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06x13 - Waiting For Tomorrow

Posted: 02/12/13 14:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland":

Getting ready for your lesson I see.

No! Why would you say that?

Oh, come on, you've got it bad.

Can you blame me?

I mean, Jeremy's got everything: Looks, charm, personality.

Lou: Next up, Georgina Crowley riding Phoenix Rising.

Onlookers: (Applaud)

Jeremy: Coaching little girls who can barely ride?

I have hit it big time.

Mallory: True hearts...

Can't be broken.

Georgie: (Clapping) Go, Mallory!

(Hooves thunder)

(Spartan whinnies shrilly)

(Spartan shrieks)

(Spartan whinnies in agony)


(Spartan snorts in pain)

Amy: Spartan?

(Spartan screams)

Lou: Georgie, stop!

Jack: How's your head, honey? Are you dizzy or nauseous?

Stop, please.

(Spartan shrieks)

Amy easy, boy, easy, easy. It's okay.

It's okay.

Let go of me!

Amy: Easy, boy.

(Spartan shrieks)

Come on, boy, you can do it.


(Spartan snorts)

Ty: Come on, boy, come on!

There you go.

There you go.
(Spartan whinnies in pain)

His back leg, he's not putting any weight on it.

(Spartan squeals)

Ty: Maybe he knocked it on the jump.

Amy: No, he landed clean. He didn't touch the rail.

Jack: You're sure you're all right?

Mallory: It was my fault.

(Dialling beeps)

It was all my fault.

Lou: Georgie!

Ty: It's his left hind leg.

No, he won't put any weight on it.

Amy: It's okay, boy, I'm right here, and I'm not goin' anywhere.

Ty: A splint?

No, I can do that. Yeah, I got one in my truck.

(Cell phone rings loudly)

(Spartan whinnies)

Amy: Mallory, turn that thing off!

We've gotta get this splint on him.

Yeah, sure.

I know it hurts.

It's just for a little while, okay?

(Spartan snorts)

All right, he's good.

(Spartan snorts nervously)

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

(Spartan pants)

(Spartan whinnies)

(Spartan whinnies loudly)

Jack: Are you good?

Amy: Let's just go.

(Truck starts up)

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Lou: There you are.

Let me help you with this guy.

Georgina, are you okay?

I don't get it.

How did Spartan just fall like that?

Sometimes things happen when horses jump, you know.

I mean, maybe...

Maybe he threw a shoe.

That happened to me in a horse show once.


Only three points separated me and Sue-Anne Kurtofsky, and then my horse threw a shoe and that little-

When horses get hurt like that, don't they just... sh**t 'em?


No, that is not gonna happen.

Meanwhile, what about this guy?


Doesn't he deserve a nice brushing?

A good bran mash?

A turn out?

The rule with horses is: No matter how we're feeling, their needs always come first.

(Sighs heavily)

Amy's mom: Whoa! Easy!

(Spartan whinnies shrilly, thunder rumbles)

Amy: What if Mr. Malon comes back?

Amy's mom: I hope he does!

(Lightning cracks)
Look what he did to this horse!

Amy: (Spartan whinnies shrilly) Mom, look out!

(Spartan whinnies)

Mr. Malon: Hey, lady, what the hell you doin' with my horse?!

Amy: I know that you blame me, but we were just trying to help you!

It's not my fault!

It's not my fault!

(Spartan snorts quietly)

Amy: It's okay, boy.

You know, maybe the ground was uneven.

We should have harrowed it in between every class.

We're gonna do some X-rays.

Ty, could you give me a hand?

Amy: It was just a last minute kind of schooling show.

We didn't have a ground crew or anything.

Maybe the sand was hard, the ground was uneven...

I should have known this was gonna happen.

Jack: Amy, you gotta stop doing this.

You're just beating yourself up.

You know as well as anyone, one bad step is all it takes.

Scott: Ty's right.

A horse this age could have pre-existing issues, like a strained tendon or a hairline fracture.

Either one could lead to a break.

What do you mean? What are you saying?

No one's saying anything until Scott's seen the X-rays.

You think his leg's broken.

(Truck rumbles loudly)

Tim: Hey!

Hey, look who's back!

Lou: Hey, Dad.

What? That's all I get? No, "how are you, Dad?"

"How was your trip?"

"Good to see you, Dad?"

Actually, I had a great time in Moose Jaw.

That's something you don't hear everyday -

Great time and Moose Jaw in the same sentence.


And Shane?

He is really growing up to be a fine young man.

And that private school, phew, I mean, it's worth every penny.


We're really starting to be a family.

And Miranda, she is amazing.

You know, she and I are-


Something really terrible has happened.

Jack: So... (Raps on car)

What are you doing here?

Mallory: Nothing.

I was just...

How's Spartan?

Well, we don't really know yet.

Did you see his leg? He couldn't even walk on it.

It must be broken.

Well, Scott took a few X-rays.

He's probably lookin' at 'em right now.

How about Amy?

Has she said anything to you?

Well, the only thing Amy's got on her mind is Spartan, so...

I was hoping... Maybe I could see him?

You see him tomorrow. He's not going anywhere.

Yeah, but... If he broke his leg doesn't that usually, you know, mean he has to get put down?

Oh, well, back in my day that was pretty well the case, but modern medicine the way it is now...

I think I'm just gonna hang around and wait.

You know what, Mallory, we're all waitin' and we're not helping the situation by doin' it here, so that's why I'm leavin', and you should too.

(Truck starts up)

(Hooves thudding)

Georgie: Don't do it!

Phoenix, no!

Don't you dare jump that fence!

(Grunts in pain)


Don't you move!

See what can happen when you jump?

You are so...
(Grunts in frustration)

Lou: Georgie, what's going on here?!

Lou: Are you hurt?

Did he hurt you?

No, but he could've hurt himself!

I mean, how can he be such a total dummy?!

Okay, what are you talking about?

Nothing. It's just...

What happened to Spartan, it's not gonna happen to him.

Cross my heart.

I gotta get more mash.

Scott: See these faint white lines?

They indicate fractures in the long pastern.

So, it is a break then.

Well, a broken leg doesn't mean an a*t*matic death sentence anymore.

There's something you can do?

Well, no guarantees, but because of Ty's good work splinting and the location of the fracture, I think a surgical repair is a possibility.

That's great. That's really great.

And usually it always goes well.

What do you mean by usually?

Ty: He means almost always.

Amy: Don't sugarcoat this for me, guys.

I'm not some horse-crazy little girl.

You have to promise to tell me the truth, no matter what it is.

Well, there are some situations when you see one thing in an X-ray, then you open up the leg and then the bone is in 3 pieces or 500 pieces, just like a bag of crushed ice.

So then what do you do?

Well, then you're looking at a very poor outcome.

Infection, laminitis, and some horses won't tolerate being laid up.

Jack: Watch out, watch out, here he comes!

(Hooves clatter on metal)

Scott: Losin' him, losin' him! Oh!

I found out he used to be a jumper.

His name is Spartan.

(Spartan whinnies shrilly)

Jack: Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa! Easy now!

Scott: What if this isn't working?

Hey, boy.

(Spartan whinnies shrilly)

(Spartan whinnies and stomps)

It's okay.

(Spartan whinnies restlessly)

Scott: There's a lot of things to think about.

I know it's Spartan and I know how much he means to you,
but this kind of surgery isn't cheap.

Factor in all the costs, you can be lookin' up to as much as $20,000.

Amy: It's okay, we have vet insurance.

Scott: Yeah, but it's not just the cost.

Amy: What is it then?

Well, at the end of the day you gotta ask yourself, will your horse be performing at the same level, or will he have chronic problems for the rest of his life?

You could be putting this guy through a lot of pain and suffering for potentially little gain.

I'd never do that to him.

Scott: I know.

That's why I gotta tell ya, euthanasia is something you need to consider.

Thank you.

But the leg is unstable.

So, if we're gonna operate, sooner the better.

I'll be on my cell.

Mallory: Scott! How's Spartan?

Uh, too early to tell.

He's gonna be okay though, right?

That's the plan.

You know, I was riding him when it happened.

That must have been quite the fall.

How are you doing?

I don't know why everyone keeps asking me that.

Go home, Mallory.

I'm sure Amy will give you a call when there's news.

Lou: Well, the good news is we have insurance.

The cap is $5,000.

Tim: That must be the bad news.

If Amy decides on the surgery then we're just gonna have to come up with the rest.

Georgie: What if you can't?

Tim: You kiddin'?

Between Jack and me, money's not an issue.

We could always knock over a bank.

You know, Tim, I don't think this is a joking matter.

Yeah, Dad.

Tim: Okay, okay...

But, you know, we could hit the Blackjack tables at the Stoney reserve, 'cause I have a secret system.

What's your system?

Well, I can't tell you, it wouldn't be a secret, would it?

Okay, young lady, I think it's past your bedtime.

Come on.

Georgie: Okay.

And, you know, could we please not talk about money, because for the time being I've got it covered.

You've got it covered?

Lou: I guaranteed payment on my credit card before Scott even took the first X-ray.

Tim: Good old Scott.

What happened to him being a long-time friend of the family?

Jack: Well, he's not running a charity.

He's runnin' a business.

You know how vet clinics work.

Tim: Tell me about it.

The vet bills I paid, between Cisco and Dexter came close to killin' me.

Close, but no cigar.

Lou: Do you want me to stay until you fall asleep?

Georgie: (lndifferent grunt)

Lou: I bet I know what you're thinking about.

Georgie: Yeah? How do you know?

Lou: 'Cause I'm thinking about it, too.

It was terrible watching Spartan fall like that.

But Scott is an amazing vet and he is gonna do whatever it takes.

You'll see.

I know this may sound weird, but...

I'm kind of glad I saw it happen.

All right, that does sound weird.

Georgie: I mean, horses, they let us sit on their backs and jump over fences, and if a horse were to get hurt, it would just get back up and do it again.

You're right. He probably would.

I mean, Spartan would probably jump over a fence with three legs if Amy asked him to.


And that's why I am never ever gonna jump Phoenix again!

I will look after him and I will love him, but I will never make him do stupid things.

Like jumping.

(Crickets chirp)

Amy: You know, even if the surgery goes well, and he doesn't get an infection or laminitis, what if he goes crazy just standing in his stall for weeks?

You'll be with him.

Spartan's been through a lot in his life.

From day one I know he's always been special to you.

He's gonna make it.

If it wasn't for him...

Watching you work with that horse...

Is what made me fall in love with you.

(Hooves thunder)

Jack: You built that course?

Who knew?

(Spartan snorts restlessly)

Amy: Spartan! Spartan, come on!

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

Ty: You should open up that side door.

It's no wonder he won't go in.

It looks like a bloody jail cell in there.

(Motorcycle revs)

Amy: That's a good boy.

You decided to join me, have you?

You did it.

Thanks for your advice, it really worked.

Ty: No problem.

Both: (Chuckle shyly)

Amy: What if he can never jump or even run again?

Ty: Then...

He'll retire to a nice big grassy field and live happily ever after.

Amy: Not if he's in pain the rest of his life.

Ty, what...

What if I'm just being selfish and I'm not thinking about what's best for him?

Come on.

I'm wanna show you somethin'.

(Truck door opens)
Come on.

This is Rusty.

He's in for a tooth extraction.

Aw, poor guy.

Nobody likes the dentist.

A year ago, he broke his pastern in a barrel racing accident.

Scott did the surgery.

He recovered well...
(Pats horses rump)

And now he's back in training.


I get what you're doing and I love you for it, but this horse isn't Spartan.

I get that, Amy, but you gotta make a decision.

The sooner you do the surgery, the lower the risks.

Yeah, but there still are risks...

And I'm not sure I'm willing to take them.

Hey, Ty, breakfast.

Hey. Thanks.

So what's going on? I gotta get my day on.

I still don't know. I've been talking to Amy, but I can't tell her what to do.

What's her sticking point?

It's pretty simple.

She doesn't want Spartan to die, but she doesn't want him to live in pain for the rest of his life either.

Well, I'm not gonna lie to her. There's no guarantee.

There could be complications.

Amy: Okay.

So I have just one question:

What would you do if he was your horse?

I'd take the risk. I'd do the surgery.

Then let's do it.

Ty: Okay.

(Cows moo loudly)

Tim: I still don't know why you dragged me all the way up here.

Jack: This is important, Tim.

Tim: I'll tell you what's important, Amy's important.

She needs me.

Right now this is when a daughter needs her father.

Oh, sure she needs ya.

She also needs you to pony up some dough for the vet bill.

I know that, Jack!

Don't think I'm not working on a plan.

You don't need a plan, just simple arithmetic.

According to my count, we've got 41 cows and 37 calves.

They gained well over the summer; They've got good weight.

We sell the calves now I figure we'd get $900 a pop.

What?! No, wait a second!

Sell now? No, we sell next year.

We sell them as long yearlings.

$1200 a pop.

Unless you've got another get-rich quick scheme up your sleeve, I say we sell now, we take the hit.

It's the quickest way to raise the cash.

All right, we sell now, and what do we do next year?

Well, we do a little talkin' to the bank, we increase the operating loan. It's only money, Tim.

It comes and it goes, but...

But Amy's horse? It's like family.

It's irreplaceable.

You know what you sound like?

You sound like one of those commercials, that's what you sound like.

But it worked.

I'm sold.


Jack: Now where you goin'?

Where do you think?

I'm going to round up some cows!

(Crop whips through air)

(Crop whips through air)

Georgie: Lou! Lou: Up, up.

Georgie: What are you doing?!

I thought Phoenix was supposed to be my horse!

Lou: You know he is.

I told you that Phoenix is never jumping again!

Lou: Oh, so you're gonna keep him from doing what he loves to do?

Okay, I get it. I totally get it.

You do? Yeah!

That's exactly what I did when I quit.

Quit? Quit what?

I told my mom that Bailey would've been perfectly happy sitting in a field, but she said a jumper needs to jump.

So she sold him to Sybil Harvey, and the next year guess who won the high point junior jumper rider at the Foothills Classic?

Who is Bailey?

Bailey was the horse I used to show on.

You used to show jump?

Not just show jump. Hunters, equitation...

I even did cross-country.

I don't believe you.

You know, you don't have to do this.

Oh, yes, yes I do.

(Hooves thunder)

That was awesome!


I am awesome!

And you are awesome!

And uh...

And with all this awesomeness, why did you even quit in the first place?

It's a long story.
(Hooves thud)


It's okay.

Everything's gonna be fine, okay?

I promise.

Ty: You want me to take a photo?

Amy: What? Like a...

A last picture just in case?

No, Amy, that's not what I meant.

Scott: We're ready for Spartan.

Scott, do you mind taking a picture of the three of us?


Big smiles.

(Shutter snaps)

Here you go.

Thank you.

(Sighs heavily)

(Hooves clip clop)

I'll be waiting right here.

Amy: Ty!

Ty, Spartan's gone!

Ty: Amy, I think it's Spartan!

Auctioneer: (Calls the bid)

Ty, that's him.

Auctioneer: (Gavel bangs)
And sold the horse.

Stop it! You're hurting him!

This is my horse! You can't...

Rick, I'll buy him back from you!

He was all I had left of her.

Your mom?

She died trying to save him.

Now it's like he's dead too.

There he is!

(Spartan whinnies shrilly)

It's okay, boy. Easy.


(Spartan whinnies anxiously)

(Loud bang)
Spartan! Whoa!

(Spartan whinnies shrilly)


Please come back to me.

Jake: How are you doin'?

Fine. Good. You?


I just got back from hunting with my dad.

Did you sh**t anything?

Jake: No, we never do.

It's just an excuse to hang out.

I called you yesterday.


That was you?

It wasn't a good time.

How was your horse show? Did you win?


Jake: Well, it was your first show, right?

You survived.

You can't sit here unless you order something.

Give me a menu and I'll order.


But I still can't talk to you.

I'm not allowed visitors until my break.

I'll wait.

Lou: This was my first championship.

"Pony Hunter, 1992."

I like this one.

"June 21st, 1997."

The spring into summer show at Paramount.

I won a halter and a cooler.


That was my last show.


Did something happen to you?

Lou: Not to me, to my dad.

Um, my dad was a bull-dogger, a steer wrestler.

All-round cowboy four years in a row.

Kind of a living legend.

Your dad was a legend?

Don't mention it to him or he'll tell you about his fan club.

Okay, so, what happened?

Well, it was Super Sunday at the Calgary Stampede and the steer comes flying out of the chute and my dad and Pegasus, that was his horse, they're right on the money.

And my dad leans over to grab the horns, and the steer...

He changes directions and cuts him off.

And then?

Lou: And then...

They set up a tent so that we couldn't see.

Did the horse die?

No, my mom made sure of that, but he was never the same again and neither was my family.

My dad, he, he moved away.

It was like I didn't even have a dad anymore.

It broke my heart.

And me, I didn't even sit on a horse again until I moved back to Alberta after my mom died.

So, Georgie...

Do you understand why I'm telling you all this?


Because you understand why I don't want to jump again.

Mallory: Hey. Hi.

How's Spartan?

He's still in surgery.

That's good.

I mean, it's good that they can do surgery.

Look, Amy...

No, Mallory, stop.

Please just let me finish!

I don't want coffee! We're just here for lunch.


Lunch, that's great.

Okay, um, on special is cajun chicken paninis.

Uh, you can get a side of salad or yam fries.

Yam fries are $1.99 extra though.

How about a chicken club? That's always a good bet.

Yeah, make that two.

Okay, two chicken clubs. I'll get right on that.

(Gasps, dishes shatter)

Waitress: Careful!

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry about everything!

I better go have a chat with her.

Jake: Excuse me, Mr. Bartlett, but I might be the best person to handle this situation.

Jake: Mallory.

Give me those.

Give those back!

I'm sorry, but you're in no condition to drive.


You're acting weird.

You're not yourself.

This is my new self, my pathetic self!

Jake: You're not pathetic.

Oh? So then what do you call my pathetic crush on Jeremy, if not pathetic?

Who's Jeremy?

My so-called coach.

I was working extra shifts just to pay for his lessons

(Tearful) And the whole time he was just using me!

And the most pathetic part was walking in on him and Cassandra making out.

It's all I could think about when I was in the ring, even with my mantra.


"True hearts can't be broken."

(Tearful) Well, they can and mine was.

It's okay... It's okay.

It's not!

Spartan fell and broke his leg.

Is he gonna be okay?

I don't know.

But if he isn't, Amy's gonna hate me forever.

I mean, anyone would.

Amy's not anyone.

(Cell phone rings)

Grandpa, wait up.


Yeah, I'll be right there.

It's Spartan. We've gotta go.

Me? Oh, I'm doin' okay.

I'm missing you.


No, no, there's nothing you can do.

No, I think everything'll be fine.

Yeah, well, yes, you could always do that.

Of course, then I'd probably have to...

I gotta go, gotta go. Okay, talk to you later. Bye.

(Phone beeps off)

Hi, Lou.

Oh, thanks.

Who was that?


How's the kid?

Not great.

I told her about your wreck at the Stampede.

I thought it might help.

She was totally traumatized by seeing Spartan go down.

Nowadays, they call that "post traumatic stress."

In my day, they just said, "Cowboy up. Get over it."

It's sad.

You know, Georgie and Phoenix are a pretty amazing team.

One of the great lessons every cowboy learns is, no matter what, you gotta get back on the horse.

I know, I know, and I'm working on a plan, but it's tricky because I'm new at this, okay, and I just, I don't wanna push her too hard.

Come on, Lou.

You know what's best for her.

I think I do.

Then you gotta push, as hard as it takes to get her there.

(Sighs) Okay, maybe I will.

Thanks, Dad.


So you and "nobody" sound like you have a pretty interesting relationship.


His eyes are open.

Scott: Lean on his neck. Easy does it.

Scott, can I come in there?

You can't, Amy, it's too dangerous.


Ty: (Spartan snorts awake) Whoa!

(Spartan snorts loudly)

Whoa, boy.



(Spartan snorts)

Scott, he's really trying to get up now.

Okay, we're gonna let him, but slowly.

Scott: Ready? Ty: Yeah.

(Spartan whinnies)

(Spartan shrieks in pain)

(Spartan snorts erratically)

Easy, easy.

Take it easy, Spartan!

Oh, I'm not liking this.

Better tranq him before he reinjures himself.

Ty: (Spartan snorts uneasily) Easy.


I'm on it.

Scott: Okay.

(Spartan snorts and stamps)

(Spartan snorts in distress)


It's okay.

(Spartan breathes easier)

It's okay.

Jack: Good! Excellent!

Now that is news a man could get used to hearin'.

Now you take care of yourself. You get some sleep.

Lou: Yeah, tell her to eat something.

Jack: Yeah, Lou says to eat something.

Okay, see ya.
(Phone beeps off)

Well, she says Spartan is stable.

Georgie: That's great.

Yup, the world is a fabulous place, except for one big honkin' problem.

I would call it the elephant in the room, but it's not really an elephant, it's a horse.


Yeah, what about him?

What's the plan? You ever gonna ride him again?

I don't know.

I haven't really thought about that.

Lou: Well, I have, and the way I see it, you have three options.

Option one: Back in the saddle.

Fine, but no jumping.

Not fine - not for a horse who loves to jump.

Which brings us to option two: Find someone else who will jump him for you.

No! It's too dangerous! You know what can happen.

Lou: All right, then that leaves us with option three: Put him up for sale.

Georgie: No! You can't do that, okay?!

Besides, I'm the only one who can ride him!

Don't kid yourself.

In this whole wide world, there is always someone.

(Utensils clank on plate, chair scrapes back)

(Stomping footsteps)

(Door slams loudly)

I know she hates me right now, but I'm hoping it's only temporary.

Georgie: Right.


You can go play with your fiends now, okay?

Go on!

Go play with your friends!

Go. Go on.

(Phoenix snorts sharply)
Hey! Don't.

No, don't you...

(Phoenix whinnies sharply)

(Georgie grunts with anger)
What is wrong with you?!


You are bad.

(Phoenix snorts)

You are so bad!

Jack: So what are we gonna do with this fence-jumping horse?

I've made up my mind.

Lou's right.

It's not fair to him.

I'm gonna sell him.

Well, that's a big decision.

Georgie: I know but...

Spartan's surgery is expensive and you can use the money you get from selling him.

Thanks but no thanks. Not worth it.

Are you kidding? You've seen him jump.

He's amazing!

Well, I thought his jumpin' days were over.

Didn't I hear you say that? So that leaves what?

I don't know.

You could sell him as a trail horse.

Jack: A trail horse?

Not exactly a big ticket item, is it?

That's something that greenhorns wanna buy.

But sure, we'll sell him as a trail horse.

But even if I do manage to unload him on some unsuspecting fool, what do I have to show for it?

One mopey little girl and a miserable horse.

Scott: I'd say you're lookin' at two weeks in the clinic, and then, when you take him home, daily hand walking, ten minutes twice a day.

And if things look good in six months, there's no complications, you could start to think about getting back into some light work.

But for the next week or two, your job is to...

(Postcard Spartan whinnies)

Amy: So all he had to do is raise up both his arms and his horses would rear up, but both at the same time!

It was like...

Man, I wish I could do what Renard does.

It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

Come on!
(Spartan snorts)

(Sighs in frustration)

Just, just...
(Sighs in frustration)

Whoa... good boy.

(Crop whips through air, Spartan whinnies)




It's okay, boy.

Before you know it, you're gonna be as good as new.

I'm gonna make sure of that, okay?


Hey, boy.

He looks good.

He's still a little woozy.

I brought you muffins.

Peaches and cream, blueberry buttermilk and bran.

Thank you. That's so sweet of you.

Not really.

I've noticed since I started working at Maggies that muffins make people happy, and I thought if you were happy you'd be more likely to forgive me.

Forgive you for what?

Remember at the in-gate when I couldn't find Jeremy?

Yeah, sort of. He was busy or something.

Yeah, he was busy... Busy kissing Cassandra.


I was such a total pushover.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, he had me fooled too, in the beginning.

But I was such an idiot.

I really let him get to me, and when I saw what he really was I got so messed up.

That's why Spartan crashed.

Mallory, I saw what happened.

It was just an accident.

You had already landed the jump clean and Spartan just took a bad step.

That could have happened to any horse at any time.

Maybe, but I wasn't thinking straight.

I couldn't concentrate.

You rode great, and if you were upset by some creep like Jeremy, you couldn't tell by the way you rode.




Hey, boy, I missed you.

Lou: The secret is to find your comfort zone and then expand beyond it.

You know, you can try using positive visualization - when you create a picture in your mind of what it is you want to achieve and then you move towards it.

What is it?

Nothing. It's just...

What do you visualize when you're scared?

Oh, honey, it's normal to be scared after what you've been through.

But if we take it slow, you are gonna be soaring over those jumps before you know it.

Wait, you think I'm afraid to jump?


I'm scared of something much worse.

What if Phoenix knew I was gonna sell him?

And why would you wanna sell Phoenix?

Amy! You're back!

Amy: You sold your calves?

Why didn't anyone tell me that money was an issue?

Well, we figured you had enough on your plate.


I'm not a kid anymore. I can handle the truth.

Well, the simple truth is, when we found out the insurance wasn't enough, your dad and I figured out a way to come up with the rest of the money.

Thank you.

Lou: Hands on your hips.

Nice and relaxed.

Now look where you want to go.

That's it.

Ty: That's it! He's getting it now!

Yeah, that last jump was perfect!

Did you see it? He just about did it himself!

Why don't you go around one more time and then we'll call it a day.

♪ in the sky ♪
♪ you can make when you trace them ♪
♪ and each and every night ♪
♪ I went into the yard ♪
♪ I sought to find them all ♪
♪ I didn't want to waste them ♪
♪ but now that I have grown ♪
♪ I see them less and less ♪
♪ the city lights outshine their humble home ♪
♪ but from my other place... ♪

Amy: I don't think he's ready to call it a day.

Ty: You mean you're not ready.


♪ Remind me of the world... ♪

Lou: Okay, go around and take a couple jumps.

Remind you of someone?

Yeah, it does.

Lou: Nice! Well done, Georgie.

♪ They are new constellations ♪