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03x26 - At Risk

Posted: 04/28/23 06:52
by bunniefuu




JASON: Get your hands
off me, man.

We got a g*n.
Yo, it's not mine, man.

I've got a feelin' that's the
only thing that is yours.

Turn around.

Yo, you ain't got nothin' on me, man!
What's up?

So that's our man?

Yes, and no.

He is a part of our assignment,

but he's not a man yet.

Not a man at all.

How old is he?

He's 15, but he's been
stealing cars since he was 12.

And if he doesn't make
a U-turn fast,

he's not gonna live to see 16.

Yo, man, I know my rights! You
gotta send me back to juvie!

I ain't goin' to no county! You got
to send me back to juvie, man!

Send me back home to my mama!

I don't want him.


Look, Mrs. DeLee,
Jason is a minor.

as the responsible parent...

I am not a responsible parent.

If I was, I wouldn't have
to keep comin' down here.

You keep him.

What you doin'? You trippin'?

You'll have to sign some papers

releasing all
parental authority.

And you're gonna have to talk to
someone in Juvenile Services.

Then you'd better make the call.

God help you.

Any volunteers?

♫ When you walk down the road

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load

♫ I will rise
and I will walk with you

♫ I'll walk with you
till the sun don't even shine

♫ Walk with you, every time

♫ I tell you I'll walk with you

♫ Walk with you

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫


Jason DeLee. Sit over there.

Step it up. Move 'er on
down the aisle.

WATERS: Y'all ain't in church.

Hey, get off me, punk!

You wish, little girl!

Hey, get back.

Are you crazy?

This fool stepped on my shoes.

Whopper feet.

What's your name?

Rey. WATERS: Rey, what?


Well, Mr. Estes,
my name is Yes, sir.

I'm a director at this camp,

and the toes you best
not step on are mine.

Sit down!


Keep your mouths shut and
your hands to yourself.

Do not speak,
do not touch anything.

Do not sit, stand,
or blow your nose

unless instructed
by one of the officers.


TESS: Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Didn't your mothers
teach you to rise

when a lady enters the room?
Come on.

Lift those tushies
off those seats

for your other
facility director,

before I lift 'em up for ya.

Thank you. That was lovely.

Now, get going.


Nobody told me I was gonna
have to train a new director.

Oh, I'm not the one
who's getting the training.

I'll be training you. Say what?

The county has a new experimental
work program they want to try out.

We don't do any
experimenting here.

We already know what works.

Oh, it works fine.

Every time these boys come back,

and back, and back.

WATERS: We're missin' a pencil.

I got 15 people
and 14 pencils here.

Nobody moves until we
find that other pencil.

You know who kept his pencil,
you'd better give him up now

before you end up with that
number two point in your back

out on the playground.

WATERS: I'm waitin'.

I'm gonna count five and
then I'm gonna call security

and lock this place down.




I don't know who you are,

but we're goin' to lock-down,
so get out of here.

That's Monica. She's the
coordinator for the work program.

It's nice to meet you.

Oh, did you drop a pencil?



What did I just tell you
about a lady?

Give it up. Up, up, now. Up!

Sit down.

MONICA: What do you have for me?

This is a wealth of potential.

Ladies and gentlemen,
this is Monica,

and she's come
to evaluate the forms

that you've just completed.

And, perhaps, give some of you
a very unique opportunity.

Come on, baby.
Give me an opportunity.

You watch your mouth, Mr. Estes.

Monica is heading a program
that needs volunteers.

Strong, hard-working,

intelligent people
who have a little time.

Now I know you got the time,

and you all look
strong enough to me.

Hard work is left up to you.

And I guess we'll find out
how intelligent you are

if you have sense enough to listen
to what she's going to say.

Go ahead, baby.

Well, all of those accepted
will be working as volunteers

every day at a facility
outside this building.

All right, man,
get me out of here.

Do we still got to go to school?
Yes, you do.

But the volunteer hours will earn you
academic credit towards graduation.

You could even get your high
school diplomas earlier.


Like I can go to college and be a
doctor in January instead of June.


Yes, you could.

Jason DeLee.

You've left the line
"Special Interests" blank.

Have you ever done anything
that you've received

special recognition for?

Yeah, I stole a Lexus once.

You wastin' your time here.

Well, I've got all the
time in the world,

but these babies' time
is runnin' out real fast,

so I'm gonna cut to the chase.

I don't like your lifestyle.

Monica doesn't like
your lifestyle.

God doesn't like your lifestyle,

and whether you know it or not,

you don't like your lifestyle.

Everybody that volunteers

will be helping someone else
change their lifestyles.

Everybody's life's gonna be
better, and you will like that.

Now what I need right now
are some volunteers.

Volunteers. Volunteers.

Let's go. Get 'em up. Come on.

There you go, baby.

You came for me. I knew it.

I brought you your stuff.

Some underwear and a
couple of magazines.

I got you some of the
car ones you like.

I don't want no magazines.
I wanna go home.

Tess said I did the right
thing leavin' you here.

Look, I just want you to know,

I didn't do it
'cause I don't care.

I did it 'cause I do.

Monica has selected you
for the new project.

I didn't volunteer
for that stupid thing.

Well, Monica thinks you'd be
wonderful 'cause it takes passion,

and, honey, you got that.

Baby, whatever it is,

whatever chance they
offerin' you, you take it.

(YELLS) You hear me?

Can I go now?


Honey, you did real good.
Real good.


Yes, you did.

Oh, honey, it's
gonna be all right.

It's all gonna be all right.

WATERS: Dinner time! Let's go.

Move it or starve, DeLee.


Yo, that's your moms?

I thought that was
your pet monkey.

Are you doin' that
volunteerin' thing, Estes?

Yeah. What's it to you?

Well, I'm volunteerin',
too, then, punk.

I'll take care of you then.

WATERS: Up there!

ANDREW: Okay, everybody,
listen up.

My name is Andrew. I am a
volunteer with Juvenile Services,

and I am your bus driver.

I think you know the drill.

You stay in your seats.
You do not change your seats.

You do not get out of your
seat when this bus stops

until I give the okay.

You got that?

Heard you can't drive, DeLee.

Heard you cranked
on a parked car.

The first chance I get, punk,
I'm puttin' you down.


Man thinks he's a rider.

He could jack a car,
but can't steal one...

Hi. Hello, Jason.

Do you mind
if I sit next to you?

I'm happy to see you here.

Tess said that you might
not volunteer at all.

What made you change your mind?

Fresh air.

And a chance
to change somebody's life.


ANDREW: Okay, let's go.

Let's go. BOY 1: Yeah, okay.

Okay, come on. Line up.

Line up. Nobody goes
inside till I do.


I thought we were sweepin' and cleanin'
up freeways and stuff like that.

There's kids in there.

You hear that?

Man, what is this place?

Let's go.

Good morning, children.

These are the volunteers
I was telling you about.

Why don't you say hello
to your new friends?

ALL: Hello.

Oh, man, no way.

Hi, there.

I'm JoBeth, and this is Mary,
and we're teachers here.

We're really glad
you guys are here.

This is the first time we've ever used
volunteers from Juvenile Services,

and we're hoping it works out,

'cause we really need the help.

So, Mary and I are gonna
teach you how to help us.

Hello, JoBeth. Hello, Mary.

I need to go to the bathroom.

Okay. Let's go.

ANDREW: Your two minutes are up.

So, Austin, you can
work with Kim, okay?

It's just you and me, Special K.

And what about Gerard?

Not me.

Rey, are you volunteering?

Yeah. Easy.

So, Jason,

that leaves you and Miss Kelly
here to make up the final team.

(SOFTLY) What's wrong with her?

Kelly was born
with cerebral palsy.

And she came into this world
unable to walk or talk,

even hold her head up.

She has to work very hard to
learn to do all the things

that you just take for granted.

And I think you
should talk to her.

You two could learn a
lot from each other.

She looks funny.

Well, that's because
you don't know her.

Has that happened to you?

Being judged before
anyone knew who you were?

Yeah, I guess so.

Well, are you going to do
the same thing to her?

Are you sure
this kid you picked,

this g*ng banger, isn't
gonna hurt my Kelly?

You believe me.
He would not be here

if we didn't think
he could handle it.

Now Jason, he's been
into some trouble,

but he's never hurt anybody.

Not yet.

Oh, come on, Jason.
At least say hello to her.


I know you can do
better than that.

I said, hey.

Kelly, little one your new
friend, Jason, said hey.


They take the kids out on
playground Thursday after lunch.

We can lag behind 'em
and get it on.

Man, you're trippin'.
Man, you scared, ain't ya?

Man, you're scared of me.

I saw you at school,
scared of that little girl.

Yo, fool, I ain't
scared of nothin',

I'm gonna kick your butt but
we're gonna set it up right,

'cause I ain't gettin' busted
bustin' them.

Man, we'll give it
a couple weeks

till they get used to us
followin' a routine,

then we'll get it off
on Thursday.

Yeah, I'm on, man.

Yo, you see them kids?

They look like my mama's
old bean bag furniture.

And how 'bout those teachers?

Did you see how they
were starin' at us?

Somethin' ain't right.

Probably some
secret government experiment.

Shut up!

I hope we don't catch
what they got.

Yo, I ain't catchin' nothin'
'cause I ain't gettin' that close.

Man, you're scared.
I could tell.

Man, you ain't gonna last, man.

No, I'll be cool. You're the
one who should be worried.

Man, I'm too hard.

Man, I'm gonna be the poster
boy for that program.

I'm gonna get my bean
bag rollin' so fast,

they're gonna think he's
rollin' in a Dodge Viper.

No, man, that's nothin'
compared to a Porsche Turbo.

Man, you wrong, man.
Where'd you get your info?

Man, that's all
I read about is cars.

I'll bet you,
my bean bag's Porsche

can whoop your bean
bag's Viper hands down.

Yeah, a pack of cigarettes.

All right, bet, fool.
Let's get 'em rollin'.

Come on, this way.

Good, girl, Lara. Good.
Keep going.

(EXHALING) That's phat.

She's trying to get
your attention, Jason.

I think she likes the
picture of that Ferrari

almost as much as you do.

Right. Stop ignoring her.

She can teach you as much
as you can teach her.

BOY: I got you.

I'll catch you, don't worry.

Yeah, that was good. Good job.


Okay, Kelly, you like
this Ferrari so much,

I'm gonna take you
for a little ride.

Varoom, room,
room, room, droom, droom...

Watch out, punk.
You're invadin' my space.

Yo, watch it, fool.
ANDREW: Jason!

(YELLING) Hey! Jason.
Whoa, whoa, hey, hey.

Hi, sweetie. What do you
think you're doing?

What? I didn't hurt her.

This is not a game, Jason.

Can I go to the bathroom?

Come on. Two minutes.

That was scary, huh?

I love you.


MONICA: Are you thinking
of running away?

You can't come here.
This is a men's room.

You'd be surprised
where my work takes me.

Yeah, well, my work is over

so why don't you
just send me home?


Back to juvie.

Oh, so that's your home now?

And how many homes do you
plan to be locked up in?

If you go home, Jason, things
won't be any different.

But if you stay here
and do something

that takes real effort
and commitment,

if you take the risk and
allow someone to trust you,

you'll find that your life
is changed completely.

Or is that what
you're afraid of?

Look, I can't help her.
She too messed up.

Well, that's what
people say about you.

That you're a waste of time,
that you'll never learn.

Yeah, well, they're right.

All right, me and her,
we're just alike,

so why don't you
just quit wastin' your time?

That's why you were
meant for each other.

Go back in there.

Talk to her, like a person.

ANDREW: Jason, two minutes.

Come on, Kelly, look at me.

Hey, Kelly,
if I hung my head down,

(LAUGHING) you couldn't
see how ugly I was.

Did you laugh?

You're laughin'. You're laughin'.
Oh, you're laughin'.


What are you doing?

She's only coughing.

She's not coughing.
She's choking.

ANITA: He stinks.
He's been smoking.

Jason, is this true?

What are you blamin' me for?
I ain't done nothin' to her!

You know that smoking
is prohibited.

These are children
with disabilities.

You have to be responsible.

Now, you listen to me. You use
your head, or you don't come back.

I told you he was dangerous.

I don't care what you do
to punish him,

but just keep him away
from Kelly.


What is Jason doing here?

WATERS: Real work.



We're waiting on you.

I'm out. What do you
mean, you're out?

Look, I messed up.
Dude screamed at me.

He did not scream.

As I understand it,
he gave you a choice.

You made a big mistake, Jason,

but people make mistakes
every day.

That doesn't mean
you don't get another chance.

Wait. I get another chance?

If you're able to accept the
responsibility of your actions, yes.

And I would recommend that you
listen to Andrew and use your brain.

You have a good one, you know.


Oh, baby, nobody said that
to you before.

Well, you do.

God gave you
a very good mind, Jason.

Now do you wanna use it
to help Kelly,

or you wanna haul garbage
all day?

Get on that bus.
You're making us late.

We are not giving up on him yet.

You will. Oh!



See? That's my name.




What's he doing here?
He came to work.

Well, then assign him to somebody else.
You saw what he did yesterday.

Anita, you were so busy
keeping an eye on Jason,

you weren't watching
what was going on with Kelly.


She laughed.

She laughed. I heard it.

Look, I'm sorry
about yesterday, Kelly, okay?

I didn't realize that smelling like
cigarettes was gonna get to you.

I should've thought of that.

See, all I think about is cars,

and last night, all I thought about
was you and how you giggled.

At least, I thought you did.

You did, didn't you?

All right.

We're gonna work
on those muscles, okay?

I mean, you'd say okay
if you could, right?

All right, all right.
Hey, give me the high-five.

All right, all right.
Here we go. You ready?

Hey, kid, check this out.




You ready?

Here you go.

REY: All right, come on, come on.
Just come on. Push it. Push it.

Come on. I taught you this.
Come on.

There you go.
Come on, come on, come on.

Just push, just push it,
just push it, just push it.

That's it, that's it.

Come on, come on.



Excuse me.

Don't you think he'd be
better off if he used this

'cause he can't push the wheel?


Make sure you're on
nice and tight. Okay.

Hey, Gerard, can you try your feet, man.
Come on, I'll help you.

There you go. You got it.
Hey, that's good.

That's good.
You got it. You the man.

There you go.

Yeah, all right, Gerard.
Yeah, that's my man.

Yeah. Come on, let's go.

Hey, what's wrong, Kelly?
You got tired?

All right, I'll help you.
Keep on pushing, man.

Yeah, all right, Gerard.
We smoked them.

You'd better break out
them smokes

'cause that's the pack
you owe me.

I'm on a winning streak.

I got a pack of smokes,
and it's Thursday.

Don't forget, we got a date for
me to kick your butt for real.

JOBETH: Okay, everybody, let's start
taking the kids out to the playground.

You know something, Jason?

You are very good at this.

You should think about going to
college, you know, getting a degree,

doing this full-time
for a living.

It's funny. I never figured
I'd live that long.

You know, your world has taught
you to live your life to die,

but you are very, very far
from that place now.

Maybe it's time for you to start
living your life to live.

Let's get these kids outside,
give them a little fresh air.

Close the door.

No, I'm not into it anymore.

Then run home
to your monkey mama.

Hey, you guys
gonna join us here?

What's going on?

Hey, girl.

I thought you were hard, man.

You're a mama's boy.

The boy's soft. He can't
even stand up for himself.

Oh, man, be careful.

He might start to cry.

AUSTIN: Hey, Rey,
saw you won that race, man.

That's right.
Your bean bag is smooth.

I wanna get me one.

Yeah, my bean bag
was straight rollin'.

What happened
to your bean bag, punk?

She went soft just like you did.

Yo, don't call her that, man.
What, bean bag?

Yeah. They're people.
Man, listen to you.

Man, you been here too long,
man. You're losing it.

You're sounding like
a Sunday school teacher

talking about "They're people."

Yeah, man. You're weak.

You can't let nobody
get to you like that.



Andrew, great news.

I think I've found permanent
funding for this program.

No kidding? I went down to the
mayor's office in person.

He has very good coffee for
someone who works for the city.

Anyway, I showed him
Jason's case file.

He was impressed,

and he wants to come down here
and see the program in action.

Where is Jason?
He went to the bathroom,

about five minutes ago.



Kelly, sweetheart,
Jason won't be here today.

Would you let me help you?






Jason, man, he really
got into that kid.

I think it really
freaked him out,

all that responsibility,
you know.

See, none of us even thought those
bean bags knew we were there.

But Kelly, man, she's hurtin'.

I guess we really do make
a difference.

You're slick.

You always know
how to cover your own butt.

Get out of here, Estes.

Even if Estes was tellin' the
truth, your boy still ran away.

What do you think you're doin'?

Jason didn't run away because
the program was a failure.

He ran away
because it was a success.

Gee, if it gets
any more successful,

maybe they'll all go over
the wall and I can retire.

Jason ran off because he started
to feel something again.

He lifted up his head

and he saw something
he's never seen before.

Somebody who really needed him.

He saw love looking back at him and
he thought he was gonna lose it.

Now let me tell you something,
Mr. Waters.

The only way you get that kind
of feeling is by giving it.

Now you do whatever it is
you got to do,

but it won't be the police
bringing that boy back.

Love will.



Hello, Mrs. DeLee?

LENA: Who is it?

This is Monica
from Juvenile Services.


I've come to talk to you
about Jason.

Nobody ever comes to the door.

They always call
or send a letter.

Somebody coming to the door,
I guess that means he's dead.

Oh, no, no, he's not.

I was just looking for him.
He left the camp.

Oh, he ran away?

Yes, this morning,

and I wanted to find him
before somebody else does.

What'd make you think he came here?
Well, this is his home.

It's just his address.

Look, lady, I appreciate
what you're trying to do,

but the truth is,

maybe Jason ran away
this morning,

but he left a long time ago.

Do you have any idea
where he might've gone?

If you find him, call me.

Maybe I'll bring him some more
of those car magazines.

(CRYING) That's all he wants
from me anymore.

No, it's not.

He wants more than that.

He wants all the love
you ever tried to give him.

And when he comes back,
and he will come back,

I think you'll find that he's
finally ready to accept it.


That's a baby.

That's a baby.

Good baby.

Sweet baby.

That's a good baby.

Hello, Kelly.

I don't know how much longer

I can keep Waters
from reporting him.

I know. I know.

All the way back here
I kept praying

that I'd walk in, turn around,
and he'd be here, but...



You didn't really think
this through, did you?

I know you love this car,
but what are you gonna do?

Drive it through the door?

I thought you would've
learned by now

that to reach a goal
you have to work for it.

Yeah, well,
I got tired of working.

Did you get tired of Kelly, too?

Yeah, she was gettin'
on my nerves.

She had to get used
to me being gone, anyway.

She'll learn not to get
attached to nothin' or nobody.

I see.

And that is a good thing?


No attachments, no commitments,

no responsibilities.

All that makes you free.

Pedal to the metal, baby.

So I'm out of here.

Out of here and going where?

Doesn't matter.

As far as I can till the
heat catches up to me,

or I die.

And when will that be?

A couple years, I bet.

Look, most of my friends
are already dead,

so I think it's a relief.

'Cause something tells me I'm just
not made to live in this world.

Well, whatever that
something is,

don't listen to it, Jason.
It's a lie.

For the truth is

that God put you in this world
to make it better,

and you've done that,
and God is so proud of you.

I am an angel, Jason.

God made me
for a very special purpose.

To travel between
heaven and earth,

between this world and eternity,

to bring good news,
and the good news is

that God loves you.

Well, I don't want him
to love me.

It's too late.

(CRYING) I don't want anybody
to love me.



'Cause I...

Oh, man, would you just get out
of here and leave me alone?

Is that what you want?



I'll go, but you're not alone.

God is here,

and the fastest car in the
world can't outrun him,

and the toughest heart
in the world can't ignore him,

because wherever you go, Jason,

God will be there ahead of you,

waiting for you with a miracle.

People like me
don't get miracles.

You already have one.

Her name is Kelly.

How's our girl doing?

Not too good, baby.

LENA: He was working here?

Yes, every day.


He was working
with a very special child,

and she was making
great progress with him.

He's your son, Jason?

Yes, he is.

Do you know what your son did?

He let my little girl down
so hard,

I don't know if she'll ever
be able to get back up.

Your son is everything
wrong with this world.

He's irresponsible,
he's dishonest,

he doesn't care,
and you know what?

It comes from parents who don't
care, who are irresponsible.

I am his parent.

Just me.

I don't have a husband.

I don't have an education,
I don't have money,

but as God is my witness,

I love him, and I did my best.

I prayed to God for a miracle
that my boy would change.

Maybe the miracle is
that he got arrested,

because if he found
a little love here

and some meanin' in his life,

then maybe my prayers
were answered.

I'm sorry.

I understand hard times.

I do.

And I'm sorry to be so hateful.

I'm just...

I'm just so worried
about my child.

So am I.


MONICA: Jason.

Hey, Kelly.


you came back.

You know, I've been thinkin',
thinkin' hard.

Maybe he was lost,
but now he's found.

All my life I just wanted
to get into a car and go.

I walked around and around

with those keys in my hand
for an hour,

and I realized I can have
any car that I wanted,

and I thought if I can get into
one of them and start driving,

the only place
I would go was here,

'cause I missed her.

And once I started missin' her,

I started missing you.

And then I started missin'
people I don't even know,

like my daddy.

It's funny.

You'd think that'd be the
strangest feeling in the world,

but it wasn't.

It wasn't at all.

That's because
you weren't alone.

Hey, Kelly. How you doin'?

Jason. Jason. Jason.

Jason. Jason. Jason.



That's it.