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06x14 - Lost and Gone Forever

Posted: 02/18/13 23:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on Heartland:

Wait a second, are you...

Are you asking me to give you Phoenix?

Just for the rest of the season.

And why would I do that?

'Cause if you do I'll cancel Buckingham's surgery, and retire him just like you said I should.

Who's Jeremy?

My so-called coach!

And the whole time, he was just using me!

(Hooves thunder)

(Spartan squeals)

Amy: You think his leg's broken?

So I have just one question:

What would you do if he was your horse?

I'd take the risk. I'd do the surgery.

Then let's do it.


So how's Spartan doing?


The last X-ray showed that his pastern's healing well.

Any signs of laminitis?

So far so good. Amy's been keeping him moving so he doesn't put all his weight on his good leg.

Oh, she's done some good with him, it's really helped.

So when can we release him?

Well, it's still too early to tell, but the way things are going, I'd say sometime next week.

So, who do we have here?

This is Taboo, a six-year-old mare.

Belongs to Darcy Langois up at Triple B.

She's in for A.I. It's her third foal.

I've got her penciled in for five o'clock.

Okay, well I better hit the road if I wanna be back by then.

Okay. Oh, Scott!

Is there another admission here?

I don't have anymore paperwork.

Yeah, actually, it's Buckingham.

Buckingham? Jeremy's horse?

He'll be bringing him by sometime this afternoon.

What for?!

Lou: All right, honey, do you want some yogurt?

We'll have a snack as soon as mommy's done the dishes.

Jack: Hello, honey!

Oh, hi, Grampa.

Are you waiting for me?

Lou: I, uh, made you some coffee.

Jack: Thanks.

Lou, do you have any idea when Caleb's planning to be back?

He said something about a rodeo in Medicine Hat and Lethbridge.

Oh well, I suppose we can't hold that against him.

But at my age, running a ranch isn't exactly a one-man job.

Tell me about it!

I guess I could use an extra set of hands around here too.

Remind me next time, if you want a rodeo cowboy to stick around, don't buy him new tires.

(Lou and Jack laugh)

There we go.

(Spartan snorts)

Hey, Amy.


What's wrong?


I just found out this morning that Jeremy's bringing his horse in to get him de-nerved first thing tomorrow.

Are you serious? He knows the risks!

Well, Scott says it happens all the time.

You invest a lot of time and money in a high-end performance horse, and it's hard to pull the plug on his career.

Well, I think you can use a couple hours away from me.


Ty: No, Amy, come on!

Come on!

I've gotta at least talk to him, okay?


Yeah... I guess you do.

(Spartan nickers)

Oh, Lou!

Hey, Georgie! How was school?

Georgie: Great! And we're getting recorders!


All you have to do is fill this out.

And pay twenty dollars.

Georgie: Yup, twenty bucks. Isn't it great?

It's like they're giving them away!

(Laughs incredulously)

(Truck rumbles)

(Door slams)


Hey, Nancy Drew!

You know, I figured you'd be stopping by sooner or later.

Here, come on in.


Uh, Cassandra told me Spartan's doing really well.

I'm glad to hear it.

I think you know why I'm here, Jeremy.

I wanna talk about Buckingham.

I'm sorry, but...

I've already made my decision, so...

There's nothing else to say, really.

You were looking for alternatives.

You even talked about retiring him.

What changed your mind?


Yeah. Yeah, um...

Fair question, yeah.

Let's see if I can make this nice and clear.


I need a really good horse, or at least as good as Buckingham, but... problem, I can't afford a horse as good as Buckingham.

So I mean I was hoping I could've avoided this, but when you broke your promise about letting me compete on Phoenix, you didn't really leave me any other option.


Who's really to blame here?


(Truck door slams)

(Engine starts)

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

(Door rumbles)

It's the last stall on the left.

Do you want me to walk him in?


That's something best left to the experts.

(Buckingham snorts)

Before you leave, you have to sign off on some paperwork at Reception.

What kind of paperwork?

Consent for anesthesia and surgery, and other pre-surgical pain management.

And you also have to sign off on an estimate for the cost of the procedure.

Yeah, good old Doctor Cardinal, unh?

Always keeping his eye on the bottom line.

The reception is right down there.

Yeah, I know where it is.

Lou: Okay, Katie, come on, let's go inside.

Come on!

You got your carrot?

Good girl!

Good girl!

(Laughs) What?

(Katie coos)

Hi, Lou.

Oh, there you are!

About time!

Caleb: I would've been back sooner, but...

Check it out, won a buckle!

All around cowboy,

"Whoop It Up Days" rodeo in Lethbridge.


Well, you know how them buckle bunnies go wild for a winner.

I can only imagine.

Um, do you mind?

I've been working on a list and uh...

You can get started right away.

Let's see...

"Muck out the stalls, move the manure pile, unclog the toilet drain."

Sure is good to be back.

Jack: You know what's even greater than being back?

Is actually doin' something while you're here.

Hi, Jack.

(Katie coos)


I told you, all Jeremy cares about is winning.

You know he's blaming me for this, right?

Why, because you wouldn't let him ride Phoenix?


What a jerk.

Yeah, I know.

It was his decision, Amy.

You did everything you could to talk him out of it.

(Sighs heavily)

(Stall door clanks)

(Hypodermic squirts)

(Buckingham grunts)

What are you giving him?

Detomidine hydrochloride. Just half a mil.

It's a horse-

Horse tranquilizer.

I know. That's right.

Why are you giving it to him?

It's just a precaution, just so he doesn't injure himself before surgery.

8:47 P.M.

Intravenous injection of detomidine.

Zero point five millilitres.



You just look like a real vet.

Only four more years to go.

(Bags crinkle)

Well, that's it!

See? Goes a lot quicker when there's two of us.

So what do you think, you gonna stick around for a while this time?

Caleb: Definitely until Amy brings Spartan home and can pick up some of the slack.

But uh...

I guess it just kinda depends, after that.

Well, that depends on what?



Okay, yeah, we... Had a little scuffle, but, I mean, everything's okay now.

And Lou?


(Chuckles) Nothin'. Just...

Reminds me of when Ty first showed up here and I told him he had to keep ten feet away from my granddaughters at all times, and that any part of his body that crossed that line would be removed.


Well, I guess that goes double for a married granddaughter.

I'm quite sure I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, let's hope you never find out.

(Sighs heavily)

Oh! Hi, Amy.

I didn't know you were here.

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, I just, I'm just finishing up.

It's really great you're doing all that massage therapy on Spartan.

I'm sure it's really helping.

Yeah, actually, Scott seems to think so.

Here are the files.

We've got three horses in -
Spartan, Taboo, and...


Ty: Yeah, I just gave him a shot.

Half a mil-

(Cell phone chimes)

Cassandra: Just give me a sec.

(Phone beeps)

Um, what was that?

I gave Buckingham a small dose of detomidine -

half a mil - just to keep him calm until the morning.

Thanks. I'll check on him in a couple of hours.

Okay, and you're up to speed on everything else in here?

Yeah, I think I can handle it, Ty.

Okay. Ready to go?



See you later, Amy.

Yeah, see you.

(Water babbles, birds chirp)

Ty: Amy, there's no law against getting your horse de-nerved, so I'm not sure what we can do.

We could talk to Scott.

I mean, maybe he could change Jeremy's mind!

You know how this process works.

Once you talk to the clients and you give them the consequences, you just have to step back.

If you wanna be in this business, you're gonna have to make some compromises.

Yeah, but what if you don't make those compromises?

Oh yeah, sure, you may not make as much money, but in the long run...

You really think this is about making money?

I know. I'm sorry, I...

(Sighs) I'm just-
I'm frustrated, you know, I don't know what to do, I-

I know, I get that.

But it's not gonna do us any good taking it out on Scott.

You're right.

I should probably go, though.

You don't wanna stick around for a bit, hang out?

I'd love to.


But you've got a big day tomorrow, and I've still got work to do.


(Birds chirp)

(Cell phone rings)

(Ty sighs)



Cassandra: I don't know what happened!

When I checked on him, there was nothing wrong!

When was that?

Just after midnight.

I swear he was fine!

And then when I came in this morning, he was...

Did you call Scott?

Is he on his way?

No, I haven't called him yet!

What?! Why not?

I don't know, I just...

I-I didn't know what to tell him!

(Stall door clanks)

(Sighs heavily)

You better call Scott.

Buckingham's dead.

Scott: Did either of you see anything, notice any problems at all?

He seemed perfectly fine when I left, Scott.

I did the rounds just after midnight.

I didn't see anything unusual until this morning when he was on the floor.


Well, there's nothing here other than the problem with his navicular.

And he was in perfect health when Jeremy brought him in.

Ty: Well...

So what do you think it could be?

Cerebral hemorrhage? Cardiac arrest?

Scott: We're gonna have to wait for the autopsy.

But for now, I... I have to make a phone call.

(Buttons beeping)

Hello, Jeremy?

Yes, this is Doctor Cardinal.

I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.

It's about Buckingham.

Ty: Cassandra, are you all right?


Yeah, I just...

I feel like such a fool.

You didn't do anything wrong. No one saw this coming.


Maybe I missed something, or...

Maybe if I'd checked on him earlier, I would've noticed something was off.

What are you talking about?

Even Scott didn't see anything.

Yeah, of course.

I'm just really upset.

What kind of vet would I make if every time something like this happened, I fall to pieces!

(Screen door creaks)

Lou: Where are mommy's keys?

Where's mommy's truck?!

(Water splashes)

You gotta be kidding me.


Hey, Lou.

Lou: Katie and I were just about to head into town.

Okay, you give me five minutes and this thing is gonna look brand new, I swear!

Okay, I guess we can wait.

You missed a spot.

How did it happen? Do you know how he died?

We have to wait for the autopsy results to come back.

The toxicology report.

Hey, what's wrong with you guys?

Um, we were just talking about...

Jeremy's horse, he's um...

Mallory: He's dead, I know. Scott was in here earlier.

Can I get you guys anything else, or just the bill?


Mallory: I know this might make me sound like a bad person, but I can't help thinking that this is totally his fault, and I hope he's really messed up about it.

I thought Mallory had a thing for Jeremy.

That's over.

She blames him for what happened to Spartan.

Wasn't he just standing at the fence?

With Cassandra.

She blames him for leading her on, and making her lose her focus, and she blames herself for falling for it in the first place.

That's a lot of blaming.

(Katie coos)

Lou: Thank you very much. Give it to me, please!

Thank you!

Good girl!

(Katie babbles)

Hey, Georgie!

(Sighs heavily)

So, did you get your recorder?


Hey, Katie.


Look at what they gave us!

It looks like a perfectly good recorder.

Yeah, that's what sucks about it!

I'm sorry, Georgie, but I don't see the problem.

Okay, maybe I'm stupid, but when the teacher said recorder, I thought she meant one of those cool little digital voice recorder thingies.

Not some lame toy for kids!


Georgie: And the rest of the class knew, so I couldn't even say anything!

And now we have to learn a stupid song!

Lou: Georgie...

(Sighs heavily)

(Birds chirp, crow caws)

(Clanking sounds)

(Wrench rattles)



You've got a nasty little drip under there.

The floor could get wet, someone could have a bad fall.

You know, most people think that the kitchen is the most dangerous room in the house, but my vote's for the bathroom.

Okay, thank you, but really...

Grampa usually takes care of things like this.

Yeah, I just kinda miss doing this sort of thing, you know?

Taking care of a home, having someone to look after, having someone depend on me.

You miss being married.

Yeah, I do.

(Wrench clanks)

Hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Nope. Caleb was just fixing the sink.

Yeah, and I'm done now, actually.

See? No more drip.

So I guess I'll be on my way.

What did I say!

Is something wrong?

You tell me.

Me and Caleb?!

Oh my God, Grampa! Don't be ridiculous!

Scott: Yeah, the samples are still at the lab.

Really? You think that's necessary?

Ty: Hey, cass, what's going on?

Toxicology report.

Scott's on the phone with the insurance company.

Scott: Well, we can get more samples.

What have we got?

Right there.


See how high the levels are?

Wow! No way!

Yeah, but hold on.

My insurance company wants to run some more sophisticated tests.

Well, what if the results come back the same, Scott?

Scott: Then we're in trouble.

The levels were way off the chart.

So, if the horse died of a cardiac arrest caused by an overdose...

And I was the last one to give him a shot.



You wrote zero point five millilitres.

Are you sure about that?

Yes. Absolutely, Scott. One hundred percent.

Scott: Well, let's not jump to any conclusions.

Like I said, the insurance company wants to run more tests.

So let's just keep our fingers crossed.

(Screen door slams)

Hey, Grampa.

Jack: Hello.

(Keys tap)

I see this recorder isn't gettin' a lot of use.

Apparently she thought she was getting a digital recorder.

Like a tape recorder.

Well, I don't know, maybe we should apply a little pressure.

What do you think?

Well, I know I'm new at this, but if you read my blog, you'll see that I don't believe that forcing a child to do something is going to make them genuinely interested.

Okay, what does your blog say about giving Georgie something she wants if she practices?

Like a bribe?

No, not a bribe, more like a carrot on a stick; Like a reward.

Okay, but is it a reward for doing something, or for refusing to do something, because I'm not gonna play that game.

I don't know, Lou.

So what's your plan, then?

Just let her sink or swim all on her own?

No, we're gonna do what parents should do.

We are gonna help her discover the...

Intrinsic value of the behaviour or activity in question.

That's good. I should write that.

I see.

(Keys tap)

Ty: Hey, Jeremy, what're you doing back here?

Just looking for Scott.

Ty: I gotta say, we're all real sorry about what happened.

But you shouldn't be back here.

If you wanna give Scott a call, or leave a message with me...

Jeremy: You want me to leave a message?

Okay, I've got a message for you: Thanks for k*lling my horse!

You don't know what you're talking about.

No one knows what happened.

Well, the way I heard it, you gave him a shot before you left - and... remind me what it was?

Oh yeah, detomidine - and what a coincidence!

It turns out he had enough detomidine in him, well, to k*ll a horse.

And you know what that means...

Besides the fact that you're a total screw-up!

This isn't doing anybody any good.

It means that I'm gonna sue your ass, and Scott's too.

Get the whole damn clinic closed down because I don't wanna see any more animals die because of you.

But you know what's gonna give me the most satisfaction?

Destroying any chance you might ever have of becoming a vet!

Amy: You were right; Jeremy's a total creep.

But accusing you of this, it just proves it.

But what if it's true?

Ty, I was there.

You explained to me every step of what you were doing.

Which means I was talking the whole time.

Maybe I was more concerned about looking like a real vet than making sure I got him the right dose.

You looked like a real vet because you were doing everything right.

He died.

He died of an overdose and someone screwed up.

And if it wasn't me, then who was it?

Jack: So... what about that other girl that works at the clinic there?

Amy: Thanks.

Cassandra? No.

What if she thought she was supposed to give him another injection?

Ty: Then she would've written it down on the chart.

Let me offer you some legal advice.

If everyone else is innocent, it does not look so good for you.

Georgie: Ty would never k*ll a horse!

Lou: Of course not, Georgie. Nobody is saying he would.

There's lots of reasons why a horse might just drop dead in a stall.

Yeah, like performance anxiety.

A friend of mine had a great roping horse, Mr. Big Stuff.

Problem was he always got really wound up in the box.

Then one day, at the Medicine Hat rodeo, he's waiting for the chute to open, and the damn horse just drops dead!

I'm just saying.


Jack: So how's it goin' with that recorder?

Georgie: Oh.

Um, not so good, I guess.

Yeah? You wanna tell me what the problem is?

No problem.


Did you know that I used to play guitar in a band?

And let me tell you, is it ever a lot of fun when you can play music with your friends.

Guitar, maybe.

Or drums.

But a recorder?

It's not even a real instrument!

Yeah, but once you can play the recorder, it'll help you learn to play something else, like a guitar.

(Georgie sighs)

Okay, but...

I guess I'm just not really into music.

Jack: Georgie, if you don't learn to play this tune, then you could fail the course!

Who cares?

No one ever got held back 'cause they flunked music.

(Cage door rattles)

(Cell phone chimes)

(Cell phone chimes)


What're you doing with my phone?

Uh, you got a text message, I just thought that I-

Thought what? That you'd check it for me?

No! Of course not, I just...

I saw it there and I picked it up without thinking.

I didn't know it was your phone, Cassandra.

Okay, the truth is...

Your phone went off the night Buckingham died.

Right before we left, you checked it.

I got a random text from a friend.

So what?

I heard the same ringtone and I was...

I was curious.


Well, you know what they say about curiosity, Ty.

That thing how it k*lled the cat?


(Birds chirp)


It's time to wake up.


(Katie giggles)

Caleb: Here's your sippy cup.

Caleb, what are you doing?

Don't worry, Lou.

I've always had a knack with kids.

Which is a little bit strange, seeing as I've never had a little brother or sister.

Lou: Um, listen.

I appreciate the help, I really do, but, Caleb, I'm not paying you to be a babysitter, or to wash my car, or to fix the sink.

Caleb: Yeah, I mean... It's pretty obvious you need a man around here, though.

Lou: No, I don't, Caleb!

But you know what I do need? I need a ranch hand!

So why don't you go back to the barn and grab a shovel, and stick to doing what a ranch hand is supposed to do!


(Door opens and bangs shut)

I got your message.

What's up?

Let's go talk over breakfast.

Whoa, just...

Tell me right now.

(Sighs heavily)

There's a problem at the insurance company, and, uh, we're still waiting for the new test result, but if something doesn't change, uh...

I'm gonna have to cut you back on your hours.

How far back?

All the way.

Um, I need you to take a leave of absence.

You're firing me.

I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but you know how it works.

Jeremy's insurance company is coming after mine, and I'm on the hook for 100,000 dollars.

A hundred thousand?

Scott: Yeah, that's what Buckingham was insured for.

And they're gonna cancel my policy if I keep you on at the clinic.


They consider you a risk.


Okay, I get it.

This is not permanent, Ty.

So hang in tough, okay?

If you need any help with cash, you know, I can help.

I appreciate the offer, but I'll be okay.

Thanks, though.

Scott: Look on the bright side.

You're gonna be a great vet one day.

But school's tough.

At least this will give you more time to study.

(Sighs heavily)

He fired you?

It's his insurance company.

He said he didn't have a choice.

So he's just gonna leave you hanging then?

Scott's doing everything he can to work it out.

But I don't know, Amy, um...

I need this job!

I need the money.

I don't know what I'm gonna do right now.

There's other vet clinics, Ty.

There are at least three in Okotoks, one in High River.

There's that big one in Bragg Creek.

Yeah, but what are the chances that I'm gonna get hired at a clinic after something like this?

And who's gonna give me a reference?


It's okay.

All right? We'll work it out.

Yeah, I know.

Cassandra: Ty?

Scott said you're not supposed to come back here anymore.

So I'm sorry, you're gonna have to go.

(Laughs humourlessly)


(Birds chirp)

(Hay crackles)

Lou: Caleb, I'm sorry for snapping at you the way I did.

It's water off a duck's back, Lou.

As for me needing another man around here, let me remind you, I have a perfectly good husband!

I know that.

And maybe we're going through a bumpy stretch - a short-term bumpy stretch, I assure you - but it was wrong of me to talk to you about our personal problems.

I was just trying to help out.

I know, but you're not helping, Caleb!

You're making it worse!

Why don't you just hook up with one of those buckle bunnies you were telling me about, and stop following me around like a faithful dog.

You know what, Lou? You got it all wrong.

I know a thing or two about bumpy stretches, trust me.

You might not fool around, but your heart does.

And I have to admit, I mean, I'm flattered - admittedly, very flattered - but this thing you have with me, it's all in your head.

There you go: Two turkey BLT's, hold the mayo.

Amy: Thanks, Mal.

Mallory: Hey, um, I heard about Ty. That really sucks!

How's he taking it?

He's okay, but it's so unfair.

He wasn't even the only one in the clinic that night.

Cassandra was there too.

You think Cassandra k*lled Buckingham?

I don't know... But I know Ty didn't do it.

You know what you were saying the other day about how it was all Jeremy's fault, what did you mean?

Okay, I know this sounds stupid, but I really think Jeremy deliberately went out of his way to make me like him.

He even gave me a cute nickname.


Yeah, and I totally fell for it.

Well, you had a crush on him.

Yeah, love is blind.

But the thing is, he lied to me for no reason at all.

So what makes you think that he's not lying to everyone else?

What would he be lying about?

Well, Buckingham for starters.

(Fire pops and crackles)

(Lou clears her throat)

Lou: Are you busy?

Sort of.

See, I was thinking maybe you should drop the magazine and I don't know...

Practice your recorder?

I hate that recorder!

I mean, I wouldn't even have bought it if I knew I had to play it!

Lou: Shove over.

(Georgie sighs)

What did you think you were gonna do?

I don't know, record stuff.

What kind of stuff?

People talking, saying funny things - stuff like that!

I thought it would be fun, but I guess it was just some dumb idea.

It's not dumb, okay? But...

Okay, promise not to say anything to Grandpa?


If you learn the song like you're supposed to, I will get you a digital recorder.

Top of the line.

Well, I guess that would be okay.

So, do we have a deal?

Amy: You know, I always figured that, at the very least, Jeremy loved his horse.

But Mallory, she thinks it's all an act.

You know, she thinks that he doesn't love anything but himself.

Thank you.

Ty: Well, she sounds like a teenage girl who's just had her heart broken by some jerk.

Maybe, but that doesn't mean she's wrong.

I mean, what if he never gave a damn about his horse?

Okay... Let's say you're right.

Why would he want his horse dead?


A horse like Buckingham could be worth fifty, sixty thousand.

A hundred.

Mm-mm. Not Buckingham.

He was a good horse, but he's not worth that.

No, Amy, Scott told me he insured him for a hundred thousand dollars.

(Recorder plays long, flat note)

(Recorder squeaks, playing high and screechy)

Hi, Georgie! What'cha doing?

Um... just, you know, messing around.

Yeah, I heard.

Why are you practicing out here?

'Cause I don't want anybody to hear how much I suck!


Think it'd be all right if I tried?

(Door clicks shut)

(Caleb plays "Clementine" on recorder)

How did you do that?!

Well, I have no talent, and every one of these notes looks the same to me, but I got a gold star in grade four music.

So, what's your secret?

Well, there's no magic formula, but I find it really helps if you watch someone else play, and then you just try to do what they do.

Here, watch.

(Playing "Clementine")

Georgie: Do it again, but slower.

Like, for the first part.

(Slowly playing opening notes)


(Playing opening notes)

It works!

Yes, it does!

Caleb: Now keep going, see if you can do these next notes.

(Georgie plays "Clementine")

That's great! You're really good!

You're a quick study.

Yeah! Awesome!

Yeah, a few more tries at it, and you'll be able to practice in the house.

(Both laugh)

(Cat meows)

(Dogs bark wildly)

Cassandra: What're you doing, Ty? You're not supposed to be here.

I'm gonna have to call Scott.

Ty: Cassandra, I just wanna talk for a couple minutes.


I think I can guess what you wanna talk about.

Yeah, Buckingham.

I know I didn't give him an overdose and you were the only person here.

What, you're accusing me?!

No, I don't think you did it.

But I also don't think you were here alone.

Of course I was alone.

It was the middle of the night, who else would be here?



You have to leave.

I don't wanna talk about this anymore.

You gave him a nickname.

"Jer Jer Binks."

No, Ty! Give that to me!

He sent you a text right before I left, Cassandra.

That doesn't mean anything!

You gotta stop protecting him.

It's only gonna look bad for you.

Okay, Jeremy was here.

I let him in, but he was with me the entire time!

Please don't tell Scott!

If he finds out I had someone here, I'll lose my job!

Like I did?

I didn't mean for that to happen.

Well, it did.

(Keys jingle)

(Truck door slams, engine starts)

(Engines idle, shut off)

(Truck door slams)

Oh, what the hell is your problem now?

You are!

You know, Ty, you've got a lot more serious problems than me.

I mean, you lost your job, you're gonna flunk out of vet school, and who knows, maybe your little girlfriend will finally come to her senses and dump you, making it a perfect trifecta!

(Both grunt)

Yeah, do it! Yeah, do it, do it!

Come on!

'Cause an as*ault charge will make my lawsuit golden!

Smart move.

So what's next, tough guy? Hmm?

I'll tell you what's next.

I know you k*lled Buckingham!

I know how you did it, and I know why you did it.

Jeremy: All this knowledge, but no proof.

You think you're pretty smart, but you're not!

You already screwed up.

You insured buckinghmam for twice what he was worth.

If I can figure that out, so can anyone else.

Yeah, well, good luck with that, man!

(Door slams, engine revs)

(Birds chirp)

(Bags clunk loudly)

(Saddle thumps)

(Gate slams shut)

(Doors slam)

(Caleb sighs)

(Door slams)

(Truck starts)

(Engine shuts off)

Caleb, look, I was thinking...

You know, maybe I misjudged.

Where are you going?

I'm heading out -

Merritt, Hanna, McCord.

You can't!

I still have a million things for you to do!

I'm sorry to leave you with so much work, but...

I'm on a lucky streak.

I've gotta get back on the circuit while I'm hot.

Is this about yesterday?

Because I know what I said and it- it's not about yesterday. It's about every day.

I'm not doing anyone any good hanging around here.

You're doing Grandpa good.

You're doing me good.

I'm not doing you any good.

The last thing I wanna be responsible for is ruining your marriage.

(Door slams, engine starts)

(Door slams)

Oh hell, Lou, that's no way to say goodbye.

Caleb, what are you doing?

(Lou gasps)

(Truck door slams)

(Truck rumbles away)

Georgie: Jack?


You know how you said I should learn that song?

Well, did you?

Sort of.

I just wanna practice it on you, to see if I'm good enough.

Okay, I'm listening.


(Plays a few squeaky notes)

Can I start again?



(Playing "Clementine")

♪ Oh my darling ♪

♪ oh my darling Clementine ♪

♪ you are lost and gone forever ♪
♪ oh my darling Clementine ♪


I made a couple of mistakes.

No, no!

But it was really, really good!

Lou: Really good? It was excellent!

Georgie: Excellent?

Does that mean I'm getting a real recorder, like you promised?

Like... you promised?

Yeah, she said she'd buy me one if I learned the song!

Is that so?

Can we go into town now?

Lou: We don't need to go into town.

I just so happen...

To have a recorder right here.

You bought one already?

Lou: I was in Hudson anyway, and I knew that you could do it if you tried.

Thank you!

(Giggles excitedly)



What happened to "No bribes"?

I guess I thought of it as more of a carrot on a stick sort of thing.


Lou: Besides, Georgie really wanted that recorder.

Jack: Lou, I can't say that I am happy with what you've done, but do you know what the worst part is?

That you stuck to your principles, while I completely went against mine?

Jack: Oh, not even close.

No, the worst part is...

Now what the heck am I gonna do with this thing?


(Amy sighs)

You know, I don't get it.

Why don't you just tell Scott that Jeremy was in the clinic?

Ty: I promised Cassandra that I wouldn't.


She was with him the whole time.

She said he never went into the stables, he never even left her sight.

Amy, she needs this job, okay?

If Scott fires her, she's gonna have to drop out of school.

And what about you? What're you gonna do?

Getting Cassandra fired isn't gonna do me any good.



Well, Caleb just left on the rodeo circuit.

Lou always needs help at Heartland, if you're looking for a job with flexible hours.

How flexible?

Well, you could work when you're not in class - before school, after school - and if you're here late, you could always just stay in the loft.

And what's Jack gonna say about that?

I think he'd say he's happy to have his hired hand back.

And what about you?

I guess I'd be happy too.

Okay, well...

That sounds good, but there's still one problem.

And what problem is that?

I... know that this whole thing with Buckingham will work out.


I know it will.


And when it does, I'm gonna go back to Scott's clinic and I am gonna work there.

That's the problem?

The problem is, don't get too used to having me around all the time.


Don't worry, I won't.

And don't make it too hard for me to leave, either.

Mm... that could be the problem.


♪ Will you stay until the sun comes up ♪
♪ oh oh oh-oh... ♪