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03x02 - Iron Age Remains

Posted: 04/27/23 18:24
by bunniefuu
( Theme music playing )

- What have you got?

Heart failure.

This can't be it


- This is a bill.

This isn't it.

It should be on stiff white card

- From the lord chamberlain's office.

- What should?

Our invitation to the royal garden party.

My husband has recently retired after a lifetime of devoted service to the community.

That means an invitation to the royal garden party


- Bound to.

Bound to.


Hislop at number 43 went to the royal garden party last year.

And he only drives a c registration.

Are you sure there's nothing else in your bag?

Not for this address mrs.



- "Bouquet.

" That's very strange, it must be laying about somewhere, lost in the depths of your sorting office.

Your husband retired, is he?

- Hm


- Wow! If anybody deserves a garden party exactly! Oh, and when you do bring the invitation, don't bend it.

I shall wan to frame it afterwards.

Not for myself, of course.

But it's the kind of things neighbors like to see.

Is that the lord chamberlain's office?

It is?


I'd like a word with the lord chamberlain please.

He's not there?

( Clicking her tongue )

Have you anyone else there who is important?

Someone in authority?

Please don't trouble her majesty, of course.

It's abou my husband's invitation to the royal garden party.

It hasn't arrived yet.

Would you winkle it ou and expedite it.


" B






How do I know he's getting one?

Well, mr.

And mrs.

Hislop have been.

I know they have a corgi but there must be more to it than that.

If you would be so kind, as to make inquiries, and will you ring me back as soon as possible?

I must know what color the queen will be wearing.

One has a duty not to clash.

You swine, edgar! You promised me you'd finished with her.

You said you couldn' stand her.

And the way she looks, I find that entirely believable.

I believed you, edgar.

Could you turn your rose down a bit?

I can't hear the telly.

Listen to rose, I usually do.

She streets ahead of telly.

Rose: you don't even sound like the same person that promised me undying love in that bus shelter.

I'm hurt! You're trampling on me, edgar.

Could he trample a bit quieter?

Do you remember when we used to go into bus shelters?

Don't start getting broody, I've got a headache.

You migh just as well have taken my heart, edgar and plucked it ou and tossed it away! Sounds like a good idea to me.

You promised me you'd be faithful, and then I catch you sneaking back to your wife.

Well, it's been a lesson, edgar.

But that's it! I've finished.

I mean it.

I'm going back to being a virgin.

I say this much for you, onslow, you've always been too bone

-Idle to be unfaithful to me.

It just goes to show, there's good in everybody if you look for it.

( Sighs )

You'll wear it away, richard.

I know, hyacinth likes a clean car.

And I've got time, you see.

How is it going?

Well, you know


- I can guess.

You find there's time for lots of thinking.

About what?

Oh, things.

We can often do this, now.

Little educational trips into the countryside.

What a marvelous opportunity to increase our knowledge of local history and antiquities.

Shouldn't you have turned left there?

I don't think so.

I expect we should have turned left there.

Hyacinth: mind the grass verge.

Don't go too near the grass verge.

To think we can often do this! I expect we'll become quite exper in local history and antiquities.

I think I'd like that.

I could give a talk occasionally.

I'm sure you could talk, hyacinth.

I'm absolutely positive you could talk.

Yes, I believe I could.

Mind the horse! It's in the field.

They're tempestuous, you know.

Haven't you seen them on television?

120 Miles an hour hands up! All who find life meaningless.

Any more beer?


Oh, nice! I'm at the crossroads.

You wouldn't be passing an off

-License, would you?

I mean the big crossroads.

Do you continue with your life or do you just give in?

Could you go to the off

-License first, then struggle with your life?

Your onslow is such a pleb.

Would you say that was a yes or a no?

( Cow moos )

This is it! This must be the place.


-Age remains?

Well, it says, "take the lane, and in the field opposite, on the left, are clear traces of iron

-Age remains.

" They don't look very clear to me.

Oh, richard! Don't be so negative, dear.

These people lived a long time ago.

You can't expect to find their dwellings intact.

I mean you wouldn't find their garden gates complete with numbers.

No, but you'd think there'd be something.

Well, obviously, there is something if we use our eyes, and your binoculars.


- Where?

- That lump! That could be a burial site.

It's a very small lump.

Perhaps they weren' very large.


-Age midget remains, very interesting.

It could be a neanderthal barrow.

It says in the guide book they had barrows.

I expect they wheeled rocks about and things.

Come along, richard.

Aren't you excited?

( Coughs )

( Coughs )

( Coughs louder )

Your rose is gone again.

She's always fancied black.

She thinks black suits her.

It does.

It suits me.

Why are you wearing a veil over a negligee, rose?



- It expresses how I feel symbolically.

Half deeply

-Depressed, and half yearning for excitement.

She looks like "the bride of frankenstein.

" Bride?

That's a nice change.

She never usually gets past girlfriend.

What with her and your hyacinth, I'm glad you're normal.

Never mind "normal.

" Try "desirable.

" I told you, I've got a headache.

Can you see anything now?

I daren't look.

Come along, richard.

Use your eyes.

I don't even open them, I don't like heights! It's at times like these I miss my sheridan.

When did he ever climb a tree?

He would for his mommy, dear.


You're no all that high, dear.

That's not the impression you get from up here.

Scan the countryside.

Look, particularly


- For evidences of mounds and depressions.

The only depression is mine.

I feel extremely unsafe.

Really, richard.

Here we are in the pursui of history, and all you can think about is your safety.

How could that hiker have the impertinence to think I was talking to a tree?

He didn't believe you were up there at all.

Why didn't you answer?

I must have been totally engrossed in looking for iron

-Age remains.

You should have answered.

"Look for lumps and depressions," you said.

I must have been so hepped up in looking for lumps and depressions.

It was very humiliating for me.

Mind the pothole in the road!

( In cockney accent )

Minding the pothole.

Now that was fun.

- Wasn't it, richard?

- Yes, dear.

I'm going to ring elizabeth, and invite her in for a nice cup of tea.

Why don't you go and get changed, dear, and have a little putter in the garden.

Oh, yes, dear! Elizabeth, it's hyacinth.

Why don't you pop round for a nice cup of tea, dear?

Hmm, you're going where?

Oh, don't worry about that, they'll wait for you.

Shall we say five minutes?

I talk to the trees I want to talk to you about richard.

The stars, but they never hear me the breeze hasn't time to stop and hear what I say have you noticed anything different about richard?

I can't stay too long, hyacinth, because I'm supposed to be


- Not that it makes the slightest difference, of course.

You'll enjoy a break and a nice cup of tea.

Do sit down, elizabeth.

Which chair, hyacinth?

I insist you point me to a chair.

Good heavens, elizabeth, sit where you like, dear.

Except there! I though I might like to sit there.

Now what I wanted to ask you is have you noticed anything differen about richard?

- Different?

- Hm


He's behaving very oddly.



! Nothing dramatic


- Just


- The little signs a wife notices.

He wouldn't speak to me when he was up a tree.

What was he doing up a tree?

Well, I mean


- That's not the point, dear.

Actually, he was looking for lumps and depressions.

Up a tree?

He was looking for iron

-Age remains.

Beaker or my best bone, dear?

Oh, a beaker.

Otherwise we'll end up with china remains.

You look very philosophical richard.

I bet einstein looked like tha on his way to the theory of relativity.


I've heard of gnomes in the garden, but you look almost lifelike.

Hello, emmet, I'm waiting for the weeds to grow.

Supposed to be having a putter in the garden, but it's not big enough for a decent potter.

Otherwise, how is retirement going?

This morning we went looking for iron

-Age remains.

I'm sorry to hear that.

You poor devil.

I expec to get used to it.

No, no, richard, you mustn't.

I went through a bad patch, and I found tha what you have to do is bring a sense of play into your life.

Mischief, a little irresponsibility.

It's easier for you, you can play the piano.

Sometimes it works wonders just to be playful just for the hell of it.



I've forgotten the biscuits.

Of course, it could be my imagination.

No, I think you have forgotten them.

Not the biscuits, I was talking about richard.

It must be my imagination.

He's always been so reliable.

Look how nicely he keeps the car.


Oh, thank you.

He wouldn't have go so far in public service, would he, if he hadn't been such a rock of reliability?


Thank you.

- Biscuit?

- Yes, of course.

- Sugar?

- No.

No sugar.

I was saying as much only this morning to the lord chamberlain's office.


-Hh! Richard! Ri


- Richard! Ooooooo! Richard! Who are you upside

-Down with?

I hope it's someone we know.


Hello, hyacinth.

We were just seeing if we could still do it.

( Car honks )

Richard, take emmet in for a cup of tea, will you, dear?

- Now!

- I think I ought to be getting back possibly.

I've go so much work to do.

Daisy, onslow! How nice of you to drop in.

It's a pity we're just going out.

However, there'll be other days.

If we're not careful.

It's rose! Her hormones are running riot again.

She's locked herself in her room, which is very inconvenient, as I'm ou of cans and she's go the bottle opener.

Supposing she harms herself on the bottle opener?

Or even worse, suppose she loses it?

She sent for your vicar.

Our vicar?

She says she needs spiritual counseling.

As well as the bottle opener?

The way she's dressed, it's the vicar is going to need the counseling.

If my sheridan were here, he'd be appalled.

You better come, hyacinth.

Calm her down.

She sometimes listens to you.

Well, it's mos inconvenien when I am mentally tuned to iron

-Age studies.

But the vicar must be rescued.

Off you go, then.

Richard and I will follow.

Well, go on.

Get the thing started.

Hurry up!

( Engine starts )

My eccentric sister! Likes to give the impression she is poor.

Very wise, I think.

Don't you?

These days, with so much burglary about.

I wish rose had settled down and found a husband.

One of her own, I mean.

Not somebody else's.

I don't know where she gets these outrageous hormones.

I'm sure the res of the family is stable hormone


I'll second that.

And what an example to sheridan


- An aun who wears miniskirts.

I must say, she's kept her figure.

I wish she would keep I and stop sharing it around.

- Watch the bicycle.

- I'm watching the bicycle.

- There's a lorry coming, dear.

- I've noticed that.

- Sound your horn.

- There's no need, he's turned right.

For the cyclist.

Don't jus go tearing pas and surprising him.

Let him know we're coming.

Sound your horn.

( Bicycle bell rings )

They're my sisters, I love them.

I just hope they don' offer us a cup of tea, that's all.

I like your daisy, she's a very generous warm soul.

I like my daisy.

I'm just no particularly fond of her cracked mugs.

I like rose, come to think of it.

We all know you like rose, richard.

All the male sex likes rose, that's her trouble.

She's another gentle soul, really, she's jus a bit mixed up.

I will not have her getting mixed up with our vicar.

Most people have a greenhouse in their garden.

Now I want you to go in first, richard.

Make sure onslow has got a shirt on.

You know he won't be wearing a shirt.

Then try to make sure he keeps his back to me.

Otherwise, it'll be like watching a bad italian film.

Leave it.

Leave it.



( Barking )

Good dog.

Good dog.

You go on in and turn onslow to the wall.

How am I supposed to do that?

Richard, you are retired, now.

You have time to work these things ou for yourself.

Rose, don't be silly, you can' turn buddhist.

I will not have you chanting mantras, it'll wake daddy.

- Has she got a mantra?

- Has she got a mantra?

- Has she got a mantra?

- She's got the bottle opener.

That's what she's got on.

Rose, do stop being silly.

Let me in and let's talk this over.

Send richard in.

I'll talk to richard.

Why richard?

Because I want to give him my farewell letter to edgar.

Well, push I under the door I can't.

It's 30 pages.

I'll volunteer, I don't mind going in.

You stay where you are.

Now rose, stop being silly, and come out here and we'll discuss things calmly over a nice cup of tea.

It'll have to be a mug.

On second thought, rose, I don't mean a cup of tea at all.

I mean probably a small sherry.


! I can't believe things are that bad.

Haven't we go any vodka?

Rose, I am your elder sister, and I insist you stop this nonsense immediately.

I'll expect you downstairs in five minutes.

And wear something warm.

Come on.

( Rose crying )

Five minutes!

( Panting )

Richard, isn' the five minutes up, yet?

Yeah, three minutes ago.

It's all gone very quiet.

What's rose doing?

How should I know?

There's not a sound of life up there.

Quick! Over to you, dickie.

Do be careful.

- Mind the dish!

- Yeah, mind my dish.

There you are, you see?

All these operations are quite simple if you stay aler and remember what you're doing.

Up you go, richard.


I though you wanted to go up.


- How about you, onslow?

- She is your sister



She's yours as well.

Oh, yeah.

Get a move on, richard.

Rose needs help.

( Music playing )

Rose! Rose! What can you see, richard?


( Barking )


( Screams )

( Screams )

Why did you let go of the ladder?

Go of the ladder?

Next time you fall, richard, kindly make sure you injure yourself in a more gentlemanly way.

There's been a miracle cure.

How do you mean?

Rose looked ou of her window and saw your vicar coming up the street.

- Richard, fetch the car.


( Screams )

I'll intercep the vicar, come on! Ow



( Barking )

Hi, mrs.



- "Bouquet.

" How nice to see you.

Glad I caught you, vicar.

Save you a wasted trip.

My sister rose is fully recovered.

At quite her old self.

Needs no attention.

( Mumbles )

Good afternoon.

Why is your husband walking like that, mrs.


It's early retirement, it affects the legs.

Oh, all's well that ends well.

You must be very busy, vicar.

May we offer you a lift?

No, no thank you, mrs.



" I'll walk.

The exercise will do me good.

Thank goodness, that's all over.

Keep you eye on the road, richard.

See you in church, vicar! Can I give you a hand, vicar?

( Theme music playing )