn't happen to know where our so-called hired hand is, would you?

Are you talking about Caleb?


He hasn't shown up for work for a few days now, and I need his help with the grass.

He's still working here?

Hmm... Why wouldn't he be?

No, uh... no reason.

I-I don't know. Just you know, you know these guys, busy rodeo schedule, right?

Always somewhere else when you need 'em most.


You wouldn't know anything about lawn care?

I can't believe you didn't tell him!

Grampa has enough on his mind without knowing about Caleb.

Yeah, well he's going to find out soon enough when somebody fires that cowboy.

I'll do it myself. I'll do it right now.

No, no! Peter, listen.

I know I've been avoiding it, but I promise I will talk to him, okay?

Great! Sounds good. Here.

Use my phone, do it right now.

I'm not gonna do it over the phone!

Peter, he's worked here for years.

I owe it to him to at least to tell him in person.

(Laughs derisively)


That was so cool!

Yeah, this guy really loves to jump.

You know what, I'm gonna go get Phoenix and do the same thing!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute now!

What's the rush? Don't you have chores to do?

Yeah, but I don't have time!

I have to go get ready for the show next weekend.

What show?

Hillhurst Stables.

All the horsey girls from my class are going.


Jeremy: Hey.

So what will it be, a cup of coffee?

Piece of pie?

Actually, neither.

How about the special of the day?

Grilled chicken on a crispy sourdough bun?

No, thanks.

I just, I wanted to talk to you, Mallory.

Uh, I got your message about rescheduling tomorrow's lesson.

Yeah. As you can see my hands are kinda full -

School, work...

You've already skipped two sessions this week, and at this rate you'll have to forget about Hillhurst.


Oh, I just thought, you know, after Amy changed her mind on Phoenix, you wouldn't wanna coach me anymore.

As far as I'm concerned, like the whole thing was just... an unfortunate misunderstanding.


I mean your riding is really getting better.

And I think Hillhurst would be perfect for your first competition.

Do you really think I'll be ready in time?

Well, you've got a great coach, and if we get a couple of sessions in, yeah, no doubt about it.

But there is one little problem.

Unless we trailer your horse over to Hillhurst, we'll have to do it at Heartland.

And I haven't talked to Amy, so I don't know if I'm still welcome.

Hello? Is anybody home?

Hey, Lou.

Hey, Ty.

Um, I was just looking for Caleb.

Is he around?

Uh... No, he went into town.

I let him borrow my truck.

He's gotta get a new alternator, so...

What's up?

Oh, nothing, I just-
I really need to talk to Caleb.

Thanks, though.

Hey, you know, actually, did um...

Did Caleb say anything to you about me or Peter?

Uh no, not really.


Uh, because...

It's kind of personal.

Do you mind if we keep it just between me and you?

Uh... yeah, I guess.

Great. Okay.

Last weekend, me and Peter had this disagreement, and then Caleb did this really stupid thing, and now-

Whoa! What stupid thing?

What'd he do?

Mm, yeah. He sort of... kind of... punched Peter a little.

Punched him?!

Are you kidding me?

Ty, it's not funny!

Peter is really bent out of shape about this, and I promised him I would deal with it.

But I was just thinking, I mean, maybe it'd be better if you talked to Caleb.

Uh... yeah, I could talk to him.

What do you want me to say?

Georgie: What happened to all the jumps?

Amy: Well, you're not ready for the height that I was jumping Spartan at.

Georgie: Well, I have to jump high if I want to win anything!

Maybe some day.

But how about we start small, and work our way up?

And how fast can we work our way up?

You have to be patient, Georgie.

Doing these things right takes some time.

What do you mean by doing things right?!

Okay, how about we just go over these, and we'll see what you can do?

Okay. Fine.

(Clucks tongue)



Good job! That was nice.

(Breathing heavily)
Watch this!

Amy: Georgie? Georgie!

Georgie, no!

See? I told you I can go higher than those stupid little jumps!

(Under her breath)
Yes, you can...

But if you ever pull another stunt like that, you're not riding that horse ever again!

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Georgie: This isn't fair! You can't stop me!

Yes I can!

That was a solid fence, Georgie.

If Phoenix had've hit it, you would've both gone down.

You have to let me enter the show! Please!

You are not ready for a schooling show, okay?

You barely made it over that jump!

You need to practice your position over the fences.

Well, Phoenix can jump over anything!

Amy: Well, maybe.

But you can't!

Riding like that can get you seriously hurt!


Just give me some lessons.

I promise I'll do it right!

There just isn't enough time, okay?

Look at Mallory.

She's been working at this for months, and she's just starting to get it now.

I don't care about Mallory!

I don't wanna ride like her!

I wanna ride like you!


Georgie: But I told the kids at school!

If I don't go, they're gonna think I'm a liar!

Lou: Look, I'm sorry, but Amy would have to coach you.

So if she says no, then I have to say no too.


No! Whatever it is, if Lou says no, then I say no too.



She really wants to enter this horse show.

I should go and explain things to her.

What part of "no" do you think she doesn't understand?

She heard what you said.

Yes, I punched him, but I had my reasons.

Well, I hope they were good ones.

Because you can't expect to keep your job if you go around punching people.

Nah, I've been working there for years, I'm like a permanent fixture.

Well, you might not be as permanent as you think.

If something doesn't change Peter's mind, Lou might not have a choice.

No way! I mean...

Come on, she's at home 24-7 taking care of business, and she's gonna let that guy call the sh*ts?

"That guy?"

You mean, her husband? The father of her child?

The guy you punched in the face?

Admittedly, when you put it like that it doesn't sound too good.

Look, I don't think Lou wants to fire you, okay?

I don't even think Jack knows about this.

So all you gotta do is set things straight with Peter, and you'll probably have a good chance of keeping your job.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking.

And I'll go over there I swear, I just...

I gotta get this alternator working first.

You can borrow my truck and go right now.

Thanks, but I think I'll wait.

Amy: Hey, Mallory.


What's going on?


I just wanted...

Could I ask you for a favour?


Well you see, um...

I'm entering this riding competition next weekend.

What, at Hillhurst?


And if I'm gonna be ready, I'm gonna need some coaching.

Well, I am pretty busy, but I can always make time to coach you.

I'd ask you, but... Jeremy asked first, and he's been really positive and encouraging about me entering and everything.

He even gave me a discount on his fee.

So you want Jeremy to coach you?

Mallory: Yeah.

Well, except he feels really bad about everything that's happened, and I was just wondering if you're still mad at him?

(Sighs heavily)

Ty: Jeremy wants to coach Mallory at Heartland?

Are you kidding?!

Amy: No, that's what she told me.

Ty: (Scoffs)

Well, you told her there was no way, right?

Amy: Um, not exactly.


She had her heart set on it.

She was so happy and excited!

I know he acted like a jerk when I changed my mind about Phoenix.

But with everything that's going on with his horse, who can blame him?

I can! I can blame the guy.

I don't like him, I don't trust him.

And I can't believe you want to have anything to do with him after everything that's just happened.

You're right. Yeah, I...

I don't really like the guy either.

But Mallory has her heart set on it!

How can I take that away from her?

Well, it's your decision.

I'm not gonna tell you what to do.

But I am done with the guy,
so if he makes one wrong move...

Most people, they only plant and aerate in the spring.


But the secret to a great lawn is doing it in the fall too.

I'm more than happy to help, Jack.

Yeah, I appreciate it.

It's funny though, Caleb still not showing up for work.

Yeah, maybe he had something better to do.

Is there something you wanna tell me?

Peter: Nope! Nothing to tell.

Okay, let's just get something straight right off the top.

(Sighs heavily)

I completely understand about Georgie and Phoenix.

And if I had known the situation, I would have never even asked.

It was my fault too.

I got your hopes up about being able to ride Phoenix.

Let's just forget about it, Amy.

That stuff that I said, that was not me.

I was just upset about retiring Buckingham.

But it won't happen again, and...

I've made other arrangements, and everything's gonna be fine.



So clean slate? Let bygones be bygones?

Okay, sure.


Yeah, 'cause what's important here is Mallory.

She really wants this.


All right.

Oh, and uh... Amy, if you ever do want to sell Phoenix, I'd gladly take him off your hands.

Okay. Fine.

I have to warn you I'm a bit rusty, so don't get your hopes up.

Jeremy: Okay.

Well, I'll give you a tip, okay?

A confidence booster.

See, most riders, they like to count their horse's strides so they know when to take off.

But I use a secret mantra.

Is that the secret to your success?

Well, I learned early on that no matter what level you're at, you'll always end up against someone with a better horse, or better skills, or a better bank account.

And that's why you need something that's all your own, that no one can take away from you.

And that's when the mantra comes in.

Okay, so... What's your mantra?

Like I said, it's a secret.

But maybe someday i'll tell you, if you promise not to tell anyone.


Lou: Okay, so I just have to put in this order.

Uh, why don't you buy yourself something while you're waiting for me?

Okay, how about a smoothie?

Ooh, perfect! Get me one too, okay?

Saskatoon berry.

Oh look, there she is.

Wimp alert!

And what is that supposed to mean?!

It means that after all your tough talk about beating me at Hillhurst, I checked the entries, and I didn't see your name... anywhere.

And what do you care if I enter?

Are you scared?

Olivia: Scared? Of you?

Don't make me laugh!

Why would I be scared of some pathetic foster kid who obviously doesn't even have a horse, much less a jumper?

I do so have a horse, and I bet a million bucks it's way better than your little pony!

Yeah right!

Like a loser like you even knows someone who has a million bucks!

Georgie: Hey! Lou: Hey, Georgie.

You haven't introduced me to your friends.

What's your name?


Well, Olivia, back off!

You, come with me.

Bye, Georgie!

Georgie: What are you doing? Stop! Let go!

What about my smoothie?

Forget about the damn smoothie, okay?

We have bigger fish to fry.

What is that supposed to mean?

Am I in trouble?

You're not in trouble, okay?

But that spoiled little brat in there is!

Now somebody has got to kick her butt at that horse show, and that somebody is going to be you!

Okay? Now, come on.

Forget it, Lou. I already told Georgie no.

Lou: I know, and I backed you up on that, Amy, I did.

But you should've seen the way that little girl was talking to Georgie!

Like she was something stuck on the bottom of her shoe!

Yeah well, knocking down rails and falling off horses isn't gonna change that.

Don't you remember your first show?

At Willowdale? Yes!

Because it was a total disaster.

Yeah, and Mom knew that you were seriously overreaching, but she let you enter anyway.

And you learned a valuable lesson.

What, that don't enter before you're ready or you'll totally suck?

No, not that lesson. The other lesson.

The one about how, after that first show, you trained hard every day so that you could win a ribbon your next time out.

And I did win.

I beat Ashley, and I remember her crying.

It was probably the happiest day of my life.

I remember that day.


Okay, okay, you're right.

I'll give Georgie another chance.

But she's gonna do things my way.


What are we gonna jump first?

Well, nothing.

We're gonna focus on your position over the fence first.

What fence?

Georgie, if you're gonna do this, you've gotta learn the basics first, okay?

Okay, I guess.

How about you stand up in your stirrups, now put your weight in your heels, good.

Now, sit back down. How does that feel?

Like I've got a stick up my butt.

Can we do something now?

Amy: We are doing something.

We're learning balance, all right?

So that when you go over the jump you're not gonna fall back on him, or land on his neck.

You want him to jump up to you, okay?

Okay, I got it. Let's go!

No, we're not going anywhere yet, okay?

We've gotta get this right.

So let's talk about your elbows.


First, you're gonna tell me how to sit, and now you wanna talk about my elbows?!

Way to take the fun out of it!


Hey, Ty.


How's school going?

Oh, pretty good.

We got to dissect a goat today.



Wow. Um, did you talk to Caleb?


What'd he say? What's he gonna do?

That's the problem, Lou, he's not gonna do anything.

What do you mean?

Didn't you tell him about Peter?

Yeah, but it didn't work.

I'm just the messenger, he's not gonna take me seriously.

You might have to deal with this yourself.

Peter: We're all set in here.


Everything okay?

Yeah, Ty was just telling me about vet school.

Jack: Some people swear by manure, but I'm a mulch man myself.

Peter: Oh, my dad too.

He always said...

"Why waste your money when all the compost you need is just sitting there for free, right?"

Jack: Well, the important thing is, you can't let it build up.

You've gotta keep the thatch thin, half an inch at most.

Gee, you guys, this is really fascinating for all of us, but um...

Amy, Georgie, how did it go today?

She taught me how to sit up straight.

Like I haven't heard that a million times before.

Mallory: I had a great lesson.

Jeremy told me I need a mantra.

And I'm kind of caught between...

"Reach for the sky, or don't even try," or, "Face your fears."

What're you talking about?

Lou: Sports mantras, Grampa.

You know, "Swing like a king;"

"Keep your eye on the prize;"

Positive visualization.

Something to remind you what you're trying to achieve.

Right, Amy?

Peter: We get the same motivational stuff in management seminars all the time.

Mallory: How about...
"You're going down?"

Amy: How about, "No pain, no gain?!"

I got one too.

"You can't win it if you ain't in it."

Jack: How about... Enough is enough!

(Sighs heavily)

Ty: So what was up with Georgie tonight?

There's a schooling show at Hillhurst.

She's mad 'cause I won't let her enter.

Well, how come?

She's basically fearless; She'll do okay.

But that's not how it works!

She doesn't know how to ride like a show jumper.

I've been trying to coach her, but all I've got so far has been attitude.

Well, it's just a local show, right?

Why don't you just let her do it?


She's gotta learn how to ride properly if she's gonna win at all.

Ty: Who said anything about winning?

You're starting to sound like your dad.

Actually, I think I sound more like my mom.

I thought your mom was a more sensitive horse whispery type.


She was, but she was also super competitive, and she always loved a good challenge.

Well, maybe that's your problem.

You're looking at Georgie like she's your next big challenge.

When you should be thinking, how can you challenge her?

You know, not controlling her, but letting her use what she's got.

I know what you're thinking.

I doubt it.

You are thinking, how did I get so smart and insightful...

Amy: Uh-huh. Actually, I was thinking...

(Amy giggles)

Georgie: Wow! You're actually gonna let me jump something.

Amy: Yeah. You think you can handle this combination?

No problem.

All right, no problem.

Well, we wouldn't wanna make this too easy, so how about... We challenge you a little?

To say, maybe here?

Yeah sure, I-I guess.

All right, now remember, keep your heels down, and you just hang onto his mane.

Don't worry about your striding; Let him jump up to you.

Okay, I got it.
(Clucks tongue)

Amy: Remember your balance.

Beautiful, okay!

Look at that!


How was that?

That was really good.

Good enough for Hillhurst?

Yes! Good boy!

Good boy!

(Engine sputters, dies)

Something wrong, Jack?

Nope. No, just wondering when you're gonna get around to telling me what's going on with Caleb?

(Sighs heavily)

I didn't wanna get you involved in all this, but let's just say, I think you can safely hire someone else.


Caleb took a swing at me, Jack.

Now, why the hell would he do something like that?

I don't know, I have no idea.

And to be honest with you, I don't give a damn.

I just want him out of here, I want him gone.

Lou said she'd take care of it.

Well, let's get something straight!

Lou might be signing Caleb's cheques these days, but I own this place, I hired him, so if anybody's gonna take care of anything, they'd better consult with me first!

Well, okay, let's consider this is a consultation then.

I mean, come on, the guy took a swing at me, Jack.

What do you want me to do?

What would you do?

Well, when I was your age, there's no doubt I would've kicked the crap out of him.

But as you get older, and wiser, you end up just hoping that people can work things out.

How am I supposed to do that?

I'm not exactly sure.

One thing I do know, me letting you or Lou fire my only ranch hand, that isn't gonna solve anything!

(Sighs heavily)

You know, right there, you missed a spot.

Caleb: Hey, Lou.

Sorry, I must've lost track of time.

Lou: Uh, no, actually, I'm early.

You know me, make a schedule, stick to it, say you're gonna do something, do it.


Engine trouble?


I put in a new alternator, but the battery still keeps conking out on me.

Have you used your jumper cables lately?

Uh... That's why I got the new alternator.

Because you see, Lou, what an alternator's supposed to do is keep the batteries charged.

Well, have you checked your voltage on the main feed wire?

This one right here.

See, it has a link to it that jumper cables can burn out, just like a fuse.

You don't grow up on a ranch without learning something about alternators.

Why don't I give you a hand?

You know, Ty must have a multimeter around here somewhere, I can...

Lou... No, thanks.


I understand why you're here.

And I'm not gonna lie, I like my job, and the money, but you don't need to tie yourself in knots over this.

You gotta do what you gotta do, and if firing me is what you gotta do, then... No hard feelings.

Let's just get 'er done.

Fire you?

Who said anything about firing you?


I mean, okay, yeah, Peter is a little...

Let's just say that it's been put out there - you know, floated as an option in a casual way - but I'm not gonna let it happen, Caleb.

Trust me.

And you know what?

I'm gonna talk to Peter about this as soon as I get home, and I'm sure he's gonna come around.

So don't even worry about it.

And good luck with your alternator.

So Caleb punches me, and neither you or Jack are gonna fire him?

Lou: Yeah, except maybe it wasn't 100 percent Caleb's fault.

Of course it was his fault!

What is...

What're you saying?

I might've, accidentally, given Caleb the impression that I was...

That there were issues.

That our marriage...

That you weren't the perfect husband all the time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Our marriage you discussed our marriage with Caleb?

With Caleb?!

He was- he was just there when I needed someone to talk to.

Peter: And I wasn't, is that what you're saying?

Lou: No! Peter: Yeah, it sounds like it!

Lou: No, honey, you weren't there!

You never are!

Peter: Because I have a job, Lou! A real job!

And I don't?!

I'm just sitting around eating chocolates all day?

That is not what-

Except, oh wait!

I don't have time to eat chocolates, because I'm too busy raising our daughter!

And Georgie!

And trying to start a business as a financial advisor, and run a dude ranch!

Not to mention talking to insurance companies, and-and building contractors because you didn't bother to!

Oh well, don't you dare go there!

No, what?

That is totally unfair!

Am I supposed to know something about wiring?

Am I supposed to talk to guys you hired about building codes, and electrical systems?!

No, absolutely not, because you're too busy whining about our marriage to Caleb!

And you're too busy going to some stupid meeting about an oil well in Venezuela, or Trinidad, to care about what is going on here!

Yeah, I'm too busy to care, Lou. Right.

So what the hell, I'll just pack my bags, and head back to Vancouver. How's that?

You may as well!

You know, it's your home away from home!

You must be used to it by now!

I was not whining!


(Door slams)

I guess you heard all that, huh?

Pretty hard not to.

Look, I just lost my temper, and you know, I said some things I already regret.

I'm just coming out here to cool off, I'll go back in and make it right.

Let me give you a word of advice.

I think it's best...

If you help me finish seeding this lawn.

Then you go back inside.

Better for you, better for Lou, better for me.

(Half laughs)


Amy: Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.


Everything's gonna be all right.

Are you sure about that?

(Sighs heavily)

Yeah, you and Peter are both just super stressed out.

But you love him, and he loves you.

And this house thing, I mean...

You'll get through it.

What if we don't?

What if that house was the glue that held us together?

Oh, come on, Lou, there's other houses.

Where? Here?


Look, I get it, okay?

I know he's doing what he has to do.

You know, he's earning a living, and he's providing for his family, but even when he's here, it's like he's not here.

And the last thing I need is this stupid Caleb problem!


What stupid Caleb problem?

(Sighs heavily)

So Caleb got in a fight with Peter, and you didn't tell me.

It wasn't a fight, Amy, it was just one punch.

And Lou asked me to keep it to myself.

So what's happening now?

Caleb tried to quit, but Lou wouldn't let him.

Well, that was a mistake!

Because Lou and Peter just got in a huge fight, and until this is resolved, it's only gonna get worse.

So Caleb needs to go and talk to Peter and make things right.

Hey, guys!

Whoa! Something I said?


Peter: Hey, Lou.

I just wanted to uh...

Lou: Say you're sorry?

Well, I don't wanna hear it.

It's too soon to say you're sorry, Peter.


No. We have issues, okay?

And saying you're sorry isn't gonna solve anything, and I know that you just wanna stop fighting, or make up, or have peace of mind, or closure, or whatever you wanna call it.

I actually just wanted to get something to drink.

Oh. I'm sorry.

But you know what? You're right, Lou, it is too soon.

But while we're waiting for the time to be right, you might wanna think about who should be doing the apologizing.

I am so psyched.

This show is really gonna take me and Jeremy to the next level.

And what level is that?

I don't know... yet.

But when two people share a milestone event, it brings them closer, much closer.

And who knows where things could go from there?

All because of one horse show?

Here's hoping.

Which means the pressure's on.

It depends on how well I do.

But there's nothing like a spike in your serotonin levels to keep you motivated, and believe me, I am 100 percent...

(Sighs) You'll understand when you're older.

Jeremy: Hey there, Phoenix.

Mallory: Oh my gosh!

He came early!

Which must mean he wants to spend more time with me!

How do I look?

The same as always.

Which is good enough.

Wish me luck!

Jeremy: Hey! Mallory, listen.

Uh, bad news.

The show at Hillhurst...


Georgie: So what's happening?

What's going on?

They canceled the show?

Mallory: The guys who own Hillhurst- they just changed their minds, just like that!

They basically pulled the plug on the whole thing.

Amy: Guys, I'm so sorry, that sucks.

Jeremy says it happens all the time.

It's no biggie.

Georgie: Yeah, well, it feels like a biggie to me!

This is totally not fair!

What is going on in here?

They canceled the show!

After all the work we put into it!

Well, let's not get carried away.

There's always gonna be other shows.

Georgie: We don't care about other shows!

Mallory: We wanted this show, Jack, it was the perfect timing.

Yeah, I was gonna cream Olivia!

Lou: Okay! You're right, we can't quit now, and we don't have to.

Did you not you hear what we just told you?

There's no show.

Georgie: Exactly! That means there's nothing to even quit from!

Lou: Come on, you guys!

You have worked way too hard to give up now just because someone cancels a show.

We'll put on the show ourselves.

I mean, how hard can it be, you...

Oh Lou, n-no!

Oh yes, Grampa.

We'll put up some jumps, rent some portable toilets.

She's right; Mom used to do it all the time.

We just seeded all that grass!

(Truck rumbles)


Hey, get off the gra- get off the grass!

What did I say?!

The far side!

Lou: Would one of you please take over the parking situation before he gives himself a heart attack?

My God.

Don't wrinkle it!

Mallory: Okay, I've settled on a mantra, but don't bother asking 'cause it has to be secret.

Georgie: I need one that rhymes with Olivia, but nothing rhymes with Olivia.

Oh yeah?

How about, "I'm going to send you back to Bolivia."

Or, "I'm going to spit on you with salivia."

Jeremy: Or, "I've got a world of pain I'm gonna give-ia?"

Wow, looking good.

Hey boy, how you doin'?

Oh, and Mallory, if you ride as well as I know you can, you'll be putting a ribbon on your bedroom wall, guaranteed.

But I'll catch up with you in the hitching ring, okay?


Did you hear that?

He said I was looking good!

He was talking about the horse.

Lou: Hello, and welcome, everyone,
to the First Annual Heartland Equestrian Connection Schooling Show.


Lou: I'd like to start by giving a big shout out to all of our hard-working volunteers.


First up in the Novice Class, we have Olivia Wheaton, number 23, riding Budget Buster.

She's good.

She's okay. She's just okay.

No, she's really good!

(Spectators applaud and cheer)

Lou: With only one time fault, that makes Olivia the one to beat!

(Spectators applaud)

Good boy.

She didn't knock down a single rail, and she was doing all that stuff that you told me to do!

It's okay.

So you just have to do what she did, only a little better.

But let him do his job, okay?

Don't push, don't panic.

(Amy sighs)

Hey Georgie, why don't you quit now?

You don't have a chance.

Oh yeah? Watch me.

Oh, believe me, I have better things to do.

Oh yeah? Then why are you here?

(Olivia scoffs)
Let's go.

I don't even have a mantra yet!

What about, "Gonna give it to ya, Olivia?"

Amy: Mm. Why don't we try something a little more positive?

"Ace, ace, in your face!"

You know, one thing my mom always used to tell me was, "Keep calm and carry on."

But that doesn't say anything about crushing Olivia!

Lou: Next up, we have Georgina Crawley, number 16, riding Phoenix Rising.

Go, Georgie!


I'm gonna watch from down there, okay?


Excuse me. Go, Georgie!

Slow down.

She's going too fast.

Georgie: Keep calm and carry on.

Lou: That's it! Yes!

(Scattered applause)

(Rail clunks)

(Disappointed groans)


That was so good!

Georgie: Yeah, except I knocked down a rail.

It's okay. You know, you didn't win, but this was your first time out and you might get a ribbon!

I'd say that's pretty amazing.

Yeah, I guess it is.

What you told me your mom said really helped me.

Yeah, it worked for me too.


Lou: And in second place, Georgina Crawley.

(Applause and cheering)

Ty: Yeah, Georgie!


Congratulations. Very nice round.

(Spectators applaud)

Lou: In first place, Olivia Wheaton.

(Spectators applaud)

Lou: Congratulations, a very good ride.

(Spectators applaud)

Better luck next time... Georgina.

You too. You're gonna need it, loser!

(Jeremy laughs)

(Cassandra and Jeremy moan)

Cassandra: Yeah, you're a real hotshot!

(Both laugh)

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah.

Coaching little girls who can barely ride.

I have hit it big time!

Cassandra: (Giggles) You're bad!

(Bucket clatters)

What's that?

I don't know, did you hear something?


(Truck rumbles)

Hey, Pete, um...

Listen, I-I was thinking we should probably talk.

You wanna talk?

What do you wanna talk about? You sucker punched me, man!

I just... I want to apologize.

I'm really sorry, I-I just...

I kinda lost it.

You lost it. You're sorry.

So what?

So there's gotta be something I can do about it?

I don't think so.

Let's make it even.

Yeah, pop me one.

Just let me have it.

I don't think so, Caleb.

Come on, I know you want to, and it'll make us both feel better.

Peter: Are you serious?


Just uh... Woo! Let 'er rip.

(Relieved sigh)

(Hard punch)



Is that all you got?

Peter: Yeah, you almost had me there, Caleb.

Ohh... yeah.

So are we square?

Don't you got some work to do or something?

Yeah, I do.


Hey, where you been?

Hey, uh... sorry.

I just, um, I had some stuff to take care of.

What happened to you?

Did you work things out with Peter?

Yeah! Yeah, everything's cool now.

Lou: Can I have your attention, please?

As soon as everyone is ready, we are going to start the Intermediate Class.


Honey, what- what are you doing?

I think we've waited long enough, don't you?

It's been days, Lou.

So, what? You wanna talk here?

Now? I mean, in front of all these people?

Because, Peter, I am not ready to say I'm sorry.

Okay. I'm okay with that.

And I don't wanna have the same argument over and over again either, I don't.

And nothing says I'm sorry like...

Peter, don't say that here!

Well, I don't care!

I'll tell everyone I love you--

No, get--

Ladies and gentlemen...

I'm sorry.

I love you.

I love you too.

You idiot.

Amy: Mallory, come on, you're up.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. I even have a new mantra.

Well, where's Jeremy? I thought he was coaching you.

Yeah, but I don't know where he is.

Lou: First up in the Intermediate Class, wearing number 67...

Okay, let's get you up.

Lou: Mallory Wells, on Spartan.


All right, deep breath. You're gonna do great.

Mallory: (Whispers) Okay...

True hearts can't be broken.

(Sighs nervously)

Georgie: Let's go, Mallory!


Georgie: Woo! Ty: Yes!



(Hoofbeats thunder)

(Spartan screams)

(Spartan squeals)

(Mallory gasps)

Mallory: No!

(Whinnies, struggling)

(Spartan snorts)

(Spartan whinnies)

(Spartan squeals)