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06x16 - Born to Buck

Posted: 03/26/13 11:18
by bunniefuu
Lou: Previously on "Heartland":

Miranda: Tim, what if someone notices? What if someone says something?

What's the big deal?

Shane is the big deal.

Tim: It's about Miranda.

There could be something and there could be nothing.

I just wondered if you could keep it under your hat.

I might have given Caleb the impression that you weren't the perfect husband all the time.

You discussed our marriage with Caleb?

(Violent punch, Caleb grunts in pain)

Aw, hell, Lou, that's no way to say goodbye.

Lou: Caleb, what are you doing?

Amy: Easy, Denver, it's okay.

(Denver snuffles)

Amy: Good boy. Easy.

Whoa, Denver.

(Rope scrapes)

Ty: Okay, it's tied off.

Amy: Okay.

All right.

Ty: Give it a go.

(Log scrapes)

(Denver whinnies shrilly)

Amy: Whoa!

Ty: Easy! Amy, hold on!

Amy: Denver! Hey!

Ty: Amy!

Let go! Let go of the rope!

Amy: (Grunts)

(Grunts in pain)

Ty: Amy!

(Denver whinnies shrilly)


You okay?


Yeah, I'm fine.

(Denver snorts restlessly)

I don't get it.

I mean, I thought he just had a problem with cattle, but--


Seems like that log makes Denver buck just as hard.

You know, as soon as I pulled that rope tight he just snapped.

That's not a good habit for a ropin' horse to have.

Yeah, thanks, Dr. obvious.

I'm just trying to help you out here.

Yeah? You're not avoiding anatomy?

I'm avoiding physiology.

Both: (Laugh)

But you do need help with that horse.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna do some groundwork now though, so, that means...

Study break's over?




Call me later.

Ty: Okay.

Jack: Another post card for you and Peter from camp.

I'm sure Georgie will send you one too.

Hey, I'm glad.

It means she's too busy having fun.

Doesn't matter to me.

Come on, Grandpa, you totally miss her.

Well, of course I do, but I'm also capable of keeping myself occupied.

I'm working with your dad.

We're gonna build those new buck feeders.

What, he hasn't weaseled out of that one yet?

Jack: Oh, not that he hasn't tried.

Lou: (Chuckles)

(Ominous music)

(Slams door shut)

(Door bangs loudly)

Dude! Uh, it's not the last one, I swear.

Tim: Why don't we just break out the welder and make these babies out of steel?

They'll last a lot longer--

'Cause I decided to go with wood.

Tim: Well, your decisions always...
(Lumber clanks)

...mean more work for me.

(Truck rumbles up)

Jack: Now who is this?

Tim: I don't know, he's probably lost.

Hey, Dad!

That's Shane.


Did you hitchhike here all the way from Saskatchewan?

No. No, it's just from the bus station.

What have I told you about that, huh?

You know how dangerous that is.

Does your mother know you're here?

She better know you're here or you and I'll be in a lot of trouble.

Okay, listen, I have to tell you something.

It's about Mom.

What? Is she okay?

Yeah, yeah. She's fine.


She has a new boyfriend.

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

So, uh, I'm obviously gonna have to cut out.


You uh... wanna know why he's here?


He thinks that Miranda has a new boyfriend.

So why does that make you smile?

It's me.

It's me, Jack.

He found a bottle of aftershave--

Western Leather.

That's my brand.

So, are you gonna--

You gonna tell him you're the guy?

I don't know, I don't know.

I called Miranda. She's on her way here.

We'll talk about it.


Hey, good luck with those feeders.

Jack: Thanks.

Caleb: You shoulda seen the wild look in your eyes.

Ty: Well, how was I supposed to know it was you?

The door was wide open.

Where's your truck, anyway?

Uh, it's still in the shop.

Ty: Again, dude?

Caleb: Yeah, I had a little transmission trouble outside Black Diamond.

Ty: That's never good.


You clock as many miles as I do, you just sort of expect this thing to happen.

Since when did you become so zen?

You making good money on the circuit?

Ah, you know me, I don't like to toot my own horn.

Then again, I can't; It doesn't work either.

(Ty and Caleb chuckle, truck rumbles up)

Amy: Caleb!

You're back.

And you left this.


But it looks like you're on another study break anyway.

Ah, just catching up with my new roomie.

Isn't it a little cramped in the trailer?

You know the loft is still empty.

I'm just dashin' through town a couple of days, so it's...

Oh, well, do you have enough time to help me with a ropin' horse that bucks?


I'll pay you for your time.

Really interesting.

(Laughs) Okay, when can you come by?

Caleb: Um... you know what?

Maybe it's not such a good idea for me to come around the ranch right now.

Tim: So, what does she say about this guy?

Does she describe him as rugged, good looking, charming?

I don't know anything about him.

You know, when I...

When I saw the cologne, I knew she didn't buy it for me.

Well, it doesn't mean she's dating anybody.

Why else would she spend a weekend in Lake Louise?

Lake Louise?

I saw a receipt for a fancy romantic spa package...

For two.



She's been acting, I don't know, kind of different lately.

Wearing fancy clothes, getting her hair styled, going out to make these secret phone calls.

That... doesn't sound like your mother.

I know.

It seems kinda suspicious, doesn't it?

Yeah, sure does.

Lake Louise.

Shane: That was good.

Tim: Yeah, yeah, it's always good. How were those fries?

Shane: Aw, they were really good.

Tim: Hey! Shane: Hey, Caleb!

Hey, Shane.

How's it goin'?

Uh, things are good, really good.

Not convinced.

Bill for my truck.

The new tr*nny must be made of gold.

Ouch! Ooh.

That kinda hurts, huh?

Especially with your record on the circuit these days.

Yeah, I still follow the results.

It's just a slump.

Can I offer you some advice?

No, thanks, I'm good.

It not a slump.

I think it just might be time for you to give up the rodeo.

What? You're kidding.

Yeah, he's way too young to retire.

When I was his age, I was winnin' all the major rodeos, except I had a sweet little endorsement deal.


I was still barely keeping my head above water.

No, winnin' sometimes isn't enough for rodeo.

It's an all the time thing, and if you're not...

(Sucks his teeth)

You might have to think about getting a real job.

What else should I do?

They might need a potato peeler at Maggie's.

(Drill whirs)

(Truck rumbles up)

Rich: Hey, Jack.

Jack: Rich Wannstedt, how the heck have you been?

I'm good, Jack. I just got into town, I thought I'd pop by to see what's new.

Oh, same old same old.

You still runnin' those bronc riding competitions in Montana?

Yes, sir.

I'm actually lookin' to expand up in Alberta, so I need to find somebody I can trust to run the Canadian side of it for me.

Yeah, well, I could probably come up with a few names you should talk to.

No, Jack, I want you.

Oh, you can't be serious!

Well, why not? You'd be the perfect guy.

I don't think so.

(Country song ringtone rings)


Just think about it, okay, Jack?

(Cell phone beeps on)

Hey, Barry.

Tim: Rich!

Nice truck.

You overcompensatin' for somethin'?

Rich: Yeah, great to see you too, Tim.

Ah, don't worry about it, Barry.

Just, uh, headin' out now.

What's the matter?

You still not over the time he beat you at the Calgary Stampede?

She's seeing another guy.


Miranda. She's got a new boyfriend.

She went on some romantic getaway to Lake Louise.

I thought we had an understanding.


You thought as long as you didn't talk about it you wouldn't have to make a commitment, and now...

Well, it's come back around to bite you in the ass.

Amy: Grandpa says you came all the way here to talk to Dad about something?

Shane: Yeah, my mom's seeing some guy.

And what's wrong with that?

Well, it just always gets complicated.

So, what, she's not allowed to see other guys?

No, it's just things have been going great lately, with Mom and Dad getting along so well...

So you think that Dad can help with that?

Maybe he can just talk some sense into her.

(Car approaches)



Amy: Hello, Miranda, it's nice to see you.

Miranda: Yeah, you too.

This trip was a little unexpected.

Seriously, Shane, again?

I'm sorry, Mom, I just really needed to--

Tim: Miranda.

Glad you made it.


Let's get you settled in.

Not until I have a word with our son.

Oh, that can wait.

Come on, follow me to the dude ranch.

Miranda: You're still in trouble, buddy.

Tim: Let's just go.

(Door opens)

Miranda: Hey!

Tim: You're seein' a new guy?

Miranda: What?

Tim: You got a new boyfriend.

What're you talking--

Shane told me all about your little trip to Lake Louise, how you've been tartin' it up, sneaking off to whisper sweet nothings into the phone.

Tarting up?

Sweet nothings?

Tim: Oh, I'm glad you think this is funny, but the joke's on me.

Who is this idiot?!

You're the idiot.

You're the idiot I've been trying to impress, sneaking calls to you like a... like a lovesick teenager.

I'm not the one that you were havin' a mud wrap with in Lake Louise.

No, that was Cheryl.

She had a hotel weekend package and her husband got called away to work, so... (Laughing) we turned it into a girl's weekend!

I'm an idiot.

Yes... yes, you are.


Tim: (Laughing) I'm an idiot.

Miranda: (Giggles)

Lou: Miranda, hello?
(Knocks lightly)

Oh my God!

Tim: Lou! Miranda: Lou!

(Door bangs shut)

Tim: This is not what it looks like!

Lou: (Whispers) Oh my God! Oh my God.

Amy: Do you want some bacon bits?

No, thank you.

She likes hers undressed.

(Lou chokes)

Tim: I mean she likes hers plain, with nothing on.

Lou: (Coughs nervously)

The potato. I like potatoes.

I'll have a potato.

So, I hear that my old rival wants to bring his bronc shows up to Canada.

Did that have anything to do with rich snooping around today?

He might've mentioned somethin' about that.

Tim: Mm-hmm.

Don't think I don't know what he's up to--

Sniffing around you to get to me.

Excuse me?

Well, he's gonna have to swallow his pride and come beggin' to me to run his new deal for him.

Well, actually, Tim, he's asked me to run it for him.

Tim: Oh. Amy: That's great!

Grandpa, way to go.

Don't go jumpin' to conclusions.

I'm turnin' him down.

Amy: No, come on, you gotta do it.

Jack: There's too much to do around here. I--

Hey, what about Caleb? Maybe he could help out.

Jack: Well, uh, Caleb is on the road right now.

Shane: Actually, he's not.

We just saw him in town, and it sure sounds like he could use a job.

Well, there were some other issues with Caleb's work.

Amy: Don't you think it's time for you and Caleb to deal with those "work" issues, Lou?

So, Shane, what are you gonna get up to tomorrow?

Tim: Trail riding with pal.

Jack: Well, isn't that nice.

No, don't worry, Tim, i'll build those feeders by myself.

Great. Excellent.

That's very generous of you.

It's no problem, Jack, I'm glad to help out.

I'll be there at 9:00.

Okay, see you tomorrow. Bye.

Ty: "Career College?"

What are you gonna do with this?


I figure it's time I get a real job.

Ty: Like a 9-to-5? Are you kidding?

What happened to the rodeo?

It's not a career if you spend more than you ever make.

What's with the sudden negativity?

I thought you were on a hot streak?

It ended.

They come fast and go even faster.

Let's face it, if it wasn't for the rodeo I wouldn't be so broke,

I wouldn't have to rely on your rent cheques so much, and...

I probably wouldn't be so divorced.


I think you'd feel a whole lot better if you had a couple bucks in your pocket.

So, why don't you call Amy?

She still needs some help with that horse.

I am not going over there.

Look, the last time I saw Lou I said goodbye and I...

I meant it.

You're scared of her, aren't ya?

I'm not scared.

I just, I don't want things to get weird again.

Well, the longer you stay away, the weirder things are gonna get.



Amy: What was going on with you at dinner?


Come on, Lou, there was definitely something going on between you, Dad, and Miranda.

You guys couldn't even look each other in the eye.

Yeah, well, let's just say I already got an eyeful.

Leave it alone.

Well, leave what alone? What's going on?

Okay. But you better brace yourself.

I... walked in on them.

You walked in on them...

Do you mean...


They were...

Oh, yeah.

Oh my...

Hey, I'm the one who can't scrub the image from my brain.

Well, how long has this been going on?

Jack: Oh, nearly five months now.

Lou: You knew?

Sort of, yeah.

And you didn't say anything?

What good would that have done?

Well, I wouldn't have just walked in on...

What I walked in on.


Shane: Hey, did you bring those muffins, Mom?

Miranda: Yeah, they're in my saddle bag.

Did you find anything out?

You guys were alone in the cabin for a long time.


We were talking... about school, you.

So, no, I didn't really find the right time to ask about the boyfriend.

Hmm... So you got nothing.

I'm gonna-
I'll get something.


So I heard you got some good write-ups about your play.

Look, you don't have to pretend to be interested.

Are you kidding me? I loved it.

Shane: You read it?

Tim: Well, the part about the rodeo dad who was all full of himself was a bit over the top.

Shane and Tim: (Laugh)

Amy: What, Georgie still hasn't sent you a letter?

I'm just lookin' for the phone bill here.


And you're late.

Ty: What? Only by five minutes.

Well, I'm wonderin' what happened to people doin' what they say they're gonna do.

What's up with him?

Georgie said she'd write. She hasn't.


Don't worry about that. He'll get over it.

Thanks for coming and helping him out.

No problem.

Gives me an excuse to come see you.

You don't need an excuse.

Both: (Laugh)

Lou: Ugh! You guys, get a room!

What's up with her?

You don't wanna know.

Hey, I think I convinced Caleb to come help you with Denver.

That's great, thanks.

Yeah, maybe it'll help him get his mojo back.

He's been lookin' at all these crazy career options, and this morning he was on the phone getting information about becoming a mall cop.




Well, maybe you can talk to Grandpa about his career opportunity.

What career opportunity?

(Hammer bangs)

Ty: So, Jack, tell me about this amazing new job offer you got.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Yeah, sure it is, if you want to spend your life travellin' all over hell's half acre dealing with venues and sponsors and stock providers and...

Come on, it's the rodeo.

Yeah, and this ranch just runs itself, does it?


Lou already takes care of the finances.

It would force Tim to pick up his end with the herd.


Come on, Jack, can you honestly say you don't miss that whole game?

Well, of course I do.

Cowboys, you know, friends, that excitement you get when they're puttin' the rough stock in the chute there for ya.


All the pretty girls, they ride into the arena with their flags wavin' and...

The crowd, you know, that sound they make after a good ride, that's...

That was another time.

Doesn't have to be.

You're always doin' stuff for everyone else, maybe it's time you did something for you.


I think more hammerin' and less yammerin'.

(Bridle clatters, Caleb gasps)

Lou: Grandpa?

(Door opens) Grandpa, is that you?

Caleb: Hey, Lou.

Hi, Caleb. How are you?

Good. You're good?

Yeah, good.

Amy: Hey.

Amy! Hi, Amy.

Well, I should get to work on the horse.

Yeah, me too. I should get back to work.

Lou and Caleb: (Clear their throats)

Lou: Work to do, yup.

(Steer moos)

Tim: (Chuckle

(Rope whips)

Tim: Looks like you finally found a steer you can keep up with, huh?

(Steer snorts and bellows)

Caleb: Huh! Whoa! Huh!

(Denver whinnies sharply)

Caleb: (Gasp) Whoa!

(Denver whinnies shrilly)

Caleb: (Grunts) Whoa!

Amy: Ride it through, Caleb, you can do it!

Caleb: (Grunts in pain)


(Steer moos)

Tim: Just another day at the office, huh, buddy?

I'm fine, thanks.

Tim: I'm sorry, honey, but that- that guy's never gonna make a ropin' horse.

Well, that's the only kind of horse that my client owns, Dad.

Tim: Well, your client should get rid of him, 'cause nobody'd be crazy enough to buy a horse that bucks like that.

Thanks, Dad, that's helpful.

I call 'em as I see 'em.

Come on.

You know, he's really got a knack for telling me exactly what I don't wannna hear.

Especially when he's right.
(Wrench cranks)

Tim: Wow! You guys still aren't finished?

Well, feel free to grab a hammer.

Tim: Actually, uh, I want to talk to you.

Jack: Yup.

Seems to be a trend around here.


There are actually locks on those cabin doors, you know?

(Laughing) Oh, did she tell you about that?

Hope she's okay.

Well, I don't think you damaged her permanently, no, but you might want to let sleeping dogs lie.

I'm sure it's the last thing she wants to talk about.

Miranda: Hey, Lou, I think we should talk.


Hi. Uh, yes.

Is everything okay with your cabin?

Yes, thank you.

Good! Did you need more towels?

No, we're good.

More soap?


Oh, potpourri.


Look, I know this is awkward, but I just wanna apologize.

No, I'm the one who should apologize.

Really, I shouldn't have just barged in on...


Can we just not talk about this?



But I hope you know this isn't some crazy fling for me, and it's getting pretty serious.

I just don't wanna make a big deal out of it.

Well, it sure seemed like a big deal when you thought there was some other guy.

Oh, I want it to be exclusive...

And casual.

Exclusively casual.

And I'm actually starting to think that we have a future together.

I just don't think we should get ahead of ourselves.

You know what I mean.

And maybe, maybe, I don't know, it's time we settle down.

That's why I don't think we should tell Shane.

And I think it's time we tell Shane.

And what would you say?

Well, maybe that we're ready to be a family.

You mean...


I don't know. Maybe. Why not?

(Uncomfortable chuckle)


Lou: You should have heard her going on and on about Dad, like she is totally smitten.

I think it's more serious than we thought.

Really? Like how serious?

She actually used the "M" word.


Jack: (Chokes)

Lou: You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine, I just...

Surprised me is all.

Well, maybe there's hope for those two after all.

Great day, huh?

Yeah, it was fun.


And I've been thinking about our dilemma.

Which one's that?

Telling Shane.

Oh, me too.

And I think we should--

Keep it under wraps.

Totally agree, 100 percent.

You-what? You're thinking...

Well, yeah, why not?

Well, I just didn't wanna make it a big deal.

Well, it is a big deal, at least it is to me.

Oh, that's... That's not what I meant.

It's just things have been going so well between us, and me and Shane.

Why mess with success?

Well, he's gonna find out at some point.

I just don't see any good reason why we should keep it a secret.

Well, why don't we sleep on it?

All right.

(Whispers) No, no, no! He might be watching.

Oh, well, okay.

Tim: See you tomorrow.

Miranda: Yeah.

Ty: All right, Caleb, let's get goin'.

I don't want Jack to jump all over me for being late again.

Caleb: Hey, what do you think about underwater welding and construction?

Can you even swim?

It's never too late to learn.

Well, what happened to the laser eye technician that you were on about last night?

World of options, Ty.

Hey, uh, I need a favour. When we get to the ranch, would you mind checking the barn office for me?

Yeah, I do mind, and I hope Lou's in there so you're forced to cowboy up.

You're gonna have to deal with this sometime, man, so it might as well be today.

Come on, dude, help a brother out.

Fine, I'll poke my head in the office, but if she's there I'm tellin' her you wanna talk.

Caleb: Don't you dare, Borden!

Georgie on recording: And then I had to sleep beside Emily Dinsmore.

More like Emily Din-snore. No! Like Emily Din-snore-more!


She sounds like a rusty old chainsaw!

I thought you were bad.

Seriously, I had to zip up my sleeping bag over my head!

I practically suffocated myself, but it was better than listening to her all night.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Georgie: I think I'm gonna stick a close pin on her nose if I have to sleep beside her again.

Is that Georgie?

Yeah. Yeah, she uh...

She sent me her voice recorder in the mail.


What, like a letter on tape kind of thing?

Ah, yeah, kind of like that.

Oh, don't tell, Lou, 'cause she's only been sendin' her these two and three word postcards.

She's the reason you didn't wanna take the job, isn't she?

We're done talkin' about that.

Ty: I totally get it, Jack.

You want to be here for her, but you can do both.

I bet she'd think it'd be pretty cool if you took her to some of those events.

It's a whole new world you could show her.

Let's get to work.

Lou: (Sighs heavily)

Damn it.

Amy: What?


Amy: You know, I really don't get this thing with you and Caleb.

There is no "thing," okay?


Didn't seem like it in the barn the other day.


Is there something that you're telling me?

No! Amy, that's enough!

Then why you can't you just get past this?

I don't know, okay?

I don't know why it's blown up into this big stupid deal!

Maybe because you let it.

(Denver snorts)

Caleb: Yup.

Rich: Looks like he's got a real attitude, that one.

Caleb: Yeah, tell me about it.

He's been drivin' his owner crazy.

Caleb. Caleb Odell.

Right, you've ridden in a couple of my competitions.

Yes, sir, Mr. Wannstedt.

What brings you to town?

Well, I'm gonna run some bronc riding competitions up here next season, and I'm hopin' to get Jack to agree to run it for me.

He'd be perfect for it.

Yeah, if I can pry him away from the ranch long enough to do it.

Good luck.

Yeah, thanks.

You know you should get that guy in a chute some time, see if he can do the real deal.

Rich: So, Jack, what do you say?

You wanna get back in the game?

You know, Rich...
(Lumber thumps loudly)

I appreciate the offer, and it really would be a lot of fun...

Uh-oh! I think I know where this is going.

Well, actually, I was gonna say...

I'm in. Let's do it.

Rich: That's great!

That is a load off my mind.

Things are moving pretty quick.

We're already behind the eight ball.

So let's sit down and I'll bring you up to speed.

Sure, but I was kinda in the middle of this project here.

Ty: Oh, hey, I've got it, Jack, you go ahead.

(Cell phone chimes)

Oh, sh**t! I was supposed to meet this guy at the rodeo grounds an hour ago.

How about I come back in a few hours and we talk about our trip to Grand Prairie.

Grand Prairie?

Yeah, well, that's where we're holding the first event.

We gotta get everything set up asap.

Well, I suppose I could rearrange some things.

When were you thinkin' of going?

Well, tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Now, wait a minute--

I'll fill you in on all the details when I get back.

Damn, Jack, it is good to have you on board.

(Slaps his arm)

(Cell phone beeps on)
Hey, Bill.

Yeah, comin' right at you, buddy.

Grand Prairie, that's a hell of a drive.

It'll be a good road trip for ya.


Lou: Hey, there.

(Stall door bangs shut)

Caleb: Hey, Lou.

Nice of you to help Amy out with that horse.

Ah, don't worry.

I won't be here much longer.

Hey, doesn't bother me.

Come on.

After everything that's happened between us...


Actually, Caleb, when you think about it, nothing really has happened, so...

There really is no reason for us to be all weird with each other, so let's just not, okay?

I think it's a little more complicated than that.

How did we let this stupid thing snowball like this?

I mean, you and Peter got past it, why can't we?

It's different.

How did you guys settle it, anyway?

I'd prefer to keep that between me and Peter.

What, because of some stupid "guy's code"?

What, did you spit on your hands and shake on it?

Chug a beer? You do a man hug-

I let him hit me.

He did what?

Yeah, right in the face, Even Steven.

(Hard slap)

(Gasps in pain)
(Satisfied gasp)

What was that for?

Kissing a married woman.

Wow! That really does feel better.


Are we good?

Yes, we are.


(Door opens)

Jack: Hey, there.


Good tunes?

Oh, I'm just listenin' to Georgie's adventures at camp.

Tim says you've been great with that girl.

Bridgin' the generation gap.

Miranda: (Chuckles)

Can I ask you something?


This might sound odd.


What were Tim and Marion like together?

Oh, well...

You know, things kinda went off the rails after his accident there...

No, I mean before that, early on.

Well, those were certainly happier times.

I still remember the day Tim asked for my permission to marry her, right after he beat me in a bull-dogging competition, if you can believe that.


Yeah, it sounds like Tim.

Jack: Well, he's always had guts, I'll tell ya.

But I said they were too young, they were too broke, and just...

Too flat out different, but, of course, he asked her anyway.

Oh, it seems like Tim and I have every reason to settle down, but I just feel that there's something holding him back.


I think that uh...

Well, the more serious things get, I think the more scared he gets.

When he and Marion split, it was ugly.

He pretty much lost all contact with his girls, so that meant that Amy and Lou, they had to grow up without their father.


I'm not sayin' that's gonna happen with you guys, it's just...

Maybe that's something that he's hung up on.

Why don't you just talk to him, make him see that there's nothin' to worry about?


Caleb: Come on, get up there, Denver.

Amy: You sure you wanna do this?

Caleb: Trust me, this is what he's meant to do.

He's Denver, the horse that bucks a mile high.

Amy: You've already got a slogan for him?

I gotta hunch on this.

You know, if Rich says he's got potential, I might buy him.

You know, maybe raising stock could be a new career for me.

Ty: Well, I have to admit it's more in your ballpark than a yoga instructor.

Amy: (Chuckles)

Good luck.

(Denver snorts)

(Metal gate clanks)

Caleb: Ho! Ungh!

Onlookers: (Shout encouragement)
Nice, Caleb!

Rich: Take it on, Caleb!

Amy: Nice, Caleb!

Jack: (Chuckling)
That a boy, Caleb!

Rich: All right! Nice!

Hang on! Hang on!

Caleb: Whoa! Shane: Hang on, Caleb!

Amy: Yeah, Caleb!

Caleb: (Grunts)

Rich: Spur him hard, spur him high!

(Echoing snorts and whinnies)

Caleb: Whoa! Whoa!


Ty: Good job!

Look out!

Amy: Whoa, Denver, whoa!

Ty: (Laughs)

Jack: Atta boy, Caleb!

Shane: Hey, that was awesome!

Jack: Good ride, Caleb!

Caleb: How was the horse?

He has a real kick.

Jack: Well, he comes out strong, doesn't go too far.

Judges'll get a good look at him.

He was born to buck.

If I were you, i'd go ahead and buy him and then I'd get him some exposure on my circuit.

You could take a horse like that
down to that big auction in Vegas, he could fetch up to six figures.

Ty and Caleb: (Laugh)


You want a partner in that horse?

Caleb: Naw, naw, you were right; You'd have to be crazy to buy a horse that bucks like that.

I've got crazy covered.

Rich: (Chuckles)

You didn't see what you had in that horse?


You're kinda losin' your touch, buddy.

All: (Chuckle)

(Door opens)

Tim: (Chuckles) Hi.

Miranda: Hey, how was the river?

Aw, you should've seen the fish Dad caught.

Yeah, and the horse that got away.


Oh, nothin'.

Miranda: Shane, could you go get some wood for the fireplace before it gets dark?

Yeah, okay.

Tim and Miranda: Thanks.

(Door opens and closes)

He's having a great time.

Yeah, he is.

What about you?

What? You still...

Oh, you're still obsessing about telling Shane?

No. Well, sort of.

I went up to the ranch today and had a chat with Jack.



So how was he runnin' me down this time?

No, it wasn't like that.

Well, he obviously said something.

He thinks you're afraid our relationship could screw up what you have with Shane.

What is he, a psychologist now?

Don't get all defensive.

I actually get where you're coming from.

Where I'm coming from?!

I never said that!

Miranda: No, but you're thinking it!

And you're right, why should we get Shane's hopes up if this could all come to an end?

Like it did with you and Marion, and like it did with you and me.

That's enough.


Imagine how it would affect Shane if things didn't work out between us.

So what do you suggest we do?


Ty: Hey, there you are.

All done.

One less thing for you to worry about.

Well, that is a good thing, 'cause rich just went over the itinerary and it looks like I could be away for awhile.

You're gonna have a blast.

Thanks for all your help.

Any time, Jack, any time.

(Truck pulls up)

Tim: Jack.

Miranda told me about your little chat.

What're you talkin' about?

You know damn well what I'm talking about.

Look, Tim, she... She put me on the spot and-.

Yeah, well you crossed the line this time, Jack.

She dumped me.

Amy: So I have some good news.

Denver's owner's willing to sell him.

Caleb: Awesome! Thank you, Amy.

Now I just have to figure out how to pay back the bank loan.

Amy: Well, you could keep riding.

You can still make some good money on the circuit, you know.

Caleb: You know, I have to admit, when that gate opened I realized that Denver is not the only one who was born to buck.

Lou: Caleb, hey.

Grandpa's heading out of town, so I need you to pick up the slack - and you can start by fixing the corral gate up at the dude ranch.

Does that mean I have my job back?

Depends how fast you fix that gate.


Well, you'll be happy to hear I cleared things up with Caleb.

He's back.

Well, that's good.

Tell him to use dry bedding in those stalls.

Got it.

Make sure he keeps an eye on those waters...


'Cause they could freeze up.

Yes, of course.

And that tractor, it uh...

It needs to be plugged in overnight.

Grandpa, we've got everything under control.

So just go and do your thing and have some fun.


Lou: Georgie! Georgie: Hi, Remi!

Jack: Hey, you're home!

Hey, Jack!

Jack: (Chuckling) Hey!

You weren't supposed to be home for a couple of days!

Well, one of the teachers came home early so I got a ride with her.

I think I've had enough of camp.

Oh, you missed us.

Georgie: (Laughs)

You going somewhere, Jack?

He's off to Grand Prairie.


Lou: Grandpa got a great new job running some bronc riding competitions.

Georgie: Oh.

That sounds cool, I guess.

Hey, you know what?

I bet it's not too late to reschedule my whole trip.

No, it's okay, Jack.

You sure?

Yes! I mean...

I'll see you when you get back.

(Truck rumbles)

Miranda, wait.

You need to hear me out.

Forget about what Jack thinks, listen to what I think.

I want us to go for it, be a couple, tell Shane, the whole nine yards.

It'll work out. I can feel it in my gut.

At the casino, people go with their gut feelings all the time, but you never really know what cards you're gonna be dealt.

I'm not willing to gamble away your relationship with Shane.

Shane, come on, let's go!

Tim: Hey.

So, did you find out what's up with that guy?

Oh, there's no guy.

That's a relief.


Come here.

(Car starts up)

(Car rumbles away)

Jack: (Chuckles)
Lou: Have fun.

Jack: Okay.

And you, you be good.

Georgie: Oh, um, wait, Jack!

I almost forgot, you need to take this.

Oh, did you record another message for me?

No. It's your turn; I wanna hear all about your trip.

You got it.

Georgie: Bye.

♪ That's why I tell you ♪
♪ you better be home soon ♪

Lou: That was nice. Georgie: Yeah.

(Truck rumbles down driveway)

Come on.